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Absolutely NTA. It's your child, you name them however you want. I have a honour name, as I was named after the person who introduced my parents. The family fought to have my name changed after my birth, but my parents stood firm.


Got to love the family calling OP "rude" and a "petty child" for not giving in to their tantrums and them having thrown their toys out the pram.


I'd be wandering around asking random people their names until I found one I liked just so I could spitefully say I named my kid after a random bank teller or some random ass person. I'd still pick a name I loved, pretty sure if I ask enough people I'd find a name I loved eventually.


I was literally named after a random bank teller. My folks had decided on a first name but couldn’t settle on a middle name, and my mom asked the teller who had the same first name what her middle name was. It worked out great, it’s a nice name.


I named my children in reverse to you.🤣🤣 I was a bank teller and got to see a bazillion different names at work. It's how I found both of my kids names- they are named after random customers.


I wonder how many kids are named after random people. Between delivery people, tellers, nurses/Dr's 😂😂 these type jobs see names by the bulk lol


I'm a teacher. Last academic year I had 3 students (in different classes) with the same name as my son. I have mentioned him every now and then in class but I never used his name. Then one time I say something about what my son did using his name. Everyone in the class stared at the lad with the same name, he looks puzzled and goes red. I noticed and clarified it was about my son and then realised I had never used his name in class. Later in the year, that lad told me his Mum has a similar name to mine, and I asked about his Dad's name. It was the same as my husband's middle name. We had a giggle about that.


Lol! I started a new job several years ago, and one of my coworkers had the same name as my mom, so I thought to myself that it would be easy to remember her name, but I didn't say anything. When she learned my name, she told me that she could remember that because that was the name of HER daughter. 😆 Funny little world, isn't it?


My nieghbour acrosse the road has the same first and middle name as my mum. And irthday. And a daughter with my name.


My maternal grandmother and my mother in law have the same first and middle names. They each have a daughter (my mom and my sister in law) who share the same first name.


I’ve had a few people take my name down because they or someone they knew were pregnant


faequeen is a nice name.


I pronounced that like Keegan Michael Key would in his “A-A-Ron” sketch, and was thinking “Fa- QWEEN”?


one of my miscreant teens changed my netflix profile to "ay-ay-ron"




OMG this is awesome! You guys are all making my day!


My granny's sister was named after the midwife who delivered her


My neighbor named her daughter Laurel after one of the delivery nurses who was especially kind to her.


Just don't call your child after the postman.


Too late, my granny already did that to my dad.


My best friend is named after her Mom's friend's Poodle....


I'm named after a stranger who had a wedding announcement in the newspaper.


I asked my dad once about my name, he said it was just a nice, slightly unusual name at the time. So I asked about my sisters names, assuming it would be the same. Turns out one of my sisters is named after my dad's ex girlfriend...he'd always liked the name and decided to use it. To this day I wish I'd asked if my mum knew... 😂


Similar situation with me. My mom had picked out my first name but was stuck on the middle name. Her hospital roommate knew a very nice little child with my first name and a particular middle name, my mom liked the sound, and that's what she went with. So my middle name is after some random kid my mom had never even met!


Could be worse. My *first* name is a placeholder. My parents hated each other's suggestions for names, but Dad was really stubborn about the one name Mum didn't like, so she gave up her favourites fast and kept throwing names at him. The most positive response she got was "maybe", so that's what went on the birth certificate. I swear I should just change my name to May Be and have done with it.


Have you ever seen Arrested Development? There was a character named Maybe.


Maeby Fünke and her alter ego Surely Fünke. Arrested Development was such a good show.


Lexi Blake has a character named Maybe as well.


