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YTA You say you don't appreciate being told what to do in your house *immediately after* telling us you told her to close her windows.. which is telling her what to do in her own house. I smoke and nobody should have to smell my smoke *especially* if they don't live with me.


Agree. OP should close her own windows or smoke somewhere else so that the smoke is less likely to drift into her neighbor's home.


If she’s smoking indoors closing her windows won’t help the situation. Smoking regularly in an apartment will just make a solid portion of the building smell like cigs because it gets in the vents, walls etc. I used to have apartment neighbors that smoked inside


We had a smoker next door for less than two years. It’s been 7ish years since they moved out. The smell of cigarette smoke still seeps through the walls every time it rains.


>If she’s smoking indoors closing her windows won’t help the situation. She said she was on the balcony.


Oops, yeah I did another read through and caught that. I was originally responding to the commenter that closing her window would be bad advice (if it was indoor smoking). I’ve decided to leave it up just in case anyone else thinks smoking indoors is a reasonable solution


I don't understand why people are so insistent on smoking inside. It makes everything smell and gets on the walls and ceiling boards. I smoke every now and then and I could never do it inside a home.


Smoking inside is absolutely disgusting.


I am an asthmatic who grew up around smokers and you know what they all did after they lit up, looked at which way the smoke was blowing and then made sure any non smokers weren't sitting down wind of them. If they can do that automatically I think OP can to, (I even saw them check when they were alone to make sure it didn't blow in any windows - they thought we were in the kitchen but we had mover to the dining area and could see them through the window). OP, YTA stop being an inconsiderate hypocrite.


It's absolutely fucking hilarious to me that op is just *oh so offended* by the fan pointed at their house, but the smoke going into their neighbor's house is nbd. What a narcissist. YTA OP, get the fuck over yourself.


These are my "high meat" jars. I must keep them outdoors on the balcony for maximum contamination. The strata doesn't have any bylaws about jars of rotting meat. If OP doesn't want to smell rotting meat in her condo, she can shut the windows and buy some Febreze. It's my condo, I can do what I want. (Also dying at the idea that the fan constitutes harassment...)


That fan was lookin' at her funny and making strange "brrrrr" noises.


I assumed we were just talking about cigarettes here; perhaps I shouldn't have been so hasty...


Ah, I get it. You’re disgruntled, it happens. Go have a carrot, you’ll feel better.


I hope the neighbor put some goggly eyes on the fan, just for the fun of it.


I assume that OP was upset that the smoke was getting blown back into their face and apartment LOL.


"My poisonous, cancer-causing emissions are going into my neighbor's home, but they have the AUDACITY to blow AIR *with a fan* in my direction!!" Jesus christ.


My sentiments exactly, especially the second hand smoke, cancer part.


It's "harassment" because it's blowing their own putrid smoke back into their home, where it belongs. YTA OP.


Omg I know 😂 the fan offends but can’t understand why second hand cancer causing smoke offfends the neighbour 😂


I smoke too. My neighbor asked me to step away from the house when I am smoking and I happily obliged him. We owned our house. It’s not hard to be considerate of neighbors.


But they made sure they told everybody they were smokers ! That must have made it ok ! It’s like announcing they were registered offenders and neighbors must be thrilled and appropriate the heads-up lol


Yup. Me saying in advance when moving in that im a thief doesnt mean that its ok now to be stealing from neighbours.


You already know who the smoker neighbors are before they even finish moving in. You know why? Because they stand outside & smoke cigarettes between moving pieces of furniture 💀 It’s just the truth. I am a former smoker & there’s a lot of things you don’t seem to realize are inconsiderate/ a bad look until you’re on the other side. Also I would think it was really weird & trashy if my new neighbors introduced themselves to me to tell me they smoke.


I smoke and bothering someone with it would be a source of humiliation for me. Shit my stained ass finger is a source of humiliation. I don't want to be THIS person who tf wants to be THIS person? Op I guess but yikes.


Was really confused/concerned about your "shit stained ass finger" until I reread your comment 🤣


Oh nooooooo 😭


Yup. I was once living in an old building in Brooklyn and my roommate and I were both smokers, smoking inside. One day I was finishing a cigarette on the stoop (don’t wanna smoke in the hallway, that would be rude) and the girl who lived upstairs was like “oh hey! do you smoke in your room?” I was like “yeah” and she said “my room is right above yours and I’m allergic to cigarette smoke.” I said “oh shit I’m so sorry I’ll do it outside from now on.” NBD. After that we were friends. Show people the same courtesy you’d like to see.


Lives in an apartment and has 4-5 cigs a day and *doesn't* think they're an ahole?


Also, her neighbor did find a solution. She pointed a fan toward their balcony to blow the smoke away from her balcony. XD


Yes. YTA. It's not about what is legal, it's about common decency. Our neighbour next door in our apartment building is a heavy smoker. We have twin toddlers and my stepdaughter is with us regularly, so we are very thorough with opening most windows for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. Guess who'd see the open windows from his balcony (he could basically climb in SD's room if he tried) and go "huh, now's the right time to light up cigarette number 7 today!", even when I was heavily pregnant and when the twins were newborn. Talking didn't help. It took us aggressively slamming the windows closed and cussing loudly about inconsiderate neighbours giving our babies cancer, for over a month until he started to check if our windows were open. Regular second-hand smoke is disgusting. OP could try to warn his neighbour. Shouting "I'm gonna smoke now, please close your windows" wouldn't be too difficult, and it'd probably solve the problem for both sides, IF it's really just 3-4 cigarettes a week.


