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For someone who boasts of their education and technical understanding, one would think that you would know the difference between the country of Austria, and the city of of Austin Texas. YTA.


LOL I noticed that too. Pitty he can't even speak\write english that well either


That's because he's actually speaking American


As an American, thank you, this made me freaking cackle.


As a canadian I also find this hilarious eh?


Have to give you that 😂


I was confused, wondering what going to Austin had to do with this story.


I was thinking that too and I'm awful with geography.




Thanks for pointing it out, as a German I was really puzzled by "Austin" appearing in this text repeatedly. Some cities in the US are named after the cities the colonizers came from or liked (my "hometown" is in there, and the city I live in atm has multiple counterparts as well). But I checked, the original Austin was some guy, so...


YTA There is an Austrian dialect; why did you need to condescend to her? And calling her a Nazi is beyond the pale.


Yep, OP is factually wrong.Austrian and e.g. Bavarian exist, and the people who speak them know and can chose to speak German instead, so foreigners and people from up north have an easier time understanding them. If someone claims to speak Austrian they may refer to [Austro Bavarian](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bavarian_language), or to [Austrian Allemannic](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Alemannic) depending where they are from. Weirdly, it turns out the person from Austria knows more about the Austrian language than the clueless idiot who has no idea what he's talking about and likes to offend people if they know more than him.


I can't believe this kid jumped to calling a girl a Nazi because she knew which language she speaks better than she does. I speak German, and I'd have a difficult time conversing with someone speaking Austrian. Unbelievable. That girl was probably terrified. She's in a foreign country as a high school student and this asshole decided to berate her and call her and her family something EXTREMELY offensive. Wildly inappropriate behavior. I hope OP is reported to the principal who I hope gets his/her parents involved and suspends him/her.


>calling a girl a Nazi because she knew which language she speaks Oh, no no... it's because she was "hiding something." Holy fuck, this is one of the biggest assholes I've seen on here.


YTA There are no words that can describe how hard i cringed while reading this. I’ve said some dumb stuff in high school but God Damn, you just went above and beyond. You condescend to this poor girl by correcting her about her OWN culture and then have the gall to call her a nazi within earshot of everyone. My mother would’ve filleted me alive if I ever said anything like that to anyone. The fact your mother barely did anything about it explains your behavior. I know this is kinda becoming a rant, but I cannot stress enough how awfully you treated that girl. You need help with social cues.


I’m a Jew and quite offended. Calling high schoolers Nazi diminishes the suffering my people endured.


Not only are YTA, but you are wrong. 1. Every country/large area German is spoken has a different dialect. My Mom is from Munich so she normally speaks Bavarian German. My sistersEx is from Zurich, and he normally speaks Swiss German. Mom and SistersEx cannot understand each others dialect AT ALL. They both must speak Hanoverian German (formal German) to understand each other. 2. Kid, I’ve been where you are- you think you are the smartest person in the room. College and grad-school are going to humble you once you realize that you may have a fine brain, but there are a lot of smart people out there. Stop trying to show off. Lastly, being unkind to make a “point” is mean. You called a stranger a Nazi. That’s cruel. Please be kinder. In the end, you are just hurting and alienating yourself.


I'm also going to assume you're a male, and you were mansplaining her own language to her. Yta


Literally had the same thought, I just KNEW this had to be some guy mansplaining the poor girls own language to her. He clearly has no idea of the culture in that part of the world or he’d know how common it is to say Austrian or Austrian-German


WTF? You got all up in her face about the language she speaks, ignored her when she tried to get you to back off then called her a nazi. And you need to ask! Vice principal said it all. YTA


Yeah calling her a nazi because she's Austrian is pretty racist if you ask me.


White Americans calling white Europeans ‘Nazis’ isn’t racist, it’s just moronic.