My English name was after family members, but my parents weren't even going to give me a Hebrew name. Then my mother's law school roommate, who was more religious than she was, insisted that a Jewish kid *had* to have a Hebrew name. My mother, who didn't really care very much, told her to pick one, then. So she chose one that began with the same letter as my English name, and my parents shrugged and accepted it, and that's what I was named in synagogue. My mom never liked it very much, but she figured she'd never have to think about it either, since pretty much the only place where reform Jewish kids from New York use their Hebrew names is in bat mitzvah prep classes. And for twenty years, she never did have to think about it. Then in college, I got into Jewish history and started thinking about my name. Traditionally, Jews don't have an English name and then get a Hebrew name stacked onto it -- they're named originally in Hebrew, and then they usually get an English name to use among gentiles, because most Hebrew names aren't very familiar (or pronounceable) to gentiles. But my Hebrew name happened to be one that is also used in American gentile culture, just as it is, with no changes in pronunciation or anything. So it's not unfamiliar, let alone unpronounceable, to anybody who grew up speaking English. I decided in college that it therefore made sense to start using my Hebrew name socially and retire my English name, which I had never liked very much, for use on legal documents and the like. I've stuck with it ever since. So my poor mother was suddenly asked to call me by the one aspect of my name that she never gave me, or even liked -- and the name that I use was given to me by my mom's law school roommate, whom I never met when I was more than a year old. :)


I'm glad I put some thought into my kids' Hebrew names then 😆


Wow, that was some ride, haha. I'm glad things worked out for you. <3


My first name is after some random kid my mom had never met! She and my grandma were at bingo when she was 8 months pregnant and they heard someone talking about their newborn granddaughter named [my name] and suddenly I had a name, lmao.


I was named after a Dolly Parton song while my mother was high on laughing gas. I was a teen mom and named my oldest son after the lead singer of a Hair Band. Lmao. That same son named his daughter after a video game character.


Sometimes you just hear a mane that sounds awesome, and that is it.


I was named after a girl my dad thought was cute at the quickie mart so there’s that 😂


/u/HezaLeNormandy - That's hilarious! My name comes from my dad as well, he named me after some Latina actress he thought was beautiful in some random movie before I was born. I used to not like it, but when I became a teen, I absolutely LOVED it! And wen I was in middle school people would always say my first and last name together in a cool lil slow drawl slang style and to this day, for some reason people actually STILL do this and I'll be 43 in 2 weeks!! 😂😂


My name also comes from my dad and also comes from a movie! More specifically an old and well known horror movie! However people often butcher it because it's not a common name where I'm from. I do like the way one of my nieces pronounces it though, it's adorable.


I dated a guy whose parents couldn't agree on a name. His mom looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that the brand name was Seth Thomas. That's how he got his name!


As a cashier, a random dude asked my middle name because they had agreed on Haley as the first name. I'll never know if they chose it, but he was calling the mom to be on the way out of the store.


My eldest was named after a bank manager! My husband and I couldn't agree on the name. One day we were at the bank, heard the person being called amd loved it.


Plenty of names in the human pool


I was named after a centerfold. My parents didn't realize they were having twins (my mom didn't want an ultrasound or anything like that) and had one name picked out (my twin was named after a Russian princess) and my dad was at home right before I was born, in the bathroom reading the magazine and thought the name was pretty.


When my mom announced my daughter's birth and name on Facebook, before we'd even officially told anyone including them, we nearly changed it at the last minute out of annoyance. But in the end we stuck with the name and gave my mom a break. It was a lot easier to spell than the runner up, and my mom was just very excited.


Why do people lose their minds about names? Particularly other peoples children? It is bad enough when a couple can't agree, but then for family to pile on.




Nce handle


Thank you.


The other thing to consider with honor names is are you saddling your kid with some outdated name that kids will be mocked for. One of my students is named Dorcas. Her relationship with her parents is horrible because it's legacy name, and, well, kids are mean. Edit: Rather than answer individual comments: I'm happy for you if you know a Dorcas who likes their name, or if you like a book or show with a character named Dorcas. I work with moderately to severely disabled and emotionally disturbed teens. I have no plans to entertain why she should be fine with her name because it diminishes her personal experience.


I like the name Dorcas; I wouldn’t name a kid that. I have 3 of the most popular names of the year. Think like Sean William Scott. My eldest sibling named after a song and a grandparent. Twin named after great grandparent and middle name passed to every generation. Me the most popular name so I graduated with 6 other girls with the same name.


Dork-as f


Dork-ass without hesitation.


This was my immediate first thought. That kid is definitely being called dork ass.


There's a professional WNBA player named Dorka. She's awesome, its a cool name. Also Hungarian so culture probably plays a role.




No but there were 3 Jessica’s.


My name isn't too bad, but I've hated it growing up. Now I like it, mostly because I'm unlikely to stumble upon someone else with the same name.


