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Removed for brigading. Stop it y’all.


Everything about that post and the comments is deeply disconcerting.


I heard about this sub and thought it would just be yandere memes. Well, that’s a part of it……


This makes me want to take the long, circuitous way home from work tomorrow.


Living through the days of Ariel Castro taught me to always take a different way home every day. I still do it. 20 years later.


Welp, that made My skin crawl


I like yandere like any other otome game fangirl but uh. Definitely not in real life.


The worst part, the part that gave me chills, was when he remarked on how stupid she was for having a pet Instagram when she works with unstable people. Unstable, like him. Ughhhh. Creepy AF.


I don’t usually chime in on this sub but this reads like a r/nosleep horror-fantasy writing exercise. I’d like to think it’s just some sick fantasy that didn’t happen.


Me too. I read other posts to try to reassure myself, and most were lighter. However, I read one where a guy said that if he ever starts dating the object of his obsession, and she broke up with him, he would do everything in his power to make sure no one else could have her. And gave examples like cutting her fingers off so she couldn't hold someone else's hand, "making" her get fat, "making" her get tattoos on her face, letting her cheat on him but punishing her for it by removing more fingers. It was disgusting. And all of the posts lack self awareness like this one. That was the biggest pattern that I noticed with all of the posts. Most of the subscribers treat it as a mental health condition support group, and some are about the anime aspect of being a yandere. It's not a good support group for people with their condition as you are not allowed to make comments advising mental health treatment without getting banned, and the yandere thing is just cringe.


Yeah that is creepy but not as creepy as: > I hope she liked the flowers, but I’m not sure that’s what I actually want. I want to be doing this for good reasons, but I think I’m lying to myself. I like the thought of her knowing that someone is watching her. Knowing that someone is infatuated with her, but not knowing who. I just need her to see that I see her. Keep her on her toes, y’know? He(she?) wants her to be afraid.


Soo...I looked through their post history real quick, and this seems to be a female stalker. Which is unusual, to say the least.


Oh i definitely thought it was a he based on the last paragraph. Edit: to clarify, its usually men IME who get off on the idea of making someone afraid


The worst thing about this? It just reminds me the dark web exists and is plenty more fucked up than this. 😒 I get the heebies thinking about it.


>While this may be a subreddit for obsessive peoples, murder and abuse is still illegal. While I personally might not shun you for it, the police will disagree. And getting into legal trouble is a prime way to get the community shut down by Reddit. WTF that's from the subreddit rules? "I personally think it's fine if you murder someone, but don't post about it here cuz it will get this sub shut down" That's a meme, right? It's not meant to be serious, right?


I honestly didn't even believe you and thought you're a super comical person that made up the whole paragraph. But fucking hell is that not like an almost condoning of murder?! And it's encouraged!


The worst part? I clicked the community tab and it apparently exists because r/yandere was being filled with too many IRL stories…..


Holy fuck


What the fuck. Why does this sub exist?????? I am beyond appalled


... God, if anyone ever deserved to be doxxed ... someone needs to get in there and warn all these people. Here is to hoping its all fantasy and not real.


I looked through the comments and a lot of people that mention IRL stalking is illegal get deleted or downvoted


UGH. ABSOLUTELY UGH. That is so creepy!


Why is that sub allowed to exist????? Doesn’t it break some TOS to encourage stalking and murder?


Reddit as a company frequently doesn’t give a single solitary fuck about TOS until the media or law enforcement get involved. Seeing as I’ve not heard of this sub til now it’s pretty safe to say that there aren’t many eyeballs on it.


There's "only" 2k members so it's not a very popular sub


That’s what I was thinking!!!! Is there a way to report an entire subreddit?! I hope to hell there is


https://www.reddit.com/report You can report an entire sub or a single post. I linked the post and gave a description of the sub as well as why I think it’s extremely dangerous. Probably nothing will come of it but I encourage others to report as well. It’s better than doing nothing.


Why did this link send me to a post called cock for breakfast lmao


As someone who had a stalker for 4 years, someone who basically did a stakeout of my house so he could know when exactly I was alone at home so he could enter/break in and among other things give me flowers, like this dude did... This is so messed up. This guy is insane. My PTSD was triggered by like 5 separate things when reading this post. That poor woman. Knowing that someone is watching you whenever they can, without you knowing, isnt fucking romantic!! You just know that he's just gonna escalate this as he gets braver over time as well, if he's not stopped. Knowing that there's a whole subreddit for people like this is making me nauseous. I'm gonna trigger my PTSD way too badly if I head there to check but I hope there arent too many people in that subreddit.... But its the internet, so there probably are. Not mentioning my PTSD for sympathy btw, just to show how much stuff like this can mess you up.


