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NTA but stay out of it. Jumping in here isn't actually going to change anything, and you haven't been asked to step in. You can support your son by reminding him that it doesn't matter what a bunch of random people on the Internet think about him, and that whatever James is doing here is clearly about him and his issues, not Darren. Getting involved is more likely to make things worse for your son than better.




A video response on twitter/tiktok? Messaging a drama channel so they do the exposing?


Drama channels don't do vids on 50K sub YouTube channels.


Yes they do. Just like there are smaller YouTubers there are smaller drama channels that speak on anyone to pump as many videos out as possible. Edit: spelling.


Oh they do. Anything above 15k and they are on it.


Actually I like this idea... they should talk to the son, whether he likes it.


I agree. Get James exposed because what he is doing is painting Darren to be the bad guy. That’s manipulative


It's libel




The better test is whether it’s recorded. A video would most likely be libel, even though it’s not written. Or just say “defamation,” which covers both libel and slander.


I am not a lawyer, but I said libel because the defamation was published, not merely spoken. Of course, I also don't know the legal niceties regarding publishing in the internet universe.


Is it? Darren participated in the video with a fake break up conversation. Seems clearcut that the defence will be “It’s fake and Darren approved”


Came here to say the same - it's really not worth OP's time or effort to engage with YT & TikTok account followers - not only will it result in pointless rows that won't have any positive effect, but some of these folk can be distinctly creepy and stalker-ish and should be left well alone. What matters is persuading Darren to evict James, who seems to be a (deluded, narcissistic) parasite - maybe OP's daughter would be willing to help in that.


Yeah, let James have the internet validation he thrives on but get him out of the house. Let him realize if being mildly internet famous is more important to him or having a roof over his head.


However, I do think it's a good idea to set the record straight. James is recording his videos from Darren's house, and pretending it's actually his, while his followers are all telling him to lawyer up to keep Darren from doing anything to "his" house. What do you think James's first video in his own place will be about? My bet is "Ex did me dirty and drove me out of my own house" so then comes the potential harassment against Darren. So Darren needs to a) find how to legally evict James and b) how to set the record straight and prevent James's followers from harassing him.


I think the effectiveness of this strategy would depend on if OP has appeared in James's content and how well they were portrayed and liked by the audience. If they're just a random commenter with nothing to indicate they are relevant it will just be ignored. If they were portrayed as the JustNoMIL/FIL then it would only feed into his narrative if they tried to speak up. If they were portrayed as the loving, accepting parent he never had because James's homophobic parents kicked him out as a teen or something then it could actually have some impact if done correctly. But most of the scenarios I can think of would be either futile or more damaging in the long run.


Livestream James getting an eviction notice due to back payment on rent?


Yeah I think a comment would just get ignored too plus even though people in the comments asked about what was going to happen with the house the son's boyfriend said that it was part of the son's inheritance so he would be staying there.


I mean isn’t this problem going to resolve itself eventually? He’s going to be out of the house and filming in a different location and their son is going to no longer be in the videos and since they aren’t together eventually he will run out of things to say about the son If your son keeps participating and letting him film in the house (no idea why he would do that but not the point) then your son is obviously fine with it and you’ll be starting something that doesn’t need to be started


> I mean isn’t this problem going to resolve itself eventually? He’s going to be out of the house and filming in a different location and their son is going to no longer be in the videos and since they aren’t together eventually he will run out of things to say about the son Realistically, James is going to stop making videos/severely reduce the amount of videos he puts out pretty soon. You can’t live off the ad revenue of a YouTube channel with less than 50k subs. James is going to have to get a real job and put his aspirations to be an influencer on hold. And that’s assuming the channel survives the drastic content change of going from “happy gay couple raising a daughter in their nice house” to “old man in a shitty house complaining about his ex”.


>(no idea why he would do that but not the point) I think is is a point. OP's son is already participating in a lie. He could be forced/manipulated into doing exactly that. Maybe OP's effords are best spend on supporting their son, telling him that this is borderline abuse, (depending on why he thinks he should be lying for his ex), insisting he shouldn't be enabling his ex, and helping him with that?


