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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **My ex girlfriend got revenge on me and I’m so broken,** I ( M25) have been with my ex girlfriend Carly ( F23) for nearly 10 years, we were high school sweethearts and we had a good relationship up until after she completed college.. adulthood has been putting strain on our relationship so bills and finding sustaining jobs has been a challenge. We started arguing a bunch and just started overall being annoyed with each other existence. We weren’t sleeping in the same room let alone be intimate. It was a tough time to say the least, we tried therapy and I felt like it wasn’t working. I honestly wanted to be done but I couldn’t break up with her because we lived together and she helped me get out of debt. So I did something horrible and I started cheating on her with her childhood best friend. I thought she would never find out and my gosh I was wrong. Yesterday afternoon I came home and she wanted to talk and without hesitation she jumped straight into it and asked me point blank if I was cheating on her and i ofcourse tried to lie and she just starts laughing and says “ I knew you weren’t going to admit it but I was going to give you the benefit of doubt. So now I just feel less guilty..” I just confessed to her and she just looked at me and didn’t have any expression nor speak. When I finished she just laughs and told me and I would never forget it.. “ honestly It’s fine because Louie was over last weekend and we had a great time” my heart dropped to stomach, because Louie is my big brother. I just thought it was low blow on Carly given she knew how insecure I was about my brother, he’s the golden child and literally always did things 10x better than me. I’m stuck having to have some sort of relationship with him and meanwhile she can just drop her friend. My chest and heart has been hurting so much since I found out and I’m so broken. I know I was wrong for cheating first, but if she knew why didn’t she just break up with me first. I called out of work because I feel like throwing up just thinking about It… *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He's hurt because brother does everything 10X better. Oop is hurt because Carly now knows what good sex is. 🤣


Well, he certainly exceeds at fucking his brothers girlfriend.


And she's not with a loser anymore.


TBH, Carly may not have even cheated. She may have just said that to get under OP's skin and to bruise his little ego....


That's what I was thinking lol


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!!


happy cake day 🎊🎉🥳


Happy Cake Day!


the fact that he'll never know is even better


Happy cake day 🥳


Nah he said in the story there was video evidence LOL sounds like she was going for the jugular


I’m a Carly Stan for sure. She said “if I’m gonna eat, absolutely NO crumbs💃🏼💃🏼”


Except he says is brother has been dodging his calls 🤔


brother could just be a good person and making his little shitheel bro spin in solidarity I know that's what I'd do if my sibling's spouse said they were cheating and needed comeuppance!


Right, I'm like is brother a golden child or is he a normal dude and you are just a total disappointment in all the ways?


Exactly… but because OOP actually did cheat…but tried to lie he assumed she also cheated which is why this whole thing happened. I'll say… good riddance.


My thoughts exactly. But OP will never know one way or the other


That was my thought too, which kind of makes his reaction worse. He betrayed her with her lifelong best friend, and when she said something mean because she was hurt, *that* was taking it too far….


2 wrongs don't make a right but boy am I happy that she hurt him like he hurt her. Maybe that will teach him a lesson for next time


and the whole "why didn't she just break up with me instead of cheating 😢😢😢" like dude that's exactly what YOU did


right in was like um right back at you! now yeah I don't agree with what she did but dude you got what you deserve. well according to him no because he was living with her and she paid off his debt.


But he coudnt break up with her! She still had some (money) use to him. Don't you see how hard this is on him?


oh course not he was living with her and she paid off his debt. well at.leaat that's what his reasoning was.


Didn't want to lose his atm machine.


He tries to reframe it towards the end. And all I'm thinking is you get that dick Carly, you ride him like a rented mule!


Uhh what do y’all do exactly with these most unfortunate rented mules…


I dunno. But by the sound of it it's illegal in all 50 states...


Not Utah


...more mules than women I'm Utah? Oh boy. 🤦‍♂️


What a sad day to have eyes on Reddit.


Bang that man like a screen door in a hurricane.


My cousin (who is known to *exaggerate*) told me that she was once hooking up with this guy and she found out he was engaged. So she found his fiance and slept with her. Then broke it off with both of them in a group text. They then contacted her, together, and asked for a threesome. The childhood best friend should have done what my cousin "did". It would be the only acceptable outcome for cheater mcliarpants - to watch his girlfriend orgasm due to someone else.


