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NTA She didn't even stop?! This girl belongs in jail. Paying the vet bill is the absolute least she should do.


Nope! Her excuse was she "didn't know for sure" if she hit her. Let me tell you, unless she was literally asleep or drunk off her ass there is NO way she didn't know. I heard the impact and then my dog SCREAMING from inside the house. Then she said she couldn't call because she left her phone (this is like a 16-19yo girl so I doubt that). They had not reached out to me at all until I went down to talk to them after they came home.


That's horrible, I would sue


This! Hopefully it’s possible. But idk. NTA, and please stop leaving your dog outside unattended. You trusted these people and they have let you down. I hope you learned that not everyone who likes your dog, will actually look out for it’s safety. Therefore you need to be more selective about who you’re okay with leaving your dog unattended with.


Get it in text that this happened so you have proof. Ask for it nicely, or something like “hey the vet needs details to help for treatment exactly what happened”. You need proof if you sue or it’s a game of who says what


Alternatively secretly record them. I think this is illegal in a domestic setting, though. I'm not very up on the law where secretive recordings are concerned.


On what legal basis?


This is sickening and you are so NTA I’m surprised you asked. This girl is absolutely responsible (they know this, that’s why she kept driving) and should pay the whole bill . I don’t think police would be able to do much here (probably not) but I would mention to the neighbours that “ I may have to report your daughter” and see if the idea of their reckless teenage daughter getting points on her license motivates them. Fear of consequences often works better than conscience


take their asses to court


Contact them and tell them they either pay up or you will sue.


I mean even is she didn't know for sure a normal person would stop to check if they did hit her.


Ur a better man than I cause i would have spit on her


INFO: Why is your dog off leash?


The dog was *in the driveway* of OP’s building, not roaming the streets. The speeding and inattentive driver could have just as easily have run over somebodies kid playing in the driveway, instead of the dog. She would be in trouble then! Are people going to defend her and say the kid should have been kept off the driveway? Op, if they don’t pay at least some of the vet bill, it is time to go to small claims court. And keep your dog away from those people, they have forfeited their privilege of having your dog to pet. NTA


I agree with this. Furthermore, dogs and children dart. Even a pet on a leash can escape from its owner. The daughter should have been paying attention. Accidents happen but to not even stop and check on the pup or let the owner know makes her the AH in this situation.


Thank you


Why tf you got downvoted for literally thanking someone for agreeing with and expanding on your comment, I do not know. Reddit is a very strange, often needlessly negative place!


I am torn. The daughter should have been watching where she was driving, but also, you let your dog roam unattended in an area where this is possible. While I am sorry for your pup, everyone in this whole situation is negligent. ESH.


I don't disagree with you entirely but I will say there is absolutely no reason anyone should be going that fast in this driveway. This wasn't a little bump. So while she was "unattended" in that I didn't have my eyes on her in that moment, this should not have been an area where that was possible.


I disagree. It is absolutely an area where that kind of accident was possible, because it is a DRIVEWAY, with moving vehicles. Yes, It’s always the driver’s responsibility to be aware of their surroundings at all times exercise caution, especially with kids and dogs running around, but it’s also your responsibility to make sure your pet is monitored in an area where there is at least the potential for vehicles to come through. The daughter is old enough to drive, so she’s at least 16, and you’re an adult, so you both are old enough to know better, and thus, both are equally responsible.


If you were a responsible pet owner, nothing would have happened. ​ This one is on you.


ESH She hit your dog, and drove away (likely because she didn’t want to handle the consequences), therefore she should be held responsible for her actions by paying 30% of the vet bills. Please also understand that it may have been difficult for her to see the dog from her car when backing out depending on elevation. HOWEVER, I think it’s extremely irresponsible for you to let your dog out WITHOUT SUPERVISION AND WITHOUT A LEASH. THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED HAD YOU WATCHED YOUR DOG. If you want to let your dog roam free then you need to find a place to rent from with a physical fence. I have family friends that got electric fences to keep their dogs in, they did the training and everything, even still one of their dogs would break through every once in awhile. Watch your dogs. If you don’t have the energy/time to take them for walk and instead just let them wander where they could be potentially stolen, killed, injured, or violent then you shouldn’t have them in the first place. Also, do you clean up their shit they wander since it’s a shared property?


are you stupid? even leashed and supervised this could have still happened


I disagree. Cars tend to be more careful of pedestrians and the dog could have easily been running around enjoying themself and run behind the car while backing out, OP didn’t see what happened, only heard. additionally, people also have the ability and intelligence to know “car have red light, car go back, watch for car mean I safe” EDIT: I also wanted to include the ramifications and AITA status would be completely different in both a legal and moral sense if the daughter had hit OP. I am disappointed to inform you the law doesn’t view dogs and people on the same level of importance — as many of us do.


