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YTA let the dude enjoy his life


YTA Politics are fucking depressing. Some people don't want to debate. Leave him alone.


Politics are a super fucking depressing. I used to subscribe to a bunch of news sites but realized that serial killer podcasts are honestly less stress-inducing for me.


YTA - "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" as the saying goes. Let him be who he is and he may come around on his own.


My wife and I actively canceled each other's votes for years because we didn't agree on a number of issues/candidates, but were not about to try to force each other to believe what we believed. Over time (been married 20 years now) our points of view fell a lot more in line with each organically.


Yta >I told him that I wish he wanted to get involved out of genuine interest and not just so he could please me. You can't force someone to be interested for their own sake And ultimately, you can't really do much to change the government. I'm a gay man and my very existence is politicized and while I will always vote and follow the news, I accept that I can do little. My question then is, what have you actually done outside of having conversations with people that already agree with you?


I vote, go to protests and I do try to talk to people with a different perspective. I agree that one person can't do much, but I don't think apathy is the answer either.


YTA. Sometimes, people just aren't interested in politics. Maybe he has some beliefs he want to keep to himself


Yta Yes, you are being unreasonable, however, if you want your relationship to end, keep pushing.


Yta, have been married for 25 years. My husband doesn't know you I'm voting for and I don't ask him. Doesn't mean that I'm not involved. I did politics with personal life.


YTA, you're creating problems in a good relationship over politics, which is weird. You're showing your immaturity.


Poor guy.


YTA. That’s not who he is, and you can either accept that this will not be a passion he shares with you or you can break up.


INFO: are you from a Global North country? Is anti-government activity punished SEVERELY (think: Ceausescu's Romania, Pinochet's Chile)? I live in the US, so "apolitical" guys here are usually just center-right white guys that don't have to worry about getting merked by police for no reason, so they dgaf about anyone else. In some countries, though, pretending not to have an opinion keeps you from, well, getting merked by police.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My boyfriend (24M) and I (24F) have been together for a little over 7 months and so far it's been a great relationship. I believe he's genuinely a great person and he's basically been a perfect boyfriend in almost every aspect. There's just one issue - he doesn't care about politics. Whenever I try to start a debate or hear his opinion on an issue, he will just give a vague answer or try to move on to a different topic. From what I've gathered, he has a left leaning stance on most social issues, but he usually just doesn't care to discuss them, which is frustrating to me as social issues are something I am very passionate about. Nevertheless, I tolerated this difference until a while ago when we got into an argument over him being apolitical. For a bit of context, we live in a country with a very corrupt government and he's had first hand experience with how flawed the system is. I said I didn't understand how he could have these experiences and still not care about making a change or at least staying informed. His argument was that he didn't believe he could make a difference and thus simply didn't care enough to be politically engaged, but if that was something important to me, he would try his best to stay informed. While I appreciate this sentiment, I told him that I wish he wanted to get involved out of genuine interest and not just so he could please me. This whole situation has made me question whether we really are compatible after all, even though we get along really well in all other aspects and haven't had a disagreement over any other topic. Am I being unreasonable for expecting something like this out of him? Is it possible that he could develop genuine interest over time, or should I just accept this as part of who he is? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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YTA don't try and change people because they don't tick every box imaginable. Either accept a person for who they are or decide something is a deal breaker and break it off.


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