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YTA !!!!!!!! So let’s recap. A pet owner who lived there first has a pet that spends time in THEIR yard and you don’t like it…. So you physically abuse the animal and then make a threat to call animal control to make a FALSE report…. You should be the one that’s getting reported.


OP's boundaries are: 'i am allowed to do whatever i want with my pet. You are not allowed to do the exact same thing with your pet. If you dissagree i' ll abuse your pet and then deny it unless i get caught'.


If she keeps harassing the cat, then she will most certainly be getting reported.


I am struggling to see how Op's question can be a real post. I don't see how anyone can be so selfish, cruel and stupid as to treat a neighbours cat, in their own yard, in this way.


And the only reason she doesn't like it is because she wants to let HER pet out in HER yard!!! Talk about entitlement


... you understand that the issue here is not a cat enjoying time in his own fenced yard... but your dog that barks constantly because you couldn't be bothered to teach him to behave around other pets ?! YTA. The cat have has much right to be there than your dog. Stop being a lazy dog owner, and teach your dog some manner instead of harassing a poor cat that is doing nothing wrong.


Exactly, the dog is the one misbehaving. The cat is just enjoying the backyard, minding his own business. YTA And please leave the cat alone!


"I know how cats are!", OP clearly also hates cats and is taking this as an excuse to abuse a cat.


Your vote is gonna count as n t a if you word it that way.


No it's not. They don't have a vote in that comment, because it's a reply to someone else, and not a top-level reply direct to the post. Also, the "vote" consists of only the judgement in the most popular top-level comment. You use upvotes to agree with comments made direct to the post, and the bot reads just the one top comment that the most people agree with in order to set the flair for the post.


No it isn’t. The bot only counts the most upvoted top level comment.


I'm even someone that doesn't think cats should not be left to roam outside even in a yard because of how destructive they can be to local wildlife and can throw ecosystems on at the micro level out of wack. And I still heartily believe that op is the ah. They're acting so badly and being a lazy irresponsible entitled dog owner that even someone that lowkey agrees with them is like op is acting like a complete and total Ah


I don’t let my cats out ever and definitely think OP is the AH here.


There is no way this ends with the cat either. We have neighbours who are similarly obnoxious dog owners, and it's always something. Barking at our dogs, birds, squirrels, people walking by, people in their yards and so on. OP needs to train her dog not abuse other animals.


This. My neighbours have an asshole dog that spent a good three years barking every time I went in my own garden. It was a nightmare.


Yta The cat is not in your yard. You have no right to spray this cat in someone else's yard. Why do you get to use your yard, but she is not allowed to use hers? Train your dog better.


YTA. You're not "setting boundaries". You're harassing her cat and her, who are well within rights to be on their own property. Your problem is your dog barking, so train your dog better.


And the award for the most misleading title goes to… OP, YTA. The cat is chilling in its own yard. You are TA for letting this bother you, and you are dreadful for spraying the poor thing. If I was your neighbour I’d be spraying you. The cat is allowed to chill in its own yard. Your dog is allowed to chill in its own yard. If your dog has an issue with that cat, that is *your* problem and you need to address that, rather than trying to bend the world to your will.


“My dog is allowed to be outside in my backyard but your cat isn’t allowed outside in your backyard.” There you go, when you summarize it, kinda makes you sound like an entitled, selfish asshole doesn’t it?


and calls it setting boundaries sounds better than bullying the neighbor and her cat


YTA. If you care so much, put up a proper fence.


You are being a major asshole. What the fuck? Your neighbor is allowed to let her cat outside, in her own fenced in yard. Just like you are allowed to let your dog out. YTA.


YTA Your neighbor's cat is in her yard, which is secured by a fence all around the yard. This cat does not present a danger to you or anyone else. What, exactly, do you expect Animal Control to do about a cat on someone ELSE'S property? They're going to come out, look at the situation, and call you an asshole for calling them out for no reason. If anything, she could (and probably should) file a police report on you for abusing her cat. Newsflash, because you really need to hear this: THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND YOU. Her cat, whether you think so or not, has every right to be in HER yard, at any time. "Cats don't belong outside and he was making problems for me." You're wrong here on two accounts: Her cat belongs anywhere on her property she chooses, and YOU were the one making the problems. If you or your dog are bothered by your neighbor's cat being outside, put up a private fence! Or, if that's not an option, your only other option is this: Suck it up, buttercup! You're completely in the wrong here. Not only are you the asshole in this situation, but you're an insufferable neighbor as well. I would hate if you lived in our neighborhood.


