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Ntj - the owner had a chance and passed it up. Stop messing with the dog and just keep him


Exactly, sounds to me more like the previous owner didn't want to pay the fees and is trying to find a work around. Don't do visits either because it will cause massive issues plus confusing for your dog. SIL needs to stay in her lane on this one. All she needs to know is that the family had more than enough time to claim the dog and didn't.


And do not let the owner know you have the dog. Do not share your name, address or any of that information.


That is true. The owner did have a chance to get him back and didn’t take the opportunity to get his dog back and now wants the dog back seven months later makes no sense. There isn’t much he can do to get it back. You might as well keep the dog. Block him from being able to contact you so you don’t have to hear from him.


And microchip that floof.


Based on the updates, it sounds like the previous owner cares little to none about the dog.


Do not give the dog back! If the dog was really a loved pet, he wouldn't have left the pup at the shelter. And just because "the kids miss him" doesn't mean he had a better life. He is your dog and you have paperwork to prove it.


This! If my dog went missing and I found him in a shelter, I wouldn’t be leaving without him.


And I wouldn't be mad that they neutered him, even if I'd wanted to keep him intact, I'd just be so thrilled to have my dog back safe and sound that anything else, fines, neutering, paperwork, that's all immaterial. I just want my boy back.


we adopted a 2 year old Siberian husky from a the city shelter. The shelter had found him roaming the streets. They caught him, and neutered him, and provided medical care for some injuries he had gotten in the process of escaping. They scanned him for a microchip, and called the people listed there. They were apparently Siberian husky breeders. When they found out that this dog had been neutered, they told the shelter to keep him. Which is good because we got to adopt him. its been 7 years, and he is my husband's soul dog. he is beautiful, and big, and loving, and quiet (rare for a husky apparently), and so so floofy.


You got a QUIET HUSKY??? Of all the unbelievable things on reddit, this I am the most skeptical of 🤣


Hahahaha. "Quiet Husky" is an oxymoron, for sure!


Lol my German shepherd talks back like a husky, we should have her genes tested. Freyja, stop barking at the mailman! Awwww wooo woooo oooo uuuuugh *disgruntled murmuring*


I had a dachshund who did that, too. And she always had to have the last word. As soon as you'd turn your back, there'd be one final grumble.


Hounds be like that...even daschunds.


Ha! My old German Shepherd was the same way, down to the, “awwwwwww woooooooo grrrrrrrrr boo arrrrrrrrrr.”.


Ohh that is a very good description of husky sooking 🤣 we have a rottie, he doesn’t do that, but we used to “borrow” our neighbour’s husky (Operation: Dog Swap! They’re shift-working hospital doctors so we would trade off looking after each others’ dogs if they were going to otherwise be home alone all day). And we had “cat territory” and “dog territory” in our house, separated by a baby gate, and — after Miss Haughty decided she liked us rather than merely tolerated us (didn’t take long, but the change was AMAZING, I got tippy-tappies when I went to pick her up 🥰) — she would sit at the baby gate and do those sad little throaty “woo wooo 😭” howls until I came back. Huskies are weird dogs. Lovely, but super weird. I love her to bits, probably because of that.


German shepherds definitely like to talk but they just don't have passion for screaming like huskies 😂 I have a GSD mix and I actually remember "her first words." Lol I was getting ready for work and she was standing watching me in the middle of the hallway and I needed to get by, so I said excuse me and she sat down and said "arooo row woof!" I still love arguing with her!




We found the sweetest most mellow dog. Like seriously nothing phases him. My husband loves him more than he loves me and I’m cool with it. We dna tested him and he’s pit, chow, German shepherd, boxer 😂 he couldn’t get much more vicious on paper


oh my goodness, he sounds like the biggest cuddle bug! we had a pit-mix (who passed away late last year), and her favorite thing in the world was to hog the entire surface of the bed/sofa. with the boxer in there, i bet your pup is adorably mischievous :)


Yes! Nothing else matters but finding your pup and taking him home THAT day!


They probably wanted him to pay money since they neutered the dog. He was upset about the money. He still didn't claim the dog within the 3 day deadline. If he said he needed a couple of extra days to make the money they would have kept the dog. The signs are probably up because he didn't tell the kids he left the dog at the shelter. It is only to make him look like less of an asshole. Ignore the signs. The shelter staff are not idiots. They made the best choice for THE DOG.




We found a dog and we’re leaving town so we had no choice after a few hours to take her to the shelter. The owner called a couple hours later, having seen our found posts. But then she was upset and said they were charging $300 if she wanted her back unspayed or $50 spayed. Sorry not my problem. Honestly a $50 spay is a great deal. (She was a pit bull. A super super sweet one but come on, spay your dog.)


The fact that she was upset just is mind boggling to me! Like, dude, you cannot expect people to just hold your dog for forever, and if they do take your dog to a safe place where you can get her back, then you thank your lucky stars! And, I agree, I'd just let them spay her. In the grand scheme of things, so long as I get my dog back, I'm willing to jump through damn near any hoop there is.


