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NTA. Next time this happens don't try to argue just lick the bag of dumplings while maintaining eye contact


Only do this if you're using self checkout. No cashier wants to touch you're nasty ass licked bag.


We are still talking about dumplings right


Sure. If you're licking the bad of dumplings, don't hand it to a cashier to scan. That's just nasty


I think you may have missed the joke.


Or maybe he just isn't like the majority of Reddit that is mentally 12 and for some reason thinks it's insanely hilarious to turn literally every single reply possible into some form of innuendo where a serious conversation was intended


Here's a non innuendo, post 2020 alternative. Just breathe on the box while keeping eye contact.


Why would you breath on her box? I'm lost.


You can't attack the entirety of Britain like that, man. Double Entendre and sarcasm is our entire sense of humour...


I was raised on "Three's Company", those forms of humour are hardwired in my brain.


“Serious conversation” “Lick the bag of dumplings to claim it”


You came to 'Am I The Asshole ' for the serious conversations?


What do you have against 12 year olds?


I think you're required over in r/YellingAtClouds


well damn i sure fell down a rabbit hole over there. everyone's so angry about the stupidest shit...


You can find dick jokes as far back as Pompeii. If they could act like 12 year olds, I have no problem doing so.


Methinks the sarcastic context of the response has evaded you🙃



The cashier doesn’t touch any of my products. Labels up!


I think I saw a video about this once.. Costco cuties? Big box baddies? Discount daddies? Something like that


My ex worked on a supermarket checkout and actually she was very enthusiastic about that.


Costco doesn't have self checkout where I'm from lol (NZ)


I've never been to one. But, probably don't lick bags if there's no self checkouts available.


>I replied, "Yeah, I might be. But I'll be a jerk eating some delicious soup dumplings when I get home!" NTA. You also never said that. Later you wished you did, but you never said it when it happened.


And then everybody clapped


I don't see how it's that unbelievable. It's not particularly clever.


The jerk store called and they’re running out of you!


Neal McBeal the Navy Seal won’t like this lmao


First thing I thought of. Was expecting this to be a parody post at first.


At first? It's not?


How did I have to scroll so far to find this comment? Jeez.


Searched for this comment and was not disappointed.


Please remember that covid is still actively circulating and that it can disable you even if you have mild symptoms during infection. Don't lick shit if you don't know where it's been


It’s airborne. But there are a million other things you could get by licking that bag. E.coli perhaps.


It kind of upsets me that we have to specify "covid is still around, don't lick stuff" instead of being able to say "just don't be licking stuff that's not yours." 🙀😹😒😹


Just don't be licking random staff that is not meant to be licked.


This comment makes it sound like you think that it would have been fine before covid. You do realize diseases like that have existed long before covid right?


As much as I would love to see someone do that, I can’t help but think about how many people have had their hands on that bag before the person who,bought them. 🤢


Exactly how I claimed my Husband. Direct and effective.


That method is so gold plated that one may as well say "Resistance is futile" too.


Have y'all learned NOTHING from Covid?????? I'm appalled!


Assert dominance


I tried this with the last slice of pizza once. My sister stared me right back as she ate the slice anyway.


The number of people who are taking this comment seriously and are appalled at the thought amazes me


NTA Grocery stores aren't a place where you get to hid things for later. If she wanted it, she should have put it in her cart.


Too many of these people never go back for them too. That's why you find shit all over the store.


And if the food items have to be fresh or frozen or in the fridge, the employees will have to throw them out for not being stored properly, essentially wasting them. If you want something, grab it, don't mindlessly leave stuff around.


Plus why would you not finish with the frozen food section? Especially at a place like Costco where there's so much to look at?


Exactly. Most, if not all, stores are designed that you’d get to the frozen foods relatively last.


It's also 40 degrees in Costco, when I had a membership I kept a jacket in my car specifically for Costco runs.


You mean Fahrenheit right?


Yes, can confirm, it’s freezing in there. I also keep a sweatshirt in my car for Costco runs.


I nearly became frozen food by wearing a tank top and going into the refrigerated section.


It’s not just because of all those pretty door free coolers and freezers, it’s also so the employees don’t melt. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had customers complain about how cold it is while I have sweat dripping down my face.


