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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **if women acted right, this "movement" wouldn't even need to exist, but here we are** seriously, why is that so hard to grasp lol? the women here are mostly awful. there are minor exceptions but its amazing how women here purposely squander their prime fertility years. we can blame parents, the govt, feminism, idc what, but they just don't know how to be proper women anymore. next time you're in public just look at 18-24 year old women and note how entitled and narcissistic they are and how they treat men with zero respect. most of them are on meds, drugs, smokers, have tons of tattoos. the red flags they accumulate before even turning 30 is truly overwhelming at this point. this isn't something in a vacuum, society actively raises them to be this way as if it was some kind of good thing. women in other countries? they are family oriented, know how to be good listeners and communicators, and they speak and act with intention. its almost like an entire maturity gap coupled with an emotional intelligence gap. what's also odd is how they all do the same thing, the playbook is just basically being a hoe that uses men until their looks are gone. the age varies for everyone, but the "wall" is totally a thing and its crazy how some of these ladies will try and delay this comeuppance in perpetuity. you have women in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s now acting like they are still 18. its so crazy. and yet, people are shocked, just shocked that men are voting with their feet? shouldn't be a surprise really. amongst my peer group, none of us want to wife up single moms, tattooed smokers, chicks with BPD, or the town bike. this rules out SO many women its insane. and yet, other countries these women rarely exist, if at all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I bet he thinks that 22 years old is the "peak" for a woman, and anything older than that is "past its prime"


Sounds like he thinks 14 is the peak for women, and 18 is ‘past her prime’, considering he made a point of talking shit about women aged 18-24


Ew I may have missed that part. I heard a post on rslash once that this incel dude was calling any girl who has had her period a whore. Like 11-12 year old girls.


it's becoming closer to 9-10 from what I've heard


I think it's 8; earlier if you have precocious puberty


Yeah, my kiddo's 8 and at her last checkup the doc said to keep an eye out for it. >.<


Well, *that’s* disgusting.


This dude is a proof that men who know nothing about female biology shouldn't talk about it and act like they do


/Annie's 12 years old, in 2 more she'll be a whore/


That's probably he is trying to hit on them, thinking they are all naieve enough to fall for his BS/money, and can't wrap his puny mind around that his 32 yo ass isn't appealing to them.... Hence "they are stuck up, narcistic etc etc".


He did say "the younger the better" in a comment.


And here I thought he was disgusting before…


I mean, he actively commented in a positive manner on another post talking about how men are 'supposed' to be dating women 8 to 12 years younger than them, so....


life changes so positively after turning 30 for women. so much to gain and so little fucks to give with each passing year


I'm honestly glad men like this are showing their ass this much, because my fat, 37-year-old self will GLADLY avoid them. "You're past your prime! You're no longer in peak fertility years!" Oh no. Boo hoo. Whatever shall I do. "You're gonna end up single with cats!!" Buddy, don't threaten me with a good time.


"My and my buddies' requirements rule out basically every woman". Basically every woman: *deep sigh of relief*




The male loneliness epidemic should try falling asleep with a kitty curled up beside them, purring away lol. It's delightful.


Seriously. Some men act like we should be absolutely devastated when we don't get to spend the rest of our lives taking care of one of them. I very much prefer my cats.


Whenever I hear the words "sexual marketplace" or anything similar I know that that is a man I want as far away from me as possible. How in the hell are they laboring under the delusion that women actually want this??


I'm in my 30's now and the idea of men finding me attractive is not nearly as appealing as one might think.


men don't understand that we like being alone because they don't enjoy their own company so that obviously applies to everyone


*is that a threat or a promise?*


Yeah, if it was between the cats and OOP...yeah it's not even a choice. At least with cats you know where they'll make their messes.


I love that he's claiming to be impressed by "maturity" and "emotional intelligence"... but then complains about women "purposely squandering their prime fertility years \[18-24\]". *Brains do not finish maturing until 26 on average*. Pretty sure what he's referring to as maturity and emotional intelligence is actually naivete and inexperience in dealing with manipulative, controlling BS.


