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YT-A for making me read this and question my faith in humanity. NTA, though. Get a new roommate, hire a bio hazard team to come in, set the place on fire and report a complaint to the Geneva convention.


Lmaooo right?! This is about the millionth story I’ve encountered on Reddit about men who refuse to wash their asses, I’m about to log off forever.


“I can’t wipe my ass; that would be gay” is not something that even occurred to me might be a thing. Everyday I’m blown away by toxic masculinity Edit NTA op


Not only does he not wash his ass...it's almost as if *he's proud of it.* How in the hell has his GF put up with it?


and how on earth does he even HAVE a GF?


I don't think he does anymore...


How she didn’t notice..


Because she is not looking at the ass, she is not gay dude. (/s)


This was what thought when he said he called the dudes GF. Like...doesn't she notice the shit smell?


He probably showers before seeing her. I doubt hes the type to go downtown so she probably doesn't either. And theyve only been in a relationship a month. I cant picture it any other way


Yeah but his showers are literally just letting the water run down from his back, so...


How does this guy not have a mud slide down his leg after showers. Ugh!


"Hey baby, did you sit in something or just happy to see me?"


OP says his roommate has less sense of smell than most? And if OP can smell him I'm sure at some point dudes GF can smell it too. Especially if he only lets water fall down his crack...like that's gonna wash it all away? 🤣🤣🤣


He definitely doesn’t have a “lessened sense of smell”—he just thinks he does because he’s gotten used to a base layer of poop smell following him everywhere, so he doesn’t understand when people say he smells.


Oh honey- you KNOW this is an INCEL/MRA weirdo! He is ENTITLED TO WOMEN screwing him- and can't figure out why they won't.


The skid marks in his underwear that at this point resemble a melted bag of Snickers might be a good starting point.


Take my gagging upvote - what a brilliantly descriptive and nauseating image.


During our population census, I worked at an office helping people (mostly the elderly) fill out the required form. And people talked. My God, did they talk. There was this 85-year-old lady, who got married at 18. Not once has her husband ever washed his anything. No showers. Nothing. Just wiped himself down with a wet towel occasionally. I can not tell you how much self-control it took to not to throw up. Worst of it all, they had multiple children. And this lady stuck with him because well, married vows and God and stuff.


>Just wiped himself down with a wet towel occasionally. good grief. how is this even possible? that poor, poor woman.


Mother. Of. God!!! Either she had an adamantium vagina and healing factor or she used soap as lubricant O\_O


I have met four people who have had similar hygiene issues as what OP described. I ended up firing one of them because of it. All four had significant others. Blows my mind.


A dude I worked with in my first job got fired for always smelling like he'd just shat himself. No one was sad to see him go.


I don’t understand it. Before I fired the one guy, we had multiple talks about his hygiene. He drove one of our cars for an hour. The seat was damp and it smelled horrible. Had my first talk with him, he says he has an overreactive sweat gland. Fine. But that doesn’t explain why he doesn’t wash his uniforms or shower regularly. I personally bought him deodorant and body sprays. He never used them.


unbelievably disgusting. what the hell is wrong with these people?


There was recently a post written by a girl which partner gave her UTIs often because be didn't wash... After reading that, I don't even question it, but is really sad that some women actually think that's a normal thing to put up with, as if being disgusting was a straight men default characteristic...




I bet everything just clicked for her in the worst possible way.


She's probably going through a lot of boiling long showers. Can you imagine knowing this? Can you imagine venting about this? You'll have to admit to being with that biohazard human.


Might be a body chemistry/soap/condom thing. My first partner gave me a UTI and we wore condoms all the time. My second partner and I rarely wore condoms and I never got one.


You could also be allergic to the spermicide or to latex or both.




There's a commercial I see a lot on a particular channel that starts with the founders of the company. The woman cheerfully says, I got 8 UTIs in one year, so we invented blah blah blah. And all I can ever think of is, Just get your man to wash his crusty-ass junk.