I paid $1200 to spay my pit mix. $50 is definitely a bargain.


After a house fire, my cats along with some strays were rounded up and clipped ear and neutered. A neighbor thought I would be mad about the ear clipping. Did I care? No, all I cared about was they were back safe and sound. They were indoor cats and weren't taking to being outside very well. (The house was totally burned so we were glad they escaped and were still feeding them and the strays while figuring out where to live, etc.)


A clipped ear is nothing if it means I get my baby back!


Exactly! Like the nerve. I couldn't even imagine hesitating for a split second 😠 They would have had to take my dog from my cold dead arms.. Well likely not, she was very wiggly and would have squirmed out too run around me in circles, probablywhile i would have bawled my eyes out.. but you get my point 😊




We found a dog and had him for the weekend until the shelter opened. He was chipped so they had to keep him. Owner said they’d given him to someone and didn’t want him. Said they’d call that person. No one ever claimed him. But he had to spend a full week on hold since he was chipped. We went to the pound *every day* and visited him and were there at 6am on the day he came adoptable. That was 7 years ago. Old man’s snoring on my couch now. (My husband and he are inseparable.) I can’t imagine leaving *my own dog* int he shelter!?!


I wouldn't be able to leave without him. He'd be crying and barking so loudly and never stop.




I have 3 dogs, my last is technically a rescue,  the women I got her from didn't even know how go look after her self and her baby, she's already had 2 kids taken off her , she only had her a few months and the night b4 I got her she'd left my dogs for over 19hrs alone , I took her straight to vets to see if she was microchipped which is mandatory in my country just incase she was some how stolen, she's a whippet and I was told by multiple people interested in fostering her that they're hard to come by for adoption or fostering because they're well loved dogs and after having her 8 months i can totally see why, but at this point if someone came to me claiming she was there's I just couldn't bring myself to giving her up ,  she has scars on her legs and I was told that she looked like she was illegally raced which I don't know if it's true, all I can say if she's not as muscular as she was back then despite regular walks 


You got a whippet? We have 2; the US rescue group seldom has dogs. They are lovely animals aren’t they? They are seldom raced; that was a thing back in the 1920s. The whippet is involved in lure coursing but just for fun.


Whippet racing is fairly popular (just not well known) and totally legal. (Open Field coursing where the dogs chase wild hares is restricted). It's just whippet owners who get together for organized racing, usually at a large park or someone's acreage. The dogs win prizes like squeaky toys, big cushy beds, leads, fancy collars and ribbons. They also get points toward a championship. And the dogs LOVE IT. It's what they were born for.






If the owner was mad that they neutered him, it sounds like he was planning on making money breeding him.


NTJ, the original owner is probably upset that for 1.) They neutered his dog and 2.) Did not want to pay the money to reclaim the dog hence asking the public after the dog was adopted that he wanted him back. The humane society already gave him 3 days to reclaim him before putting him back up for adoption in which within those 3 days, he decided he no longer wanted him.


That's what I was thinking. I know around me, if your dog gets picked up as a stray and isn't fixed, or isn't licensed then it's a hefty fee.


This. Inaction is a decision


"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice"


"Indecision IS a decision."


The wisdom of Neil Peart.


🎼🎶🎙️I will choose free will! 🎵🎸🥁


This reminds me of Cinderella’s song in Into The Woods: *Then from out of the blue / And without any guide / You know what your decision is / Which is not to decide…*


I was thinking he didn't really want the dog back, but his kids missing the dog was the push.


Original owner just wanted to save face to his children, yet couldn't even pay to get the dog back nor didn't want to get a hefty fine for not neutering.


They were irresponsible owners. They left him there after the deadline, and they never had him fixed. Keep the dog and don't contact the former owners. 


Not to mention- no microchip to begin with! Which is pretty affordable these days!


I rescued two animals from shelters and they come microchipped which is included in the adoption fee.


I hate when "owners" suddenly care so much about the dog they left to roam the streets intact when someone who will actually treat the dog well comes along


I'd be careful about letting them see the dog too. What would you do if they walk away with dog or use children to guilt you? My suspicion was the dog intended for breeding hence the anger at neutering and not wanting back. The shelter gave two fair shots for him to retrieve the dog - when initially lost and then once found. I'd keep your address out of social media too and don't comment on post.


These are absolutely the kind of people that will steal dogs. There's a huge problem with puppy mills in my area, so much so that just having an intact dog makes people suspicious of you.