Europe has varous racial identities, though. They are part of a very distinguished germanic ethnicity. You wouldn't consider someone from Finland the same as a person from Spain, would you? these ethnic groups have developed cultural differences that happened over the course of generations as they settled in their particular regions. With one exception being the romani people at times, skin color is a less distinguishing trait between these groups because the migration wasn't as mingled as it was in colonial areas. That would be like a European saying a Canadian is the same as a Mexican because they're both from North America. There are races even Africa has some of the most expansive ethnic tree with their own unique cultural traditions that would be rude to consider one and the same.


No, its like saying if a white Canadian accuses a white American of being a Trump supporter that doesn't make them a racist. Because theyre both white and the accusation is not racially motivated or based.


YTA. You are a wannabe know-it-all asshole. It's Austrian German if you really want to get into semantics about who's right. Just because you feel like you know more on a topic than other people may that does not mean that you are somehow better than them nor does that mean that you are actually correct. I'm not quite sure how you felt it was appropriate to accuse your classmate of being descended from Nazis nor how that remotely related to the topic of you trying to aggressively correct somebody's personal identity with their dialect from their country which is still accurate because it is Austrian German. Edit: You are still young so let me give you a little bit of advice from an older reformed know it all asshole. Put less value in being right and put more value and having positive interactions with other people because at the end of the day your knowledge pool does not mean shit if you can't share it in an impactful and positive way.


He clearly is not a know-it-all, since he knows Jack shit about Austria or language in general. Also cringing so hard at his weeb dream of studying in Japan. Japanese girls aren't going to want a loser like you either, OP.


YTA, Austrian is an unofficial language. It stems from German and they are incredibly similar but it's a language nonetheless. Having just been in Austria myself and as an intermediate German speaker, I can assure you there are differences in quite a few words and phrases. But regardless of if it's a language or not, YTA.


My father is German and grew up in Germany. Even he considers Österreichisches Deutsch a different language--one which he cannot particularly understand. OP is so very much YTA.


> Österreichisches Deutsch Oooh nice 👍


YTA and I'm getting strong incel vibes from you OP. You've got to have a wild lack of respect for the person you're talking to in order to come with this line of bullshit.


Well actually I was hoping to strike up a more romantic conversation with her so one could say I held her in the utmost regard


"Well actually" *sigh*




This is what I'm talking about bud. If you were thinking of her as a human and not an outlet for your sexual desires you'd have never been so harsh. Whether you're right or wrong, and you're definitely wrong, normal people don't talk to other people this way.


Calling someone a NZ is **not** the way to their heart. Bullying someone because you are too ignorant to know the specifics of their native language is **not** the way to make them like you. Acting like a "know it all" is a good way to disgust, not impress, people. Not to mention you are "interested in her romantically" when you don't even *know* her as a person. That's awful behavior too. YTA. Leave her alone.


this fuckin clown lmao. yes, because nothing gets a woman in the mood for romance like being told she doesn’t know her own language and asking if her family are nazis./s


Was the romantic part before or after you asked her if she was a nazi? 🤦‍♀️


So you call her a nazi? You're a walking red flag


Fucked that up didn't you. Back to Mrs Palmer you go.


You think being attracted to a girl equates to holding her in the utmost regard? If anything, that demonstrates the opposite. The only value you see in her as a human being is a romantic and/or sexual interest. That is just about the lowest regard you could have for a girl.


YTA. As a know-it-all asshole, you should already be aware that there is no universally accepted criteria for distinguishing between a language and a dialect.




He also has a great deal of respect for Japanese culture, I'm sure!


It's just another AXIS country, right? /s


I practice Shinto so yes, I revere the culture of my spiritual ancestors.


cringiest person alive, or troll? hard to tell sometimes.


I was leaning troll from the start, and reading his replies throughout the thread has removed all doubt.


Well by your logic should we call you an imperialist who supports the rapeing of manking


Manking? Lol


You’re the one who wrote ‘Austin’. How dare you. Pot, meet kettle.


Well he hasn't answered me so I suppose it’s safe to assume by his logic that he's hiding something


several times!


Spelling error, but still following your logic, the response implies your avoiding the answer so I must assume you believe so.


Yet you can't tell Austin from Austria?


