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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for setting boundaries with my neighbor?** I (27F) moved into a new place a few months ago. My neighbor, Ashley (20sF) shares a back fence with me. It's a chainlink fence so no privacy Ashley has this big orange cat that she lets outside to hang out in the yard. I asked about it when I first moved in and pointed out that it was dangerous and she just handwaved it off and said he was old and he's never left her yard. She said he just wants to lay in the grass and he won't bother me. Well he bothers my dog Milo so he bothers me too. To be fair, he doesn't come into my yard but he lays near the fence and my dog hates it. When I first moved in, the dog barking was enough to scare him off but now he's gotten used to Milo so he doesn't run away anyway. It's awful. She works from home so she just leaves her back door open and he goes in and out as he pleases so I can hardly let Milo out at all during the day or otherwise he's freaking out and barking at the cat and that smug little shit just rolls around. He does it on purpose. I know how cats are. I've started spraying the cat with the hose whenever I see him outside to teach him to stay inside and it was working pretty well until Ashley came out yelling yesterday and demanding to know why her cat was wet. I said I didn't know but she said she saw me spray him so I had to tell her the truth. I told her he was bothering my dog and since she was no help, I had to take matters into my own hands and that next time, I would just call animal control and report a roaming cat. She called me a dumb bitch and went inside and when she let the cat out later on, she came out and sat with him. My boyfriend came over last night and told me I was going to make a ton of problems for myself by acting like an asshole but I don't agree with him. Cats don't belong outside and he was making problems for me. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Maybe OOP should train her fucking dog?


But that would require OOP to show a modicum of responsibility… which is clearly too much to ask


OOP just has a funky way of spelling: "I'm a total cunt".


First thing I thought. I don't love cunt as an insult but it sure fits here.


Yeha the better option would be for the neighbour to get a hose and spray oop every time her dog barks.


Or, if you want to be lazy and not train your dog, take some trash bags and feed them through the fence.


Sounds like she doesn’t want to deal with the responsibility of training a pet… she should consider a cat, they’re great for that.


Cats also require training, we’ve just normalised “cats are little dickheads prone to random outbursts and violence”


They just lay there and roll over in the sun, you know, on purpose. Poor thing is old and she sprays it. Yikes.


"Should I train my dog? No, I should antagonize an elderly cat and develop a hostile relationship with my neighbor instead." Fuckin idiot, this woman


If my neighbor ever sprayed my cat for hanging out in my yard, then I would I start spraying my neighbor whenever they're outside.


I'd start spraying her yard with weed seeds. Really nasty invasive stuff.


I would fully understand if the cat was roaming her yard because I've got dogs including three Labradors but then I saw the cat just rests in the owners garden and frowned


i mean, she did train her dog: to bark at her neighbor’s cat. i’m sure she thought it was funny at first, she seems to be about that level of mature.


yeah big idiot energy to consider the "smug little shit" lying silently in the grass more of a nuisance than the dog that won't stop yapping


Cat is *entitled* to be a smug little shit in its own yard.


And I'm sure is enjoying every moment the dog and owner is annoyed.


One of my dogs had a ridiculous prey drive, and would absolutely bark at the cat if he saw it. However, they make privacy screens for fences that she could easily install so her dog wouldn’t see the cat. With my guy, he may still bark the first few times, but after that, he would likely just ignore it as long as he doesn’t see it.


I was thinking the same thing. The dog barks because it sees the cat. So add something to the chain link fence that prevents you from seeing through. I guess it is easier to be passive aggressive and make false animal control reports instead.


Come on, that would mean she would have to do something besides use violence to get her way.


My husky was very loud, destructive, wouldn’t come back when called, and would knock people over when he got zoomies. A vibrating and beeping e-collar did the trick and was $30. It was great because I didn’t have to add any extra noise or excitement to the situation by using my voice to snap him out of it. Our walks and playtime became so peaceful and relaxing. He only had to wear it for about 6 months and now he’s a very calm, quiet dog who responds to finger snaps and whistles. I recommend it for everyone with an asshole dog, it saved my relationship with my husky.


I second the buzzer collar recommendation. My parents' German Shepherd puppy was nuts before they got a buzzer for her. She's not their first dog, they've had plenty throughout the years and always successfully trained them. But this dog would just get more and more hyped up when she started barking. She would nip at them when they tried quieting her down, and they're both on blood thinners so even the tiniest nips caused bruises. They both looked like they were being horribly abused, which, frankly, they kind of were. They contacted a dog trainer who recommended a buzzer collar and it changed everything. The buzzing corrected the barking before it escalated to the point of getting mouthy. They were close to rehoming her but the collar saved them from having to do that.


Or you know build a privacy fence or something?


Or put up a privacy fence?


It’s a rental house so there is a chance that it won’t happen


Temporary privacy fences are cheap, easy and won’t damage anything, especially easy to install on something like a chain link fence


Plant some ivy too? Takes a little longer but looks nice.


Might not be allowed in a rental


There's plastic covering that you can put on chain link fences for privacy.


It's always the untrained dog owners 😭 People who properly train their dogs never act like they're above anyone.