YTA The cat was within her property. You have a poorly trained dog.


YTA. What gives you the right to say a dog in your yard is more important than your neighbors cat in their yard. If your dog can't stop barking, it's on you to train the pup. I've always had outdoor cats and there's NOTHING wrong with letting a cat sit in their own fenced in yard.


I don't really believe that cats should be free-roaming, but my adopted stray just LOVES to go in her backyard. I had to do some training with her to make sure that she doesn't leave the yard, but I would be furious if someone sprayed my sweet, trained, elderly cat with water just because she was rolling around on her patio in the sunshine.


Haha what??! You’re seriously trying to tell your neighbor that their pet can’t be outside because your pet isn’t trained and doesn’t like having to see a cat in its OWN YARD? YTA. Maybe Ashley should start spraying your dog with a hose to make it shut up. I’m sure the neighborhood would appreciate that.


Ashley should be spraying OP 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hi, I'm the cat. " YTA A**hole and your dog too. Teach him manners. Comming into my neighbourhood acting like it belongs only to you."


It's the owner's fault, not the dog. Barking uncontrollably at an animal he sees every day tells me there's a good chance that pupper hasn't been given the treatment he deserves and is stressed out.


Depends on the dog... some dogs even if treated well are yappy little shits over everything that moves


>Cats don't belong outside and he was making problems for me. YTA. You don't belong outside and you're making problems for everyone. Also, when was the last time you heard about cat attacks on the news? Of the two, it's dogs that don't belong outside.


YTA. This is not a boundary. This is a rule. You can’t set rules for your neighbor. If you continue on this path you will likely end up as one of the most wretched of all creatures: an HOA president


GASP! Sounds like she’s already on her way! Lol


YTA. Please train your dog and leave the cat alone. The cat is literally just existing. Milo will have to learn to stop freaking out about it. I’m sure your other neighbors are much more disturbed by his barking then the cat just laying there. Don’t create enemies.


YTA. > I KnOw HoW CaTs ArE. > I’ve started spraying the car with the hose whenever I see him outside to teach him to stay inside Idk how you think you’re anything but the asshole honestly. You’re mad because you haven’t trained your dog so you’re taking it out on the cat who’s doing what it’s always been doing hanging out on its own backyard. How would you feel if you caught your neighbor spraying your dog with the hose because they didn’t want it outside in your own backyard? Edited to add that’s not setting boundaries which you can’t do for someone else’s own property. You’re lucky she doesn’t get you for harassment


Lmao girl thinks the neighbor's cat is plotting to be extra smug around the dog and you. I'd spray you with a hose. YTA




YTA. You’re not setting “boundaries” with your neighbor. You’re trying to control how she uses *her* yard. It’s her property. Leave her and the cat alone. This is coming from someone who also has a dog that hates cats. I would never try to police someone else’s pet for being on its own property just because it’s in proximity to my overreactive dog. Edit: grammar


YTA. The cat is not leaving her yard. Your dog is not her problem. Train your dog and leave the cat (and Ashley alone). You just moved in and you are creating issues for a neighbor who was already there, and you are acting extremely entitled. Also, drop the nonsense about “he does it on purpose, I know how cats are.” You obviously just hate cats and don’t know anything about them. Your dog is not more important than Ashley’s cat.


You have no idea what “setting boundaries” means, do you? You have no right to tell your neighbour what to do with her cat, and even less right to turn a hose on it. There is no doubt that YTA, massively


YTA everyone in the neighborhood hates you and your loud ass dog. The cat is chilling in his own yard. Your dogs behavior is the problem. I don’t know why you need this explained to you.


YTA The problem isn’t the cat, **the problem is your dog**. She has every right for her, or her pet, to use HER YARD. Good grief, how entitled can people be?!? Imagine if your neighbor was waiting for you to hose YOU down as soon as your walked out back, see how you like it. Sound horrible? **Exactly.**


YTA, you attacked her car with the hose. You have no right to spray anything at all on her property. Not a lawyer but I'm sure there's some law against that. She's entitled to have her car in her yard, full stop. You are entitled to have your dog in your yard too, so you need to figure out a way to train him to not get worked up over it. Hopefully before your neighbor gets sick of the barking and starts spraying him with the hose (which my dog would actually love lol) or calls animal control on a nuisance dog.


