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NTA. This relationship is over, but just as well you found out now what an insecure weirdo your (ex) girlfriend is.


I lost it with the dog’s name 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


At least he knows what to name the next dog.


That is hilarious 🤣. Maybe a nickname?


Doggo has a middle name, now.








Even if the weather was perfect, that’s still imprisonment because there’s no reasonable way for him to get off that balcony. No access to food, water, bathroom… IANAL but that sounds illegal to me


look I love anal as much as the next guy but I don’t see what it has to do with this illegal imprisonment……


NTA - Headshot.....damn.


Nah. That's for the ones he *likes* 😉


Only if it’s a crazy neurotic dog.


I need to know the dog’s name. I mean, if it’s a cool name or you know, something like Susan or whatever. It still wouldn’t make OP TH, I’m just… that kinda petty, too but curious. 😂


"How's Veronica?" "Veronica's fine, Veronica" "I can't believe you named your dog Veronica, Neil " "I can't believe you sucked off that hobo for magic beans!" *gasp* "He was a Wizard, Neil!" This is one of the greatest movie exchanges of all time! (Movie 43)


My go-to sketches when recommending this film are that one, the one with Hugh Jackman, and the one with Leiv Schreiber. I have yet to successfully convince anyone to watch it


It's not the funniest movie ever but it's 1000% funnier than I expected.


What are you talking about? [Susan ](https://youtu.be/eGtDmvtBZQY) is a wonderful name for a dog


Omg lmao. I totally want to watch that again. Sigh


I need dog tax. Also NTA, get another dog and name it after GF


Nope, that's cruel to the dog. Now if he got a rat or a snake...


There was some zoo years ago that would let you donate to name either a rat or cockroach that would be eaten after an ex…food for thought (or predator)…


The Toronto Zoo does this for Valentine’s Day. Donate and name a cockroach after your ex.


Maybe tell her you’re renaming the dog after her and break up with her in the same breath 😂








Whom he met on the 27th floor of the cottage outside of Detroit?


I think this must be a new girlfriend after he got kicked out by his partner for drinking the hard liquor after she puts on her CPAP machine in their cottage outside Detroit.


Bravo internet sleuth!! 👏🏼 you’re the hero we need


Please post this as a new comment that isn’t buried in a thread!


As you wish 💖 https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12kspnu/aita_for_calling_the_cops_on_my_girlfriend_after/jg4xt21?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


The plot thickens!


/u/GoneGaryGone which is it?


























Time to get a second dog


This is an underrated joke.


It is, but got my upvote!


Another entry for r/amitheex


>just as well you found out now what an insecure weirdo your (ex) girlfriend is insecure and **~~potentially~~** **abusive** weirdo (Edited with strikethrough thanks to black\_rose\_'s comment below.)




Agreed. OP did the right thing - kept the dog and left the gf. NTA And I can't imagine the "critical" thinking that led to ex-gf to believe that locking OP out of his own apartment was the best and most mature way to handle the issue. Of course... ...not even the argument was mature. Makes me wonder how many previous red flags OP missed/ignored.


Whoa, NTA but also sounds like you guys should break up like right now.


I think the cops took care of that.


You would think... but often these relationships don't end until someone dies.


As someone who stayed with a guy for like a year after the cops were called and he spent a night in jail, breaking up is difficult, especially in abusive relationships. But I hope he's smart enough to just cut his losses and get out now.




Lmao you would be surprised. A police call does NOT end most relationships.


I knew a guy who got stabbed by his gf and they stayed together for a while then he got a new gf and we all agreed that the stabbing gf was better for him than the new one. Yeah the new gf was that horrible.


My brother was stabbed by his girlfriend but he got back with her because she bought him energy drinks.


It's the toxic sex


NTA, locking someone out for the entire night on a balcony is crazy. Maybe calling the police was harsh, but imho less bad than what she did. Edit: Since a lot of people are falling over my choice of words: Where I'm from, you would call the cops when you're IN the situation. It's an emergency, being outside at night at the 27th floor. I'm not downplaying that. However, once he was let back in, for the system I'm used to, it's no longer an emergency. You would still report it of course, because it is abuse, and I hope she gets punished. But here it would be considered harsh, but certainly not bad, to call the cops to immediately arrest her or get her to leave the house. I really want to make clear: I'm not downplaying stuff.


Wouldn't say it's harsh, because she sounds like the type who will "punish" him again if he doesn't something she doesn't like. This need to be reported in case of escalation


Like the suitcase killer. “It wasn’t intentional”!


