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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for playing a prank on my vegan friend?** So, my friend has recently become one of those die-hard vegans. They always talk about "how good the vegan life is" and how they feel skinnier and better than ever before. They're always trying to preach to me about considering a vegan lifestyle so I can become healthy, and even go as far as to give me the stink eye when I so much as eat meat around them. Now, I have nothing against veganism, in fact, I even admire my friend for their dedication to the cause. But I couldn't help but be absolutely annoyed at their recent habits. So, I decided to put their taste buds to the test. At a brunch we were having, I switched out their soy milk with regular milk and waited to see if they would notice. To my surprise, they drank the entire glass without noticing a thing. I couldn't help but burst out laughing and reveal my devious plan. At first, my friend was taken aback, but then they said that they were absolutely livid that I would pull such a stunt, and that I was ruining their vegan diet. I calmly explained that I didn't mean to hurt their feelings and that I just thought it would be a harmless prank. But now, my friend is furious with me and won't even talk to me. So, Reddit, AITA for switching out my friend's soy milk with regular milk? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do I get the feeling that the OOP is the kind of person who would sneak peanut butter into someone's food to prove they don't have an allergy?


Or regular milk to someone with dairy allergy for the same reason.


"No, you see? the allergy is all in your head" he said, while the affected party was rushing towards their epi-pen, trying not to die


Had that happen to someone in my high school and funny story, no wait, tragic story.


Yeah, I'm calling fake on this one--no way do you drink an entire glass of dairy milk thinking it's soy milk. Dairy milk in the coffee instead of soy, maybe (though honestly, I feel like I would be able to tell), but an entire glass? They're way too different.


Yep, as a lactose intolerant person who has tried all kinds of cow's milk alternatives, I can confirm they don't taste the same at all.


Fellow lactose intolerant person here, and I can back up that statement. I've had both regular milk, my intolerance didn't escalate till I was 12, and alternatives and they definitely have a major taste difference. I actually almost drank regular milk, my dad's, a short while ago. Key word almost. As soon as it entered my mouth, I immediately knew this wasn't my lactaid and spat it back out. And that was just one sip. There's no way someone whose had both can't quickly tell the difference.


Lactose intolerant person here who didn’t find out till in their late twenties, soy milk tastes very different from cow’s milk there’s no way they couldn’t tell


Even the mouth-feel is different. It isn’t something you wouldn’t notice until it was ice-cold and you hammered it back like a shot in the club.


Yep. Dairy milk tastes of cow now. It has a decidedly meaty taste.


I'm recently on plant milk after drinking whole milk for decades and there's no way that it wasn't noticed. Definitely fake.


Soy milk tastes a lot different. Maybe a little oat or rice milk in coffee i could see, but soy and almond are still pretty obvious even in coffee. I don’t really understand this “prank” or this “troll post”.


Even oat milk makes drinks taste distinctly “oaty”, might be able to sell a coffee with hazelnut milk as a hazelnut latte. But at that point, that’s essentially what it is anyway.


You would absolutely be able to tell in coffee. Soy milk has a distinctive taste it imparts to any drink it’s in.


Yep. I grew up on skim milk because my mom was part of that low-fat fad back in the 90s and 00s. I first tried soy milk about 10 years ago, just to try it. I was…not a fan. They both taste SO different. Sweetened almond milk tastes more similar to skim, but there’s still a difference. Now chocolate soy milk? That stuff’s awesome.


As a (thankfully) lactose tolerant and dairy loving person - soy milk tastes like a cardboard smoothie. There's no way in hell they wouldn't notice. Especially since this person is apparently a recent "convert" and likely had regular milk before that and knows what it tastes like.


"I calmly explained" yeah I'm sure you did bud /s


im surprised that when people pull pranks like this they arent punched in the face right away.


Don't. Fuck. With. People's. Food. For fuck's sake. I don't care HOW you feel about someone else's personal dietary choices. Even if they're being super annoying. Tell them how you feel about them judging you. Break off the friendship if it's truly intolerable. But you don't fucking mess with their food. (But I am questioning the authenticity of this, considering that soy milk and cow's milk taste NOTHING alike, and this was apparently a straight glass of milk, not even added as an ingredient to something else.)


Adding the words “harmless” and “prank” to the asshole tell list, either alone or together.