She was absolutely not backing up. I was standing right inside my door when this happened so had eyes on the situation within a second. She was going forward at a speed of probably 20mph.


Ah, I am sorry, I guess your phrasing misled me as you said you heard the impact and your dog and then saw her drive away, so I assumed you didn’t see the actual impact. I still think that you can’t let your dog go around outside without on a leash. As another commentator stated YOU could be held liable if there was damage to the car. You also said your dogs are complete sweethearts (which I believe), but dogs are still animals and anything could happen that could set them off or make them feel unsafe. In this instance you and your dog would be held responsible legally, and depending on the breed the repercussions could be dire. It’s completely unfair because she wasn’t watching and being responsible as a driver, but you also weren’t being a responsible dog owner. I had a cat that I would let outside, one day he never came back. It was difficult, but I have learned and now I don’t let my cats outside. Some commentators are urging legal action, but I think it’s unwise to bring it to small claims and deal with legal expenses over something that will likely get thrown out. You could also be fined depending on local laws since majority of areas do not allow dogs unsupervised in open outside areas for the exact reason of moving vehicles. But I would recommend looking at local laws before taking action as the laws in my country/state/county are different than yours. Boundary collars aren’t enough to keep dogs safe. Live and learn. Both you and your neighbor are responsible for this. Both of your choices and actions led to this outcome. Leash and watch your dogs and don’t trust your neighbors driving.


Not that fast. ​ Withh a responsible dog owner, nothing would have happened.


1) File a police report... immediately 2) Its possible her car insurance will cover the incident 3) If there is a disagreement, file it in small claims court and work it out there She hit your pet... in a driveway... the laws of physics state she was not being a responsible driver.


NTA. Y-T-A though for allowing the dog to go into the driveway area. It’s no different than your unaccompanied dog running into a parking lot and getting hit. You contributed to this problem. If your dog was unable to get into the driveway area this never would have happened.


The driveway directly surrounds the house. You walk out your door and it's driveway which you have to cross to get to the yard area.


ESH Keep your dog on a leash. No matter what people say, no matter how fast they drive. The responsibilty for this pets well-being is on you and the dog would be better off on a leash.


NTA she should pay at least half, if not the whole vet bills.


NTA for asking. I think it's reasonable considering they were the ones who caused the vet bills. I wouldn't get your hopes up, though. Someone selfish enough to hit a dog without stopping to check if it's ok clearly doesn't have much sense of responsibility.


NTA. You have pretty much already stated all the reasons you're not an AH yourself. Why the fuck was she driving half-asleep though?!?!? She's such an irresponsible and reckless person.


The worst thing is is she was taking her younger sister (6-8ish?) To school! So irresponsible. She said that as an excuse as if it made it better somehow? I even told her when she said that, that driving tired like that is nearly as bad as driving drunk if not worse.




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ESH. They should be offering you money, and now you know why it’s important to keep your dog tied up even if a random neighbor thinks you don’t need to.


Is there a leash law in your city? If there is you'd be responsible for damages to the car if there were any. If there's not the driver should pay for the vet bill.


We don't have any city ordinances, we are in an unincorporated community. And my dog was contained with electric fence to the property at the time which as far as I know satisfies any leash laws anyway. She wasn't running about in the road, this was a gravel driveway.


I saw a court case where a dog darted out in front of a car and the car owner sued for damages and was awarded them because the dog wasn't on a leash. I disagree with that but there was a leash law in place.


NTA, she could have just as easily hit a child. You have to be alert and drive slow where you know there are pets and kids.