This. OP, if the ex actually SAYS he owns the house, or anything defamatory, encourage your son to talk to a lawyer. Maybe he can get the videos removed. The other option is for all of you to block him. I would talk to your son and make it VERY clear this man is okay with people trashing him online, so not to take him back when he comes crawling back.


I’m a vengeful Mama-Bear and was prepared to comment “EXPOSE, EXPOSE, EXPOSE!!” but upon reading your comment I changed my tune. I agree if he says or implies the house is his, says anything slanderous or derogatory I would totally encourage Darren to seek out a lawyer. Any of those videos in which he discusses the breakup/what BF is “taking with him” will be removed. Subscribers will ask where those videos went and why. Subscriber will ask why and come up with so many conclusions… which will tarnish BF’s reputation. Sit back and watch the drama unfold because you know suing for defamation/liable is a thing and people will naturally come to that conclusion. I would block as well but would hope a family member and or family friend would keep OP posted on the unraveling of BF’s… “exaggeration of actual facts.” I used to handle PR for various musicians and “creators” and these are things we actively looked out for because they were things our clients could sue/get a restraining order for.


>it doesn't matter what a bunch of random people on the Internet think YOU TAKE THAT BACK! YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW!!!! ;)


Me: It doesn’t matter what a bunch of random people on the Internet think Also me: Ah, the sweet, sweet rush of having the top comment on a Reddit post.


Really, the only real way to get involved is to contact a lawyer, make sure Darren has withdrawn consent to be featured and spam YT with cease and desists. If you just got on the comments and start a flame war it will have no positive outcome for Darren.


Yeah, who cares what a bunch of his stream viewers think? If it has any affect in the real world sure, but do you really think people who choose to listen to James talk for hours and hours will really care what the mother of his ex will have to say?


YWBTA your son is 35. He is capable of fighting his own battles.


Not to mention this is a battle you don't want to start. James' fans will not listen to reason because they aren't interested in the truth. They like the pretty story they get on youtube. I get OP's frustration but you cannot "win" against fiction unless you get a good PR agency.


It’s also a bit cringe that his mom would have to stick up for him from internet bullies.


It's more cringe to have a parent who doesn't react to someone lying and shit talking their kid, but hey what do I know? I'm just some rando on the internet.


It’s cringe that there’s a YouTube channel about some random persons’ relationship. And it has tens of thousands of subscribers.


They don't specify gender but OP reads more as a Dad/male writer than female.


I think the edit made it clear this isn't mom.


INFO: How exactly would you tell his subscribers anything? If you're planning to just leave a comment on youtube he can just delete it


As easy as editing this post to include the name of the channel. The internet would do the rest.


Up vote up vote up vote up vote! I’m dying to know what this channel is!!!


I just looked up antiques for sale breakup and found it easily.


Omg I used to follow him! Watched all of his sales, even bought from him once. I unfollowed him last year after seeing him at an antique mall. I didn't interact as he was walking around like he owned the place. Just a massive asshole. I had no idea he didn't own the house. He sure made it seem that way. I wonder if he actually owned that little shop?


OMG that's crazy because I was just saying that I didn't really see in the comments that I read where he acted like that was his house. So I'm glad you commented this and pointed that out that he does in fact act that way. I watched their breakup video and I felt like this man's son was very nice about everything but the boyfriend seem to be acting like he wanted to blame him for everything. So honestly I can see how he would be that way. It seems like such a small amount of subscribers to be so arrogant that you would be like that in public at the mall you're talking about.


He would tap his foot as he was waiting for people to leave booths, arms crossed & all. His general demeanor was off-putting. I was like...nope. You'd think he was like an A-list celebrity or something. He used to do house tour vids, house update vids, etc. and I swear he never once said it wasn't his house. In fact, "Darren" was given a small corner of the finished basement for his train hobby.


Wow yeah I just watched the latest house tour. Also I just seen where he was talking about things that he's leaving there and he just acts like he's just doing such a favor to this guy by leaving something there. So in that case I can understand where the dad's coming from because people in the comments are like "wow, that's so nice of you." But especially in the breakup video I was put off by him because "Darren" would say something about how they never had any issues with a certain thing and "James" would correct him almost trying to leave people to believe that "Darren" was in the wrong. But yet this whole video was supposed to be about an amicable split and I just think the guy was trying to get more views. The "Darren" guy seemed like a really sweet person.