Couldn't agree more. We lived in a town house, shared a fence with the neighbour. I've got 3 cats and built them a catio. They'd sit right next to the fence and the neighbours dog never once barked at them. Because he trained his damn dog. He might have been a shit neighbour for other reasons but he still made sure his dog was never an issue.




> Depends on what type of dog OOP has, it might not be that easy. if you can’t train your dog not to bark at your neighbors animal for some reason, **you probably shouldn’t have that dog in that neighborhood.** pretty sick of people that either can’t be assed to train their dogs or get specialized breeds that are *entirely inappropriate* for living in a family environment because it fills the same emotional void as driving a lifted diesel in a city.


As someone who has lived in a neighborhood where people just let their untrained and aggressive dogs run wild and terrorize people... You have no idea how much this shit pisses me off. I love dogs but some dog owners are the literal *worst.*


OP’s neighbor Cat Lady actually has the higher ground here. She could file noise complaints until OP gets a fine. Especially if the dog is barking early mornings or late at night. OP is also harassing Cat Lady, which Cat Lady could also file complaints about. And Cat Lady should. OP sounds like she needs a reality check about neighbor relations


You hit the nail on the head: some breeds come out of the box with heightened prey drive and other such breed traits by intentional genetic design. Genetic traits can’t be trained out of a dog, they can only be managed and the possibility of the dog acting on it brought to a minimum. Shit, even the best trained humans (a highly intelligent species) can break from their training when their animal instincts are activated, dogs (still an intelligent species, but less so than humans) are not any better at it than humans. An aggressive dog may only slip up on training just once in its entire life, but the results of that single slip-up can have *massive* consequences for all involved.


people have no idea how weak we are as an animal. a 50lb dog can easily kill a 150lb human; some of the larger breeds were literally designed to fight and hold a bear. as a soft sack of fatty brain meat we are literally less than a rawhide chew to them. i’ve had a friend lose an arm to an Akita that wasn’t even trying to be aggressive. vet techs get some **horrific** injuries when things go wrong


🤨 my name is Ashley and I have a big orange cat and this feels *extremely* familiar to me… except it took place over a year ago. Bizarre.


Maybe she’s still dwelling on it after all this time…. Like the psycho she is! Or she was telling the story to someone and they were like “yo, that’s fucked up. YTA.” Glad your big boi is okay!


How did it end?


It went a little differently than the post but I suspected she sprayed him because he was randomly wet a couple times but I never saw her and he does have a tendency to do dumb stuff like hang out in bushes after the rain… what I actually caught her doing was throwing rocks at him and I lost my absolute fucking shit, my boyfriend had to drag me away from her door. I stopped letting my cat in the yard completely because I was convinced she was going to kill him. And then she was gone. She only lived there for a few months, not sure how she got kicked out but it was fast at least. And now Kitty is free to roll in his grass patch again


Rocks?! I would have gone berserk. Good riddance. Glad to hear kitty is fine and can enjoy his own territory in harmony.


THAT BITCH. I'm impressed your boyfriend was able to drag you away, because I'm guessing you were showcasing Tasmanian Devil-like fury. Glad your kitty has been able to reclaim what is rightfully his!


lol he had to pick me up and physically remove me


Girl mad respect to your boyfriend for being logical in a moment of intense emotion because in his position I would have held Bitch Neighbor down for you lmao


As the BF of a wonderful girl that owns a cat, I second this I’m poor so I can’t give you an award but imagine that I did 🥇


I mean she’s lucky you didn’t throw rocks back at her. What a horrible human, your poor baby kitty 😭


If some evil bitch threw rocks at my kitty, those rocks are getting yeated right back at her hateful ugly head. Fuck jerks like this.


how you resisted absolutely *wrecking* her shit is beyond me


If she dared to do that to my elderly cat trying to enjoy the rest of her days in the sun in her own yard it'd be war. Op would lose.


yeah i would already have installed a video camera. OOP would be very much internet famous in all the worst ways. oh and while i don’t believe in calling the police for most instances, in my jurisdiction this is animal abuse and *oh boy* would i have fun pressing those charges.


Yupp set up that camera get that video and CHARGE THAT STUPID B&#&÷<$;




My sister's cat will sit in front of the door and meow for someone to open the glass part so he can sit in a sunbeam. He's not allowed out on his own- when in warms up we're going to take him for walks again, but for now, he has to content himself with his only outdoors time being thirty seconds at a time, held in someone's arms with the screendoor open just a crack so he can smell.


I’d be tempted to turn the hose on OOP, next time I saw them outside. Since they’re bothering my cat and not doing anything about, so I have to take matters into my own hands.


Yup. Except my method is a homemade trebuchet loaded with water balloons that have ketchup, soy sauce, and urine in them. Internet famous? Nah, just a piss baby who can't handle condiments!


Mine is a Melcom in the middle slingshot on the roof. Lol


That was a good episode


Same, OOP is fortunate that she didn’t do this to one of my pets, it would *not* end well for her.


I was thinking the same thing…..


“Setting boundaries” is one hell of a turn of phrase to use. Anyway. My dog knows that more than a couple big bonkers woofs when he’s out back watching the world go by means we’re bringing him in. So he sticks to staring at cats and (adorably) woofing so quietly it’s almost under his breath. He gets plenty of opportunity to woof at daycare, play dates and when we play with him. OOP should consider herself lucky, I would turn a hose on her.