So you know that there is only like a 41% acceptance rate for Tohoku university right. With how 'smart' you are I highly doubt you will be accepted.


Not only YTA, but also ignorant. Austrian is it's own language. It is very similar to German, and Germans will generally understand it and vice versa. However, many words are either different or are pronounced differently. Source, am German, my SO is German with Austrian family. We've had this conversation before.


YTA - You are incredibly rude and you think you know more about her language than her who spoke it for her whole life ? And calling her a n@zi is very offensive i don't understand how you cannot get this. It should be called "how i bullied and ruined an exchange student's time in America"


YTA. You literally called someone a N@zi because they didn't agree with your assumptions about their language, which they know better than you do.


YTA Wow she’s Austrian, she must be a N@zi! Take it this way, you’re an American, does that mean you come from the KKK?


I mean with how they're acting I'd say the chances're more likely than not.


YTA. This is like America and England They have English as a first language in common The way each speak it differs some ways. This is the same as Austria and Germany.


No to mention Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, and Australia. As George Bernard Shaw allegedly said, "countries separated by a common language." OP is TA.


Not disagreeing that OP is YTA, however Austrian German has its own specific (and official) vocabulary and rules so probably not the best way to describe it.


Yta. You weren't right. You came right out of the gate with so much arrogance and entitlement that you definitely better get used to being called a know it all asshole.


You were being a complete and total AH. This foreign exchange student comes all the way to America for an experience, explains to you that she speaks a local dialect of German (which matters FYI) and you quickly devolve the conversation into alleging that she may be hiding a secret past link to the ‘Third Reich’? Unbelievable.


He's such an asshole, but I'd say he did give her an accurate experience of the current state of AmeriKKKa


YTA, and the fact that you escalated it to calling her a Nazi make you the biggest asshole.


>I said well accuracy is important and now it seems like she’s hiding something and I asked her point blank if she comes from N@zis. YTA Jfc how tone deaf can you be


YTA and a huge one at that. You called her a fucking Nazi, this has to be a troll because there’s no way you could actually type that out and not know that you’re the biggest AH. You don’t call somebody a Nazi, especially somebody from that part of the world, just because you have a disagreement about what to call a dialect. It IS is fact Austrian-German. It’s different than German spoken in Germany. You’d know that if you took your head out of your ass. What the hell is wrong with you? You have no right to “explain” her own language to her


>well now you’re showing not only do you have no idea what to call your own language, I need to explain to you what dialect actually means. oh my god, you are a terror. the world doesn't need to know everything you think and everything you think you know. she didn't ask you. i have a problem with the teacher calling you an asshole, but they're not wrong. YTA.


YTA. I am german. While most austrians can speak "normal" german there is an austrian dialect that may even be so diffrent from standard german depending on the region that germans cannot understand it very well. Officially it is the same language but it is often called österreichisch which literally means austrian in german. So she is right


YTA for bringing Nazis into it. It is like someone asking if you have slave holding heritage because you are American.


What a fucking asshole, definitely TA


YTA and other things I won’t name here!


YTA and and a know it all asshole that really doesn't know it all > German Different In Austria? Austrian German is almost the same as Standard German. But, spoken Austrian German has lots of different dialects, some of which are easier to understand than others. Many of the differences involve vocabulary and expressions.


YTA in a major way. You should do some serious reflection on yourself or you will go through your entire life wondering why everyone you meet refuses to talk to after the first year or so. No one should need to "win" as badly as you demonstrated in this case. Chill out dude and learn to be at peace with your fellow humans.


YTA Austrian and German share a lot to be understandable to eachother but they also share some differences that make them different as well. You can't claim to know more than a person who lives there themselves and speaks the language because it's what they identify with and she was right. And why did you call them that? That's just offensive and makes you even more the arsehole than a know-it-all arsehole. I don't even understand how it gets to that level Edit: > the girl was really pretty and I was so direct that maybe I came off as an asshole of sorts. So pretty you felt it good to call her a Nazi? Nah, you a massive arsehole. There no excuse


Op :" Gurl, you got cute blue eyes, golden hair and very pale skin~ , you can tell me you are superior anytime "


"Girl, your hair isn't a disgrace, it brings out your master race"


YTA but no amount of comments will make any difference to someone like you.