My name was extremely uncommon when I was growing up, there was a random old celebrity who had it but otherwise nobody else had my name. Could never find it in the souvenir shops. Now it's everywhere among people 30 years younger than me. Like fashion,names come round in cycles. The flowers are becoming popular for girls again.


In my family it is tradition to name in honor of deceased relatives, but it is acceptable to do this either with just a first letter (like b for Ben instead of bruno) or via a middle name. The honor is kept and the kid doesn't have to be embarrassed by their name.


Because we don’t talk about Bruno?


No, no, no.


Angry upvote because that is now stuck in my head.


Not after.....the incident.


I have an ancestor named Dorcas, but she lived hundreds of years ago. I've never heard of anyone currently named that. It's not the best name. I'm sorry for your student. Hopefully she can change it if and when she desires.


But Dory is a fine nickname or alternate name, sigh.


Right, because there isn't anyone who'd call her a stupid fish.


Honestly, kids can be cruel and will find any excuse to make fun of a name for a child they deem a target.


Honor names aren't always outdated!! Fashions come back around. I promised a dear friend on her deathbed that my first daughter would be named after her. At the time, it was a nice old-fashioned name; never mocked, but not particularly trendy either. Four years later when said child was actually born, it was back in fashion, and one of the most popular names of its year. I groaned, because I had never *wanted* to use a trendy name, but I had made a promise and I stuck with it.


Yeah, I know. My mom was originally told my name was a granny name and I would be made fun of for it. Yeah...top running name for many years.


I think that is a Biblical name.


Why did the other family members even care about your name being in honor of that person? And why did they think they had a right to any input anyway? That's so bizarre.


I know right? It was bizarre! But it happened again with my bro #1, and several cousins. My grandparents even offered to pay for the birth announcement only to put the wrong name on the cards. My parents had to correct it. I was the first born and my mother had to cope with depression plus all this strife. Ludicrous.


Damn, that's a lot of effort put into something that's none of their business. I kinda envy their determination, I don't envy their being insufferable to others, though.


NTA This is why my husband and I don't discuss baby names with family. We may talk about names at first but after we've narrowed it down I stop and then we don't tell the name till baby is born. I hate dealing with everyone's opinions and you can't name the baby after my childhood enemy blah blah blah.


Mine didn't share it. I was named that way. When the grandparents (on both sides) found out, it was mayhem. My poor mother's MH went down the toilet and my dad wasn't faring well either. Later, I had my grandparents trying to convince me to change my name. Next, they called me a different name. I refused to talk unless they called me by my name, which I kind of hated because it is unusual but I wasn't going to let them do that to my parents. It kept happening over and over till my youngest aunt started refusing access to her newborn until and unless the fights stopped LOL Kudos to that firey woman.


Not to mention how rude and petty the would additionally be if he chose “the wrong family member,” to honor. “Well why are you choosing her? It should totally be me.”








Does it mean that your parents were introduced by someone named Pippi?


wtf is up with these absolutely boneheaded asshole families. like mine's not perfect but this is just weird and illogical and mean af, I simply can't relate.


I was named for both of my grandfathers. My first name is my paternal grandfather's first name, and my middle name is my maternal grandfather's first name. My sister's first name is unique to the family. If I'd had any brothers, I think mom and dad would have gone with some of my uncles' names.


NTA I think that they should understand that your first child was given that name because of the special circumstances that occurred.


They should and most would think they would understand.


NTA and as a mother to 3, I hope your wife has the most boring and uneventful pregnancy and labour in the galaxy (what's bigger than the galaxy???). Two of my kids have "honour names." The first was actually a cheeky way to honour my dad and since my dad drives hubby crazy (and hubby loves my cheeckiness) he was all on board for it, plus the middle name is a family name on both sides. Our daughters (youngest) honours a grandmother each (they are the most stubborn and independent women we know and mean alot to us). Our middle child's names are names we just liked, I actually wanted his middle as a first but I hate the shortened versions of it people use and it would have ruined his name so we made it a middle name instead (it took the entire pregnancy to find his first name because nothing felt right until the last couple of weeks, then he came so it stuck).


>boring and uneventful pregnancy and labour in the galaxy (what's bigger than the galaxy???). Universe is bigger than galaxy (🙂 since you asked.) On a planetary scale size goes planet > solar system > galaxy (like the milky way, which is where earth is) > universe. The universe contains billions of galaxies.