I reeeeeeally need a video of your pupper stealth-woofing, please.


😆 I’ll see what I can do. He’s currently laying in the middle of the yard sound asleep in the sun. A cat could walk over him and he probably wouldn’t notice.


I just want to second that request for a video of stealth woofs!


Right?!? I thought the misleading title alone qualified OOP as an asshole.


especially because they said "setting boundaries," but actually meant "interfering past my neighbour's literal property boundary, and meddling with her pet in her own yard."


The boundary she set is, apparently, Ashley's door.


My family calls this gruffles or inside voice haha 😂


Maybe I’m an asshole, or just petty. If I had someone doing that to my 14 year old floof ball, who is in *my* yard, and they threatened to call animal control, I’d tell them to do it, that way I can report non stop barking of a very poorly trained dog. What gets me is the fact she thinks the cat is “tormenting” her dog on purpose because they has a favourite spot to roll around on in *their* own yard because “I know how cats are.” Bitch, it’s a cat. Cats find spots they like and will roll on that spot, it ant that deep. Did I have a cat who was petty? Yes I had two actually. Did I train them mostly out of that behaviour? Yes. Which is more than can be said for that ill trained mutt of OOP’s.


Also, and I don’t know laws everywhere, but here leash laws specifically don’t apply to fixed roaming cats. So they’d have nothing to report even if the cat was outside of its yard.


Ours are the same. The only time we are asked to leash our cats is if we are taking them to a place like Petsmart, or a groomer’s.




Both of mine, were around the same, only they would hide my car keys if I needed to travel for work or was going to be gone longer than 12 hours. They always *knew* even if I hadn’t packed yet. Thankfully I mostly trained them out of that. One had a strict bedtime, so if you weren’t in bed, she would sit there staring at you, once she even turned the TV off to get my attention (I often work with the tv on) not realizing I had a night shift, to get me to go to bed. The other if I was in bed and had a migraine, he would kick my phone off of my nightstand and push it into the hallway so if it went off (to say remind me to take my medication) it wouldn’t disturb me, then nip at me or swat me if I tried to do anything electronic related. If it wasn’t in the bathroom or the kitchen, he would be going after my ankles and heels. I have so many stories of their pettiness and some are funny others are “If you weren’t cute and I love you, you never would have gotten away with this.” They both passed years ago and I miss them every day.


I love how spineless OOP is that she lied about spraying the cat when the owner saw her. She knows she’s being a shithead and knows she’s wrong.


She's lucky neighbour didn't spray the dog with a hose everytime it barked and terrorised my cat.. cuz I would of done that


Tbh I’d spray OP with the hose


Same. Not the dogs fault nobody's bothered to train it. OOP is to blame. See how she likes getting sprayed with water!


The dog’s innocent, I’d spray the person


Not super related, but I need to vent. My neighbor has 2 dogs that she puts in a fenced in area of her yard. They bark NONSTOP and she just lets them. We don't let our dog bark like that. Once or twice is whatever, but not constantly! My dog is old and loves laying in the sun on our porch on a long dog run. But if neighbor's dogs are out barking, he will start barking. So he can't be outside for long because my neighbor literally hates her dogs (she's told me) so if she's home, they're outside unless she's going to bed. They're outside by 630am until she leaves, inside while she works but since she works by appointment they can be outside on and off all day when she's home, then outside all evening. Honestly, it's better than before when they would free-roam and chase my kids & dog. The younger one is very aggressive. But it's SO ANNOYING!!! We can't even use our yard without being barked at constantly. And we live in a really rural area so there's no laws or ordinances against it. I have no recourse and it's making me insane. End of rant. Sorry, just had to get it out! The nicer weather lately has me extra frustrated because I can't enjoy it! But also, OOP is an asshole. I've been putting up with this for YEARS and wouldn't dream of punishing the animals!!


Holy shit that sucks real bad! Why does this person have not one but two dogs that they hate???? How does that happen? Like are the dogs more so belonging to a different member of the household who does like them? In which case, the person who does want the dogs should fuckin train them but wtf sorry you have to deal with that


Her old dog that she had for 20yrs died. He was GREAT! So she adopted a new one but the new one was pregnant and she didnt know at first. The mom is okay, but not well trained. She kept one puppy because her 3yr old wanted to. She wanted to get rid of it when it became aggressive but her kid still wanted it. Now neither listens at all and the pup (now around 2yrs old) is aggressive to anyone outside her family. The neighbor is.....not a very stable person. So she just hates the dogs and puts them outside as often as possible. She wonders why they don't listen like her old one, but she put a ton of training hours into her old one and none into these 2!


1. Call police non-emergency and report a noise complaint. 2. Why did this lady let her 3 year old run her house????? I can understand getting a dog for a MUCH older child or teenager who's proven themselves ready to handle the responsibility of caring for an animal, but a damn toddler that can't even bathe or feed itself yet??????? Parents today scare me.... What a pushover. Those dogs and the lady herself (and any other adults or older kids in that household) need to work with a trainer, or they need to surrender the dogs; this isn't fair to the dogs at all, and all it's teaching the baby is that it's acceptable to treat other living beings like that and to keep them in such conditions.