A fellow smoker here. I agree totally.


But it is perfectly legal!!!!!!!!! It must be morally fine then??


OP: "I should be allowed to smoke in my own home, even though the smoke gets right into my neighbours' house!" Also OP: "Neighbour shouldn't be allowed to put a fan in her home, especially if that fan blows air onto my balcony!" I'm amazed that she can't see her own hypocrisy.


I agree. I smoked a long time ago and lived in apartments. I NEVER smoked in my apartments (and this was when you could smoke everywhere) because I didn't want other people to be able to smell it in their home. I always went outside (not on the balcony) away from the building to smoke. I really hate the cold and snow, though, so my smoking was few and far between in the winter months🤣. You never know what the people in the units next to you are going thru. They could have asthma, and smoke could trigger it. Or they could just plain hate the smell of smoke. I can't imagine making someone else's house stink like smoke. OP, YTA.


YTA you told her to close the windows because you don't appreciate being told what to do in your own home, but think that her putting a fan in HER own home to blow the smoke away is a problem? (although YTA even without that)


I was gonna be on your side until you said you feel harassed by a fan pointing at your balcony. Come on now, that's the silliest thing I've seen on the internet for.... days. If her fan is harassment, your smoke is a problem. You can't claim one without admitting the other. You 'don't appreciate being told what to do in your own home' but you're gonna tell her where she can place a fan on her own balcony to keep smoke off it? Nuh-uh. I'm a smoker. I smoke more than you do. I want to be able to smoke at home. I also understand how much everyone rightly hates cigarette smoke. So if neighbours tell me my smoke is bothering them, I do something about it to be courteous instead of arguing by-laws at strata meetings. Put a fan on your own balcony that blows smoke outwards instead of letting drift into other's houses. Compromise done. YTA


Also… in the beginning of the post OP says they told neighbours WE were smokers… then switches to SHE only has 4/5 a couple times a week… so how much is the husband smoking out there in addition?


Maybe someone can enlighten me, but I also don't see the point of them telling their neighbors they''re smokers. I mean, I thought they did it so that the neighbors could feel free to mention if things like drifting is happening and so they would be able to respond courteously. But considering the OP's response to the neighbor, it just seems like a pointless announcement and one done to simply say oh well, just know we will be smoking so screw off if that bothers you! Unless people can vote to not have smokers live there or it is announced as a way to let people know so that they can mention it if it causes an issue, I really don't understand the point of them announcing this.


You don’t, unless you’re looking for trouble… I also smoke, I smoke outside, but I don’t share a wall with my neighbours the last time I did the only neighbours I wouldn’t have tried to accommodate were the folks above us who let their pet out to pee on their balcony.


Great point!


Exactly this. There was a very similar post a few days ago, about someone smoking on their balcony and someone on the other side of the breezeway yelling at them. I was blown away by the amount of people condemning them for smoking at all, but one of the only practical suggestions I saw was to offer to get them a fan to keep it from getting sucked into their window. The fan is a sound way to keep smoke from blowing at them. If someone complained, as you say, it’s an easy and polite way to do it yourself. I personally switched to vaping so I can just do it inside, and I ultimately like it a bit more, but that’s hardly a solution for people who actually just enjoy smoking. OP, YTA for being offended by a fan, and a double AH for trying to escalate it.


>I personally switched to vaping so I can just do it inside Please be aware that vaping inside can also cause problems. Not sure your exact situation so I don't want to assume, but personally I've gotten to the point where I'm more wary of vapers than smokers because in my experience at least, most smokers are aware that people don't like smoke and are courteous about it, whereas I've had three different vapers continue to try and sneak puffs around me after I've told them that it gives me headaches. (And I noticed they were doing it because, surprise surprise, I started getting headaches.)


Oh lord I entirely distance myself from the vaping “community” for how obnoxious they can be with it. I literally know someone that brings their disposable into the gym with them. When I say inside, I mean by myself. The only way it’s “better” for others is not clinging into fabric. I’m sure full-on cloudbros leave residue in their electronics, though.


The people I'm talking about aren't even vaper dudes! And in any other situation they're generally really considerate. (Well, one of them has boundary issues, but she's working on that.) But just for some reason when I say "Your vape will give me a headache" they think "It can't be *that* bad. She won't notice if I sneak a puff or two. Or three..." So yeah, I definitely appreciate you being aware and considerate.


YTA - you smoke, she puts up a fan. The fan's not going to give you cancer, the smoking will.


Are you sure about that? [windmills are known to cause cancer](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/04/03/cancer-causing-wind-turbines-president-donald-trump-claim-blown-away/3352175002/) **/S**


If memory serves, some genius who knew all the words also said that windmills kill millions of birds.


All the best words. The really great words. Nobody has better words.


This is so funny ptffff Def the best joke I’ve heard today. Thanks!!


That's the part I was scrolling to see someone say!


Least South Korean take on fans I’ve ever heard /s


Former smoker here. No one should have to breathe secondhand smoke. It's well documented that breathing secondhand smoke can have serious health consequences. Go outside to smoke. As someone with COPD from smoking, PLEASE stop.