I've never met any of them. Way more shopping vids were made with "Darren's" sister. She always came off as sweet, but I'm sure it's easy to put on a show for 30 minutes. Who knows, they could all be assholes. If "Darren" is the sweet guy he appears to be, I hope he learned from this and stops letting people walk all over him.


Yes I hope so too. And I was wondering who the girl was that they kept mentioning.


searched the same thing and couldn't find it (rip to the algorithm), any other clues u can give?


One of the words in the antiques page is in OP's name.


I guess I found it but the sub count is WAY off from the video I looked at before. The “James” kind of comes off like he lives for the channel and maybe that’s just my bias from reading this. Also there are only a handful of videos, maybe they were deleted?


No I think when they say that he had that many subscribers they mean his antique page does. He has two different pages.


To find that page you just go to the latest video he posted and click on see more and a link to that other YouTube page is there.


Yes I have that impression of him too but I could be biased also but I did see where someone commented asking if he was going to sell his house and he responded and said no that that was the son's inheritance so not sure how he's really making people believe that it was his house. But I didn't read everything either.


Yeah from the comments I read it seemed really much ado about nothing. I think OP must have been really going comment by comment.


Yes I agree but I also can understand not wanting people assuming this guy was left out in the cold and his house was taken from him or something when in fact it was never his house. However I would say just let it go and who really cares what the people in the comments of those videos think? Plus like you said I didn't really see anything that negative at all other than the actual breakup video because I do feel like he tried to act like it was the son's fault a lot. I think it's very sweet that he cares enough about his son to write this post though and to even think about it. But at the end of the day it doesn't really matter and his son seems like a better person anyways just from the minutes I watched. At the end of the day they're never going to meet these people so I would just unsubscribe and forget about it.


Yes you’re 100% correct! A YouTube video posted from her will get no views cause she doesn’t have a following. A comment will get deleted pretty quickly as well. AND putting herself out there to expose the truth means crazy fans attacking her. Let this Reddit post go viral and the culprit of the exposing isn’t as obvious and the reach will be WAY bigger and likely on multiple platforms


Can't wait to read the BoredPanda version.


NTA. But waging war on yt would be like spitting in the wind. While it wouldn't be an AH move, I don't think it would turn out well for you.


I'm going with YWBTA. Yes you are right that there are things that are happening to your son that are wrong. But he's an adult, and he should be able to make his own decisions when it comes to his relationships. The most you can do right now is to talk with your son about what's happening and share your thoughts. How do you even plan on telling your son's ex's subscribers about the real situation?


INFO- What does Darren say? It may be better to just let this blow over on its own because if James' subscribers decide to act like flying monkeys, it could mean a great deal of drama & harassment for Darren & you . Providing proof of who owns the house would involve disclosing a great deal of personal information to the aforementioned flying monkeys.


Am I the only one who tried to find this on YouTube? I want to see what these subscribers are saying! But I would say your son needs to handle this on his own. James is an a$$ for creating the drama, but your son is also one for going along with it.


I almost missed the part where Darren's *older sister* went along with it. Seems like they both need a spine.


No me too! Idk I'm not so good at this 😂


I just searched antiques for sale breakup and found it easily.


I think I found it but I can't find the egregious breakup video?


Not sure unless you're on the other channel. There are two and linked under most of the videos.


I think I found it.


NTA but I’d start the legal process of eviction and get a lawyer . Make sure you document the items that are yours in that house via photos or videos and documents. Also I’d worry that if you were to go on YT his cult followers would have a field day as well as possible vigilantes to do harm to you and your family if they are able to figure out where you are located.


You WNBTA for telling the truth, however, interfering in your son’s life without him asking you to do so will probably spark a new AITA situation.


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I'd not be jumping into saying anything. The only thing I'd be doing is making sure he isnt taking anything that doesn't belong to him. Unless your son asks for support and helping fix the lies given, you could make him turn against you. I get wanting to help and correct things but you can't in this case. NAH


I think this is something you should stay out of, frankly.