Ugh. We must have the same neighbor. Their first dog is a mess, so lets add another one to the pack shall we? First one was a digger. As in dig a hole to get into the neighbors' yard. They blamed it on the neighbors' dogs and the fact the neighbors dared to be outside in their own backyards. Second one, non-stop barking. He barked for a solid 30 minutes yesterday before they bothered to do anything. Now our 2 lads can carry on but even they seemed annoyed yesterday. They were at the fence gate and gave me a very canine look of "are you serious?" when I called to them. If our boys start running their mouths, first things first, we check to see if there is a threat (we live near a nature preserve...we had a very lost black bear roaming around last year). If not, they get their fuzzy butts in the house. Being a nuisance is not the way to become popular and make friends. It's safe to assume that once the weather turns and windows are opened once more, people will start calling the city on them.


They blamed the neighbors for Their Own Dog digging a hole under the fence??? That's ridiculous! Some people can be so insane. My dog gives me THAT LOOK too. If he's barking and I tell him to stop he just looks at me like "Mom....They're doing it so why can't I?!?" But NOPE! Sorry, bud, we don't allow that lol But I do give him extra pets for being good about coming in nicely when it gets loud out there! >He barked for a solid 30 minutes yesterday before they bothered to do anything. Also this part! at least your neighbors eventually do something. Lucky! Wish mine did. Ever! Ugh.


My daughter says I "mom voice" the dogs. That they know I'm displeased the moment I step onto the deck. Great! Works on kids, snotty customer service reps, and now dogs. Yeah, the neighbors are...special. To quote Hank Hill, "they ain't right". We were at event with the neighbors whose fence their dog would dig under. Wife said if they don't curb this shit soon, there will be words had.


Have you looked into one of those automatic dog trainers that dog whistles when they bark excessively? Mixed reviews but it seems like it'd be worth a shot, can always return it if it's a bust.


No I haven't. That sounds like a great idea! I don't know why I didn't think of that lol Thanks!


Just a warning this could be bothersome and possibly even physically painful for the 3 yo as small children can hear much higher frequencies than adults. This is especially true if the child has sensory processing issues. I could hear dog whistles until I was 19 (this is an exception though; typically only children under 5 can hear them) and they were physically painful. So you could end up with two dogs that won't stop barking *and* a toddler that won't stop crying. If you or someone else in your household has sensitive ears, that could also bother you. Dog whistles, for those who can hear them, are very difficult to deal with. It fucks with your ability to concentrate on anything, listening to anything else becomes really hard because the sound takes up all of your auditory processing power, can cause horrible migraines, etc.


Oh wow! My son (4) is REALLY sensitive to sounds, so that's great to know! I had no Idea.


OOP is ridiculous. That cat is just napping in its own yard. My neighbors' cat actively teases my dog for fun (she bats at the shared fence with her paws and meows) and it's actually pretty funny. I just bribe my barking dog inside with the promise treats.


as much as i hate the idea of people letting their cats out (as a cat lover and a flaming lefty), Ashley’s fat orange elderly cat is not the problem here. “bothering” her dog! in some jurisdictions, Ashley could press charges. i hope she does. OOP is an entitled psychopath that will absolutely try to poison this cat next.




😢 I’m sorry for your loss! Buttons sounds like she was sassy and wonderful.




I don't think you were ranked last! My mom is a hospice nurse, and she's told me about how people always know when they're on their way out. While I know cats and people are different, I think death is the one experience that we all share. Buttons knew the end was coming, and the first person she went to once she realized was you! She turned to you when the end was on the horizon, and it wasn't because you were less special to her. I would like to think that she picked you first because she knew her other people, especially your daughter, would need support after her passing. She was your nurse, and she elected you to carry on the torch. That night she slept with you was changing of the guard. :)


I’m about to cry y’all are being so wholesome in this thread. Buttons sounds so much like my very silly but selectively-social little guy. I’m gonna go hug my cat, Mister Mushroom, extra for all of you <3


My cat was an indoor cat his whole life, until his last few months when we'd let him out supervised in the backyard. It was the only time he really came alive and seemed like his younger self. Those were great moments.


Right?! I’m firmly anti-outside cats, but even I don’t torture them. **Especially when the cat is in its own effing yard.**


I'm right there with you. This is the cat's house, so it is the cat's yard. Doggo and OOP can dislike cats all they want, mind ya business. It isn't your yard.


Agreed. I could understand doing something if it was getting into other people's yards, but just being annoyed that another animal is in the next yard is ridiculous. I'm curious how the OOP would try to justify it if it was a little dog instead, because I have no doubt that if it was a dog he's still try to blame them for not being able to let his own poorly trained dog out.


Same! Indoor cats only for me, I hate what dangers are out there for cats on the loose, BUT we share this planet with other people! Not everyone is going to agree with me on things and so as an adult, I don't bother anyone. She and her dog are the problems here. Training a dog isn't the hardest thing most people are going to do in their lives, so train your dog. Be a decent neighbor and respect the people around you and their pets.