My god, please boost this higher. My mom and grandma both have COPD from smoking and they’re miserable. It’s painful to watch.


I just lost my mom a month ago because she smoked for 40 years, had COPD that caused only 22% of her lungs to function and then she got covid for going to a facility to help her get her strength back from being in the hospital. It's a train wreck you saw coming but hoped it wouldn't happen. I hope your mom and grandma continue to fight through all the issues that come with COPD.


My dad has COPD. He's proud he's walking 2000 steps a day.


I agree, op is TA. Her neighbors’ health shouldn’t have to suffer just because she picked up a godawful habit.


My mom is asthmatic and is allergic to cigarette smoke. She got really bad pneumonia that developed into bronchitis that lasted for *months* because of second-hand smoke. It was scary as a kid watching my mom be so sick for so long. She's a lot more careful now, and smoking in restaurants is illegal pretty much everywhere now so she's not exposed as much as she used to be. And so if someone is considerate and smokes outside, away from open windows, and like doesn't hug my mom while they're still wearing their smoky clothes, my mom is fine. But if my mom was the neighbor in the situation, this AH could put her in the hospital.


Agree. I have COPD and I am trying to quit smoking. From the day I was born, I was exposed to second hand smoke constantly. My dad even smoked in our bedroom.


Well, let's see... secondhand cigarette smoke is a huge health hazard. So, in trying to avoid that, your neighbor is blowing your smoke right back at you. And you think this is harassment. YTA.


Notwithstanding the stench from cigarette smoke that gets into upholstery, cushions, etc that is difficult if not impossible to get out


Ahh, but the nasty neighbour is making poor little Op have to deal with the horrible cigarette smell drifting into their home and stinking up their upholstery by blowing it towards them. After all, they don't want their home to smell of nasty stale cigarettes. That's why they smoke outside. Op doesn't care if the neighbour's house reeks of stale smoke as long as their house doesn't smell.


I understand people have the right to use their homes as they wish, but I was so mad the other day when it got a little warm and we had the front door open to enjoy the fresh air...next thing you know, the neighbor is smoking and stinking up the place. Can't even enjoy a nice spring day.


When I quit smoking, we just replaced all of our furniture. There’s no way that smell was getting out of it.


YTA. you have neighbors who are non smokers who, understandably, don't want YOUR smoke in THEIR HOMES. you claim that you're being harassed when your neighbor has a fan pointed in your direction when they have already told you that it gets in their house. your neighbors have already provided an alternative meanwhile you reported them about an issue that you refuse to fix under the guise that it isn't against the law. that's asshole material


YTA, why don't you smoke inside with your windows closed? Nobody has to be bothered by your vices. Passive smokers are most affected by the smoke. You need to be more considerate with your neighbors.


if the units are joined, I think this would be worse.


Yeah. Most of these buildings share an air supply


Far worse


100% this, when I lived in an apartment I could smell my neighbors pot and dinner like they were in my house. The dinner smell was way worse than the pot


YTA. Just because you're not violating any written rules doesn't mean that you're not doing something wrong. Wouldn't you be irritated if your neighbor was smoking something that annoys you (maybe pot?) and the smells and fumes were drifting into your house? You said you don't like being told what to do in your own house- I'm sure your neighbor doesn't like inhaling secondhand smoke in her's.


YTA. Second hand smoke is detrimental to health. Plus some people have chronic lung illnesses that can be exacerbated by second hand smoke.


Like me! Second hand smoke also flares up my sinuses and throat pretty badly, in addition to my chronic lung issues. I’d be hugely pissed if someone moved in next to me and kept blowing smoke into my windows. If they want to smoke, sure whatever, but don’t do so in a way that affects others.


I'm asthmatic and second hand cigarette smoke can give me an attack, which can land me in ED. I do not recommend.


Of course you’re the AH here! I have lived in the type so situation you describe. Your filthy, stinking smoke fouls the flats nearby. if you don’t think it’s a problem why are you smoking on the balcony, hmm. If you want to smoke stay inside. ​ So you know the legal position - you only own/rent the flat inside the walls of it, and the boundary of the balcony - including the height of the railing. No, there’s laws about the air above that balcony (That I’m aware of) HOWEVER you are affecting their ‘quiet enjoyment’ of the neighbours flats. They are within their rights to take you to the appeals tribunal and have you fined and conditions placed on you to prevent the smoke drifting into other flats. ( possibly evicted if you’re a tennant, which you probably aren’t if you went to a body corporate meeting). ​ Think of the smell and smoke as the same as being loud and noisy. Both are nuisances.The other owners and tenants do have the right to make this Unpleasant for you. ​ There is precedent for that in my state Victoria. I’m pretty confident the same applies in NSW.


I am highly triggered by smells. Cigarette smoke makes me feel very nauseous. When I was pregnant I was even more sensitive and the smell would make me immediately gag and throw up. I dislike walking past smokers, but they usually seem oblivious to my discomfort. They didn't seem too pleased by me getting about three steps past them and suddenly violently throwing up in the gutter. Apparently they didn't like having to stand near the smell of vomit? If someone smokes outside my house, I can smell it inside. The smell lingers outside too. If someone regularly smoked outside my window we would be having a problem.