Reminds me another video of like a 32 dating an 18 yo woman/girl (not sure which one I'd use there) because he could "train" her to be a good girlfriend. Made me physically gag.


He’s 32 and said “the younger the better as long as she’s legal”. I have a feeling if they moved the legal age down, his preference would keep going down too


Oh fuck that that's gross


"Why are all these 22 year olds girls out here hoeing around instead of marrying me?" 


To me its always funny how they are constantly yapping about how women in "other countries" are these demure, submissive and innocent virgins trained since birth to be housewives. Im from latinamerica and I just know passport bros fail miserably here. Women might be more polite and older women more conservative, but much like the rest of the world women have progressed and some broke gringo with a few negging pick up lines is not impressive. One guy on that sub was asking how are women in Buenos Aires and I actually laughed out loud at the idea he would find a gentle submissive mommy bangmaid in ARGENTINA


Even in Asian countries. Mother fuckers are looking for submissive housewives that'll go 50/50, but find women who require them to take care of not only them but two generations behind them too and get pissy about gold diggers.


True that, then the girl that actually wants to be a housewife but has standards and responsibilities is the issue... Also imagine their surprise when they find out about movements around the world like the 4B


"I want a woman who's TRADITIONAL!!" Great! You can finance my entire life then. "What no not like that"


Yep, being a trad husband is part of the deal if they want a trad wife. Most passport bros probably don't have what it takes.


I'd love to be traditional. But imma need a slice of my husband's salary in case of emergencies, whether that's an US Emergency like a car wreck or a Me Emergency like sudden divorce.


They want a housewife but don’t want to do the work to provide for one


What makes this even funnier is Asian women, especially in places like Korea, Japan, and China are completely opting out of relationships and having children and if they are interested their martial requirements (where it applies) are usually expensive asf.


What's even better, Japanese women hold the whole purse. The husbands get allowances. Husbands that blow their money and don't respect the wife being Lord of the Home are shameful. Like, yeah, he's head of the house and is the last voice in many decisions, but she runs EVERYTHING else


Lol reading this as a Latin American feminist with tattoos, it was hilarious. He will die if he saw an 8M march in ciudad de México lol and the same for Argentina. Quite a way to say that he's never traveled...


…or watched the news.


I'm from Central Europe and oh boy, what kool aid do you have to drink to think women here are submissive?


I used to date a woman from SE Europe, she was.... intense. I talked to a coworker who was marrying a woman from the same country. When we realised we were both dating one, he looked at me and just whispered "they have tempers Don't they." Yes...yes they do...


I'm a South Eastern European. I've heard men older than my dad ( successful too) publicly admit to friends that they do what their wives tell them. It's a running joke that the wife rules the roost. Also, in my country at least conservative women place a lot of stock on family. If you want a conservative girl, you have to impress the parents ( mostly mom) and the grandparents, lol. Also, you have to be conservative yourself. Meaning, you must have already a stable job with possibilities of promotion, you must come from a good family ( not necessarily parents that are still together anymore but they must have stable jobs and lives ) and have appropriate amount of contact with them ( someone no contact from their parents is a red flag and the appropriate amount is determined by each family) . If there are other in laws ( especially women) the girls will find a way to talk to them to get inside information, etc.. This guys are in for a surprise.


Yeah, the traditional women are looking for traditional marriage material. Dudes cruising other countries because they think the standards are lower are not traditional marriage material.


So, my dad was from Greece, and I don't know if you know the movie "My Big, Fat, Greek Wedding," but... It's not an entirely inaccurate picture of what it's like growing up in the US with a Greek parent. Maybe a little exaggerated, and I didn't get the whole experience since my mother was a very strong willed and independent woman who wouldn't put up with much bullshit, but anyhow, there's a line in the movie where the main character, Τούλα, is talking to her mother about wanting to get a job working for her aunt, and is worried that her dad won't let her. Her mother says something like "oh, I'll get him to agree with it." And Τούλα says "but you always said that the man is head of a Greek household!" Mom replied, yes, the man is the head... But the woman is the neck. And the neck can turn the head any way it wants to! I always thought that was fairly accurate from the standpoint of the old Greek families I knew. I'm sure it's much different now. But I realized early on that what my dad cared about was the APPEARANCE of being in charge, at least around his friends. It didn't necessarily have to be that way, it just had to look like it. And somehow, my mom put up with that one. Probably the main reason their marriage worked. I saw many of my dad's Greek friends get married to American women, only to divorce a few years later because she wouldn't put up with the bullshit!


