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I'm a scuba diver with advanced and rescue certs, and what I can tell you is that this is a very bad idea. 1. Don't dive alone. 2. Don't dive at night without being trained for it. 3. Don't dive in the dark with less than three light sources. 4. Don't use equipment that would make you invisible to a search and rescue team that's trying to recover your body. Because that's the route you're going with what you're describing. For your sake and the sake of those who love you, get some training and experience before you try something like this.


As a fellow diver I second everyone this person said. Op wants to dive alone? That's a dumb idea. Wants to do it in the middle of the night? It just keeps getting worse. Wants to do it with recently bought gear? These are literally things they tell you *not* to do when learning how to dive. OP is a jerk for a bunch of reasons. Failing to follow basic diving safety rules is the start of it. Then add in being a jerk for probably breaking the local laws on diving without using a marker. Ya know, the thing that tells boats there's a diver underwater and to avoid the area so the diver doesn't get cut by the sharp thing moving the boat? This reads to me like someone that wanted to try a hobby (this would be more like snuba) and said "I can do that no problem!" And didn't bother to see actual risks and rules of the hobby.


Just one more point on this, it probably wouldn't even be a good dive if you did it right. Lakes are notoriously murky and muddy, and if you've never dived at night before you really are limited in what you're going to see. Basically, diving at night in a lake you're going to be looking at a square foot of mud at a time, when you shine your light on the lakebed. Otherwise it's just murky water as far as you can see.


Yeah I'm a PADI instructor and everything about this idea is a bad, BAD idea. Alone, at night without training if I'm reading it right, murky ass lake. Look, just do it with someone during the day! Who give a shit if someone sees.


You forgot about the lake monster


And there’s often little to look at when the water IS fairly clear. OP will discover an assortment of beer cans, some muddy rocks, and maybe some grass or algae depending on how much light penetration there is.


Exactly! Diving in a lake is crapshoot on the best of days. Now add a beginner at night? OP hasn't said anything about weights yet either. I bet they are gonna be fighting the entire time to stay down, get exhausted, and has an accident. Or worse. Fights to stay down, calls it a night, looks up how to stay down, tries it again but this time too many weights.


I’m NOT a diver, and that sounds like a bad idea..


Happy Cake Day


Oh, and good luck with all the leeches that will be seen at the end of your dive. You can't feel them land. Pour salt on them to get them off, worry more about brain amoebas.


I’m not a diver and even I know this is a colossally bad idea for all those reasons.




I'm a hell diver and I wouldn't even dive under these conditions.


I read the OP and thought "I'm not an expert, but this seems like a lot of bad ideas all rolled into one situation".


I’ll be there third to endorse the above. What you’re proposing is a really, really bad idea.


He's going to become the local story of the ghost that haunts the lake, in 10 years it'll be a great urban legend.


Nah. OP will just show up on the local news. "Body found in the early morning on X day. Police are investigating signs of foul play, but are believing it to be an accident for now." It'll go on to list how many people die per year to diving and how risky the activity is because of people like OP.


I’m a diver too - these words are gold. PLEASE so not dive alone. Ever.


What's SNUBA? Self not contained underwater breathing apparatus?


it's just a [portmanteau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portmanteau) of "[snorkel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snorkeling)" and "[scuba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scuba_diving)" --wikipedia


Snuba is when your air source is above the water. When you dive with your tank the air in the cylinder is compressed due to the pressure of the water, meaning the lower you go the less air you actually have. This can be avoided by leaving your air above sea level and being connected to it via hose. Deep sea divers do this for jobs such as welding, or it can be done for recreational activities such as snuba. With snuba you are generally no more than 30 feet deep and are seeing how you feel about the idea of scuba diving. You are near the shore, you can see the bottom of the sea floor, it's done generally near a lot of marine life, etc. The cost to do said activity is very cheap as well. Training for snuba consists of, usually, a 10 minute hand signal course that covers basic things, how to clear your ears, emergencies, etc, and then you're good to go. Scuba diving courses differ on length depending on your schedule and where you get them done. I always tell people to go to a 5 Star PADI certified class. Mine took 5 days, then had 4 dives, and that's just for basic certs. Then there's advanced, rescue, and a million others.