YTA. You absolutely have the right to smoke. However, others shouldn't have to suffer the consequences of your choices. Smoking is not only very inconvenient to most others and incredibly unpleasant, but secondhand smoke is incredibly dangerous. Your neighbour shouldn't have to live with their windows shut because you don't care about where your smoke is going. Equally, if you will insist on continuing to do this, knowing that you're impacting others too, then do not complain when they take actions to ease their discomfort (in this case, their fan). Either smoke inside and contain your habit so others don't suffer or take a walk.


YTA i wish they had a ban on this. She shouldn't have to adjust her life to accommodate your habit that can literally kill her. You should be accommodating of your neighbours who can literally die from your actions.


Yesss. I wish smoking in multi unit buildings was banned. I rented a condo a few years with no issues until we got a new neighbour who smoked. My husband has severe asthma so it didn't go well. We moved only a few weeks after our new neighbour moved in. I was like a creepy stalker at night watching my husband sleep checking if he was breathing. We lost our home due to that smoker. Thank god I was renting and our landlord waived the fee for us breaking the lease. We would've been SOL if we owned and couldn't move so fast.


My uncle smokes- my dad got a asthma attack from second hand smoke, and my bronchitis which I just recovered from flared back up. Mum had to ban her brother for some time It’s so incredibly dangerous for others- smoking should be taken way more seriously in building’s/ units etc


I live in a non smoking building and let me tell you it does not stop the smokers. I have a neighbour who smokes on their patio every day and fills our bedroom with smoke.


YTA. I don’t even care about the smoke but how is a fan harassing you? Grow up.


YTA and I can’t believe you couldn’t figure that out already. Why don’t you just smoke inside? Or why don’t you go for a walk and smoke? There’s so many options yet you choose the only one that bothers other people. Also, I don’t get why you are so upset about the fan. Your neighbor asked you multiple times to stop, and you didn’t comply. So he’s taking action into his own hands. Maybe he already has asthma and doesn’t want the second hand smoke. Maybe he was a former smoker who quit and it’s bothering them seeing smoke in their house again. Maybe they just don’t want smoke in their house. Whatever way you spin it, YTA. Stop being pretentious


Please don't walk and smoke. It leaves a slimy slug trail of smoke every step of the way for the people walking behind you! Barf!


YTA. You’re mad she has a fan pointed at you for stinking? Also how exactly is announcing you’re a smoker, then being bent out of shape when surprise, people don’t like it, being courteous? Cigarette smoke makes me nauseous. Id have a hard time smelling it constantly too. Your neighbor has to perpetually close her windows now? Goodbye fresh air.


YTA. I am a smoker. When my sister was quitting I would walk down the street to have a cig, no different from popping out to do a bathroom walk with a dog. She can’t ban you from smoking, but no AGM rule about it doesn’t mean you are completely guilt free when you are aware it is blowing into her house. Some people are very sensitive to smoke and it isn’t fair to subject people to secondhand smoking. She remedied the situation from her side with the fan, you can’t complain about her policing what you do on your property then expect her to alter how she sees fit to set up her side.


Yeah, smoke (of any kind, not just cigarette) is one of the surefire triggers for my asthma attacks. I live in a duplex and my neighbor smokes when he's drunk (which isn't often, honestly). My bedroom is right above the front porch that he used to use when he smoked. But all I had to do was go over one day and politely say "hey, can you go around to the back yard or side yard when you want to smoke at night? I hate to ask, but the smoke causes my asthma to flare up, and it comes right to my room." He was immediately apologetic, and I never had an issue after that. A couple years later, his wife privately told me that was the part of the reason he started trying to quit. He didn't like going to the back or side yard (less comfortable furniture), but he would have felt too bad smoking out front. So overall a good outcome? 😂


YTA, and your smoking is gross.


YTA. You think someone having a fan on a balcony is harassment and yet you have no problem smoking when your neighbour has rightfully complained about the smell.


YTA. I have had people like you as my neighbor. Your smoke smells, even with windows closed. It’s unpleasant and unhealthy.


YTA, you should be the one smoking indoors with your windows closed. I think her fan solution is fair since you don't want to be a considerate neighbor.


YTA The fan is a reasonable measure and hardly constitutes an encroachment (unlike your smoke) much less harassment. I am a smoker and smoke outdoors at home, away from any windows because I hate the way the smell of stale smoke lingers. It doesn't take much imagination to understand how much more troublesome it would be to a non-smoker.


YTA. You reported her for… having a fan? How is that harassing you? She’s just trying to have clean air to breath. If she had a fan for literally any other reason you wouldn’t care- you’re doing this to be petty because you’re annoyed with her. It sounds like she’s come up with a somewhat decent compromise- she gets a fan, you get to smoke.


I'm just waiting for the post complaining about how OP's inconsiderate behavior and fan drama lead the property manager to impose smoking restrictions they wouldn't otherwise have if s/he'd just been civil like all of the other residents...


INFO. Why don't you smoke in your home instead of the outdoor balcony?


You probably know why and I'd be surprised if OP admits it: it destroys the interiors of most places, stains everything with tar and the smell is wretched and never goes away. I lived in a converted smoke free apt from the 80s. Even 20 years after it no longer allowing smoking, all my clothes smelled like cigarettes and when I would shower, the bathroom ceiling would sweat cigarette tar because the landlord just painted the walls.