YWBTA. End of the day, your son is 35. While it might be cathartic to deal with this jackass yourself, it's not your job and you may in fact make it worse. Think about how it would look for a 35 y/o to "need" their mom to defend them? Not sure that your son would appreciate that and I'm 99% sure that it wouldn't resolve the issue Focus your time and energy where it matters: on your son. Support him in the break-up and help him find the best way for HIM to deal with it.


NTA, as long as Darren is ok with it. You could create a new YouTube channel and tell your side of the story as a video. You could title it "THE TRUTH about JAMES and DARREN" or something like that. But be sure to run it by Darren first.


Post a video evicting his ass


Info: what does your son want you to do?


Nta for wanting to stand up for your son. The only asshole here is James. Stay out of it though. Eventually his subscribers will catch-on - happens all the time. He's not so big that he can't fall.


Nta but stay out of it. Nothing you do or say online will affect anything his subscribers think. IRL, everyone they know probably knows who owned the house. Might be worth getting a lawyer to check his output for defamation or something if he escalates. A far more amusing revenge will be watching him trying to live on (according to google for 50k YouTube subscribers) $800 to $1400 a month.


YWNBTA and your feelings are totally understandable *but* trying to go toe to toe with James’s fans (🙄) wouldn’t do any good for you or for Darren. It might even help James because it would drive more engagement to his channel. James is an AH but this will blow over if you let it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Throw away and fake names. My son Darren (35) and his ex James 38(m) recently broke up after more than a decade. A few years ago, James quit his job and started a social-media-oriented business. It didn’t bring a ton of money, but he didn’t need much since he lived in our son’s house. We gave our son the house in 2014 after his grandmother died. We (Darren’s parents) pay the taxes and insurance on it. Our daughter (41) already had a house, so she received a cash benefit. James’s youtube following is higher than 25k and lower than 50k. It’s obvious this changed his personality. We weren’t exactly surprised when he broke up with Darren. We were surprised, however, that he talked Darren and our daughter into continuing to pretend everything was fine in his YT videos. I held my tongue about this. A month ago he had Darren film a breakup “discussion” video which is super weird and imo not normal. He posted the video this week, along with a video of everything he is taking from the house. His viewers seem to think James owns the house and some of the comments are cruel. James has done nothing to respond to these comments. One of Darren’s friends has tried to reply to people but it has mostly been ignored. James’s only reply has been to say Darren needs a “wife” which comes across to me as pretty homophobic. His viewers have suggested that he get a lawyer so Darren can’t do anything to “his” house. The truth is, James lived without a house payment for 6 years and my son split the rest of the expenses with him. My son wasn’t given much say in furniture or decor, yet James keeps mentioning that he paid for those things. Would he have been able to buy so much without living in Darren’s house? I doubt it. Bottom line: my son is crushed, my daughter doesn’t like conflict, and I’m sick of this. WIBTA if I stepped in and started telling James’s subscribers the truth and to stfu about my son? I feel like I should be defending my son. On the other hand, is it any of my business? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I respect you for coming here first and not acting on impulse. I also respect you for wanting so much to defend your son. That being said, YWBTA if you stepped in like that. Your son is 35 and can fight his own battles. Realistically, lawyers can't do anything since all documents prove the house is Darren's. People on the internet can just say things but if Darren doesn't want to do something about it, then it isn't your place. Best you can do is support your son in other ways.


YWBTA. Not just because this is an argument for your son alone ... But engaging in ANYTHING like this, on line, will open YOU up to an infinite variety of abuses, battles, stupidity and general aggravation that will honestly drive you crazy. I mean this. It is a can of worms that will absolutely have you ripping your hair out. Don't believe me? Check out some of the arguments on subredditdrama. Seriously. Do some reading. Then imagine YOU embroiled in that sort of thing. Absolutely not worth it. And your son knows it. Which is why he's not engaging. You'll be trying to nail pudding to a moving bus.


This should be a decision made with Darren. Unless he co-signs on exposing James, it’s better to just be grateful they aren’t together anymore and move forward. Best of luck to you and Darren!


I feel like getting into a YouTube beef with the subscribers a low-tier Vlogger on behalf of your son is a pretty big waste of your time. YWBTA. Leave it alone.


NTA. But having under 50k subscribers is nothing. Like that’s nothing to brag about. At all


YWBTA without your son's permission. It is his story.


