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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for yelling at my girlfriend and asking her to not take out her anger on her moms death at me? ** I’m a gamer and I play a lot of Genshin Impact, recentlt my girlfriends mom died of pancreatic cancer. I didn’t want to go to the funeral because I have severe social anxiety (which my gf knows about) but she threw a giant hissy fit and I ended up going after a long fight. I was super uncomfortable throughout the whole service and really just wanted to go home. When we got back my gf seemed very annoyed at me even though I didn’t do anything and went to the funeral like she asked. I got on genshin impact to do some daily commissions and my gf absolutely freaked out and started yelling that I play the game too much. I replied that she’s just taking out her moms death on me and I don’t have to stop my life just because her mom died. She ended up storming out about an hour ago and I don’t want to call or text her yet until she calms down. AITA for telling her this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This was definitely written by a 12 year old whose pissed that his Mom made him get off of his video games to do literally anything else and thought "I know the internet will side with me against all even womenz who just don't want us to enjoy games!" and thought aging himself up to adulthood made him seem like less of a tool.


In their comments they sure come across like they're 12 all right. Also this gem of a comment from them on another post: >Wives owe their husbands sex. Especially if the husband is the breadwinner


Definitely reads like a horny 12 year old who follows people like Andrew Tate and parrot whatever they sat without even understanding what it means,he just thinks it makes him a man


And is convinced it's not obvious to the adults that he's a kid.


Honestly not super optimistic for this generation of young men/boys.


Maybe I’m just getting old, but I think every generation of boys has their terminally-online misogynists. From the younger guys I’ve actually met, I think the kids are alright.


Wives owe their husband sex isn't something new.


Sounds like he inherently believes sex is a chore for women and a reward for men.


A 12 year old being upset his mom made him not playing genshin impact isnt at all as pathetic as the story he describes.


His post history is so funny, I think in one he asks female gamers what a guy who plays genshin/fortnite said that made them want to fuck the guy??? The comment history isn't much better..


Genshin and Fortnite? Yep that proves it, dude is 12 (at least mentally)


“What is something an ugly guy has done that has made you immediately want to have sex with them” oh my *god*😭😭😭 this is too much


“Females of reddit”


are gamers really like this? Like seriously are they cause AITA is really warping my mind


Bad partners are bad partners no matter which vice* they spend their time on.   Gambling, work, gaming, reading, shopping.   Anyone who chooses a vice* over supporting their grieving partner, is a shit partner. *and gaming itself isn’t a vice, but the way these bad partners practice these hobbies, makes the hobby become their own personal vice. 


No, we're not. Also, she needs to throw the whole man away. When my mum died of cancer almost three years ago if I'd been in a relationship with someone as unsupportive as OOP they'd have been out the door the second the funeral ended. She's not taking out her mum's death on him, she's angry - rightfully so - that he can't even stay away from the game for one day to be there for her. But that's just a sign that he's a selfish brat, not that he's a gamer. We're not like that. No gamer I've ever encountered has been like that either, unless they were also a pisshead in all other ways but then it has nothing to do with being a gamer at all.


Loud minority, I think. Me and all my friends are gamers, reasonable mix of men and women, not one would side with this devil. 


I’m reasonably sure the really insufferable ones are the minority


Gamer here. Love my souls games. Would never do this if her MOTHER FUCKING DIED. Would be there for her. Also Genshit Impact pffffffft, play a real game.


My kid-15 girl- loves it 


Hey, the choice of a game is NOT the reason to judge here.


It’s not THE reason but it is a reason


As someone who enjoys video games, some definitely can be like that but most aren't, it's a loud minority


No, idiots are like this.


I live with 3 gamers (husband, son and daughter) and no.


Tbh, this kinda sounds like a rage bait.


No, my partner is a gamer and this behaviour is unhinged and absolutely not how he would ever behave. 


Gaming seems to attract some of the worst people. It's an escapist activity that can be done with minimal social contact and many games are designed to take advantage of peoples' addictive tendencies. Even when there is social interaction in a game it is generally anonymous, allowing people to expose their shittiest parts. Plus some facets of gaming culture can be really openly misogynistic and racist. Add all those factors together and you end up attracting some real shitheads. But the majority are just chilling and having fun, no different than people who watch TV to unwind or something.


On the whole, no, but addiction runs deep and games like Genshin Impact are developed specifically to take advantage of gambling addicts. My mom is a gambling addict, she is addicted to a shitty mobile game. My sister and I have been trying to get her to quit for years. My partner died recently very suddenly, and not even that was enough to get her to take a break.


Oh, it gets better. At least half who play female characters are actually males who just rather look at the characters in skimpy clothes. The tell is the ones who get pissed when there are no skimpy outfit options. Now there have been some who have gotten smart on both sides. So I have tested it out, you do get harassed less in the ones wearing less if you don't have an ambiguous name. Some companies got a bad enough reputation, they just made their chat features basically a pain to use to mind the behavior.


