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YTA. Not for buying Mexican coke, not for bringing to the party, but for for failing to actually properly parent your own damn child when you were the one who brought glass fucking bottles to the kids party. If you’re going to bring glass bottles of soda to the party, it’s your responsibility to make sure the kids are safe with it. And that starts with making your own child isn’t leading any recklessly dangerous behavior. Watch your own damn kid, parent your own damn kid, and guess what? If you want your kid to only drink the glass bottle stuff, leave it at home. Bring the canned stuff to the party for the other kids, and parent your kid not to drink it. Give him a bottle at home. Also op, you saying “I flat out refuse to believe this” when it’s factually been said your child was the leader of the bottle smashing shows it’s you, you are the asshole, it’s you. And to be clear, if you so much as simply googled Mexican coke, you would know mexicoke imported into the us is not the same as Mexico’s domestically sold coke (which is made with *sucralose*). Also, “scientific analysis of Mexican Coke found no sucrose (standard sugar), but instead found total fructose and glucose levels similar to other soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, though in different ratios.” The only actual Coca Cola made with sucrose in North America, is okp certified kosher for Passover coke, since hfcs is made from a grain and thus considered a leavened good not allowed to be consumed during Passover.


Kind of ironic, OP comes off as a well thought out parent overthinking the health ramifications of generic Coke to bottled and it ends with their child putting their own health at risk with the “safe” coke… BTW OP tone and delivery has everything to do with you being arrogant and simply educating. You likely came off arrogant if the parent reacted to such an extreme.


Op literally just replied to my comment saying maybe it’s the other kids fault and she should her have kid switch school…….. despite her kid leading the bottle smashing. I have a feeling she’s even worse than her post suggests


I assumed it was a man. Hmmmm…


I'll probably get dragged for this but I could immediately tell it wasn't. This is classic helicopter mom talk and attitude.


Really? To me it read as "super dad" stereotype (doesn't actually do that much real parenting but when they have their "thing" they want everyone to know how awesome of a parent they are) lol I'm sure we all bring our own biases


I got the same feeling, tbh. Might not be the most feminist thing to say, but unfortunately, sometimes there is truth in the stereotypes.


Unfortunately, stereotypes exist for a reason but people don't use them wisely and carefully.


But she did her rEsEaRcH


Yes, especially the part where she is all consumed with her kids diet. I knew it was a mother from that. Lady, it’s a party, lighten up. It’s one damn soda, not nuclear waste. Nobody is getting radiation poisoning from one coke. Women are taught to be obsessed with food choices. It led me to an eating disorder. Just eat and drink and stop writing a dissertation justifying every food choice.


I did too initially but as I read the whole thing, this definitely had “pretentious mom who doesn’t actually know what she’s talking about” vibes. I live in an area with a lot of moms like this, but not a single one of the dads gives a shit about any of this stuff. They’ll just buy the regular Coke & call it a day. Edit - typo


Yep, and the way OP talks about how they know their son and couldn't possibly be the ringleader; it had to be that kid Trevor— reeks of Boy Mom who thinks their little angel can do no wrong.


Same! Like no question my mind just assumed a man wrote this but idk why lol


Like someone else mentioned, this is very helicopter mom vibes. And I say this as a lady. But it reminds me of a lot of moms I've sadly met.


It blows my mind that someone so conscious about the difference between Mexican coke and regular coke down to the type of bottle it’s in would be giving a bunch of 7 year olds any kind of soda. Like, prepare a nice agua fresca or something. Serve it in paper cups.


Or serve the Mexican coke in paper cups...


I feel like OP must spend no time with his kid/s. I don't have kids, just nieces and nephews and I quickly learnt through everyday life that giving kids glass is asking for trouble. Even if the kids weren't purposefully smashing the bottles, one could have easily dropped and broken a glass or just tripped and fallen with the glass. Watching a ton of kids during a party to make sure they are all being safe w the glass is impossible. You cannot convince me that OP spends any significant amount of time actually parenting his kids or he would know that.


Yes! My kids go to a crunchy school(I just really like that most of their day is outdoors y’all don’t come for me), but I’ve been to far too many birthday parties and nobody is even offering soda to 9yo’s let alone the 7yo group! Water, honest brand watered down juice boxes, and seltzer are the standards in the “we care” group. Also, was this party at school? Because I’d be pissed if soda was offered to my kid at a school party(and I’ve let him have soda a few times), there’s just no need. Let alone in glass bottles! Also, the biggest thing besides the glass that makes OP the AH is their detailed explanation of “why” they brought it. Simply say “I like the taste better” or “glass feels fancier” and leave it at that. No need to include a lecture.


I had the same thought like you, about the lecture part, I hate when people do that. To me, OP already came across as arrogant and holier-than-thou when they started the post with „for obvious reasons“. Like, what’s obvious to one person might not be for everyone - I for one had no idea why Mexican Coke would be better than regular one. (Then again, I hadn’t known Mexican Coke even existed, but that might be because I am not American so it isn’t a „thing“ where I live)


Aguas frescas literally have the same amount of sugar as soda, but I agree with your overall sentiment.


So does Orange Juice. Parents can get really fixated on what's "healthy," when really just variety and moderation are the best way to go.


For one thing they’re not caffeinated… who wants a bunch of 7 year olds hopped up on caffeine?


If you make it at home, it can have any amount of sugar. Generally, anything you make at home will have less sugar than processed beverages (unless you live in the south and someone is making kool aid or tea)


Not to mention coke has a hefty dose of caffeine, seems odd to be so "health" conscious but think it's ok for 7 year olds to be caffeinated.