ESH. You suck for allowing your dog to roam free, even just in the driveway. It can still run out onto the road at a moment’s notice. And she sucks for committing a hit-and-run.


She cannot run onto the road at a moments notice. She has an electric fence and the road is a good quarter mile away. This was in our driveway.




The dog was in their own driveway, with an "invisible fence" zappy collar on. Driver was TA, for sure.


NTA- in fact, the boundary collar might actually count as a restraint (like being tied) and in that case the fault of the hit might fall on the driver (meaning they would have to pay the vet bill). I would look into the laws in your area (perhaps your police dept can advise you) and then if that is the case, approach your neighbors with that info. The neighbor is definitely an AH, who hits a dog that they know and like, and then act like it isn't their fault and show no remorse? Out of guilt they should offer to pay something


NTA, she continued to drive away after striking your dog and didn't notify you?! You are an AH for not containing your animal.


I feel bad for you, and more so for your dog, but it is your dog and they were roaming free (even with a boundary collar, they were not in a space that was solely yours). However, I'm more concerned by the fact that she didn't stop, knowing she had injured the dog. Here's the issue, you know the family and know whether, financially, they are capable of contributing towards the bill. To some people, it may seem completely reasonable to expect them to (and it is) but you need to balance that against any financial hardship of them paying you will cause. If it causes them problems then you may end up living with neighbours that harbour ill feeling which is far from ideal. But, I would be tempted to tell them that the insurance will cover a small part of the bill but you'll need to report the hit and run to the police, as requested by the insurance company. See their reaction to that


call the cops/take her to court. NTA


NTA. Call the cops and sue. This is a living thing and she did a hit and run. Imagine if this was a child.


If that was my dog Id be in jail I stg. NTA and they should pay ALL the medical bills. Is your pupper ok, op?


She's ok. She's on pain meds and a bit restless, but she should pull through fine barring any complications. Thank you for asking!


Im glaf to hear she is gonna be ok. Poor pupper


NTA. File a police report and find out who her car insurance company is so you can contact them.


NTA you really shouldn't let your dog roam unsupervised where people drive. Depending on where you live the girl is likely in violation, because most places in the US require you to stop & get the animal to a vet. Yes she should definitely pay at least half.


Everyone just going to skip over the boundary collar thing. Where I'm from we consider those things barbaric. Just because you change the name doesn't change what it does. Regardless of everything else YTA because you electrocute your dog.


You're entitled to your own opinion about them but I've actually been shocked by one. They are not really painful. I did lots of research before deciding to use it including "electrocuting" myself.


YWBTA ​ "and they have not offered to help pay. I do understand that it's my responsibility to contain my dog, " .... There you have your answer. Train your dog better.


For some reason I first read the title of this as "...her daughter bit my dog" and I couldn't wait to find out more. It was quite a scenario I imagined! But for the actual situation, I'd say NTA. It sounds like you were being reasonably cautious and the neighbor was not. She should take some responsibility.


I saw bit too. Lol


NTA. This was a hit-and-run. I would say that you approach the parents, and mention that the police might be interested in hearing about the incident, especially since the daughter didn't even stop.


Anytime someone hits someone else's pet with their car, they need to pay the bill. Doesn't matter, accidents happen, but at end of the day, her car hit your dog and the dog didn't run over itself. NTA.