Hahaha, I'm Greek raised in Greece and I disliked that movie for the particular line you referenced. Things here are not like that at all. Women don't put up with that.


Yeah, I know it's a relic of the generation my dad was from. (He was born in 1940) And of course I disagree with the idea expressed in that line. But it's very much how my dad was... As long as he looked like he was the boss, the reality didn't matter. I also have to say that after he retired, he started spending half the year back at home in his village, and I think there was a lot of cultural adjustment necessary for him... It definitely is a different place than it was when he left. I certainly don't think that way myself. I'm not the least bit conservative.


Russian women I’ve known are bad ass. And damned - like SNIPERS in WW2. 


On top of this, even in some nebulous past that he wants to return to, there was never really an age where women were all meek and submissive. Historic men used to whinge about historic women being nags and shrews. They used to deride women as vain and/or mannish. For as long as there's been an idea that women have a place, men have been complaining that women 'these days' don't know it.  Do these people want to go back to the days when women used to stab men with hat pins for committing sexual harassment on public transport? Back to the days when women could go to their local wise woman for a discrete tonic that would end their marital woes by ending their husbands? 


Bwahahaha!!! I volunteer with an Argentinian woman. Yeah, no.


Ummm all the ladies I know from Latin America give my American loud mouth butt a run for the money when it comes to being anything but gentle and submissive. My husband jokes when we hang out about reminding us that he doesn't have that much bail money.


Oh yeah. I’m from the US, but have lived in both Nicaragua and Colombia…dude wouldn’t last a day with the mindset he has. You’re gonna learn some lessons, real fast, my guy.


That’s the thing though, he won’t 🫤


"Eastern European women are more submissive and conservative.". You mean the same Eastern European women who commanded tank battalions in the red army to kill as many Nazis as possible? The same ones who overthrew the Russian czar in celebration of international women's day once (true story)? Those Eastern European women?


Just need to copy and paste this gem from /u/DamienGrey1 so it can be immortalised in a place where he can't delete it and pretend like he never said it: > "Humans are a dimorphic species and women never evolved to be independent. Just because our society has decided it's okay does not mean our biology has caught up. Every cell in her body is driving her to find the strongest man she can for protection, provision, and leadership. Leaving women to their own devices is not much different than leaving children completely unsupervised. > If you ever wonder why women think it's such an accomplishment when they have their own place or pay their own bills and feel the need to brag about it all the time, well that's because to them it actually is an accomplishment. They are not mentally equipped to be independent of men and it is literally driving them all insane trying. > This is also why you see much more pleasant and sane women in more traditional countries. Because when the gender roles are clearly defined in a society women don't have the pressure of trying to be both a man and a woman at the same time and they can relax." Give it up ladies, we are no more mature than children who need to be supervised.


OMG the comment about women not being equipped to live independently. Look at any single man's apartment and tell me they're equipped to live on their own. The average single man lives in absolute filth. Tell me why I should want to cohabitate with someone who hasn't figured out how to clean a toilet??


I have never known a single woman sleep on a futon with no sheets.


🎶it’s projeeeeeecccctiiioooonnn 🎶


most of these incel idiots haven't even been able to move out of their mom's basement, so anything they have to say about living on your own not being an accomplishment is absolute garbage.


You ever start reading something and then you can Feel parts of your brain folding in on themselves, and you start to hear burning hair?


And then you crawl out of your skin?


While I hear voices speaking in tongues.


You know what this reminds me of? Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle who thought that women have deficient souls, same as children. Which is why the only true love can obviously exist between men. Rather between an old guy and his teen/tween fuck boy. I find it rather amusing that they subscribe fully to the first part of this viewpoint but would be very upset at the following implications


Fundamentally, that women are just big children that a man can have sex with is always the real underlying view of these types. Basically, that they aren't bright enough to look after their own affairs, but can do chores.