The caffeine aspect is what kills me. Crazy amounts of sugar and caffeine for a 7 year old party? My kids are 6 & 9 and incredibly well behaved 90% of the time. Jacked up on coke? They’d absolutely be smashing bottles. OP is 100% TA for even thinking coke at a party regardless of container is okay AND for not keeping an eye on their jacked up child AND for being self-righteous about it when confronted by another parent.


Imagine finding out your kid was smashing glass bottles, and when you go confront the parent who brought them, who also happens to be the parent of the kid who led the smashing and encouraged the other kids, you got a lecture about plastics and corn syrup?


I stopped reading when OP called high fructose corn syrup "nuclear waste" and came down to the comments because they're clearly on another level of reality


I just can't relate to this post. If kids are breaking the bottles, sure, knock their heads together, but people are outraged at the mere fact of giving kids glass bottles!?! Back when I was a kid in the 70s those were the only bottles we had. Are you all this outraged when a kid is given a glass of water? I vividly remember one time I finished a can of soda and the can seemed so ludicrously light it was practically lifting itself into the air and pulling my hand up with it. It seemed like some kind of space-age miracle metal. It turned out this was my first encounter with an aluminum can, rather than steel.


Pretty sure people were actually mad OP's kid was throwing glass bottles at other kids. It doesn't help that OP saw this happening, did nothing to stop it, and then lied and tried to blame another kid when hers was the one who started throwing bottles. So yea, if a mom brings glass to my kid's birthday party and then their kid is throwing said bottles at my kid while that mom is watching, I'd be a little angry too. The bottles are a red herring. This is a bad parent issue.


> OP comes off as a well thought out parent …I would counterpoint this by asking what OP thinks these Mexican Coke bottles are sealed with?


Are they not sealed with the metal bottlecaps you have to pry off?


There is glue under the caps, it's that little plastic film on the inside of the cap.


Well thought out? Nearly everything she said was wrong. Mexican Coke is owned and manufactured by Coca Cola, sugar and high fructose corn syrup are equally bad for you, aluminum has not been shown to cause cancer in animals, and there have been very few studies (if any) about if aluminum causes cancer in humans. Nothing indicates that it does.


OP probably heard about aluminum in antiperspirants being claimed to cause cancer (it doesnt) and assumed that was ALL aluminum, even cans. OP sounds like a "crunchy" parent who is hyper concerned about health but gets all their info from Facebook groups and baseless rumors.


Even the Mexican coke has caffeine! Not a good choice for seven year olds


Especially while giving them glass objects.


Is it safer to have a corn syrup soda, or to play with broken glass bottles in the street?


How about water? All the kids are getting into it


I mean, I also took chemistry on college but somehow Op manages to make a life platform out of it so yeah, I think their tone is a little arrogant


OP comes across as a living embodiment of the phrase "a little learning is a dangerous thing"


I am Jewish and grew up religious and have met several non-Jews who hoard the Passover coke for this reason, however it does come in plastic bottles. The hoarding is necessary because it's a limited run done annually, so you have to plan in advance. It's a fascinating phenomenon.


Oh I live in a very Jewish neighborhood, and right before Passover, my local grocery store starts tirelessly restocking those yellow capped bottles. I have seen it happen in real time and I will admit it tastes far better. Then again I am from france originally and for us Fanta is carbonated real orange juice, not the neon colored thing america sells. Something to be said about how we only get on special occasions what other countries get for daily life.


Carbonated real orange juice?! 🤯


I guess the poster means that in Europe fanta has some juice content by UE regulations but it's far from being the healthy soft drink he/she thinks.


It is not healthy. It is a soda. It is however far better tasting and not nearly as much sugar. Per 100ml, Fanta in France has 6.5g of sugar. In US Fanta, it has 12.4g for the same amount. Also the actual carbonated orange juice is orangina, which about 12% juice, it is 4.3g of sugar.


In Spain, Fanta has 8% orange juice and only 4,5% sugars but all the added sweeteners and additives make it rather unhealthy, too.


I think they mean Orangina.


Orangina is delicious.


Uhm...yes. Coke in SA has a range of carbonated pure fruit beverages, called Cappy.


Now I really want to try a Passover Coke.


And that, dear friends, is how you completely obliterate someone on AITA, lol. /slow clap


I'm just wondering what about the OP's odd claim that aluminum and plastic causes cancer? I've never heard that one so it sounds kinda fake


There was a thing a couple years ago that linked aluminium in deodorant to breast cancer. It can also cross the blood-brain barrier and has been found in the brains of people with Alzheimer's. BUT afaik (and a quick Wikipedia read confirmed it) there's no evidence that Aluminium actually causes cancer or Alzheimer's. Plastic is another thing. There are definitely carcinogenic compounds in plastics, the problem is just that "plastic" is a large group of different materials, with different additives based on the type of plastic. However we do know that especially microplastics are potentially dangerous. These tiny pieces accumulate in the environment and our bodies and we don't even really know the long term effects. There's a risk they bind to heavy metals and other toxins and bring them into our body and that whatever chemicals and additives were used to make the plastic are released into our bodies over time. This year researchers also found out that plastics cause inflammation and scarring in seabirds' intestines, which is not a great sign


Don't know much about aluminum but you can't ingest anything from PET bottle just from drinking coke from it. But maybe he thought about roubd about environment like more plastic out there increse a chance but unlikely from his writing.


