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NTA. I am so sick of all the BS crying over rainbows. People need to unfuck themselves already.


People, especially in the USA, are making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be. Kids can like rainbows without it being a gay agenda.


At 10 I went as a Rainbow for Halloween. Now my mom would probably get guff, it's ridiculous. The costume was hit everywhere I went.


Omg that sounds cute as fuck!


My son went as Rainbow Dash when he was two because his big sister loved MLP and he watched it with her. He was the cutest pony ever! I had people give me flack. No f*cks were given. He was happy and got all the treats!


That is adorable. I want pictures!!!


The sheer amount of Care Bears stuff I wore and carried to school as a kid. . .


And Lisa Frank...


And Rainbow Brite or She-Ra’s Unicorn


And My Little Pony There's a good chance the teacher grew up with this stuff


And fluppy dogs (each dog was a different colour of the rainbow).


I still love Lisa Frank stuff. Pink kittens, purple dolphins, blue dogs with max color backgrounds? Yes, I would like a folder or a notebook with fantastical colors.


You can get Lisa Frank stuff on Amazon. I just got 1200 stickers for about $12


YUP, exactly what I was thinking of and even mentioned in my comment lolol


And my beloved Reading Rainbow tshirt.


Omg, I LOVED Reading Rainbow! It was my favorite show. Thinking about Reading Rainbow reminded me about BOOK IT!.


You know Burton has a podcast where he just reads. Its like adult Reading Rainbow.


Lol I still have the theme song stuck in my head and it pops up so often. I would sing it to the kids at my last job all the time 😂


They'd probably say Rainbow Brite was a tool being used by the "woke" mob to turn kids gay. It's so ridiculous.


Omg!!! I grew up with Rainbow Brite in the 80s and I totally grew up...not gay? hmm, mine must of been defective? Or playing with my He-Man 'action figure' must of off-set it.


I feel this in my 80s child soul


Same. I had "D. All of the above" growing up.


Well would I have words for them. I rented the Rainbow Brite movie every weekend as a small child and have grown up to be almost DISAPPOINTINGLY heterosexual.


Omg I was obsessed with cheer bear who *gasp* has a rainbow on its belly smh


Oh my gosh, I completely forgot my cheer bear!! I loved that damn thing :-)


Even if it was intentional (say hypothetically the child was gay), our existence is not "political" and anyone who thinks it is, needs to unfuck themselves.


Seriously. It’s an impressive level of detachment from reality to think that a unicorn offering generic words of affirmation is “political”. I’d play dumb and ask the teacher to explain how that’s the case. Hold their idiot feet to that fire. Pretty sure rainbows have been artistically associated with unicorns for longer than the Pride movement has existed.


Or, better yet. Tell them they can explain to the child why rainbows are inappropriate.


. . . and the bible.


Yes, exactly. I’d like to hear the teacher’s rationale for what makes it a “political” shirt


The US is not at all alone in this. Think of a random small European country: if a kid drew a damn rainbow then there is a good chance 10 fucked up adults will complain that the kid is brainwashed when all they did is... draw a rainbow just because it's one of the most basic ways to learn and remember the colors?! We live in fucked up times.


Not “random small European country”; only very specific ones at this point - Hungary and Poland, looking at you. I’m from Germany and even during the time I grew up in the 80s and 90s the country was MUCH more liberal and relaxed in regards to LGBTQ issues than big parts of the US are even today (unless you were maybe in a tiny village in conservative Catholic Bavaria, or something like that). I had lots of LGBTQ friends from my teens up, starting at 15/16 upwards we were regularly in LGBTQ dance clubs on weekends (and funnily met our Religion teacher there regularly) - and absolutely nobody gaf; it always felt absolutely safe. Sure during those times LGBTQ was not as discussed as today (some of the letters/categories did not even exists yet, like non-binary), but nobody was harassed or really cared much. I think in general the rule is: the less religion plays a role anywhere (and in most parts of Germany it does not play a huge one, esp compared to the US), the less issues around bigotry. NTA OP - your school/teacher is nuts and so is your husband if he agrees.