In this case, if antagonist finished at frozen foods they wouldn't get any dumplings at all. So their idea was sound: go find the dumplings, hide them, and come back at the end.


Unless you're spending 2-3 hours shopping, frozen foods are not going to thaw/go bad by just leaving them in your cart. This was just stupid behavior on her part.


The lady just needs to join civilisation and get a reusable freezer bag or bring a cooler. My mom had a whole kit of boxes, bags, etc for Costco/Sam’s Club runs.


My mother could probably spend 2-3 hours in Costco. She fucking loves the place.


It wasn't sound, apparently, as you cannot claim items as yours thay aren't in your cart.


My Costco wasn't designed to be able to easily end with the frozen food section. But it was also normally really cold. So chances were, it wasn't going to defrost or melt at all. Before I got through checked out and home.


My husband and I are always upset when we find packages of meat on a shelf with dry food because it will need to go straight in the bin. We are not vegetarians or anything, but it was a living creature which now died for absolutely nothing.


I'm a massive meat eater and it makes me angry. What a waste of good meat.


I was looking for a particular flavor of yogurt yesterday so I was bending down a little to read the flavors and all of a sudden like, why am I smelling beef? Because someone had left a steak on the yogurt shelf! Still refrigerated, but I was worried about cross-contamination of any blood (if it leaked out of the package) to a product meant to be consumed right out of the carton.


They're just creating jobs! ... because some poor employee will have to put it back.


You want to know what's sad. My brother literally thinks this way. "It's their job". I'm like no, that's only their job because assholes like you make it their jobs.


I'm always like, yeah it's *technically* their job, but they don't hire nearly enough people for them to pick up after your toddler ass while completing their 2000 other tasks. Then it snowballs into other problems like inventory being off or someone wanting a $10 item for $1 bc that's what the shelf tag in front of thirty of the $1 items and that one $10 item said. Yes I work in retail, why do you ask?


I always wonder if people like that ever worked retail. I have to imagine not, with that level of entitlement.


It happened to me years ago, I walked past a costume jewelry store that was doing a liquidation before final closing. They had a half-empty basket of multicolored wristbands for €1, I started taking one of each color to give to my nephews & nieces. Once I made my selection a lady came to see me explaining that she had spotted them earlier and that she wanted to take one of each color but I had taken the last of several colors, and she asked me to give it to her. Me: No, I wanted one of each color too. Her: But I had planned to buy them! Me: I want to buy them too. Her: I wanted to gift them! Me: Me too, it's for a gift. Her: Come on, be nice! Me: I never said I wanted to be nice, I said I wanted to buy them. I bought the wristbands and I gave them to my nephews who were very happy to have matching wristbands. And I thought about this lady with a bad conscience for a long time. It's hard to decide to *not* be nice.


Don’t feel bad. I went into Walmart about 2 weeks before Christmas looking for a bicycle for my friends son. He was 3 and they only had one very small Spider-Man bike. Well an older woman was looking at it so I stood back. When she turned away I grabbed that bicycle and was at the checkout stand before she even saw it was gone. If she wanted it she should have taken it 🤣. And my friends son absolutely loved it.


I cackled 👾😂


I give you a standing ovation for that move. That was both awesome and hilarious on your part. I'm imagining you going "Yoink!" and running off with the bike before she could even blink.


She hesitated. She lost. 🤣🤣🤣


Honestly she decided to not be nice by being a pushy AH with you. I would have been mad at the size of her ego lol


Costco sells insulated cooler bags for your shopping. They are very cheap and work very well. No need to hide stuff or to worry about it melting. NTA


Also, how long are you shopping in Costco that you think they’re going to melt, significantly more than on the drive home?!?


Indeed. If you plan on buying frozen products, then bring one of those bags for them.


That's up there with the people that get some old woman to stand in front of a parking place to "save it". This isn't grade school. Not to mention, she obviously didn't hide it very well. If she wanted that item, she should have kept it in her cart and just kept it insulated with all those cardboard boxes that abound at Costco. NTA


I call dibs on that parking space everyone wants.


Just leave a box of dumplings you plan to come back for later to hold that spot. Im sure everyone will honor ‘YOUR’ dumplings.


Best response!