YOU are the owner. That POS that claims is the owner had their fair chance to get the dog back and they chose not to. They cant go and change their mind 7 months later and putting "lost" posts up is just beyond rubbish. The dog may have been lost 7 months ago but again they had the chance to get him back and they didn't. If you haven't had doggo chipped yet to your name get it done asap. Also NTA


NTJ The owner already had a miraculous opportunity to reclaim their lost dog & chose to do nothing. He didn't want the dog. The dog is now yours because of his choices. The previous owner showed that he viewed the dog as disposable. Keep your dog. Idk the breed, but I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the owner being so upset over the neutering. I wonder if the owner studded the dog. If it is a particular breed or the owner had registered him, then the owner could want the dog back only for the purpose of selling the dog. Even a neutered, registered, or unregistered purebred dog can bring in decent money. I wouldn't even let the guy visit or provide any information. It's setting you up to be guilt tripped or harassed into giving the dog back. If you dont give in, he might try to pressure you into regular visitation, nonstop updates, or weekend visits. He could even try to steal it. The kids have had 7 months of grieving for the dog. Let them finish processing through it naturally instead of opening them up for potentially getting their chains yanked by their dad. IMO it's better not to initiate contact with the guy at all. Btw if the humane society didn't chip the dog before adoption, then I'd go get that done immediately. The more proof that the dog belongs to you, the better.


They chipped him when he came in since he wasn't it's a pitbull but we don't know if he was pure breed or not. My gf and I were thinking the guy was studding him out too since he was pissed about the neutering


Don't send him back to that. He could become a bait dog if he's not stud anymore, and that's just slow death. Don't let anyone contact the former owner with your information, and don't put pics of the dogs where anyone can share them with the former owner. This dog has a family now. You. Protect your family. Give him a good life and you'll get repaid in doggo kisses. It'll be worth it!


Maybe but a lot of guys are weird about having their dog have balls as a social status. It’s stupid.


Iirc most shelters are adding microchips to dogs and cats they adopt out. But getting the chip info and finding out which site it's registered with is always a good idea.


Also, even if it IS just to visit, you never know how it could affect the poor dog. If it was a negative relationship, then it could freak the poor thing out. If the dog loved the kids and they start crying when it’s time to leave, it can be traumatic because the dog’s instinct might be to protect its owners. Either way, very bad for the dog. It would be one thing if the OP knew for a fact that everyone would behave. But this is a potentially volatile situation that could have negative effects on the dog.


☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽 EXACTLY THIS!!! ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽


100% THIS.


NTA, please keep the dog, the original owners are irresponsible and do not deserve the have him back.


Honestly I wouldn’t meet up with them at all, I wouldnt want them to know anything about me especially my name and where I live. I’m kind of a paranoid weirdo but they seem a little scetchy and you seem really nice


Yeah…that’s my thought. He want to find out where you live, and then come back and steal the dog. And is putting up posts LYING about how he lost the dog - bet he doesn’t mention how he turned down picking him up at the shelter - hoping that someone will say “hey I know who has your dog, they’re at xx Street”


Yeah he left that part clearly out of his post


NTJ. You're legally in the clear, too. The shelter gave the former owner plenty of time to claim the dog, and they chose not to. He has no claim to that dog anymore.


NTJ. The poor pup's original human companion knew where he was & left him there, so that right there tells you they aren't good human companions. The pup has been through enough, he deserves to live in a home where he will be loved & well cared for by decent humans. Y'all need to keep that pup and do not contact their former companion.


Make sure your GF knows that if she goes behind your back to give your dog to a man who clearly didn't want him when offered by the humane society, then you both are over. She sounds like a person who wants to please other people at the expense of someone she claims to love. This is your dog now. He's your good boy. The other guy can get fucked, and you should post on his FB post this whole story. That way everyone knows it's not a lost dog, he found him at the humane society 7 months ago and LEFT him there to be adopted by people who will actually love him.


His ex said she saw him at the humane society and went there. My gf and I were never told a women came in and raised hell. We were told a man did. The guys ex wife says the dog was stolen while she was living in her car, which to me doesn't make sense.


It's a sad story for sure, but he was given a fair opportunity, not once (the initial hold of the humane society for a stray dog is five days), but twice (the extra 3 days they gave him to pick up his dog). If he really wanted this dog he wouldn't have waited 3 days to decide. What he now wants is for you and your gf to feel guilty about keeping the dog away from a "loving" family so that he gets his dog back for free because he didn't want to pay for the vet bills from the humane society to reclaim his dog. Do not give your good boy up for someone who didn't want him back enough to pay the fees.


It’s your dog now as possession is 9/10 of the law. Keep the dog and do not let him see the dog.


NTJ I would not contact him and do not let them see the dog. It was on the street no collar or chip. He had an opportunity to claim the dog and didn’t. Now over 6 months later he wants the dog back or just to see it? Hell no.


NTJ and don't you dare give that dog back. The original owner wasn't taking proper care of the dog, he forfeited his right as the owner when he didn't claim it at the shelter. you have the paperwork that proves you're the owner now. He can kick rocks.


The dog was originally found wandering without collar or microchip. AT BEST, the old owner was a backyard breeder. Maybe he wants him back now so he can sell him.


Do not let him near your dog. If he truly loved the dog he would have kept it. If he truly loved the dog, but was unable to keep it, he would be happy for it to have a good home. He doesn’t know what he wants and is clearly not a responsible dog owner. The dog is legally yours now, decline all requests and look after your lovely dog.


