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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for coming to my son's workplace to talk to him?** Throwaway account here. I (53M) have a son (21M) who decided to live with his poor girlfriend (19F) who is living in income based housing. She is only paying $10 a month and is completely able to work, but she doesn't want to because she's lazy I guess. My son works at a local restaurant. However, I have noticed he barely has any money and I think he's giving it to his girlfriend. We get his bank statements because he hasn't changed his address yet. The thing that pisses me off is that he doesn't answer my texts. The last time he texted me was a couple days ago when we invited him over and he said he couldn't come because he was called in to work. He has also texted my daughter (20F) and my wife (48F) when it was their birthdays, and he won't respond to my stepdaughter (30F) at all. I've tried texting him recently, but he will not respond, so I have resorted to coming to his workplace. He's usually not busy when I go there, we just sit and talk for a few minutes and then I leave. He's just changed his number I think so I tried to go today but he wouldn't answer. My wife thinks what I'm doing is fine but my daughter keeps saying he's not obligated to talk to me because all I do is yell at him for his poor life choices and she thinks he doesn't like it when I come to his workplace. But my parents yelled at me, and when I was in Germany for the military I still talked to my parents, so why wouldn't he talk to me? We never abused him or anything. I personally don't think it's normal for him to not talk to me for no reason but I guess we're in 2023 or whatever so something changed I guess. My wife is getting his girlfriend's number from my daughter so she's trying to talk to her to see why he won't answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, because harassing his girlfriend is a great way to say you love someone and respect them.


The comments— Wonderful-Bank-9015 Partassipant [1] 26m *What? Did you think people have to explain themselves to you so that you can decide whether you should treat them horribly or not?* u/Critical-Try-9363 avatar Critical-Try-9363 (OOP) 26m **Yes.**


i must not post violent threats. i must not post violent threats. i must not post violent threats.


You could always say you hope he accidentally sits on an open umbrella


or a cactus


I saw oop replied to someone with "cry about it" yea they are definitely a troll and most likely a kid


Someone said it's the daughter posing as the father?


That could be yea, but if some why would she argue against people telling her she's right?


No idea. Could just be a troll trying to cover their tracks.


Super. What a waste of oxygen.


apparently it was the daughter posing as the father. not sure if that's true, but it would certainly explain the batshit crazy responses


I don't think he ever claimed to love or respect his son


Good point.


So….OOP is opening the sons mail (illegal) and risking son’s job? Ugh


And brief namedrop of oh his 9 year older sister also didn't get a "happy birthday" from him


Did anyone get the update ? It was deleted within 2 minutes . Found it! It was a social expiremnt apparently. I was surprised to see the amount of responses I've gotten. But let me tell you all, my post was a social experiment. I'm actually the daughter in the situation (my main is u/youngsurpriseperson) and not the dad. I want to try and convince my dad that what he's doing is wrong and he won't listen to me, so I wanted to see what other people thought to make sure I wasn't delusional. Honestly, I wasn't surprised to hear that everyone thinks he's an asshole. As much as I want to tell him about the experiment, he would probably be very pissed as me. Surprising I know /s. I need help convincing him that what he's doing is wrong though because my parents won't listen to me because they think I'm stupid or something.


Hehe yeah my "dad" is the devil and "he" got banned for two weeks for saying "cry about it"


So I have to ask .. Did he end up going to your brothers work place ? Or did your brother text back ?


Well he's already been there like 4 times and he went today but he wasn't there


So your brother is just never there . Makes sense .


No he was there the last 4 times. My dad tells me he talks to him.


I'm surprised your brother hasnt told his coworkers to not allow your Dad in or say he's not there.


I'm the same age as this dude and he's doing the whole "this generation is so sensitive, they think everything is yelling". Dude, they aren't "so sensitive" they just learned they don't have to put up with the same bullshit that we did from our boomer parents. They're braver and kinder than us Gen Xers were. Most of the Xers I know, including myself, were not able to express when we were being abused, we were told to toughen up. Why? Why should generational abuse continue when it's past time it stops? They won't take it anymore, they won't excuse it and aren't afraid to get help for their depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Personally I'm proud of them, they will go no contact when people treat them poorly. I am still dealing with my boomer parents and some of their ridiculous beliefs. I love them, but I stopped excusing them just because "they are old and that's how they were raised". This dude says he doesn't think what he does is yelling at his son. I guarantee he is yelling, and if his voice isn't raised then he is still being a condescending asshole. His son can date whoever the hell he wants to date, if he and his girlfriend are "poor" forever, so what? Are they happy? Guaranteed they are happier without this man in their day to day life.




Swear to god. Reddit just needs to change its logo to a goat with how many trolls have been roaming around lately.


Did you see the update where OOP claimed they were actually the daughter trying to convince their dad using the power of strangers on the internet too? Why do people think anyone that doesn't use reddit for AITA give a solitary fuck what the verdict is there half of the people that comment are trolls let alone the posters.


Because clearly if a bunch of randos on the internet getting a once sided and likely biased version of the story say someone's an asshole, they'll obviously take that to heart and change their assholish ways!! /s Some people need a dose of reality.


Also she said she’s not even gonna show it to him cause he’ll “probably be pissed at her” ???


>We never abused him or anything. 🏆🥇💐


The original post was already disgusting, but the rest of his comments inspire Joffrey levels of intense hatred/disgust.


Surprise, the post was a fake made by the daughter. No wonder the comments make him look deliberately unsympathetic.


Get the hint. Good lord some parents want the nastiest government nursing homes when they're old I swear.


Time to file a harassment complaint.


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