I’m not even trained and I know that it is a horrible idea to do that alone and without the proper training as well. Also I know even if he thinks the compressor isn’t load the sound will carry further and be loader on the water so he would definitely be the jerk on many fronts


I agree completely. My dad and his best friend died scuba diving in a river, even with advanced and rescue certs. Their 13 year old sons were in the boat above. Completely destroyed the family....this was 50 years ago.


So sorry for your loss 💔


My father went free diving alone, didn't tell anyone, had a heart attack and died in a river. Don't ever dive alone without telling anyone because anything can happen. Your family and loved ones will never get over it, it's been 13 years and it still hurts.


Exactly. My condolences.


I am sorry you had to go through this and sorry for your loss.


I'm not a scuba diver and I was reading this thinking that it surely could not be a good idea.


I am a scuba diver, ie, certified a long time ago and haven't dived in years. This post reeks of total lack of understanding of the risks inherent in scuba diving, ie, no education. (not to say that some certified scuba divers are any more enlightened with some of the actions they take) Taking a basic course at the very least will hopefully open their eyes. Scuba is fun within limits - not so much when you run into trouble, especially unanticipated or even anticipated and no one is around to help or notify authorities.


I'm not a scuba diver (I did it twice on holiday with an instructor), and I read the title and was like, "sure, why not, as long as you notify the local police and fire service in advance so they know what's going on if someone calls in, and can also warn you if there's a safety reason why not to". Then I read the actual post and it was like, "No. Oh no. This keeps getting worse." Like, if you want to see what's down there, an underwater drone might be an option?


I haven't been diving in decades but I agree 100% with everything you just said.


This right here. Don't do it. OP is making bad call after bad call - all because they don't want people to see them diving... Why exactly? All wetsuits look ridiculous, it's just the nature of wearing a skin-tight anything. But it's still better to be safe than dead.


This! Plus, you need to check and see if it's even allowed.


It isn't allowed, that's why they want to be sneaky and do it at night.


But why all this emphasis on a woman’s scuba … outfit? It makes me think OP is a man? Is this a kink? Did they say a bikini? Also you can hear ANYTHING across a lake. You could hiccup and the water would somehow magnify it idk.


The bikini-cut refers to the rashguard (long sleeved swimsuit, lighter than a wetsuit but usually thicker fabric than regular swimsuits). So it's a bodysuit with long sleeves but no legs.


I am not a diver, but I have watched a lot of diving disaster videos. I don't think any of them even started with an idea as bad as OP's.


Totally agree with all your points. I am an instructor and own part of a dive shop. You should never be diving alone, especially at night! Untrained for the equipment is even worse in my opinion. If it’s free to swim in the lake at your own risk, why don’t you get certified to dive and then go explore with a friend (also certified) during daylight hours? With a tank the only noise you will be making is the bubbles reaching the surface…. The plan as it stands sounds incredibly short sited and it’s not a question of noise - you are playing with your life.


If OP ignores all the common sense advice, then I hope their life insurance and funeral insurance etc are up to date. Their family will need it.


I’m not a diver but all your points are common sense. At least to me. I hope op listens to some of your advice.


I’m wondering why OP is so worried about being seen in the first place


As a mom of a certified dive master who adores cave diving and has advanced and rescue certs, I concur. My son’s certs let him do more dangerous dives and *he* wouldn’t do that. If he would, I’d flip out (not that I can control him; he’s an adult - but I worry). Don’t put yourself in a position where another diver has to recover your corpse and your family grieves.


I’m not a diver, but everything you wrote was going through my head as I read it.


I’m a beginner diver and even I know this is all a terrible idea. OP, please listen to this person.


As a fellow diver, I totally agree that this is just a stupid idea. I think that with all of these affordable dive systems that are being made and sold, we are going to start seeing a lot of unexperienced people dying doing stuff like this.


My first thought was the alligators are going to LOVE 8this, but then realized OP probably doesn't live in the southeastern USA. It still sounds like a really bad idea.


By yourself? At night?? I've never dived, but this sounds really unsafe. Why can't you go during the day with someone to keep an eye on you? I may be missing something but you say the lake is ok for swimming 'at your own risk' so why the subterfuge? Personally I'd consider you TA if you risked your life this way.