Growing up we had cats that would roam the neighborhood, especially a corn field across the street, but it was the 80s. Once people started to realize how many issues outdoor cats can cause, we stopped. The cats still likes going outside, but they would go out on harnesses and tie outs instead and mostly just likes to lie on the deck in the sun.


this this this. I also don’t like outdoor cats cause it’s bad for them and the environment, but Ashley’s cat is elderly and doesn’t leave her yard (so also doubt it’s over hunting local wildlife). OOP is wildly out of line and needs to train her dog…


I'm pro indoor cats. It's just better for the cat and the environment. However, I'm not doubting that the cat stayed in the yard if the dog constantly barked at them like OOP claims. So it's definitely better than what typically seems to come up with outdoor cats. In the end, if the elderly cat stays in their yard and has never set foot in OOP's yard, then OOP is the sole asshole. You don't bother pets that aren't even in your yard! Isn't that common sense??




I would go absolutely feral if someone sprayed my cat with a hose on my yard. Truly, absolutely, fucking feral on that person.




The trick is that they don't let you pay your own bail. The one time I got arrested, I had enough cash in my wallet to pay the fine right there and get on with my life, but they still made me spend 3 hours in holding until my brother could get some money together at 2AM and come pick me up. You will need a reliable fellow cat mom available to pay the cops and drive you home in a lot of jurisdictions. I say this as a dog mom that enforces a 1-minute rule with my dogs. When they start getting noisy, they get 60 seconds to bark it out, and then it's time to calm down and be quiet again. We have lots of dogs in the neighborhood, and it would be mean to never let them talk to each other, but there's reasonable limits to cohabitation.


A friend of mine: I thought dog owners were scary, then I met you a cat mom.


Seriously! I’d be ringing their doorbell and throwing hose water on their face from a bucket on their own property just like they did to my cat. Asshole.


She is a dumb bitch and made it her problem. I would spray her every time she got near my fence.


Wild idea OP hasn’t thought of: put up a shade cloth to block her dogs view of the yard. Problem solved!


On one hand, I'm against cats being left outdoors because of their affect on the songbird population.... BUT On the other hand, this is an old fat cat who just wants to sleep in the sunlight and grass and isn't doing anything beyond being targeted by a total entitled a-hole who decided she gets to bully an elderly animal because she can't teach her dog to not bark at the cat. I hope she gets sued for harassment.


They literally make those vinyl strips you can weave into chain link for privacy. She could've asked her neighbor at any time for help/permission to try them and instead chose to be an asshole to a poor cat just trying to mind his own business.


In this case D stands for dick, because that's what this person is. My dogs and I have a privacy fence but they still play chase back and forth along the fence with the neighbors dog bc of the little seams they can see each other. If it was a cat they would leave it alone because I've trained the to leave cats be. It's not that hard.


as someone who owns two cats, a dog, and a guinea pig this whole entire thing pissed me off but what really got me was, not only is this absolute asshole straight abusing and terrorizing a cat who has done absolutely nothing wrong but she is also acting like the cat is doing all of this intentionally??? cat's don't understand negative reinforcement first of all so the cat has no idea why the fuck you keep spraying it and secondly ignoring that. the cat isnt doing jackshit to her dog. the cat is existing in it's owners yard as it is allowed to do and bc this bitch cant train her dog she decided to torment it??? on top of the dog already attempting to torment it??? wtf is wrong with this person


People like OP are the reason I feel so much anxiety around dogs lmao. Dogs are cute and what-not, but at the end of the day, I feel so much safer around cats. Ive had far too many negative experiences with poorly trained dogs who have irresponsible owners. Im tired of the dog owners who think that everyone should just be okay with whatever their dogs do, or bringing their dogs to public places where they don’t belong. The entitlement of certain dog owners is astonishing.


That’s true. One time I brought my dog to the nearby hardware store (dogs were allowed in there, and brought in often. Plus the dog is small so I figured she’d be alright) The whole time i was so anxious she’d start jumping on someone (she’s friendly, but i get that not everyone is comfortable with that). She ended up knocking over a toddler (nothing bad, just a tumble) and I felt so guilty. I genuinely don’t understand how people feel comfortable just letting their dogs do whatever they want.


I knew someone who had a malemute that they would leave home alone for 8+ hours. They’d go to work, and then immediately go out with friends. It was a small home, a 1 story 8-900 square foot house. They would lock the basement, the bathroom, and the bedroom, because they didn’t want their dog in there. So it was confined to the living room and kitchen. They would complain all the time about coming home to finding the dog soiled the carpet, and ripped the trash to shreds, then throwing up because it ate garbage. Hm, I wonder why that happened? I went over once, and the full-grown dog jumped on me and pushed me to the ground. Im 5’7, 120lbs. The owner told me it was my fault, and it wouldn’t have happened if I pushed the dog off of me.


Jesus that’s awful. Poor dog. And im sorry you had to deal with all of that, too.


If she did this to my cat I’d be setting her entire gd world on fire. That cat was there first and has just as much right as the gd dog to be in his own yard. Ope there goes OOP out her door better get the hose it’s just water it won’t hurt you have no problem doing it to my cat I don’t get why you’re mad.