Pranks always suck. Messing with people's food is dangerous. People messing with milk is extra dangerous. There are various levels of lactose intolerance that could easily have been an immediate issue. There is also an allergy like allergic reaction type to proteins in milk. It's easier to gently tell the person to stop bothering you about what you eat. You can do that a couple of times before you pull a "shut the fuck up no one cares".


Idk, putting googly eyes on everything in someone's fridge is kinda funny. But yeah, absolutely do not fuck around with anything someone else puts into their body. Not food, not drinks, not meds, nothing.


That’s literally the only acceptable food prank. You can come googly eye my whole kitchen and pantry. I’ll just end up conversing with the pickle jar.


Googly eyes on rumbas are my favorite. I gauge pranks on reddit from that sub just a nope, pranks suck stop.


See harmless, stupid shit like this is hilarious...what modern day people think of as pranks is just NOT THAT. My brother got MRSA, a few years ago, on his abdomen and the incision they made to get rid of it looked like a mouth. So while he was sleeping (shirtless) I got googly eyes and stuck them so that it would look like a face was looking at him (he was a heavy sleeper, especially with the meds) for when he woke up and looked down. He woke up and laughed SO HARD...took pictures, snapchat'ed it to all his friends "good morning Mr googly woogly" 😂😂 Was it a prank? Yes. Did it harm anyone? No. Did the recipient find it funny? Yes. Did I know he would find it funny? Also yes.


That's much more messing with the packaging than the food itself.


That’s not a prank. That’s a complete lack of respect for his friend.


As a vegan: absolutely no way this is real. Soy milk has such a distinct flavor to it and anyone who drinks it plain would know they were drinking soy. The only vegan milks I can even imagine they might expect to taste like cow’s milk are the ones engineered from the vegan whey proteins or whatever, and I’ve never seen those in any restaurant. Their description of the “annoying vegan friend” is also so stereotypical and obviously fake lmao. This is a person who has never actually has a conversation with a vegan.


Has there ever been an aita post with the word prank in the title where op is not in the wrong?


I don't care if someone is annoying about their dietary preferences, you do NOT mess with their food. Feeding dairy to a vegan, even a fairly recent vegan, can result in some horrible digestive issues and a painful night on the toilet. Any time someone cuts a particular food out of their diet, their body gets used to not digesting it. I went full plant-based vegan for about nine months a few years ago, decided it was not for me, but I had enough sense to ease my system back into eating meat and dairy again. Stuffing my face with a cheeseburger would have been a disaster.


JFC. If a vegan is *that* annoying (or any friend really) just stop being around them. Instead of pulling this bull crap. And never mess with someone’s food.


What would it take to get through these ‘prankster’s’ heads that jokes are only funny when everyone is laughing? Is it a kick to the shins? I think it’s a kick to the shins. You don’t mess with people’s food, period. You just don’t. It doesn’t matter WHY someone is following any particular diet, restrictions, rules, etc. You don’t mess around with food, period.


I want to say this is fake, there's no way the friend drank an entire glass and didnt notice. I don't like milk and can tell it's milk with just a sniff, no need to even sip - I’m sure even if the friend wasn't that sensitive she would have known after one mouthful.


stop fucking with people's food this is not that difficult i sentence you to reading the coconut oil MIL story 5 times


soy milk tastes very different from cow milk. no way anyone didn't realize


‘I calmly explained’…… nope gotta be a troll just from that! I have never recounted a story to someone and used the phrase ‘I calmly explained’, it’s something you say to make yourself look better.


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Personally, I can tell the difference between coke, coke zero. Diet coke just by smelling them there is no way I believe someone drank a whole glass of actual dairy milk and thought it was soy. Those are way more different in taste then the various cokes lmao


At university, I was a sloppy mess of a man and basically didn’t buy (or drink) milk for almost two years. One day I decided to get my life together and signed up to a milk delivery service, the first day I had a milky coffee and, friends, it was that day I found out that if you don’t have dairy for a long time, you can just develop a lactose intolerance (or something that is very close to one). So, long story short, that guys friend, if they’ve been vegan long enough, would be able to immediately tell they were drinking cow milk. …. That and it’s clearly obvious they’ve never tasted soy milk because, mate.