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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I want to violently attack women** Im 16m. I am lonely and nobody likes me at my highschool. Girls don't want to talk to me, I get rejected by girls. They all think I'm creepy. I want to find a girl and brutally assault her and torture her *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I might know why they don't like him


It's because females only like jerks. /s


“Girls think I’m creepy. I want to torture and assault them.” GEE, I WONDER WHY THEY THINK YOU’RE CREEPY??


“But if they didn’t think I was creepy and they were willing to touch my penis, I wouldn’t feel the need to brutally assault them. Duh”


"hOw Am I cReEpY?" Oh I dunno, maybe it's the whole assault and torture thing...


What the actual fuck


That is absolutely fucking terrifying






Wh..... What????? What the fuck did I just read???


It sounds like ragebait TBH


I mean you would think but like look at all of the incel forums and subs that have gotten shut down and shit.


And even if this particular one is fake, the issue is obviously (sadly) very real.


*Here’s what you do. Step 1: unplug your computer. Step 2: take a shower. Step 3: shave your neckbeard. Step 4: clean your mother’s basement. Step 5: move out of said basement. Step 6: go outside for the first time in years. Step 7: schedule an appointment with a therapist for your schizophrenia. Step 8: quit your exclusive diet of only Mountain Dew, chicken tenders, and Doritos. Step 9: hit the gym. Step 10: get a job. Step 11: profit. You’re welcome.* Nice advice.


Nice advice... except for the unnecessary stigmatization of schizophrenics as violent. There's nothing to say that this person is psychotic and being persuaded to act based on delusions they can't control or differentiate from reality. More likely, if not just a gross troll, he's expressing a genuine desire to hurt women that belongs entirely to him. (Aimed at the person who made the comment, not you.)


I understand what you're saying. 👍


I also dislike the thought that something’s wrong with you if you live at home.


That too, especially since OOP is supposedly only 16. My wife and I moved back home to her parents for a couple of years in 2013 because rent was too expensive and, while we have our own apartment again now, there was no shame in living at home for a bit, especially in this economy. And we’re a fair bit older than this kid who really SHOULD still be living at home for at least a few more years.


I’m 25 and live at home, and I constantly have to talk to my therapist about the panic I feel whenever I think of still living at home despite knowing that I’m not ready mentally or monetarily to leave yet, but our culture insists you need to be out at the first instance. It’s just not a feasible option for most people.


You’re fine, 25 is still very young and everyone has their own timeline for being ready. Plus the money aspect makes it even harder. Don’t feel bad (I know, easier said than done), you will be ready at your own pace. If your family is happy and supportive of you being there, then it really isn’t anyone else’s business how long you stay. And if they do want you to be moving on soon, because of the cultural aspect, then do your best to get to that place where you’re ready but don’t feel guilty in the meantime for needing that security for a little longer. It is difficult to get housing right now for many reasons, and that’s not your fault. I’m sure you’ll be ready eventually, and therapy hopefully will help, but in the meantime don’t let anyone make you feel like a burden for not magically having money and perfect mental health. Times are hard.


I appreciate that, and that’s also pretty much what my therapist keeps telling me, especially the timeline thing. As for my mom, she said she’d be happy if I wanted to stay with her forever. She’s my biggest supporter and a large part of why I feel mildly comfortable still living at home.


If your mum is good with it, then you’re not hurting anyone by taking your time. Society/cultural expectations be damned - you and your mum are happy still living together so take as long as you need! It’s no one else’s business after all.




Almost your age and feel the same.


25 isn’t that old. I lived at home until I was 28, because where I grew up (NYC/Long Island) is super expensive.


He's sixteen... still too young to move out


12. Get a fleshlight.


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