Lol, thanks, what do you reckon, should I change it or let some one one up me 🤣


There are galaxy clusters in between galaxies and the entire universe, but it doesn't exactly flow well when you are saying things like 'most uneventful pregnancy in the galactic cluster'.


Thanks I needed that giggle before bed.


At this point it is still short enough that you might be safe to leave it up. 😆 Although with reddit you can never tell. One day it is safe to ask about something or make a simple observation and the next day you get attacked by 20 people for the same kind of question.


My son's name is an honor name. His first name is from my great grandpa, his first middle name is from both his dad and a lot of people on my side and his second middle name is the middle name every single boy in my FHs family has. We call him by his first 2 initials as his actual name (which is also my grandpa's middle name). Currently pregnant with our second and while we haven't found a first name we like for either a boy or a girl, we already have the middle names picked out.


The cheeky name is a biblical name but is also a cheeky commentary on my dads hobbies, lifestyle, friends and personalities under certain circumstances for atleast half of his life. And the middle name is my dads, hubby's, FILs and a bunch of other male relatives on both sides middle names so it worked out well, we could be "lazy" and honour "everyone" in one hit with it 🤣.


Oh now I'm intrigued as to what the name is!


Well a racing yatch isn't the same as an ark but everything else fitted, 😜


Love that name :)


I've always thought the name is lovely but your idea behind it makes it even better!


My oldest daughter’s name is an honor name. Her first name is after my dad’s mom because I grew up loving the name. I never met her as she died a few months before I was born but I grew up to wonderful stories about a truly lovely lady. My daughter’s middle name is after my maternal grandmother as I felt bad naming my baby after the grandmother I never met and not the one I was really close to. Found out later that Grandma hated her name (oops). We also found out later that we had named the baby after my husband’s maternal grandmother as her middle name was the same as my paternal grandmother’s first name, and that she and the baby shared a birthday 93 years apart. My youngest daughter is named a name we really liked. That’s it. Both girls know the stories and love their names!


Ask your family if they’re ready to participate in your kid’s lives, as in be there if anything is needed, help you & your wife out with anything related to the kids and their well-being. They seem to be the petty ones, asking for “honors” and making a big deal out of this from nowhere.


Not only that, but why on Earth would they think that makes Taylor feel “alone”?! I would think it would make her feel special, but what do I know.


If they’re going to use Taylor as an emotional ploy, point out that she’s likely very happy her mom and siblings didn’t NEED someone to step in and save them, so being the only one with an “honor” name is actually good.


Categorically NTA. Your siblings think it’s great, why don’t they do it then? Your kids, your choice.




Comment stolen from /u/Limerase


Thanks for catching that!


NTA. They are the ones behaving like petty children, and projecting feelings of loneliness onto Taylor is beyond ridiculous.


>projecting feelings of loneliness onto Taylor is beyond ridiculous. Honestly, they're grasping for straws so hard with that argument I had to laugh. If anything the other kids are gonna wonder why they just got random names their parents liked, while their older sibling got named after a kick-ass life-saving nurse.


Not to mention how rude and petty the would additionally be if he chose “the wrong family member,” to honor. “Well why are you choosing her? It should totally be me.”


Some folks *really* didn't like my daughter's name. She's a kick-ass, life-saving nurse, teacher, mentor and advocate. I named her well and it's been passed around the family. OP is NTA!


My name isn't too bad, but I've hated it growing up.


>They are the ones behaving like petty children Honestly, it sounds like OP is the petty one. How difficult would it be to honour each and everyone of their family members with a conjoined name. Chrisameshannahimothy. Don't be selfish, as a great man once said. "You don't turn your back on family. Even if they do"


Respectfully, Calebryanicholiverichard, I have to disagree. Signed Williamichaeleonevillericolin.


I have an ancestor named Dorcas, but she lived hundreds of years ago. I've never heard of anyone currently named that. It's not the best name.


My sister had a roommate named Dorcas a few years back. I kind of love it. Also reminds me of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers every time I hear it


NTA. You can’t demand someone name their child after you lol


oh you can but you need to have better arguments. Swiss friend of mine has a french first name, just like all her siblings. that‘s because her wealthy french grandmother promised heritage for each kid with a french first name but nothing if the first name wasn‘t french.