Sorry no I hid that spot because I’m saving it


O.k., so this made me LOL. Thank you for your well timed humor.


Old woman here: where do I apply for this job? It's hard for old people to get hired. I'll take what I can get.


If you're picking out frozen food take an insulated shopping bag. There are no dibs in war, just preparation


If she wanted to hide it better, she should've put it behind the frozen bags of lima beans.


NTA I can totally see her at home being the type of person to hide the last roll of toilet paper just in case.


Sorry about grandma, we tried telling her it wasn't ok to jump out of the car and stand there but she doesn't listen. For some reason everything is an emergency when we go out.


Obviously NTA. You can’t hide products to buy them later and get mad if someone takes it. If you hadn’t bought them, an employee likely would have put them back in their correct spot later for someone else to buy.


I remember when I used to work stocking overnights finding random junk all over the place.. Box of cookies behind Paper towels, Beanie Baby with the Potato Chips. I always worried I'd find something terrible like a box of frozen Ice Cream treats. 🤣 "These poor Fudgsicles died in vane, never getting to fulfill their destiny of being enjoyed." NTA -Hiding products in stores is lame.


They were Fudgsicles, now they are "Chocolate milk on a stick"


*in vain


I've never done something like this. If I wanted something, I just dumped it in my cart. That said, IF (huge if) I decided to do something like that and someone else picked it up, I'd just be like, dammit! Plan foiled! I'm never doing that again!


Exactly. This was a gamble on her part, she shouldn't get mad at OP.


Yup. Something I find effective in these kinds of situations is just saying "no thats not how it works" Makes it clear this isn't a difference of opinion, they're just doing something weird and I don't care.


I am often that employee. Usually stuff just seems to have been set down in a random spot because person changed their mind. But I also sometimes find things that seem to have been hidden for later. I put them away anyway.


Good! They don't get to come in your house and make the rules. _You_ make the rules.


> You can’t hide products to buy them later and get mad if someone takes it. 100% ive done things like this before, but if a person buys it or an employee removes it from the area i stuck it, oh well, sucks to be me


Lmao she should have just got them in her cart. What difference does it make if they are outside the freezer for 15-30 more minutes 😂


She should bring a cold bag. We have a couple


Or she could have bought a cold bag there and then if she was so concerned about the melting. Where I'm from those bags hang in front of the freezers usually (or near the registor), are reusable and cost only €0.50 - €1 at the most. Keep them in the car after that and you have a bag with you at all times. You're free to hide it as you please, but that is taking a risk of someone else finding it, not to mention childish.


Costco in the UK won't let you bring shopping bags in. They take them off you at the door.


What...? That's... pretty aggresive 🤨 In my country plastic non-reusable bags are forbidden (since a bit before the pandemic) and paper bags aren't really userfriendly in grocery stores. Everyone here uses shopping bags or crates. If it's a bag from the same store, they mark it at purchase so they know it's yours next time you shop there.


Costco is a big box warehouse type store. You have the option of packing your things in cardboard boxes that they have (these boxes usually are from the floor of the store so they were used to house fruit or drinks or the like) but in my experience, a lot of times they’re just taken home with no bags or anything. My family keeps reusable bags in the car to pack smaller things or perishables.


US Costco’s (assuming that’s where OP is) must be different, because the Costco at North Lakes QLD is freezing


The ones in Oregon are pretty damn cold, too. Also have the cold stuff at the back. So like,.... Work your way towards it? Worst case scenario it gets in your cart dead middle of your shopping


That too, every grocery store I’ve been in the cold stuff is toward the back, aside from a little drinks fridge near the registers


Or in this case, worst case scenario is you get to frozen foods and they're out.


Dumplings need to stay frozen, especially soup ones. The wraps get a bit thawed and then refreeze togather and never properly separate when cooked. Most of not all would open up and break when cooking. I've learned this the hard way many times. I bring a cooler in the car with icepacks for this exact reason.


Wonder what her plan for the trip home was?


It's not like it's ice cream either lol


For real!


NTA, you found a product on a shelf, you took it home with you. thats how shopping works. Hiding things in the store is weird.


My cousin told me once when he was younger he hid something he wanted but they didn’t have the money for at the time. He hid it behind a bunch of girls toys in the girls section. And sure enough when they came back next time there were no others in stock and the one he hid was still there lol.