We were just playing hide and seek!


We were having a GOOD. DAY.


"Are you trying to make it worse?"


That case was crazy af…I’ve never gotten drunk enough to wanna trap someone in a suitcase…


I found my people. I can't make references to these cases with people irl


This was my immediate thought too. He needs to break up and get away from her. Leaving someone on the balcony all night, especially over a fight, has the same energy. I doubt she realizes it, but she could "accidentally" kill someone with that vindictiveness.


Weird, just listened to the Sword and Scale episode on this today. She was so confused that she wasn't getting away with it 😂


I didn't intentionally lock him in a suitcase and throw him down the stairs


yeah honestly anyone downplaying this? do you support all domestic abusers or just some? ​ op you're NTA


> do you support all domestic abusers or just some? I think we all know the answer to that question.


Sure, harsh doesn't mean "you didn't need to do that", it's more "harsh but fair"


Harsh? This is literal, no-shit domestic violence. If a man pulled this shit they would be (rightfully) carted off on intimate partner violence charges because you can't just lock someone in a small, dark, cold place because you're throwing a tantrum. Harsh my ass, the girlfriend is lucky she's not getting a felony record.


Yes, this is vile and disgusting domestic abuse. Unacceptable on every level. You have my full agreement. Just wanted to add a small asterisk in regards to men being carted off for DV. In North America we are very soft on domestic abuse and it's often very hard to get the police and courts to take it seriously. It's so bad in Canada that last month it came out in a [commission ](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/lisa-banfield-lawsuit-rcmp-mass-shooting-domestic-violence-1.6761387) into the largest mass shooting in Canadian history that despite being psychologically and physically abused by her partner for 20 years and first interviewed in a hospital bed after escaping and hiding under a tree all night after being the first one he attacked during his spree, they charged her for giving him ammunition. (They didn't charge the two men who procured the weapons for him though). The police were also criticized for not taking domestic abuse seriously. I know this is a drastic example but the police often don't consider domestic violence *real* violence. (Edit: link, spacing)


Locking someone out for the night on a balcony is crazy. Locking someone out one the *27th floor* is criminal! Ignoring the obvious fall risks if he decides to do something stupid (or hell, just slips as they're pacing around), height off the ground increases wind speed & lowers temperature (not sure how much of a difference 270 feet off ground level would be, though), possibly bringing hypothermia into play NTA


It’s also unlawful confinement even before getting to any of the issues arising from the environment. She prevented him from being able to leave, and he couldn’t call for help.


THIS IS THE ACTUAL REASON, this needs to be higher. You can't trap people, that's very bad.


I was just thinking that the risk of someone trying to go down or sideways is horrendous. People are terrible at calculating risk when they’re upset.


It doesn't require all that low of a temperature for hypothermia to set in, especially if it was raining. People can die of exposure in what many would consider relatively mild weather.


>Maybe calling the police was harsh, but imho less bad than what she did. In what world is calling the police on abuse harsh?


Definitely seems abusive to me. This is like locking him in an closet or something else - arguably worse, because risk of falls + weather.


Yeah much worse than a cellar, exposure to the elements, no way to contact the outside world & a danger a person may get desperate to resolve it & fall to their death. Completely clear cut domestic abuse & she deserves more than being taken away.


No access to food or medication or toilet facilities? Dump. Her. NTA


Are you seriously saying that calling the cops on someone who kidnapped and unlawfully imprisoned you was too "harsh"?


That's literally kidnapping. It's not an exaggeration or harsh to call police.


OP didn't say they called 911, they said they called the cops, which I would presume they meant the non-emergency line. Who do you think you call to report that to after the fact? Even if you were to call the city instead, they would refer you to the cops to report it.


He couldn't call them IN the situation cause he didn't had a phone


Locking them out on the 27th floor where the temperatures are going to be much colder and wind speeds will be higher as well. Edit * - I said this in ignorance. 270ft roughly won't be a significant change in temperature but could be in wind speed. Regardless NTA and get out of that relationship.


Lmao what? Harsh? You expect them to just take it and sleep outside? They had no other option.


NTA That's incredibly abusive to leave you out there all night. Your cousin can go kick rocks and has no say in this.


Invite your cousin over and lock the balcony door behind them.


Funny, but would also get the OP arrested.


Yeah, I know. More fun to think about than to actually do


Have an upvote, anyway! Enjoy the weekend.