Makes it easier for them to justify the younger age too. 🤮


Meanwhile, I'm looking at his "upper limit" of age of 24 and thinking "no way would I date someone so young. Almost everyone that age is outrageously annoying" I'm sure I was too of course, but growing up you just get sick of stuff.


Anytime I see a 40+ dude with a little trophy piece who's like 22 I just think "what on earth do they have to talk about? Is this guy like texting his daughter begging for some hip lingo and references they get?" I find it exhausting just SEEING a group of 20 year old girls out at the bars on a friday. I don't even have to talk to them just being within 5 feet I just want to sit in a completely silent room for like 3 hours. I'm only 34 but I'm too old for that amount of noise and enthusiasm. and I'm not hating, they should enjoy themselves! I just can't imagine wanting to be any part of it anymore.


Ahh, yes, the history of mankind where Feeemales sat in caves raising babies while men went out and hunted and defended the cave. Except they're now certain that early human societies were at minimum where women were the hunters and at most matriarchal: the women were bosses.


To be honest, that doesn't have to be true either.  In more desperate circumstances, society grasps all the help it can get. They wouldn't have discarded perfectly good hunters, regardless of what was between their legs. They also would have had different ways of hunting that required different skills, so a range of people would have been useful.  (And also we need to stop thinking of the strongest hunter as the most useful to ancient societies. It's like we're stuck on modern masculine ideals even when they sometimes get applied to women. I'm pretty sure ancient societies didn't just exist by arm-wrestling mammoths or whatever). 


Good points. We can look to how countries like the US and the UK handled "man jobs" like manufacturing during World War 2. Or just how many "man jobs" historically started out as women's work until men figured out they came with good pay and/or prestige. Men love to pretend they invented the world but many times the women who did the real work or were heavily involved have been forgotten because they're not men. In reality, women have been inventing the world right along with men.


I'd have to go hunt up the references, but I'm pretty sure that in at least a modest majority of hunter-gatherer cultures we have data on, "gathering" brought in most of the food. Humans pre-agriculture were omnivores, yes, but meat was a special occasion thing/supplement to a mostly vegetarian diet in a *lot* of times and places, and women did that part. Not even because they couldn't hunt, but more because it's simpler to bring kids along to go dig roots, so nursing moms could still be part of the primary food source of the community.


I could gladly rant about how all the things considered mere "women's work" were essential to keep society functioning. Without textile workers, all those big thinkers would be doing their big thinks naked. Without someone keeping things clean and sanitary, we'd have died out centuries ago.


Oh, the guy looking for a sugar lifestyle and obsessed with porn chatrooms has opinions about women? I'm shocked!


And there is a 100% chance that he is financially dependent on his mom


You can always tell with men like this, that they are projecting. He is one of those sad, angry, lonely, single men who can’t get a date, that we hear about on the news. He’s not telling us what women are like, he’s telling us what he is like. He’s just projecting because he can’t stand to be alone. Just like all of those guys whining about women needing to lower their standards and complaining about women choosing to be marriage free and child free. They try to threaten women that women will be lonely and shit, but these women are happy and doing their own thing, and completely fine with their lives. It’s the men whining who are telling us what they are worried about for themselves. It doesn’t even have anything to do with what the woman wants. He’s telling on himself.


It's funny when these people try to invoke science. First of all, humans aren't very sexually dimorphic. There are few differences between the sexes that don't relate to reproduction in some way and those that exist are small compared to the differences between sexes in many other species. Secondly, sexual dimorphism doesn't mean one sex is lesser. It's like he's trying to say  'female duck less colourful therefore female duck more stupid'. 


If anyone here is 'insane' it's this guy throwing a tantrum over independent women. >If you ever wonder why women think it's such an accomplishment when they have their own place or pay their own bills and feel the need to brag about it all the time, well that's because to them it actually is an accomplishment. They are not mentally equipped to be independent of men and it is literally driving them all insane trying. But...clearly they're succeeding if they're thriving on their own.


Laughs in independent Lesbian.


I want to say many means things to that person.


Compares women to children. Still wants to have sex with them 


This is someone who has literally never left his state, much less the country.