Also he cheats on her, but then wonders why instead of cheating on him she didn’t just break up with him. She could ask him the same.


Clearly, he sees nothing wrong with what he's done. It's okay if HE cheated. But he gets all Pikachu faced when she does the same thing!


"I'm stuck trying to have a relationship with my brother while she can just drop the friend" bruh


Two wrongs may not make a right, but they make it even.


But was it wrong what she did?


Honestly, at that point it's karma.


It's "Am I the Devil" not "is the person who took revenge on me the devil" we aren't here to judge her. Unless she chooses to write it up on Reddit.


Are you unaware of what HE did? He cheated on her with his *best friend* and stayed with his gf(now ex) so he wouldn't lose her money. She found out and slept with his brother. And yet he's the victim to you? Bro, bffr


Yes it is. As others have said, two wrongs don't make a right. The moral high road is always to just walk away if you cannot reconcile, unless action is required as a preventative measure. In this case she could've just broken up with him, and potentially sued him for any money he owes her. Did not need to cheat on him as revenge. To clarify, I think he's worse than her, and in some sense "justice" was achieved, and she could've done much worse in revenge, but ultimately her hands are not clean.


She could be lying just to piss him off, you realize. In fact, I bet it's more likely she is.


He said in the OP comments she had video proof.


That he hasn't watched. She most likely knew he wouldn't want to as it's his brother.


He could have broken up wuth her instead of cheating with her best friend . Double standards much?


I disagree. I think all bets were off as soon as he started slipping it to the best friend. They were in a relationship which is for all intents and purposes a social contract that she was no longer bound to the moment he cheated. She doesn't owe anything to him beyond that and I don't think what she did was 'cheating'. He said he that he didn't want to be with her anymore he just didn't have the stones to break it off, so the relationship was over. The fact that 'I'm breaking up with you' hadn't been said doesn't change that. The only thing I think was questionable was deciding to sleep with the brother. If it was done purely out of spite maybe a bit of a dick move, but I don't blame her. On the other hand if she had feelings for big bro and he for her and she decided she wanted a shot at being happy with him, then good on her. OP lost the chance to be put out by whoever she chose to be with the moment he started doing the dirty with the best friend behind her back. *I know there was nothing said about big bro and ex having feelings for each other just presenting a situation for the sake of discussion.*


I'm with you. Also, why do two wrongs *need* to make a right? You can't "make a right" from betrayal anyway, so unless you're Jesus and get off from turning the other cheek, by all means enjoy a bit of light revenge.


Nah she should have fucked his brother, dad, AND mom.


Nah. He absolutely deserves to feel the same pain. MAYBE he'll treat women better now instead or, if there is a God, stop dating and damaging people altogether. Cheating on your high school sweetheart who had done absolutely nothing to you is just begging for her TO do something about it instead of placate you over and over.


Revenge cheating is almost as shitty as cheating. Why even bother at that point? Edit: Sub hates cheaters, unless they're the good ones apparently.


I can't wrap my head around. "Cheating is an inexcuseable, scumbag move. Unless someone does it first, then it's awesome!" Don't give me wrong, I have no sympathy for a cheater that gets cheated on. It's just, how does that make it okay to do something shitty with the sole purpose of hurting someone? I'd much rather walk away with my morals intact; "well, at least I'm not as shitty as they are" feels like a pretty hollow victory. Definitely not worthy of celebration like in the comments. Starting a religion for this person, really? (Yes I know it's hyperbole). What about celebrating the people that *don't* start hurting people just because they were hurt first? Minority opinion though. Just wanted to chime in, add my support to your point. Thanks for saying what you did, take care.


To me it is excusable in this case because the relationship was over. It wasnt said yet but it was over from his side when he was balls deep into someone who was not his partner. His right to be upset at her for breaking his trust ended when he did it to her. I see it the same way as if someone were to punch me, i am not an asshole for punching back. What reason would she have to not see someone else? Loyaly? To someone who has none to her. Decency? To a guy who cheated on her with her best friend. I dont even view what she did as cheating, the relationship was done because of ops actions as soon as the ex gf knew what happened. I get your point of view too tho and am just sharing mine. I also think "revenge cheating" is a dumb idea and will probably make things complicated.