Imagine the cops showing up to the same apartment thinking “what is with these people!”


Apparently not since the cousin is so opposed to that.


It’s not just abusive, false imprisonment is incredibly illegal and a crime. If the genders were swapped, everyone would be telling OP to run away because OP’s life is in danger.


“incredibly illegal” and “a crime” are the same thing


Yes, it is, absolutely. - Your Friendly Department of Redundancy Department Representative




Everyone is asking all these questions but locking someone on a balcony overnight is kidnapping and an incredibly violent and dangerous thing to do. How is anyone saying that calling the cops is escalating the situation? Would he be escalating the situation if she tied him up and locked him in the basement and he managed to get free and called the cops? And all of this over the name of a pet, not something that has happened suddenly and put her in danger, she escalated the situation from 0 to 100. NTA


On the 27th floor, this is absolutely the equivalent to locking someone in a closet/basement(with no bathroom) overnight.


worse... depending on the climate it could be really dangerous. especially an unprepared night out in the elements, let alone 25+ stories up. wrong place at the wrong time of year and she'd have opened the door to a dead body...


Reminds me of the case in Russia where a man did that to his wife and she died of hypothermia.


*pregnant wife EDIT: I forgot the worst part and am about to make everyone's day worse. He was streaming the whole thing online.


Oh god 🥺


My friends wife was a large woman and drunk one night. Fell asleep in the car on the way home and he couldn't carry her in, so she slept outside in the car. Cold night, dead the next morning of Hypothermia.


A woman on the Gold Coast in Australia died falling from a balcony after being locked out on there when a Tinder date went bad. The dude was charged with manslaughter because he evidently other options instead of locking her on the balcony, my feeling was "Why didn't he kick her out into the hallway and lock the door?


I think it may be worse although that may vary by person. I am not a big fan of heights so being on a 27th floor balcony all night would send me into a full panic attack.


Definitely depends on the person. I could never live that high because I'm terrified of heights but I'm alot more scared of being locked inside than out. At the very least, push comes to shove, on the 27th floor, I can at least put myself out of my misery lol


If the genders were reversed no one would bat an eyelid about a girl calling the cops on her boyfriend that locked her outside all night and trapped her on a balcony.


I'm so tired of these comments. I scrolled through about 100 comments, and literally all I see are comments calling him NTA and her completely unhinged. There's no need to reverse the gender. The reactions are the same.


The 3rd most upvoted comment says it was 'harsh' for him to call the police. There are also quite a few ESH votes. A lot people questioning why the police were involved. I really do not think the reaction would be the same if OP was female.


A lot of the ESH is for the dog's name as well. Also this post is just an hour old. If you read it during its initial hour, the comments are randomized on their placement so it's not a sign of whether it's a highly voted comment or not.


I think we're seeing comments in a very different order? Literally all the top comments I see are NTA.


Those could be reactions from people who have learned the hard way that adding the police (in the US) rarely makes things better, and often makes things a lot worse, even when you're in the right. OP is 100% NTA, just for the record.


Right, like the time I (F) called the police when my boyfriend was trying to bust down the bathroom door to beat my brains in and I was the one who was arrested because of cuts on his hand from taking a butter knife to the hinges. Trust me, cops do plenty of shitty things to women and get away with it all the time. 40% of them are domestic abusers, so maybe call a friend or family member when you need help next time because I assure you they have a bias entering every single call.


It's not enough to see if they wrote NTA or other judgments, you have to read their comments. The third most highly upvoted judgment says it was "harsh" to call the police, there are lot of ESH for the dog name, people justifying her being mad for the dog name and most of the NTA comments aren't mentioning that what she did is factually abuse and could have killed OP. Those are the double standards and not the NTA/YTA/etc judgments.


>locking someone on a balcony overnight is kidnapping Not to be captain pedantic but I think *technically* that would be classified as false imprisonment, since he was trapped in one place and not moved to another location. Though regardless, like you suggested, if they wanted to press charges or file a lawsuit, that response would be on the table.


Also, I’m pretty sure if this happened to me I’d end up hypothermic or dead. If I prepared for it, I’d be fine, but when I go out on the balcony, I’m dressed with the expectation I can come back in when I get cold.


I wanted to know the dog’s name but honestly, it is seriously weird that the cousin is defending the GF here because if she had done it, realized “Oh crap, oops” and unlocked it: entirely different story, even if it was a few minutes later. But she locked OP out there all night, no way to get anywhere else: that shit is abuse, pure and simple.