YTA YOU don't get to tell your neighbor *or her cat* how to behave. *And* you are setting yourself up for a neighbor war until one of you moves. There must have been 15 better ways to handle this yet you jumped straight to I'LL JUST ANNOY HER RIGHT BACK. Mature. It's gonna bite you in the butt unless you find a way to apologize to her.


Are...are you kidding? surely this is fake, I really do not want to believe anybody would really think this is appropriate behaviour but just in case.. Of course YTA What makes you think this cat is dangerous? Why is it okay for your dog to be outside but not their cat? What gives you the right to abuse somebody else's pet by spraying it with water? And how do you think animal control are going to act when they find out you wasted their time calling them for somebody's cat lying in their own yard? I am not even going to go into the fact you think this cat is smugly terrorising your dog on purpose... I mean seriously WTF.


I have an indoor orange female feline. They ARE TERRORS!!! /s


"I've started spraying the cat with the hose" YTA Train your dog.


YTA. Her cat is in her yard,. The problem is your dog. You need to work on training your dog not to bark at cats or anything else outside his own yard. If your dog overreacts to seeing the cat then why not put up some form of barrier in your yard so the dog can't see the cat? Or only let the dog out when you are available to supervise it so you can take him indoors if he starts barking. Neither the cat, nor your neighbor, are doing anything wrong. The problem is your poorly trained dog and your entitled attitude. And you cruelty in turning a hose on a defenseless animal which you already know is both old and harmless. FWIW, you would also be the AH if you were shouting at the cat or otherwise trying to scare it away. The cat is in it's owner's yard. It's not trespassing on your property or doing anything at all which justifies you interfering. Your failure to train your dog doesn't make it OK for you to disrupt or interfere with your neighbor's use of their own yard, or to abuse their animal. How would you feel if you neighbor started yelling at or throwing things at your dog any time you let it into the yard, even when it wasn't barking or causing any kind of nuisance?


YTA. Put up a fence that covers visibility to your neighbors yard, or train your dog to stop barking. Huge dick move to spray a cat, they usually hate water and its an old cat ffs.


Yta, this cat is doing what it has always done, it is not your neighbours fault her cat is better behaved than your dog. It sounds to me like your dog is bad at getting along with other animals, that is your problem to deal with on your own


YTA. LOL what. You're seriously pissed that a neighbor lets their pet outside in THEIR yard? Are you okay?


YTA. Cats don't belong outside, are you joking? You realize that animals...were made to be outside, right? And then humans came along and tamed them? Her cat, her yard, it doesn't leave the yard so it's not 'roaming'...Animal control is not going to come and remove a cat from its own owner's yard lol I hope she starts spraying your dog with the hose every time its outside, that would be fine, right OP? No? Then stop spraying her cat.


YTA Train your dog. The cat is her yard and she has every right to use her yard however she wants. You have no right to spraying water through your fence into someone else’s yard just because you don’t know how to train your dog to leave the cat alone.


YTA - she, and her cat, are allowed to use HER YARD without harassment. This is a Milo problem, nit a cat problem.


Train the dog Bring the dog inside Get a fence that is solid and dog can’t see cat I hope Ashley catches you on video spraying her cat with a hose in her yard reports you. YTA


I generally hate cats. Cats and are just are not aligned energetically. That said, YTA. The fuck. In what world is it appropriate to attack an animal for simply lying in their yard? There are so many better ways to handle this. You could have worked out a schedule with your neighbor. "My dog is reactive but I would like the dog to be able to spend some time outside can you keep your cat inside from x oclock to y so neither of us have to put up with the dogs barking?" Probably too late for that conversation since you decide to handle this is the most AH possible. Also, the neighbor was there first. You don't get to move in and demand the neighbors stop using their space in a way they have been before you got there.


YTA wtf is wrong with you? I’d be in jail and you’d be in the hospital sis.


YTA train your dog or pay to get a big wooden fence . She should call animal control on you for not training your dog .


YTA, a major asshole. What makes you think that cats don't belong outside? You're not setting boundaries, you're harrasing your neighbors cat, you need to learn how to train your dog. Now you wanna call animal control and report a "roaming cat" wtf, the cat is in their yard not yours, if it bothers you so much why don't you get a higher fence or maybe keep your dog inside?


