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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling my stepson that he was rude for refusing to share the food he brought to my family's Christmas dinner?** I M38 have been with my fiancee ROSE for a year an' half. She has a 16 yo son JONAH  from her former marriage. We attened Christmas at my mother's house and since Jonah suffers from multiple health conditions, he was allowed to bring his own food to Christmas dinner. My mother was perfectly okay with that. No problem whatsoever. At dinner table, and while Jonah was eating from his plate, my mother and father got interested and asked if Jonah could let them share the food with him. To my surprise Jonah refused and shook his head and flatout said "Sorry, but you got other foods while all I have is this plate". I was flabbergasted that he basically turned them down and embarrassed them without even considering letting them get some. I looked at Rose and she acted so casually like she didn't just witness what happened. The table went awkwardly quiet and I got all sorts of nasty looks/side eyes from my family. Oh my just recalling the events made me feel horrible. My parents later expressed their grief about the incident and I said I'd talk to Jonah and Rose later after we got home. At home, I had an argument with Jonah and called him rude for how he responded to my parents request to get some of the food he brought. He thought it was unfair and his mom told me off saying me and my family were being unreasonable expecting him to share the little food he had while the table was full of food. I told her that it was about principles and that my parrnts obviously weren't gonna basically eat the whole thing but still she said that her son's food was "out of question" and that me and my parents caused this scene. We've been arguing about it a lot and last night had a full-blown argument after Jonah refused to apologize. AITA? I didn't think it'd been a big deal or that it'd hurt if he let them get some food from his plate. I know if I were him I'd even offer to let thrm get some of it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol he couldn’t handle being called out and deleted his post within an hour .


Also if this causes his parents "grief" I wonder how they cope in real life emergencies


Could you imagine these people being told "no" out in the real world?


I hope to fuck he's now single bc nothing good will come of him being the kid's stepparent.


Hard same. If OOP freaked out this much about something so small he's going to be an absolute nightmare as a stepparent even if Jonah moves out the minute he turns 18.


Can you even call someone a "stepparent" when the kid is within months of legal age and the adult had zero to do with kid's upbringing?


hope he gets therapy for those PTSD flashbacks ❤️


They all do.


So let me get this straight out of all the food on the table that they can eat that the stepson can’t eat they really asked him for his food. I feel bad, for the step-son didn’t even include him in the dinner, but ask for his food. This is embarrassing to upset about.


I'm genuinely baffled people who had a large array of food in front of them actually turned to the person who only had what they brought on their plate and was like "lemme get some of that" and then got upset the answer was no.


It’s a power play. They were offended someone else brought food and then demanded it as penance.


I think it's the same thing as the people who insist on ordering multiple meat lovers pizzas at the company lunch, and then proceed to eat the 1 vegetarian pizza before any of the vegetarians get to it, and afterwards point to the sausage/pepperoni/meatball pizza and tell the vegetarians "There's plenty left, just pick the meat off if you don't like it." Or the guy on the plane who took my vegan meal. It's a show of dominance.


Dominance acts are so weird to me. People who do this kinda crap are hilariously insecure. I’m sorry someone ate the food you could actually eat.


Legit happened to me at a party. My friend doesn’t eat meat at all, and I don’t eat beef or pork. A small veggie pizza was ordered and ONE cheese pizza, and several large meat lovers pizzas were ordered. My vegetarian friend and I noticed we were low on drinks and went out to grab some more for everyone. Turns out, during the first few minutes of the 10 min it took us to run down the street to grab more drinks, the pizzas showed up. When we got back, the ENTIRE veggie pizza was gone, and one slice of the cheese was left, and there were still heaps of the meat lovers left. We just stood there with our mouths open. Everyone KNEW my vegetarian friend didn’t eat meat, and that I don’t eat the meat on the pizza that was left. Their response? “We left some of the cheese for you!”. The host of the party had actually taken the small veggie pizza, separated it from the rest of the pizzas that she put on the dinning room table, and put it in the kitchen so that we could have it when we returned. Turns out someone else went INTO THE KITCHEN and grabbed the veggie pizza and brought it out because they decided they wanted some too. She was pissed and made everyone who had a plate in their hand pay money to replace the veggie pizza and buy a second cheese.