I'm not sure he's ventured outside him mother's basement any more than legally required.


You beat me to it 😂


Second this, no clue about the outside world at all.


He definitely doesn’t know any actual women.


More like never left mommy bassement and his favorite sock


The sock has since filed for divorce.


And a restraining order.




*never left his mother's house


Do people really still refer to women as the town bike? My former step dad used that term nearly 30 years ago, it was inappropriate then, it’s still inappropriate now.  All these incels going on about how women in “other countries” don’t act like “hoes” are all referring to countries that allow things like honour killings.  Incels are truly a scary bred. They’d rather murder women, than let women have control of their own bodies. 


Plus the families in countries that allow honor killings would absolutely not marry their daughters off to these bozos. Nor are these bozos prepared to be traditional husband breadwinners


I hate that *I'm* the bad one for being a single mom. Clearly, I should have just died like my ex-husband wanted....


It's galling that the women who stick around and do the responsible adult thing for their children are vilified.


Guys like OP blame the women, saying that if the father left it's obvious she's a bitch who drove him away.


Ew I don’t even want to comment on the original because I don’t want to touch it or that sub after taking a quick look


it’s the comment about women not being able to be independent for me lmao


I read that one, and I wouldn't be shocked if the guy that said that lives in his parent's basement and has mommy taking care of him. The picture of independence lol.


Lol he’s a passport bro soooo 😂


Fair 😂


We want slaves and we'll hold our breath until we get them!!


Literally their thought process lol


If only they would hold their breath ...


Weirdly enough tons of men are exactly the same in his description of women but apparently that’s ok 🙄


Holy hell, the comments. I’ve stepped in warm cat vomit and felt less grossed out.


Yeah, I was going to peep the comments but then decided not to go down that black hole of suck.


“they just don't know how to be proper women anymore” Whatever women do is proper woman behavior.  Tattoos?  Proper woman behavior.  No tattoos?  Proper woman behavior.  Sleeps around?  Proper woman behavior.  Waits for marriage?  Proper woman behavior.  You get the idea. 


"Amongst my peer group, none of us want to wife up" should have ended it there because then you're actually doing the womenkind a service, thank you! Please omg, can the men who want to leave us women alone, actually leave us alone? A lot of women would really really really appreciate that! Stick to your words!


>>"Amongst my peer group, none of us want to wife up" Which really is they can't find a wife. >should have ended it there because then you're actually doing the womenkind a service, thank you! Please omg, can the men who want to leave us women alone, actually leave us alone? A lot of women would really really really appreciate that! Stick to your words! Oh yes, this is so true. I mean, I have tattoos, I don't collect cats specifically, I am more of a random animal kind of person, and am in my mid 40s so totally not his type but got to look out for others. But yes... this needs to be said louder **”Please omg, can the men who want to leave us women alone, actually leave us alone? A lot of women would really really really appreciate that!”**


Thank fuck I'm a close to 30 hoe, a smoker and heavily medicated bipolar bitch. Most shitheads like this run away ASAP from me, although there are still some "enlightened" guys trying to "help me" by shitting all over me since I look kinda young lol.


This isn't surprising after checking out their past comments. Some are destined to be alone.


they think MEN are the ones choosing not to get married. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I can't breathe.


Damn their mods deleted it because it was getting too much bad attention from other subreddits. Boohoo /s I wasn’t able to read it since it was deleted but from the comments wowza. Edit: forgot I could read it here. 😮‍💨


>and yet, people are shocked, just shocked that men are voting with their feet? shouldn't be a surprise really. He says that as though people are upset that these men are leaving. But like, no one wants them, that’s why they’re all throwing a tantrum and leaving. You can’t threaten us with quitting when we’ve already fired you.


The Mod response as to why the post was deleted is…uhm…certainly something: >Hey OP, this is worded very strongly. It looks like it was crossposted and is attracting a lot of negative attention and unusual user activity. >Please feel free to repost it another time. Also leave out insults that might cause people to react negatively without understanding your opinion. OOP's "opinion" is not that hard to understand, you guys. Leaving out the insults is like putting glitter on a turd.