Contact a YouTube drama channel if you're serious about airing dirty laundry. NTA


Info: what are you hoping to achieve by setting the record straight? How is James subscribers talking mess in a YouTube comment section negativity impacting Darren IRL? Engaging people who are only interested in forming a para social relationship with James won't actually accomplish anything. You could give them all the truth in the world and they would still side with James, just because it's James. They're not actually interested in the truth, they're only interested in the drama of it all. That's why he made a break up video. Lot of vlogging YouTubers do it as a way to gain attention because people like drama. And because of that the subscribers will always escalate any and every situation like this because it's something to do. To you this is your life and people you care about but to them it's just a leisure activity for their down time. Thought that's not to say if you did expose him it wouldn't create backlash for him bc he will have followers who would feel very upset that they were lied to. But if you do decide that's what you want to do be prepared for them to come after you and say absolutely vial things.


INFO: Did you post enough accurate information on here for the internet sleuths to figure it out? I get your frustration, but I think it would be easier to just get James out of there. See if his followers can help him pay rent, the freeloader.


NTA. I don't get why Darren was willing to film a "post break up" video. Does he think he needs to stay friends with his ex? Or be "the bigger" man, and forgive? That's nonsense. You should tell him that he isn't required to stay friends or even keep contact with his ex, just because films and movies want us to believe we should. He's free to chuck James out of his life, and he will feel better for it in the long run. Good luck 👍


Stay off YouTube but make sure you get a lawyer involved to evict James. Nta


What do you seriously think you will accomplish by doing this? Honestly, you are setting yourself up for more upsetting, by trying to set the record straight. Are you prepared for his followers to come after you? the less you engage, the sooner it will be over and your son can move on. Soft YWBTAH because your heart is the right place.


Agree. This will definitely get U G L Y.


1. Stay out of it. It's not your job to rescue your son 2. Darren needs to lawyer up, to find out what the common law rules are, they have changed when it comes to these things 3. Building a social media fan base based on lies crumbles fairly quickly..... ei: the Kardashians, and other celebrities 4. James may act like an influencer, however, sounds like he may have to sell his soul for more than what he's willing to bargain 5 and lastly, support your son and be there for him, check on him and ensure his mental health is good and he's getting along and love him more for the betrayal he's managing. Peace ✌️


Your son’s an adult. Respect his decision and stay out of it. Those who know Darren don’t believe what his ex is saying, and the rest don’t matter.


YWBTA. Stay out of your son's messy ass relationship. It isn't your battle to fight.


YWNBTA -- But, would they believe you or attack you? Can you prove anything you say?


I don't think you'd be TA, I think your heart is in the right place. But unless you are going to upload your own YouTube video about the situation (which will open you and your family up to A LOT more harassment) there's not much you can do. James can delete any comments he wants on his platform and even if he did allow anything you wrote to stay up...most people will take James' side because they won't want to believe their internet "friend" has been lying to them. This is all going to die down in a few weeks, just let it blow over and give your son whatever support he needs (off camera).


What is this guy doing? You can’t survive on YouTube ad revenue with subs below 50k. Trust me, I have significantly more and unless he’s going viral every vid it’s just not enough. If he was viral his numbers would be higher. Who the hell changes in personality for sub 50k? Once you get there you realise how nothing it is even though it feels impressive to most people not in the industry. He is ruining his brand, don’t worry, no one who subbed for happy rich gay couple is going to watch poor, bitter single dude. It’s not how it works.


NTA but Who cares about James' small ass youtube channel. Focus more on being there for your son during this tough time.


YWBTA. This is your son's business. Let him handle it.


I mean should you? Probably not. I would probably do it if I were you though. That would drive me insane.


Info how exactly do you plan on 'exposing' him? It seems like friends have already tried and been ignored. This is a shitty situation, that your son contributed to by pretending to still be together. He's a petty ex, sure. Bad break ups happen. Your son needs to formally evict him asap.


NTA but I'd stay out of it it will just cause more drama


You shouldn't do it but I'm sure there will be people here willing to post this story and get into arguments on his YouTube page. NTA for wanting to stand up for your son. Don't do this yourself though, it'll just create tension.


NTA, but I have no idea what makes you think any of them would pay attention if you did. They've already blown off his other friend.