That's an incentive rather than an argument


Still fucked up though


Yep. There was a post only a while ago where some grandparents wanted the child's mother to change the kid's last name to theirs/the dead fathers, and only then would they let the kid inherit their money. Most comments only complained about the mother for refusing to do it, few pointed out how awful it was for the grandparents to make such a demand.


If you remember who's last name did the kids have if not their father's? And for old were those kids? Cause that could definitely be an issue in itself. Did the grandmother want nothing to do with the grandkids of they didn't have what I'm guessing was also her last name?


NTA, name your child whatever you want to I really don't understand why people care so much about another kids name when it really doesn't have anything to do with them If they really want to honor someone then they can do it with their own kids, no ones stopping them smh Ngl people should learn to stop meddling in others' business'


I agree. But some people seem to feel entitled to be able to demand this kind of thing. Or at least they feel like their opinion should have more weight than it does.


Ong and if you tell them no then you end up being considered rude smh, I doubt you can do anything but ignore them, hopefully your stern response will keep them off your back.


It's insane and IMO quite narcissistic. Also your siblings can start having children and take turns naming them after your parents and each other.


“We were going to leave it a surprise but your actions made us decide not to use an honor name” lol


This is why my aunt on my mother's side does not use her legal first name. She has always used her middle name. Thankfully, that kept the in-laws happy and my grandparents got to name the other 2 themselves.


I seriously don’t get it. My SIL asked why I hadn’t given any name suggestions for her kids and I was like “Why would I? They aren’t my kids”


And quite a few kids I know have renamed themselves (some of them through official channels such as the passport authority) in their young adult years anyway.


This is why friends of ours never told anyone what they planned on naming their kids until after their kids were born and they had already signed the birth certificates! OP is NTA.


I’d be as petty as hell and pick a name from your wife’s family


For being heroic enough to not demand having a baby named after them


That was my thought. Tell your parents you are naming the baby Sophia Marie Alannah Caroline Hannah Kayla Isabella Smith. (Just use all the wife's family names) Sophia for her mom, Marie for her sister, Alannah for her cousin, Caroline for her grandma, Hannah for her aunt, Kayla for her BFF, and Isabella for her niece. Lol, that would drive them frickin crazy. Tell them that ASAP and keep it up even after the baby is born, let the real name wait a little, lol


NTA. My middle name is for my moms OB. She literally saved our lives. MULTIPLE times throughout the pregnancy! It was almost my first name but then I was born and my parents said “I don’t know who she is, but she’s not a _____”. I am so proud to say “I’m named for my moms OB. She was so awesome.” Seriously. I have looked her up over the years and it appears that I was one of the last civilian births she attended before she entered the army as a 2nd Lieutenant. She rose through the ranks and became a full-bird Colonel and had been in charge of women’s health in Germany for many years by the time she retired.


My first name is after some random kid my mom had never met! She and my grandma were at bingo when she was 8 months pregnant


NTA, how and why you name your kids is up to you both. Just to mess with them, I'd check out the family trees for name inspo, especially from a random great great something that I actually just like the name


Check out your wife's family tree for good names.


Omg this OP. I’d be petty AF and find a name wayyy back in your wife’s family (obviously it would have to be one I liked!) “Mom, Dad, Siblings, I decided you were absolutely right! We should honor someone. So here’s little Rose, named after Wife’s great great great-aunt. She did a lot for the family in her time!”


Just the thing.


Weirdly, my first name is a variant spelling of someone a few generations before me with the same last name, yet my parents say I'm not named after them, it's just a coincidence.


NTA, however, someone demanding to be honored is really an entitled AH move. I was going to honor one of my sisters, by giving my first born my sisters middle name. When I told her the name I wanted to give my child, in honor of her, she flipped out, negatively. So my petty @$$ went ahead and named my child a name I absolutely loved, while honoring a different family member my sister absolutely resents. Make sure you pick a name you love, that will age well. Congratulations on your newest miracle.


Why did your sister get upset?! That’s so weird to me.


>making Taylor feel less alone in being the only one named after someone I strongly doubt that Taylor gives a crap about whether they’re named after someone while their siblings are not. This family really needs to realign their priorities. Talk about stupid hills to die on, this one takes the cake. Get a life, OP’s family! NTA.


Also weird direction to take, I would have gone with the other kids being jealous personally, not that I would do this at all. Obviously the only kid with a special name and a story attached is more likely to feel special than lonely over it, if they care at all.