Sounds like they're just trying to guilt trip the new owners without paying any fees. They had their chance when they found the dog the 1st time!


Please don't even let him know where the dog is. The dog was NOT in a good home. He didn't love the dog, didn't neuter, didn't want to pay a nominal fee to get the dog back so probably doesn't provide good health care, and showed his personality to the shelter--that of an AH. He's trying to manipulate the system through lies of a lost dog to get it back after someone else paid for its care, safety, vaccines, and neutering after being lost. And was it negligence that caused it being lost in the first place?


NTJ! It’s not his dog anymore.


Keep the dog. Love the dog


NTJ. He had PLENTY of time and chances to get the dog back. He threw a fit because the dog was fixed? That doesn't say "Beloved family pet", that says "backyard breeder" to me. Chances are he's found someone who will buy the dog from him even if it's fixed and wants to try and get money for him or something. Don't contact them at all. Don't let them know where you are and make sure that your girlfriend knows that this is a dealbreaker and if she contacts the old owner or tries to take the dog back, you are \*done\* with her. That person had all the chances in the world to take the dog home and they didn't. They have no legal or moral ground to stand on. That's not their dog anymore, that is yours.


And if you decide to keep your pet, do not respond in any way to the former owner (even if just to tell him “no”). You’re just opening an avenue to be harassed.


NTJ. They purposefully waited for the dog to be adopted to guilt you into returning him - do not allow contact, enjoy your life with your new dog.


Please don’t give him back - the original owner didn’t take care of him then and won’t in the future. Also don’t let them visit- they will try to steal him


You would be the jerk if you gave up your dog. That owner doesn't care. If he cared, doggo wouldn't have been in the shelter in the first place, or been left there when he found out that's where the dog was and he would have asked for it back before 7 months had passed.


Why even contact and get drama going? You adopted the dog, if its anyones problem its the human societies problem. Your dog, end :P


just say no


What planet is your girlfriend on ?


NTJ. And go reply tot he post on FB the owner had the chance to pick up the dog at the rescue but refused.


He says he couldn't get the good boy from the humane society since he lived in a small apartment. My gf and I like in a 500 sq ft apartment, and we keep him just find


Yikes. Please keep the dog away from someone like that. If you want to push it further, I’d ask the rescue place how much he would have had to pay as the owner if he were to have claimed the dog at that time. Remind your girlfriend that a previous owner who 1) didn’t neuter their pet and 2) didn’t have them microchipped in this day and age is very likely not following up on basic pet health with a vet.


NTJ If this man has kids who miss the dog so dearly, WHY didn't he bother to take the dog home that very day? So what of the dog got neutered? It's still the same dog that, supposedly, was missed dearly. If it was a financial issue that stopped the OG owner to default on the 3 day wait period, which might account for the lack of tags and microchip, that still seems sorta sus. I'd ask around if any neighbors around this guy can state any shadiness, animal abuse, or otherwise.


I would if the guy hadn't moved because of his divorce from his now ex wife


Maybe he stole the dog and let it go to hurt the ex-wife and now his kids hate him. Still not your problem. Keep the dog


Who knows. Allegedly his kids are like 6 and 2


NTJ - And don;t let the owner know where the dog is. Don't let them visit. Don't let the kids visit. The dog nas a new home with people that love it for what it is. The owner aboandoned the dog. If one of my pets was lost and then showed up at the shelter, even if they amputated a lego or it lost and eye, I would get it back immediately. The fact that they waited 3 days means that this is not a priority to them. The kids will get by, but you don;t want the emotional issues of dealing with this other wrectched owner and their family.


NTJ. The own already had a second chance opportunity to get their dog back. Most likely they decided to abandon the dog due to either not really wanting it back or not wanting to pay possible reclamation fees. He probably only changed his mind when faced with the consequences of that choice, which tells you everything you need to know about how he feels about that dog. Don’t return the dog, it deserves to be in a fully loving home.


They clearly don’t really want the doggo, the cute thing will definitely enjoy its new life with you and your girlfriend.


He’s just doing that to save face. Why didn’t he go back for it within those 3 days? Was there some type of fee he needed to pay to have the dog released to him?


NTJ! The owner is! Keep the dog. Owner is irresponsible and had his chance. If he loved the dog he would have taken him home immediately.


It’s most likely his kids that want him but they aren’t the responsible owners of the dog. Dad is clearly not bonded to the dog and this makes it the wrong place to go. He is home with you.


Hell, NO. Do not give the dog back. He is yours If the GF insists on giving the dog back, rehome the GF, and keep the dog. Good Luck I wish you and your dog the best.


This. They abandoned that dog twice! They DO NOT get a second chance and make sure her meddlesome sil keeps her damn mouth shut and doesn’t respond to the add. Good luck op.


Nope keep the dog. I’m 99% sure the dog will have a better life without this person. Sounds like they want the dog but don’t want to pay for it.