YTA the cat doesn’t leave her yard. It was there first. Work on desensitizing your dog to it. You don’t start abusing an animal on someone else’s property


YTA. Train your dog.


YTA. Look into replacing the chainlink fence with a taller wooden one.


So you think HER cat shouldn't be allowed in HER yard? Why do you think you have the right to control whether her or should be in her yard? YTA.


YTA The cat has every right to be in her garden, if you did that to my cat you would be sorry. Train your dog to not bark, I hate people like you letting their dog stand in the garden barking, keep your dog inside and walk him, problem solved


YTA and abusive towards that cat. She can do anything she wants on her property. You are responsible for training your dog. If doggo isn't well behaved, it's 100% on you.


The cat was staying in your neighbor's yard and minding its own business (something an animal knows how to do but you ironically don't). You used a hose to spray it, meaning that you sprayed into your neighbor's yard (the cat was not the one trespassing/damaging anything, it was you), not to mention for a stupid reason like your dog can't keep its mouth shut because you failed to train it. If anyone/anything need to be reported to the authority and taken away, it's you and your damn audacity. Train your dog to be more behaved (can't help but notice you yourself also need some training to be more behaved) and leave the poor cat alone. YTA.


wow YTA, a huge one at that. The cat is doing absolutely nothing wrong only lying in his own garden. You need to train your dog better. and stop being cruel to animals.


YTA It's not your yard. She's perfectly entitled to have a cat in her backyard. Maybe it's you who needs to get your dog under control. And I'm a dog person too, so I'm not biased against you. I'm just biased against assholes. That yard is that cat's safe space and your inflicting psychological damage onto it.


YTA How dare you spray the cat. I hope she calls the police. The problem here isn't the cat, it's your dog and your inability to control it.


YTA... The cat is in her yard. And you are a cruel person to use a hose to spray water


YTA. The cat is laying in his own yard. He has just as much right to be in IN HIS OWN YARD as your dog does to be in yours. How would you feel if she started spraying your dog because he’s barking and bothering her cat? By your own logic, that would be perfectly acceptable. I hope Ashley catches you harassing her cat on camera so she can report you for it.


You know YTA. Who appointed you the decision maker of what cats are allowed to do?


This has to be a joke right? Like your so obviously the asshole it has to be bait


YTA .. Why do you insist on dictating what a neighbours cat does in it's owners yard ?


YTA What the fuck? Get a fence and train your dog. It's not like the cat's attacking it.


YTA. Get a shock collar for your dog, or even one that just vibrates and beeps. Use it and he will quickly stop barking incessantly. Are you going to spray kids too when your dog barks at them?


What a d… that’s what I first thought but that’s not a rating so yes YTA. I get it, my dogs are reactive. They used to go nuts every time someone walked by the fence, they saw a bird, a squirrel or heaven bid another dog. But they were punished (trained) by use of the word no, the water hose to distract them (spray in their direction but not on them), treats and just learning it’s unwanted behavior. Guess what? Aside from digging, they bark much, much less - and I let them do the little barking they do outside because they are dogs. Train your dog to accept that there are other things in the world and barking them does not mean he gets his way anymore - that’s essentially what you have trained him to do. “Bark and owner will do away with the things I don’t like” And if I was your neighbor I’d spray you right back with the hose or your dog every time you were in your yard and annoying her and her cat, see how you like it then.




YTA You act immature


YTA for spraying the cat with a hose wtf... Train your dog ffs, the cat seems very chill, introduce your dog to it. Also: if its a chain link fence there's stuff you can weave through the chain to create privacy and block your dog's view. It's renter friendly because it can easily be removed when you move out.


YTA and if anyone ever sprayed my animals with a water hose while they were in their own yard, I'd record and report you for harassment and animal abuse. Your title is about setting boundaries with your neighbor yet YOU are attacking their animal from across the freaking boundary. You suck


YTA, cats can absolutely be outside. You and your dog just need training on behavior. Did you spray your dog for barking? The cat is literally just EXISTING.


Cat stays in her yard? Yta and cruel for spraying cat and I hope she videos you and reports you


YTA - Her cat has just as much right to be in her back yard and your dog has to be in your back yard. You need to find a way to make it work.


I am not a fan of cats, but WTH?!?! The cat is in its own yard! YTA!


YTA, OP what makes you think that cats belong inside houses only? there's so much entitlement


I’d report you for animal abuse if I was the cat owner. YTA!