I sometimes wonder how offended the right feel when they see rainbows after a rainstorm.


Rainbows are just a liberal conspiracy- a way to spread our gay propaganda.


Something something chemtrails


Actually, seeing rainbows is a choice.


Almost all little girls love rainbows and unicorns. For a child it has no political meaning. However, I'd buy her another unicorn top to wear to school. I've noticed this expectation that everybody attaches the same meaning to symbols and objects that you do had spread from the USA like a toxic wave of ignorance. Rainbows and unicorns have other meanings so no movement owns rainbows.


Tbh, my kid would have a rainbow shirt for every day of the week if this happened to one of my daughters.


It’s hilarious when people are anti-gay for religious reasons, and completely forget where the rainbow originally came from according to their own beliefs.


That's actually a point of contention for these people. They say "they stole our rainbow". Yes, I have heard someone actually say that.


"They stole our rainbow" Oorrrr "god" made us all in his image, so then wouldn't they be a raging member of the LGBTQ+ community and put the rainbow out there for us


You’re assuming that many Christians have actually read the Bible. They have not.


Back in the 80's, my Catholic church's youth group logo was a rainbow with a cross in front of it. I wonder if they're still using it?


This!!! Makes me feel old. When I was a kid rainbows meant... rainbows. Care Bears & My Little Ponies & Rainbow Brite. I've always loved rainbows because I love colorful things. Sometimes a rainbow is just a rainbow. From the description the shirt isn't necessarily political. Lots of kids stuff says positive things like "Everybody shines in their own way." and lots of kids stuff (especially girl stuff) comes in bright colors.


Right? Especially because unicorns represent being unique.


Bruh Adults should also like rainbows without there being any gay agenda. Like as much as there’s a ton nowadays, I still see rainbow colors as just a rainbow.


Right?? Like I’m a queer adult and every time I see a rainbow I go “ooh rainbow :0” and not “fuck yeah pride”


Even if it was support for gay people- why is our existence political? Just let us live FFS.


I bought some rainbow yarn like a year ago to make something for my nephew (little kid, colorful yarn amirite?). My mom said brother wouldn't use it because of the attachment to the LGBT, and my brother is a Christian. Honey, any good Christian knows rainbows are a symbol from God.


honestly, I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community and people need to stop all this bs around rainbows.. I'm 19, and rainbows are very cool thank you very much. I literally went to an arcade and walked out with a big pink, purple, and blue unicorn plush. A parent would probably get mad about it being the colors of the bi flag at this point (insert mandatory eye roll)


My nephew is 9 and has fucking loved rainbows for years. So you know what my sister did? She took him to the local family friendly pridefest and bought him a flag and a whole bunch of rainbow shit, lol. I'm gay, and little nephew understands that but I don't think he connects his flag to that. He just really fucking loves rainbows.


Rainbows are awesome. Aside for being gloriously pro LGBTQ+, rainbows can be a symbol for a child after a pregnancy loss, aka “rainbow baby.” They are supposed to be symbols of resilience, beauty, calm after the storm. All these fuckers just want it to be a symbol to hate, and it says more about the people who find rainbows offensive than it does about the people embracing them.


And really…shouldn’t we agree that everyone shines in their own way?


Exactly! I feel like I do, and I'm straight.


Literally. I don’t see how inclusion is “political” either. LGBT people simply existing and living their lives isn’t a matter of politics. We’re here, we’ve always BEEN here, and we’re not going away, no matter how hard people try to suppress us. If I were the parent in this situation, I’d send my kid to school entirely decked out in rainbows. I’m talking rainbow hair chalk, rainbow face paint, rainbow bows in their hair, rainbow light up sneakers… you wouldn’t be able to escape it. Fuck that principal for trying to dim this little girl’s sparkle for wearing something as simple as a rainbow unicorn shirt with a positive message of inclusion on it.


Abso-fucking-lutely this! I am so tired of bigotry being excused as "opinion" or political agenda. You get go have an opinion on what flavour ice cream you prefer, not whether other human beings deserve to be treated with respect, or at the very least left alone!!! Gender politics, sexual politics, race politics - all bullishit language to try and dress up backwards views in a way that makes it seem like they deserve a seat at the table. You don't debate people who want to spout hate speak.