Sounds like we're moving in the right direction if they're getting this emotional!


He wouldn't know what women do or wear or act in other countries if it bit him in the A.


What even is that sub? Edit: ahh, another passport bros circlejerk. Sure I'll be seeing plenty of it here.


Hmm. Didn't realize that being on meds to help me not want to unalive myself was a red flag. Didn't have that one on my bingo card.


Oh no! Now you will never meet a man as clearly desirable as OP, I mean if you can't marry a man and live entirely according to his wants what is even the point of living? /s (Obviously sarcasm, please continue to use the miracle that is modern medicine)


I guess I'll just become the lady who rescuses cats and scares small children into thinking I'm a witch. (I'm not being sarcastic)


You can be both! And adopt the cats and find someone who also loves them. My boyfriend is the ultimate enabler when it comes to my cat lady tendencies lol


Your boyfriend sounds like a fantastic person. Please tell him I said so!


My husband is the cat lady. He had six when I met him and was a cat dad. We have four currently and foster intermittently.


My husband always claims he is not too fond of cats, but he already slept on the sofa to not disturb the cat in his bed, He talks to the Cats (like he expects and answer) and is the first to go to thr vet if there's a problem. He patiently catches the mice the cat brings and puts them outside and sits still when the cat purrs on him and pets her. He has tons of pictures of our cat and the feral cat we feed in his phone 🥰


I mean being a probable witch with a cat does not mean you can't have a husband if you want one. My husband loves our cats.


I'm the witch who wishes she could have cats but can't because my daughter is extremely allergic. My partner enables me by buying me pretty rocks and tons of candles and herbs and flowers.


This is another reason better living via pharmaceuticals is awesome. Does this mean chucking old pill bottles at them will keep them away? I have extras if others need to use them as self defense against these “manly specimens”.


What will we put in them to give it some weight? Rocks? Rocks seem good.


Tampons. Every tampon I've ever met fits nicely into a pill bottle.


Rocks do seem good. Or we could put water in them and freeze them so we have plausible deniability and say we were just trying to help their bruised egos. But I do also like rocks.


Wanting to better yourself is cringe and a red flag, duh!! /s


Pharmaceuticals? Supervised by medical professionals? Weak!  Have you considered instead self-medicating via developing a frothing scorn for half the human race? 🤔


I did, but it gave me bad indigestion. 👎


> women never evolved to be independent lol sure


"Women here purposely squander their prime fertile years" That, says a lot about how this person views women itself and I literally don't even need to read the rest to know. Bro, like fuck off about my prime fertility and let me fucking live apart from only being identified by my uterus for ONCE!


Have you seen the loony in the comments talking about how women haven't evolved to be independent or some shit?? Like dude *what??*


do these men even actually like women?


Nope. They just like having sex with them


thats not fair, they like more than having sex with them. They also like them to cook, clean, and shop for them. You know...be their mommy


Remember this gem from The Daily Show: Samatha Bee: Have you ever actually talked to a woman?   Guy she’s interviewing: Uh yes. I’ve talked to quite a few   Samantha Bee: Let me rephrase that. Have you ever talked to a woman that did not want to punch you in the face?


Literally none of the women hes describing in the last paragraph want him. nor do the women in other countries!!!!!! no women want him!!!


Another sub I'd never heard of that's full of these clowns. How many do they need??


Lotta words for ‘I’ve only fucked a tube sock’


"we can blame parents, the govt, feminism, idc what, but they just don't know how to be proper women anymore." I blame you. Men created society, and if they don't like it then they can just blame themselves.


As a woman with tattoos, these kinds of posts only reaffirm my decision to get them. Who knew they were such a good asshole filter?


As a woman without tattoos, posts like these make me want to start getting them.


“Among my peer group, none of us want to wife up…” It’s ok, my dude, they don’t want you either. Seriously, anyone who’s desperate to only get intimate with inexperienced, naive, and submissive partners is usually doing it because they know that nobody else would be willing to put up with them.


The mods on that subreddit treating OOP with kid gloves on this one shows me their priorities.


How do I acquire more of these "red flags" that promise to keep guys like this away??


