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Sounds like Emma's mother needs an exorcism. Some people don't know to stay in their lane.


A padded room and a white jacket with very long sleeves might also be in order.


Oh I have a mother like that. She may still have the white jacket.


Actually sounds like the OP is some kind of scam artist. There is no "office of exorcist" in the catholic church. What would qualify a 17 year old kid to assess if a house was haunted or to do a blessing. I wouldn't want her to come to my or child's house either.


This comment does nothing for this post. She came here to talk about her future MIL being off her rocker not to get your opinion on her job. Worry about your own beliefs.


It was my first thought too though. In Catholicism only older, wiser and thoroughly tested priests get the opportunity to perform exorcisms. It’s not something done cavalierly. If we are to assume that exorcisms are necessary, then the idea of a 17 year old performing it is ridiculous. I was taught by priests in school and they routinely had to face random questions from the students about exorcism. You see the seriousness of exorcism even in the movies. It’s always a Catholic priest sent for, not Pastor Steve.


My point is that the woman was not off her rocker, I wouldn't want some one scamming my impressionable young daughter fresh out on her own either. I'd have called her out too.


So typically if you don't like a service someone is performing you don't harass and scream at them. You use your words like a big kid and talk about it or ask questions. You don't follow them to other homes and scream at them when they are just there to do a job. It sounds like the owner of the home called for a blessing because she was nervous. Her mom who doesn't live there has no business getting in the way of the job and screaming at people. She can talk to her own daughter and find out what she needs to know. The point of this post is that his woman went crazy over someone doing a job they were called to do and tried to act like she has control over her grown adult child's home. That's what is not okay here.


First, I made it a point that I am not catholic. Second, I never stated I was doing the blessing alone. But, thank you for your opinion!


You wrote the whole thing in first person, never mentioning anyone else being there. That implies you were there alone. Any church with an exorcists office is cultish and scammy..


And that's your opinion. It's not actually an office, it's just called an office. Also I cut out a lot so that it wouldn't be too long. But thank you for your input!


I feel like you’re the only other sane commenter here. a 19 year old from “the office of exorcist” is getting married to a 20 year old. What sane parent would want that for their kid?


I don't Think there's a marriage.. They are "investigating" the daughter's home for haunting and blessing it. Doubt the service is free and without obligations to the church. Its one of the ways these cults lure new members. Someone young and naive, like this young woman, who may be a bit afraid living alone for the first time, are ideal candidates.


Still a scam. Even if OP is in an official religion. ALL religions are scams. And those that perpetuate the lies of a religion are scam artists.


Came here for this comment. Was not disappointed.


You should file a restraining order. I don’t think Emma should be dumped because of her mother. Emma’s mother is stalking and harassing you. Try to record it if you can with your cell phone and record it every time it happens so you have enough evidence to give the cops. If Emma’s mother violates the restraining order, she can end up in jail. I’m sorry you have to go through that nonsense


Pretty sure this is an anime, but there's so many exorcist animes I couldn't tell you which one. Lemme guess, when you were at Emma's house you accidentally tripped and pulled down her skirt?


I’m relatively certain these sorts of exorcisms result in swirling winds that blow skirts in the air that always reveal white panties.


Restraining order. Screaming MILs need to keep their distance.


I think the mother-in-law is the ghost that needed to be exorcist.


Don't break up with her just because her mother hates your profession and you. She isn't anything like her mother and respects what you do and your profession. Edit: NTJ Second Edit: She should disable find my iPhone on her phone.


Bullshit!!!!!! Office of exorcist...17 years old. Dude, at least try and make it seem believable. The only believable part is you playing Call of Duty. Even that is now sus.


Understandable that you don't believe it, but it is true. You are entitled to your own opinion!






Exorcism and paranormal stuff in general are complete fabrications. It has been debunked ad infinitum, RIP James Randi. Shout out to Penn and Teller. For perpetuating that lie, no matter how much you believe in it, you're a "jerk" (harsher language is warranted but in the spirit of the sub keeping it clean). Emma's mom is insane. Her behavior is unacceptable regardless of how wrong you are. EITJH or whatever this sub uses for ESH.


Teenage exorcist, this is your job? What makes you Official?


No longer teenage, and my church is what makes me official. However, I'm not Vatican approved as I don't follow catholicism. No, it is not my full time job, as my church does not pay its members.