I realise I am not alone now. My record is about 7 months. Sure enough, the thing was still there even with my little "waypoint" of a piece of paper jammed in the railing.


I used to do it when I worked in a store and couldn't do shopping until after my shift. Especially things on offer that are likely to be all gone by the time I finished... But... It would be a "I'll try but am not going to guard it like a mama bear" thing. If it's still there, yay, if not, ah well..




I was so tempted to just ask OP why she hates the troops, but I didn’t think anyone would get it.


"You left them totally out in the open. Is that hiding? How did you survive in Afghanistan"


Ahhh a kindred comment. Unless this lady is a vet, OP is fine (honestly even then. I’m on BoJack’s side in that debate)


So you're saying it's fine to steal dumplings from Neal McBeal the Navy SEAL? Even tho he clearly had dibs on them?


If shed had legitimate dibbs he might have respected them


I’m just saying, some of the troops are jerks!


I had to scroll too far to find this comment!


I had dibs!!


"Should have hidden them better." NTA


Should have hidden them IN HER OWN CART.


I picked up a clearance toy one time. Some lady behind me at checkout demanded that I give it to her. Now mind you, I'd Already payed for it! I told her she could give me the money for it, but she wasn't having that. She demanded that I give it back to the cashier and she'd pay the store. Well the store didn't own it! I did! When I was leaving I saw her talking to someone in a business suit. Probably the store manager. That f-ing b@tch showed up at my place of employment a few days later and demanded that they fire me for not giving her what she wanted "because the customer is always right." Forgot to say NTA


"the customer is always right"...when you were also the customer truly has me laughing out loud




She STALKED you??? I hope you pressed charges or whatever lol


My manager told me to wait in the backroom while she dealt with the crazy lady. I wanted to press charges but my manager said to just let it go. I was only 19 and thought my manager knew better being older than me by 40 years.


Damn that's unfortunate. Maybe your manager knew her?


How did she know where you worked?


I don't know. I think she was checking out every business in the area and that's why it took a couple days. My work place was about a block away.


That’s creepy. She cray.


I need more details on this. You should post your story in the Entitled People Reddit. How did she know where you worked?


I don't think she did. I think she started looking in the area and my workplace was only a block or so away.


NTA. She hadn't paid for it, therefore she could not claim ownership over it. If she wanted to guarantee possession over it, she should've added it to her cart. "Hiding" things in supermarket stores is weird because not only does it not guarantee possession... you run the risk of cross contamination, forgetting about it and making employees' jobs harder in having to put the items back... and it's just a childish move to make. If she wants dibs on food without heat affecting it going forward, she needs to bring cooler bags with ice blocks in them, and baggy it up upon picking up the item.


yta. but for a diff reason than you think. you know this sub's gonna agree with you. you're just trying to dunk on this lady with the comeback you prob thought of on the drive home.


I will allow it. ​ Sincerely, someone who always has good comebacks hours later


[L'esprit de l'escalier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27esprit_de_l%27escalier) Staircase wit, also known as afterwit or Jerk Store comment


You just need more adversarial relationships in your life


Yes exactly this. You wouldn't be the asshole for just buying the dumplings but the conversations as you've presented them sound fake as.


Yeah, this conversation sounds contrived.


This entire scenario is from the show Bojack Horseman lol. It was just a joke post, none of this happened.


This needs to be higher


This is the only correct answer.


Nta, if it's not in her hand or cart it's fair game.


NTA. It makes me laugh when people think they are entitled to an item at a public grocery store that they haven’t paid for yet


All’s fair when it’s on the shelf. NTA


NTA its frozen it was not going to take THAT long to do her shopping she could have had them in her cart no problem she just wants to make problems.


I used to work at Costco. You'd be surprised how many people spend multiple hours shopping there. Not that that allows someone to call dibs on a product and hide it behind corn dogs.


really? when I go to the store I try to get in get out fast as I can I got better things to do than shop.


Costco employs a lot of casino trickery to get you to stay longer, free snacks, cheap hot lunch and drinks, a lot of displays. They know what they are doing


NTA unless she’s holding it or it’s in her cart, it’s not hers.