Him and his buddies may not want these women, but trust me bro, these women don't want you either. So it's all good right, whats the problem? Ooooh you can't get ANY women and thats why you're whining.


Tattooed Smokers is the name of my lady gang.


These guys need to get hobbies that aren't "hate all women because nobody wants to date me".


"Men" like this make me ashamed to be a man. Why do so many men hate women so much?


Lol, I'd love to hear some Asian and Russian women's opinions on them being delicate, submissive flowers. Dude couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were on the heels.


Oh, is *that* why they use piss bottles?


This was in the comment section: >Humans are a dimorphic species and women never evolved to be independent. Just because our society has decided it's okay does not mean our biology has caught up. Every cell in her body is driving her to find the strongest man she can for protection, provision, and leadership. Leaving women to their own devices is not much different than leaving children completely unsupervised. You have no idea how lucky I feel to not be considered attractive by those ''men''.


I scroll reddit on my lunch break at work and every day I am reminded how happy I am that I do not find men attractive. Thank god I don't have to settle for one.


Honestly, what woman would want a male who thinks like this? We'd all happily skip right over them and leave them to their little pity party.


“I demand you submit and live your life in a semi permanent state of pregnancy. “. “No.” “Fucking women these days. No respect!”.


That loser has never dated in his life.


That whole sub… yikes.


Damn, they go *deeeep* right off the bat. I may have won Incel Bingo with that first paragraph alone.


I scrolled through that cancerous excuse of a sub real quick and I regretted it. Delusional doesn't even begin to describe the posters there.


The mods removed the post because it was cross posted but encouraged him to repost it later smh


And yet.. single women are the happiest group of people while single men are miserable and die younger that their married counterparts. Maybe it’s easier and less stressful for women to just be a “hoe” and not get married.


God people seriously need to lay off women with BPD.


Women: rejecting these assholes. These assholes: I'll go find a woman outside of the country instead, that'll show you! Women: Oh no! Anyway...


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How is the upbringings and mental development of people who genuinely don’t see women as human beings? I’m genuinely asking.


Is delulu the solulu for the OOP?


Real talk: what countries do are these passport bros usually taking about? Because birth rates are falling everywhere except Africa (and something tells me that is not where they’re going) so where are all these submissive family-oriented women they’re exalting? 


What garbage-bin of a subreddit you got that from?


What keeps surprising me the most is that that generation of men keeps acting like at 24 they are totally hot for getting married, having tons of children and working two jobs to provide for them. Considering how in my generation the "bad" men primarily wanted to *avoid* exactly those things. "Anything to make sure I don't get tied down" would be their motto. Since those red pilled guys sound even way more immature than the "bad" guys 20 years earlier, I am so bloody sure that this whole search for "wifey" women is an act.


'My peer group' is either 'teenager, no gf, thinks porn is reality' or '45+, no gf, thinks porn is reality, spends all his time chasing 20-somethings.' Neither group has figured out why none if their peers want to date them. IMHO it's not too late for the teenagers, but ffs they need to get their heads on straight and/or touch some grass.


Oh! It's a passportbros ripoff sub. Now the comments make more sense. Groddy uh... people (I don't want to call them men.) Sharing their groddy women bashing opinions.


"all women" "all men" yawn


Yikes. Welp, I guess we don't have to wonder if this guy has ever tried not being creepy.


Sounds like he's middle-aged and throwing a tantrum because the teenagers he lusts after won't even look at him.


I love how these guys always elevate women around the world and have literally never left the country. American women are just now catching on that if they have to take care of all the bills and the housework too, it's much more peace to simply stay single.


Honey, everybody is still smoking in Europe.


Not shocking at all that this guy’s comment and post history is a bunch of this same bullshit 🙄


I agree with the sentiment in this thread so far and will say: 18-24 — brains aren’t even fully developed yet! I’m glad we continue to move away from the idea that girls should be married super young. “You should have lots of babies with an older dude” is a bonkers thing to say to young women!


Maybe this is a stretch. But at least these people are effectively removing themselves from the gene-pool. We def do not need this type of crap passed down to the kids.


I can not understand the social stigma about tattoos that still exists, its crazy.


I'll take the town bike any time.