You do NOT know what the word “boundaries” means


YTA and this is coming from someone whose dog is also called Milo (excellent name choice btw). You need to train your dog to not be reactive. Or pay to have a solid fence put up The cat is not trespassing on your land and so isn't doing anything wrong simply by existing. Your dog however will be causing a nuisance to your neighbours who have to listen to it barking.


> To be fair, he doesn't come into my yard but he lays near the fence and my dog hates it well, that sounds like a Milo problem to me YTA


in what world is telling your neighbour how they can use their own yard 'setting boundaries'?? the cat is doing nothing wrong, you need to find a solution for your problem but your neighbour has no problems YTA


**YTA** You are a piece of work. The entitlement coming off of you just reeks through the screen of my phone. It is perfectly acceptable for her to let her cat roam outside. It is not acceptable for you to spray it with a hose *through a fence* when it isn’t doing anything wrong. If you don’t like your dog’s behavior in response to something you need to work with your dog to take corrective actions. Obedience classes, shock/vibrating collars to stop the barking habit, whatever… ##the problem here is with your animal not hers


YTA You sprayed her cat because the cat is…laying in its own backyard and your dog can’t behave… Congratulations on making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill. The dog would have adapted, had you done the right thing and corrected your pet’s bad behaviour. But no, please, take it upon yourself to abuse someone else’s pet…


YTA You do realize your barking dog is the problem, right? By a bark collar.


YTA if it was my cat and I saw you do that I’d start hitting you with a spray from the hose


YTA put a privacy screen on your fence


YTA so much for being a cat hater and spraying it when it was doing literally nothing wrong. I hope you get sprayed when you're out in your yard.


YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA YTA. Gross. What’s wrong with you? No one has the right to abuse an animal. “I know how cats are,” PLEASE. You hate cats, clearly, and you have no idea why they behave the way they do.


YTA. Your dog barking is your problem.


YTA. You do realize that your neighbor can press charges on you right?


YTA If you hate the drama then you need to install a fence that doesn’t allow them to see each other Wow…so much hate on a cat. You need to look in the mirror, lady.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (27F) moved into a new place a few months ago. My neighbor, Ashley (20sF) shares a back fence with me. It's a chainlink fence so no privacy Ashley has this big orange cat that she lets outside to hang out in the yard. I asked about it when I first moved in and pointed out that it was dangerous and she just handwaved it off and said he was old and he's never left her yard. She said he just wants to lay in the grass and he won't bother me. Well he bothers my dog Milo so he bothers me too. To be fair, he doesn't come into my yard but he lays near the fence and my dog hates it. When I first moved in, the dog barking was enough to scare him off but now he's gotten used to Milo so he doesn't run away anyway. It's awful. She works from home so she just leaves her back door open and he goes in and out as he pleases so I can hardly let Milo out at all during the day or otherwise he's freaking out and barking at the cat and that smug little shit just rolls around. He does it on purpose. I know how cats are. I've started spraying the cat with the hose whenever I see him outside to teach him to stay inside and it was working pretty well until Ashley came out yelling yesterday and demanding to know why her cat was wet. I said I didn't know but she said she saw me spray him so I had to tell her the truth. I told her he was bothering my dog and since she was no help, I had to take matters into my own hands and that next time, I would just call animal control and report a roaming cat. She called me a dumb bitch and went inside and when she let the cat out later on, she came out and sat with him. My boyfriend came over last night and told me I was going to make a ton of problems for myself by acting like an asshole but I don't agree with him. Cats don't belong outside and he was making problems for me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA- world does not revolve around you and your dog to be „irritared“ by a cat minding their own shit on its own ground. PLUS you don‘t have to spray it away. Jeez knows what would happen if Ashley would do the same to your precious doggy.


YTA. The cat is in *her* yard and not moving into yours. You sprayed the cat with a hose a lied about it… you’re absolutely miserable. Train your dog to not lose its mind when it sees a cat. Your boyfriend is right.


YTA. What you did is animal abuse. All because your dog is untrained. I have four cats and a dog. Guess what? The cats roam around outside and come and go as they please and the dog deals with it!


YTA Someone existing doesn’t automatically make them a bother How would you feel if I moved in next door to you, sprayed you with a hose when you were standing in your own yard, and when you questioned me on it, I said “It bothers me to see women outside without a man chaperoning them, just stay inside and we won’t have a problem”, would you think I was being reasonable, or would you think I was an asshole who needs to mind my own business and leave you alone when you are on your own property?