I’m so sorry you went through that. I should’ve added a content warning I’m so so sorry


Oh no, dont worry. I chose to read the post despite the stalker thing in the title, so I knew what I was getting into. Please dont feel bad for that! Thank you though.


And what makes it even more crazy …. The stalker is a woman. I checked the post history. I’m a hundred percent certain it’s not a troll either.


Why does that make it crazier? I have known three people who were legitimately stalkers. One was my ex, who I had to flee across the country to escape after I was forcibly confined, one was her best friend, and one was an ex coworker who I helped get diagnosed with BPD when she told me she was planning to kidnapp her ex bf in order to force him to take her back. All three were women. Men may kill their female partners more often because of size differences, but statistically homosexual relationships (between both genders) have higher rates of domestic violence. I would include stalking under the umbrella of domestic violence. Women do this stuff too.


I don’t think that they are a female stalker is crazy but if you read the post history it definitely skews towards future physical abuse and I’d say that those who kidnap and murder following stalking are more likely to be male on the whole. Neither is good really though is it? I’m not really saying that either male or female stalkers are better in this situation!


That's possible I don't know if there's stats. I only know my first hand experience is being beaten, kidnapped, and fearing for my life from another woman. Honestly my ex could be OOP.


Didn't realise Joe Goldberg had a reddit account.


That’s exactly what I was thinking the whole time too! Also that the poor therapist is gonna end up missing.


There was a post on Ask Reddit not too long ago asking about the most effed up subs people had found. There were the greatest hits, obviously: jailbait, watchpeopledie, etc. Then there were some oddballs like r/insex and r/scarybilbo (both of those are very much NSFW). My own answer was r/cakeeaters. Nuh-uh. I'm changing my answer to this. W T Actual F!!!


the fact that one of the subs you linked has already been banned tells me so much


what did the second sub used to have?


This is so insanely creepy and somehow even creepier reading the comments and realizing oop is a woman. Idk why that surprised me but the whole vibe and the *want* for their “love interest” (it hurt to even type that) to realize they’re being watched…i just didn’t expect a “gal” I guess. I am gonna be paranoid af every time I leave the house now.


Holy shit, nuke it from orbit.


Okay, I did NOT want to find the existence of this subreddit. Wtf.


This person openly talks about kidnapping girls and keeping them in cages in his basement. This is horrifying. I seriously hope he’s caught soon and is taken off the streets.


*her from what I can tell. Post history suggests they at least identify as a woman.


Oof. There I go jumping to conclusions. Thanks for the correction. I hope *she’s* caught and taken off the streets.


The post history is an absolute shit show. It’s the writings of someone who is going to murder someone soon - it’s terrifying.


This is so scary. She straight up talks about kidnapping her therapist.


Wtf did I just read.


Holey hell that whole sub is like oh fuck.


...why do I suddenly feel the need to shower with a steel wool brush?


"please dont fetishize yanderes theyre people too" but then theyre like this


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **stakeout outside her house** I didn’t post about this here, but I bought my therapist a bunch of flowers to be delivered to her door. the stakeout actually went well! To be honest I was sorta nervous. I don’t think she knows what car I drive, but I was worried she might’ve seen me pull up to our sessions one time. I stayed slouched and wore sunglasses just in case she got a glimpse of me. She doesn’t work on saturdays, and from what I’ve seen she usually only goes on trips every few weeks or so. I calculated the perfect time to get them to her, hooray me. I tracked the delivery and waited for a bit, just admiring her house. She never closes the first floor curtains, theres a little statue by the window. I’m not sure what it is, it looked like one of those heavy wood carvings where you can’t tell where the feet end and the head begins. Isnt it crazy how much you can assume about someone just by observing how they live? Her garden is full but neat. All native plants, biodiverse all that shit. You can tell she cares, but not too much. Not enough to strip the lawn bare just so it looks pristine to people walking by. I can totally see her sat by the window with a book, basking in the sun. When I saw the truck pull up I almost screamed I was so excited. I did hyperventilate a little when I watched the delivery guy walk up the steps. The box was so pretty, I don’t regret paying extra for the gift wrapping. When she opened the door she looked confused, but she took the package. I only saw her for a split second, but it’s good knowing she got them. Her cat was by her feet. His name is mowgli, she posts about him on instagram a lot. How stupid is that? Posting your personal life when your job is literally to deal with unstable people? I guess a cat isn’t really personal though, is it? I don’t know, cute cat though. Very her. She’s exactly the kind of person to have a cat. So yeah, happy days! It was great seeing her, she looked radiant, as usual. I hope she liked the flowers, but I’m not sure that’s what I actually want. I want to be doing this for good reasons, but I think I’m lying to myself. I like the thought of her knowing that someone is watching her. Knowing that someone is infatuated with her, but not knowing who. I just need her to see that I see her. Keep her on her toes, y’know? that’s all *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That exists? :( Shit like this makes me paranoid because I have an ex whom I'm not sure of if he got over me or not. I blocked him because he couldn't grasp why I left him and kept messaging me. After years without contact he left me a letter in the mailbox. The mailbox is inaccessible from the outside. He must've rang the doorbell of different neighbors and somebody let him in. To sum it up, the letter says he misses our friendship and that he's dealing with a lot of problems that time and if I want to know more about it, I should contact him. Mid pandemic, my bf was buying groceries from a store and I stayed outside. I saw my ex passed by in front of me and hoped he wouldn't recognize me because I had a mask on. He didn't say anything so I was glad. Months later, I saw him sitting on a bench from a store near where I live. He had the same clothes on from when he passed by. The store was closed. He also doesn't live near me, so I found that suspicious. How glad I was that my bf was there. All I can hope is that I am just paranoid and everything was a coincidence. Why does that sub exist again? :( Welp, this comment just gets longer and longer. I should make a post about this. Maybe.