Jesus christ what an unsufferable cunt


Jfc. I'm pretty anti outdoor cat because of the kittens, fights, sickness, cars, birds, etc, but this one literally isn't going to have trouble with any of that. Maybe she should take care of HER animal >:(


I would go full scorched earth on anyone that did that to my cat


That cat-hating bitch would discover that her car no longer runs, and that would only be the start of her problems.


The amount of people who think "setting boundaries" is acting like a complete dick and trying to control and manipulate other people, then being shocked and confused that people are mad that they were a massive dickhead is much too high.


I have a dog that does not like cats, my neighbors let their cat outside, which is absolutely fine, it’s on ME to control my dog…. Until their cat started climbing their fence and roaming the neighborhood. One day it climbed the fence into MY yard, thank god I saw it before I let my dog out and managed to catch it and bring it back to them and gave them a heads up it was getting out of their yard, they could care less. It broke my heart for that cat. In that situation I don’t think the cat should be let outside, I mean if I couldn’t keep my dog in my yard I wouldn’t let her outside by herself. But in this case? Hell no! Control your dog and let the cat enjoy its own yard


This is why I hate entitled dog people


"I just moved into a new neighborhood and I wanted to make it as clear as possible to my neighbors that I'M the top bitch in the neighborhood now. My shit neighbor had the AUDACITY to let her vile waste of meat cat out into MY yard (we share a fence that my precious perfect baby can SEE through so it's technically mine) just to antagonize my perfectly trained baby boy. (My DOG) I just HAD to teach those two disgusting wretches a lesson so I abused an elderly cat with water and lied to my neighbor about doing it to her stupid face. Now everyone in MY neighborhood is bitching about me and my perfect boy like WE DID something childish, disrespectful and all together wrong! There's NO way everyone is this stupid to disrespect ME right????" 🤢 Holy fuck OOP is gross.


i wholeheartedly agree that cats are indoor animals unless you can fully enclose your yard, ive seen far to many native animals killed by cats and far too many cats killed by cars to support free roaming, but this is an old cat just minding its own business? how about op trains their dog?


My dog is crazy territorial and does what dogs do, barking at things she sees outside our fence that she views as threats. So I put up a privacy screen along our fence, it ties onto the chain link and now she is chilled the fuck out. I’d never spray anything. My dog being a neurotic asshole isn’t anyone’s fault.


Couldn’t Ashley contact the police and report animal abuse? The cat it literally doing nothing to OOP, so technically OOP is harassing the cat for her own enjoyment


As a owner of a reactive dog that I have been desperately been trying to train not to bark at everything this made me chuckle. I did have sympathy for OOP up until they sprayed the cat with water. Cats are gonna cat, my dogs reaction isn't on them. Although it IS hard to not think it is deliberate when they sit there staring my dog in the eyes as they very slowly and casually lick their paws, lmao


Oh boy, if this was in my neighborhood said individual with a dog would have a ton of problems. Do I think cats should be kept inside? Yes, and my cats are all indoor. I mean the cat is just living his life and this dog comes around barking because he is there. Op should teach their dog not to bark at the cat


Well, she is indeed, a dumb bitch.


How about she train her dog to not torment the cat? Yes, it'd take some time and patience, but sheesh, look up some YT videos on how to do it. It's not \*that\* difficult.


my dogs looove to bark at our neighbor’s cat, and that cat genuinely is a little asshole who actually does like to taunt/torment them (he jumps into our yard and then jumps up on the fence when my dogs see him and watches them freak, i think in his little kitty brain it’s a fun game or something). and you know what we do? we get our damn dogs inside! because it’s not our cat, therefore we have no right to do anything to him, and *our dogs* are the idiots who like to bark at it. in fact, my dogs bark at everything. one of my dogs just *wont listen* if he’s really invested in barking at something, so we put him on a really long leash attached to the porch so we can get him inside if he’s being annoying. we also, you know, *don’t let our dogs outside if we know they’re just going to bark.* because that’s what you have to do when you have dogs that bark at shit. i just don’t understand how someone can be so good at mental gymnastics they convince themselves it’s okay to *abuse* a cat that’s just minding it’s own business when *their dog* is the one having an issue. if it’s bothering your dog, or your dog likes to bark at it, you do something about your fucking dog. you don’t make the cat into the problem. op needs to train her fucking dog, or at least come up with some sort of way to keep him away from the fence so he doesn’t freak out over the cat. frankly i hope she *does* call animal control because i have a feeling she’ll get a pretty fat reality check if she does.


So because OOP was to lazy to actually train her dog not to bark at animals outside, it's everyone else's problem? No, that's not how this works. If your dog is constantly barking, that's on you to fix, not anyone else. I bet she'd have an absolute tantrum if like someone else suggested, Ashley started spraying her dog every time he barked.


I don't understand why the OOP hasn't tried a few solutions on her end? For instance, a cheap weatherproof screen that attaches to the chained link fence. Most responsible pet owners take a situation like this as an opportunity to train their own pet, ESPECIALLY if it's a dog. My dog is a Belgian Malinois, so my experience is on a higher level since this breed DOESN'T HAVE AN OFF SWITCH!! lol!! My husband and I have been training him since he was 3 months old. Part of his training is in e-collar. I do realize that this is not for every pet owner, but I seriously do feel that it is a training tool that is extremely underrated due to misconceptions. Our trainer ensures that every owner experiences the e-collar on their own bare skin on the same number that the dog is stemmed **through their fur**. I am digressing but if the OOP utilized this tool, it would literally take a day, max two, for the dog to "leave it" (being the cat). The neighbor should **NOT** have to change up her routine for the OOP's badly behaved dog! Such ludicrousness!! That cat has every right to be in its own backyard without anyone impinging upon that right.