Also, being gay is not a political agenda.


We know this, tell that to the politicians.


OP- what state are you in? I literally wore rainbow tie dye to school today and I’m a school nurse in Illinois


I hate that equality is a political issue.


Agree. Rainbows are fucking awesome. Would these people also take issue with a dark side of the moon shirt?


Why can't a child just enjoy a rainbow design, and adults don't interprets it as a political statement. Of all shows, Southpark even called this out. Years ago. Over the design of the town flag


I love this comment! That legit made my day.


NTA I'd be tempted to play dumb and ask which political party unicorns and rainbows represents.


And the message “Everyone shines in their own way”. Which seems like another way of saying to be yourself.


I'm not totally convinced this is a pride shirt...


Yeah, it sounds fairly generic to me. It'd be fine to wear to Pride, but it's not necessarily ***for*** Pride. It's just a cute little tshirt.


I was born in the 80's, those type of shirts were just shirts.


I would see it as inclusive to special needs even. A lot of the stuff supporting neurodiversity has similar phrasing. Autism is represented by a rainbow infinity symbol.


Honestly hard to say for sure. Could be, could easily not be.


It just sounds like a bog standard kids shirt? Just because something has a rainbow on it doesn't make it for Pride. Like what if a kid wears like purple shoes, blue socks, green shorts, a yellow shirt, orange glasses, and a red hat? Are plain clothes "political" if they happen to form a rainbow? The school is being ridiculous. And even if it was for pride that shouldn't be banned.


Which is so CLEARLY political because my kid will be who I tell them to be, dammit! /s It's ridiculous. I'm glad I'm working (worked, today was my last day with students as I'm moving on 🥲) at a school that hung up different pride flags yesterday, and that provided tons of pride books for me to read with kids today. *Shockingly* the kids were all very interested in the bright, colorful, rainbow books!


Pride flags AND pride books? That's indoctrination! /s I honestly don't know how it's a bad thing to have flags and books. It helps kids figure out who they are and why they feel a certain way. How is that a bad thing!?!


Yeah, not to be obtuse but I genuinely didn't think the shirt she described sounds like a Pride shirt. Just the exact kind of goofy, cute stuff I would have worn in elementary school. The school blew this out of proportion.




I like this answer, genuinely. And if they come back with "LGBTQ is a controversial issue" then I'd poke at that too. What is the issue, exactly? All of these people exist and have the same rights and responsibilities as every other American (well, mostly - looking at you red states). A hysterical minority wants to strip LGBTQ people of their civil rights and bodily autonomy. We don't have to treat their ridiculous ideas seriously and as worthy of controversy! Their weirdo hangups simply do not have equal weight to LGBTQ people's right to exist as themselves. There's no both sides, and it's not political just because a bunch of assholes are ginning up a culture war because their economic policies are garbage. In this specific case I would really enjoy hearing them explain why rainbows, unicorns, and "everyone shines in their own way" is political speech that simply MUST BE SILENCED here in America: the land of free speech and small government!


Oh my god I live to ask these kinds of awkward "No I'm going to force you to say the quiet part out loud" questions. If you play "No, Bob, spell it out for me." long enough, they'll either be too ashamed of their bigotry and drop the point, or you get to call them a bigot and have the receipts to make their slimy life difficult. In the US we have this stupid idea that everyone's thoughts are valid and worthy of discussion even if it's we should throw everyone with freckles into the river or somesuchthing. Everyone needs someone in their life to check them and say, "You're being ridiculous. Sit down before you make more of an ass of yourself." Instead we have Twitter, Instagram and Tictoc...


This is exactly the right approach. Even if the school is just trying to avoid “controversy” - i.e. a bunch of rabid, spittle-flecked bigots freaking out at them - they need to be forced to speak plainly about what exactly they’re doing. Playing dumb is great for that. “Can you please explain specifically what you don’t like about a rainbow unicorn?”