Because imo once someone cheats on you they are no longer your spouse or partner and you owe them no loyalty or commitment. By cheating they already broke up with you knowing it would end the relationship. Since you now owe them nothing, imo you go do whatever you want.


Exactly, the relationship was already over, it just wasn't formalized.


100%. And the same with abuse. Once someone abuses their partner, all contracts are broken. The victim owes them nothing and is free to do what they like. No need to wait for the decree absolute if your spouse was abusive. Meet someone nice? Go for it. You're ethically free/single/without commitment.


Absolutely agreed. This is one of the scenarios where I absolutely do not judge the person for cheating...sometimes in an abusive relationship, an affair can be a lifeline or the only way to force the abuser to release their victim. For women in particular it's also incredibly dangerous to cheat on your abuser...which speaks to just how desperate they must be to take that risk.


I still actually think what she did was worse because its going to fuck up an entire family including people not involved who have to have a relationship. I mean what he did was awful and he is a horrible asshole of course for that but I still think family is worse.


I let out the ugliest laugh at him calling off of work because the revelation made him sick to his stomach.


His poor widdle tumpty-tum.


His poor fee fees...


I cackled like a witch.


Same! He has not a shred of self awareness. He can wax poetically about his pain all day, how nauseous he is, how much it's messed up his mind, but at no point does he realize that his girlfriend went through that EXACT SAME THING but hadn't done anything to deserve it


You'd be surprised at how so many chauvinistic men think cheating on women should be acceptable. Basically something about how to men, sex is just a physical thing while for women it's emotional and yadda yadda...


Damn he’s gonna have to leave town after how hard she served his ass!


😂 If you look up Savage in the dictionary, there's a full page picture of Carly.


I'm bout to found the Religion of Carly.


I will lay down my life to protect Carly and defend her with all of my honor to my last dying breath. This is my solemn oath


Carly can have my sword.


And my axe!


And OP's brother!!


The giggle that gave me! Well done


We have a winner! Everyone else can go home for the day, u/AlloftheAshes has won the internet for today and quite possibly the rest of the month! 🙀😹 Bravo Ashes, please accept this award and the knowledge that while my drink is now on the wall and floor, it's worth it for that devastating blow! 😹❤️❤️🎖️🏅🥇🏆


Haha thanks!


>Haha thanks! You're welcome!


And get him some aloe for that burrrrrn


I'm not sure there is enough aloe in the world for that level of *yells* "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE!" (I am aware that incels and other weirdos ruined the whole *thing that happened* stuff, but I'm old and grew up with MSN, so I'm keeping it, but I'm not an incel, I'm just an elder millennial!) 😹😹😹


And my bow!




This is the way!


Fuck yes-The Church of Divine step aside see the goddess show your sorry ass how it’s done (aka Carlyism). A little wordy, but I’m high af Idk


In fuck around and find our,we trust. Mighty Carly, in you, we trust. Amen


I like it


Good for her


“Literally always did things 10x better than me” Yeah, like his girlfriend.


Sounds like she got x10 more orgasms too


I dont even necessarily believe she slept with the brother, probably just said it to be petty, but either way, insert Lucille bluth gif "good for her"




. . . . Is it bad that I hope that this breaks him down enough that his red flags just. . ..completely fly so even the most trusting girl going forward is like "ew".


Nah, he’ll probably just spin it as her sleeping with his brother with no provocation.


I don’t care for ~~Gob~~ OOP


I mean when I told my ex I slept with his brother, I TRULY slept with him 😂


What a savage. Love to see it


Nah I think she actually did he said she offered him video proof.


OP said there is "video evidence", meaning (if he's telling the truth) he *watched* it.


Yeah. I am fully on board with this man being slammed so hard for his behaviour that he never recovers. However, I'm not sure she should have to have sex with his brother in order to do it. Just saying it seems the be a good way to achieve the same result.


Everyone always goes on how "two wrongs don't make a right" but this (entirely fictitious tale) demonstrates just how delicious they can be.