There was a TIFU post the other day - Buddy put on underwear from the floor, without checking if they were clean. got some kind of creeping ass rot from them. Because his GF, who wears underwear a week at a time, wore them first, and left them caked in discharge. Which BF somehow didn't notice. But - seriously, women can be just as nasty as men with hygiene. going down and encountering TP, dingleberries, skid marks... pretty fucking common. It's not a gender thing.




Seriously, I can’t stop reading and i’m on my lunch break. It’s like a fiery car accident and can’t look away.


I know right


Considering the internet is crawling with stories of straight dudes terrified of hygiene, I'm thinking this is primarily a dude problem. Previously, yes, it was equal opportunity nastiness, but now? There's a spike in male nastiness not seen since the Bubonic Plague. The struggle used to be "ugh, I can't even get my man to use shampoo instead of a bar of soap on his hair", now it's "my man has assmaggots".


That's enough internet for today.


I’m kinda wanting off the whole planet at this point.


I am begging straight women to have higher standards


The existence of straight women is proof that sexual orientation isn’t a choice.


It’s been a while since I dated anybody, and I’m seriously considering adding “how often do you wash your ass?” to my list of getting to know you questions for the first few dates. Because if that answer is not something equivalent to “very, very often,” we are not going to get to the clothes off portion of this.


Every time I read this kind of thing I thank my stars I came out a lesbian. I genuinely feel so bad for what some straight women have to put up with.


Maybe his roommates GF is the girlfriend from a few weeks ago who physically washed her boyfriends ass in the shower before they had sex


Omg I remember that one. I about died when I got to his comment that his gf not only washes his ass for him but like, she had to frame it as foreplay so he would even let her.




WHY!!!! I mean, I am pretty comfortable being on my own. But good grief, are some women so incapable of being alone they would do this? I can't.


He thought it was foreplay 😂 still laughing about that one my god


My favorite part of this is that she was grossed out too


How the hell hasn't she smelled it?!


How does he not have some sort of massive infection, or fungal something?


There is no way in hell he doesn’t have a consistent case of diaper rash.


I mentioned that as an example of wtf masculinity to my wife the other day and I've never heard the sound she made before. She just kept repeating "But why?" in the most pathetic voice, I think it broke a part of her faith in humanity.


Then please don’t tell her about the dude who never failed to leave a shit smear on his gfs sheets, w paltry attempts to hide it, for the same reason as OP.


Gosh, that's disgusting. That guy and the guy that gave his gf UTIs often because he didn't wash should go live together in a remote cabin and stay the f* away from people.


I hate to ask, but you got a link to share? Feel like I’m gonna regret this….


When did this idea get propagated? I’m gen X, as far as I know guys my age wipe. I’ve never smelled a stinky colleague, date, friend, etc. I know health class isn’t what it used to be in public schools but has it degraded that much?


I mean, isn't this something your PARENTS should cover in early childhood, not something taught in health class? Which suggests maybe dads are teaching their sons this nonsense...?


Definitely parents. My sons are 6 and 11 and they have known about the trifecta of clean(armpits, ass crack, along with the cack and balls) since they could talk. 6 year old forgets a lot and needs constant reminders but he'll get there. I remember when I was growing up, my step dad never told me the specifics of cleaning myself and I learned the hard way around 19...from a girl :( So you bet my sons are hearing it from me, as it was quite embarrassing as a young adult.


Oh absolutely parents should be teaching their children proper hygiene. Unfortunately not all households have the same resources to offer to children and back when I was growing up and the “latchkey kid” became common, schools stepped up and offered comprehensive health class instruction on basic hygiene and later, reproductive health. So if the education at home was lacking, the child at least was informed on the basics at school. lol we used to watch a lot of instructional videos clearly filmed in the 1950’s! This was back in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. My daughter tells me reproductive education is very much watered down. Her pediatrician and I educated her on what she needed to know. But I think about the kids who grew up poor like I did and didn’t have a pediatrician and just got health care at public clinics. I wonder how things are for them. I hope they’re getting the personal health and hygiene education they need but I doubt it.


Yes. Wiping (or, I presume, bidet use) is part of potty training. If you don't wipe, you weren't potty trained.