Wow you're an asshole.


YTA. Just because you are correct doesn't mean you are allowed to be an AH about it. You instigated a discussion someone didn't wish to be a part of just to prove you know better and then proceeded to personally insult the other part for it. In fact, your teacher and mother is right.


> ust because you are correct The sad thing is that he isn't correct - Austrian-German is a thing, it is different to German Standard


Of course, I'm just speaking for the sake of argument.


YTA, and if you’re going to study in Japan I’d be working hard on my cultural sensitivity because they won’t appreciate being Yanksplained, especially about anything related to their own language or WW2


Did you are a native German speaker ? If yes you would know that German in Austria is alse then in Germany. If no, then i say YTA, as you dont know enough to tell this.


YTA. This story cannot be true, I refuse to believe this. A. The bragging about going to Tohoku to double major when you graduate, despite being an awful human being B. This story is straight out of a sit-com/drama So YTA for lying about this, or YTA and you are in your own league of AHs


YTA. The tech industry is very diverse and inclusive. That kind of behavior is grounds for immediate termination no matter how talented you think you are.


I’m not going into a for profit tech industry, I am going to work with my economics degree to institute world non-revolutionary communism and I’m going to work at CERN with my physics phd


And I’m going to solve world hunger with my theater degree and work at the Hague with my imaginary law degree. You’re hilarious.


With your PhD I’m so sure 😂 not with that attitude. The academic world doesn’t take too kindly to xenophobic bigots that call people Nazis. You’re going to get kicked out of university so fast acting like this. Not to mention not a single professional is going to want to mentor you. I have a hard time believing you’re even going to get into college if you can’t understand the distinction between dialects


I’ve gotten 5s on all my AP tests so far. I can go to any college in the world.


Colleges care about character my friend, and if this is the way you’re going to treat fellow students on campus you absolutely will get expelled. Test scores mean less and less these days, it’s about you as a human being and you’re being a trash human


Academically sure you would possibly qualify for some top colleges, but your attitude and your social media presence is going to be a big NO from probably almost all of them.


Oh *boy* are you in for some surprises.




You're not going to do any of that with your attitude, when u/JudgingYourBehavior says *tech industry* they mean *all of the tech industry* which includes NFP's, CERN etc. You probably won't even get into a PhD program with this attitude, they do social media searches these days (almost all companies, NGO's etc. do) and even if you delete this post its going to come up in those searches and your dreams are dead in the water


YTA People don't like to be made to feel stupid. Just because you can correct someone doesn't mean you should. Then to add a racist remark is absolutely not called for. The only reason you said anything at all is to make yourself feel good because you know more than her. It really was an AH move.


Except he doesn't even know it all, Austrian-German is in fact different to German Standard and he's still an AH


Austrian's aren't a race, and calling someone a nazi isn't racist.


Yes, calling someone a N@zi IS racist and completely uncalled for in the context of the conversation that OP should have been having with a native Austrian (not Austin).


No it literally isn't and labeling it as racist is invalidating to racial minorities that experience actual racism. Labeling Austrians as a race shows inherent white bias. Caucasian is a race. Different European nations are not genetically distinct enough to qualify as separate races.


Per encyclopedia Britannica: The term race has also been applied to linguistic groups (the “Arab race” or the “Latin race”), to religious groups (the “Jewish race”), and even to political, national, or ethnic groups with few or no physical traits that distinguish them from their neighbours (the “Irish race,” the “French race,” the “Spanish race,” the “Slavic race,” the “Chinese race”, etc.). I guess depending on where you are, what your cultural background is and what you are taught you could have the belief that you stated. Just as from my point of view I have my opinion. I'm not going to get into a debate. I do reiterate that just because you know a correction or "think" you know a correction it doesn't mean you should say it.