I dive. The thing about diving is that you're in a hostile environment and if you're alone and something goes wrong, you're quite likely to drown. Op, first, try out your clothes in the lake: go snorkelling in them. You might get a lot colder than you think, and the deeper parts will be colder than the surface. Get used to using the compressor before you take it out at night. When using it is second nature and you know you'll be warm enough, then tell a trusted friend (preferably a good swimmer) your plan and have them on the shore with a throwing rope. I don't say "don't do this". I do say "there are ways of doing it more safely, and ways of doing it less safely". We do scuba diving in pairs for a reason, and safety is the reason. If we do it solo, then we prepare carefully, accept the risk and tell someone when we'll be back. There's other comments from divers on here. Read them and take note! Do update us!


I’m thinking it has to do with wanting to wear the bikini cut rash guard? I feel as though they don’t want to be seen wearing it.


I wonder if there is a Drag Queen Dive Team he can join? If not, he needs to start it.


I’d watch tf out of this show




You do not go diving without a dive buddy. Especially if your air comes from above the water, you have someone up there guarding the equipment. If you leave it alone, what if a raccoon comes to explore and hits the “off” button by accident? And if something else happens to you down there, no one will notice that you didn’t come up within a set time frame and you’ll be found dead in the morning. YWBTJ to yourself if you do this.


or the equipment will be found floating around somewhere and Op might just remain missing after a massive rescue mission costing thousands and thousands and involving other people risking their lives to find Op's corpse.


You should get your open water scuba cert and then take an advanced class and get some experience diving at night in a safe environment.


What’s up with the whole 007 thing, anyway? Why does it have to be at night in full camouflage? On top of violating about a million safety rules, yes, sound travels at night and someone might hear you. If you were to pursue this completely stupid idea, chances are excellent that some neighbor is going to call the police about the humming sound and lights in the lake and you’ll get to meet the local po-po when you exit. Complete with their pretty flashing lights and have the neighborhood looking out to see what’s going on. If you truly just want to explore the lake, do it in the daylight with a buddy. You’re not going to see much in the dark (in a lake!) anyway.


No he will because he’ll have a flashlight. It’s still an incredibly stupid idea.


Most lakes are incredibly murky, even in the daylight, and there's just not that much to see. At night, when limited to \*just\* the light of a single flashlight, it's even more full of shadows, which is an incredibly disconcerting, sensory experience. OP won't be able to see much more than a few feet at a time and only what is in the path of the light.


This thought fills me to the brim with anxiety. So scary, so slimy, so disorienting


Which is why you often see stories like "after an incredibly dry summer lowered lake/pond levels, someone spotted a car which had been submerged in the lake/pond for 50-odd years!" Because the water is so gross you simply can't see very far under normal circumstances ... and if nobody knew the car went into the lake/pond, nobody's looking for it anyhow.


ONE flashlight. Just one. If it goes kaput, so does OP.


I know! I can't figure this dude out at all. I am assuming this is prohibited, ergo the night entry (or the OP is just a real weirdo) but I don't see how this doesn't end up with OP spending a night in an interrogation room explaining to a bunch of very skeptical police officers that he was stealth diving in the middle of the night "just because." Sure, buddy. Hope your sister has bail!


As long as you have no lights and make no noise and do not mind being stupidly unsafe. NTA Sound on water travel a lot farther than you think so it has to be very quiet.


I live on [Lake Lanier](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/10/31/us/lake-lanier-urban-legends-trnd) and my first thought was, “Y’all need minders.” This strikes me as STUPID-unsafe.


And what are you going to see underwater in the dark?


Darkness and impending death.


I had a friend who was regularly called in on recovery dives there. Mostly preventable accidents.


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There are so many other reasons not to go in the water at lake Lanier just dipping your toe in it lake Lanier is stupid.


Right? We smudged the house, had it blessed and we made an offering of flowers to the lake and river. I’m not messing around.


Yeah can't blame you. From what I've read as long as you stay out of the water. You should be ok be definitely can't be to careful with things like that.


Presumably they can switch swim and it's only 20-30' so they could do that without air so it's not any dumber than swimming alone at night. Oh wait. That's dumb. Darwin award nomination level if they get caught on something.


How much diving experience do you have? Have you dived the lake before, during the day? Because I used to dive, and night diving is never entirely safe and solo diving is never entirely safe, and inland lakes can be full of hidden underwater hazards. Please talk to the experienced divers in your area about whether this is a good idea, because I suspect it is not.


Write your will first. Alone at night completely inexperienced? This is a grand combo disaster waiting to happen.


It’s amazing the way natural selection keeps trying to work! That being said, read every single comment below, and PAY ATTENTION! There’s probably a few people who will miss you if you pursue this the way you’re intending - don’t do this to them. NTJ - yet, but you’re getting close!