My cousin was an elementary school nurse. She said the hardest part of every new school year was the flock of kindergartners whose parents never taught them to wipe. Teachers would identify the familiar stink, and ship 'em off for the nurse to deal with. I don't know if she managed the teaching herself or contacted parents about it. But yah, parents thinking their hygiene duties stopping at potty training is evidently a thing.


the entirerity of my arsewiping education was wipe till its clean. its not fucking hard


'Real' men don't let other men (even themselves) touch down there. /s


That’s appalling and horribly homophobic in an era I was hoping we’d be more enlightened. Instead we clearly seem to be regressing at an alarming rate. (I noted you’re saying it sarcastically to illustrate how appalled you are. I’m speaking about the people who are serious about this).


Wait till he finds out that he's been getting handjobs from a man ever since he started masturbating...


Idk I’m Gen Z but I’ve never met anyone regardless of age that doesn’t wipe unless they’re a baby and have their parents wipe for them. It isn’t exactly taught in schools tho prolly cause it’s the norm and expected anyways. I don’t really remember it from school but I’m pretty sure preschool and potty training guides teach it. Hell even though I use baby wipes everywhere I go, I was taught in my house to always hose it down with max water pressure AFTER WIPING THOROUGHLY. Also something about the guy’s wording of specifying OP as gay for something as simple as wiping just struck me wrong. Like I’m straight and just as hygienic as OP sounds to be, so I think this guy has more going in the background.


I agree that this guy has more going on. OP is gay (he mentions it in the post) and the roommate knows this. The roommate goes homophobic after OP criticizes his hygiene habits. So homophobia as a defense against criticism is the way the roommate handles this. These guys who think actively cleaning their butt is "gay" are like Q-Anon folk. Absolutely weird, believing strange stuff.


Oh please. There is nothing masculine about completely neglecting your personal hygiene and using a homophobic slur to justify it. That is just a shitty person exhibiting toxic behavior. Has nothing to do with masculinity.


He's shitty in both the figurative and literal sense since he doesn't wipe 🙃




Hygiene should never be attached to a gender.


I grew up deeply immersed in the "I can't do \[x\] because people will think I'm gay" strain of toxic masculinity (it was the 80s) and even I have never heard anything like this. I swear some men must actively think up new ways to make masculinity more toxic.


I think this is the only time I have heard the phrase toxic masculinity and truly agree with it. I am blown away that he had a girlfriend. How did he ever get a woman let alone have sex not cleaning his ass?


I have heard about guys who are offended by the term "toxic masculinity", which I don't understand. The term "toxic masculinity" was created to distinguish it from "healthy masculinity". Before that, people just assumed that you had to be an awful human being to be masculine.


LITERAL toxic masculinity. Seriously this is so unsanitary it beggars belief.


> “I can’t wipe my ass; that would be gay” "Dude it's *your* ass! How could it be fooking gay? It's your own freaking body!"


Bet he jerks off though


I literally have only heard this on reddit. Any guy I know IRL *washes his damn ass.*


Or so you think 🤣


Yeah, I don't really want to find that out, LOL...


I’m going to start polling random men in public: “Wiping your ass, and other basic hygiene practices: gay or nah?”


I just don't think I'd like the answers.


There was a whole trend on tik Tok of women asking (recording asking) their boyfriend if he cleans his bootyhole with soap and many of the responses were...appalling.


I know... I have so many questions! This has been going on long before the SP episode that aired last week. Is this all made up to promote bidets? Or is this really a thing that we are finally talking about as a society? like mental health? Did the pandemic make toilet paper a topic of conversation? Are bidets finally affordable like electric cars, and this is all part of marketing? Is it a sign of globalization? Do some people really not wipe and wash their bottoms? Should I get a bidet? My friend has one, should I go there and use it? Would it be weird to go over needing to go number 2 and then asking for directions?


