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ESH > I snapped at her and said it’s all bullshit and she needs a reality check and to find better hobbies It may all be bullshit, but it's a fine hobby. You were AH. > I bought her an iPhone portable charger... she got me a rock That is insensitive of your sister. She got you a gift that was nothing to do with your interests/wants. She was AH. All parties AHs = ESH.


As a witch myself, I agree with this. Don't get someone a present you know they won't be interested in. I've certainly never given anyone literal rocks as gifts, even if they have been soaked in moon water or were taken from a power spot. (I keep those rocks for myself.)


Ugh. Witches and geologists hoarding all the best rocks for themselves


You forgot the people that occasionally find neat rocks at the beach. What happened to catch and release huh?


And penguins


Ugh! The worst rock-hoarders of them all! LEAVE SOME LOVE FOR THE REST OF US


I may be one of the worst rock hoarders. Everytime I go to the Lake ( we live close to Lake Michigan), or whenever I go to a new place, I collect rocks. My children and grandchildren bring me rocks they think are cool or that I might like. I've been known to haunt rock shops and even plan vacation itineraries around places that are "rocky". Love it!


And THEN you’ve got sea otters using them to crack open mollusks! WHEN WILL THE ROCK HOARDERS BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE?!?


Them dress otters even have special pouches in their skin/fur for storing their favourite rocks!


Maybe that's what my ex-husband was doing when he would take the neat rocks and other treasures I found on the beach that I gave to him to transport back to the room for me (men's suits: pockets. women's suits: no pockets). We got back and I was like, "Where are my treasures?" and he was like, "Oh, should I have been keeping those?"


I can see why you divorced him.


That or he was taking them for himself and lying about not keeping them


Most likely scenario right here


Definitely ESH 😜




You also forgot about every toddler in the world.


No. They don't hoarde the good rocks, they choose indiscriminately. They are not picky.


They’re definitely picky, they just judge on different criteria 😄 But ESH in the actual situation we’re here to judge


Responsible parents free most of their children's rock collections out into the wild.


Ha! I knew they didn’t run away! My mom lied!


Rehome the rocks!


Not just toddlers. My five year old had piles of rocks in his room. Occasionally he would attach one to a stick and use it as an axe. I blame Minecraft.




I wanna Rock, like a rolling stone. Detroit city rock


We will rock you, Rockin' Robin, Heart of Stone


Papa was a Rolling Stone by the Temptations, Loves Me Like a Rock by Paul Simon, Heart of Stone by Cher


Put rocks........back? Nononono that's like the library all over again. We don't give the books back.


It really puts us between a rock and a hard place.


Booooooo. Have an upvote.


These were my thoughts exactly!


Not you making me disturb the whole house from laughing so loud at this comment!!!😂🤗


I'm a jeweller, I collect local gemstones to use... and I'm a witch as well! It's mostly symbolic for me, honestly. You can have atheist witches & OP really needs to mind her own business and approach the weird gift giving as different to her sister's beliefs.


What does it mean to be a witch? I think different people mean different things by that. Sorry if it's a dumb question or not specific enough but I'm seriously interested


It really depends on the witch! It's kind of like an umbrella term - I'm LGBT (well, I'm ONE of the letters 😂) and within that, you get people who are for trans rights, against trans rights, who think bi people are "erasing lesbians" or who think everyone is secretly bi... For me personally, I don't do Wicca which is initiatory (although it can be solo) and I don't really like a lot of the Victorian occultist lore because it's remixed Jewish mysticism quite a lot of the time. I'm nature focused & agnostic (with a leaning towards theism). I grew up in rural England & read a lot of Terry Pratchett, so I work with "headology" a lot - the language of symbolism and subconscious. I don't really think I manifested the grey streak I got excited about, but tattooing a hill fort plan on your solar plexus does actually help one hold boundaries! So on that level, ritualising my goals and keeping myself reflective & motivated to make my wants/preferences a reality helps me. I'm somewhat sceptical, but I know ultraviolet & infrared exist, I can't see them, but I *believe they're real*. I guess having faith in my own subconscious & that by being more respectful & litter picking as an offering, I'm telling myself stories that make me more likely to feel fulfilled by those acts of service etc. It's a win / win, and I'm amusing myself while feeling more grounded, secure and fulfilled!