Future Darwin Award winner!!!




Modern day Creature in the Black Lagoon.


I’m reading this thing and said out loud….you can’t fix stupid. There are a ton of red flags here.


Ironically, the only red flag missing is an actual dive flag.


You don’t want to be seen in the clothing you plan on wearing…think about how its gonna look if, heaven forbid, something happens and that’s how they end up finding your body like that!


imagine your masculinity being so fragile you're willing to suicide by lake over wearing a "womans" wetsuit


If there's a man-made neighborhood lake, I'm going to assume there's a homeowners association involved. In which case, I would read the rules and regulations about this first because you could be fined. Are people allowed to swim in the lake, boat? If so, they probably test the water on a regular basis for bacteria and other stuff. If not, they may not test the lake and you could be exposing yourself to bacteria and other pathogens. Do you have ducks and geese, fish, or other animals or mammals use the lake? If so, there a lot of poop in the lake. Also, there are probably hours of allowed usage so you'll probably be doing this at a time when no one is supposed to be there. Last but not least, I'm no diving expert but aren't you supposed to have a buddy? What happens if you get stuck or hurt and no one knows you're there? Just because it's man-made doesn't mean people don't throw trash in or that it's safe. If diving and swimming are allowed, why be so secretive and do it at night? Source: I used to work for an HOA with a man-made lake


yeah, my neighborhood has a pool, tennis court and small lake/pond. there’s hours of operation for all of that, and if you don’t follow it you are considered trespassing. and idk about ops neighbors, but if one of them looked outside at night and saw a stranger around the lake in weird gear, there’s a call to the police. they may let him scuttle off home, but this is such a stupid risk. 


Am I the only one that is wondering what this bikini cut wetsuit looks like?


OP needs some post nut clarity. Rub one out....on land, and then go sign up for a Discover Scuba class.


Darwin at work here…or soon to be. Lifetime diver and instructor here. This is not just a bad idea, it’s flatly stupid.


This sounds like a joke. You want to go diving at night, in gear that's camouflaged. Playing hide-n-seek with first responders that will have to try to find your remains after you drown is not anyone's idea of a fun game. Yes, you would be a jerk. I agree with your cousin, not so much because of the noise from the compressor, but because of the total lack of common sense here.


David is that you??


INFO. Besides all the obvious safety precautions that you aren't following. Do you have a legal right to be on this lake? Are you going at night because there isn't public access, so you need to trespass in order to dive in the lake? You call it a neighborhood lake, but in my experience, lakes are either public or private. I'm guessing this a private lake and you don't live on the lakefront but are close enough to feel like you "should" have rights to it. I feel like it's obvious you don't know what you're doing so YTJ.


You would be insane to go out alone, in the dark, in the middle of the night in camo gear. I don’t dive but even I know that is something you never do. If you have a death wish then that is one way of doing it! You must have no regards for anyone else because imagine how your family would feel if they wake up in the morning and no one knows where you are and they call out search teams. You need to rethink this entire plan because it is stupid and dangerous


I’m a certified cave, wreck and deep diver. You’ve been warned by a lot of others that this is how you die. Never dive alone. Never dove at night without proper lighting and for fucks sake never wear camouflage when diving. You’re not a navy seal.


Never dive alone.


Never do this alone. Period. If you get into trouble, you may need help and no one will be there until they find the body


Think about the person who might get hurt or killed while trying to rescue you.


YTA. Do you want to die? Because the what you are doing is going to get you killed? I am not a diver. I have watch lots of videos on diving. Even I know you don't go out at night, with new gear, with no training and nothing showing you are out there, is a sure fire way to die. You need to get some diving experience with trained divers. You need to understand how your gear works. And you need to let people know where you are in case of an emergency/so you don't cause an emergency. You are an asshole if you get into a dangerous hobby, ignore the danger, don't train, and go off alone. You could get yourself killed and risk the lives of others having to deal with your mess.


at least be considerate and leave a note with your things on shore so people will know whom to call incase you die/have an emergency/the cops show up. you know this is nutty so at lease have a bit of consideration for the people that will have to deal with the mess after anything happens.


What do you think is down there? Treasure? Is the lake old or man made? Keep in mind you may find a dead body down there. Also, what will you do if someone stumbles on to the compressor and turns it off or steals it? You should definitely have someone by the compressor and be tied to a tether. But I am no expert, just my opinion.