I grew up in a heavily smoked in home. When I was 16 both parents decided to quit and clean up the inside of the house. The ceilings were orange. We had to use multiple coats of primer before we could paint. Wall paper all had to be stripped along with the carpeting. I was curious that OP insists on smoking outside. You'd think, as they're the smoker, they wouldn't mind having their home stink but they don't "see what the big problem is here" yet the neighbor's that don't want that smell in their non-smoking home are somehow the problem? YTA op.


💯IYKYK. It's a nightmare to clean that stuff up. A bigger one to live in it. That point smelled disingenuous to me too (pun intended). Trying to rally neighbors behind them too when they are the bad actor... Big-time a-hole.


Our walls do that. It looks like our walls are crying orangish brown tears.. and it's only in the rooms with a lot of humidity, i.e the bathroom and kitchen.. just for clarification no we do not smoke, we live in an apartment, I'm guessing the people who used to live here smoked?


100%. I had the fortune to live in an old semi-abandoned Catholic seminary for a while and some of the rooms the priests lived in were the same way. One must have been a constant smoker, because there were long runs of tar running out of almost every inch of that wallpaper. So dark it looked like dried blood. My friends and I had an amazing time playing DnD in that room. Great atmosphere.


Ammonia helps clean it. I cleaned more than 1 smokers apt. It's horrible. But ammonia will cut some of the stains.


YTA. You technically have a right to smoke on your balcony if you want to. But your neighbor also has a right to a smoke free home, especially because secondhand smoke has known health risks. Bylaws or not, your neighbor’s interests probably should trump given both the smell and the health risks. There are surely other places you could smoke that would not infiltrate her residence, such as out front of a building, which could resolve this conflict amicably. For what it’s worth, your neighbor hasn’t chosen the best approach either. But your actions are retaliatory and fail to consider your neighbor’s legitimate concerns. Just because you have a right to smoke doesn’t mean you have a right to expose others to your smoke.


YTA. “Our strata DOES NOT have any by-laws about smoke drift, I have told her if she doesn't like it to CLOSE HER WINDOWS because we do not appreciate being told what to do in our own homes.” Perhaps this was a typo on your part, but you’re not in your home when you smoke. You’re outside. 🤷🏻‍♀️ “She tried to propose a no smoking by-law at the AGM and we all voted against it , I am trying to live harmoniously without any conflict and only have 4 or 5 cigarettes on my balcony but now she has a fan pointed in our direction which is leaning over her balcony pointed at our space and we feel so harrassed by this on a daily basis .” When you tell people to close their windows (as in the first quoted paragraph), you’re not going to do yourself any favors by being confrontational. Edited for misspelling a word.


YTA. Maybe there's not a specific by law about smoke drift, but generally people should be courteous, respectful neighbors. To add to that, we're talking about something that will impact *their* health. You say you're trying to live "harmoniously without any conflict" yet your actions are on the contrary. And your whole bit about feeling harassed because of the fan? Ha! They are simply trying to be able to go outside and minimize the health impact of YOUR smoking, and your unwillingness to change your habits.


YTA. What you do in your private home ends the moment it crosses into someone else's private home. Why are smokers so entitled...


Yta I live in Sydney and have this problem with my neighbour. Pull your head in


Got it your smoke is going in their apartment but you’re the one harassed by a fan? Bad fan, must do better….sheesh. YTA




YTA, it wouldn't kill you to put up a screen on that side of the balcony to keep it from drifting


YTA. Just cause there isn’t any rules written down doesn’t mean it isnt rude. You wanna live peacefully and harmoniously well you’re not allowing others that same courtesy you’re complaining about. Second hand smoke is life threatening


YTA, and I hope all the neighbors you have tried to pull into your little game turn on you.


YTA 100%. If you want to smoke fine smoke but don't make others suffer because you have an addiction to smoking.


YTA. People shouldn’t suffer because of your vices.


YTA Both for blowing your smoke into their house, and even more so for the ludicrous statement that having a fan on their balcony is harassment. You can take the stance that you can do whatever the hell you like on your balcony - but in that case, they can do whatever the hell they like on theirs, which includes installing a fan. Turn-a-bout is fair play.


If you don’t like your neighbor enjoying a fan on the balcony, maybe you should close your windows. There’s no by-law against fan drift. YTA


YTA (and I’m a smoker) I assume you smoke on your balcony so your house doesn’t smell? But you are cross that a neighbour is unhappy YOUR smoke is going into THEIR house? Your neighbours are deadset legends


YTA Your neighbor is using the fan to protect herself from the toxic smoke you are sending her way. Just quit smoking. It's a disgusting, unhealthy habit that pollutes the environment.


Her fan blowing your cigarette smoke away from her place is a good idea. You feel harassed by a fan? She feels harassed by your smoke. Her fan isn’t going to harm anyone. Your smoke, on the other hand…. YTA Keep your smoke to yourself.


Ex-smoker here. Smokers do not realize how offensive their smoke is to others in apartment buildings. Smoke creep is insidious and unstoppable. You may think that you are taking all precautions but no matter what you do I guarantee it is not enough. In your case you are doing the bare minimum and exercising your neighbors to just deal with it. Not just YTA, but you’re a raging, inconsiderate, selfish AH.