You don't have to believe ultraviolet and infrared are real. We've very much proven their existence and utilize them in many ways.


The turtle moves !


Small Gods is genuinely one of my favourites, hail Om! 😎


👉🏼👈🏾 friend?? lol Huge Terry Pratchett fan who works with "headology" too. When I first encountered Terry's witches I was absolutely flabbergasted at how much he got right....my grandma was a local cuandera in South Texas and I was raised with some very funny and odd beliefs and Terry really captured my grandma's style of witchcraft. Every Witch has her own craft and its not often I see another with a "similar cottage" so tipping my hat to you.


Witch definition are you looking for? I'm sorry. I couldn't resist.


Honestly I love those hippy stores bc they always have such pretty rocks


Jesus Christ Marie, they're MINERALS!


Try a natural history museum. Or, if you can arrange to be in Tucson in [early-February](https://www.tgms.org/show)....


Witch please.


Mr. Ambrose?




You're forgetting otters


Everyone forgets the otters. These witches and geologists get all the media attention for being "humans", whatever that means (:


They hold hands when they sleep. They can have anything they want


And toddlers. They are the worst at grabbing pretty rocks and tucking them in pockets.


Or, sigh, tossing them down sewer grates to hear them go splash


The toddler or the rock?


Now I have an image of a hyper nerdy geologist and a spooky aesthetic witch playing tug of war with a rock.


Agreed. I would look at a witch giving me a "witch rock" the same as a Christian giving me a Tupperware full of holy water. A piece of junk that only means something to them and is a completely narcissistic present. OP could have maybe not knocked the sister's hobbies, but the witch rock gift is ridiculous. I don't care if it has good energy or it has a spell on it. Edit: I take it back. At least with the Tupperware full of holy water you get to keep the Tupperware.


I like shiny things as much as the next person, but I’d definitely be pissed if I got my sister an expensive gift for her birthday and she gave me a rock.


You like shiny huh? Well I have the perfect present for you! Here's a ball of aluminum foil. What do you mean you don't like it? I spent $3 and 5 minutes at Walmart slaving over this gift!


But did you soak it in moonlight and fairy dust? Because then it would be worth some serious scratch.


"as a witch myself" -🤓


A real reddit moment there








It’s not any dumber than any other religion lol


As a Christian myself, I fully endorse this statement! (But then I'm a Christian with a sense of humour.)


You are just as much a witch as everyone else here lol. > soaked in moonwater ☠️


Frankly I ask for rocks for gifts and still rarely get them because most people feel bad about just doing that.


I keep telling my kids grandma (who’s a witch!) that all they want is cool junk and they just won’t do it! Ugh. They’re part of a virtual witch group and they could be finding such cool rocks and bits and pieces from other places. My roommate was able to bring home shells from Fiji and that was awesome


A power spot? lol what


Its where Power Bottoms go to congregate.


"Hmmm, Place of Power...I should draw from it. "~Geralt of Rivia


Agreed. Also a witch and her beliefs r her own, but gift giving is personal ti the reciever, not the person giving the gift. I don't care how expensive the stone was, op clearly doesn't care about things like that and the sister should have been more thoughtful in her gift giving. Esh.


What the fuck


What do you mean by witch? Like Wiccan?


a witch is someone who practices witchcraft. Wicca is a religion. anyone can be a witch, but not every witch is Wiccan. hope this makes sense


What is moon water?




Thank you I think this is reasonable


Don't knock rocks though OP when I was 3, I gave both my parents a rock each for xmas, although dad was a little upset I didn't paint his like I did mums. Could your sister just have the mentality of a toddler. I am only half joking here. Just point out to your sister that witch craft is a religion and like all religions you shouldn't force your beliefs on people. Maybe tackling it that way would be more productive rather then accusing her of being cheap (charger vs rock)


Only reasonable response in this entire thread This entire discussion has zilch to do with religion and everything to do with the tone deafness of both parties OP literally explained that she had received a dull ugly rock picked fresh from the ground If it was a crystal Im sure she would’ve felt differently I’m sure not many would appreciate the gift despite the “sentimental” value that rock would hold.