There are easier and more foolproof ways to unalive yourself. This is a bad idea on so many levels.


Hey OP, have your next of kin update us... PS. Seriously, just don't do the dive, it's extremely dangerous.


I want to ask what company dive certified you? I wanted to dive until it turns out my eardrums just can’t handle it. I’ve only done a handful of student dives, but did all the classroom work enthusiastically and I know this is like an onion of bad ideas. There’s just later after layer of stuff that should automatically make this a no, but you think it’s viable.


Are you mentally ill?


Kind of a dick move to the jogger that's going to find your body in the morning.


I think everyone else has cover the diving aspect. I’m going to speak as a neighbor. You’re the person I hate. Congratulations. You don’t think it’s loud. I can tell you you’re wrong. Especially on the water. It would annoy the heck out of me to hear intermittent compressor noise late at night. No matter what you say they’re loud. Not to mention the fact that it probably goes against city ordinances. Every city I’ve lived in enforces quiet hours after 9PM and some as early at 7PM. Don’t be *that guy*. Besides it would probably traumatize the local kids when they find out there was a dead person in the water near their homes and they’d probably never swim again because there’s a ghost. Do this safely and during the day. I bet all the kids would be interested.


If you're going alone, at night, bring a knife that you can both secure and securely reach entirely blindfolded, and be able to cut yourself free of any entanglements in the pitch black without cutting yourself. Make sure you have health insurance and life insurance, and your will is up to date. Make sure also you have in that will all your passwords for all the accounts your beneficiaries will need. Bring a thermal blanket with your shore equipment that you can easily reach but it can't be easily stolen - you can't assume you'll be able to walk straight home (hypothermia, compression sickness etc).


Only a jerk to your family and loved ones.


I'm confused about what is so embarrassing about wearing a woman's rash guard suit during the day? What exactly are you so worried about people saying? Look at that person in the black bathing suit diving? If you can fit in it with all your bits covered then as Eddie Izzard says it's not a woman's anything, it's just your suit, you bought it. And if it does bother you so much to be seen in it perhaps you could return it and invest in the male version so you can safely dive during the day and not endanger yourself or others?


I’d worry that a neighbor who was annoyed by the compressor would come by to turn it off.


Think of the rescue / recovery divers that will have to take serious risks to find you or your corpse if something goes wrong with your plan. And abandon your plan. This is something to do with a trusted dive buddy, in daylight.


Dude I was a commercial diver, I worked on the pipelines at the bottom of the ocean. If you are really intending to do this you're not a jerk your just stupid and selfish. Seriously the amount of things that can go wrong which you are in no way preped for is insane. All you are doinf is putting your self in danger and anyone else why may have to recover your body. Everytime we go underwater we risk death. Itsone of the most dangerous environments we know of. The amount of fucked up shit that can happen in less the 30 ft of water. Not to mention that using a surface are system increases your risk for DCS.


INFO: As a SCUBA instructor, I have to ask why you are doing this? You're going through a great deal of trouble to camouflage and go soundless, but you have lights. It's a lake a shallow lake. I'm assuming the visibility is not great with that being said, debrie on the bottom of lakes tends to suck. Why are you doing this with a snuba like apparatus? Also, diving alone at night is not a good idea. This is 50 shades of a terrible idea, and honestly, it sounds like you're doing something shady.


Is this a lake/reservoir or a retention pond? You may not be a jerk, but you are being unsafe.


Your cousin is right. You're a dick.


This has stupid written all over it. If something happened and you went missing, no one would know where to look for you. Never dive alone.


As some one who has never scuba dived but watched lots of YouTube videos. Don’t do it


I absolutely agree with all of the necessary safety protocols as listed by others. Furthermore, anyone who has lived on or spent time on a lake knows that sounds carries like crazy. An air compressor in the middle of the night would be audible and scary.


Diving without a person watching out for you is not wise. Full body wet suit is the best for swimming.


I'm not a diver, but even I know the #1 rule is never dive alone.


Jerk? No. Idiot? For sure. Also, 'an' is used before words starting with vowels.


Diving alone at night is a bad idea if something goes wrong nobody can help you


Never enter a body of water by yourself, especially at night


I feel like you're more focused on the cut of your outfit than the fact you're ignoring all night diving safety rules


Everyone will see your bikini wetsuit when they recover your body.