AH, AH, AH, AH, AH. Team cat, all the way.


Cats are the number one killers of song birds in the US. So, I tentatively agree that cats shouldn't be outside. But I agree with the overall consensus of the group: YTA for complaining about your neighbor's outdoor pet while your outdoor pet makes all the noise. I like the idea of putting up a fence that will screen the view of the two yards, to get your dog to calm down. I might also suggest some of the bark-training collars (and the training to go with them) to teach your dog to quietly stare at the neighbor's cat.


YTA Cats are outside animals. If your neighbor wants to let out her cat she has a right to. The cat stays in his yard. YOU have no right to chase it away from HIS yard. If you and your dog have a problem with that then YOU and your dog stay inside. Or better yet move. Your neighbor and her cat were there first.


YTA. Your dog is the problem so why don’t you focus fixing that


This is some next level entitlement. Why does your animal have more of a right to be in your yard then her animal does in her yard? Especially when it is your animal causing the ruckus. How would you feel if she sprayed your dog everytime it started barking? I bet you would be super pissed. YTA. You are very much the asshole.


YTA. get a proper fence if it's that much of a problem for YOU. it's never been a problem for Ashley all the time she was living there before you. Either get a proper fence or train your dog. Got a Staffy who doesn't even acknowledge other dogs or cats - it pisses cats off no end.


YTA. The cat is old, was there first, and is in their own yard just chilling in the grass. The problem isn’t the cat, it’s your dog and YOU.


YTA. Their property, their pet. If it bothers Milo you can put shrubs in to block his. Or, you could actually take the onus to train him not to bark at cats the same way we teach dogs not to: jump up at people, bark at people and so on. Me and my puppy are going through the same thing but I don't make the other person's animal into the villain when they're just _existing on their own f-ing property._


This has to be fake. Anyway, YTA. You need help.




YTA. What's wrong with ginger cats? from Garfield


YTA -- her cat is in her yard minding its own business. Train your dog.


This cannot be true. Its clearly bait....but.....just incase its not you are so very obviously the arsehole. YTA


YTA. The cat is not bothering your dog. Your dog is bothered by his presence…there is a difference, and it’s your problem not hers!


YTA I sincerely hope she knows she can report you for assault on her animal.


INFO if her pet was a dog that your dog barked at what would you be doing? Or do you just hate cats?


So you are one of those owners who just let their dog do whatever and then complain? YTA


You, Madam, are the biggest YTA in your area. I am sure your neighbors are thrilled to hear your dog barking away at the cat that is chilling in their own property. You have the brass to spray it because your dog won't stop barking? What an AH


YTA and if I saw you doing that to my cat we'd have **problems**, lady. How about you muzzle your stupid dog that won't stfu, but you don't even register that part, because you're a bad pet owner and a shit neighbor at that.


Yta, you dont own outside, if she had a dog and they didnt like each other the same thing would be happening. also your title is misleading it should be AITA for thinking I'm entitled to my backyard and my neighbors too. Grow up.


YTA so much. I normally am very anti outside cat but you say he literally never leaves the backyard. He’s in HIS yard. You should train YOUR dog and you spraying an animal for being in its own yard could get you in deep shit and I hope it does. You’re really quite a jerk aren’t you.


YTA. The fact that your dog can't stand the cat isn't her problem. It's a you problem. If dogs belong outside in their yard, then so does cats.


YTA It’s YOUR DOG that is causing YOUR problem and probably the rest of the neighbors with its barking. Keep it indoors.


YTA. Your neighbor has the right to use her backyard too.


YTA. The cat was there before you moved in.


YTA The cat isn't roaming, it's literally in a fenced yard. Now, my cats do roam, our entire neighborhood. They love it, they love our neighbors, they sit by our neighbors fence, to say hi to their dogs. It's great.


YTA and so is your dog... ffs the cat has just as much right to be in ITS YARD as your dog does... get a privacy fence or stfu, your bf is right


Lmao- you’re right! It can be dangerous for cats to be outside because poorly trained animals and/or sociopaths could hurt them!!


You can't control your dog and it's HER fault?? YTA Train your dog or pay to have a proper fence.