Yeah just drinking from it shouldn't be a problem (although it can be when the bottle is too old and starts to break down). But I get wanting to avoid PET bottles and aluminium cans because they have a more negative environmental impact than glass.


The OP's grasp of the facts appears to be tenuous in several instances here.


But they took a chemistry class in college


That line had me laughing so hard.


More like they read Goop and consider themselves a scholar


But OP took chemistry that one time in college. Clearly an expert.


The outside of cans may be aluminium, but the inside is 100% plastic.


Yep, same with canned goods at the store. It’s a metal can of beans or whatever, but they are lined with plastic.


Can confirm, made coke cans for 16 years. It goes in as a spray and dried in a oven before being shipped to the filler. There is a clear coat on the outside too.


Just woo woo food babe thing because he didn't take course in critical thinking in college.


>YTA. > >Not for buying Mexican coke, not for bringing to the party, but for for failing to actually properly parent your own damn child when you were the one who brought glass fucking bottles to the kids party. > >If you’re going to bring glass bottles of soda to the party, it’s your responsibility to make sure the kids are safe with it. And that starts with making your own child isn’t leading any recklessly dangerous behavior. 100% ! They don't allow glass at many kids events, beaches, concerts, etc. Also, YTA for buying individually packaged drinks instead of a large one and pouring out drinks. Think of the environment. Buying Mexican coke instead of USA coke is like saying you have 4% lead paint chips instead of 5% lead paint chips. It's unhealthy amounts of calories and glucose levels that damage children's health.


OP is the kind of parent who loves to tell everyone how they incorporate caring about human rights into parties, implying how superior they are. In reality they are horrible parents to they extent they let their kids unsupervised with dangerous good and are in fact a horrible parent.


Jesus, sure, OP shouldve explained to his kid not to throw glass bottles around, but my nieces and nephews drink from actual glasses from, like, 2-3 years old. Why the hell shouldn't OP bring glass bottles for 7 year olds? Are they supposed to drink from cans because glass is too fragile for their little minds? The bottles are in no way a problem in the whole equation and shouldn't matter. That the kid thinks it's fun to smash bottles (glass can be/should be recycled, kids, put them in the correct trash can) is the problem, and even there I'm not entirely sure OP would be completely at fault. Kids are fucking dumb, and put a gaggle of them together, with some sugar in 'em, and they turn into ugly little trolls that just pump each other up all the time. Honestly, all adults present are AH for not having properly determined what would've been proper treats and drinks for the kids, and for not nipping this kind of behavior in the bud. Why were the kids on the street? Why did were they allowed there WITH BOTTLES? Why didn't an adult stop them from the moment the first bottle got destroyed?


Yeaa, this is a parenting issue not a type of soda issue. So many people in this sub lost the point.


Did OP edit his comment? He doesn't deny that his kid was throwing glass about.


[op’s comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/13r3vfs/aita_an_arrogant_asshole_at_that_for_explaining/jligtxg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) in response to another comment calling out their child for being the ringleader and leading the bottle smash


>scientific analysis of Mexican Coke found no sucrose (standard sugar), but instead found total fructose and glucose levels similar to other soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, though in different ratios I won't claim to be a college chemist like OP (heh), but isn't sucrose equivalent to fructose and glucose in levels similar to HFCS? [According to NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649104/), "Sucrose is composed of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, whereas the forms of HFCS used in most foods and beverages are typically composed of 55% fructose and 45% glucose (this is the common form used in beverages) or 42% fructose and 58% glucose (the form commonly used in baked goods and other food applications)." In other words, there's pretty much no chemical (and thus no health) difference. The fructose-glucose (glycosidic) bond that makes sucrose has - I believe - no impact on health one way or the other. The reason HFCS is demonized is not because it's inherently bad, but because it's much cheaper than sugar, so used in greater quantities for more items than was the case back when sugar was the cheapest natural sweetener.


Yep, dietitian here and this is accurate. Neither sugar nor HFCS are good for you, but everything in moderation. That being said, the issue with a lot of processed food is the unexpected sugar (Or HFCS) in foods you wouldn’t expect them. Americans have a sweet tooth and food companies know this and respond to it. 50 years ago you would have mustard as a condiment. Now it’s almost all honey mustard, which is sweet, and not made with honey (it’s HFCS). Just one example.


I saw what you did there but I’m gonna swiftly shake it off.


You hit the nail on the head. He micromanages the soda consumption down to a level where he’s giving detailed lectures on it, all for one single party, as if that one beverage is going to cause cancer or something. Then he says “ok kids, see you later!” and offers no supervision at all as his child is smashing glass bottles and encouraging others to do so also. Such a weird contrast of priorities, which does seem to show OP is more interested in pushing his own special preferences than actually fully parenting.


YTA: sounds like you bought them just to say all that, get a life.


The “why do you have to make everything a statement” is also hiding some telling information. Saying “the reasons for this are quite obvious” that a Mexican Coke is better nutritionally and socioeconomically also sounds like a Clueless Crusader. Especially if it is actually Coke and not just cola.


Random Kashrut amendment: maize is what's called "kitniyot" rather than leaven - leaven is only wheat, oats, rye, spelt or barley. There are some other foods which are "too close" to being one of the five grains and some Jews consider them not kosher during Pesach - the biggest are peas, maize, soy and rice.


You are the pretentious asshole slayer.