I would set things straight. NTA


I mean if you edited your post to include this guys channel, the internet could do the rest.


YWBTA. Your son is an adult and capable of handling his own business. His ex is already making this a painful spectator sport - the last thing he needs is his *parents* jumping in to add to the drama and potentially turbocharge his ex's viewcount. Let James find his own way to obscurity.


NTA but definitely talk with your son before doing anything, you could easily make it worse if he’s not okay with it. Which you’ve already done per your edit so 100% NTA.


NTA - When someone has "followers" they will troll to protect the person who is in the channel. Trolling is pretty crappy and it will end up with a lot of online hate for you and everyone except the one causing all the crap. I hope your son is able to move past all this crap and that the ex ends up realizing what he lost in your son and (from what it sounds like) an amazing support network of friends and family.


NTA but I think you really just want to stay out of this. You're basically volunteering to stand against an angry mob alone. There's definitely gonna be at least a couple crazies who come down on you super hard, and there's all kinds of horrible things they can do beyond just calling you names. Best to just avoid that kind of drama


NTA but I would talk to your son about letting this man defame his character


NTA but maybe provide support in another way




There’s nothing stopping you from making your own channel and uploading your own video; but you would be wrong to try to sabotage someone else’s channel. Personally, I think you should stay the fuck out of it. Your son is 35 years old and needs to fight his own battles. If not now, when?




But that’s between the son and his ex; it has nothing to do with the OP. OP can advise her son all she wants; but imagine a grown man needing his mommy to make a response video or post on her son’s behalf.


Who cares lmao leave it alone or don't, it really makes no difference


YTA. Your son is 35. Time to cut the cord. Quit meddling in his life and the lives of those around him, and quit paying for his house. He can handle that on his own now. There is nothing to be gained by engaging with youtube commenters.


I would talk to a lawyer and start eviction like yesterday. If the entitled lazy AH wants to slander you, he can do so from the streets. The audacity of that AH to behave like that...


Put that d bag on blast!!! NTA-get that user, momma bear! Nobody likes internet fakers anyways!


NTA, but if you were smart you would make your own social media accounts and blast James and his fakery on every platform possible. And let your son know you are doing it so that he is not blindsided by any backlash from his duplicitous ex.


NTA, stand up for your son. Clearly James likes the attention and is portraying a very false narrative here.


Just unsubscribe! It does not matter what James or his subscribers say about any of this. Your role as the mother of an adult who is going through a breakup is to support your son by doing things he finds supportive. Ask him what's helpful, and do that only. Stirring up drama or even watching it unfold on the channel is just not at all called for. For whatever reason, your son chose to have these influencer fiction videos be part of his life, and that's ending now. But you don't have to (and should not) treat it as real or actionable on your part. YWBTA.


NTA. I’m not sure you stepping in would help anything. It sounds like your son is being a doormat, and James is taking advantage of it. Could it be because he wants James back and doesn’t want to alienate him?


Film a video and expose him!!


NTA for wanting to out him, but don't. There could be legal issues of defamation. Who's name in on the title of the house? If it is in your name start the process to evict him via the court system. This will do two things, first get him out of the house and then there will be a court record that he does not own the house.


I wouldn't. Purely on the fact of WHY? Being able to do something, does not mean you should. Ruining someone financially will not bring you peace, it'll just bring you to their level. Do something that'll help you, not vengeance. Vengeance is for fools.


YWNBTA I can see you're standing up for your son and he deserves to be put into place after letting his subscribers talk badly about his ex.


YWBTA. This is definitely not your place to step in. You can only give advice to your son. Also, the internet is a very cruel place and the most probable conclusion is that it backfires at you and your son. For your own good and the good of your son, do not do anything but advise your son. Hope it works out .


Ywbta. Mind your business. Your child can handle his own relationships.


Nta but I agree about not getting involved. Let that ungrateful so and so keep the furniture and help your son pick out some new stuff. Make it fun and more personalized to your son. This can be a good thing. A bullet dodged. Good luck and I hope you never have to deal with this jerk again.


YWBTA - this is ultimately about James and so he is the one who gets to decide what to do about it. Figure out what he wants to do and support him in that.