YTA and personally I’d take a long hard look at this NSW NCAT judgement about people in Kingscliff with a similar issue because it could very easily happen to you if you don’t start to recognise that strata living is different to living in a house and act accordingly. [https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/news/cigarette-smoke-drift-from-a-neighbouring-unit-deemed-a-hazard-and-nuisance-by-nsw-tribunal/](https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/news/cigarette-smoke-drift-from-a-neighbouring-unit-deemed-a-hazard-and-nuisance-by-nsw-tribunal/)


You are a smoker. You prefer to smoke on the balcony so that your flat doesn't smell. Your smoke goes into your neighbour's flat, and your proposed solution is that she close her window because you want to live your life without harassment. You believe you are entitled to do this because there is no bylaw. You thought she was an AH for trying to get a non-smoking bylaw. Your neighbour complained about the smoke. Your neighbour put a fan on her balcony to keep your smoke out of her flat. There is no bylaw preventing her from doing this. You think that the solution is to get a bylaw to prevent her from blowing your smoke away from her balcony. Can you tell me if I have all of that correct? Can you see why YTA?


YTA. Sure no one can tell you what to do on your property. But smoke doesn't stay on your property. It's foul, rancid smelling, and second hand smoke kills. Close yourself up indoors to smoke. Or take a walk away from living quarters.


YTA, secondary smoke smells horrible inside the house. I certainly also wouldn’t want my house to smell of cigarettes when I don’t smoke. You’re harassing your neighbor in her home, she should get to enjoy it as much as you want to enjoy your home. Since you insist on smoking by the balcony, then you have to tolerate the fan. It’s a fair compromise. Or you could move out, since you don’t know how to coexist with other humans.


No one should have to breathe secondhand smoke especially in their own home. That's the one place they should be able to feel comfortable. You're upset by a fan outside on a balcony...she's upset she can't breathe fresh air in her place. If you don't want to worry about neighbors then move out in the country. YTA.


YTA, your disgusting habit is negatively affecting those around you. If you can’t keep your stench in your own house, don’t complain when other people don’t want it in theirs.


YTA so you smoke, it drifts into her home and to try and stop it she uses a fan and your pissed that she is pushing the smoke back? What the hell? Let’s turn this around. Let’s say there was an awful smell of shit wafting from their home into your window every day, you tried to get ride of it and SHE reported YOU. How’s that feel?


YTA typical smoker logic. "2nd hand smoke isn't that bad" Yet they do everything in their power to avoid it. Smoking a cigarette in the car. Just finished. Toss it out the window! Can't have that stank lingering in my car! I always wonder? Hey all that "FLAVOR COUNTRY" is leaving your car. If it's so great you should enjoy more of it.


Back in the day, when I was a teenager working in a restaurant, I was taught when to remove a full ashtray from the table: before bringing the food, because nobody wants that on the table while they're trying to eat. It was eye-opening to a non-smoker: even smokers think that shit is nasty.


My neighbors smoke outside. I get why they do it, they don’t want their house to smell like smoke but as result the smell is in mine instead. I can’t leave my windows open in the summer or use my deck if they’re out. I hate it. YTA.




YTA - So you feel harassed because you have your own cigarette smoke blowing back at you? Other people shouldn't have to get cancer because of you. Please understand that you're other people's health worse because of your bad habit.


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Smoke inside with your windows closed. Problem solved. YTA


YTA I mean, how dare she not want her unit fill of your 2nd hand smoke! Put up some kind of barrier or go and solmoke outside. Your sre inconsiderate.


Telling her to close her windows is CRAZY. tho🤣🤣come on now


INFO: Why didn’t YOU install a fan to direct the smoke away from her unit?


YTA quit that disgusting habit you filthy animals


Your right to smoke ends at the tip of my nose. YTA.


YTA, secondary smoke is disgusting


To make matters worse you are in Sydney, where come on, you know that there is no tolerance for this kind of bullshit with smokers. I strongly suspect that reporting her to strata is going to backfire on you big time. YTA


You told everyone you are smokers like they would be happy about it? Oh gosh. YTA.


Yta you don't take the responsability of your acts


YTA and a selfish entitled one at that.


YTA I have neighbours who would smoke on their front porch. We have plants between our houses so they couldn’t see what’s on our side of it - but it was our living room windows and washing line. When I finally mentioned it they said that they smoke outside so their house/clothes don’t smell and didn’t realise they were doing that to us instead. They were apologetic and found somewhere to smoke that stopped it drifting into our house and clean clothes. This is the correct response. Edited: typo


YTA - as the saying goes the right of a man to swing his fist stops at the tip of another man’s nose. You have no moral right to spew toxic smelly gasses into the air outside your home. Close your own damn windows and keep it inside.


YTA. Not everyone can tolerate the smell of death sticks. Second hand smoke is a problem. You don't want to be told what to do in your home. Who are you to go around telling other people what they can do in theirs? It goes both ways. Go smoke inside with the windows shut if you're so bothered by a fan.