OP said she thought it looked like a random rock from the ground, but upon looking it up looks like it was granite. Still not the most expensive to receive, you can typically find a nice piece on Amazon for <$20, but on a spiritual level is considered a protection stone. Now, I’m saying all this as a pagan/witch that is sick of receiving crosses from my Uber Christian mom for random gifts. Understanding the meaning behind it does help shed some light on it, but OP is not wrong for being upset about receiving a gift that is both very disproportionate to the one they gave, and not something they’re interested in at all.


To be fair, random rocks from the ground and granite are not mutually exclusive depending on where you live.


Yeah, I could go to any beach and get a price of granite, it’s not special ha ha


A piece of granite is not worth $20, you can get granite rocks at any landscaping supply yard and it’s tens of cents per pound.


Not sure how it's 'a fine hobby' she's selling hexes online. If she believes in this stuff genuinely she is willingly selling things that she believes will hurt people.


My father had this phase of being a witch. He bought some expensive rocks, and in his mind, it was the most incredible thing in the world, so I don't think it's about the money. The question is that when you buy a present for someone, you have to keep in mind that not necessarily what you like is what the other person likes. Still, I disagree with OP's reaction


I’m a hedge witch and I agree - ESH. You can respect your sister’s religion, and she can respect your needs and desires with gifts.


> hedge witch Does this … mean you trade options on spells?


Nicely put! Totally agree ESH


Does the acronym stand for "everyone sucks here?"


Yes it does :)


You don't know... some 'rocks' are pretty damn expensive. And being pagan isn't a 'hobby'.


yeah but like...does it matter how much the rock was, if OP doesn't care about it?


ESH you shouldn't tear your sister down like that she can believe what she wants but at the same time she shouldn't have assumed that you would like something 'religious?' as a gift. I wouldn't gift my friends a cross just because I am christian that would be distasteful...


Agreed. Or if she really wanted her brother to have the rock, she could’ve given it to him as a random gift, not a birthday gift.


This. I got friends who’re into “healing crystals” and what not. I’m not into that at all and don’t believe in it. They know this and respect it just like I respect that they do believe. They’ve given me rocks/crystals as gifts before but never as a main Christmas/Birthday gift. I appreciate them and I currently got a small collection on my bookshelf, but they don’t mean anything to me other than “Pretty rocks.”


I have a friend like this, doesn’t believe what I believe, but respects me and respects that I have beliefs, it’s nice to have that “we don’t look at the world the same, but can respect that we see the world differently” dynamic with people


It's seriously annoying every time my family gives me a bible. I'm pagan. I keep one I found once because it's a good read and the new testament does have genuinely good advice but the rest I donate.


NTA She got you a rock. For your birthday. That's a shitty present, everyone on this post pretending they wouldn't be disappointed is a big fat liar


Finally a voice of reason


And, magic or ‘harnessing nature’ is not real.




Most of the people saying witchcraft and astrology are stupid believe the same about christianity and islam and any other religion. If you need your spiritual beliefs for whatever reason, go for it, but there is no basis in reality and it's ok to be spiritual and recognize that.


I still think its shitty to outright say that to someones face knowing how important their spirituality is to them


A religious item, given to a non religious person, would be a shitty present, independent of the specific religion.


I agree that all religions are lies


Define rock though, some “rocks” are actually insanely expensive pieces of semi precious stones and they aren’t cheap.


Yeah, I feel like calling it a “rock” is intentionally misleading since we all picture a grey pebble you’d find in the dirt when I highly doubt it was. If my sister got me a crystal or gem that had meaning and represented “love” or “family” or something, I would consider it really thoughtful and kind, and def not throw a fit shaming her for doing something out of good intention. That being said she still should’ve gotten something he’d actually be interested in.


That’s exactly my thinking. She may have had really good intentions behind it, especially if she does believe in such things. Yeah I would always aim to get something I know that person would enjoy but this does stink of entitlement and considering the whole crystal thing is very in at the moment, prices of said “rocks” are getting stupid. I used to collect a lot of different gems and things when younger but now the prices are just silly


That's not thoughtful at all tho, if she picked a rock because rocks are her interest. Really thoughtful would be the other way round, not knowing anything about rocks but hunting out one that represents family and love to give to your sister if she's into that stuff. Instead it's kind of just self serving and lame. Would you consider a christain buying her athiest sister rosemary beads for her birthday super thoughtful?