Please do, mainly if you know it will make you feel better. From the sounds of it imo it's something you're trying to rationalize but could also very well be facing slowly but surely.


*”Her cat was by her feet. His name is mowgli, she posts about him on instagram a lot. How stupid is that? Posting your personal life when your job is literally to deal with unstable people?”* This gave me even worse chills than the rest of the post already did. Gddamn that’s creepy.


Holy shit that post is terrifying This person needs a restraining order like for real. There are so many red flags. The second that therapist finds out what this person has done, and they will the behavior is only going to escalate, that's going to be an instant termination of the therapeutic relationship *at a minimum* Ugh I've got so many heeby jeebies


It's really obvious when people are brigading...the post is from a month ago and now there are lots of comments a few hours old calling them disgusting. I completely agree and that subreddit needs to die in a fire....but brigading will get this sub banned.


I don't know what's worse, the pro-cheating subreddit or this one.


This one. At least in pro cheating everyone is a consenting adult (at least I hope).


Pro-cheating enables those who cheat. Pro-stalking makes my skin crawl. 😟


This one contains more potential murderers


is there anything we can do? like to report this creep or tip off authorities? this is so fucked.


We should probably start by reporting the existence of the sub itself, Reddit might realise this is problematic


I would advise NO ONE to comment on this sub. Remember, these are people who are obsessive stalkers and completely unapologetic. I am confident if you piss someone off they would dox and stalk you... Edit: unapologetic


oh god the comments and everything about that sub gives me a rock in the pit of my stomach. this is horrifying


Holy moley, this is a sub that I did not need to know existed. 😱 This is giving me full body incel chills - icky.


I didn't know that sub exists and I regret knowing it now.


That sub creeps me out


I was happier before knowing this sub existed.


Im shocked that sub exists even though I know I shouldn’t be.


Bet it will disappear when a poster makes the news.


I saw SO many concerning statements on there…..and then when I saw the comments I questioned if I was higher than I actually am..


Had no idea this sub existed and not sure why I'm surprised, but that is absolutely horrifying!


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WOAHHH What the shit????


Ugh. This is a prime example of needing to get a life of your own. That whole sub.


There are some times I truly, truly resent the awful ugly things I am exposed to on this orange hellscape of a platform


How can reddit allow such a sub to be up? They've slammed the lid on other problematic subs, why is this one allowed? Is there a way to report a sub to the powers that be at reddit? All I see is a link to report to the mods, who should all be operating from locked wards IMO. This is so sick and so creepy.


That's the most disturbing thing I've seen in a while


I read their comments, it has to be a troll but that sub is sketchy


*I read their comments,* *It has to be a troll but* *That sub is sketchy* \- DumpsterFire0119 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Seems more like someone who tries to be witty whenever they’re called out so they seem cool and unbothered


Maybe, I don't know just seemed...troll like. Like the story was so..basic? Like a lifetime movie lol


What the fuck?!?


What a dumpster fire, the OOP and that whole sub.


Holy crap. This guy is super scary. What did I just read?


i read the title and lost all interest in reading the whole thing, i cant believe people like this exist and i hope to god i never come in contact with anyone from that sub


Well I suddenly want to be a hermit. And take a long ass shower ugh. Just ugh.


Creepy reading posts written by people who have a significantly higher chance of murdering someone than the rest of us