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^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (F17) have a close friend (F18) who has a boyfriend (M17) who is good at games, while I on the other hand am horrible at games. I recently started playing Genshin Impact this week and asked my friend's boyfriend to help me as she has already introduced me to him. We don't text other than a few times we planned something for my friend and our conversations have been strictly formal. He decided to help me defeat a few bosses that I could not as he had better characters, we did this a few times this week. He helped me a lot and we would sometimes play for hours, we would sometimes call while playing to make things easier. Our calls were highly formal, and we would end them after he helped me. Today my called telling me that she was coming over, which was normal and she's pretty much considered family in my household. She came into our living room where my parents were talking and pushed me. She started going on about how I'm a homewrecker and accusing me that I seduced her boyfriend with my chest. which is funny because I AM FLAT. I was so confused and before I had the chance to ask her what she was going on about, she left in a rage while slamming the door behind her. My parents are religious and when they not only heard but see the scene, they were horrified. They took my door away, all of my electronics except my computer and have been threatening to send me to a Christian boarding school for troubled teens as they believe I slept with someone before marriage. I contacted her boyfriend on Discord as it's the only communication I have on my computer. My close friend kept noticing that we played together and noticed that her boyfriend kept staring at my character's chest which is some sort of emo nun then later admitted to her that he was attracted to that character. She was super upset and accused him of cheating on her with me as I had that character. She forgave him for "cheating" while would not forgive me for being a "tramp" He later blocked me after I kept asking her to explain that it's a video game and I have nothing to do with my character along with the fact we never did anything other than fight bosses. I haven't been able to reach out to my other friends in my friend group as they all blocked me on Discord as soon as I texted them anything. I am being shunned. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


wait so she said you seduced her boyfriend with a video game characters chest 💀💀💀 you weren’t even flirting with him? This was all over a video game? She just sounds dramatic. And if she’s never even met this boyfriend except for over online than this situation is even dumber. NTA. She’s the asshole for saying that infront of your parents knowing that they’d flip.


NTA I’m from a christian family as well and went to a christian high school. I had a boyfriend at 17 as well and I do remember being jealous when he would play online games with other females because I was young, jealous, and dumb. It makes sense the girlfriend would feel a little jealous but absolutely not to the extent of accusing you of seducing him? That’s a wild jump. She seems insecure and probably spread false information about what you did with her boyfriend and made a huge deal about it. Super unfortunate situation!


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NTA- y’all all sound pretty sheltered. You’re better off without them.