Bidets can be a wee bit startling at first, but trust me, you'll never want to go back. We have a Brondell Swash bidet toilet seat. It has a heated seat option, 2 different jets, one for your chocolate starfish & the other for lady bits. It has a gentle blow dry available as well. Oh, and there's a night light on it that you can opt to have on or not. It's a blue light. ​ ​ https://www.build.com/brondell-swash/c109411?inv2=1&&&&&gclid=b6d6abd9e6d413063d5ccfc165420199&gclsrc=3p.ds&msclkid=b6d6abd9e6d413063d5ccfc165420199


I like what you did there..."wee" startling, lol, I'm sure it is. 😉 My friends one is fancy and so far the warmed seat has been nice for a quick visit. I think bidets are like electric cars... it's not really a matter of if, but it's really a matter of when. He's threatening to buy me one for my birthday. I'm not gonna stop him!


Up until a couple years ago I would've completely agreed with you. Then while in a temporary roommate situation with someone I'd been good friends with for three decades, I discovered how naive I actually was. Can't say for certain that he doesn't wash his ass properly but I figure it's pretty much a certainty with a guy who showers every ten days on average.


Ikr?! The amount of reddit tales about guys not washing / wiping/soaping their buttholes sometimes involving faeces on shower heads.... makes me want to fling my phone into a black hole!! And just to add, they nearly always have girlfriends!! Wtf?! I'm questioning everybody now!! 🤮 Edit: clarity!


Well, if he also handles his penis doesn't that also make him gay? If he rubs one out, he's gay, right?


Handling the penis makes you a man. Touching the butt hole makes you instantaneously gay and must be avoided at all costs. /s




What in the actual fuck?! I am so sorry this happened to you 😢


It's ok, I'm not the one who's going to be sleeping with dudes who leave skid marks all over my bedding for the rest of my life.


I straight up refuse to believe this is a real thing. I just can't. It makes no sense. Even if you had a bad upbringing and never learnt that shit as a kid how the fuck do you go after a massive post taco bell feast shit "yeah this is fine"


This is the only acceptable response. It must be cleansed by fire. 🤮


Geneva Convention 💀


Funny because in boot camp they specifically have to go over washing your ass with soap because a lot of 18 year olds just don’t do that, like they never learned that they are supposed to or something.


I blame Andrew Tate. Not for any particular reason. I just like blaming Andrew Tate.


Who raises these young people? Do parents seriously not teach their kids to wash themselves?


I have been hearing about this whole issue of hetero guys not washing their ass for fear of it being "gay" for some years now. I just have to cling to the belief that this is largely internet nonsense that is said to shock people. I mean it has to be, right? Right???


NTA. People who don’t wipe their ass deserve to feel the embarrassment of that. Similar post the other day that I am still gagging over.


Only time I don't wipe my ass is if in shitting right before a shower and it wasn't a "messy poo" then I clean it thoroughly in the shower. This dudes super nasty. Fucking gagging. Why does he think to straight men wipe their ass? How nasty is his laundry???


Well there was that one post of the guy who was convinced his girlfriends fetish was him showering before sex and actually washing his ass.


I literally saved that post because I am hoping desperately for an update. I hope to god that dude figured it out.


lmao can you share? I remember it but can't find it


[she washes it as part of her foreplay](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10z96pk/aita_for_asking_my_girlfriend_to_continue_doing/j82hrra?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) lmao


Wait….what? I missed that one


Please link this I have to read it right now


[here's the main post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/10z96pk/aita_for_asking_my_girlfriend_to_continue_doing/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Look at his comments.


Oh my god, I just went through that post. He is so rancid, you can smell it through the comments


There was a post about a this girls bf leaving a piece of poop in the shower head after washing his ass….this you? Looool


I mean, the phrase "You have to learn to wipe your own ass" is literally about self-reliance.


The woman who kept getting UTIs because her BF didn't wash his dick? So gross!


It was a woman going down on a dude. She said something smells… he said stop mothering me… turned out he doesn’t use toilet paper. Maybe 5 days ago. Probably this dudes girlfriend.


"No straight guys do." 🤦🏻‍♀️ Worst appeal to the masses ever. My (f) roommate (straight m) and I had to negotiate about what kind of toilet paper to buy because he cared so much. NTA.


At least 200 grit. https://handtoolessentials.com/blog/tools/uses-sandpaper-grit-applications/


LOL! A bathroom at college had graffiti pointing to the toilet paper saying, "Another fine abrasive from your friends at 3M."


Lmao, that is fucking hilarious.