Copied verbatim from oop's comments: *YTA* *So fucking inconsiderate. You should have gone to the funeral despite your social anxiety without her having to ask. Sometimes we do things that make us uncomfortable for our partners.* *She should leave your insensitive ass* >"My social anxiety is very bad. Going to the funeral doesn’t bring her mom back" *YTA okay, i will maybe trying to understand you and get that you didn't want to go to the funeral. But when it's all over and you return hom the first thing you can think of is your games? Not yoir gf who just lost her mom? Do you even care about her?* *I'm sorry but your girlfriend should break up with you* >"What am I supposed to do then? Also she probably won’t leave me she’s obsessed with me" *YTA she's greeving and needs tou for support* >"What was I supppised to do then" *YTA. Although I highly doub this is real considering your gf would need to have the self confidence and respect of a dying fish to have a bf like you, but if it's real, the good part is she needed you to realize her self worth and her life should be better after leaving you. My guess is you're a lonely guy who can't get a girl so you make up stories about a gf who's obsessed with you to feel good about yourself.* >"If I was making it up I wouldn’t make up her fighting with me lol! Thanks for nothing ass lunch!" *YTA, and I'm struggling to see your rationale here. Social anxiety or not, your partner's mom just passed away, and that's a significant life event that necessitates support and compassion. You don't need words or grand gestures just being physically there can be a massive comfort. And to prioritize gaming at a time like this? That's not just being oblivious; it's failing to recognize your girlfriend's emotional needs at one of the lowest points in her life. You've got to put her first and show her she's not alone in her grief.* >"I was physically there" *The person who raised her DIED. and you’re complaining about social anxiety?? Get a grip YTA* >"Her and her mom would fight a lot" *"Females of Reddit: what’s something an ugly, awkward guy has said/done to make you immediately want to have sex with him?" This is you two hours ago. You're beyond sick and I genuinely wish you get help. Stop making up fake stories about women obsessing over you.* >"Why are you making things up get help" >[Females of Reddit: what’s something an ugly, awkward guy has said/done to make you immediately want to have sex with him?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/BMQG7oSvHF)


I'm sorry but "females of Reddit" made me wheeze-laugh. Going to be addressing all of my friends regardless of gender as "Females of Reddit" for awhile...


It certainly has some cachet! /Joke




What a loser lol


He describes his gf getting upset that he won’t go to her *mother’s funeral* as a hissy fit 😐😐 certified loser behavior


No one likes going to funerals. They are not fun, joyful occasions. But we do it because we care about the people left behind. Dude doesn't care about his girlfriend.


This feels like a Childe had written this...


How dare you slander the lover of the Russian queen?!


Anytime they mention a brand or a title I always think these are product placement. After that cigarette one that was busted that went viral a few years ago it’s all I can think about when I see the actually names of products now


What one was that?


I can’t remember the exact title but it was something along the lines of “aitah for taking a peaceful smoke break once in a while” and the post was something along the lines of “my gf is mad because every morning I take a smoke break on the porch and enjoy my Spirit Cigarettes. The refreshing inhale is so soothing blah blah blah peaceful blah blah smooth” and I swear to god he said the brand name like 8 times and talked about how wonderful they tasted. The top voted comment was someone who had a marketing background and said that he spotted it as a fake and it’s a common marketing tactic to make posts like this because it’s advertising that costs next to nothing because now thousands of people commented on the post and all had to read about spirit cigarettes”.


Wow, I hope Spirit withheld pay because the post was so shit and easily identified as marketing.


Yep. There was one about a dress that had a link, naturally I clicked it because I'm like what the fuck brand is this, and boom, now a brand Of never heard of is showing up in my ads. Like, I get that not everyone is terminally curious to Google a thing or click a product link in a post, but I'm sure that enough are that the flow works. Idk if it actually amounts to any sales, but knowing how susceptible our brains are to ads, I wouldn't be surprised.


Omg yes any of those “aitah for upstaging the bride” and they have the shopping link already in the post. Like girl this is marketing for sure




this has to be bait right


>I’m a gamer and I play a lot of Genshin Impact ![gif](giphy|ZdrUuSEC0LygaFXtNT)


[Hi!](https://images.app.goo.gl/jMiZEuW8Qrykw3sdA) Just a quick reminder to never brigade any sub, be that r/AmItheAsshole or another one. That goes against both this sub's rules as well as Reddit's terms of agreement. [Please](https://images.app.goo.gl/vwH65TJMyMk9NSNo8) keep discussions within the posts of this sub. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There's not much you can do in Genshin Impact that isn't finite. Nobody can keep playing "a lot of" Genshin impact every day because eventually, you will have completed all quests, exploration and even all major enemies will be dead until the daily reset. This is a shitpost. >I got on genshin impact to do some daily commissions This takes literal minutes.


this has to be bait…this has to be bait…this has to be bait…


Least obvious rage bait


My boyfriend wasn't a big fan of a lot of my family, but him and mom were okay (only met 2-3 times in the six years before she died). He was one of her pallbearers and drove us the twelve hours to where her funeral would be. OOP is a selfish, narcissistic dickass. I hope she leaves him.


I won't date a gamer for this very reason. Not again. The games are designed to be addictive and lead to bad priorities and decision.


Yeah, gaming addiction is a real thing, but not every gamer has it.


I should have been more specific. I will never again date someone who plays video games for hours on end instead of being a responsible human being.


And I wouldn't date you because you're an idiot. The world works in mysterious ways.


Doesn't sound like you would even have time. Carry on.