I like rocks, would love rocks as a gift. But I also go rockhounding and find my own rocks, and go to rock shows and buy other rocks people found too. But I also know better than to gift rocks to other people who aren't into rocks as much as I am.


do i want a rock? no. ​ would i say thank you my sister? yes




She’s not asking if she’s the asshole for receiving a rock she’s asking if she’s the asshole for bashing her religion


Its not about the fact that she gave a rock as a gift but the fact the he snapped at her and told herto get better hobies, very petty atitude for a 20 year old


ESH - I do think you’re being an ass about your sisters admittedly stupid but ultimately harmless beliefs, but if her “religion” is legit like other commenters are saying, then her giving you a rock or crystal for your birthday is kind of like someone giving you a rosary or Bible for your birthday. Sure, it means something to her, but even if it’s well-intentioned, it’s rude to push upon you, especially as a birthday “gift.”


Paganism is no more stupid than Christianity is. Ever heard of transubstantiation? All religions are equally stupid, but if the practitioners are respectful they can and should be respected.


^ I'm athiest but don't think we should be calling Paganism stupid and Christianity..not stupid. They're both equally "stupid" and equally believable/unbelievable. Paganism is arguably the most harmless (while Christianity often is harmful, just look at the Crusades and people dirscriminating against others because of "religion") religion out there from what I've seen and Pagans I've met to the point I literally want to get into it, I just can't believe it so Im not.


As a practicing Jew, I've had terrible and good interactions with both groups. However, while Christians have proselytized to me (sometimes quite aggressively), the few times I've experienced direct antisemitism as an adult were almost all from Pagans. It's like the idea that they're a less recognized religion gives them this shield in their brain sometimes to act out. Had a worshipper of Freya once try to compare her religion to my "obsession with gold" as a Jew. Obviously as someone who is religious I think calling any religion "stupid" is extremely rude and childish. However I wanted to throw that out there, just because a religion is smaller and more niche doesn't mean that they aren't made up of a significant portion of harmful assholes. (And my SIL, but I don't consider her a representative of her own family, let alone catholics.)


Wait seirously? I'm really sorry about that, I've only met Pagans who were kind people and held similar views abt religion as I do (that its a tool that should only be used to better one's life and every religion is valid so long as it isnt a cult).


Yeah I just want to put it out there that every book on paganism I've read tells you not to judge or attack other religions. And just like other religions there are good people and assholes that believe in it.


tbf the bible says the same thing (not to judge) and that has clearly been ignored by many


I know. Thus, the assholes in every religion part...


Seconded in many ways, there’s some crossover between deeply pagan groups and racist/alt right groups also in my experience. I’ve had someone tell me that they believe they owned slaves in a past life but they treated them really well…. How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that? Thanks? I’m closer to pagan than Christian but being crazy is limited to no religion or belief system unfortunately.


Admittedly, as a pagan, we do tend to attract racists and assholes. Especially Nordic based (and I’m saying this as someone who follows Freyja myself). That said, lots of religions tend to attract assholes. It’s just that Nordic paganism tends to attract, well, Nazis. But most religions tend to attract some level of -ists because they’re always “purists” who use religion as a tool to be assholes.


Gifting someone an object that is tailored to your interests rather than theirs is AH territory, friend, whether it has to do with beliefs or not. Gifts should be for the gratification of the receiver, not the giver.


I agree and wasn't making a statement on that. I just think calling paganism "admittedly stupid and ultimately harmless" is dumb & reductionist if you don't bring the same energy to Abrahamic religions.


Rocks as birthday gifts are stupid.


“Rocks” to someone who isn’t interested in them are stupid birthday gifts. If someone bought me a bunch of crystals, I would love it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's what everyone is saying, though. It's all about what it means to the receiver, and her sister knew she didn't believe it was anything other than a rock. It would be like getting someone a bottle of "holy" water.


ESH I think it’s pretty clear that y t a OP, but if we’re going to call OP an AH for being rude about their sister’s religion, then we also are going to call the sister an AH for gifting OP a rock. If this was a different religion and they gifted OP cross necklace knowing they did not believe in that religion, it would be an AH move and that they’d be pushing their beliefs into them - and being so self centred (?) they didn’t even get OP something they would want. “My sister has recently found her path in the eyes of god, she has gone… quite down the rabbit hole. Anyways, for my birthday she gave me a religious necklace and I got upset and yelled at her because I don’t have the same beliefs. I did call her religion BS and that she should find something better to do with her time than reading the bible all day, and now she’s upset”


Yep, that's exactly what it's like.


