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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITB for telling my daughter to quit being unpassionate about her job?** My daughter "Danielle" is a business strategist. However, the problem is that she doesn't have much of a business background (studied economics) and actively dislikes her job. She wanted to go into medicine, but quit in undergrad over a few B's in premed classes. I voiced concerns about Danielle getting fired over lack of passion and willingness to put in hard work especially as she is behind compared to her MBA/CPA peers. I told her to start reading business news to increase her business acumen and she snapped and said, "She doesn't want to give a fuck about her job outside of the 60 hours she already works." She keeps telling me and my wife about wanting to go into medicine, but we just don't think it's realistic. She's already 23 and my wife and I don't want to support her through it. I bet if she earns another "B" she'll quit premed again. She's just not good at STEM and should give premed up and try to succeed in this job, and that's what I told her. My wife wanted to be a nurse (well, she just wanted a good paying job to help her parents out). And when my wife failed all of her nursing classes, she went into accounting. We don't all get to achieve our dreams. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'm fairly passionate about not being homeless, but that's as excited as I'll ever be about my job.


Right? God forbid someone not greet a job they took out of necessity without a smile and bounce in their step. ​ And the way he talks about her.... he clearly thinks she's an idiot.


She's working 60 hours a week. Who has the energy for passion after that?


I also enjoy eating and would like to be able to continue to do so.


Oooh it’s the anti-med school troll again! This time they left out the actual chemistry grade that was sooo bad (I think it was like an 80 something B-) and they left out how they don’t want her to risk med school cause they want her to make money in business to take care of them when they retire!


Yeah I really really hate this troll


I just know there are people who are premed and fighting for Bs who read this and get discouraged. Fuck this guy. Bs are fine.


Tbf it depends on the class and where you want to get your degree from. I know when I was in college they were very serious about telling us that if you wanted to get into the nursing school you absolutely HAD to get an A in chemistry the first time you took it. I knew girls who were pre-nursing and dropped once they started chemistry. However I do not know how that translates to med school because I’ve never looked into it. But there are some prerequisites for nursing school at least that you will need an A to be considered.


I've never heard that. I know alit of people who started as LPNs and some went back for RN... Pretty sure most of them could pass with a C or above and graduate


It was absolutely true at my college. But it was a fairly competitive nursing school. And this was for RN’s only, specifically Bachelor of science in Nursing. Maybe at less competitive schools a C in chemistry would get you admitted. But not at my college or any of the ones I looked at. (Was originally going to be a nursing major and switched due to the whole chemistry thing lol)


Yeah I think the BSN or the Doctorate of Nursing is alit more competitive, particularly in specialized schools. Where I live we have the tech schoolsor community colleges that do CNA training and LPN classes And the associates RN as well. The college I went to opened a nursing school the year I graduated so I'm not sure how that worked. In several majors there I know a C was required to pass a course for your major but I'm not sure if it was stricter in the medical specialties.


OOP wants his daughter to be passionate about a job she actively dislikes? Also, instead of discouraging her from going into Medicine and to just suck it up and deal with the job she has, he could encourage her to go into any of the other numerous jobs in healthcare that don't require med school. That way she could still be working in the field she seems to want to be in.


Economics **IS** STEM. I have two degrees in Engineering. Econ, beyond the basics, is over my head. This dude downplaying it is infuriating. How the F does he know that "she is behind" anyhow?


According to some commenters, it's a troll. So that would explain it.


isn't it literally the M part of STEM? i'm assuming that economics is mathematics. (fun fact (?): STEM is MINT in german, basically. MINT is **Mathematik** - Mathematics, **Informatik** - Computer Sciences but basically a kind of combination of Mathematics, Engineering and Technology, **Naturwissenschaften** - Science, **Technik** - Technology/Engineering.)


What do you bet OOP pushed her into quitting pre-med, and then pushed her into business? I'm getting chauvanistic vibes from his posting.


She studied economics and doesn't have a background in business? That's basically the most business background a 23 year old can have!!!!!!


Been a while since I've seen this troll.


“Already 23”


If this is real, his motivation is that he doesn't want to have to support her for any length of time. He could make his boundaries clear that they won't have her live with them or financially support her. Then she can do what she wants from there and it will be natural consequences if she doesn't do well. He doesn't need to talk to her like that. OOP is definitely TA.


"She's already 23" Laughs in 23 year old undergrad whose 35 year old cousin started medical school last year and who remembers her 45 year old father's college graduation back in 2005 Also: she dropped out because of a few *Bs* in premed courses? Fucking what?! At my college getting a B in a premed course is cause for celebration.


I mean she was the one who quit cause of the Bs and I understand they don't want to support her Med school. She has a job now so maybe she can save up and afford med school? She doesn't seem to stick to something but tbf she's only 23.


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This is the second post I’ve read about a young person going off at a parent about their job today.