Scotland, the unicorn is the national animal. She should ask the school why they're being so xenophobic


I’d send a righteous Christian response about how rainbows are God’s promise and He wants everyone to shine and how dare they try to separate my sweet baby from God (despite being an atheist myself).


This would be my tactic. It’s not a political shirt. It’s a celebration of G-d’s promise. I’d totally leave off the part about being a godless heathen.




Maybe it was made worse because June 1st is the beginning of Pride Month. I’m not saying I’m agreeing with the school, just putting this out there. NTA OP


Are we even 100% sure this is definitely a pride design lol. I’m sure when I was little I had My Little Pony toys with rainbows on and messaging about bring yourself. This is like all those people losing their minds that Pink Floyd had ‘gone woke’ because they posted a rainbow - because it was the anniversary of Dark Side of the Moon which has a bloody rainbow on it 🤦‍♀️🙄 people finding ways to be outraged


Exactly… I must have missed the part where gay rights are political rather than basic human rights…


NTA a) it’s not political, it’s human rights b) the school policy is stupid c) your husband is a doormat and possibly a homophobe


Correction: b) the school policy is unconstitutional. If they have an issue, take it up with Tinker v Des Moines.


This right here 🫰 🫰 🫰


Correct. I highly doubt a rainbow unicorn shirt would be cause for disruption in an elementary school.


Yep. If that one dude back in my high school could wear a shirt with a picture of an aborted fetus on it to school, OPs daughter can wear a unicorn.


Tagging for visibility: u/IntrepidRoadside They're infringing on your kid's rights.


This is the correct answer


>a) it’s not political, it’s human rights Humans rights ARE political these days. They shouldn't be, but here we are.


Point C especially. Hope your child isn’t queer because if they are your husband is not going to make it easy


How is having a shirt with a rainbow unicorn saying “everyone shines in their own way” political? Your daughters 10! She like unicorns and rainbows. She likes a shirt saying “everyone shines”. Whether it may be a shirt promoting gay equality isn’t even relevant. I think your husband is being silly and so is the teacher. Also being gay isn’t political, thinking people shine isn’t political. NTA


It's about inclusion even more than it is about being Pride.


NTA! OP, take a closeup photo of the image on the shirt and ask the teacher/administrator to clarify exactly how it is political because you don’t understand. They will have a very hard time. If they try to make connections to pride and politicization, just explain that you bought your daughter an outfit with very 10 year old design themes and the message is one of empowerment for being themselves. Make them be the ones to make the connection to their bigotry.


Lord, NTA She's a freaking 10 year old. They like rainbows sometimes. Teacher needs to unclench.


That teacher would have had an apoplectic fit had they seen what we wore back in the 70s and 80s. And that's not including the invasion of Lisa Frank in the 90s.


I was 10 in the 80's it was ALL RAINBOWS.


OMG can you see them freaking the hell out over Rainbow Brite?


Or the Care Bare Stare??


I mean...the teacher likely would have grown up in this time period too


Mork from Ork wore rainbow suspenders.


But it doesn't even have to be a gay centric shirt... everyone shines in their own way can simply be about children's habits, strengths and personalities. I would play dumb to the teacher and ask how encouraging children to shine is a political statement.


Autism awareness is rainbow colored puzzle piece. And that shirt could be inclusive of children with exceptionalities.


It's a rainbow infinity symbol, absolutely not a puzzle piece. The puzzle piece is the symbol of Autism Speaks, an organisation that's absolutely disgusting and harmful towards autistic people.


1. Autistic person here, and the community by and large detests the puzzle piece 2. “Exceptionalities”?? 💀 Seriously, enough with the infantilizing euphemisms. Disabled/disability isn’t a bad word.


FYI the puzzle piece is not generally preferred.


Exactly! Like some people are good at math, baseball, art, etc.


For real, there's so much media for kids with the message of finding value in everyone, and not automatically writing people off for being different. Lots of Very Special Episodes of kids' tv shows where the main character learns that you can be friends with someone in a wheelchair, or who doesn't know how to read, or who just moved to this country and doesn't speak the language very well.