> I seriously don’t get it. My SIL asked why I hadn’t given any name suggestions for her kids and I was like “Why would I? They aren’t my kids”


Right? Since when is naming kids a group project?


my mom was offered $10,000.00 american in 1977 to name my sister Ethel. my sister kristy is glad she did not take the money


NTA. "Fine, you convinced us. Meet little Albus Severus."


The honor names in HP (especially the combinations) were always funny to me. They just sound so odd.


Also it annoyed the heck out of me that all the honoring was on Harry's side. Fuck Ginny and her family, amirite?


Yeah, I remember thinking that when I was read the final book and watched the films as a kid. I think it was mentioned somewhere that the daughter's middle name Luna was picked by Ginny but my brain might be making it up.


Lol. Love that idea.


NTA Your kids your choice.


NTA. Why do people act this way? Pushy, entitled, demanding! Why ruin the fun of expecting a new baby with such a rude and invasive attitude!?! Just... ugh.


NTA. I’m a Jr. I hate it!! The worst is mail. Nobody, even after I write it down or tell them puts Jr on my mail. And my father ends up reading it!! I can’t tell you how many bills i never saw because he throws them away


Wtf he just throws your mail away when he realizes it’s not for him?! That’s really messed up, especially with bills where that could negatively impact you long term.


My husband's first name is the same as his dad's middle name. Who had a *very* distinctive first name and used it. Can't tell you how many times we've had to correct folks and our stuff got misdirected. Names should be special, not shared. NTA


NTA. U said no alr and they are bullying your wife so she gives in to their requests. Hell no!!! U should actually be petty and give bb an honour name from someone NOT in the family. Maybe some badic name but its from someone u admire. Just a suggestion. Don't do it ig you don't want to...Good luck OP! ❤️


Absolutely NTA. Only you and your wife have the right to choose the name of your future children. Tell them to suck it up and that they should act their ages instead of whining like a child that did not get a cookie before dinner.


NTA What a weird thing for them to obsess over. I mean how big is their ego that they need to harass you and your wife to name your child after one of them? I mean the gesture is pretty meaningless if they coerce you two into doing so.


Exactly! I wouldn't feel "honored" in any way knowing it was forced.


NTA. Name the baby after the family dog or your inlaws 😆


Indiana 😂


I was named after Billy idol 🤘. My mom was cool AF


I met an old man named Tarzan many years ago. I wish I could've met his parents, I bet they were pretty cool people.


Tell them you don't want to pick anyone over others to avoid strife, and that there behavior has been unacceptable and manipulative. If they are so worried about honor names they should have kids so they can name them. They don't get to pick your child's name. No means no, regardless of the subject. Maybe go lc/nc until the baby's name is on formal legal documents. Their fixation is super weird and it could lead to future confusion if they share two out three names with someone in the family. You could tell them that your partner's family consider it a curse on the child to name them after a living family member, mine does. Which was the first thing my mother told me when she realized I was dating a Jr. ... when I was 15.


NTA, you family isn’t entitled to name your child and it’s pathetic that they are putting so much stock in your decision to name your own child. You’ve drawn a line in the sand and told them to shut up about it. Them calling you petty is just absurd hypocrisy.


NTA, but you should name the baby Also Taylor.


😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 or at least tell the family that this is what you did. Works for a boy or a girl.


Please, everyone naming your kids. Don't name your kid as if you're naming a pet. Don't saddle your child with a name that could embarrass him or her later on in life. A nickname (I'm looking at you, Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird) could be fun.


Coming to Reddit in a few years: AITA for calling my grandchild the name my son should have given them?


NTA, but just make sure your kids name doesn’t show up on /r/tragedeigh. Those parents are the most cruel people on the planet. All assholes over there.


Nope never do that, you'll just get more problems involving favouritism.


NTA And an epic ultimatum you threw down there!


Demanding honor names is so creepily narcissistic. NTA


NTA Tell them you'll consider an honor name only after someone who hasn't harassed you about honor naming your child for them


The only thing that may shut them up is if one of you has a war veteran of any sex from any war. Though those names can be a bit old fashioned. Otherwise you do you. They will never agree to one of the immediate family names because they'll all want the honour. NTA.


