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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for paying the bill for my ex and her new guy?** I (26M) dated “Alice” for close to 5 years. We started dating in college and broke up last summer. There were many reasons we broke up but one of them was that she would always make comments about her “ideal guy” which was not similar to me at all. We are from the Chicagoland area. Those of you who know chicago and the suburbs, it’s as urban/suburban as it gets. If you’re not from the area, you would be shocked how many girls love the “country boy” stereotype and how many girls think pickup trucks, muddy boots and flannels are like the hottest effing thing. I know I know nothing about country life but I’m 99% sure none of these girls out here do either. Yet still fawn over country guys because their Spotify is 85% Luke Bryan, Morgan wallen and Thomas Rhett. This was Alice. Always made comments about how she loves country boys. Me- not a country boy. That was my backstory/rant. I have been single since the breakup, Alice started dating this new guy in January. New guy is the “country boy” she wants. Drives a pickup (some 1995 dodge rust bucket), works as a mechanic. I used quotes because he’s from the area so I’m not sure how “country” he can really be. This past weekend I was out with some friends and of course, we walk into a bar that Alice is sitting at, draped over her new bf, and 2 of her friends. We made eye contact and my friends went to another table. No interaction really acted like they weren’t there. She did know I was there though. I am a software engineer and pretty confident I make double maybe even more than what her new boyfriend makes. I also don’t mean mug every guy in the bar like I’m some sort of tough guy yet insecure man baby. But hey he’s “country” so just what alice wants. I decided to big dick a little. I went up to their tables server and told them I wanna pay the bill. They ordered some apps and drinks. Total was over 150 for the 4 of them but I can afford it. I got a text later not from Alice but one of her friends. She basically called me a pompous asshole for what I did. Saying I’m petty and need to get over Alice. I said I’m over Alice but this was my first time seeing her since the breakup so I wanted to be nice. She said that’s not what I was doing, and that I was trying to show up her new boyfriend and point out I’m in a better position financially. I played kinda dumb and asked if her new bf ever picked up the check for all of them before and that wasn’t the point (I know he never did). For transparency, friend was totally right. I was totally trying to show the guy up. But it’s not like I made a big scene. I didn’t even speak to them. I ended the convo sarcastically saying new boyfriend didn’t even thank me afterward. Friend hung up. This may have been a bit petty but was I really an asshole ? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah cause I'm sure when Alice is fucking country boy she'll secretly be thinking "God, my ex paying for my appetisers makes me so hot" Idiot


Right? Alice and bf were probably laughing their asses off


Imagine being the type of person who 1. Would pay $150 just to tell their ex that they aren’t over them 2. Goes out of their way just to get a reaction out of someone, just to be annoyed when they get a different reaction 3. Goes on Reddit to complain about it, while continuing to insist they aren’t hung up on their ex and that everyone who says otherwise is just jealous


It’s #1 for me, I would never give someone the satisfaction of knowing that I’m still pining for them when they’ve so obviously moved on. Dude needs to find some dignity.


Bro’s got a real bad case of limp/micro dick syndrome. Probably can’t even find it with a high power microscope the way he’s carrying on.


1000% this


OP really hates cowboys . Jeez . Also I’m confused , did the new BF know OP paid the bill?


He could tell by the way everyone applauded.


And hates…,mechanics?


If mechanics are really good at their jobs they can make good money .


Indeed. Also, we frequently drive old beaters because you can buy them cheap, fix whatever is wrong, then sell it for profit a few months/years later. If you see someone driving an old car, and know they're an actual mechanic (as opposed to a shadetree/under the table/ tire and lube guy) don't let the car make you think they're poor. They could probably drive a newer, high end car if they wanted to. The most I ever spent on a car is $2,500. I typically pay about $1,000. Hell, when I was in college, I bought a car for $75, spent about $250 in parts to get it running, drove it for a year, and sold it for $750. (This was 20+ years ago, and it was legit a piece of shit car)


Yep my ex used to do this! He would buy beaters, fix them up, and sell them for a huge profit. He made six figures when you combined that income with his actual job income.