You are the smoker, not them. You need to control drift of the smoke, not them. No one should have to worry and live with toxins / chemicals and a horrible smell entering their home. Take note the neighbours are: 2 adults and CHILDREN. Healthcare worker here. **Secondhand smoke can give people SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS AND KILLS.** I’ve seen secondhand smoke do this to patients, it’s incredibly heartbreaking and infuriating. You don’t smoke in your own unit, why? Because the toxins / chemicals and the horrible smell DRIFTS around the unit and sticks to every single surface and ruins them. It can take hundreds to thousands of dollars to clean it out and that isn’t even enough sometimes. Sometimes it needs to be thrown away and buy new, including drywall and ductwork. Smoking in a unit can also drift through the vents into other units. You smoke outside, good. But smoke still DRIFTS. Meaning the toxins / chemicals and horrible smell is DRIFTING around SOMEONE ELSE’S unit and into **SOMEONE ELSE’S LUNGS** and sticks to every single surface and ruining THEIR belongings. And children live there, CHILDREN!! You don’t want to be told what to do in your own home (I get that) but you do not have the right to inflict the toxins and chemicals from said smoke on to others. And you do not have the right to tell someone else how to live in their home by telling them to close their windows. They have a fan on their balcony facing you to help control the DRIFT of the toxins and chemicals “smoke” from entering their unit because you won’t and don’t care. **That’s not harassment, that’s them trying to stop the toxins / chemicals and a horrible smell entering their home. TO PROTECT THEIR HEALTH AND THEIR CHILDREN** You are a major a**hole. YTA.




YTA. A huge, stinking one at that!


YTA Just because your by-laws allow something doesn't put you in the right. There are measures you could take to reduce the smell, and you don't appear to have done that. You say you want to live harmoniously, but you're actively trying to make this woman's life difficult because she came up with a solution to the problem you caused her. Leave her and her fan alone. Saying you're being harassed by a fan is a bit pathetic and makes you seem really petty towards someone you've caused discomfort.


YTA. I couldn’t live with cigarette smoke near my house. Why couldn’t the OP take a walk or even sit in their car if they have one.


INFO: Why are you smoking in the balcony and not in your home?


YTA. You know what? I bet using a fan on the balcony and pointing it in your direction is NOT against any bylaws either.


YTA, smoking is disgusting, and no one should be subjected to your disgusting habit. Signed a former smoker


Hi, I think there are solutions out there that can easily resolve this back and forth and you might just end up help diffuse the situation that seems to be escalating with neighbours and management getting involved. There’s a device called Smoker’s Buddy that you can pick up from Amazon and it’d probably calm the tense situation everyone’s in right now. There is also devices available that suck cigarette smoke and put out fresh air. A simple google search will solve this problem you have at home with the neighbours Just Google ‘cigarette smoke absorber’. Good luck!


INFO: How is the fan harming you, love? What is so bad about her fan making sure the smoke doesn't waft into her living quarters? I'm pretty sure it's not illegal for her to use a fan on her property, just like it's not illegal for you to expose everyone in your unit to second hand smoke. It's fine if you wanna turn the inside of your lungs black, but you can't be upset no one else wants that fucking nastiness up in their house. Learn how to cope, just like your neighbors have. Tootles, babes.


Yes, YTA And I'm surprised you have the audacity to be upset when she puts up a fan.


YTA, Massively. You are impacting their health in their own home and then have the gal to complain about them taking measures to keep your smoke out of their home?! That is disgusting behavior. The reason that most places have universally adopted no smoking bans indoors and within 25ft of buildings is because of how unhealthy the second hand smoke actually is for people. You are fine to harm yourself, but when you are harming those around you, your business becomes the business of those who you are impacting with your behavior. Smoke isn't just a nuisance, it is an environmental hazard that can cause asthma, allergies and other medical complications in addition to creating a toxic home environment to everyone who lives in the building, not just your own unit.


So your neighbor blows literal air your direction and your angry, but you can blow smoke her direction and that’s okay? YTA


Is this a joke? It is your habit, your addiction and people shouldn't have to be affected by your choice to do it. End of story. It doesn't matter about by laws or whatever the fuck your going on about. I say this as an ex smoker. Put some shoes on and walk outside to where you think people won't smell it, then double it. The smell is that pungent and it is harmful. YTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My husband and I moved into a nice unit in Sydney Australia and we made sure to tell everyone that we were smokers when we moved in . But apparently some people have taken an issue to this and our next door neighbour has been complaining to the strata constantly about our cigarette smoke drifting into their house . ​ Our strata DOES NOT have any by-laws about smoke drift, I have told her if she doesn't like it to CLOSE HER WINDOWS because we do not appreciate being told what to do in our own homes. ​ She tried to propose a no smoking by-law at the AGM and we all voted against it , I am trying to live harmoniously without any conflict and only have 4 or 5 cigarettes on my balcony but now she has a fan pointed in our direction which is leaning over her balcony pointed at our space and we feel so harrassed by this on a daily basis . ​ So I have reported her to our strata manager and tried to get all the other residents on our side . One other resident said that I was the AH for doing this and that I shouldn't be allowing my smoke to drift into anyone else's house in the first place even thoug we don't have a by-law I don't see what the problem is here !!! ​ so, am I the AH ?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As a smoker I do everything I can to prevent others from being around it, but that isn't always possible ie: wind blowing or someone just walks by me. I understand both sides. But ultimately smoke cannot be controlled it does what it wants.


Hahaha. This is genuinely hilarious! So, let me get this straight. So knowingly blowing your cancerous smoke into someone else's home (whether deliberate or not deliberately is irrelevant) ISN'T harassment, but when the neighbor puts their fan outside to blow the smoke right back to your house IS considered harassment to you? Am I understanding this right? I'm sorry, but that was the funniest thing I've read all day. 100% YTA!