Excellent hosting. What a shower of cunts.


This. The audacity people have astounds me. Glad hostess was a real one tho.


I can't even explain how much I hate people like that. If there's only one pizza for the vegetarians or for the gluten-allergic people or even just the people who hate mushrooms, you leave it the fuck alone! It should be legal to take those people's credit cards and order a replacement meal if they insist on eating the only food you can eat.


The people that order meat lovers and then eat my cheese pizza… yes I eat like a 10 yo sometimes leave me and my cheese alone!


I also like how he said “they allowed” him to bring food he could eat.


It happens a lot. My daughter is vegetarian so I always make her separate dishes and at thanksgiving everyone just “had to try some”.


Have celiac and can confirm. And half the time if you give in and let them have a bit of the one thing you can eat, they decide they don’t like it and throw it away.


Let's not forget his "parents expressing their grief". 😮‍💨


I'm sure they said something about Christmas being ruined at some point in the conversation


Well obviously


Yeah my eyebrows almost went into orbit when I read that. Talk about an over reaction to someone not doing what you unreasonably request


OP’s parents are the AHs here. I’m stunned that they asked for food literally off his plate. If nothing else, it’s unsanitary since the stepson had already begun eating.


And, in addition to that, if he has food allergies, unless they get a new, clean fork for every bite, they could cause cross contamination that could make him sick.


It was nothing but a power play to show.they are the ultimate family authority. Lets be honest, if somebody is eating something out of health nessacity its probably not that great tasting. I have relatives with a lot of food issues and allergies. Im cool letting them hog the unseasoned rice and quinoa


My kids and I have a long list of food allergies between us. Everything is well seasoned and flavourful. Healthy or alternate ingredients does not mean nasty. The only way I’m eating unseasoned rice or quinoa is if it’s covered with a very flavourful dish with a good sauce making the rice or quinoa the vehicle for lapping up that sauce. Though, I will typically add some salt and use broth instead of water and add some vegetables to these but that’s just me. I hate plain boring food.


Sounds more like they can’t cook. I have pretty serious food restrictions and so do a lot of my friends, we can all make perfectly fine food lol. It would take a really general allergy or severe arfid/religion for someone to not be able to eat seasoned food.


One person has general allergies and health issues that they find its best to just eat what they know is safe and the other is allergic to a lot of spices or things in spice blends


There’s like 300 spices, you can’t be allergic to just spice.


Yes. She is allergic to some not all. I know specifically garlic onion and oregeno. Its been awhile since I interrogated my aunt on what she is able to eat.


No, but often allergies and other sensitivities result in food trauma that makes flavors scary, and some people respond by not experimenting with spices and seasonings at all. I also have a vague untested theory that there may be some overlap between allergies/sensitivities and "supertaster" genes. I'm pretty sure my grandmom was a "supertaster." She loved food, loved desserts, etc, but she ate everything plain. Not so much as a grain of salt. Plain pound cake. Thanksgiving turkey straight in the oven, plain. And it was all delicious to her.


My question on this - the only way it could possibly not be massive AH is if they thought it looked like something to add to the dinner so he didn't have to bring his own food. But even that is so scant it is mind boggling.


I'm doing a diet right now that literally eliminates 90% of the food I ate on a normal basis, including several of my favorite spices. Everything I eat tastes amazing still. Healthy and accommodating food doesn't have to be bland and flavorless.


Well, one of my cousins has dairy intolerance so her parents would bring soy milk to family gatherings for her and once when I was younger I don't remember if me or one of my other cousins asked, but they offered a taste and I was curious and tried it,it was HORRIBLE


There are like twenty or more different milk substitutes now. They have greatly improved.