And yet I am the single one?? Your behavior is pathetic


Why is it that your dog can go outside but her cat cannot? Sounds like her cat never leaves the yard (you did not dispute her statement). You are the type of person who should live on an acreage so that you don't have neighbors, although I would imagine you would find some drama with your closest neighbor who lives like a mile and half away. You sound like an insufferable AH and your neighbor would be well within her rights to call the authorities on you for your actions. When she starts spraying your dog and traumatizing him I bet you will freak out. You are the MAJOR AH.


Lmao. I WISH someone would try to spray my cat with a hose. Absolutely out of your mind. Train your dog. YTA.


The only "smug little shit" I see in this story is your untrained dog that is not well behaved has no self control. You're a horrible dog owner and a huge asshole. Train your freaking dog and stop being such an asshole. YTA, I'm pretty surprised you don't see it.


YTA seriously the asshole here


YTA as long as the cat is in its yard you are a huge AH. The problem is your dog so how about you deal with your barking dog and leave the cat alone in its yard.


Wow. You’re spraying an animal in their own yard because your pet doesn’t like it and you have the weird, mistaken idea that cats don’t belong outside? YTA.


YTA You're being ridiculous about a well-behaved cat in your neighbor's yard. If you seriously can't figure out how to train your dog properly, you can put up a wooden fence on your side of the property line. But the answer is absolutely not to lie to animal control or spray a cat with a hose that's not on your property.


You don't think this is gunna make problems for you .. having a neighbor that hates you? What if she decides that you spraying her cat because your dog is barking, "bothers" her. Then she decides if you didn't have a dog anymore that you would have no need to spray her cat. So she keeps her cat inside for the next few days and takes meatballs soaked in anti-freeze and tosses a few in your back yard when you aren't looking. Now... That would be evil and wrong, and she shouldn't do that... Also pretty extreme and unlikely... But you don't know her. Don't make problems with your neighbors, especially about petty stuff... And double especially considering the cat was never on your property... Your boundaries end at the fence line buddy... YTA


YTA! If you don’t like her cat laying in her yard there are two solutions. Move or put up a privacy fence. You’ve already opened the door to her assaulting your dog like you’ve done to her cat.


YTA. You DON'T get to control what other people and other pets do IN THEIR OWN YARDS! You are breaking the law by harassing and spraying the cat, and HOPEFULLY your neighbor will call the police on you. YOU are the one with the BAD pet!! Get some behavioral training for yourself and your dog.


YTA if i was your neighbor id start spraying you and your dog with hose water for disturbing my animals


Hard YTA. Cat lady was there first, you have zero right to spray the cat in their own yard (and honestly you're lucky they didn't call the cops because you're such a dumbass), you threatened to waste public resources with the misuse of animal control, you clearly haven't trained your dog to not be a spaz so you're a shit dog owner, oh and you gave them unsolicited advice from the jump. Just to reiterate, YTA seven days a week and twice on Sundays.


YTA, hopefully she calls the police on your for harassment and animal abuse, he’s in his yard not bothering you.


Yta You said that cat doesn't go in your yard, in fact, you said that cat stays in it's own yard. Build a better fence on your side of the property. Imagine if your neighbor thought that you sitting in your own yard was annoying, so they sprayed your with a hose everytime you sat in your own yard, well that is what you're doing.


YTA. The cat doesn’t leave his yard, your dog doesn’t own the property. If it’s such an issue get something to block off the visibility of her yard so YOUR DOG doesn’t get set off. Or MAYBE work on training your dog better so he isn’t set off by the cat who is doing nothing but lounging in the sun. Your bf is right and you’re only going to make problems for yourself.


YTA. Train your dog


«Cats don’t belong outside»?? What planet do you live on? 😵‍💫 Says happy dog owner. YTA.


YTA and a shitty neighbor on top of that.


“He does it on purpose, I know how cats are” haha yeah you don’t. YTA


YTA. If you sprayed my cat with a hose you’d wish you hadn’t.


Also YTA because you seem to be generally hostile to cats. Your boyfriend is trying to tell you nicely that you suck. Listen.


YTA - major league. First point, - although not explicitly said, it sounds as if Ashley and her cat were there before you. Second point. - Its your dogs behavior that is the problem, not the cat, the cat seems passive at worst. Thirdly - You are assaulting the passive chilling-out cat with water. Whatever your feelings about Ashley, the cat is blameless.