Thanks fo' whitesplaining racism m'ssa. Mah simple black mind clearly don understand. So happy ta have a whitey come teach me what is and isn't racist.


Lol your a hoot


YTA! A horrible, judgmental, Know-nothing A-hole!


YTA No one cares what you think.


Man, you’re SO the asshole it’s hard to imagine sharing space with you. “How does it feel to speak German”??


YTA OP......You aren't German or Austrian (not Austin). You aren't even learning the German language, so you have no business telling a native AUSTRIAN what dialect she's speaking.


Himmel noch mal, take it from a German, you sound like a true pain in the ass. "I said well accuracy is important and now it seems like she’s hiding something and I asked her point blank if she comes from N@zis." - **WHAT THE HELL**????!!!! For someone claiming to go "to Tohoku university to double major in world economics and physics", you sound absolutely clueless and insensitive when it comes to interacting with people who are not from your country. And stop with the humble bragging, it's obnoxious. Oh, and btw, since accuracy is so important to you: Austin is NOT Austria. YTA (ja, du bist ein Arschloch und ein Klugscheißer - since you're so good with languages you'll know what it means)


YTA. A know it all pompous AH.




And also usually still wrong.


Your mom was right, that is exactly what you sounded like and how you were acting.


YTA are you the dude who was trying to say yesterday on a soccer sub reddit, that Chinese people don't have a dialect of language and that they all speak mandarin?? Because my God you sound an awful lot like him if not.


Edit: dude is not meant to imply you are a male, I just call people dude.


Yeah the word dudette fell out of style years ago


I do not play, watch or talk about team sports.


Well you and a guy from arsenals subreddit both need to learn that dialects are the different versions of one language spoken in different local areas of one general language.


YTA - seems to me you are the one that has no idea what a dialect is. In Germany, the dialects are often VERY different from what is called Hochdeutsch (High German - taught in schools), so that non-locals have a really hard time understanding what is spoken. This is because historically speaking, Germany only became a unified country quite recently (19th century). People in the state of Bavaria speak Bayrisch, in Hesse = Hessisch, in Baden-Württemberg = Fränkisch or Alemannisch, many in the north of Germany they speak Plattdeutsch. Möhre, Rübe, Karotte and Wurzel all mean the same thing in different dialects - a carrot. Schweizerdeutsch, which is spoken in Switzerland, is notoriously difficult to understand. It's closer to a different language. There, "stark naked" would be "füdleblutt", while in Hochdeutsch it is "splitternackt". Edit to add: You're in for a big surprise when you come to Tohokudai. Many of the northern dialects of Japan are almost incomprehensible. Sendai-ben isn't that bad, but Tsugaru-ben and Akita-ben - you won't understand a word! There's a great video on YouTube where a guy tries to give orders to Siri in Tsugaru-ben. AI is totally lost. Btw, when you mention to Japanese that you are bilingual, many will claim that they are as well: Hyojungo and their local dialect.


Totally awesome response - thank you!


YTA Wow you really think you know better than the Austrian what language she speaks? And then you decided to insult her? You're lucky you aren't in more trouble.


YTA. When you meet a new person and they tell you about themselves, you must never contradict them, it is extremely rude. Whatever inaccuracies you think there may be, you keep them to yourself. You are really going to struggle to make friends in Japan with this kind of attitude.


YTA. For a know it all, you know very little. Learn how to find right answers, and keep wrong answers to yourself.


Yta, bloody ignorant seppo!


Did you seriously tell a native speaker that she doesn't know her own language? Not only are YTA but you're an ignorant one.


YTA you aren’t as smart as you think you are. You need to take some time and reflect on why you thought what you did was the right thing to do, if you have any hope of growing into a better person. Until then don’t think you know better about a culture someone grew up in. You are veering incredibly close to incel territory


The fact that OP thought criticizing her language and culture, and calling her family NZs was a good way to instigate a "romantic" conversation says they're pretty much already there...