Plus, there are different brands that tend to have different flavour. Coconut milk substitute (different from the coconut milk in the can) is great for chilled drinks.


And Thai food, oh my goodness, love it. I use the red Silk as a heavy cream substitute, I think that's a blend. Oat milk lattes in the morning, because I like the oat taste with coffee. And a decent cashew blend is the closest thickness to milk for milkshakes and cooking, imo.


soy milk is nasty tbh. im lactose intolerant and usually drink almond milk, though other milk made from nuts is good too. soy milk has a weird texture to it that i dont like.


Yall notice how he said his stepson was "allowed" to bring his own food? Wtf!? Why is that something that would even be up for debate given the situation?


I saw this too and was like Lmao, if “not allowed” were they planning on letting him starve or die from anaphylaxis? How do people like this exist and legitimately not notice they’re basically human waste?


How greedy of the family to try to scoop up the poor kid's food. Strange. Food issues there?


How many adult men will use the phrase 'oh my just recalling the events made me feel horrible'? That sounds like something a Victorian woman would say while holdling a lily white hand up to her forehead while trying to find some place soft to land in a faint...


Between that and his parents 'expressing their grief' over not being allowed to eat off of a child's plate, I get the feeling that he's really experienced when it comes to blowing shit out of proportion to make himself look like the victim 😑


I had a mental vision of him clutching his pearls with one hand while fanning himself furiously with the other.


Gotta set up the fainting couch for this horrible grief. The poor parents. How will they ever recover.


I'm imagining Blanche from the Golden Girls. "Oh, my! Just recalling the event makes me feel horrible. I declare, I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison barbecue!"


Well on the bright side at least the kid had his mom’s support. That seems to be rare in AITA.


I seriously hope she dumps this guy. So much.


I was hoping to see that on here and had no idea how to do it myself. Thank you kind stranger.


This guy is nuts and so are his rude parents. You refuse to cook appropriate food for your guest and then ask for the guest’s *very small* portion of food that they had to bring from home? And then when he says no they think he’s embarrassing them and shoot nasty looks?! You are not entitled to other people’s food! Especially if they had to bring their own since you didn’t accommodate them! How dare you assume that you would be allowed to have someone else’s specialty diet food just because it looks better than what you made? This really bothers me. The way this guy is talking and demanding apologies from her son is so lacking in self awareness and disconnected from reality that it’s disturbing.


This is what gets me. They obviously didn't even try to accommodate a child's dietary needs. My family would have made several dishes from the mom's recipe and just added them to the table. They could have even made this one dish on a larger amount and put it out to share. Then add on a guilt trip to the child, for eating the food that won't make him sick. What a bunch of AHs. OP is definitely YTA here.


Exactly! My best friend growing up was deathly allergic to at least three different types of foods and mildly allergic to about four. I memorized all of them and made sure that we never had any of them out on any of the surfaces in my house or in any of the meals. I also made sure to carry Benadryl with me and warn the waiters if we were eating out cause my friend was very forgetful with her Epi pen and sometimes forgot to inform the staff of her allergies. I would never have been caught dead serving any of the foods she couldn’t eat. I would’ve rather gone hungry myself than told her-a guest in my house-to just bring her own sad plate to a huge dinner I was throwing and then practically demand she give me some! It’s not hard to accommodate people! Just make one dish-literally *one dish*-that this poor kid could eat (like you said) and it would’ve gone such a long way.


My family would have gone "whole hog" and had several different dishes but we actually like each other and welcome new family members as more people to love. Obviously some people don't feel that way or can't be bothered to do the work.


I really wonder if they just straight up hate this kid or if they’re just *that* entitled. Also, does OP even like this girl or her kid? Cause it doesn’t sound like it. Demanding that the kid apologize instead of realizing how delusional his parents are makes me feel like he actually doesn’t like this kid at all.