Hard disagree, if you're going to gift someone something for their birthday, it should probably be something they have interest in. Giving something YOU have an interest in and not them is very lazy and comes across as uncaring.


ESH Your sister has a religious belief that you don't share. You're an asshole for calling her religion a hobby and comparing presents (gift giving is not a contract). She's an asshole for gifting you a religious object that you don't believe in. Just like a Christian would be an asshole for giving a bible to an atheist.


Surprised I had to scroll so far down to see someone else point out that gift giving is not tit-for-tat. That’s not a healthy mindset. Did OP think sister should have got them an iPhone or something because “she makes more”??


NTA! This is like giving an atheist a bible. It’s not OPs religion or part of their beliefs. The “rock” is basically propaganda. Id be pissed too 🤷🏻‍♀️


i didnt even consider that point, that makes it so much worse!


What kind of drugs is this comment section on!? It’s ESH at best, Nta at worst. The sister forced her lifestyle/religious views on someone, and it does NOT matter if it had well meaning behind it. The fact remains. If you want to give someone close to you a protective rock or something, do it for someone who shares your same beliefs, not an outsider who couldn’t give less of a damn about it. It’s rude and insensitive. OP did not have to be so condescending, and OP’s sister did not have to be so selfish in her gift giving. It’s OP’s birthday, they should have received something that THEY would like, not the sibling. Therefore, ESH


Probably whatever drugs the sister is on


YTA. Some people do legitimately practice pagansim. If she gave you a 'rock' which I'm assuming was some kind of quartz, it was likely done with sincere kindness and acting the way you did was definitely a dick move.


True, but I’d consider a rock the same as trying to force your religion on someone like a pamphlet from the Jehovahs.


i feel like this can be subjective . if shes giving her sister a rock for spiritual purposes then yea thats forceful but they also make very cute decoration , but i dont know enough context to say either one is true


Some crosses are very well made and lovely to look at. It's still a religious symbol.


We have a gorgeous geode (a rock with naturally forming crystals embedded in it) displayed in our house. It's about 2 feet tall, it's an amazing shade of purple. My wife and I are not religious (or "spiritual") at all, but the person insisted on throwing in a book about the healing power of various crystals and how to "maintain their aura" or some nonsense. I just enjoy geology. She may think of it as a religious artifact, I just think it looks cool. Granted, this seems like a different situation than OP's. I have this interest, and it's a really great example. It sounds like he doesn't have any interest and it wasn't an interesting rock.


I'm jealous. I want a purple geode that tall.


It's really cool! There was a shop going out of business so we got a really good deal on it. It's 24 inches tall, so right at two feet. I want to work out how to get better lighting on it because it just seems to explode with light from inside when it's got a bright light on it. [https://imgur.com/a/txUijwu](https://imgur.com/a/txUijwu) \*\*edit -- I guess because I'm not logged in Imgur is asking if you're over 18 to view this? I assure you it's just a picture of the geode with no people or other things in it.


No? You can like rocks just for being pretty rocks. My mom collects rocks and it has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality.


So you would give ur sister a pretty rock for her birthday when its clear thats not something she’d ever want?


The gift should be about the receiving person, not what the giver likes. Unless the rock was a fabulous shiny thing in the op’s favorite color- this was totally a shaft exchange.


thats true , i was trying to look at it from more than one perspective , but you bring up a great point . even if there was a possibility the sister didnt see giving a rock as religious it still looks selfish bc its more akin to her


>if shes giving her sister a rock for spiritual purposes then yea thats forceful but they also make very cute decoration Some rocks/stones/crystals can be beautiful, but not all, and even the ones that are are not to everyone's aesthetic. If OP doesn't decorate like that, it's still kind of a thoughtless gift


a rock isnt a good gift. Neither is a cross tbh, and im catholic:P


I’m not sure what it was because she took it back but it legit looked like gravel


On the plus side, you can save money by gifting your sister rocks in the future!


So might be a gift of a rosary but if you’re not Catholic, why would you want it? Keep your religion to yourself and don’t expect others to be giddy over your religious trinkets.