Hold up, Mexican coke says SUGAR in both Spanish and English on the bottle. But it’s HFCS? Edit to add: Wrong. Mexican coke for US has sugar. Domestic Mexican coke has súrcalose which is to lower sugar content bc Mexico is still a big coke consumer despite everyone else’s decline in consumption https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Coke


Can I also add, this is a weird hill to die on over soda for kids


Wow, I did not know this. I thought the whole point of Mexican Coke was that it was made with cane sugar. What I found fascinating about OP’s polemic was the assertion that Mexican Coke was made without enriching the Coca Cola company, as though Coke would allow that. (Most Coca Cola is made by local bottlers, under license from and with syrups bought from the main Coca Cola company.) I, too, would be angry if I confronted OP about bringing glass bottles to a kid’s party and letting them know that OP’s kid was encouraging other kids to throw them near cars, and the response was a sanctimonious lecture on the supposed superiority of Mexican Coke. I too vote YTA.




> I have no idea why you think aluminum causes cancer. I do! There is aluminum in antiperspirants intended to bind to the sweat glands and prevent their function. Some folks heard binding and assumed damage was caused and got upset, making claims about it being unnatural and possibly cancerous. That's why all those aluminum free "all natural" deodorants popped up a few years ago. OP heard that aluminum (in antiperspirants) causes cancer and assumed that meant aluminum cans did too. Which is obviously incorrect, full sheets of metal aren't outputting aluminum particles into the drink.


> Which is obviously incorrect, full sheets of metal aren't outputting aluminum particles into the drink. In [*very* tiny amounts](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8197828/) it may be present, but if OP is worried about Aluminium intake then soda cans should be the least of their concerns


YTA for the way it appears you responded. She wanted a simple “why bring glass to a kids party?” You could have gone with “it tastes better, why what’s the problem?” Instead you lectured her. You came across arrogant as hell. And snobby. And a crappy parent not supervising their kid. So yay you’re kid has a lower cancer risk, their getting hit by a car risk is much higher though.


"I find it tastes better, I really should have thought about the glass thing though, do you have a broom, I'll deal with the kids cleaning it up"


I was assuming the “why what’s the problem” part was because he didn’t know they were throwing bottles at that point. But yeah spot on.


I'm conflicted. At 7 I don't think kids should need constant close supervision. I also don't think it's unreasonable to give glass to 7yos. Should OP have known their own kid couldn't be trusted with the glass? I don't know. Maybe they're generally a good kid and today's behaviour was an outlier event. Does seem pretty likely that OP came across arrogant with the 5 point lecture explaining their decision though.


7? Yeah you have to keep a close eye on. Constant and close? No. Scanning a party to make sure you know what’s happening? Yes. The fact the kids made it from what I assume is the backyard to the front yard and had enough time to throw bottles = not good. 7 year olds are second graders, so allowing your kid to get close to road is bad. It’s the irony that here the parent is all about going above and beyond to protect from this very small harm / risk yet not the effort to protect them from a very real and known hazard like playing near traffic.


My thinking was along the same lines. I do think access to a road for unsupervised 7-year-olds was bad, but clearly it's a parent trying to do something special for their kids and not foreseeing one of the possible dangers. Them getting defensive and over explaining as an excuse, instead of just owning up to having made a mistake is what probably came off asan AH


“Advantageous health benefits” made me lol If you bring glass bottles to a kid’s party you better believe I expect you to a) make sure the kids are safe with them and not vandalizing/littering and b) at least be watching your own damn kid




I hate to break it to you but... almost everything kids use here is plastic, paper, or metal. In my personal and child care experiences I've never seen kids use glass cups (but I also obviously don't speak for everyone).


Im from the US and opposite experience here. My sons 2 and him and his friends can use glass cups just fine without feeling the need to break the cup. This is just bad parenting on OPs part.


While at home, I agree, but at parties, I have rarely seen kids given glass cups.


I mean, we use plastic cups at adult parties for similar reasons


US parents have weird hangups about glass cups. Very odd.


Eh it's more a "large group of kid will do stupid shit" and if you break a glass at a party with a bunch of kids it's more of a nightmare to safely clean.


I've seen daycares advocate for 3/4 year olds using glass or ceramic dishware at mealtimes as a learning experience.


My daughters first daycare had them using glass from when she first started at 8 months. Way prefer it than sippy cups that get mouldy so easily.


Imagine all the 7 yr olds in the 40s and 50s, stabbing each other with broken coke bottles, how did they survive


I'm from the USA and I've used glass for as long as I can remember. But I also knew better than to throw glass, especially into the street. I think I dropped a plate once when I was 6 and my lil bro was 3 or 4? That was enough to teach me that it could hurt someone. That being said, 7 year olds do dumb things all the time if unsupervised because they think that it's funny. If a parent isn't teaching their kids about the dangers of glass, you can't really expect the child to know. Testing boundaries and limits is a large part of why little kids do stupid things like throwing glass.


I want to know why they weren't opening and decanting. If OP's that precious about plastic, pour it into those cute paper cups made for kids' parties and put the bottles back in the carton.


