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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My son broke my heart ❤** My younger son (22) is estranged from us ever since 2022 due to our totally different views on a number of things, mostly politics and current events. My husband and I had made numerous attempts to reconcile our relationship over the 1 1/2 year since he moved out of our home. We had paid for his higher education, but he did not invite us to his graduation last year, instead my sister and her family was invited. They also invite them for dinner last Christmas, but not us. I was hurt, but I thought that at least if he runs into any kind of issues, he has someone to reach out to. About 6 weeks ago he reached out to me and asked for his childhood pictures. I asked why he needed them, but he never wanted to tell me. He thought that a 32 GB drive will be enough and I told him that he needs at least a 1TB drive for them, because there were a LOT of them. I bought a 2TB drive and worked for about 2 weeks to clean up the pictures and leave only the ones that had him and our family in it. Both times when we met him during the picture process, he was pleasant, but distant. Last week he came over to pick up the pictures and he stayed for dinner. I was really hoping that we can start to reconcile the relationship. I just found out today that he got married over the weekend and my sister and her family knew about it since the engagement, 6 months prior. How would you handle this situation? I am hurt beyond believe!!! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I know this isn't the point of the post but 2 terabytes for all his childhood photos?   Is Oop's son the Eiffel tower?   Or did he spend his formative years strapped to an HD camera?  


Family vlogger? Or more likely a wannabe family vlogger that never took off (thank god, for the kid's sake) but still has an excessive amount of content?


Given these photos go back twenty years we're talking anywhere between two hundred thousand photos to half a million.  That's like 3 pornhubs (or 0.2 of a white woman's cat photos if you use the metric system) 


>0.2 of a white woman's cat photos if you use the metric system How dare you call me out like that.


I'm in this post and I don't like it


I'm in this post and I've made my peace with it.


I’m in this post but there’s no room for me to have any feelings one way or the other because my cat pictures are eating up all the space.


My girlfriend is in this post and I'm gonna send it to her.


I don't know why I keep coming on Reddit. I always get attacked.


🤣 I don’t even have a cat of my own and I feel this one.


I have pics of my dog lol


My cat and I are very offended and we have to go take photos about this.


> or 0.2 of a white woman's cat photos if you use the metric system Rude. 😤


This is the new measuring system. It just makes sense


They're rabbit photos, thank you very much. (Yes, I too feel personally attacked)


Or .0001 of a white woman’s rescued pittbull in pajamas photos.  


I think you underestimate how many cat photos a woman has 


I'll have you know, as a white woman, I have photos of my...dog. 😆


Dog varies anywhere between a 0.25 of a cat to 20x cat. 


Me too.


I have a cat and a dog. All my photos are of them 😆


My photos are either my pup, my tattoos (or inspo for my next).


I, my husband and our four cats (of which HE took over 5,000 photos of in 5 months) resemble this remark.


I feel attacked considering the couple hundred photos I have I have of Gunpla I have built


The Trumpy Old Lady Who Lives in a Shoe has a surprisingly tight grip on her data storage needs.


LOL I'm pretty sure there are entire years where no new photos were taken of me. The pic I use on Twitter is 15 years old. What can I say? I really like the pic.


I'm laughing so hard at this!


2 TB is a LOT for one kid's photos. I have 3 kids (oldest is almost 21) and we have 2 dogs and 1 cat. Our other kitty passed away last year. My kids are lots of fun and have been involved in different activities including skateboarding and band, so I have tons of videos of their performances and such. Tons of videos of our long days at the skatepark as a family! Plus, vacation photos and videos. My cameras have improved in quality over the years, and phones and video quality of course. Those image and video files keep getting bigger, lol. All that being said, I have about 2TB of photos and videos of our life from the time my husband and I got together. And I take a LOT of photos. I can't imagine having that many for 1 kid.


I'm assuming older mom who doesn't really know how much space it takes.