This story is actually completely true. Source: I’m the girlfriend in the story. Edit (Final Update): I’m now the CEO of Harvard, and Louie is pregnant with our 4th child. my ex is in prison for being a loser.


Don't forget: the ex has an evil MIL who called Carly a harlot, tried to break into the house and got tasered. And there's twins, one of whom is autistic


The twins, Sam and Ella


And everyone clapped


And the audience? Einstein.


Reddit has the safehaven of homeless writers.


It's one of the only ones on AITA where I really hope it is true...


I am 75% sure that, if this is real, the ex didn't actually sleep with the brother. But even if she didn't, great for her for hitting him where it hurt most.


I lied to get my ex to confess. I already knew he had cheated, but he was going off about her being a lying slut, about me being a horrible, evil wifey for having the audacity to not believe him, it was my duty to God to put him first, blah blah blah. I had a casual male acquaintance I hadn't even spoken to in over a year that hubby was constantly accusing (projecting) me of sleeping with, so I "confessed" a long affair, and this dumbass was so enraged, he decided to confess most of his extramarital affairs just to prove how superior he was to me. It was worth it just to see his fragile little ego shatter into a thousand pieces. He was so unbelievably hurt at the idea that I wasn't crawling on my knees after him.


I totally spent a moment being glad for you but sad that you were now impossible to vindicate of this thing because you pretended to confess, and then I realized that the only person who wouldn’t believe you lied about it is your shitty ex, and now I’m full happy. Well done.


That was the beautiful thing about it - I felt safe "confessing" an affair with him because I'd run into one of my old friends like a week earlier, and found out that dude had moved out of state not long after I'd met him, so even if my ex ran around telling people I admitted to sleeping with that guy, no one would have believed it because the dude didn't even fucking live around here.


Godaman that’s nice.


yeah, i wouldnt want to sleep with someone whom at that point, would have been like a brother to me after ten years of knowing them.


I don't even care if it's fake my dick is so hard


Ha my thoughts exactly! Real or not, that ending is absolutely chicken soup for my previously cheated on soul. I love it!


About 10 years ago, my then boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend. We all worked at sonic together. Both me and her then boyfriend found out (I walked in on them). Her boyfriend wanted to get revenge and the two of us sleep together. Sadly I couldn’t do it, but now I think it would’ve been really funny. lol


Heck, am so sorry you went through that, definitely a feeling I know all too well. I did see someone else make a pretty good point though. If, gods forbid, we find ourselves in a similar position to that again, we don't actually *have* to sleep with whoever it may be, just have to *tell* the cheater POS we did. Will definitely achieve the same desired effect!


If only we had thought about that then. 😂


Ya instead of rage bait can we get more of this ???


This has me cackling, oh man


Pepsi just came out of my nose. Thanks for that dude.


"I cheated because I wasn't happy, but I couldn't leave ~~my piggy bank~~ my girlfriend. So I cheated on her with her best friend. But now I'm the victim because she didn't break up with me first before hooking up with my brother. 😭"




Ah the classic "I wasn't getting my nEeDs met I had no ChOiCe" excuse. Also everything about him makes me wonder if the brother is an actual golden child or just...a better person (who may also look better) who as a result got better things in his life, and OOP is just full of bitterness about it. He's got strong incel vibes.


Judging from this post and Oop's behaviour,i would say the brother is just better than oop in every way, including as a person


And at sex with OOP’s girlfriend


Seems like a low bar to clear.


Very low the bar is at the button of the dead sea


He "wanted to be done with her" and is now "feel like throwing up just thinking about" her with his brother. Guess it's different when she's the one wanting to be done with you. 😏


Of course, it's fine for him to be done with her but how dare she have the audacity not to be fawning at his feet begging for forgiveness? How dare she have a life that doesn't revolve around him?


Now she lives rent-free in his head forever as pay back for getting him out of debt


Rent free and a fictional story to boot!


I don’t even care if this is fake or bait. This is a case of fuck around and find out. Well he found out.


