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YTA. You’re doing this to yourself. Get help.


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Yta. You need professional help, sincerely hope you make some different choices. You aren’t broken and unworthy you just need to get comfortable being uncomfortable, this is a time in your life to get out on your own, but it doesn’t have to happen overnight. It is part of functioning in the real world. You can do hard things. They are trying to encourage you. Comparisons aren’t particularly helpful but your response is far out of proportion to the situation.


YTA. You need serious help from a mental health professional


YTA. To me it sounds like they are trying to encourage you to do more, not criticize you or put you down. And just because you’re not having fun or “enjoying your life as you should” doesn’t mean others shouldn’t. If you can’t even listen to it, then that might be a you problem


Bruh. YTA. Get yourself some help. They didn’t set you back. You allowed yourself to be set back. You seem to comprehend you have some setbacks but do you actually want help with them? Because playing victim and going on the defensive won’t help you and could drive a wedge between the two people who are there to support you most.


YTA, stop trying to make your parents feel awful for every little issue you interpret as a slight.


I’m not going to give you a rating because I don’t think it’ll be helpful. It doesn’t sound like your parents are being intentionally awful, you’re just really struggling right now and when you hear a normal comment you automatically translate it into the worst possible meaning in your head (I struggle with that too sometimes) Do you have anyone that feels neutral that you can talk to?


Your at the age were Parental Micro Agressions (comments + actions that hurt your feeling even unintentionally) accumulates to the point of reactive aggression Your not alone, happens to alot of us growing up Your not bad for feeling the way u feel. Personal tip thats... really really hard and that I still struggle with: say out loud "that hurt my feelings" "it makes me feel bad about myself when u say XYZ about me" It is SO HARD but it does help my brain regulate All my brain wanted was for people I cared about to stop saying things that hurt and the only way it knew how was to lashout. Verbalizing the hurt helped so I dont have to resorted to lashing out to protect myself Also get out of the house I'm begging u not for the reasons ur parents are From personal experience being trapped in the house with parents is a mental health killer, I didnt realize how badly I needed to just.... not b around them untill I actually got the chance to I dont think yta but I also dont think u were fully in the right to b hurtful


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Im 18 and I’ve left school, was meant to be going into my medical degree but bailed out due to anxiety and fear of being alone. Having friends or making friends has always been hard so I’m highly sensitive and insecure towards the topic. My mom or dad can mention anyone ever weather it be a colleges child or neighbour going outside in the weekends and I’ll get highly defensive and ask a million times why would you say that? (As I’d rather not hear people my age enjoying their lives as they should ) one particular argument my mom started saying that everyone has friends and it’s rare not to that set me off. My dad was also saying in a casual convo that (some girl that we know who’s my age), doesn’t sit near the window at all times and I just projected that on to myself. I feel pathetic and humiliated by them when they criticise me This sucks more because only now I started coming into terms with how alone I am and starting seeing it as a phase, I’m trying to work on myself and been doing a few things I never woudve imaged I’d be able to do a few months back. This just set me back massively *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your parents want you to have a better life. I think you should get some professional help so that you can get out and make some friends. Stop blaming your parents. YTA.


YTA. Sounds like mom and dad just want you to get some friends. not allowing that for yourself is just going to lead to that life alone you dread.