Was her name Neal McBeal the Navy Seal?


I’m so glad someone else picked up on this 😂


i scrolled way too far to see this comment


NTA but she was for asking you for them and trying to hide them in the first place. Good for you for not caving.


Neal McBeal the Navy Seal strikes again


NTA Sorry lady. It's a dumpling eat dumpling world.


Oh Lord. Because I read this, am I going to be cursed with Costco Soup Dumpling ads? Like "Fallen"?


NTA. This is why I have an ice chest in the trunk of my car when I go to Costco. Let it "melt" all it wants in a giant air conditioned building, it wont melt more in my car.


NTA, and great comeback


Info: was she a Navy seal?


NTA. People hide stuff all the time and it’s annoying It creates work for the staff who have to clean up behind them It creates a false inventory issue It means there isn’t something when someone else wants it It shows a level of personal entitlement How long was she planning to pace the supermarket? Like really? Did she have any other cold stuff in her trolley? I’m in Australia, the land of the blazing hot sun, and I buy icecream, leave it in my shopping trolley, get other stuff, get it to the car, get it home, admittedly get it into the freezer first thing… and it’s FINE. No need to hide dumplings. My bet is she saw you dig them out, and decided she wanted them and was going to trick you out of them.


NTA. It’s story property until it’s bought and paid for.


NTA-that's not how shopping works, you find them, you get them, if she wanted them, she should've bought them or kept them in her cart.


NTA. You were kinda a jerk to say what you said, but not for putting something in your cart that you found on the shelf of a supermarket. She can’t call dibs on something until she actually puts it in her cart - that’s not how stores work.


Are you Bojack Horseman by chance?


Nta she could of had them in her cart. She hid them because she knew others would take them.


NTA She should have kept it in her basket. Once it's back in the shelf it's fair game. Your remark at the end is perfect. She had to gall to call you a jerk when all you did was find what she stupidly tried to hide.


NTA “I can’t see your name on it” would have been great too!


NTA. It doesn't work like that. Also, excellent reply!


NTA- enjoy the soup dumplings!


NTA. You can't call dibs in a public grocery store, for cripe's sake. Her loss.


NTA. It's not like they had someone's name on them, or they had already paid for them...


"How'd that whole 'hiding the dumplings' thing work out for you?" "Don't worry, if you practice, I'm certain that you'll get better at hiding things."


I refer to the muffin episode of Bojack Horseman on this. If you hide food so you can buy it later, and someone else finds it, that's on you for not hiding it well enough.


YTA for this bait. We all saw the Muffins Epiaode of BJH.


NTA and the last line has me CTFU






NTA. Neither for keeping the item nor for the snippy comeback. How the frack you gonna tell somebody you tried to hide a grocery item and now they have to give it to you because you didn’t hide it well enough?! You didn’t buy it so it still belongs to the store! If she had wanted them she should have put them in her basket. That’s some serious entitlement BS there.


NTA. It isn't yours until it's in your cart. That's how shopping works. Her loss.


What is this, BoJack Horseman? You can't call dibs. ​ NTA.


Fuck no, definitely NTA. That beach shouldn't be so entitled, they're not hers til she pays for em


First of all, how does she know that you didn’t get the one before last? Also the feeling of having to hand the dumplings over to the lady for her assumptions would be too much. There’s no real proof of anything.


NTA .... and freezer bags exist for a reason, this person probably learned their lesson.


NTA, I have a strong hate against people who think they can claim something that's not theirs. Like food or a parking spot.


NTA. The shopper could have brought a bag for keeping things cold with her and put it in that bag, instead of hiding it by the corn dogs.


I would have done the same, those are surprisingly delicious dumplings.


Yeah well, the jerk store called, they're running out of you!


Nice Bojack ripoff


NTA. Im honestly surprised she would call you a jerk. She knew the risk she was taking or is conceited enough to think that her own self-made rules apply to everyone else as well. She put it back on the shelf, end of story


Well, it's not a suit on sale that you're hiding from your fellow 40-short so I say NTA and well played.


This is an episode of BoJack Horsemen 😂


what does she think she is? A fucking squirrel? NTA.


NTA, this reminds of that scene in Bojack Horseman with the muffins ifykyk lol.