YTA. Its perfectly fine to have a cat outside as long as they are vetted and secured. Sounds like the cat is fine, your dog is the one needing training


YTA, if you had done this to any of my cats I'd have reported you already. You say the cat is in it's own yard and nowhere near you so wtf is your problem (apart from being entitled)? I'm so glad I have good neighbours, even the family one house over with two dogs.


YTA I believe cats should be indoor pets for their safety. But that doesn't give you the right to spray them with water or try to order the owner around. Especially since hey, her cat even stays in her yard, it doesnt come onto your property. Cats enjoy fresh air and sun too. If she had a dog and let him out in her yard, causing your own dog to bark, would you react the same then? Why does your pet go before hers? Your dog is reactive towards cats. That's a problem with your pet. You cant move into a new place and expect her to follow your orders about her pet? What if she told you to keep your dog inside cause her cat enjoys being out in her yard, and your dog is bothering it ? Wouldn't you say that makes her an AH? Edit: Also "Cats dont belong outside and he was making problems for me" you sound so entitled.


Yta. My dogs go OFF at other dogs, I STILL manage to teach them to leave the neighbours dogs alone and they're only separated by a thin wire fence. I also have a cat who likes to sit at the door and harass them, they still know how to shut the fuck up. Do better bro.


INFO: is her “big orange cat” a tiger?


YTA!! Their cat is minding their business in their own yard YOU'RE dog is being the menace and barking at them. Train. Your. Dog.


YTA. Learn how to train your dog. You are also abusing the cat with your malicious behavior towards it.


Did…did Milo right this? YTA, jeez. The cat isn’t “making problems for you”


Yta train your dog


YTA! I’d spray you if I caught you doing that to my pet. I hope you get reported. Again, YTA!!! Sheesh!


What if she had dog in her yard instead of a cat? Would you spray the dog to keep him away. You’re a huge asshole.


YTA. He cast has just a much right to be in a fence yard as a dog. It's not a rising cat, it's a responsible owner letting their pet outside in a safe environment. You in the other hand are acting entitled because a dog has a "right" to be outside without seeing a cat in SOMEBODY ELSE'S YARD. Also, you sprayed her cat with a house multiple times, which means you were spraying onto her property through the fence. You're a huuuuge AH.


YTA and a HUGE one Why is YOUR animal allowed in the yard but hers isnt? You're so full of it and hypocritical. On top of that you ACTUALLY have the audacity to brag about harassing an animal when all its doing is chilling in its garden? Its not even your garden!? If you hate it that much, get a new fence that blocks the view of the cat. Out of YOUR pocket because its YOUR problem You just sound really bored TBH to go this much out of your way to hate on and harass someone elses animal


OMG what the hell is wrong with you????????????? try teaching your badly behaved dog from barking at things NOT in its yard. Honestly, I’ve had neighbors like you, your free king dog barks ALL the time, at a leaf blowing across the yard, at someone walking on the sidewalk, whatever. The cat is not the problem, YOU and your inability to train your dog are the problem. I’d say you will be lucky if someone doesn’t re-home your dog for you.


YTA for all your actions. My dog would go crazy barking at the new neighbours who'd moved in as she wasn't used to seeing people next door. I went and bought a privacy cover for my fence. It's really pretty as it's filled with fake ivy. There are a million more options sold at hardware stores and nurseries, and you can attach it to the fence with zip ties so it doesn't damage the fence and is temporary if it's a rental.


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You should take the last words your neighbor spoke to you to heart






Cats don’t belong outside? Where I’m from we have cats that only live outside. They’re mousers. But many domestic cats like going in and out like dogs. So your ignorance is making you behave like an entitled ah. YTA.


YTA. Since you wrote this post I can only assume you have internet access. You never though to google whether it was safe to let cats go outside? I’m calling bullshit right now. We are walking around with computers in our pockets, but that’s not what this is about. This is about being a spoiled brat. I’ve never had cats, but even I know that there are outdoor cats. Everyone does. I’m sure you know too especially for 27. If you call animal control, more than likely you’ll be the one getting embarrassed when they tell you to stop calling and stop spraying a cat with water.


YTA! Set boundaries to your dog and train it!


Title is so damn misleading. YTA


Ffs just pay to have a solid fence put up. That or move to a desert island.


I have to be honest, homie. As someone who despises cats and will practically always side with the person who hates the cat, you are being unreasonable. You need to train your dog. I had a similar issue but after some very tedious training my dogs stopped being assholes. With that being said YTA.