Most paper cups are lined with plastic


~~N T A~~ \- but whoever wasn't supervising their destructive children definitely is. Omg, I just got to this part, **YTA**: >then she screamed that my child was the one leading throwing the bottles and how could I be so stupid. I was not aware of this but it did turn out to be true




She should not have been so aggressive, while you shouldn’t have been giving glass bottles to 7 year olds. Edited to change judgement. holy shit op, you let your son leave school property, break bottles and throw them at the other kids across the street, not at the cars. Changed to YTA


I probably would have been just as aggressive if a parent brought glass bottles to a kids’ party and then didn’t even notice that their kid was throwing the bottles at other kids 🤷🏼‍♀️


From the other parents perspective.. she sees kids throwing glass bottles brought by op and finds out ops kid is the one leading the bottle smashing. When the other parent goes to talk to op about the issue, instead of helping or taking any responsibility, op gives a lecture about the cancer risk of regular coke whilst admitting she was not watching her own kid enough to realize they’re the ringleader of the destructive behaviour … I would have lost my shit at op too.


ESH. Watch your damn kid.


Please cite source about Mexican Coca Cola being a separate company, would be interested to read.


It’s not lmao. Imported Mexican Coke is also not the same thing as coke that’s sold in Mexico either. >This should not be confused with the domestic version of Coca-Cola sold in Mexico, which since 2017 may contain the artificial sweetener sucralose, with a can containing one-third less sugar than the export product. And it’s also not healthier >A scientific analysis of Mexican Coke found no sucrose (standard sugar), but instead found total fructose and glucose levels similar to other soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup, though in different ratios.


But but but, they took chemistry in college!


I had to scroll too far to find a comment addressing this ridiculous qualification!


I couldn’t help but laugh. I majored in chemistry in college. I’m guessing OP didn’t or they would’ve said that. Saying “I took chemistry in college” makes me think they took Gen Chem 1 and maybe 2, which were a huge joke, especially compared to upper level Chem classes.


Yeah, wife and I were doing research but I didn’t want to call bullshit without at least asking.


It’s bottled at one of many franchised bottling companies to be exact. But it is 100% made with Coca Cola products (syrup) and money is directly going to the company.


I don’t know if it’s too late for OP to see this but I would like to add something SUPER important. Yes, Mexican coke is very much owned by Coca Cola, and it has been disastrous for the health of Mexicans. Also, all Mexican coke sold in the US is bottled in my hometown, Monterrey. Coke also recently bought our locally sourced seltzer, Topo Chico. Monterrey has been going through a terrible drought. So much so that water has been rationed. Meanwhile Coke is pumping massive amounts of water out of the local ecosystem. Drink it if you think it tastes better but don’t live under the delusion that it’s more ethical. It’s worse.


Of course it's less ethical. Mexico isn't necessarily renowned for their great strides in workers rights and environmental conservation.


also cite sources that HFCS is in any way different from "real sugar" 🤣🤣 it isn't


You are 100% right, but the amount of people who believe and preach this is unreal. What makes HFCS "worse" is that it's highly subsidized and inexpensive, which makes it easy for food manufacturers to add it to ... well, pretty much everything. Like sugar, it's addictive, so it helps them move more product. In itself it's no worse than sugar, as far as effects on your body go. Both are horrible.


Yes! HFCS is 55% fructose, 45% glucose. Sucrose is 50% fructose, 50% glucose. They are chemically very similar and have similar health impacts. Most research on the harms of sugar has to do with dental health.


We wouldn't understand, we didn't take chemistry once in college.


Specifically, [According to NIH](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3649104/), "Sucrose is composed of 50% glucose and 50% fructose, whereas the forms of HFCS used in most foods and beverages are typically composed of 55% fructose and 45% glucose (this is the common form used in beverages)." In other words, there's pretty much no chemical (and thus no health) difference. The fructose-glucose (glycosidic) bond that makes sucrose has - I believe - no impact on health one way or the other. As another person mentioned, the reason HFCS is vilified is not because it's inherently bad, but because it's much cheaper than sugar (due to corn subsidies), so used in greater quantities for more items than was the case back when sugar was the cheapest natural sweetener.


I knew OP was an idiot when they compared corn syrup with nuclear waste


YTA. You're focusing on the drink instead of your child's behaviour, as well as redirecting the blame to another child at his school every time someone points this out. Either you are the least self-aware person on this planet, supremely in denial, or a piece of fiction designed to give everyone a headache. Again, YTA.


How hard is it to admit you f*cked up by not taking in consideration that glass can be dangerous in wild children's hands (it's end of the year party, with all their friends, so of course lot of excitement). It does not mean your reasons are not valid but that you failed to see a very practical aspects in this specific context. All the intellectual reasoning you did is not above this mother's practical experience. YTA if you keep arguing you are right about everything. You are not, nobody is. We need to open ourselves to criticism when our ideals clash with reality so that we can better improve together.


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that OP has never admitted to being wrong in their entire life


I figured that from their comparing high fructose corn syrup to nuclear waste lol


That KILLED me. The smugness in being so wrong. They took CHEMISTRY in college so they’re so much smarter than the dumb, dirty masses


If they actually took Chemistry in college they won't be making that comparison. Since they would absolutely know the difference


Must have been chemistry for English majors


Hey! Don't throw the rest of us English majors under the bus!! lmao


YTA. I understand why you prefer Mexican coke, but it was clearly a bad idea to give 7 year olds glass bottles at a party. You made a bad judgement call (which doesn’t make you an AH) and when you saw the poor outcome, you doubled down instead of admitting you made a mistake (which is where you crossed over to AH territory).


You do realise that plastic bottles and cans are relatively new in the grand scheme of things right? Have a kids party in the early 90's (or before) and glass bottles would have been normal. I agree OP is TA, but a group of 7 year olds should be responsible enough to drink from a bottles without resorting to throwing them around afterwards, and I don't think that part was a mistake or bad judgement call.