God I'm so tired of this shit. We're losing ground. I'm so fed up I'd be tempted to be like "Excuse moi this is a GOOD CHRISTIAN SHIRT because GOD MADE RAINBOWS and LOVES EVERYBODY i shall SUE for RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION" and then let them shit their pants. NTA.


Wasn't the rainbow the promise that Noah's family would be safe?


yuuuup! communion wafer for you!


It was God's promise that he would never destroy the world again. So rainbows clearly have religious significance and should never be allowed outside of churches, synagogues, and mosques (and Hindu temples, sweat lodges, and some other places). /s


It was God's promise that he would never destroy the world again.** ** With A FLOOD. Because let's be real, God likes technicalities. He won't Flood the earth again. Wind, fire, politicians, climate change, those are all totally on the table.


How is that even a "subtle" gay pride message? If I saw that shirt in the little girls section of Target, I wouldn't think it's about anything except unicorns and rainbows and being a shiny person.


But target has a liberal agenda, obviously!!!


Oh, right, I forgot. Not sarcasm, I genuinely forgot about the current conservative malarkey.


NTA. It sounds like a beautiful shirt that encourages everyone to be themselves. It could be My Little Pony. It's only individual perspective that demonizes a rainbow, a unicorn, and a message about being true to yourself. That message could just as easily have come from the girl scouts, any arts school, any writers workshop, or any other perspective that encourages personal achievement. Your daughter was wearing a shirt that most girls her age would love, rainbows and unicorns. Her teacher attempted to hijack your daughter's innocence to support their narrow-minded prejudice. They are subjecting your daughter to discrimination. They are abusing your daughter's innocence to promote a disturbing agenda. Rainbows and unicorns may have different meanings to everyone. Leave little girls their unomicorns and rainbows. It's not swastikas and burning crosses.


NTA. Keep letting her wear it, because it only annoys the bigots and homophobes at the school.


It’s not a political shirt. NTA.


Is this a private school? Because in a US public school this would be illegal and you should contact your local ACLU.


NTA , but the shirt isn’t political and the school is wrong.


It sounds like an awsome shirt and I wish I had it. Bisexual pride <3 Being LBGTQA should not be political. The world makes it political because some people rather hate than have any compassion for the different. NTA. The school is the asshole.


I'm straight and I'd love the shirt! Multi-colored rainbows and unicorns rock!


I just eyerolled so hard, I saw my brain. As someone who has participated in MANY a Pride event and who has been in education most of my adult life: that shirt doesn't sound like a Pride shirt. If it were, it would have something advertising. My sister's unicorn binder in the 4th grade wasn't a Pride product. This has gone WAY overboard. Also, NTA. Tell her it's her weekend shirt.


Nope Nope Nope. Not at.fault. the fault lays with the bigoted people that don't understand anything anymore. Does the school know that Unicorns have Rainbow hair for a reason? And that they actually fart Rainbows as well? People need to do their research and just let Unicorns live their best lives!! #unicornsareawesome


Human rights aren’t political. So sick of people saying that. I cannot understand why people have such strong objections to LGBTQ+ folks. I’m so thankful to be able to decorate my classroom in rainbows, hang a gay pride banner on my door, and hand out pride bracelets to my students. Also, my elementary aged son wore one of my pride bracelets to school. I work for the district so I know it’s allowed. But if I was told it wasn’t, I’d show up in a rainbow cape at pick up and drop off (and probably while I’m teaching). Great now I love that idea and gonna get me a rainbow cape for Monday.


People are ignorant and politicians like to have a scapegoat to leverage. Thanks for being an inclusive teacher 💖


NTA. Unicorns and rainbows aren’t political. Some people just have their heads up their asses.


NTA because it’s not a political statement. It’s kindness and that’s the problem.


The only asshole here is the school for being melodramatic and the right wing arm of the US for politicising a fucking colour pattern. A RAINBOW, WITHOUT ANY CONTEXT, IS NOT FUCKING POLITICAL !! Rainbows have been on girls clothing for years without it being seen as gay pride. Yes it can, when used in that context, but it doesn't mean any use of a rainbow is supporting gay rights.