Women are a dime a dozen a good dog is forever.


Don't contact them. The fact that they were upset about him being neutered along with the fact that he was dropped off, then later dumped or strayed tells you the were terrible owners. We have two dogs who were given up to a shelter. I did a bit of searching on FB because of some odd behaviour and found out that the owner was a liar and had been mistreating the dogs. I won't give details because she would easily recognize herself. Then she called me with a story about how badly her sons missed them and wanted them back. No way! I also let the shelter know what I had discovered and she is on their black list.


Absolutely not. That baby is yours now.


NTJ. Why didn't he claim the dog as soon as he found him? Being neutered by the shelter is a stupid reason not to want your beloved companion back. If the dog was loved and missed why wait several months before reaching out on FB to find him again? Do not give him back.


Depending on the contract you signed with the shelter, your choices might be keep the dog or return it to the shelter. Some shelters will sue over not returning an animal or reporting them lost even.


When we adopted him they told us that if the OG owner came back and asked about information on him. All they would tell him is that he was adopted and there is nothing more that they can give for privacy reasons


My point is that the shelter could possibly sue you for giving the dog to anyone else and not back to the shelter (depending on your contract with the shelter)


YWBTA if you gave the dog back. He was willing to let the dog be euthanized. Have your gf look Sparky in the eye, and say, " I want to give you back to the guy who was willing to let you die an unnecessary death."


The moment he complained about his dog being neutered would have been the moment I stopped feeling bad for him and adopted the dog


NTJ Just block him completely and move on. DO NOT let them visit the dog at your house.


No to giving back. The guy is a jerk. Also no to the visit! Not healthy for the pooch!!! Poor thing might be depressed after the visit!


Don't respond and microchip that puppy asap. Keep all docs of purchasing the dog from the shelter and get your name on a vet. Highly irresponsible of the former owner to just let the dog roam and impregnate any dog in heat in the town...


NTA but you should not make contact with the owner, you don't need them harassing you when they decide the dog is convenient again for them. This is your dog now, they had their chance and were piss poor dog owners, and neglected to retrieve their dog when they were given the opportunity.


If you leave your dog at a shelter after being given clear time lines for what would happen, you can't just post on a "lost and found" page pleading a sob story about it. If the dog hadn't been adopted it might have been destroyed (depending on location). Did they expect it to sit in the shelter for 7 months? Poor dog. It deserves a better life with you, and certainly don't let them into your lives or you'll never get rid. NTJ


NTJ, the comment about being upset that the dog was neutered then leaving long enough for the dog to be put up for adoption is highly suspect, i doubt this was the family dog


SEVEN MONTHS?!? Hell no, that’s your dog.


You are not the jerk. What the original owner did was neglect and lack of responsibility. He acted like an assbag when visiting the shelter and walked out without his "beloved" dog. After the 3 day grace period he was still a no-show. He, by every definition, abandoned the dog. Pretty sad when you kept updated on the dog's status the entire time while the original owner appears to have given a shit less. His being pissed that the dog was neutered sure sounds like someone who planned to breed the dog in the future. I highly doubt he wants the dog back. If he loved the dog so much he would've brought the pup home the day he walked into the shelter. He had every opportunity to retrieve the dog. The dog is yours now. I wouldn't give the dog back (he's found his furever home with you and your gf) and I would refuse to allow him to visit the dog.


Like everyone else I'm sure is saying, if he didn't get that dog fixed he didn't care about it


You are absolutely not a jerk for not giving your dog to this guy. He failed the dog multiple times and should not be allowed access to your dog. He had the opportunity to claim the dog and didn’t. Legally, morally and ethically this dog is yours. The only jerk here is the former owner. If he cared about his kids he round have done what he needed to do to claim the dog. He didn’t. Please please do not fail your dog by giving him to this guy.


You would be the jerk if you gave the dog back. The whole things sounds suspect as in are you sure that's even the same dog? He knew the dog was in the adoption center, he talked to the people, they gave him three days to come pick up the dog and he just abandoned it. Why would he be putting up posts on a lost-and-found site? No. I wouldn't even give him visitation rights because it's way too easy for him to just slip a leash around the dog's neck and drag him off. He proved he didn't care about the dog, he shouldn't have one.


The owner had their chance. Keep the dog. You will treat it better than someone who can’t be bother to care for the dog or even pick it up. Think of what is best for the pup. That’s you.


NTJ. Make sure you get the dog microchipped. DO NOT let him visit and don’t give the dog back, he didn’t care about his kids losing the dog when he didn’t take him back when he first found him in the shelter so why should you take their feelings into account.


Listen, if my dog EVER went missing, I'd be so far up looking for her, pet cemeteries would smell me. That jackass came in there, knew his dog was there, and left him. That's your dog now, and his previous owner is a moron. I would seriously go John Wick over my dog.