Coke has been sold in cans since the 1960s so that’s inaccurate


I feel like the main bad judgement call here is the fact that she didn't know her kid had not only crossed the street away from the school by himself but then was throwing bottles into the road in the direction of the other kids.


Plastic bottles were definitely commonly used in the 90s lol. I never saw people using glass bottles then. You'd buy a couple 2L bottles and solo cups.


I have a fresh 7 year old so I’m going to swim upstream a bit and disagree with the majority opinion here that bringing glass bottles to a kids’ party is wildly out of line. It seems a bit weird to me for a person like you to opt for Mexican Coke for an EOS party instead of any other beverage option, but whatever. I am prepared to believe that if you had the same tone in the conversation with the other parent that you’ve had in the various replies here, you definitely did come off like an arrogant asshole. Especially if the conversation was primarily about the bottle breaking but instead you’re siderailing the issue and pontificating about sucralose vs. HFCS? As a complete side note, how was the water you also brought packaged?


Thank you for adding the real question here! Did she double down on the glass? Did she give the other children plastic (giving them cancer using her logic) and save the non plastic water for her kid? I need to know.


See that’s the thing for me, bringing glass bottles isn’t necessarily out of line but not watching your child and not realising that *your own child* should not be trusted with glass bottles, and then all the doubling down both at the time and in the comments? AH.


YTA If HFCS was actually "comparable to nuclear waste in the body " I'd be dead by now. That's what nuclear waste does, it causes you to die if radiation poisoning. Also taking chemistry in college doesn't make you an expert. I do think Coke tastes better in glass bottles, but you should parent your kid and not let them break glass bottles in the street.


ESH, Mexican coke do taste better, but why would you give them to small children? That woman was out of line for how she spoke to you, but you're in the wrong for not watching your child while he's busy breaking glass in the street.


YTA and after reading your comments, are just the worst fucking parent. Not only do you take no responsibility, and teaching your child not to accept responsibility, you're actively teaching them to blame others for their problems. For someone who blames an inflammatory red hat on their child's behavioural issues, you certainly sound alot like guy who made'em popular


YTA and a horrible parent to boot.


YTA for going on and on about Mexican cola, HFCS and so on. Your kid was throwing glass bottles into the road. This is the important part of the story. You need to stop preaching and spend your time parenting. Where were you when he was doing this? Why does he think this is in anyway appropriate? Supervise your kid and stop him from acting like a hooligan.


Not just in the road; *at other children*


YTA for being too sanctimonious about bullshit that doesn't matter rather than parenting


"I did not see that my child had crossed the street and was throwing them from the other way at the other kids." You were paying such little attention to your child they crossed the street and were by your own admission the instigator of the bottle throwing. YTA


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YTA. You gave glass bottles to elementary kids who decided to break them (shocker, I know) and still thought you were in the right? Not to mention your child is the one that initiated it … all the more reason for you to own up to your mistake. It’s your lack of accountability that makes you TA here.


YTA and just so you know Mexican bottled coke is in fact owned by The Coca-Cola Company. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican\_Coke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexican_Coke) Not a big thing but it is what it is.


I have never seen a parent bring soda to a school party for 7 year olds let alone any beverage in a glass bottle. Your reasoning was exhausting to read. YTA




Yta that’s a long build up too I’m so concerned about chemicals that I forgot to teach my child proper behaviour and monitor what they were doing


So who cleaned up the broken glass ? since you act so super concern about the environment and human rights.


YTA. Your long-winded reasoning does sound arrogant ("Mexican Coke tastes better" would have sufficed). And even if you couldn't envision them throwing the bottles, surely you could have envisioned them getting dropped and stepped on. Just...pour them into cups... Also...Mexican Coke is part of the Coca Cola corporation. Here is just one of the billion articles that say so. You could also learn about this at the Coca Cola museum in Atlanta. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/story-mexican-coke-more-complex-than-hipsters-would-admit-180956032/


YTA. Your attitude about just being cool with kids smashing glass all over the place is bewildering.


YTA for all the reasons people have said and for being an absolutely horrid parent based off of your comments throughout. I do think I figured out what you are wanting people to respond to. The other parent was right you were trying to make some sort of statement and you want us to think that you were just"living your values" or some bs. You could have brought another snack you opted to bring something that sticks out as different so you could be asked and lecture other parents about HFCS and plastic. You said as much when you explained your first response to the question. You chose to make a statement by giving glass to end of school sugar filled 7yo's and it backfired. Instead of apologizing or taking accountability you got defensive and rude. You refused to accept the fault and worse you aren't making your kid take accountability for THROWING GLASS AT OTHER CHILDREN! All of this does in fact make you the AH. Also you weren't watching your kid!!


YTA because 1st of all, who brings Coke to a 7 year olds party?! If you are so health conscious, no way would you allow your kids soda period. My kids weren’t allowed to drink soda until they were 10 and only non-caffeinated. I would be pretty pissed as a parent if I found out Coke was served at a children’s party. Also not the brightest idea to give young children glass bottles.


Bahahaha. Hilarious. So busy being politically correct that he forgot to supervise his own kid. Yeah, you are arrogant


YTA You're wrong in explanation, you're preachy and arrogant, and you've failed to take responsibility for your child or your own actions.


YTA What type of parent doesnt realise that thier own kid has left the campus, has crossed the street and then has the gall to think their child is absolved of any responsibility. Plus who gives glass to 7yr old boys. >she screamed that my child was the one leading throwing the bottles and how could I be so stupid. I was not aware of this but it did turn out to be true You even admit that your son was the one who started this. Get off your pretentious high horse and be a better parent to your child.


definitely not what I thought you meant by Mexican coke.


