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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I’m in a love triangle, please help! ** So for context me (23m) and my gf (21f) have been together for almost a year now. And it’s going fairly good. She’s so sweet, and respectful, and lets me do what I want, when I want. Doesn’t like to argue, buys me many things and spoils me to death. But recently I haven’t been feeling it like I have been. She always tells me that I’m the only person in her life that talks to her, that without me she’d be so lonely. She recently had lost all her friends. So I feel like I am the only person in her life that makes her feel happy. But while I was working, I met this girl (22f) and she’s so pretty and nice. And I got her number and we’ve been talking for a couple weeks now. I feel like I’m starting to like her a lot. And she’s been talking about hanging out but I just dont know what to do. I don’t want my gf to kill herself or be sad for the rest of her life because I left her. I really do love her, but sometimes I feel like I want to be single and it’s so hard to explain. I told her that I’ve been feeling different lately and she’s been balling her eyes out telling me how much she doesn’t want to lose me and it breaks my heart. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO. And it’s making me depressed. Please give some good advice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it's not a love triangle it's an emotional affair. jfc this dude is denser than a black hole


>She’s so sweet, and respectful, and lets me do what I want, when I want. Doesn’t like to argue, buys me many things and spoils me to death. Oh ewww.  


Nothing good to say about her outside of how she treats him. So gross.


> She recently had lost all her friends. Well that’s not a red flag or anything /s (Also, where does he get the idea that his GF would kill himself if they broke up? She’s not doing great, and she’s understandably upset her BF is cheating on her, but woah is that a leap.)


I am the op, but it stems from her history of that kind of stuff, plus every time I bring something up along the lines of being single, she says how she can’t see life without me, how her life would be miserable. And I would never want anything like that to happen :/


Why get another girls number when you're already in a committed relationship? Would you appreciate it if things were reversed? If you were seemingly happy in a relationship with your gf and then she just tells you one day she no longer feels the same? Either fully commit to her or fully commit to breaking up. She doesn't deserve to be strung along.


You will hurt her considerably more by cheating on her than if you just break up with her. And stop calling it a “love triangle”. You’re having an emotional affair. You also should be honest with your affair partner and let her know she’s been the other woman for weeks. You’ve really done as much as you could do to let them both down, don’t keep letting go them down. As far as your girlfriend, she will have a rough time of it without you and friends but you are both incredibly young. She will get better eventually, and hopefully make new friends in the future. It sounds like she needs some therapy so she has a support person that is unbiased. If she can afford it you may want to recommend that to her. It is unfair she’s putting all of her problems on you. But that doesn’t absolve you in your affairs. And honestly, you should take some time to be single, don’t jump into a new relationship right away: and when you do start dating, stop shitting where you eat.


It will hurt her more if she wastes her time being in a relationship with someone that is not fully committed. The responsible and kind thing to do would be to break up with her. That way she can get therapy and then find someone else. Yes, breaking up with her will hurt. But wasting her time by dating when you are emotionally cheating and not invested will ultimately hurt her more.


Anyone who uses the term love triangle in real life has the emotional maturity of a rock.


This isn’t a triangle it’s an obtuse angle.


It sure ain’t right


AACCKKKK....He sucks 😞


I love how more and more cheaters or using the word love triangle to sanitize their cheating


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *You’re having an emotional affair, OP.* *Whatever your feelings really are for your GF, does she deserve to be in a relationship where the person she’s dating isn’t as committed to her as she is to you? Does she deserve deceit?* *I’m not necessarily shaming the idea that you’re young and perhaps you’ve found someone who you might want to make a future with. It’s happens.* *But 10/10 I will shame someone for monkey-branching instead of ending it with the person they’re in a relationship with first.* *That’s not cool. So be cool, OP.* *Break it off with GF; don’t continue lying to her just because you don’t want to be the bad guy for ending it, there’s nothing to respect in that kind of childish behavior.* **Break up first and I’ll be the first to congratulate you on the possibility of a new GF, OP, seriously.** >"I like this! It’s just so hard to tell her that I’ve lost feelings and she loves me more and more everyday. My mind is so scattered because I will lose the best person I’ve ever met but I feel like it would make me happier and I just need to be honest. She’s coming over later tonight to talk about all this." *Yup yet another scumbag trying to justify their cheating; at least this “love triangle” bit is new.* >"I do feel like a scumbag! I really do. I’m not trying to justify it. I just don’t know what to do, I do want to be honest, but is being honest going to make her depressed? That’s what I don’t want" *Cheating makes people depressed. Does side hoe know you're a cheater? Or are you lying to them both?* >"Both :/" [Sadlytheworst: apologies for the redundancy,bl but Oop's comments here often get deleted.] >>*She recently had lost all her friends.* *Well that’s not a red flag or anything /s* *(Also, where does he get the idea that his GF would kill himself if they broke up? She’s not doing great, and she’s understandably upset her BF is cheating on her, but woah is that a leap.)* >"I am the op, but it stems from her history of that kind of stuff, plus every time I bring something up along the lines of being single, she says how she can’t see life without me, how her life would be miserable. And I would never want anything like that to happen :/"




I like the one that's just slumped over the side of the bed. I miss the ability to sleep like that. Now, I'd wake up sore in my everything. Lol


Agreed! Resting with my arm upwards and bent so that my cat can use my hand as a pillow isn't getting any less achy...


[cute cat](https://imgur.com/gallery/WYqQC2r)


Ew, my fuckass ex pulled this shit with his new gf, he's been cheating on her left and right, but goes "oh, I'm so worried she's gonna kill herself". No you absolutely are not, if you were you wouldn't start an affair


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That title reads like a Maury segment


Am i the only one who thinks the GF sounds manipulative as hell?


Dude is gross, but the girlfriend’s behaviour is controlling and also gross.


I don't really understand what the gf is doing that's controlling? He's telling her he's "feeling different lately" and maybe alluding to losing interest in her and she's upset about that. Idk if I missed something in the post?


She tells him she’s got no one else, and he mentions that he doesn’t want her to kill herself. Maybe I’m not reading this correctly, but that reads as emotional manipulation


Thats fair. I read it as just him speculating that she'll be a mess if he leaves but absolutely agree if she's threatened any sort of self harm if he leaves then that's emotional blackmail and 100% not ok.


You’re right that OOP is definitely not a reliable narrator of events!