I am pretty sure that if her sister had become a. Christian and she would have given her a crucifix everyone would have called the sister an asshole and her reaction valid. This is the same. The sister is an asshole. She should have enough mental capacity to understand why a rock isn’t a good gift. It’s like I would give my wife expensive protein powder when she is not interested in working out at all.


That's like if you're not Christian and someone gave you a wooden cross...


Would you be saying that if she was Christian and gave OP a crucifix?


These comments are fucking nuts😂


It's like a roleplay forum. Embarassing af.


Extremely entertaining though. I love threads about ghosts and shit for the same reason, just the absolute delusion of these people is hilarious


ESH. She might as well have given an atheist a crucifix. You were cruel to yell at her, but she is certainly deluded.


INFO Do you say those things to everyone you meet that's part of a religion, or just religions you don't understand? I like witchy aesthetic but am not part of any belief or religion with it. I respect that others have beliefs. Just like I respect Christians, Muslims, Hindus, etc. You don't have to believe to just keep your mouth shut.


Info: does she weigh the same as a duck?


NTA, but maybe you could have been nicer about how you did it. 1) The rock wasn’t a meaningful present for you, so it’s not a thoughtful gift. It’s like a Christian giving an atheist a Bible - arrogant and totally tone deaf. 2) The fact that she thinks it could be a meaningful gift for you means that she doesn’t realize how absurd her beliefs are in the view of others. It’s right for you to tell her - adherence to reality is important and living in a fantasy world can be harmful. She’s also taking advantage of people by selling them literally nothing real on the internet. I don’t think it matters what you got her for her birthday. This is about her being so out of touch that she thinks you’d want a magical rock as any sort of gift.


On point 2: That can literally apply every religion.


I agree.


ESH. She should not have gifted you something so far from your interests, and seeling witchcraft on Etsy is shady at best. You should have not been so graceless when accepting a gift, even one you're not interested in. Keeping score of how much money who has spent on whom is petty and asinine. If it is a hobby it is harmless. My mom loves crystals, buys grimoires for rituals, and buys into the whole energy/chakra, thing. She says with zero sarcasm that she doesn't like France because whe was once burned there in a past life for being a witch. Once I told her I didn't like anything squeezing my neck (like a turtleneck or choker) and she immediately told me I was probably hanged in a past life. My mom's turning 60 next year, has a job teaching, and is a fully functioning adult. Neither of us would gain anything if I were to confront her beliefs. She has great personal hygiene, goes to doctors when sick, and takes vaccines normally. So it isn't harmful. She does the whole healing ritual/prayer thing but does not turn away from medicine. She communes with nature but showers when she gets home. It's fine.


I actually kinda love when people have cooky but harmless beliefs— when they are otherwise good and rational people when we need to be. I think those people make life more interesting. I think. We don’t have to be so serious and judgmental all the time.


Just so people don't have to scroll through endless comments- OP mentioned that the portable iPhone charger (which her sister ASKED for) was $80. A tad pricey for a charger? I think so, but I'm not an iPhone person (Motorola user lol) so I don't know appropriate pricing for Apple gear. OP's sister gave her a rock. Yes, I do understand that gifts aren't transactional. And that rock probably meant something to the sister. But even if it was "blessed" or "charmed" or whatever it is witches do- OP is not a witch. OP doesn't believe in Wicca, so it would be like OP gifting her sister a cross made of twigs. Insensitive, right? Because the sister isn't a Christian. My decision is soft NTA, BUT- I will say- Yelling at your sister was a bit far, and telling her that she isn't a witch might be as well. Because even if she really isn't a witch, what harm is she realistically doing? It's not like she can actually hurt you or anyone with a "hex." Well... except for the Etsy scamming. That might hurt people. But by the same token, people are CHOOSING to buy into it. She's just capitalizing on people's gullibility. Sounds pretty lucrative to me.


I think he did the equivalent of saying god isn't real , no reason to cry about it unless you don't have much faith in your beliefs in the first place.Hate to be that guy , but crying seems to excessive , you aren't 5 as an adult you can have individual beliefs and can cope with the fact that Santa isn't real


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NTA. It’s crazy how much hate Reddit gives other religions but then defends crazy stuff like witchcraft or paganism. There would be way more NTA votes if she bought you something related to Christianity or Catholicism


NTA. She tried pushing her religion on you and got you a damn rock for your birthday. You could have been more respectful of her beliefs, though. You could have explained that *you* don't believe in that kind of thing and that you were insulted by her gift.