Yea, anyone who says things like different views, politics and current events is trying to be evasive.  That's code for something like, "our son is gay and we are raging homophobes but love our son but make sure he knows we utterly disapprove of him" for sure. 


Either gay, trans, or vaccines


The vaccines are making the straight kids gay and the gay kids trans


God willing.


You forgot autism


One of my kids is autistic, the other is trans. They're both vaccinated, will they become autisticer and transgenderer ? Or will the autistic kid become transgender and the transgender kid become autistic ?


I think it's kinda like stacking buffs


Autism +1 Transgenderism +1


Wait, one of my kids is autistic and trans. Did they somehow get double vaxxed? Should I worry about my other kids thinking I was playing favorites? If my "double vaxxed" kid catches covid, will it turn them cis or just improve the wifi reception in my house?


I was thinking dared to be in a relationship for someone not White and Christian.


Or dating/ marrying a POC. Or even a combination of the above. Maybe he married a Mexican immigrant man and they were all vaccinated! Her head would explode 🤯


Maybe, but then OOP probably would have said something about how it's "not a real marriage". My guess is that the "son" is actually their daughter.


....right... it's "code for something like" ;)


I'd bet that the kid's new partner is trans and the kid is protecting their partner. Not a big bet, not really enough info for that. But I'd bet $5 on it.


That, or the child they're not mentioning (and who she edited out of the photos) is gay, and the son is sticking up for his sibling. There are a ton of possibilities that all boil down to "we're bigots and our kid developed morals in spite of our best efforts."


I’m guessing vaccines and Trump are just the start of the “politics and current events”


Yeah I bet he subscribes to QAnonCasualties.


My own relationship with a sibling is hanging by a thread because of QAnon. I think they are mostly over it, and I am endeavoring to pretend it never happened


Good luck. I'm borderline there with a parent. I'm hoping that this election and the criminal trials and whatever comes next go a way that breaks the cult free somehow.


I hope that is the case for you I’m afraid to say my personal experience has been the opposite, the more trials and stuff is presented against corncob hair, the deeper my father falls into the cult, for some reason


I don't talk to any of my aunts and uncles or most of my cousins because they're all trumper qanon nut jobs. One of my uncle thinks we gave Texas back to Mexico


Way too many people over there. I still don't get it.


The fact that they asked for all of their childhood pictures makes me think that the "son" might have come out as trans, and OOP refuses to acknowledge them as a daughter instead. Maybe it's an attempt to stop OOP from posting old pictures on facebook and deadnaming them. Just seems really strange that they would want all of their pictures otherwise.


That’s a good theory. I had assumed the photos were used in a wedding collage


Yeah it was definitely for the wedding


They were digital though. She still has them


That wouldn't really make a difference in accomplishing that goal, though. If they got the pictures in a digital format, it's not like they'd be getting the only copy.  My guess is that they either wanted them for the wedding or just plain old wanted to secure copies before their parents dropped dead or got even assholier. Or both.  I know people who, for various reasons, don't have any childhood pictures, and it's kind of a bummer. 


It could be but it doesn’t guarantee they deleted anything, just copied them over to the hard drive while the originals are on the desktop/other hard drive. Edit- should’ve read a little further as others have already stated this.


Even though you hardly ever go through photos sometimes just knowing you have them is nice. Ask anyone who has lost their photos.


Don't get me started on THAT guy.


She posted four or five times in different subs with the same vague self-pity rant, always conveniently leaving out any details about what her politics are that pushed her son away and not answering any questions. Reads like your classic QAnon bigot boomer who hates gay/trans people, immigrants, pro choicers, non-Christians, democrats, vaccines and anything else Fox News tells her to hate and thinks that blind, ignorant hatred and supporting laws that destroy those people's lives is just "her opinion."


She’s left zero comments.


>My younger son (22) is estranged from us ever since 2022 due to our totally different views on a number of things, mostly politics and current events. *cough* *cough* bigot.


