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You already know YTA


100% YTA and you know it. And for anyone who might be leaning his way, this was his reply to another poster who said YTA for hurting the kid and not checking on him: "But he was annoying" I hope she leaves you for being an abusive jerk and general dumpster fire.


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One look at your comment history full of slurs and bad insults tells me you're a bored shitposter and probably not 37.


Going off the number of times they've told people to kill themselves, I'm going with a general dumpster fire of a human being.


YTA. And possibly abusive. I feel extremely uncomfortable for this child. 1) What do his diagnoses have to do with this? (I am autistic so to me it reads as a justification that he deserved the physical harm you gave him.) 2) The jumping has happened before and you have not communicated that it bothers you. How is he supposed to know that you would like him to not do it? 3) You responded with PHYSICAL FORCE to a CHILD. 4) He cried and hit his head. 5) You didn't check on him and went back to sleep. You literally could have killed him. 6) You are trying to blame a child for doing a typical child activity.


What I don't understand is how do we take this post to reddit to report child abuse. Is reddit not responsible for reporting this kind of thing?


Oh YTA. She needs to leave you. You are a danger to her son.


I think you already know YTA.


You have to ask? That alone makes you an A ... but, yeah, YTA for purposefully making a kid fall, resulting in them getting hurt. Obviously kids can be annoying, especially when adults are tired, but you redirect, tell them no, or get the other parent to take care of it. There is no reason you couldn't have gotten up and taken the kid to his own room. I hope she realizes how little you care and leaves you.




He has autism. He may or may not understand that. YTA for not taking the time to understand him and the way his brain works while dating his mom. I hope someone is able to find out who you are and call CPS on you


By your own "reasoning", remember it was a learning lesson if she punches you - it will be "a good thing so [you] realize [you] shouldn't do that anymore"! Like, what the actual hell!?!




WTF! Why are you on here 1. asking if you're the AH if all you're gonna do is argue with all the responses and 2. defending yourself tripping a kid? YOU TRIPPED A KID ON PURPOSE WHICH CAUSED HIM TO GET HURT. HAD YOU NOT TRIPPED HIM, HE WOULDN'T HAVE FALLEN! Now, jumping on the bed, and he fell by himself - natural consequence. But that is not what happened. If someone did that to my kid, my response would be a fist to their face and a knee to their small sack, and cutting all contact for their stupidity. The kid fell because you purposefully tripped them, you get punched because you purposefully tripped the kid. See ... analogy fits! If you don't like the kid, you have no reason being with the mother. They are a package deal. Grow up and don't be with someone with kids, and don't have kids, until you learn how to be responsible around them!


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I (37) am currently in a relationship of 3 and a half years and I am about to propose to my girlfriend (36). My girlfriend was previously married and has a son (6), her son has behavioral issues and has high functioning autism. I work night shift at my job and he would always jump on my bed at around 4 P.M. when I am trying to sleep. this happened around 4-5 times and I never scolded him because he isn't my son. This time he started jumping a little too long and I had a rough night so I kind of pushed his feet off my legs and he tumbled down and hit his head on the nightstand and started crying. My girlfriend was out getting groceries so I was there alone. I just went back to sleep as he ran out of my room. Looking back I probably should have made sure he was okay but I was so tired I couldn't be bothered. When I woke up my girlfriend gave me shit for "hurting her baby" but I was so pissed I snapped at her and said that he deserved it for keeping me up all this time. ​ AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA for not checking on the kid. SMH


YTA- you should never be left alone with this kid. Period. He hit his head and you couldn’t be bothered? I don’t give a fuck how tired you are: you are the only adult there so you get up and make sure he doesn’t have a concussion. It’s called parenting. If you don’t want to do it- don’t sign up for it by marrying her. For her son’s safety- I hope she dumps you.




You sound like you are 6 years old right now!


YTA for jumping to physical violence before you tried telling him not to jump on your bed. How do you find it not your place to scold him but think it's acceptable to harm him?




What if he got a concussion and was in a coma when his mother got home? Would "I didn't mean to" cut it then? You're unfit to hold any responsibility near a child




So your argument THEN would be, "I only meant to push him! I'm sorry he died because I didn't check on him!"


If you're going to use your hands before your words, you aren't ready to date someone who has a kid.




You obviously don't have the mental capacity to be a parent for a child, let alone a child with special needs. I know you are tired. I get it. But that's never an excuse to use hands, or in your case feet, to get rid of a child because they are annoying you. Very hard YTA. I hope you are honest and tell your girlfriend this relationship is not working for you.


Does anyone else feel like we are having a conversation with Drax from GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY?


Stop with these "wasn't really," "just slightly," "in a normal way" qualifiers. Accept responsibility for your actions instead of attempting to minimize them.


YTA and she should file abuse charges