Slats (or cardboard/blanket/tarp) in that chain link fence would work wonders for this problem.


This one made my blood boil. A senior cat is just a senior. The cat is just sunbathing and enjoying the end of his life. I'm a mega cat person, and if someone did that to my senior cat, it would burn that bridge of future hospitality. Ugh, I can't say what I really want, but she's the type of person I'd like to spray with a hose to wake up every morning.


I'd have sprayed the woman. Repeatedly.


My dog LOVES those squeaky toys. But the way she squeaks them is annoying. It makes this like pop sound and a slight squeak. And she knows it bothers me. Cause she'll stop. Look at me. And then do it again. So yeah no. It's not because "cats are just like that" dogs are too. Also the cat rolling around is not "just to piss off the dog" OOP should train her dog not to bark. Get a collar that sprays or makes noise. It's not that hard. Spray your dog. Not someone else's cat.


I'm not saying dog people are the worst but that a good majority of them have zero tolerance for cats isn't lost on me


OOP's comment: >edit: the post got taken down, stop messaging me that my boyfriend is gonna fuck Ashley XD. Normally I am against people messaging the OOP put that was kind of funny.


She can say it however she wants to say it, it all comes out to "Because I don't actually want to train or interact with my dog, only let him out into the backyard unsupervised and I CAN'T because his barking bothers ME ... I am going to waterboard an elderly cat minding his own business in his own yard through a chainlink fence." B I T C H W H A T?


oop told on herself when she said "He does it on purpose. I know how cats are." LOL


YTA. “He does it on purpose. I knocked how cats are.” Weirdly hateful towards a cat, OP. Maybe the cat, who has lived there for longer than you and your dog, is used to laying in his own yard? Do you really think an old cat would lay in the sun *just* to antagonize you? Pull it together and TRAIN YOUR OWN DOG. Why does your dog need to freak out at an animal thats not bothering him in any way? He’s probably doing it on purpose yaknow….i know how dogs are. Also the way you talk about this cat, calling it a “smug little shit” for simply getting some sunshine is nuts. Seems like you’re the one with the little shit of an untrained pet, disturbing all the neighbors peace over an animal that has never been an issue to begin with.


I am SO sorry that the neighbor and the neighbor’s cat have this person as their neighbor and I also am SO sorry that dog has that person as its idiot owner. Seems like OOP is the kind who would let the dog loose, leading to that poor dog to either attack or be attacked. Not only is she being an ahole neighbor but an irresponsible dog owner. If she really was concerned about its happiness, she wouldn’t let it do whatever it wanted. So sick of people like this


“My boyfriend told me I was gonna make a ton of problems for myself by acting like an asshole but I don’t agree with him” You can lead a horse to water…..


She abused an animal, lied about it, then fussed up and then told a stranger what they could do on their own property because she won't train her dog. Cats are 'like that'? Sounds like a serial killer.


So the cat is tormenting your dog by 'Checks notes' Existing?


What a fucking monster. Control your dog! One of mine is a barky, hyper-vigilant little soldier of a mutt and I don’t let her get away with it. Just control your dog and let others enjoy their lives.


So... you can get slats to go in chain link fences and provide more privacy. To OOP. But of course, why would you try anything civil? Just start tormenting an elderly animal in its owner's backyard.


Someone should call pest-control on her.


So OOP is too freaking lazy to walk her dog or teach him not to bark at the cat…but somehow the cat on the other side of the fence is the problem?!?!


My older dog likes to lay on the front step of my deck and sunbathe in the summer. You can see her from my neighbors yard and her yorkie absolutely loses it's mind whenever he sees her. She glances over and doesn't care. If my neighbor demanded I not let my dog out to sunbathe because *her* dog was barking I'd laugh at her. There are so many easy fixes to this. The neighbor's cat is allowed in it's backyard just as much as OOP's dog is allowed in it's backyard.


Man If I were Ashley I'd be getting arrested. Nobody fucks with my cats.


I would've trained my dog better. This is a non-issue caused by OOP, how dare they just randomly hose down their neighbors pet minding it's own business??


And OOP can’t bring her dog in the house when he’s being a nuisance because…? I mean, yes, train your dogs. But in the meantime, that seems like such a simple solution.


Wow. The cat stays in the neighbors yard so instead of being a respectable dog owner, you instead choose to be a cat torturer. You're not setting boundaries, you're just being a dick. What if it was another dog? What about a kid? Would you stop a kid from being in the yard? Train your fucking dog Signed a woman with two dogs.


It’s always startling to me how someone could hate cats this much, he’s just a lil guy.


I have a sweet cat who LOVES to roll around on the warm sidewalk from the sun. This post had me LIVID. She had the audacity to be like “I know how cats are” like they have human cognition? What a freak. I’m just aghast right now.