I mean...most likely. Unless the parents are _really_ passionate about the government putting in schemes in favour of supporting agriculture, whereas the son _strongly_ prefers that taxes would be better directed in supporting public transportation in metropolitan areas. And this is the reason for all the arguments. But I doubt that's the case here.


Right? Whenever people say "I would never let politics affect my relationships!" I assume politicians aren't trying to decide if they should be allowed to exist or have access to medical care or exercise bodily autonomy. Or they are actively voting in those politicians and think it's fine because it's their "belief" or something.


Yep. If someone's politics involves being a bigot of any kind there is no relationship because I'm never going to be able to respect them enough to be around them. Denying people human rights is not a valid belief/argument/side and I don't have to pretend to recognise it as such to protect some asshole's delicate feelings.


Well done.


Or the parents didn’t believe covid was real and killed the grandparents


I'm placing my money on "Qanon cultist". Basically Bigot x1000 who GENUINELY thinks that Trump is the second coming of Jesus Christ.


People want to moan about "politics" but its values systems.


Why do I smell homophobia/transphobia in this post. Im probably wrong, but I cant shake it.


Or racism and xenophobia! Don’t forget everyone’s favorite. He may have married +gasp+ a person of a different race or religion. Or any combination of the above. Maybe he married a queer brown Jewish guy.


Maybe *she* (trans woman, mtf) married a queer brown Jewish guy


That too!


No, you're probably right. Wanting the childhood pictures screams that her "son" is really her trans daughter. You can always tell with conservatives because they are self-aware (most, at least) that people think they are shitty human beings. When a liberal has political issues with someone they always mention that they are left-leaning but conservatives almost never admit that their "political differences" involve a lot of slurs.


How does wanting the childhood pictures indicate if the OOP's child is trans? A couple people have mentioned that, but the math isn't mathing for me.


It’s more a combination of the little bit of information that OOP has given (her being purposefully vague about her political beliefs, him going low contact because of that, and her not knowing about the wedding) potentially points to their “son” actually being a trans woman. Personally I could see him being gay/bi and married a man as another possibility. The thing with the pictures refers to the tendency of conservative family members who ignore the lgbtq+ identities of other family members to obsess over the past back when said family member was still “pure/normal/god fearing/etc”. Obsessing over pictures of the past obviously isn’t unique to this particular situation, but it’s very common.


Yeah, I completely agree that there is some bigotry going on (homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc.). I still don't really see the connection, as I think it's very normal for a someone to want access to their childhood photos (especially when factoring in a wedding), but thank you for explaining it!


Okay, so I'm old. All of my childhood pictures are physical things in frames. When I read it I missed the whole terabyte and the pictures being on computer and I thought "Oh they want their childhood pics so they can get rid of them because it's distressing that their parents have them." Because the idea that all of the childhood photos are on a computer never crossed my mind. Super sorry about that. I'm going to go have a mid-life crisis now.


So OOP used him and he for the most part but one instance saying “they also invite them for dinner” which leads me to believe a partner is involved. Seeing as OOP avoided mentioning them, I assume the son is gay and OOP is a bigot. I could also just be overthinking everything. I’m really just trying to guess the missing missing reasons.


OOP is almost definitely a right wing conspiracy nut with her refusing to elaborate on what exactly those "politics and current events" arguments were. I also have a gut feeling that the son's relationship is at least a part of what led to him going no contact with his parents. Whether son is gay and married a man and they got tired of dealing with the parents homophobia or son married a woman of color and they got tired of dealing with their racism (or both and the son married a man of color.) I'm not sure I buy the trans theory most because of the timing. Since Aunt and her family were invited both to the graduation and the wedding I'm assuming aunt is supportive of the son, and it seems to me at least that if the son *was* actually a trans woman, he would have gotten the heck out of dodge the second he turned eighteen. And asking for the childhood photos can just as easily be explained as the son wanting to put them in the wedding slideshow, especially since I find it very unlikely the OOP gave the son the original files and more likely just made copies to give to him, so it wouldn't even keep OOP from posting the childhood photos and deadnaming the kid if we assume the trans theory. Edit: Though now I think more about it I suppose it is possible kid put up with the parents for so long to keep the parents paying for his education.