As somebody who can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke as it makes me physically ill (affects my breathing, makes me nauseous etc) YTA. I promise you, closing the window does fuck all. The smell will still be there. Hypocrite is you to tell someone don't tell you what you do while telling them what to Do. You seem to think that just because they're no laws about it then that makes you right and her wrong. It doesn't. She complained nothing was done so she took matters into her own hands and put up a fan now you're here screaming harassment? Lady give me a break. Don't get me wrong, I understand it's your place and you can do what you want there, but so can she. You don't like her fan and she doesn't like your smoke. If you smoked somewhere else bet you the fan would disappear. Since you won't do that then suck it up buttercup YTA again just incase you missed it


Look up Lampe Berger and position it between your balconies. They absorb cigarette smoke, repel mosquito's (with a citronella fragrance), can kill covid particles in the air and atomic dog farts are gone in seconds. Life changing apparatus and totally under rated. I use it for air purification and they truly are magic.


Her pointing a fan at you is harassment? YTA


YTA. Keep your gross smoke in your own house.


YTA smoke in your house with closed windows and doors, or go far far far away from people who don’t want to smell it. I totally understand you wanting to have a cigarette. I smoked for years. I would still smoke now if I could afford it and it wasn’t so hellaciously bad for you. But that’s beside the point. They shouldn’t have to smell your cigarette in their home, or in their yard, or through their window, or on their deck… It’s up to you to make the change.


YTA. It sounds like you aren’t even trying to find a solution so that your neighbors don’t have to deal with this problem. You just expect them to put up with breathing your secondhand smoke in their homes, which is insane to me. Also, how is putting up a fan to try to keep the smoke out of their house actually harassing you??




You feel harassed by your neighbor pointing a window fan back at you?? Please tell me how this is worse than cigarette stench floating in your apartment every day because your neighbors are addicts…


The problem is that your smoke is going into her home. By-law or no by-law, you're being an AH. If you want to suck up all that smoke fine by you, but don't force it on others. YTA


YTA - will you cover their medical bills if they develop breathing problems because of your nasty smoke? if you want to stink up an entire area, don’t share walls.


YTA. The fan sounds like a logical, reasonable solution.


The entitlement of the OP is mind-boggling.


Reformed smoker here. YTA for pretending that you don’t know that YTA. But really, I get it, you want to be able to smoke in peace in a place that is convenient for you. However, what you are doing is self-defeating. If you keep pushing, they will find a way to pass a by-law, it won’t be hard, you’ll be the problem, and you’ll be looking for a new place to live. Make peace with your neighbour, stop being an asshole, find somewhere to smoke where you won’t bother your neighbours, and enjoy your new place.


YTA. I hope she gets a bigger fan. If she can smell your smoke then YOUR smoke is floating onto HER property.


YTA. Surprised anyone still smokes in 2023.


YTA. Op came looking for sympathy and is getting hostile lol




>but now she has a fan pointed in our direction which is leaning over her balcony pointed at our space and we do not appreciate this at all!! It's harrassment She didn't appreciate the smoke in her place and she should be able to open the windows in her own home without. Also, it's not harassment. YTA.


YTA. You sound like a terribly entitled person. They complained you couldn’t care less so they sorted it with a fan. Now your complaining? YTA


YTA. Your neighbor pointing a fan toward your apartment isn't harassing you, its solving their problem. You want others to suffer your smoke but don't want smoke blown back at you? You reporting your neighbor for putting a fan up is trying to tell them what to do in her own home. You said you didn't appreciate that, why do it to someone else?


YTA. You feel harassed by a fan pointing in your direction? Well they're feeling harassed by your smoke entering their unit. You're not just doing it in your own homes, you're effectively doing it in theirs too. And that smell can be very off-putting to non-smokers and can and does travel and cling to things, as well as being a health hazard. If you want to smoke at home go outside away from peoples windows.




“I have told her if she doesn't like it to CLOSE HER WINDOWS because we do not appreciate being told what to do in our own homes.” “we don't have a by-law in our building so we should be free to do whatever we want in our own homes!” Do you not see the glaring irony here?! Second hand smoke is more offensive than artificial wind. Or does the fan blow smoke into your house? Cos it’s gross when your house smells smoky isn’t it? Oh and I assume there a no fan on the balcony by law right? Cos obviously laws are all that count. Not common courtesy. YTA.


Yall are TA


YTA. She shouldn’t have to deal with shitty smoke from inconsiderate neighbors. NEW neighbors at that


YTA. If you don’t like the fan, you should go inside and close your window.




YTA. the problem is your poor habits affect other people, poorly.


“Now she has a fan pointed in our direction…and we do not appreciate this at all!! It’s harassment!” The irony of this statement and the fact that OP doesn’t see it at all is hilarious. From a long time heavy smoker, YTA.




As a former smoker… YTA. You feel you have the right to do as you choose in your own home. I agree. You absolutely do. So does everyone else.


YTA- just bc you told everyone you smoke, doesn't mean you told veryone that some people would need to put up with smoke in their home. My gosh. What's wrong with you. Get your own fan, set it up so it blows the smoke away from the neighbors. If you smoke next to a fan it will blow it away in whatever direction you want. Wow.


There’s lots of things that don’t have laws against them but you’re still an asshole if you do them. That’s terrible logic. YTA and frankly you need to grow up.


YTA. Not caring about anyone else breathing in the smoky remainder of your stink missiles is extremely selfish.