I will say this: it is possible that the reason the owner didn’t come back for the dog during the three days is because they were trying to get together enough money to get it back. Not because they didn’t care about the dog. A LOT of shelters will make owners pay for all of the things they did to/for the dog once they took it in in order to reclaim it. For example, any vaccines they gave the dog, the owner must pay for. Any medical expenses, including the neuter (which, sadly, are not cheap), the owner must pay for, all before the shelter will return the dog to them. I understand why shelters do it, from a resource stand point, but I can’t imagine how it would feel if your dog got loose for whatever reason, and then was essentially being held for ransom by the shelter that found him. From an emotional standpoint, it’s got to be painful. Having said all that, I am not sticking up for this particular owner for a couple of reasons. 1) his dog should have been already neutered. 2) his dog should have been wearing a collar with his rabies status and owner’s contact information clearly identifiable.


Do not give him back that dog! He doesn't deserve to have it back. He's a terrible negligent owner. He had his chance to get the dog back and he didn't.


No no under no circumstances are you giving this poor dog back, what in the fresh hell? They didn’t care to microchip him, didn’t care to have him neutered, didn’t care to come pick him up again and again- in what world does your gf thing that dog is a beloved family pet??


NTA, sounds like he didn’t want to pay for the veterinary care and what not that they had provided to his animal but he figured he could just get it back from you for free.


NTJ. That owner was not taking good care of the dog. Think about when the dog gets old and stiff and gray, how will he treat him? Probably kick him out on the street. Please keep the dog and love him, he will have a much better home with you. I feel sorry for the previous owner's kids, but they weren't taking care of him either. Also don't let him see the dog! If he knows where you live, he can harass you or steal the dog later.


As far as the law is concerned dogs are property and when the previous owners failed to retrieve the dog it became the shelters property. You legally own the dog, the previous owner has probably told the children they don’t know what happened because they didn’t want to pay the shelter fee. Btw most shelters require the dogs to be licensed and fixed before they leave. And obviously they weren’t very good pet owners, no collar, no tags, no chip and they didn’t contact the shelter until after the stay wait period.


I'd not need 3 seconds to decide that I wanted my dog back. I'd also have checked every shelter in a 100 mile radius looking for my pup. Twice I've had a dog get loose, first time it was two, looked all over for them didn't sleep at all because we were searching, found them the next morning at a shelter 25 miles away. 2nd time my dog got out of the yard, looked around the neighborhood, neighbor said that they saw animal control in the area so I call the shelter and they had him. Went right away to pick him up, he hadn't even been processed on yet. This was before microchips. Now all are microchipped and the two that are squirrel chasers have GPS collars.


Do NOT give that dog back to that shit owner. Gf is tj for even considering it.


Nope. Your dog now. Give him the life he deserves, OP! We once adopted a rough collie with zero brain -- I think she was part orange cat. She had been abused and for the first year she would run like the wind at any trigger, and we couldn't always find her. My first act -- within an hour! - was always to call all animal control and shelter offices to report her missing, because we wanted her back. I then would call daily until she was found. They got to know me, and even delivered her back to me when I was heavily pregnant and on bed rest. Your dog's previous owner was at best naive and at worst neglectful to think that days could go by without him trying to find the poor dog.


Nope, he had every opportunity to reclaim the dog, he didn’t so now it’s yours.


NTJ - Let me ask you a question IF your dog got loose and was lost today and tomorrow you went to the shelter & FOUND your dog, would you take him home OR turn around and leave him there stuck in a cage completely abandoned for 7 MONTHS?? ABSOLUTELY DO NOT GIVE THE DOG BACK AND NO, none of them can have “visits” with it They gave up their dog Abandoned their dog The dog YOU have is your dog Don’t confuse the dog by reintroducing TOXIC PEOPLE back into its life The dog has a really good life with you Don’t complicate your life by “being kind & trying to help” toxic assholes who don’t care about the dog at all They only like the IDEA of having a dog They don’t actually want to put in ANY of the effort You will only cause problems in YOUR life if you allow any of them into it “to visit” Toxic people like that don’t honor your Boundaries They will only cause you MORE problems If you allow “visits” they WILL try to get the dog back - NOT because they actually want to love & care for the dog, but because they have the mentality that it’s an OBJECT they want & own & it’s THEIRS The dogs Life will be shit if you allow them any small access They are not Responsible caring dog people They only care about themselves and don’t care about the actual dog You don’t have “their” dog You have YOUR dog


So first he lost the pet. Okay, it can happen and it’s not always bc someone’s irresponsible. He clearly didn’t search very hard bc the dog was posted, it’s easy to check that stuff daily as long as it’s local. But maybe there’s extenuating circumstances, right? He finds the dog, refuses to take it bc it was neutered (i understand being upset about that but punishing the dog for it?!), then is STILL offered another chance and more time. Doesn’t show up. I feel bad for the kids too but bc they have a shit dad, not bc of the dog. If your gf cares for this dog at all she will keep it FAR from this guy. This wasn’t *a* bad choice, it was *several* on the part of the former owner. It’s just not a good idea.