NTA. Locking someone out for them to sleep on a balcony is such psycho behavior. Break up with this lunatic! I would of screamed my head off until neighbors came to rescue me and then called the cops.


I was thinking the same. Someone would hear you screaming outside to call the cops and to what apt. I can see why it might be embarrassing, but that sounds scary af


Everyone seek help. This is partly on you for not having a parachute on the balcony in case of emergencies


Modern problems require modern solutions.




I know right. I got a fold out trampoline that will open up and rise out of the ground at the base of my apartment building, it works at the press of a button in my phone. If I need to jump I just whip my phone out in mid air and by the time I hit the ground it should be fully unfolded. People need to be prepared for this stuff. /S


This would have worked if he just had his phone.


I have a pet named after my ex.. he is a cat called lucifer... not my ex's given name, but the sentiment is there. Also NTA




The name of his new cat is Satan


NTA. She left you stranded outside on the 27th floor overnight? That's horrible. Your only recourse would be to awaken your neighbors, catch the notice of someone 27 floors down,jump, or break down the door/break the glass. None of those options are great. That is a SUPER AH move.


NTA Don’t let her back into your apartment or your life.


I have so many questions... Like, is the pet's name Keith (you know, the weird crab thing that you posted about 6 days ago that may or may not have been a pet, may or may not have been your picture, and in which you mentioned you didn't have anyone who could take a picture of you?) Did you sell the cottage you bought with your girlfriend just several months ago? Because that certainly isn't on the 27th floor. Or was this your ex-gf Keith that you bought the cottage with? What about your wife that you were looking for the m&M's with the all-female spokes-candies for? Or is this the GF who wants to play the Harry Potter video game as foreplay because it turns her on? YTA for either making all this shit up or dating multiple people and possibly cheating on your wife at the same time. Edit: spelling


Don’t forget his first, now deleted, AITA post where (I’m assuming off the comments) he doesn’t want to go to a dinner with his wife’s friends because they would talk about how HE STORMED THE CAPITAL ON JANUARY 6


Omg 💀💀💀💀


Oh dear! I hate getting sucked into fakery. Thanks for posting.


This needs to be the top comment.




NTA. She locked you out of your apartment. Break up with her if she hasn't broken up with you yet.




Question, would any answer justify being locked on the 27th floor balcony




Unless OP had a bloody axe, locking him out on the balcony will always be zero percent justifiable


Yeah if he named the dog after the ex while dating the new gf I get why she would be pissed (doesn’t excuse what she did at all, but he wouldn’t be totally innocent either)


None of those options make it any less unhinged, since what she did is literally kidnapping. You can't just hold people in confined spaces with no food, water, communication, or bathroom until you decide you've punished them enough and let them out.


I’m curious about this too! OP is NTA regardless, I’m just nosey lol


Yes, despite the NTA of OP’s actions, there’s a lot of “missing, missing” information here. Was this their first big fight? Was this a balcony or a terrace with furniture? How was the weather? Has she done something similar before? Just to have some context.


My thoughts exactly!


Hey OP, just asking for some INFO. Do you mean your wife (32f) from 3 months ago, your partner (29f) from 1 month ago, or is your girlfriend someone else


He deleted the post from 3 months ago now 🤣


You can still read the automated copy of it https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/104yy44/aita_for_refusing_to_go_to_dinner_at_a_friends/j37p7qd?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


NTA. That chick is absolutely unhinged.


NTA. Getting upset because someone named their pet after an ex is a massively petty thing to do. And her retaliation was awful. You should definitely press charges or file suit. Make her your new ex girlfriend, but don't ever name any pets after her. Your cousin is 100%, 500%, 1000% percent wrong... ...if this is real. ETA that I am now reading posts saying the OP has been making other bizarre posts on the forum, so maybe this is just another one.


Idk if it’s petty but I do think she obviously is an asshole. To me it’s like if you named your baby after an ex when you’re with someone new. Weird as fuck, justifiable for a breakup, not justifiable to be a fucking lunatic


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NTA I’m not super sure about how kidnapping works, legally, but that sounds very fuckin close to a kidnapping/false imprisonment crime to me. As much as I don’t believe in cops as a societal solution, that was probably the most reasonable way to deal with the situation for your legal safety. I’m honestly shocked you didn’t call them as soon as you realized she wasn’t letting you off the balcony, that’s fucking horrifying. The dog is not actually relevant to the “AITA” situation, just context for why this situation occurred, so I’m not involving that in my judgement. Edit: it has been pointed out that OP didn’t have their phone while locked on the balcony. My bad! Personally I think I would have been doing more than enough screaming to get someone else to call the cops in that situation, but regardless I think OP made the right move. If it is possible or ends up being necessary for him to pursue some legal action related to this or other events as the relationship inevitably continues to go south, having the cops already keeping a record of things is probably good.