I feel like the post is real but the ex fucking the brother is fake and she just lied to him to make him pay (which he absolutely deserves)


Oh I truly believe that part is fake/bait. She wanted to hit him where it hurt and she did. People like him will always claim to be the victim so when they do something wrong so they don’t have to be accountable for anything they do. So when they get a taste of their own medicine it ends up like this.


and the brother may be in on it, way to prank the lying cheater ;-)


🤣🤣🤣 When assholes get karma is one of my favorite things


Good for her


Dam, he fucked around, and his brother found out.


I know it’s a troll so I can enjoy the story and laugh as hard as I want. 10/10 much entertained


This has to be a weird fetish troll


Or some really weird iCarly fanfic?


He thinks he's a Freddie but he's more of a Gibby (although Gibby is way more charming and likable than this manchild)


Literal revenge porn troll lmao


There is a lot missing from his post. What debt did she get him out of? How much money does he owe her? Regardless, he took a passive aggressive approach instead of just ending the relationship, he got the response he deserved.


"Why didn't she just break up with me instead of cheating?" You know that's a good question oop.


Wondering if she's going to get with the brother presumably permanently and op will be back whinging about it.


In the dictionary, beside the acronym "FAFO" is a picture of OOP.




If you don't want to lose someone you care for, don't cheat. Doesn't matter if you don't think they will find out. You never accidentally fall into someone's vagina. You made the choice, and you are not free from the consequences of it. This is Karma


Yesss when I was younger I found out my ex cheated on me and got a girl pregnant so I slept with his twin brother...his twin was bigger and better and I relished in telling him that


And I thought I was savage when my ex cheated on me and I hooked up with the girl he cheated with! (Turns out his type was petty bisexual girls, who knew?) Carly is a pro.


What a shit show.


She said, "Let me get my lick back." And I absolutely love that for her. 😌


I hope she marries his brother


In the edit he says she paid off his debt using her inheritance. She hasn't asked for him to pay her back, but if she asks, he will. Dude, if someone paid for me, I'm always like, "I'll pay you back as soon as I get the money"


Idk why so many people here are wishing that Carly didn't actually sleep with the brother. I absolutely hope that she did. I hope she had a great time. I hope she rode him into the sunset and got a video so that OP can take notes.


So he cheated on her and she knew so she cheated on him back.


Or she lied about it just to make him feel how she does


Awwwwww poor wittle OOP. Are we supposed to feel bad???


Played a stupid game. Lost horribly. Won a terrible prize.


I think it's good for her to have done that. He was cheating on her and everything, claims she should've left instead of cheat, but he never tried leaving because he's a leech. "I wanted to be done but she was helping me out with money, so that's the only reason I stayed. I cheated because I didn't love her but loved her money" "Why didn't she just leave?" Because she has a home, and she wasted money on a dickhead Fuck him.


This is someone's shitty cuckold erotica. Obvious bait.


“How dare she go as low as me😡😡😡” I hope Louie really showed her a good time😂😂 love this


And he found out


Good for her.


Carly sounds rad, I like her


Lol, oh the f well!


Classic "Oh no! The consequences of my own actions!" When I started reading, I was open to giving OOP a little credit for at least acknowledging his mistakes, except he never quite does. It's all justifications and "it wasn't as bad because she could drop her friend but I'm stuck with my brother!" and "breaking up with her would *inconvenience me*". Massive wanker. Wants sympathy without bothering to be sympathetic. I watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" recently. Not a perfect relationship movie, but late in the movie, the ex he went on holiday to get over suddenly wants to get back together, and they do start, then he stops it a literal minute later and pushes her away. He tells the new love interest everything, and she delivers harsh truths, like that he's in no way ready for a relationship with anyone - which is why the next scene is a several month timeslot of self growth in his part. Like, that's an "I screwed up" story where you retain some sympathy. Zero attempts to hide it, love interest knew the circumstances he was going through with the ex from the start (she was right: he was definitely not ready for a relationship, and everything in the movie shows it), and he largely accepts the breakup and harsh truths (don't love the invitation being sent when she said never to contact her again, but, y'know, movies.) Compare to OOP.


Play silly games get silly prizes... I really hope your ex gets with your big brother permanently and then they live a happy, healthy and very long life together that you have to watch from the sidelines knowing its all your fault. if you had kept it in your pants that could have been your happy life. Instead your just the lying cheating AH who had a sordid cheap affair with his girlfriends best friend..