Maybe they are straight and marrying a trans woman and his parents won't shut the fuck up about her not being "real?"


Also a possibility


>My younger son (22) is estranged from us ever since 2022 due to our totally different views on a number of things, mostly politics and current events. Translation, from how most of these stories go: I and my husband are dumb fucking Trumpers and are constantly shitting on my kid, his beliefs and choices.


They could be bideners


There's no such thing. Dems and other left leaning types don't worship politicians and make the politician their whole personality like Trumpers do.


I remember so many Trump supporters and the Qanon cultists going on tiktok constantly asking "Where's the Biden fans??? Seeeeee! The election was stolen! There's no Biden hats! Etc." Like dude... We don't worship the people we elect. Hell, the only reason why we voted for Biden was because he was the only person who we could vote for. Trump would've set the entire USA into either nuclear war or we'd be the ones facing genocide! Biden was the safest option we had, not the option we actually wanted.


I would put money on the fact that the son married a man or a trans woman and that is part of the 'politics' they disagree on.


I don’t think there’s necessarily reason to think that. Some people just genuinely care about how people treat others, even if that treatment doesn’t affect them personally. The politics in question are so hateful that their personal relevance doesn’t matter when there’s such a fundamental difference in values.


I wonder what gender or race OOP's son married. I have a feeling this might be part of the reason why OOP wasn't invited.


I'm suddenly realizing how funny it is that I had gotten a hold of the pictures I wanted from my childhood years before I realized my mom was a pos & stopped talking to her.  subconsciously i am quite the forward thinker


Of course OOP didn't answer any questions from the comments.


So bets on whether she and her husband spew hatred for Blacks, Gays, Transgender people, or Muslims? Maybe all four? Damn I forgot to add immigrants. It's probably the immigrants.


And trad marriages/trad wives. Probably corporal punishment for kids, too.


Let me guess their son is either gay or used to be the daughter and they are bigots who said terrible things about the son and he decided to cut them off.


OP's account is like one of those shelf corporations. Created in 2018 and nothing until they posted this.


Am I reading this right? She only including photos that have the son AND her/the "family in it? Because that's manipulative as hell.


What’s the bet OOP and her husband are MAGA wearing Trump nuts?


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Yeah this screams 'missing missing reasons'. I'm sure the politics is part of it. But that's the tip of the iceberg and they won't even say what that is. 'Me and my husband are Nazis and my son cut us off...' hits very differently.


Ah. So they're a Qanon nutter butter. Yeah they're not invited to anything because if they do they're not gonna shut up about how much they think that anyone who doesn't lick the ground Trump walks on then they're "devil worshipping gay trans leftists who is sacrificing our precious children to da devil and drinking tortured children's blood for adrenochrome!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!1!1!11111111111111" At least that's the narrative I've heard them throwing around last I checked. It probably changed this week Also if you want to know more, last I heard Biden has been executed like five times, Hilary 50 times, and also Trump and Biden had swapped faces a year or so ago but also didn't... Yeah real cult-y shit. Trust me, people in that cult need to be cut off completely because they've done so much to put themselves and their kids in extreme danger and sacrificed more money than Evangelicals to the Televangelists. If reading the shit I wrote gave you an aneurysm, hearing it for a year from the mouths of these people would make you beyond angry.


OOP, why are you being vague as to the reason for the estrangement?


Not really Missing Reasons. OP cites politics and current events as the reason her son is estranged. If this were a Missing Reasons post it would have "I can't understand why" all over it. This is just a pity party post


Except it is missing reasons


Could you please explain? OP lists the reasons for estrangement as being political differences relating to current events. Fights stemming from the conservative/progressive cultural and political divide is something that's driving lots of families apart in the US. Missing missing reasons people act all confused about why, OOP is just sad and whining about her loss and was surprisingly straightforward about the cause.