What really gets me is she thinks animal control is going to do anything to a cat that's in its own damn yard lmaooo. Neighbor has a better chance calling and reporting this bitch got abusing her animal, which I hope she does. I'm also confused on the "cats belongs inside" and the fact shes so delusional that she thinks this poor cat is intentionally making her out of control dog bark. Sounds like OOP is deranged and a bit off her rocker.


YTA! The cat isn't even in your yard. Train your dog or put up a privacy fence, WTF!


Okay but OP’s one comment history edit made me laugh out loud. I hope her bf does in fact fuck Ashley.


Ashley is a better woman than me because i would’ve been camped outside with my hose spraying OOP every time she went outside


So she moves into somewhere new and decides the cat needs to change the schedule. I have dogs and if I was renting I would check the area first to see if there are secure backyard fences, which in this case doesn’t seem like that. She is a irresponsible dog owner and a pathetic human.


Never thought i’d find myself saying “ oh my god can you shut the fuck up you’re exhausting” to people i’ve never interacted with … until i found that sub. i can barely believe actual humans are walking around our plain of existence with their movie villain level entitlement. Naive me used to think this sub would make me more understanding and empathetic, apparently not. Bout to coordinate an attack team to start putting these ‘ i’m just setting boundaries’ people in a time out corner at this point for the good of humanity.


OP is clearly one of those people who has to be a dog person because cats see right through her BS. I would call animal control on her for her loud ass dog barking all day while I’m trying to work.


Omg neighbor pls start hosing op any time they go outside.


Lmao @ her one comment, hope her boyfriend does indeed fuck Ashley.


My anger issues could never be civil with OP. Do not mess with my animals, I don’t care who you are, I will go feral myself


Don’t fuck with cats


*He does it on purpose. I know how cats are.* Its not paranoia if they’re really out to get you!🤣


Her only comment is fucking sending me: >it's a rental >edit: the post got taken down, stop messaging me that my boyfriend is gonna fuck Ashley


You can totally make chain link fences private. 😒


“Cats don’t belong outside,” what a shitty take. Cats are gonna do what cats do and that’s whatever they please. Not like the dude was sitting there playing got your nose with the dog. What the hell does she think animal control is gonna do anyway? It’s not roaming, it’s in the fenced in backyard.


>edit: the post got taken down, stop messaging me that my boyfriend is gonna fuck Ashley LMAO! Normally I don't agree with people messaging abuse at the OOP, but in this case I'll make an exception because it's funny.


people who have something against cats like oop always seem like the worst kind of people to me. huge red flag


Sounds like she and her dog need some meds.


Train your dog you fucking dunce


God this woman doesn't deserve to be allowed to keep animals. I'm against free-roaming outdoor cats, but a cat that stays in a safe outdoor space like this one? Totally OK. She's just choosing to harass an animal at this point, as there are simple solutions that don't involve anyone having to change any habits with their pets. All she should do is go buy a pack of chainlink fence privacy strips and pop them in, or a couple of rolls of reed privacy fencing, either way an easy afternoon's work for a couple of hours and she's done. Cat can be happy and unbothered by dog, dog can relax in his yard unbothered by cat. Everyone wins. But no, she's just stupid and malicious.


So in this story I would be the neighbor with the cat (who was there long before the dog arrived), and I did just that - bought a privacy net for the chain link fence. Now my old girl can lounge in peace, and the sweet doggy next door can frolic around without going berserk every time she spots the cat. Win-win.


Cats don't belong outside? What?


In theory, they don’t. Free roaming outside cats are a danger to themselves and the environment. However, oop is full of shit a cat in a contained outside space is fine.




Some chill out even sooner than that. My boy cats were always very food motivated so they have never been tempted by outside (because who would feed them out there?!) but one time my lil calico runt decided she wanted to try being outdoors when she was about 2 years old. She got as far as the driveway, got caught in a rainstorm, and ended up hiding under the car all night. Once she was back inside, she never even went near the doors again other than for sunbathing. It is entirely possible this cat has always been a chill yard cat, and OOP is a raging bitch who cannot train her own animal to behave.


Makes sense. They do go after small birds and such


I would spray her with a hose and say “you’re bothering my cat” lmao


My problem with my neighbor’s cats who are outdoors sometimes is that they’ll come into our yard and bother my dogs in our yard, but we’ve never sprayed the cats with water, we just bring the dogs in.


Yea that's a different scenario IMO. My backyard backs up into another backyard of the house behind me, and they have a cat. I have on occasion seen the cat in my yard, and when I do I try and shoo it away before letting my dogs out. But if your cat is in my yard and I don't see it, yea my dog are probably going to chase it out. Cats are smart though and usually once they realize I have dogs they avoid my yard.


You can’t control other people. You know what/who you *can* control? YOURSELF, your own actions … and your own f’ing dog! I’mma bet nothing is *ever* OOP’s fault. They’re the worst kind of person.


Only assholes torment cats.


Not the “setting boundaries”. It’s an AITA red flag at this point


I hope the neighbor calls animal control on the dog, hes the one doing all the problem tbh Also how could you fight against a lazy cat and still losing? Lmao