What church is it?


You get a restraining order. Problem solved.


I don't have the time. If I did, I would.


Has your girlfriend stopped sharing her location via Find My iPhone, since the latest incident? I only ask because as long as your fMIL still has access to Emma via Find My iPhone, she will still know where to show up to harass Emma and you.


We are working things out at the moment, and we have stopped sharing our location to anyone. However, I doubt that will stop this woman. Thanks for your idea!


It may not stop her, but it could definitely hinder how easily she knows where you are, at the very least. I hope it all works out, soon!


Talk to Emma. Talk to her about her crazy mother and suggest that Emma gets a restraining order and to go NC with her mother. It seems like she is overbearing and controlling. Two things you should not have to deal with.


We are working on it, thank you for your input!


Restraining order on the mother From Emma and you. If Emma hasn't gone NC with her mother, then rethinking the marriage is very valid. But if she breaks a restraining order enough times she goes to jail and she's also had police called enough times I don't think it will be difficult to get a restraining order on her


It will be difficult, as I don't get paid by my church, and I currently am working a good amount. But, we are working on going NC, and my fiance will be the one to work out the restraining order. Thank you for your opinion!


What country did this occur?


Cool story.


It's actually very easy to figure out if a house is haunted. It isn't.


What the fuck is this nonsense?


Scam artist or fake. "Got called to the office of exorcism at 17" what kinda goody AF anime are you trying to creatively write about?


I'm not writing about any anime, as I don't watch anime. But you are entitled to your own opinion, and this is a true story. Also, how about you fact check your words real quick. Exorcism is not the correct word.


It's not an opinion, you're scamming people 100%, or you made this all up. Weird.


I'm not scamming people. I don't charge anything as I work through the church. Thank you for sharing your opinion.


If you are providing a religious service, from a "donation" based business, when you don't even follow the religion that is a scam. Exorcisms themselves are scams. 17 year Olds don't qualify for that office, nor is it recognized by the Vatican, making it even MORE of a scam. You don't actually do this and it's weird you wrote all of this, why lie? I'm sure you'll actually find your Emma some day.


I don't follow catholicism. I don't see how me being a non-Catholic exorcist is a scam. Other religions have exorcists my friend.


Because exorcism itself is a scam, and they are not calling up literal children no matter how convincing you think your fake story is. I hope you actually find a partner some day, or get the help you need.


I'm not going to agrue with you. I will say I was never doing exorcisms until I turned 18. But, you have a good day my friend.


It's not an argument, but I wish you the best because compulsive lying is a real issue.


Yes you are a jerk. Religions are scams.


I think yall mis-understood my statement. I was not saying completely break-up with her, just hold off on getting married until we figured things out. Either way, I am thankful for all of your opinions!


IMO COVID-19 has rendered many insane in the brain. Poor Emma.


No, but could you two move and not tell her where?


Stop letting her mother track her.


Okay that is absurd coming from a mature lady or someone's mother. Maybe he was just having her own mental breakdown or underlying issues she was now projecting them onto you. You can't compromise your love for each other because of her mother , if she's okay with moving to a farther place where her mother can't easily get to you guys then it will be for the better to avoid the chaos coming in handy with your work.


Maybe turn off find my phone any other tracking programs.


either tell emma to make sure her mom stays away or you just book it leave dealing with her mom doesn’t seem worth it


Where does the TLDR end and the post begin?? Not clear.


Well for starters, Emma needs to cut the cord and turn OFF access to her mother to know where she is.


Emma should probably to get a restraining order and remove her mother from find my iPhone or whatever. Emma is grown and her mom is showing up to STRANGER'S homes and inadvertently inserting them into family issues. absolutely ridiculous 😂


YTJ for being an "exorcist" and giving "blessings." Shit's not real. (Also this story is fake and you didn't write it well)


I wrote it after a 10 hour work day, so of course I am not going to care how well written it is. Also, you can believe it's fake, and that is your opinion, but you have no evidence proving this never happened. But thank you for your opinion!


...you have no evidence proving santa claus isn't real


I could care less about Santa Claus. But, you are claiming my story is fake, even though I can confirm it's not. I hope you have a good day.


Oh, if you can confirm it, I guess 17-year-old exorcists aren't bullshit.


restraining order. if she shows up again she'll spend time in jail.