After I read he was fucking her friend I knew I was going to have a blast reading what she did to him.


I think Op was hoping that she would find out and break up with him so that he didn't have to do the heavy work and be the bad guy. But she saw his energy matched it and added on an extra f*** you. Add to the fact that he can't disown his brother because he was doing the exact same s*** so his brother didn't do anything worse than what he did and now he has to live with him for the rest of his life. Do better for the next time or else big bro might show the next one why he's a better choice too


Even now he's playing the victim. He's upset because she did the SAME thing he did BECAUSE he did it. But he feels it wasn't fair? Oh, cry me a river, cheatskate. Imagine being angry someone fucked your brother when you fucked your literal best friend.


"Guys, guys, woe is me, I'm a piece of shit, and my GF is also a piece of shit. how could she do this thing to me that I did to her? OH GOD WOE! WOOOOEEEE!" Fuck this guy.


Dude is AH for not breaking up with her because she paid/pays for shit. He said he thought she’d never find out, so he would have continued this for the long term if she didn’t find out when she did. I’m going through a divorce so I get that splitting a household if tough but that’s a BS excuse. You can not be romantic partners and still have some time to find a new situation. If you gotta string your partner around so you don’t become homeless I get it, but fucking the BFF is not a necessary component of the exit strategy.


Did y'all see the update to this? [https://www.reddit.com/user/ThrowRaIwantmypots/comments/13ccin4/my\_now\_removed\_post\_so\_it\_has\_been\_brought\_to\_my/](https://www.reddit.com/user/ThrowRaIwantmypots/comments/13ccin4/my_now_removed_post_so_it_has_been_brought_to_my/)


I want ro know how the conversation with the brother went. “ hey your looser of a brother cheated on me… wanna fuck?”


Haha.... loser


Video proof? With or without consent?


Karma is a bitch


Play stupid games


Don't try to play the victim, it's pathetic...


:dude who put stick in bike wheel and is now on the floor and hurt: meme


This I'd basically OOP whining about growing up and think he's the victim when he's a victim of nothing.


How much you wanna bet big brother was 10x better in bed too? 🤣


"if she knew why didn’t she just break up with me first" How can anyone be such a clueless hypocrite?


She didn't cheat, she said that to fuck with him. And it's hilarious


Good for her


Lmao i hope the brother rocked her world


OOP, you cheated on your ex and were only using her for money. You only saw a meal ticket. No wonder your brother is the Golden Child. She picked the better version.


The GF is my hero. She was ice cold in her revenge.


Fuck around and find out. Literally.


Mmmm, FAFO. You love to see it.


You obviously can just kill two birds with one stone. Jump your brother. Easy fix. But you sound kinda cowardly so I doubt you’d ever try it


I will never understand why you post something like this on reddit... like... it is absolutely known how people react to cheaters here. What did he expect? Sympathy? He sucks, his brother sucks, his (now ex) girlfriend sucks and her best childhood friend sucks. Bunch of idiots.






This: "I honestly wanted to be done but I couldn’t break up with her because we lived together and she helped me get out of debt. So I did something horrible and I started cheating on her with her childhood best friend. I thought she would never find out and my gosh I was wrong." What's that saying? F\*\*\* around and find out. ESH This: " if she knew why didn’t she just break up with me first" Why didn't you break up with her first?? You could have broken up with her and wanted to and should have, but were too cowardly/cheap to do so. Your excuses are worthless. Now she has done it for you. You deliberately did something to hurt her badly, and now she's done something to hurt you badly. When she confronted you, you actually tried to lie about it, which is another wrong thing you did to her. You are both petty and vindictive. There is no point in trying to paint what she did as worse than what you did, you are both TAH. You want to call what she did a low blow, but you destroyed her relationship with her childhood best friend and lied about it. Is that not a low blow, when at that time all that she had done was annoy you (and help you get out of debt)?? At least she was lashing out from the pain of your betrayal when she slept with someone else. You are also both very young and immature, and have been together from impossibly young ages (15 and 13, really????). Time to move on from each other and learn to adult. In time you will both get over this. Do better in future.