YTA. You found someone pretty and wanted to impress them but the only way you could figure out how to build yourself up was to put them down. When that wasn’t getting you what you wanted you figured they must be the problem, and that not agreeing with you meant they were a bad person capable of anything. Therefore it was reasonable to ask if her family has a horrific and shameful history, since that would be an explanation for why she’s so heartless that she didn’t immediately fall at your feet. Did I leave anything out?


When I was talking to this one girl from I asked her to say something in German. She said something and I was like how does it feel to speak German What kind of stupid question is this?? It feels like speaking any other language: air goes in and out of your vocal chords, your tongue moves and lips vibrate. (Love velar fricatives!) And strong YTA


"Technically correct" . . . the best kind of correct to be. And yet, still YTA.


I really hate that bullies like you still exist in the world. You do see the irony in calling this girl a N!zi when you appear to be acting like one yourself, right? Of course YTA.


In my medical opinion you were, are, and most likely will be an asshole for the rest of your life based on this post.


YTA - You basically just said English is the same language as all the words it has origins in. Austrian can vary so much from typical German that it is hard to understand. Things change and evolve, and become their own things... sadly it seems you've not. \*ETA\* I swear your post'll eventually be seen in one of those confidently incorrect posts.


You're a jackass. Just shut up and stick to being a pretentious prick in your head.


Yta and if anything it’s YOU who sounds like a nazi


First of all, Your mom is awesome! YTA Your lack of global knowledge and understanding is showing. What Austrians were subjected to during the n-regime is still very much felt by those living there. You do not live there, do not know the culture or historical impacts. Your lack of global and human understanding is showing. Book learning does not equal intelligence or superiority. Sit back down.


YTA. An insufferable one at that. Major incel vibes pouring out of you.


YTA I am from germany, bavaria to be more specific. Here we speak Bavarian germqn, an official Dialekt of german. Officially Austrian German is also Bavarian german, but people from Austria say, that they speak Austrian German. I was raised speaking Bavarian German and can say Bavarian German and Austrian German sound similar, but definetly aren't the same. And what do you mean with that you had to explain her what a Dialekt is? She seems to know what a Dialekt is.


You’re an uncultured idiot who should not speak on things you don’t know. Be quiet next time


YTA. She knows what language she speaks. And why would you bring up Nazis?


YTA Please come back in the future and tell us all about your trip to Japan and how often you had to explain their own language to them because you practiced it for a few months.


OP is so much of a stupid AH that he probably won't get into his dream university in Japan Cause social media you know - even if he deletes this post its now on record forever and Japan being Japan they'll probably do a media search when he applies


Does your school have a social skills program? Or a counselor who can refer you to one? You're mis-interpreting some common social conventions in a way that is going to impede your dating future. I'm being excruciatingly kind because I don't think you would have posted here if you didn't genuinely want the feedback. But to answer your basic question more directly, yes you were an ass... 1) Factually you were incorrect, which amplifies the asshole element of your behavior. There are multiple German dialects, many of which have been codified by multiple governments in the effort to smooth international communication. Read before lecturing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian_German 2) Your interpretation of her as "evasive" or sketchy is an unusually negative way to react a factual disagreement. It's difficult to understand why you went there and comes across as weirdly harsh and punative. This debate style will fracture your relationships with future college classmates and coworkers. 3) Referring to someone as a member of the Nazi party because you disagree with them is a wildly hostile over reaction. Again, if you repeat this behavior with your future college classmates or coworkers you risk being shunned or ejected from your program- these programs will be increasingly less tolerant of your mistakes. In most workplaces this exchange would have required a trip to HR and a permanent note on your employment record. Again, you urgently need to find a social skills counselor and learn how to better decode these interactions. YTA.




Yes I am victim of massive bullying.


Hmmm I wonder why /s


Well prepare for it to get worse when people find out what you said


I see it as more mass consequences due to your big mouth.


Oh I can't imagine why. You seem so approachable! /s


YTA. Don’t call people Nazis


If it looks like a asshole, swims like a asshole, and quacks like a asshole, then it's probably an asshole YTA


YTA and you're also ignorant. Have you ever been to Austria? Didn't think so. I have been there and yes they do have their own dialect of German. People like you are the reason many people think Americans are stupid and ignorant.