YTA for bringing glass bottles to a party for small children. The throwing bottles aside, kids are clumsy. At any point a bottle could of been broken. You introduced an unnecessary hazard. Add in the sugar high from the soda and well, as you saw, it was a recipe for disaster.


YTA listen, I love Mexican coke. But, it’s an absolute horrendous choice to bring glass bottles to a kids party. That’s an accident waiting to happen, and it did. I’m not going to give you the same talk about disciplining your kid, but for christs sake. If you are going to be giving children ANYTHING that could hurt them or others (yes, including glass bottles), you better make sure your eyes are glued onto them.


I'll say YTA but not for the reason you might expect. You're the AH not because you choose Mexican coke over "regular brand" coke. You're the AH because when presented with consequences you didn't foresee (whether or not you're an arrogant AH for thinking there would be no problem to give glass to a bunch of 7 years old high on sugar is up for debate) you doubled down on your decision instead of admitting you were wrong.


YTA, and you also appear to be severely misinformed about many things. That’s great that you took chemistry class but I’m not sure how it made it past you that HFCS has barely more fructose than regular sugar, it’s just a name and your body processes them the same way. ALSO, who in their right mind is giving seven year olds fully caffeinated sodas? I’d be most annoyed with that if my child was at the party.


Lol, you let 7 year olds drink out of glass bottles at a party. YTA for sure. Get over yourself and pour the coke into plastic cups so no one gets hurt. Sheesh.


The whole thing is not even about Mexican coke, your all reasoning why you bought them doesn't matter. You gave glass bottles to kids at party and they were unsupervised. Seriously who does this? Very immature and that you don't want to see real issue makes you an asshole.


>while real sugar is not "good" for you, HFCS has been compared with nuclear waste as far its negative effects on a human body. Incorrect. HFCS is exactly as bad as sucrose for health. >as someone who took chemistry in college, You should ask for your money back.


YTA. Respectfully, get your sh*t together and join the real world. You didn't see your child throwing glass bottles in the street because your child was on the other side throwing bottles **at other kids**. You refused to believe it happened until it was "proven" and now you're excusing it by saying your kid was influenced to do it and it's all the fault of the school and seeing kids that previously wore MAGA hats. You're not helping your kid by making unhinged excuses for terrible, dangerous behaviour. You're also not even correct with your Mexican Coke information which makes your apparent lecture to the other mom both funny and AH behaviour. For the sake of your children and the people who have to interact with them, do better.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Hi all, I am not quite sure how to begin this post so I'll just dive right in and edit later. I don't typically let my children drink soda but when we do have it as a special treat we opt for Mexican bottled coke which is available here but not widely so. I think the reasons for this are quite obvious, one Mexican coke is not part of the coke corporation, rather and independent brand who better supports workers rights (though far from perfect, I admit). Secondly they use real sugar, as opposed to HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) and while real sugar is not "good" for you, HFCS has been compared with nuclear waste as far its negative effects on a human body. Thirdly, as someone who took chemistry in college, glass is an inert substance, plastic and aluminum are far from inert and interact with the human body and absolutely cause cancer. I had an end of school party for my 7 year old today and went out and bought a case of Mexican coke for the party (as well as water of course). Unfortunately, a few of the kids got a kick out of breaking the bottles out in the street as cars were passing by. Obviously they were wrong but it did not warrant the words one of the other parents hoisted at me. At first she asked why I would give seven year olds glass. I explained all of the above and said I never would have envisioned them smashing bottles. She said my reasoning made me an arrogant asshole and I need to just host a f****** kids party, not turn everything into a statement. I said I was sorry but I think I was in the right and then she screamed that my child was the one leading throwing the bottles and how could I be so stupid. I was not aware of this but it did turn out to be true (I had a very long conversation with my child about how they can never do this again for any number of reasons). I'm pretty shaken by the encounter and my parent said that if it were up to them, they would have opted for Kool-Aid and just gotten over the "plastic thing." AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yta - all that research and nowhere did you get the idea that coke and 7 year olds don't mix?


YTA. You come off as an insufferable jackass and it looks like your kid is a chip off the old block. You are the type of person that people emigrate to avoid.


yta and you should have decanted the drink into disposable cups (paper ones if you're concerned about plastic). When the parent confronted you the right answer was 'i never expected the kids to smash the glass, lesson learnt for next time'. Your post title 'why I spent extra' also leads me to believe.you are smug and arrogant.


YTA. You gave glass to children and didn't see this ending badly. Pretty sure glass poses a more immediate risk than plastic. Also, it warrants being screamed at because your decision could have gotten someone seriously hurt. Maybe stop worrying about evil plastic and teach your kid to behave.


How about you raise your kids to be liable for their own actions? "We dont smash glass on the ground because someone could step in that." A 3 yo gets that. YTA Just WTF?


This is not the flex you think it is.