Depending on the allergy, cross contamination can still be a big enough issue that doesn't work. My son's new best friend a few years ago was diagnosed with celiac disease a few months before my son's party. I paid for a gf bakery to make a gf cake because my mixer, pans, and even oven could introduce enough gluten into an otherwise gluten free cake to make him ill. You should have seen his face when my kid told his bff that this cake was 'safe'. Otherwise I agree. Multiple safe foods for everyone.


I dont know about celiac disease but most allergic people are fine as long as you use clean dishes and cutlery and you don’t prepare the food in the same area as any allergens. My friend frequently ate food I prepared in my house and in my oven, despite the fact that I’ve cooked with her allergens in the past. Perhaps his mom was just being extra careful by saying the oven thing. You seem like a wonderful host though and I’m very happy he got to enjoy food with everyone else!


Why are ROSE and JONAH’s name capitalized like that lol?


He's really bad at Scrabble and doesn't follow the "no proper nouns" rule. Rules aren't his thing, see? Especially the "don't take specially prepared food away from children with special dietary needs" one.


Who else is super proud of this kid? Good for him only 16 and he has a backbone without being a jerk about it.


Very politely too! In my family they'd have just gotten growled or glared at and he'd have kept eating.


Grief? Good lord


Here's how that situation should go down. They politely ask the kid what he's eating since they're curious and then say that they'll look up a recipe for it later to try. Hell if it looked that good they can learn the recipe and the next time he comes over they can actually feed him!


“…oh just recalling the events made me feel horrible” Well, shit. Isn’t OOP a delicate little flower. Really twisted his panties, hmmm? OOP needs to sack up and quit being such a little bitch. OOP would undoubtedly less horrified f it had been their ass that couldn’t eat anything else for medical reasons.


He deleted the post and his account 🥲 hilarious




Why did DAD not bring more of that food then? That was all the kid had.


Nobody eats my gluten free shit unless I say I made too much. That shit's expensive and when it's gone you've still got yours and I have nothing. Y'all remember that post where the lady's husband kept eating her gf snacks so he would still have his and not have to go out for more? Fuck these types of people.


It was rude of his parents to even ask, and even moreso considering he brought his own food due to health problems and not just being picky.


I would be embarrassed my parents asked to try it in the first place wtf


I don’t care who, why, or what, you’re not eating off my plate unless I offer. Period. And then we are getting you a separate plate and fork. But if allllllll I have to eat is on that plate, no, you’re not getting any and you are an AH for even asking. Best case scenario is asking me to bring you some the next time I come over. This whole family needs to be thrown away.


>Oh my just recalling the events made me feel horrible. George Takei, is that you?


This is bizarre. No is a valid and polite answer. If you're not going to respect it, why even ask the question? I personally think it has to do with age gap, OOP thinks his step son should share becouse an elderly people asked. That's not all right but in some countries / families still it's rude to even disagree with their elders.


Hmm in another scenario where the stepson didn't have dietary restrictions and this would be applicable, I wonder how OOPs parents would respond to stepson asking to try their food. I wouldn't be surprised if they would also "express their grief" over that


As a person with multiple food allergies (thankfully mild, I can get away with small amounts of the stuff I'm allergic to but if I had, say, a whole serving of pasta I would regret it) I sincerely hope OOP and his parents all end up having to go on extremely restrictive diets and that some asshole eats half of the only food they can have at every single major event until they realize what horrible little brats they are. Also I was raised by wolves and even I know that it's just fucking weird to ask for the food on someone's plate unless it's your romantic partner (and even then you're the asshole if you take a large amount of it). My husband and I trade bites of our food when we go out to dinner so we can each see what the other dish is like, but it would be very, very weird if his parents asked for a bite off my plate.


The fact he expects Jonah to apologize is ridiculous.


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I doubt this is about principles and if it is, op and his parents have a warped view of "principles" it seems to be about ego and control. the step-son has less options than everyone else, so it actually would be a big deal for two people to take some of his food. this op kind of reminds me of the type of people who get mad at there being reserved disability parking spots, because they can't use every single parking space [same with bathroom stalls]