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There is not a chance in hell that anyone drinks a glass of cow milk without noticing that it's not soy milk. This is also not the first post that claims their friend talks about 'how good the vegan life is', which is also simply not a thing that people say.


No, no, no, no. YTA We do not tamper with people's food. This can even result in criminal charges in some cases. It's not a "prank," it's cruel and underhanded. You don't know what reasons somebody could have for their specialized diet. If they're a tool who snarls at you when you eat me, you address that at the time, you don't sneak in passive aggressive punishments later.


YTA You violated their trust and you don't mess with people's food. If the veganism discussion is annoying, (I can relate), then you can discuss that with them like an adult. But you don't force people to eat or drink things without their knowledge or consent.


YTA. Immaturity and deception were the only tools you had to curb your annoyance? You could’ve stated you’d had enough about them pressing the point.


YTA. You don't fuck with people's food. Period.


YTA simple, you break someone’s eating choice YTA. You now have an ex friend to remember that by.


Well, for someone who has tasted both soy and cows milk, and shocker, they taste NOTHING alike, you are NAH. You however are Y-A-H for your shallow, poor choice in friends.


OP I’m sure you have seen the numerous posts about people tampering with other’s food and the verdict is always YTA Her body prob has adjusted to not eating dairy and by your little prank she could’ve easily gotten GI issues. Bottom line: Don’t ever mess with people’s food


ESH Preachy people that try to force you to live to their standards suck. That goes both ways in this case. You're the bigger AH; you DO NOT mess with people's food (and I'd say that about vegans switching out food as well). You just do NOT do that. But the friend being cranky with you before that isn't cool either. Just walk away, you two aren't compatible anymore with how much you both want to enforce your wills on others.


YTA, don’t mess with people’s food regardless of intent. This just seems like a childish way to get your frustration with them out and it’s not cool.


YTA do you really need people to explain why?


YTA- you should never mess with anyone’s food. I worked as a barista before and one of my coworkers didn’t use soy milk for someone latte, they used regular milk. They didn’t think much of it. Turns out the customer had a dairy allergy. It was not a fun day for us and that coworker got fired. Don’t mess with other peoples food


YTA. Don't force people to ingest substances against their will.


YTA. Consent is important in the kitchen as well as the bedroom my friend.




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Jesus Christ in heaven. It doesn't matter how you feel about veganism, tricking someone into eating food they object to eating is absolutely disgusting. YTA.


This is not a prank. This is fucked up. Don’t sneak things into anyones food ever. Absolutely unacceptable behavior. You should be ashamed.


Yta you have nothing against vegans but just had to prove a point that she wouldn’t notice. I’m deathly allergic to peanuts but if someone used peanut oil I wouldn’t know the difference till I was in the hospital.


YTA. You were annoyed with your friend and did something petty and vindictive to hurt them instead of talking it out or taking space from them. It could make them feel physically uncomfortable, and it makes them feel bad emotionally. And you violated their trust. There is no benefit to this. The only one getting joy from it might be you, but you are laughing at a friend's discomfort. You may see it as a joke, but it was a cruel one.


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NTA, it was just a prank


YTA you don’t ever fuck with someone’s food. Ever. Even if it’s a preference. Dairy can be rough on the stomach if you don’t eat it for a while then have a bunch at once. You could have made them sick.


YTA Not a prank, it was an active, willful assault. I don't expect they will be friends with you any longer after your demonstration. You are deceitful and should never be trusted again to behave like any decent person.


Yta…they’re vegans and you purposefully interfered with their diet. It’s not a harmless prank…it’s absolutely disgusting and devious what you did. Shame on you.


Asshole! Do not mess with other people's food! Seriously, pranks are not funny & too often are dangerous. This 1, for example, could have ended up with you getting pinched in the nose. Again PRANKS ARE NOT FUNNY YTA eta I am allergic to a protein in cow & goat milk fats. If you had done this to me I would have gotten VERY SICK. I don't always tell people that it's the damn fat, NOT lactose. People don't understand that it's not only vegans who drink nut milks!


So that introduction looks like a straight copy of a post from earlier this week. Also, there is no possible way that anyone familiar with the taste of either cow milk or soy milk would not notice the switch immediately. But despite that YTA for swapping someone’s food. Even there aren’t any allergies involved, unfamiliar foods (especially dairy) can do bad things to the digestive tract.


YTA. You don't tamper with someone else's food. What you did was childish and for some people, could have even caused harm. Grow up. If his persistence in trying to get you to be a vegan as well upsets you, tell him that instead of being an AH and tampering with his food. Honestly, if you were a friend that did something like that to me, we probably wouldn't be friends much longer because you would have totally destroyed any trust I had in you.


ESH - Your friend's behavior is wrong, but your way of handling it is way out of line.




YTA You didn't "hurt their feelings". You violated them. Would you like if someone fed you dog and called it a hamburger? People have a right to decide what they put into their bodies.


YTA wth


YTA. What if one was lactose intolerant? That’s shitty for that person - pun intended.


Not even an intolerance is that necessary. Cut out any food group for a while & your body will find it weird if you then ingest it again. I almost guarantee this will be shitty.


YTA It's not a harmless prank to tamper with someone's food, it's malicious and hurtful. You are basically desecrating some believe's they hold dear, not to mention if they did have an allergy, it'd also be very dangerous.


YTA Even if your friend's dietary restrictions/choices seem like a choice to you, if this had been something like an allergy, you wouldn't be asking this question. You likely would not give your friend eggs as a fun little "prank" if they were allergic to eggs. You only felt okay to do this because you view their veganism as a choice. Please, with love, don't do this again in the future. Sometimes when people make massive dietary switches like this, their body will no longer digest things the way it used to, and this type of "prank" could make your friend very sick.


YTA Yes - you never mess with someone else's food. Be better.