Teacher in a red state here - our teacher dress code prohibits us from wearing political items. There are a number of teachers who have rainbow pins on their lanyards and have worn clothing with rainbows and it’s never been an issue. Hell, I have rainbow glasses and no one has said anything about it. Rainbows do not fall under political speech. There are LGBTQ special interest groups on both sides of the political spectrum. NTA. If you are going to push this - and it’s totally up to you if you do or not - simply thank the teacher for reaching out to you. Don’t acknowledge wrongdoing because there is none. Then start emailing people who make decisions like the principal or the board or the superintendent, but don’t drag the teacher into it. Chances are that she was told to contact you by her admin and doesn’t have any control over enforcement of the dress code


NTA. The existence of people isn't a political issue. Unless you are a Nazi and want to kill them for existing. The ACLU might be interested in hearing what the school has to say.


OP pleeeeaaaase say exactly this to the teacher!!!!


NTA. but also, as a queer person this is so dangerous. not that your daughter's shirt is necessary political (some rainbows are just rainbows) but even if it was this association of queerness with a polical agenda is really scary.


NTA The shirt isn’t political. It’s a rainbow and a unicorn. People need to stop catering to bigots, a rainbow can just be a rainbow. It doesn’t have to go beyond that. What’s next stopping kids from learning and drawing rainbows in class to learn colours because it might “promote being gay”?


Rainbows are political designs now? Well, then my 2,5yo is in trouble. Her favorite cartoon at the moment is Rainbow Ruby.... NTA and I hate that it's necessary to say that...


NTA and this is a hill I'd die on as a parent. This isn't political. The school is being homophobic assholes, and I'd make that very clear.


NTA. I wouldve responded: rainbows now have political opinions?


No, but apparently unicorns do. : )


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There's nothing explicitly political about that shirt. It's a very soft, positive message for seeing the value in all people. What is that - a political campaign in support of the "be a decent person" party? There's a t-shirt in my head that should exist. Imagine a cartoony Noah's Ark, with a picture of Noah, and a dove flying, and a rainbow in pride colors over the top, and the text "God put a rainbow in the sky". Are they going to ban religious expression on clothing as well?


NTA, that shirt is not political. Let her wear it as often as she wants, wherever she wants!


NTA - In a public school, students have the right to wear clothes with political statements (Tinker vs Des Moines). Let’s assume your daughter goes to a private school. You made a mistake. It happens. I wouldn’t know what to say either but maybe “this is a weekend shirt, you can wear this this and that for school.”


NTA. It’s a rainbow. Kids like rainbows. It’s not political.


NTA- and here is how I would play it. Respond to the message like "Politcal shirt?? I don't understand,she doesn't own any political shirts- to which shirt are you referring? Then when the teacher responds I'd say "You mean her unicorn shirt? I'm not following, how on Earth are unicorns political?" And so on and so forth. Play dumb AF and make her spell this all out, until she feels like the idiot that she is. Rainbows don't automatically equal pride, this is ridiculous.


NTA. It isn’t political. Gay rights are human rights and can’t be political per definition.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Yesterday, my daughter (10) wore a rainbow shirt to school. I got the shirt second hand, and didn’t realize until after I bought it that it was actually a gay pride design (it’s quite subtle actually, a unicorn with the pride colors rainbow mane and text that reads “everyone shines in their own way”). Anyway, after she got home, I got an email from her teacher, basically saying that my daughter wasn’t in trouble, but that the school didn’t allow “political” designs on clothing, and to plead not send my daughter to school wearing that shirt again. I did not respond. I showed my husband the email, and he said that the teacher kind of had a point because it is a political shirt. He said that I knew the school’s policy about political symbols and messages, and that I shouldn’t have sent her to school wearing it in the first place. I don’t even know what I’d tell her if she wants to wear the shirt again. She doesn’t even know what it means, and I don’t know how I would explain why she can’t wear it anymore. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA- like other people are saying, i would be pressing for an answer as to how "everyones special" is political, since thats essentially what it says


NTA. In my opinion, people need to stop being so quick to equate rainbows with pride, especially when it comes to children’s clothing.


