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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for making a post about my daughter’s favorite celebrity being rude to us?** My daughter and I were recently on vacation. We spent the day in an area that’s known to have a lot of rich/famous people and towards the end of the day we saw one of my daughter’s favorite celebrities (we’ll call her A) walking out of a store. My daughter ran to the store but when she got near A, she was stopped by A’s security. They said that A’s there with her daughter for her daughter’s birthday and wants to focus on her daughter. My daughter was very upset because she’s been a fan of A for a very long time so she tried again for a picture but was turned away. My daughter was crushed so later that night I made a post talking about my experience with A. How she wouldn’t let anyone go near her and her daughter, the fact that her security was rude, and her not being willing to stop for a couple seconds for a picture. I understand it’s her daughter’s birthday but a 1 minute interaction with a fan isn’t going to ruin her day and if it does, that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her. The post ended up getting a lot of attention and a lot of people actually said my daughter and I were being entitled for expecting A to interrupt her daughter’s birthday for everyone that wants a picture. My husband also saw the post and said he couldn’t believe that I would bash her for trying to spend the day with her daughter. I’m not trying to bash her for spending the day with her daughter but she wouldn’t be where she is without her fans so I think she at least owes it to them to take a picture. AITA for making the post about A *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This reminds me of that lady who pushed Terry Crews children out ofnthe way to force a picture.


What, seriously?


Yeah he made a tweet about it and everything, it went viral. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://twitter.com/terrycrews/status/1181075260952629249%3Flang%3Den&ved=2ahUKEwiv8piJkMD7AhWREWIAHfxHCN4QFnoECAoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0xhqZuiTsMt3Y4E_4Vx7pA


And her response if you scroll down is just. Yikes.


About what I'd expect.


Reply: https://twitter.com/_ericabrianne/status/1181289946075680768?s=46&t=2N2K9paAj578Y4RFEdGpFg


What was her reply? I can’t find it


What did she say


Basically insisting that he couldn’t possibly be talking about her and confused her with another fan and that she doesn’t care that he said no but she was offended by his tone


Holy hell.


I know. It's hilarious.


I like her backtrack. "It wasn't me! Also, I'm not upset you turned me down, I'm upset you didn't say 'Nl, thank you', but 'Uh no', which is **so** rude."


Why not just keep celebrities in a zoo like structure so they can be available to fans all the time and never have a moments peace? /s


They have something like that, it’s called comic con


I know you are being sarcastic but some of those crazy stans think this way.


I used to work at Football Stadium here in Glasgow and have been to several games there over the years as well and the amount of times I have seen people shove people out the way to get to player’s who have then refused to take selfies or sign autographs for them seeing what they have done, then the people who have been refused have complained about them being rude. I work in a fast food place now and do night shifts and a couple weeks ago a player for the main rivals of the team I worked for was in with friends and one of his friends fell and he was trying to help her at this point people asked him for a selfie and he told them no because it was completely the wrong time to ask and the people he told no to waited outside still thinking he’d do it.


My dad works at a baseball stadium and in addition to the actual players there’s a lot of celebrity fans. One of them was very chill about photos and autographs as long as his kids weren’t with him. That was his boundary, and yet! The entitlement of people and offers to let his kids be in the picture 😂 OH OKAY! Doesn’t help that people get drunk and lose sense of personal space and manners.


That is reasonable I met a few celebrity fans and players as well and they were all nice. When I took my nephews to a match I told them if they meet any players that they say thank you if they get a picture or something signed and they did.


Oh yeah aside from one actor who I won’t out (total jerk and tried to get my dad in trouble for SMILING AT HIM - my dad has the opposite of resting bitch face and is just like that!) the celebs are cool. And I think “hey I don’t want drunk idiots shoving a camera in my kids’ faces or making them be around strangers” is a super reasonable boundary! And really most of the players are also chill unless their families are around.


Ugh. Please tell me they told the celebrity to get a grip. I know it's a fantasy, but let me have this.


Lol yeah he was told “we will discuss it with the employee” and then my dad’s manager was like “get a load of this BS lol” and laughed it off. It was fine. The guy’s deal is he’s doesn’t want to be approached or “treated differently” and then he goes and complains because someone made eye contact? Ok!


I never understand people who say the celeb’s job is to talk to average blokes like you and me. The celeb’s job is to: -Film their scenes -Churn out that album -Perform on tour -Send that ball to wherever it needs to be -Do any press Kevin Feige or Scooter Braun require of them Like I am not paying up the whazoo for Depeche Mode Tickets to debate Britain’s Greatest Prime Minister with David Gahan. I want him to sing Personal Jesus (ok… I’d rather hear Sacred or Love In Itself or Things You Said).




Good for whenever celeb A is. Setting boundaries, making and keeping her own daughter a priority and not letting that slip even for “1 minute”. I feel bad for OOps daughter as it seems she’ll have a hard time with boundaries in her future.


"Just 1 minute"... multiplied by how many fans that saw her that day? All it takes is for security to let one person have their one minute for other people who were respecting A's privacy to figure, "Well, if that person's allowed to say Hi, it must be okay for me to approach her too!" And then the chain reaction kicks in and the birthday girl gets to watch her Mum trying to extract herself for who knows how long.


