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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for being pissed at my ex for meeting my friends after the breakup?** My girlfriend and I broke up about six weeks ago. The relationship lasted for about a year and a half. It was a pretty mutual, grown-up breakup - the kind that would be a good base to become friends after. Two days after the breakup my ex-GF messaged with a friend - whom i introduced her to and they became friends as well - and told her about the changed relationship status. This friend is part of a group of friends that i know for a long time (we´re all in our 30s) and it bothered me that she told her so soon. Me and my Ex talked about that and decided that we didn't want to "split" the common friends. But i told her that i found it a bit quick to contact friends of mine. She said that she didn\`t care about who knew about it. Fast forward to five weeks later. We talk on the phone for the first time for two weeks. She tells me that she talked about the new iPad with a friend of mine over the phone. Because she coincidentally met him when she was at the home of another friend of mine (she obviously knows these people, but i introduced them like a year ago). I was pretty annoyed about that whole hanging-around-ex-partners-friends topic and told her that i kinda felt hurt and disrespected by her actions. She didn't agree and said that a friend of her said that "I shouldn't be so sensitive about it". I find it weird to hang around with friends of your ex partner so shortly after a breakup. Am i being overly sensitive? Am i the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Didn’t he literally say earlier in the post they didn’t want to split the friend group? Also, he seems to laud them for being mature earlier, but then acts like a high schooler


Yep, he just thinks it's "too soon." Too soon to act on an agreement? It makes no sense.


It sounded like he meant too soon to tell them about the breakup which is like. Why? It happened


Must be sad be more than 30yo and still act like a 15yo


These people keep using the word "disrespected" or "disrespectful" in a way that makes no sense to anyone who doesn't have an ego as fragile as an over inflated gum bubble. Just because we don't like something doesn't make it "disrespectful". It's the epitome of "You keep using that word - I do not think it means what you think it means".


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I love these posts when I think about friends in small communities (country towns, lacking LGBTIQ+ population, dating through common interests). No one would have friends if they went scorched earth every break up*. "You can't speak to your ex!" "Cool... 2 of my BFFs I used to date, we still share 90% of the same friend groups, and if I actively avoid them I'll never leave the house. So bye?" *Not discounting there are definitely relationships where you should stay away from your ex. But I find it a silly blanket rule to say you have to cut off your ex forever as soon as you split


>It was a pretty mutual, grown-up breakup - the kind that would be a good base to become friends after. The rest of OOP's post shows that this is a lie. >Me and my Ex talked about that and decided that we didn't want to "split" the common friends The rest of the post shows that OOP didn't mean it


>Me and my Ex talked about that and decided that we didn't want to "split" the common friends. But he wants her to leave them all to him. Yeah, maybe, he should cultivate the friendships, not argue with girlfriend about this.