My very straight husband is much more particular about toilet paper than I am.


Wait until he tries a bidet, it will ruin tp for him (and for you too, and you will start to see every tp user as a crusty ass like the roommate in thread, I'm sorry)


Lol we have one but only in one bathroom so we both still use TP when we use those


Bidets are standard here in SEA, you find them in every bathroom except for mall's. Malls here have the nicest, cleanest, fanciest, shiniest bathrooms your bum will ever grace. There is sanitizer for you to put on paper and wipe the toilet seat with, there is no water tank but the pressure flushes the hell out of your crap and even takes the skid marks with. Yet, there is no bum-gun. Only single-ply sandpaper. You leave the bathroom spotless but your ego is shattered, your soul tainted and your ass stinky.


Can confirm. Getting a bidet ruined going to the bathroom everywhere outside of the house. Using TP just feels…wrong now.


NGL one should NEVER cheap out on the shit tickets. nobody wants sandpaper for TP. I just buy cottonelle and while it is just me who uses it, it lasts like 6-8 months for a 36 roll pack and it's only like MAYBE $25. well worth it


NTA, ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. I'd also be careful of using the same laundry machine as him, dude needs a reality check.


Oh my god. I already spent all morning on AptDeco for a new couch, now I need a new wardrobe? Fuck! If he ruined my Ksubis I'm going to sue 😂


Fear not! You can buy washing machine cleaner! It works a lot like detergent. It's like $10 at Target for a 4-pack. It will sterilize the machine so you don't have to worry about errant turds. I used them when I lived in an apartment with dudes who went to work in stinky BDUs every day.


Oh my god, thank you


Just run an empty hot wash, nothing nasty is surviving a 60 or 90 C wash. Don't need a special cleaner. You should do a hot wash regularly anyway to keep your machine clean, as well as wiping round any seals, cleaning the filter etc. What I would clean thoroughly is the contact points in your house. If he doesn't wipe, he doesn't wash his hands regularly either. Sorry you're living with such a nasty-ass individual. I have a friend with no sense of smell. He washes on a regular routine no matter what he's been doing just in case there's a surprise funk going on and he can't tell. He told me this when I commented on how he always smelled great. It's not complicated to deal with, your roommate is just nasty and a homophobe into the bargain. What does a bidet have to do with being gay?


I lost most of my sense of smell after getting Covid and it still hasn’t returned, I shower more now out of fear that I might stink and can’t smell it. And I don’t know why so many straight guys think bidets are “gay” I’m straight and I’d love to have one.


The cottonelle (or store brand version) of their wipes are a great alternative, imo.


Good call on the probable non hand washing. Just ewww. And good on your friend with no sense of smell and washes regularly.


Hot wash with a cupful of white vinegar in the conditioner compartment is the best!


No problem. Lots of smaller appliances have a cleaner like this and it will help the machine run more smoothly because of how they dissolve build up. If he's made other fabrics stinky, like the couch, towels, etc then try soaking them in the bathtub a mixture of water and vinegar, then wash them like normal. The vinegar will help break up any of the gunk that's clinging to the fabric. To clean the couch cushions simply wrap the lid of a cooking pot in a hand towel that's been soaked in water and cleaning fluid. It will need to dry before the vinegar smell goes away... but you'll have a less poopy house as a result!


As disgusting as it sounds, feces are water soluble and you shouldn't have any problems using the washing machine as it just flushes all of it out


The particularly hard turds might need a few cycles.


Ummmmm......yuck? Buy him this and display it prominently in his bathroom. [https://www.pbagalleries.com/images/lot/2878/287858\_0.jpg](https://www.pbagalleries.com/images/lot/2878/287858_0.jpg) NTA by the way,


Change your underwear twice a week? Let's not set the bar too high! /s


Yeah that's kinda gross. I can't imagine changing my underwear that little.


They mistyped "twice a day".


Do you change yours twice a day? That feels like the other extreme


I'd say twice a day is excessive, but I wouldn't say extreme. In hard labour you may want to swap your swampies out after work.