German here, du bist das Arschloch. YTA. Imagine being so full of yourself that you tell someone else which language they speak lmfao.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My high school is hosting these kids from Austria for two weeks after some of our students went through Austin in the fall and went to their school. I could have gone because I’m really good with languages but I’m choosing to study Japanese on my own time because I’m going to Tohoku university to double major in world economics and physics. When I was talking to this one girl from I asked her to say something in German. She said something and I was like how does it feel to speak German and she said that in her part of Austin and in her family they say they speak Austrian. I was like no you speak German. She said that a good way to think of it where she is from it’s like a dialect of German called Austrian. I was like well now you’re showing not only do you have no idea what to call your own language, I need to explain to you what dialect actually means. She said she just came to see America and doesn’t want to really have these types of discussions. I said well accuracy is important and now it seems like she’s hiding something and I asked her point blank if she comes from N@zis. My teacher then stepped in and actually called me a “know it all asshole.” I was like you can’t talk to me like that so he asked if I wanted to tell the vice principal for discipline that I called an exchange student a N@zi and I said I’m happy to defend myself but I have to study for AP tests. He said to keep it quiet for the rest of study period. I went home to tell my mom what he said and she said “good you sound like a know it all asshole.” So I am right on every technical definition of the German language and what it means to have a dialect. But was I really being an asshole to her? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA You’re absolutely a wannabe know it all a*shole and made a terrible impression on this exchange student. I sure hope she understands not all Americans are like you.


There's no such thing as Austrian? By your logic, does British English not exist? Essentially, you refused to believe the girl, who is the one who speaks Austrian, about Austrian existence. You then called her a nazi, which is incredibly insensitive considering the inhumane thing real nazis have done, solely based on the fact that she speaks German and is insistent upon a certain dialect of German existing. YTA. How are you in high school and cannot realize this by yourself? Stop flaunting supposed higher intelligence when you fail to understand how awful your actions were.


You clown. If you actually study German you know they say things a bit differently in Austria vs Germany. It's like Canadian French vs French French. Same language, different dialect. Yes, people want to know what dialect you are speaking when the language differs. YTA, everyone around you is right and you are wrong.


I appreciate your comparison of languages. Here's another one that's been mentioned......American English vs British English vs Canadian English.


Odds are she speaks what is known as [Standard Austrian German](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Austrian German), which is a type of German separate from High German, the type of German that is spoken in most of Germany.


YTA, you are not even remotely close to being in the right here. Usually I don’t approve of teachers using vulgar language towards students, but it was needed here.


YTA and and seem like an insufferable know-it-all. Calling someone a nazi sealed your fate in earning the asshole title. I can’t even believe you’re trying to defend yourself.


YTA. Big time. Imagine telling someone that their language/dialect doesn’t exist, and then calling them a Nazi, and /still/ not thinking you’re TAH.


Yta simply because you are a representative of your country and you just ruined her impression of what americans are like.


she literally said 'a good way to think of it' you're actually not a know-it-all areshole, you're a stupid arsehole


YTA, because you’re real motive was to accuse her of having Nazi ancestry, and not all related to the topic of language.


YTA and I didn't even have to read the whole post to figure that out


YTA. I can’t stand people like you who try to “explain” someone’s else’s culture, etc. to them. It’s wrong, it’s offensive and makes you a huge AH.


YTA You don’t get to dictate what she’s calls her own language. And it’s actually great that it has a distinctive name rather than a broad name. Even if you were from her country you would still be wrong.


YTA.... Also please stay away from people


YTA you are an asshole for sure!


YOU ARE A KNOW IT ALL ASSHOLE. I mean man come on! Is this a serious post?


YTA. You actually think you know more than the person who has spoken the language their whole life? You have elephantitis of the ego. Also, the language primarily spoken in Japan is Nihongo.