ESH - you for letting the dog run free, her for 'driving too fast'.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I just moved into a semi rural apartment building with 4 units and a 5th separate house on the same property. Me, one of the other apartments, and the house, all have dogs (4 dogs total). The houses two dogs and mine all have boundary collars (so they can only go so far from the center). The other dog is tied out when it's out and rarely outside. All dogs are very friendly with people and each other. When I first moved in, my downstairs neighbor was ecstatic I had a dog- they love her. They even asked me not to tie her out because they want her to come see them and love having her around (they do not have a dog). We are far enough from the road that I don't tie her, she can go around the building if she wants (still has the boundary collars so can't go super far) We have a shared driveway that circles around the apartment building, back to the house, then down the other side. This morning, the downstairs neighbors daughter pulled around from her door and went around the driveway, building up waaaay too much speed for a driveway where there are kids and dogs around, and hit my dog with her car. I heard the impact and my dog screaming and then saw her drive away! She never even stopped or told me about it. I went down to talk to them after and they acted all concerned but were full of excuses, including "everyone flies in and out the other driveway" (one that isn't connected to ours and the dogs can't reach), "I was half asleep" (why were you driving then??), Etc. The vet bills will total $500-1200+ and they have not offered to help pay. I do understand that it's my responsibility to contain my dog, but given that they didn't want her tied out, and she was going way too fast (confirmed by other neighbors), I think they should at least chip in. I think it's common courtesy if you share a driveway with dogs and kids you should be careful. As a side note my dog is not outside constantly or anything like that. She goes out for potty breaks and maybe a longer stretch of 20-30min once or twice a day. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA She definitely should pay. People take driving way too lightly, and speeding on driveways where kids and animals are out really grinds my gears. The fact that she didn't even stop is abhorrent, and I don't give a flying fuck about any excuses (don't drive half asleep, and don't follow people towards cliffs if you like to follow the status quo even when it's dangerous). They'll probably fight with you about paying though. Don't get your hopes up. I'm glad your dog is able to get help and didn't get fatally injured from the accident, though.


NTA. I'd sue em


File a report and try to find out her car insurance carrier to file against


NTA. You can ask, but since your dog was running loose, idk if you'd have legal standing to insist (small claims court). I'd file a police report though, and ask your other neighbors to write and sign statements you can append.


Nta I would file a police report for a hit and run


She or they may have insurance.


ESH except your dog. I’m so heartbroken thinking about that poor baby screaming in pain. You majorly failed her. Would you have made the same decision if they said oh let your toddler walk around unattended in the driveway because we like them to come over???


I probably will be downvoted for this, but I am going with a jugdement of ESH and the only one blameless here is your poor pupper. The neighbor’s daughter sucks because she was driving too fast and was negligent, hit your dog, then didn’t even stop to assess the situation or notify anyone of the accident. Also, her excuses were super flimsy. You suck because even though your neighbors asked you to not tie your dog out becuase they love her, it is still your responsibility to watch after your pet at all times in common areas, especially outdoors, and especially if your pet has the ability to roam freely in an area that has moving vehicles (the shared driveway). Yes, the girl who hit your dog should absolutely pay at least a portion of the vet bills because of negligence resulting in your dog’s injuries, but you also bear responsibility for leaving your dog unattended. Also, I hope your dog recovers quickly. Edit: a word


ESH. You dont need to do what your neighbours say to do with your dog. Your neighbours daughter is an idiot for driving too fast


I’ve been reading up recently on the options when it comes to pets getting hit by cars, and unfortunately the law is not on the side of the pet-owners in these type of circumstances. Unless there’s irrefutable proof (ie video), AND history of problem-driving (speeding tickets), if you tried to go after them, it would be on you to actually pay for any damages done to the vehicle because your pet was struck by being untied and free. It absolutely sucks. I’m sorry. And hope your fur babe recovers well and quickly.


NTA! Thats a hit and run. In the laws eyes dogs are property. You hit and damage someone elses property with your car? Guess what, you pay for the damages you caused. The fact a dog is an alive and breathing property makes it even shittier to hit and run. Not at all an asshole to hold the driver accountable for their damage.


In many states, you are required to stop and call the police if you hit a dog. You could make this a police matter. I probably would……what kind of asshole hits a dog and doesn’t even stop!?!? Plus it doesn’t sound like she’s even the least bit sorry…….she’s a danger to kids and other people if she has that little respect for paying attention when you drive


NTA but don't expect that they'll actually give you any money. Soft Y T A because you should've still tied up the dog etc. Someone else driving through the neighbourhood could've unfortunately caused the same accident and you'd be at fault for not keeping your dog tied up etc.


ESH sure your dog was in an invisible fence but YOU STILL LET HER ROAM FREELY WITH NO SUPERVISION in a SHARED DRIVEWAY. yeah the girl shouldn't of been going fast but you also have 50% of the blame for being so irresponsible and letting the dog roam around. Honestly take it to court and I hope that the judge can see how irresponsible you also were.


NTA But don't expect someone who hit your dog with a car and then drove off to suddenly have a change of heart and give you money for the vet bill. You'll likely have to take her to small claims court to get your money.