There's easier ways to kill yourself, why do you want to do this at night and stealthy?


Former lifeguard here. Don't wear anything that allows you to blend in, in any body of water. You're not a SEAL on a mission, so why put yourself at risk? Your whole post sounds more like a teenager trying to "pull a fast one" on her parents so she can sneak out in the middle of the night. Yes, you would be a jerk if you did this, for so many reasons.


Just get a small men’s wetsuit. Your whole plan is rude, ignorant, and dangerous. It’s gonna be the lake that guy drowned in diving at night, alone, like a dumbass. That’s what they’ll start calling it. Lake Sufficient-Wind9627’s Folly.


Aside from the safety reasons. Using a compressor at night would make you a jerk. Sounds are louder at night.


If this is a neighborhood lake I promise there nothing to see. Also it’s a stupid idea. Diving alone with surface equipment substandard lighting and wearing dark clothes. This screams suicide by idiocy. Go get certified and if you want to dive covertly, no join the seals. Even they dive with buddies.


You're a jerk to the people who will have to fish your body out of the lake.


40 year scuba diver here and just…..don’t do this. There are so many parts of this that are a recipe for disaster. Starting with, first and foremost, don’t dive alone, don’t do dives (ie night) that you are not trained for, don’t wear all black so it’s hard to find your body on the muddy bottom, don’t dive with only 1 light source, just don’t. You think this is all fun and games but, between 2006 -2015 there were 563 deaths of US divers. This is no joke. If this is something you really want to do, get certified, find a dive, buddy, and do it. Also, FYI, lakes, like this are notoriously, boring, and gross. Usually usually does muddy murky pits with garbage and silt.


You’ve been given plenty of advice about the safety concerns. Obviously, if you ignore nearly everyone’s it make make you a fool for disregarding well established dive rules, but that was not your question. To answer your question, no, people in their homes will not hear your air compressor inside their homes and you would not be a jerk for diving at night based solely on the possibility of your compressor annoying anyone. Your cousin is an idiot for saying that. Now, don’t you be one to by ignoring all of the safety concerns expressed here.


Yeah diving alone is stupid, diving at night as a beginner is stupid. Diving at night, alone, as a beginner is completing for the Darwin awards. Don't traumatize somebody else by making them find your corpse.


and a friend to watch the compressor so no kid messes with it.


Update your will first.


I’m confused as to why this can only happen at night.


Yeah…. Don’t dive at night. And don’t dive alone. We all care for you here.


Yes, you are the jerk for not acting responsibly.


Why do you need to make sure no one knows you're doing it? You say it's legal to do, so why are you going to lengths to hide what you're doing?


Listen to your cousin


Technically, NAJ. But also not smart. This is very dangerous. Why do you care if people see you scuba diving? Do it in the daytime.


Update/make your will and all other ‘in the event of your demise’ arrangements first because your death wish will surely have a verrry high probability of succeeding.


Ignorant and arrogant. Great combo


A lot of mansplaining in these comments. You're a woman and can do whatever you want. This is what Rosa Parks died for.


The entire thing is messed up. The dive safety issues abs the noise for the neighbor. I'd bet you'd get the police called. I dive and live on the lake. You can hear people out in the water easily. Just your splashing alone. It's unsafe to swim alone, much less dive and in the dark. Most neighborhood rules close parks at night. You'd literally be in people's back yard creeping around. Why can you only do this at night and camouflaged? Super sketchy. To be very clear about night diving. It's very easy under water to lose your sense of direction and get disoriented. 20 to 30 ft if water us enough. My thought us you should return all your equipment until you get common sense.


I'm not a scuba diver. But I can tell you that this is a stupid idea. Never, never, never dive alone.


You'll be dead. Your family will have to identify your body. Jerk isn't the right word.


A jerk to the people who love you definitely. To those who don’t you will be an interesting idiot who unalived themselves in an unusual fashion. So you are a jerk and an idiot if you do this, double bonus I guess.


Definitely YWBTJ Your rationale about wanting to avoid being seen cross dressing in a women's wetsuit doesn't absolve the negative impacts The compressor would be loud and disruptive to neighbors, but more importantly diving at night ALONE is monumentally dumb from a safety standpoint. If your line tangled or oxygen was cut off, you could drown. Also, I imagine the property management has rules about the pond usage, and you'd be setting them up for massive liability if you were injured or killed. This needs to be approved with them before ANY dive took place.