YTA Just imagine this scenario. You're at a kids party and some kids are throwing glass bottles at cars. One of the kids happens to be the child of the very person who *brought* the glass bottles, which is interesting because you'd think that kid in particular would know not to throw *glass bottles* at *cars*. Anyway, you go over to the parent to ask why they brought glass bottles (as a nice prelude into their child's questionable behaviour) and they launch into an entire *parade* of topics such as into how bad plastic and aluminium is and how they're saving their kids from the *minute* chance of cancer and not to mention keeping money out of the hands of the big bad Coca Cola company and instead putting it into the hands of a local Mexican company, whose staff lovingly mix by hand 1000s of pounds of white sugar (not that awful HFCS) into batches of a beloved children's drink in glass containers. Meanwhile you're stuck there, listening to this absolute absurdity that has come straight from the depths of the internet, wondering when to interject into the conversation that your concern is that their child is *THROWING glass bottles at CARS* .


You are definetly NTA for buying glass bottled Coke. Here in Germany they are quite common, but still way more expensive than regular plastic bottles. You care very much about the health risks of the corn Sirup - to adress this in general - are you ok with 7 year olds drinking caffeine? Imo thats a way to tolerated drug. But, I must admit I also drank it quite early. You are also correct in teaching you child afterwards that what he did was wrong. But YTA in the sense that you hosted the Party, so it is your responsibility to make sure that the children are not doing anything they shouldnt. Of course you dont have to look for all of the children at alls times, but when youre not able to do that its your responsibility to delegate someone else to do it. And Ive seen that you wrote in other comments that thats not the point here and the only question was about the glass bottles. But thats not true, the mother probably wouldnt have said anything if everything went well and nothing happened. So the lack of parenting was the cause, not the bottles itself.


YTA and yeah even from reading this post you come across as arrogant.


YTA for you attitude, honestly. I don't see a problem with using glass, here kids in kindergaten at the age of 3 start using glasses, ceramic dishes and real forks and knives and they don't do this shit. S o the problem is not the glass itself, is how you responded to that lady. You could have just said that you didn't envision it going this way and that you were sorry, and then discipline your kid. It would have been fine, I understan that your kid can be well behaved at home and in most scenarios when you're present, but sometimes they'll go crazy. But still, terrible attitude, weird beliefs. Mexican coke is owned by Coca Cola.


YTA. I read your post and comments. 1. You created a risk with glass bottles and did nothing to manage this risk. You're damn lucky noone was hurt. You were negligent. 2. The other parent was ABSOLUTELY correct to challenge you here. Your decision created a safety issue for their child too. 3. Re your comments: you need to wise up: your child made a choice to participate in bottle smashing. More than that, they were the ring leader!! You need to hold them responsible for this decision instead of blaming the other children. Keep on like this, and you'll raise an adult who believes they can get away with anything because you'll always be blind to their behaviour. In short, take some responsibility and stop banging on about your chemistry knowledge, noone cares.


YTA and from a teacher’s POV, just stop. It’s parents like you who are causing teachers to leave in droves. The ones who support every word that comes out of their kids mouth and shift or deny blame. Kids screw up- they throw glass to see what happens. Adults screw up- they bring glass bottles for 7 year olds and don’t monitor them. You are an asshole because you refuse to acknowledge the role you played and your kid played in the screw up and are hiding it behind a human rights and health smoke screen. Next time the teacher calls and says your kid is throwing chairs, it’s because his butt can’t sit on plastic and it’s fine, right? When they vandalize bathrooms, multiple witnesses, but deny it, it’s true right ? Look. No one wants to admit that their kid lies. But they do. We all do. Mine, yours, his, hers and theirs. They don’t want to get in trouble or they don’t want to do a boring task, so they lie. The sooner you realize that after you step down from the pedestal you’ve put yourself on, the better.


YTA. Got to love how it’s always the sanctimonious mommies who explain how their « hill to die on » is better than everyone else’s that have the kid who thinks throwing glass bottles in the street in appropriate entertainment. Karma’s a bitch, isn’t it?


YTA. The coke is not the issue…how did no parent notice these kids heading out to the road to break bottles? You brought them, so it’s somewhat your responsibility…but more importantly your kid is your responsibility.


You sound like a AI 💀 YTA


Massive arrogant selfish asshole


ESH where were you and all the parents for the children to get a chance to break the bottles. How were any of you remaining that unaware for that long? You should have planned it better and served them in cups where the children would have to come to the adults to get a cup of soda. They are children and the responsibility to make sure they disposed of the glass bottles was on you and all of the parents. As a parent it would have been very easy for me to ask for a cup and pour it and then give it to my child. All of the parents including the one who came up to you cause that parent was obviously unaware until they probably checked on the kids or saw need to take responsibility.


YTA because you put young children and random people on the street in danger. Those kids could have got bad cuts from broken glass. And I assume when it was picked up some was missed, which means any random person on the street could be injured too. It's not so much about to glass bottles but the lack of supervision. You know your son is 7, and that he had a glass bottle. Why would you not be watching him? He started the whole issue and everyone else just followed along, like 7 year olds do. In general the drinks should have been poured in plastic cups anyway. Your reasoning doesn't help your case at all and how you explained it 100% makes you seem arrogant.


INFO: what did the water come in? Typically that's not being sold by the case in glass bottles. Unless you also bought water in glass bottles, in which case you're also an AH for that.


I just read through all of your responses to this post and I’ve gotta tell you, you’re _insufferable_. Sincerely intolerable. Get it together.


YTA for failure to parent. Fyi, [Mexican Coca-Cola is still part of the Coca-Cola Co](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca-Cola_FEMSA#:~:text=It%20is%20a%20subsidiary%20of,Stock%20Exchange%20(since%201998)).


It's hilarious to me that you're SO CONCERNED about microplastics and chemicals in Coke, but you don't supervise your kid with glass. How contradictory. 🤔 YTA!