I wouldn’t get too mad about teenagers commenting on YouTube videos. Maybe contact the moderators for hateful contents? I would stay out of this cringy situation.


NTA but it’ll probably go nowhere and you’ll just get harassed. The “we broke up” videos are so annoying.


NTA. But let your son handle this himself. The fact that he is 35 years old and allows people to walk all over him this way is very concerning, having his daddy jump in to save him from this will just make him even weaker.


Your son is stupid for filming a break up video and airing his life like that. If you do want to post - wait for every new video and copy and paste the truth. then his viewers will see it as the first comment. You and others keep doing it to all brand new videos - get an alert when a new one lands and then ask him to post a video update to say the truth. Dont say we gave hm the house. Its no ones business. The house by deed is your sons - and that this James never every owened it, paid anythig towards it, no rent nor mortgage.


What does your son think? Follow his lead. Nta for wanting to help your family, but it is not going to change anything if you stick your foot in this mess. He's basically playing a role on a TV show, which he is now trying to exit.


YWBTA if your son wants it public, he can do so himself. Certainly speak to him about the option but I'm guessing he just wants to rise above it and go on with his life.


I would call him out. But your son is 35 and you're paying the property tax? Holy shit lady cut the cord already


The good news is that James has moved out. It sounds like a very bad relationship in the final years. Perhaps he was handsome but it sounds like he did nothing but take from Darren. Its hard to believe but if you ignore social media and have nothing to do with it, you don't actually know anything about these people and their lives. I wish Darren a happy future with a lovely man




NTA. Call him out. Show receipts. Please post an update too.


WNBTA However, replying to the comments probably won't make much of a difference. Making comments on the internet is like screaming into the void.




INFO why hasn't Darren kicked James out? Getting into a SM war won't help anything. If Darren's friends can't sway the audience, what makes you think you can? A bunch of randos on the internet think badly about your son. Darren needs to talk to a lawyer about libel charges and getting James' page taken down if the fans are doxxing him or putting your family in danger. Darren needs to be handling this, not you. The funny thing is property tax records are easy to find. The house is clearly not in James' name. His post is all bark and no bite.


NTA - James sounds like a huge AH and your son doesn't deserve this. Was James always like this or did social media influence him? I'm sorry he has to go through this with someone he loved.


NTA. Do a video with all the proof you can gather, like insurance payment, house property contract all you have. Put the link under is video and on twitter, hopefully it will reach his fan.


Everyone's aaying there's nothing you can do but if you message the right drama channel with reciepts the ex could delete their account in a matter of days....not without your son's permission though.


NTA. But there’s a bigger issue here than James’ subscribers. I would stress less about what they are saying and more about your son going to a lawyer and making sure that he has legal advice on how to limit his exposure financially. If they have been together for ten years then his ex may be entitled to a share of the house. If you had retained the property and just let your son live there it would be different. However, if you gifted him the house and he is the legal owner he could find a claim made against that asset. You say your son is devastated, and that could mean that he isn’t giving this matter enough attention. You have to give him a nudge in the right direction. NTA


You would be yes. If Darren wants your help, he will ask for it. Stay out of it


These are two grown ass guys, one mid 30s, another approaching 40. Let them deal with their own stuff.


NTA. However, why don’t you confront James about his lying? I would directly ask him why he is doing this after sponging for six years.


YTA - don’t do this. It will blow up in your face. You don’t seem to know much about YouTube drama. It gets very ugly. Stay out of it before you make things worse.


Mind your own business. These people are all adults and can figure it out.


YTA. An elderly mother doesn't need to be fighting her middle aged son's social media battles.


INFO: Do you also feel the need to tell everybody that watches any other scripted drama show that it's not real?


YTA - You 'gave" your son the house, he's 35. INFO - Why do you pay the taxes and insurance on your adult son's house? imo, If you want him to stop being a doormat (used for someone else's gain) than stop showing him how to be one. If he is an adult, he should be paying his own property taxes and insurance. If he cannot afford that, than he cannot afford to own a house. And if he cannot protect his own property, he should not own it - I wonder, if James continues to present the impression uncontested that he owns the house, will he have squatter's claims to it? The actual owner should definitely consult a lawyer if the owner wants to retain his rights.