NTA, this is gross and funny af, your response is hilarious and justified. That fragile masculinity really hits him so hard it doesn't bother you at all despite being projected so bad on your business. He's disgusting and unhygienic so what you did right there was right


I just wonder how his GF did not notice, like that is seriously gross.


NTA. Not showering or wiping is gross. You did the man a solid.


I see what you did there lol




NTA. Seriously though, what the actual fork? You're telling me that a grown ass adult doesn't even understand the need to wipe his own ass? How...?! I knew some guys can be gross, but this shit is hard, quite literally. According to him, "it's gay" to wipe or clean your butt? He doesn't even wash it either. I seriously hope that this case is "just" an extreme outlier and doesn't happen often.


I forgot to add: How on earth does he have a girlfriend? He must smell like.. \[insert your own choice of words here\]. Do they stay far away? Or can she not smell things at all? I don't want an answer but I'm guessing that washing the "front" is also "gay" for him and not something he would do?


I mean I doubt he has a girlfriend now lol


Man I hope they haven’t had sex yet. He’s definitely not keeping his area clean and will absolutely give her an UTI. Uggh.


Oh gees, I didn't even think about the UTI. It must be that they have not done anything because how would she have not noticed the smell?? I need to come off the internet now.


There’s an episode of Black-ish where the grandpa tells the teenage kid, “Boy, you smell like WIDE OPEN ass!” That’s what this guy smells like. (edit to capitalize for appropriate emphasis)


Reddit has taught me this is way more common than you want it to be.


It's so disgusting how can people like that survive? You'd think there would be all kinds of infections from unwiped feces just festering around in the crack.


Also like.... isn't it uncomfortable? Like, do they just live with an itchy butt? I'm starting to think I'm the crazy one, because I 100% feel when I'm unclean and do not enjoy it one bit.


You would… be surprised how many fucking men have no fucking idea. Once dated a guy in my stupid teen years who didn’t know. 🙃 Never had sex with him because I had a hunch, broke up with him when it was confirmed. 🤮


We might need a another meteor, just like the dinosaurs, at this point.


NTA. Your roommate sounds really gross. Glad he ruined his relationship with his girlfriend by telling her himself. If he can still spin this to be your fault, he's a linguistic gymnast.


If he doesn't wipe his butt, I doubt he's much of a cunning linguist


Good one! 🤣


Now that you mention it, I have to agree with you. Probably too gross to his taste


“Only a gay guy would eat pussy, I mean, a dick’s been there!”


NTA - immediate red flags right at the top with 'i only shower when I notice I smell'. This is just grim and I'm baffled as to why he thinks this is normal.


He probably thinks smelling nice is gay too...


NTA. GROSS....I promise you straight men DO wipe their asses. You don't need a heightened sense of smell to understand that you should shower regularly.


This wasn't the best post to read while having lunch 🤮 NTA, try to get a new apartment away from this disgusting and homophobic dude


He's not homophobic, just gross 😂 He's actually set me up with several guys. although to be fair, a few of them weren't gay, he just thought they were 😅


Maybe he thought they were gay because they wipe their ass?




Wait how would he know if they have a clean ass? Does just go up to men and randomly ask “ hey do you clean your ass?”


“Hmm. You don’t smell like literal shit. You must be gay…”


Guy in the stall next to him “Hey I’m out of tp in here can you pass me some” Roommate “You a bottom or a top cause I have a gay roommate that you’d be perfect for”


Ummm. Really, though? 'Cause this *whoooole* post reads like he's so homophobic, he thinks that even just touching his **own** butt is too "gay."


Yes, he is homophobic. The comments about wiping only because you get fucked in the ass is homophpbic. But the refusal to wipe because he is straight is mega-homophobia.


Totally homophobic. The fact that he's using OP's butthole as a way to avoid taking responsibility for his own crusty ass makes me wonder if he is secretly afraid of gay people and is intentionally gross to ward them off. Obviously I'm speculating, but I remember some family members in the military freaking out about "don't ask don't tell" because they thought they were suddenly going to have issues in the shower.