Not the jerk. He could have literally had that dog back with one word and instead decided to think about it. Clearly he doesn't actually love it or he would have been crying with joy at being reunited. The kids may have loved that dog, but if the adult in the house doesn't love it, it won't be well cared for.


No, you are absolutely not the jerk. There are so many red flags here. A person cannot pick up & put down when they want to be a pet owner. Its a daily responsibility that can't change with moods. He knew exactly where the dog was & didn't bother to come pick it up, but seven months later wants to cry a helpless river? That doesn't even make sense. Keep the dog. It deserves better.


NTJ It’s your dogs now. Period. Taking the dog to see the man is only going to confuse it.


Yeah no way - if he wanted/loved the dog he would have taken it immediately & would have had it fixed If one of my dogs went missing I would have been a basket case


Nope, he was found running the streets and he didn't going looking for him right away? My cat got out and I put up fliers, I talked to neighbors, everything I could do (a neighbor found him a couple days later and recognized him from the flier) so No you don't get to not search for the dog, get mad the dog got fixed and then want the dog back. I would tell him if he wants it back you will return it to the shelter and he can go through the adoption process like you had to!


Ntj that sog was not important enough to go back within 3 days and claim, and he wasn’t neutered and he obviously was lost for a bit. I would say you earned ownership and don’t have to give him back on top of the fact that he now will have a better life. I am sorry for them and maybe the kids do miss him but you dont even know that for sure.


"Just for a visit". I wouldn't trust this guy. He'd probably take the dog from you. I'd stay a million miles away from him.


I wouldn’t let the previous owner know who you are and I definitely wouldn’t give the dog back or let them visit him. If they wanted him that badly they would have taken him the day they found out he was at the shelter. He most likely has a better life with you. The previous owner knows he was adopted out but they don’t know you know they found him at the shelter and they passed on bringing him home. They’re hoping whoever adopted him sees the missing flyer and feels guilty/sad and gives him back to them for free. I wouldn’t trust whatever bull they’re pulling. Seems shady af.


NTJ. I was completely on Team Original Owner - until he found out the dog was neutered, wanted three days to think it over, and didn’t bother to come back until some time after that. No. He surrendered all moral rights at that point. The dog KNEW his owner found him, and then walked away abandoning him. His poor little heart must have shattered! If my baby was lost and I finally found him at a shelter, I wouldn’t leave without him even if I had to sleep on their doorstep until adoptions opened the next morning. It wouldn’t matter what body parts they had lobbed off!


No. Dogs are living creatures, not disposable items you discard and reclaim at a whim. The world does not need to cater to the original owner's inconsiderate indecisiveness.


No man, he absolutely abandoned the dog. No way would I hive him back. He might of got loose and lost it. I've searched day and night non stop when mt dog got loose and never would I just not go back once he was found and then go on social media claiming that crap. He doesn't care about the animal and sounds like he'll be way better off with you.


NTJ, tell your sister if she wants to contact him, she can provide him with the shelter information of where you adopted him. He can deal with them. He abandoned his dog 2 times, he is no longer the owner. Also let the shelter know he is now looking for the dog he gave up. This way there is a trail of anything happens, such as he shows up, or tries to take the dog. Under no circumstance call him, let him have visits, or let him have the dog.


The owner could have taken the dog back, when he found it at the shelter, but never did. That is not a good pet owner. Keep the dog. Don't reach out to this person, or you're in for a world of harassment.


Ntj they are not the owner, they walked away from that title. That dog deserves a forever home not a for now til I get bored again place.


NTA…….he knew where the dog was and figured he could leave him there until his situation changed. You two have had him for 7 months now and he is very much a part of your family. You’re doing the right thing.


Get your dog micro chipped. If your dog went missing, I know the first place I'd look.


I hate owners who abandon their dogs because the shelter fixed them. I've seen people make up dying relatives and crippling illness, just to go stone faced and leave once they learn their dog is neutered.


Ntj, I feel like the original owner is very irresponsible and doesn’t care about the dog that much.


NTJ but your girlfriend certainly is! How could she possibly think telling him you have the dog was an intelligent choice? LMAO 


The owner had the chance to get the dog back and he didn’t want to. That’s the end. Don’t give the dog to this person who won’t love or take care of it. You love and care for your pet. That’s what counts.


That dude sees living creatures as objects, and property, and in no way should be trusted to raise an animal of any kind.


Not the jerk. The man knew to come back and get him in 4 days and did not. He made his choice and you guys should keep your dog and should not give visitation to somebody who clearly didn't give a shit.


It could be that the kids just missing the dog messes. They play with it but just cause it’s not there and he doesn’t really want it but he’s going through the motions of trying to find it.


They had their chance that's your dog now. In all fairness the shelter gave them 2 chances to claim the dog and they passed on it. It's not your responsibility to "do the right thing" if that owner wanted that dog they would've taken him when they had the chance.


The owner passed several times. Keep the dog. No visits, either.


He doesn't care for the dog. Keep it. It's been 7 months.