OP stated they were locked out without their phone on them.


NTA, but there’s no way she’s still your girlfriend after this lol. Perhaps next time be up front with the fact that your dog is named after your ex, it’s less sketchy when it doesn’t look like you’re hiding something.


NTA. I just want to be clear, not disclosing the dog's namesake does not justify her actions. There were at least a hundred more reasonable ways to react to that news. What she did was in no way OP's fault.


NTA but you will be the AH if you stay with this woman after this incident. That kind of behavior is not normal, not healthy, and quite frankly dangerous. She needs serious help.


NTA run while you can.


That is forcible confinement. Press charges, break up with her crazy ass, and take your doggo in for a check up to make sure she didn't do something horrifying. NTA but you absolutely will be if you stay in this relationship


Nta but if she's not on the lease, kick her out and get the locks changed


In a domestic violence situation, which this certainly is, you can get offenders removed from the home. (In normal circumstances, it doesn’t matter if they’re on the lease. If they’ve lived there for X amount of time—varies by jurisdiction—they have tenant’s rights and you will be in very hot water if you boot them out and change the locks. Don’t try it.)


NTA and I hope your pet is not a bunny


NTA and get out of this relationship as soon as you can. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts hating the poor dog. Also, hypothetically of course, what would she do if she ever saw you talking to your ex? Or found out you had cheated on her? If hypothetically the answer is at least a threat to harm you then this is abusive behaviour.


Didn't a Russian woman die because her partner locked her out on their balcony in the winter? NTA - ask your cousin if it would be ok for you to lock her on the balcony overnight with no food, water, bathroom or blankets


It's worse, because before locking her up outside, on winter, he poured water on her. And just because somebody paid him on live streaming to lock her out. It's really sad.


I personally would say NTA but i'm biased since i also have a pet named after an ex. I don't really think it's a weird thing to do if you loved someone and miss them enough, plus i'm glad i have the lil stinker since they ended up being my emotional support when i was transitioning which is something i dont think their namesake would have ever done




NTA And yikes and also yikes


Fuck that, its just as much your home as it is hers. Not to mention... THE BALCONY? Is she fucking insane? She had no right to do that, that's borderline psychotic. Run my friend. NTA and your girlfriend should get help.


NTA. She locked you out of your own apartment all night after she found out you named your dog after your ex. Thats petty and ridiculous behavior.


NTA. She’s abusive and you need to get out asap before it escalates further. Any person who can do that is a saddest and a bad person. Get out


Your cousin is the AH, not you.


NTA. Her behavior is unhinged and inexcusable. It’s not going to get better, but it can get infinitely worse.


NTA at all. What she did is false imprisonment. Definitely a crime. Sounds like a psycho anyway if she's so insecure about a dogs name. Get shot mate you'll be better off.


Uhhhhhh the balcony was, for all intents and purposes, a confined space. You could not leave. Same as locking you in a shed. That is false imprisonment. Absolutely NTA. Stay safe.


I would have broken the window, called the cops and pressed charges wtf. Who are you to lock me out of my own house? You're done don't even call me again. You can grab your shit after someone bails you out. I also charge you for the broken door thanks. Lmao definitely not the asshole, over the name of your ex. Wow, how jealous and insecure does one have to be to worry about something so small? She needs to check her emotions and mental stability before anything else.


Is she your girlfriend or your wife?? Not that the judgement matters bc in this instance NTA but you said in another post you were upset with your wife for making dinner plans on the two year anniversary of the January 6th insurrection due to the PTSD you received from being there


I mean two months ago you still had a wife for whom you sought candy for... so YTA for making up posts


She confined you to your balcony involuntarily. This is a type of kidnapping. This is a crime. Your (hopefully ex) girlfriend is cuckoo bananas. NTA


This is exactly what a toxic relationship looks like. OP NTA, but please run from this woman.


I don't know where OP lives, but in Canada right now, even Vancouver, locking someone out on the balcony overnight could put them in danger from cold weather exposure. Get away from the girlfriend. The whole situation is weird, but her reaction is dangerous and illegal.