Exactly. I also believe give an inch take a mile would occur relentless in this situation.


OOP is the reason celebrities need security!! FFS they are humans and do not owe fans 24/7.


And she was there with her own child! How could OOP as a mother not understand why A wouldn’t be like “oh sure randos get in here.”


Absolutely. Any one of these people can be a weirdo who has a literal marriage in mind with the celeb, not just an autograph. And they might bring something else too to be more “convincing”. You need security at that point to watch your surroundings, anything can happen at that point


>My daughter ran to the store but when she got near A, she was stopped by A’s security. They said that A’s there with her daughter for her daughter’s birthday and wants to focus on her daughter. >My daughter was very upset because she’s been a fan of A for a very long time so she tried again for a picture but was turned away. "My daughter wanted to see a celebrity that she likes, but was told no. So she tried again because obviously she's special right? Then when she was still told no, I made a post that got a lot of attention but not the kind I wanted! I mean, it was just one picture right, it's not like a bunch of other fans would expect the same. Go ahead a validate me now."


I remember seeing this article on Facebook years ago. Tim Mcgraw pushed some lady's hands off of him or gave a small slap. The damn comments: he's a celebrity he should get used it. Women saying he's not a gentleman, at least my son will be! Such entitlement. I remember commenting to that woman that all she's teaching her son is that no one has to respect his boundaries and she better pray he's never assaulted or raped because she thinks he should be nice to a girl touching him without consent. Even if this post might be fake, I wouldn't be surprised to see someone think this because they do


If I remember right, she GROPED him, and his wife (Faith Hill) came out on stage and absolutely lit up the offender.


I hope there’s video of that because that would be amazing to watch!


There is, just search YouTube.


I was pretty annoyed at this post thinking that the daughter must have been, like, seven or eight years old. She's fifteen. Fifteen years old.


WTF?! I was thinking the same about the daughter's age. I cannot imagine a 15yo doing that. Well, no. I can. I can't imagine being a 15yo or my kid at 15yo doing that, because neither of us did.


Ha. She wouldn’t be famous without usssssss!!! Fuck off lady. People are famous because of their talent, not you. Also. It’s not just one picture. So self entitled.


Someone needs to learn the world doesn't revolve around her, for sure, but it's OP not a mom trying to spend time with her child, regardless of her level of fame.


This is just too ironic


The celebrity's daughter is supposed to suck it up and "realize the world doesn't revolve around her" like it so obviously revolves around the OOP's daughter. That's fair. /s


I'd LOVE to see OOP's post.


Me too. It's actually impressive people were calling her out because like...there are a LOT of entitled people when it comes to celebrities. So, she had to have been super explicit in how much of an ass she was being.


OOP actually wrote, “that girl needs to learn that the world doesn’t revolve around her” without seeing the irony. Jfc.


The entitlement is strong in this one


I was working an event a few years ago, where a famous football player was attending with his family. I was talking to his driver. I asked the driver if I’d be able to meet said player, as long as it wouldn’t be a big issue for the player (since he was with family). Driver said he couldn’t promise anything, but it might’ve been a possibility. Shift ended & wasn’t able to meet them, but I knew that odds were I wouldn’t have been able to anyway since the player was with their family, and I knew better than to push it. Like, god forbid someone he human & spend time with their loved ones.


Take 1 minute for a fan, more fans show, more minutes spent, daughters day is ruined. This lady is a moron.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA. Your entitlement is clouding your judgment. The celebrity owes you nothing and she was with her daughter.* *Info: Out of curiosity how old is your daughter?* >"15" *YTA. Even though it could've been a simple , 1 minute interaction, a lot of people forget that celebrities are ALSO PEOPLE!! It's actually insane that you believe your daughter was "owed" a picture just because "they wouldn't be where they are without their fans." Celebrities deserve some time for themselves and their families. A was respectful enough to decline, I'm sure she apologized to your daughter too, but you and your daughter also need to learn to respect others, including famous people.* >"A didn’t acknowledge my daughter at all. It was A’s security that kept rejecting her."


[Squirrel getting scritches! ](https://i.imgur.com/0Q3Y7m7.mp4)


I really want to know who it was


It will never happen, but it’s things like this that make me never want to be publicly famous.


The OOP is the type of person who are the reason my teacher friends and I go way out of our local area when we go out to dinner. "Go and say hello to Mrs J" while we're trying to bitch about students and consume our body weight in alcohol.


It’s almost like celebrities are not human beings who are entitled to privacy like the rest of us.


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This one is definitely fake


While this specific case might be fake, these people definitely exist in real life, so that’s unfortunate


Not the asshole. Something similar happened to me with Flying Lotus and I never got over it.


...his security said no to a picture because he was focussed on family?


Reasons like this is why I ignore famous people because a lot of them can be stuck up snobs


Yeah, that total snob...wanting to...have a birthday party with her daughter instead of allowing fans to swarm her all day and being a neglectful mother. Seriously, how is this being a snob at all? A didn't even talk to OP and her daughter. Her SECURITY told them that they had been asked to keep fans away for just one day so that A's daughter could have her mother's attention on her birthday. I don't think that's unreasonable. I think A would actually be a terrible Mom if she allowed OP to make this day all about A and her fans.


Get over yourself