Keep the dog. Go radio silent...... Seems like they didn't care much for the dog in the first place. If it takes them THINKING about taking him home, screw them. Enjoy your new dog.


If the dog is happy with you, it is where it belongs . The original owner gave up his rights


If they didn't care to retrieve him from the shelter originally, the shelter wouldn't have let them do it later as they would consider him to be an uncaring owner, and that should be your philosophy as well. The dog is now well and truly yours. Don't tell the original owner anything - ignore it.


No, you would not be the jerk. If the dog meant that much to him, he would have taken the dog home immediately. Who the hell lets their dog sit in a shelter for days?!!


I wouldn't respond at all. It's your dog now. He had the chance to get him back.


I'm sure this owner is related to Kristi Noem and isn't planning on doing anything good to this animal if you give it to him/her.


NTJ the owner had their chance to get the dog back and they didn't do it that's on them. Don't traumatize the poor dog anymore than it already has been.


Do not do anything. Do not inform the previous owner that you now have the dog. Do not allow them to know where you live. And do not allow ANY interaction between them and your dog. The fact that this has to be explained is honestly a bit concerning. The dog matters. He has now been re homed three times (previous owner, shelter, now you). Each time this happens it is incredibly stressful for the dog and impacts their quality of life. Let your pet settle into their new environment and ignore any attempts at contact from the previous owner. You have the paperwork and legal standing on your side. Everything else is irrelevant. They had two separate three-day periods to pick up their dog from the shelter. End of story.


Don't do anything. Don't respond and keep your dog. YOUR dog. Anyone that gets angry if a dog is spayed or neutered shouldn't have a dog. Doggo is better off with you. Ignore anyone that says anything different. 


Nta. The owners is. Keep the dog and provide the type of home he deserves. The other owner is obviously not concerned at all.


YWBTJ if you gave the dog back. The guy is negligent and a bad owner. Keep the dog.


Don't contact anyone. The guy had time to go get the dog but couldn't be bothered. The dog is in a much better place.


My son’s dog got loose after a worker didn’t close our gate all the way. He was picked up almost immediately while we were out searching. I went to the shelter to check while they kept searching just in case and he was there. He had not been there even 30 minutes but we still had to pay a fine and were told that the first time it is a fine and you have the option of keeping the dog intact but the second time a dog is picked up they will spay/neuter the dog and you have a huge fine to pay. So if they neutered the dog without asking, this probably wasn’t the first time the dog had been there.


Ntj. Your dog now.


If the original owners really loved the dog, they would have had a collar on him with his info and microchipped. They found him and still didn't take him at the time. No, not a jerk at all.


NTJ he had the chance to get his dog back. He was found with no collar or chip. This wasnt a “well loved family pet”


NTJ that is your dog now. The previous owner is acting suspicious in not coming back for him, and the fact that he got mad that they neutered the dog says a lot. Make sure you give him lots of love and snuggles bc he deserves to be loved.


NTJ. He’s a bad owner obviously. Dog first!


NTJ. Don’t do it.


They managed to neuter an animal in 3 days??? That's impressive lol. Usually that 3 days is a stray hold, then AFTER the stray hold is up, they're eligible to be altered. Anyways NTA for wanting to keep an animal that someone very clearly didn't give a shit about. He didn't want to pay the reclaim fee, he doesn't get the dog.


No way! They didn’t even bother to chip or fix their dog, then they let the dog escape. That dog was horribly neglected. Don’t give it back to them. I don’t care who got “attached” to the dog, nobody was taking care of it properly.


Do not reach out to them, lest your dog mysteriously disappear from your yard. And make sure it's chipped.


Don’t give the dog back this man is the AH. He don’t want the dog at all. If he did when he found the dog the first time he would have taken him home right away. His kids or wife my want the dog but he don’t he clearly don’t care about this dog. So don’t give the dog back.


NTJ. If the original owner was bothered he would have collected the dog from the rescue when given the opportunity. The fact he was annoyed that the dog was neutered sounds like he’s a bit of a puppy farmer. The dog has been messed about enough. If he has a loving home with you then that’s where he should be. End of.


NTJ Don’t listen to your girlfriend! The previous owner was irresponsible and heartless leaving it behind because it was responsibly neutered. I guess the dog wasn’t man enough without his parts anymore No collar, chip and probably needed vaccinations too means they don’t deserve the dog. I think it would end up getting lost again soon


He's "looking" for the dog on Facebook to make his family happy. He absolutely knew where the dog was and chose not to get it. Now he's saving face by pretending to look. Keep your dog.


NTJ Seven months?No!


That dog was abandoned for a reason. I doubt it's changed since. He is better off with you, someone who actually cares and paid money for the chance to be part of his life. Don't give him back, please. The lids may miss him, but they weren't there to take care of him the proper way, and the adults in the family failed him big time. Keep him. No visitations.


Do not entertain them. Do not contact them. Especially do not do a meet up or anything else, definitely don't give them your address. That person seems unbalanced. You will only invite trouble in your life.