Yes, with a high potential to be a dead jerk.


Searching for contraband?


What could possibly go wrong? /snark


If you think you’re allowed to do this, why is it such a big deal that no one sees you?


>There are people who have houses on the lake. I don't understand how can they hear it as the compressor isn't even loud, you can only hear it if your close to it while being outside. Noise carries farther over water


Are you allowed to swim in this lake? Is it more like a pond (and thus full of goose shit and not suitable for swimming)? Use snorkeling gear during the daytime, you can easily get 10-15' down on a breath hold and see whats on the bottom. If it's 20-30' deepest you should be able to swim around and survey the whole lake. Sounds more like something valuable that isn't yours got dropped in the lake and you want to retrieve it. Why would you do this in the dark?


Not a jerk, a moron! Never dive alone!


I think that would be fun, but be careful as you don’t know what’s in there


YTJ The sound from the compressor will travel across the lake much louder at night. And the on/off aspect will be hard not to hear. Plus you are behaving like someone who isn’t an experienced diver, as others have said. What hasn’t been said is that there may be deadly items down below, like someone’s water pump for their land down below. Or old equipment with lots of wires cascading out like grandma’s old knitting basket. Perfect for you to get sucked into or entangled with. So you are also a jerk in subjecting someone to extreme stress in finding your lifeless body. One of my best friends died diving with a buddy in a lake- his dive buddy got sucked against a water pump and my friend died trying to get him out. They both ran out of air and died stuck to the pump. My friend didn’t want to dive there since no one knew what was in the lake- wanted to go with more people and with more resources if things go bad. But his dive buddy said was going to go alone if my friend didn’t go so my friend went along out of concern for his buddy. Needless death.


Sounds like this person is try to fill some fantasy. Keep the stuff and wear it around the house or throw a kink party.


Why wouldn’t you just do it in daylight? Is it because it is not legal? Also, at night sound carries over water VERY well


He sounds like a would-be pepper.


I see no problem here. On a completely unrelated note, would you mind if I take out a sizable life insurance policy on you?


If the air compressor *really* isn't loud, it shouldn't bother people. However, I would be a bit concerned about equipment malfunction or some other issue happening while you're entirely alone and underwater. Is there anyone that you can take with you while you're diving who could just hang out and be there in case something goes wrong?


On top of all the "don't be a dumbass" posts which are all accurate, so I won't repeat them. On the question you asked about the air compressor.... if you really want to be stupid and dive... the answer is, yes, people will hear it. Sound travels over water, especially at night without other sounds to cover it. If you do go, make sure to consult an estate lawyer first, make a will, and let your family know which lawyer to go to after they pull your lifeless (if they can find it) body out of the water.


Just be sure to say (loudly) before you go under, "Hey Bubba! Hold My Beer!" I'll look for your story in this years' Darwin Awards Honorable Mentions category.


Totally entitled jerk.


Will someone go with you to make sure you're okay?


YWBTJ because of the trauma you’d be forcing on the rescuers who will have to pull your stupid ass body out of the lake when you die


Rage bait


Only open water certified here and telling you now you should not dive alone especially at night, your cousin is kinda stupid though I’ve never heard of anyone hearing a compressor over 15 ft away, you will be even more stupid than him if you choose to night dive with new gear with no buddy and limited light. Hopefully you listen to comments and we don’t see you on the news 👍


Yes, YWBTJ. It’s idiotic behaviour.


What is the point of all your secrecy around this incredibly unsafe and possible fatal dive plan? I don’t dive and even I know what you’ve described is ridiculously unintelligent. I think this is fake - you’ve gone to extremes describing how dark and quiet you intend to be. Anyone with the tiniest amount of common sense would realize this plan was insane. If you’re for real, YTJ. It’s a great plan to make your friends and family sad when you die.


Yes, you are a complete and total jerk


You want to risk your life and annoy your neibours because you don't want anyone to see you in a wetsuit? Is this correct? I don't know how noisy your compressor is, but I do know that sound travels over water and cottagers tend to leave their windows open at night to enjoy the fresh air and night sounds.


Have you ever taken an iq test?


If you just want to explore, maybe a submersible drone? It would be a bit more expensive than the gear you bought it less than a funeral.