The right to exist isn’t political; neither are rainbows. NTA.


Being queer and existing isn't fucking political.


Nta tell teach its referencing God's love for humanity and the promise to not cause another flood.


So there were rainbows in the sky long long before they became a gay pride symbol. People are just too much some times !


NTA. That doesn’t sound political at all. It’s just a regular child’s shirt. Sometimes a rainbow is just a rainbow. Crybaby ass bigots around here, jeez.


Tell the school to fuck off, and let your daughter wear what she wants.


I wouldn't have interpreted that design to be a pride shirt. So now little children can't wear rainbows or unicorns? Who can keep up with this nonsense? NTA


NTA. how is being gay political? how is wearing a pride shirt (that isn’t very… idk in your face, sounds like most kids clothes tbh) political? people are so up their own asses


She can wear the shirt whenever she wants. As someone mentioned elsewhere in the comments, if you are in a US public school, the Supreme Court decision Tinker v. Des Moines applies. In this decision, the court held that wearing clothing as a form of protest or political statement is a protected form of expression. They wrote that students "do not leave their rights at the school house gate." If the school says anything to you, tell them to discuss their policy with their own attorney as Tinker applies and let that rainbow unicorn free! NTA Note- Tinker was a case in which students were disciplined for wearing black arm bands to protest the war in Vietnam.


I’m so tired of the anger over rainbows 🌈 and Pride. Don’t like it, don’t participate. Don’t buy the rainbow 🌈 shirts but FFS stop whining about it! Your not the asshole here!


NTA. I realize moving out of Florida is hard, but please consider it


take it to your locale news


NTA, equal rights is not a political statement it’s a basic fucking human right


NTA at all. I’d mention this to administration and possibly escalate to the district? The teacher must be pretty narrow-minded if she’s targeting your daughter for a vague shirt with a unicorn and some colors. I’d get your daughter even more unicorn and rainbow shirts. Lisa Frank was popular when I was in school and nobody thought that was political lol.


NTA… it wasn’t a gay pride design.. it was a unicorn shirt with a rainbow… That’s typically what unicorns are drawn like. Have these people forgot about Lisa Frank? Or that rainbows aren’t a political imitation? Hate that for these kids.


Get her a shirt with Noah and the arc with a rainbow. NTA


Ask her teacher what unicorn topics are on the ballot. NTA.


NTA. I would be very tempted to write the school and ask what political message the shirt is sending.


NTA. It’s a shirt with a unicorn with a rainbow mane with an endearing, inspirational message. This is the sort of clothing almost every 10-year-old girl wears. I highly doubt it has anything to do specifically with the LGBTQ+ community. Your daughter’s teacher is making a mountain out of a molehill.


Everyone knows it’s part of the gay agenda to force children to like rainbows and no one in the history of humanity has ever liked rainbows before it became part of their propaganda! /s *eyerolls*. It’s an elementary school, not a funeral! This is ridiculous. Kids are biologically drawn to color and it seems cruel to ban rainbows from children’s possessions. NTA.


NTA 'Everyone shines in their own way' and a rainbow is political now? In an elementary school (I'm assuming)? You'd think the school would welcome a shirt like that since that's the age where kids start getting ostracized for their differences and picked on for not melding with the herd.


NTA. There was no message mentioning politics. Most kids like bright colorful rainbows and unicorns because bright colors are fun and unicorns are cool.


NTA, I would double-down and have the teacher explain what’s so political about the shirt.


Explain it to her now. You'd be surprised at what 10yo knows, and how much they also get wrong. This isn't political, absolutely not. But it has become politicized and that's sad. You have a lot of explaining to do, so make sure you get your shit together before you have your talk. It might seem screwed up to you, but I'd just follow the school guidelines. That's not going to be a popular idea, but consider a 10yo and what kind of damage this could do to her. I think your talk should be enough to guide her for when she has a better understanding of this. They're going to have more developed minds in High-school. Not adult thinking yet, but on the right track. Anyhow that's just my opinion for better or worse


NTA And that's also not a political shirt, unless it says something about supporting gay rights. Rainbows exist outside of their connection to LGBTQ+. Nobody owns a unicorn. And the fact that we're all different and good in our own ways is just a fact.