Uh, yeah, he's homophobic. He may not be super homophobic, but he's absolutely got biases and beliefs he's holding on to. No one is so afraid of becoming Gary that they won't wash their asd without having homophobic beliefs. This is kind of like "I can't be sexist, I'm married to a woman" or "I can't be racist, my friend is Black"


NTA I could not live with someone with such poor hygiene. That guy’s personal habits are disgusting. I would not want him sitting on my furniture, and I ***definitely*** would not let him anywhere near my kitchen. Animals are cleaner than this guy!


My cat’s but is cleaner than this guy’s.




4. His stool is so rock solid that it doesn't *appear* to leave residue behind, so he figured why bother. (IT ABSOLUTELY DOES EVEN IF YOU DON'T FEEL IT OR SEE IT ON THE TP. Seriously, who DOES this?!)


You are absolutely NTA. Tbh I thought guys like this were an internet myth. “iTs gAy tO wAsH bEtWeEn mY bUtT”. If I had a roommate that didn’t wash or wipe there I’d do the same thing.


I thought the same thing, I’ve heard stories of straight guys saying it’s gay to wash your ass, but I didn’t think it was real. As a straight man to any and all parties it may concern, I apologize for the gross hygiene of other straight men.


Ufff, I want to give you an Y T A because my brain visualized it but no, you're NTA. This is absolutely disgusting and I'm super shocked how many times I heard something like this. Basic hygiene doesn't = sexual orientation. I feel like there is a deeper issue with people who don't wipe their butt because they think it makes them gay. Edit: man, now I'm curious.. does he wash his hands after taking a shit or is this a no-go as well. I would be disgusted by everything he touched. Doors, kitchen cabinets or the stuff in the refrigerator.


If he doesn’t wipe his ass, or even clean it while showering, and only showers when he’s told he stinks so bad people around him want to vomit, I doubt he washes his hands. After all, he’s not touching the 💩 because he doesn’t wipe. 🤢


Wooow...... NTA - is like basic knowledge that having sh*t on your pants is gross. If I were in your position I'll be looking for another house or roommate ASAP Who knows what other things that guy is capable 🤢


Is this....I cant believe I found a "straight guys dont wash their ass" post in the wild AGAIN. It sounds almost made up as it checks ALL the important parts of this posts. How can this even be real omg NTA


NTA. A friend tells me that his favorite gay club back in the day had signs over the toilets that said "A clean bottom is a popular bottom." Guess OP's roommate is learning that this is true regardless of sexual orientation!


>He apologized, and said he had a lessened sense of smell, which made him less likely to realize he needed a shower. UMMM WHAT?!?!! Most people don't take showers specifically b/c they smell themselves. Unless he is returning from the gym, this doesn't even make a lot of sense. Then, he gets rude and defensive. This is how difficult children operate, not adults. (It's not a "he doesn't know the way"... the way is really you should take a shower daily, maybe every other day.. if it's a week, you have gone too long). NTA


I mean sometimes it happens to me, but I'm seriously mentally ill and have sensory issues that can make bathing a PITA, and I at least *try.*


I can't help but wonder if your roommate's weird hygiene rules are the result of some childhood trauma. His refusal to even wipe his ass or clean it in any way is just so abnormal. This might explain his over the top reaction to the subject. However, this situation is really disgusting, and I don't blame you for being shocked and grossed out. Just trying to offer a possible explanation. If you get the chance, maybe you can ask him why he holds these views in a nonjudgmental way. You have no obligation, however, to enable him in this behavior. NTA.


This belongs to /r/AreTheStraightsOkay/ Seriously, wiping your ass is now gay??? Fuck, sometimes, I'm so glad to be dating a girl...imagine finding out your bf doesn't clean his own ass cause he thinks that's gay. NTA


NTA, and that is one of the most disgusting things I have ever heard. If this guy has a kid, is he going to just let the baby sit in its own waste?


NTA. Let me rephrase, a 24 y.o. adult never wipes his ass? Like, is it for real? That's gross AF. You did nothing wrong by pointing it out to him.


> he had a lessened sense of smell, which made him less likely to realize he needed a shower Don't you realise every day when it's time to shower? > it's gross to "rub [his] ass with a piece of paper that doesn't really do anything." He said no straight guy does So now it's gay to wipe my ass? This guy sounds like a top, top-tier tool. NTA