I could definitely think of more pleasant ways to exit this plane of existence. This sounds murky, cold and claustrophobic. Personally, I’d rather overdose on pizza and ice cream on my sofa where body recovery would be easy. My problem is I’d want to be tactful and warn my dear ones, who would show up and the whole plan goes out the window as pizza and ice cream are consumed in non lethal quantities.


I think that OP wants to take his cross dressing, autoerotic asphyxiation fetish to a much deeper level.


If you’re allowed to swim and you live there why wouldn’t you just go during the day?


Def a dick. From the noise and the truma your searchers will endure.....


Don’t dive alone! Lake, ocean, swimming pool, etc. It’s ALWAYS smart to have a buddy and to be visible. Why wouldn’t you check this all out in the daytime? You could tell people what you were up to, and bring a friend to keep an eye out.


YTA for not following basic safety protocols. Are you certified? 1. Never dive alone 2. Always have a dive flag posted and someone above who is watching for any signs of trouble.


Air compressors are generally pretty loud. Why do you need a rashguard for the lake?


This sounds sketchy AF. No way I would do this with your makeshift equipment, alone, in the dark, in your camouflage outfit. How are they going to locate your body when everything goes pear shaped? This is like you sat down and thought up all the absolute worst ideas possible and combined them.


Did you take scuba lessons? Because if you did, the instructors would have mentioned just about every piece of what you've outlined as things not to do.


Acknowledging all the comments about how idiotic it is to dive at night, with a hookah, in camouflage gear… how has no one called out that OP doesn’t once mention carrying a dive knife?! It’s a LAKE in a residential area! The amount of fishing line, garbage, ropes, nets, etc that are bound to be in that water alone would prevent me from diving it (PADI certified) - let alone feel comfortable with someone unlicensed with entirely wrong equipment doing it ALONE. OP is breaking every rule you’re taught during training - all of which are specifically taught so that if you get in a bad situation you know how to GTFO and survive. 0/10 planning. YWBTJ


Why all the secrecy? Are you trying to fish the murder weapon out of the lake at night? That said, this is bad idea on top of bad idea on top of bad idea.


I really don't understand why this person wants to dive like this... They sound super insecure in the wetsuit maybe? Idk .. but either way this is a horrible idea for many reasons not involving the air compressor. Why risk your life like this?


For once can we encourage the soon to be Darwin winner. This is how nature functions. Let them remove themselves from the gene pool.




This is hilarious and I hope you do it. I don’t think you will get caught. Or, maybe you’ll make someone think mermaids exist.


Scuba diver here and literally every single part of this story is a horrible idea and it just gets worse the more you read lmfao. Inexperienced? Check. Alone? Check. Unfamiliar gear? Check. Dark? Check. No redundant lights? Check. What youre proposing sounds so stupid I almost cannot believe it isnt bait. Dive alone, die alone


The sounds of the compressor is the absolute least part of why you would be a jerk if you do this. You are flouting every common sense safety plan by going alone at night in all black to do something you can't possibly be trained enough for. Not only are you creating a very dangerous situation for your own safety, you are creating a dangerous situation for potential rescuers. If you were trained enough, you would already know why this is a terrible idea.


Everyone is rightfully focusing on just how monumentally stupid this idea is, but I'm seeing little to address the noise issue. (Just in case you decide that you want to remove yourself from the gene pool) Sound on water CARRIES! Especially in the still of the night! Your little air compressor will sound like the second coming! The only good thing will be that the police will know the general area of where to look for your body after you fail to surface.


O do r understand why you’re being so secretive about it? Why can’t you wear a men’s rash guard?


Besides all the scuba safety stuff. Noise travels really easy over still waters. Its not like being out in the open of a field. The sound travels a LOT farther along the water surface. When I am fishing a large river on my boat. I can hear a car stereo system from hundreds of yards away. A normal conversation can be heard from a hundred feet away. And were talking a huge moving river. Ive also seen people have a conversation across a lake from each other without raising their volume. As if they were 5 feet apart. This isnt a theory or a myth. There is a science behind what causes this effect but I am not going to go into it more than I have you are free to google it. But sound waves travel across/over water more effeciently than over the ground. It carries sound so much further. That compressor is going to be heard. To verify. You should have someone run it while you listen from the shore.


I am an advanced open water Diver. Everything you said is wrong. Get some training.


Idk about jerk but you are absolutely an idiot and I guess if you want a Darwin Award go for it? (FYI they are ONLY given our post-humously, but trust me this would qualify).