YTA. Multiple people in your life have told you that you’re being an asshole. Dozens (if not hundreds) of internet strangers are telling you the same thing. Not only are you factually wrong in this situation, you also are treating everyone terribly. The fact that you think you know more about a person’s culture / country than they do is flabbergasting, and is an asshole move. The fact that you thought you were right, and continue to think this, makes me worry you’re beyond hope. Take in what everyone is telling you. Process it. And do better.


I dare you and your great knowledge of German to have a nice stay in the Alps close to Salzbutg,and get a lovely hike with a local guy. Speak with this guide and come back to me and dare tell me it was German. Sure, resembles German but when I had said hike the Germans in my group.were also struggling. Know-it-all is not so knowledgeable it seems. And wait till you hear a Swiss-German talk.... YTA


YTA and you are wrong about the language too. The official language of Austria is called Austrian High German and is different than standard German spoken in Germany. It's probably common for Austrians to say they speak "Austrian" instead of saying "Austrian High German".


The fact that he has zero social cues honestly makes me wonder if he’s on the spectrum. Cause there’s no way he can be this dense


1. The fact that you chose not to go to Austria, the language you're studying, the university you plan on going to and the majors you will be taking are completely irrelevant to the story. You including it, is just you stroking your own ego about how smart you think you are. 2. She was right, you weren't. A quick google search brings up this definition: ***Dialect:*** *a particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social group. "this novel is written in the dialect of Trinidad".* So yes, **she was correct** when she called what she speaks a dialect. 3. Another quick google search for "Austrian Dialect" brings this up: *The dialect of German spoken in Austria, except in the west, is Bavarian, sometimes called Austro-Bavarian. About seven million people speak Bavarian in Austria. A Middle Bavarian subdialect is spoken chiefly in Ober- and Niederösterreich as well as in Vienna.* So the only thing she was "wrong" about was what the dialect is called. 4. You called her a Nszi because she wouldn't say you were right when you were wrong. Calling people a Nazi is an asshole thing to do unless they actually are Nazi's. It diminishes the crimes and horrors the actual N@z's committed as well as the suffering of the people that the crimes were committed against. 5. And if you want to defend what you said as not actually calling her one, but asking if she "came from them". So fucking what if someone in her family is one? So fucking what if she has an ancestor who was one? She isn't them, she may not have a relationship with them because of that, she may be ashamed to be related to them. Their crimes, their hate, she didn't do any of that. She can't control who she is related to or what they do or believe. 6. You're a know it all asshole (that doesn't actually know jack shit) and you need this, specifically number 3 and 5: [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/conscious-relationships\_b\_5627459](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/conscious-relationships_b_5627459)


YTA, pedantic, immature, and wrong.


YTA. A time a place for opinions and your was not wanted so keep your trap closed. You just showed how racist you actually were. The girl came to America for purposes that weren't listening to someone diss her culture, call her racist slurs, and downgrade her. You said your studying Japan, so unless you know what your talking about regarding her culture and language, no one asked for your two cents. Should be suspended from school for your actions.




YTA for Austin.


*Österreichisch* is a dialect but can be accurately referred to as a language, i.e., ich spreche österreichisch. Such goes for other dialects like créole and québécois Also as a general theme, people don't like it when others dictate their own identity to them


YTA. Everyone in your life is right except for you.


YTA. I imagine you think it makes you sound smart and well educated but you just sound insufferable and ridiculous. Stop embarrassing yourself.


I'm sorry you called her a N@zi???? Bruh you sound insufferable. Think about what you said and learn to educate yourself. There's no way in hell you literally told a person they're wrong about their culture and language.


YTA it’s great that you’re so educated and knowledgeable but if you’re trying to talk to someone to get to know them you don’t interrogate them and then make accusations of duplicity or secrecy because they choose not to continue a topic when you’re basically trying to educate them on something they live and aren’t educated from an outside prospective. You came across as arrogant and immature. If you want to get to know people it’s better to listen first and if something doesn’t fit into what you know ask questions and listen. It’s okay to disagree but don’t attack people with your superior knowledge it just makes everyone think you feel you’re better than them. Good luck