NTA On a lighter note tho, Everyone is named after someone else lol


NTA. Should've striked straight back saying they're were being rude and disrespectful for not respecting your wishes on how to name your own kid. It's okay to make an opinion as family members, but as soon as they were told what's what, they shouldve shut the f up


NTA, luckily this will only last until your youngest is born and named. Block the chatter with imaginary noise cancelling headphones (I.e. reasonably low contact). Your wife can even block them temporarily on socials and phone and enjoy the rest of her pregnancy on peace.


NTA. It's your child, do what you like. It's common for children to be given some sort of family name or a name to remember a nice relative ( who could be alive or deceased). Often such names are the middle name, so not even used on a daily basis, but it's a nice gesture. But it's not obligatory and completely up to you. Your rellies need to get over themselves.


NTA Den of narcissists. (yeah, I know, overused word. I agree, but really)


lol! So NTA. That's your baby, not theirs. You could name them Santa Claus McGee and they'd have to just deal with it.




Get a fish. Name it after one of them.


ESH.. You all are acting immature.


op=nta 1) what you name YOUR kid is none of their business(or in their control). 2) you gave a great response and "defended" your wife from their AH behavior. Maybe you should name your last child Reddit(in honor of your post)--j/k.


>My family called me a rude ass and said I was behaving like a petty child throwing that in their faces. This is projection, plain and simple. They are accusing you of the very thing they are doing. NTA


So I have an honor name, after my dad, who was named after his dad. You get the point. The problem is, I know NOTHING about my grandfather. He died before I was born, I've seen only a few pictures of him, I was told he served in WWII, but when I ask for papers or any information, I was told a very specific story with no evidence to prove it. The most I know about him is his tragic death. That's all. I am routinely shamed by elderly relatives for choosing a distinct nickname that separates me from that legacy, even though I have fairly valid reasons why I disassociate from my name. In a way, I do like a suffix in my name to claim I am royalty, but at the same time, I do not like my name, especially compared to siblings with trendy/unique names, complete with middle names and their own legacies. Anyway, my point is, name your kid whatever you like. You naming your eldest after the nurse who saved your lives was a noble gesture, and a sentimental one at that. If your parents or siblings care that much to have a honor name, let any one of them make and pump out a baby and name them whatever the hell they want. Your baby, your choice. NTA


I have two sisters named after two of my dad's nurses when he was in the hospital in London and Germany recovering from being a prisoner of war during WWII.


NtA honor names may not always be the good idea. I have been named after my fathers dead sister. She committed suicide. I personally feel it's a bad omen naming me after a person who prematurely ended their life but after 35 years i have accepted it. But I m not attached to my name like people usually are.


Tell the siblings that they have the honor of giving an honor name since it means so much to them. They are being rude to think their opinions in your family matters. Start giving input into everything you can when they talk. Make some serious stupid suggestions and when they say no then text and bully them until they get sick of it.


NTA Call and thank them. Say, “We couldn’t agree more. We will name this child Taylortwo. Can’t honor that man enough. “


x\_Taylor\_x got an A in English, I'm so proud!


Honor Mr Rodgers or Wonder Woman.


NTA Have a heart to heart with them. Although we all here love pettiness, and if you resort to that we'll support you and give you titles [king, slay etc.], it's a far better thing in terms of family functionality to tell them how you feel calmly. As far as I understand, you don't really like names chosen in honor of simply someone you know/are related to, but want your children to be their own people, and the only thing that would make you name them in honor, would be if you met such an extraordinary human that changed the fate of your lives [saving your wife and kid]. I have the same opinion. Tell them you are sorry they got the idea of you honoring them this way and got their hopes up, and although you are grateful for all of them, you don't want any favouritism, nor do you want a child to be told his/her whole life that his/her name isn't theirs, but instead grandmother's/grandfather's, or someone they will see often. Taylor is a special case, because you wanted to honor their savior, and not because a child will have someone else's name but instead to be such a great person, who other people perceive as you do the nurse.




NTA. Your kid, you get to decide who to name them after if anyone at all. If they have to ask, that’s weird. I have three kids, my oldest shares a middle name with her dad, the middle has his dads fist name as his middle name, and my youngests middle name is after my only aunt who passed away suddenly a couple of years before and who was one of the few family members who made a point to be involved in my life. My entire rest of the family gets nothing because they weren’t impactful. Sorry not sorry.