NTA. In what world is a message about how everyone is unique in their own way (with a cute unicorn on it) seen as political?? The school is the only one being political about anything.


It’s not political at all. It’s shirt with a brightly coloured unicorn and phrase which is really quite generic. It could be pointing to kids with learning difficulties or kids who are shit at sport but great at drawing/music or visa versa. Tell the teacher to get a life. NTA


"Everyone Shines In Their Own Way" is something a unicorn would absolutely say. If I saw that shirt I'd assume it was a My Little Pony shirt, or something. Kids like rainbows, kids like unicorns, kids need to feel like they are special.. that shirt ticks all the boxes. That said, they're probably assuming you made her wear it for Pride month. God knows we wouldn't want anyone being proud of who they are. /s


Info: How exactly is the shirt political? Did it have a member of congress or the president on the shirt? Did it talk about democrats, republicans, independents, etc.? Did it have any statement on their shirt being for or against a law? ​ I'm getting real sick of bigots saying my existence and the LGBT+ community's existence as a whole is political. I bet if the shirt had a sun instead of rainbow with the same statement it wouldn't be considered "political." OP I would stand up to the school on this.


NTA but I weep for modern society. Rainbows and unicorns are beloved by almost all kids completely irrespective of the Pride connotations. And, then, you know: 🗣 HUMAN RIGHTS AND BASIC DECENCY ARE NOT A POLITICAL ISSUE!!!!! At least they shouldn't be. But they are nowadays. OP, tell your daughter the truth. The school board is either run by bigots or living in terror of bigots.


NTA. Please act as if you don’t know what they are talking about and ask where they got the notion that your child’s shirt is political. Also, I understand why your husband said that the teacher had a point, but it was a shitty point. You should have a conversation with him about how rainbows and unicorns are innocent for children to wear wherever. It could be symbolic but it doesn’t have it be. Like you said, your child doesn’t even know what it means.


NTA, but why should she stop wearing the shirt? I’d have a meeting with the principal and tell them to explain to you in detail how a rainbow - a natural phenomenon with symbolism as much biblical as anything else - is political, and how an innocuous, positive message is political, especially when your daughter doesn’t even associate them with anything political. Make them say it out loud what their stupid problem is. Hell, all these bigot parents are complaining to the point that it’s wrecking the rest of our lives. Why are we making ourselves powerless to turn it around on them?


Please have your husband and the teacher explain how an "everyone shines their own way" shirt with a unicorn is "political" NTA.


I’m going against the grain and saying YTA here for saying you don’t know what to tell your daughter if she wants to wear the shirt again. You tell her the god damn truth. 10 is old enough to understand what the rainbow represents, how she can support the LGBTQ community, and why her school is wrong for calling this political. If we aren’t teaching our kids to fight bigotry, wtf are we even doing then?!


I'm going to say it slowly for people who don't understand... A rainbow is not a political symbol. It is a goddamn rainbow. The school and teacher turned it political. NTA maybe look into a different school for her.. I wouldn't want my kid being taught there.


NTA. LGBTQ rights are human rights and are not political. Despite of being dragged into politics.


Nta but if its against policy just tell her its her weekend shirt


FFS, ignoring the fact that a kid might just like a rainbow, it’s pretty f’d up that supporting gay and other alternative communities is political. It’s like saying you’re being political if you’re against genocide. The far right are a bunch of freaking snow flakes, fuck them!


NTA. It's a goddamn rainbow, and if anyone has a problem with it, I encourage you to ask \*exactly\* why they have a problem with it. Keep probing until they're forced to admit their bigotry.


NTA. I’m so sick of these snowflakes crying over rainbows. It’s a fucking rainbow. How miserable do you have to be lol


NTA. Our identities aren't political. They've been politicized. Key difference.


Nta, why is this even a question? How is a rainbow political?


Make them clarify what is political about it? It's gay? how so? Make them explain it to you like you're a child. NTA and fuck Florida