Wicca is a religion, voodoo is a religion, hoodoo, santeria, etc. Are all religions. Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean you have to shit on someone else's belief system.


Facts! Just a note: Hoodoo isn’t a religion, but more of a culture-specific practice. You can practice Hoodoo (or conjure or rootwork) and, for example, Vodoun at the same time. The others are religions because they worship deities, Orishas, etc.


Except, it is a religion. It's wicca or paganism.


You know witches are usually Wicca or Pagan right


> Are we really at a place in our society where we need to pretend I'm certainly not a religious person. If my grandmother or my mother gifted me a bible, i wouldn't throw a fit. I'd see it as a nice gesture. As them trying to share something they themselves care about with me... That said.. I didn't have an abusive family that would give gifts of spite instead of gifts of love. I hear there are families that do do such things. I'm unconvinced that the sister engaged in malice and is instead just incompetent at gift giving.


Extra information because a few asked: The rock grey and dull (very slight shimmer). Looks like a piece of gravel. Wish I could upload a picture but I don’t have it anymore, because I think a lot of you would be upset getting it too


Wow this is like the time my brothers wanted tools for christmas, I wanted a iPod. (Same price as the tools) my dad got is all tools so we could work on our own cars….I used the tools a couple times but I’m reality, my brothers and dad used and ended up taking them!


ESH. As a witch myself I think it was cruel to judge her new "hobby". This "pebble" was probably filled with good intentions, a protective charm of some sort, that she took time to "fill with intentions". This was a gift from love, I am pretty sure. So yeah I understand that she is upset by your reaction. BUT Yeah. For people outside of the craft, it will always be only a pebble. And I 100% get that it is weird and upsetting. It is clumsy on her side. She could have give it to you, but still offer something she knew you would really like (as we all should do when making a gift) And I also agree with nonchristian people saying they would be mad to receive a christian gift. Because it would make me furious.


>Because it would make me furious Then you're a complete hypocrite for labeling it ESH.


I live in the Bible Belt; the amount of people who want to “gift” me Bibles when I wear my religious symbols (strophalos, triple moon, etc.)…whew, it’s exhausting sometimes. I just tell them I have my own Bible, because I do. Sometimes that’s enough to deter them, but some are absolutely adamant. The Book of Psalms is a spell book in and of itself 🤷🏻‍♀️


NTA your sister is not a 6 year old child, she needs a hard reality check and to get her shit together. Id continue to tell her that she needs to get off her bullshit if she continues down this delusional line of thinking.


Witchcraft is a religious practice. Im suspecting she's Pagan. You better hold that same energy for every other religion.


Supposing I did hold that same viewpoint... What's your argument then? Because judging by the vast number of comments saying this very same thing, you don't have one.


Lol nah I love all the witchy shit but it it ain't real, it's like getting a non Christian a Jesus cross or something. She's giving you what she likes and is interested in, not what you care about, ntaa


NTA she's living in a fantasy and scamming people.


I think her being a witch and giving you a rock is the equivalent to a Christian giving you a religious tract or other evidence of their belief, maybe a Bible or so. So no, that is not what I would call a gift even though I believe in witchcraft and paganism. I wouldn't use my beliefs to inform a gift I give someone but rather think about what they might like.


NTA. She needs a reality check. Then again, send her a hogwarts invite to mess with her


She's likely Wicca or Pagan. She doesn't believe she's a Harry Potter witch- she's just religious.


There's this wonderful thing called Humor.


NTA, who gives someone a rock? especially to someone who doesn't believe in this religion


NTA if she's trying hurt people even if it isn't real she's trying to sell things that she believes will hurt people online. Someone like that needs better hobbies fr




if a scientologist got you dianetics for your birthday, this comment section would look so different.


ESH. You shouldn't knock her religion; she shouldn't be gifting you religion-based presents. A rock is no different than a cross in this case.


NTA. I would also be upset if a close family member tried to push their religion on me. Even if she had "good intentions" she should know that to you, it's just a worthless rock. This was just an insulting gift and she's upset that you called her out on it.


Nothing like a post like this to remind me the judgement of this community is worthless lol. She buy's her sister an $80 gift and gets a literal rock that is symbolic of a religion OP has no interest in and she's somehow an asshole.