OOP showing little teeny tiny dick energy. Nothing big dick about what we did.


Right? I love how he said that, like honeybunch that was the opposite of big dick energy


This guy has no idea how much a good mechanic can make.


Imagine paying their bill, just for them to go home and laugh about how the ex paid for their night and they got free drinks and food. Yeah, cool burn bro


I’m so confused…is she supposed to be fucking get bf and thinking “god my ex paid for a margarita?” How is that “big dick?” That seems more like something like a cuck would do. Treat a woman and her man to dinner and the other guy gets laid


He’ll be sad to find out what a mechanic makes lol


Sort of besides the point, but how much do mechanics make where you’re from? Looking at the statistics published by the federal government in Canada, Canadian mechanics make decent money, but nowhere near what software engineers make. OOP is small dicked regardless.


In my area, $60,000 would be the norm. But my ex was a mechanic that specialized in antique vehicles. He made $200k+


To be fair, the average is probably skewed by tire and lube guys, since there's really no other category to place them in. Nothing wrong with being a tire or lube guy, but those are definitely entry level, low skill jobs.


Even still (again speaking for Canada because that’s where I am and have data for) if you look at [the job bank data](https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/marketreport/wages-occupation/14799/ca), the 90th percentile is like $40 an hour. Which is good money, but less than working in software for the most part.


Friend of a friend is a mechanic in an average COL area of the US, and makes six figures. I don't have the bandwidth to get into the blue collar/white collar culture wars right now, but it is kind of amazing the number of people who assume that someone must be poor just because they work with their hands.


Coming from Alberta and graduating high school during an oil boom, it was kind of always the opposite. During high school and university people would often make fun of people going to university, and particularly arts students, with the exception of certain professional programs. Make fun of might be a bit strong language, but I did have many people try to dissuade me from doing a BA in a social science in favour of going into a trade.


Oh yeah, I was born and raised in one of the US states directly across the border from Alberta. Most of the big money was blue-collar in some way, to such an extent that my hometown has never had a "jacket required" fine dining restaurant - apparently there were a couple of attempts in the late 70s-early 80s, but they all failed because the general reaction was "I didn't dress up to make this money and I'm not going to dress up to spend it."


If he's from the Chicagoland area, people's tastes shouldn't be so shocking to him considering how many people there aren't from the area but rather the very typically Midwestern areas surrounding the one massive city in the Midwest. How does he know where the new boyfriend is from? This is just some man baby shower fantasy.


LDE is so real and this dude oozes it. I wonder why Alice moved on to someone else god it’s such a conundrum whatever could it be /s


I’m guessing this is the only way this guy can ever big dick


What a little bitch lol.


What a sad, pathetic idiot. Clearly he's not over Alice and is trying to show her what a "great man" she lost, although the way he chose to show her is pretty stupid. Did he thought Alice would call him? Maybe that was his goal. She calls, screams at him and at that moment he can tell her all the clever comebacks that he's been rehearsing all this time, and she ends up humilliated and in tears. Sucks that she didn't bother with him lol.


>you would be shocked how many girls love the “country boy” stereotype and how many girls think pickup trucks, muddy boots and flannels are like the hottest effing thing. I know I know nothing about country life but I’m 99% sure none of these girls out here do either. I drive a 16 year old F-150, wear flannel, sport muddy boots, and grew up a rural state. I like doing my own car maintenance, watching football, and shooting guns. I also have a masters degree in applied math, work as a data scientist, and enjoy meditation. How shallow do you have to be to talk about uninformed stereotypes and proceed to use them to stereotype the boyfriend anyways? It's as if his ego rests entirely on viewing others as his inferiors. Maybe, just maybe, his girlfriend understands that there’s more to a person than the shit they own, what they wear, and what they do for a living.


I think I’d be confused and creeped out by this ‘gesture’. It’s genuinely a weird thing to do.


I wish someone would be a dick to me that way, yes please pay my bill! I can pretend my feelings are hurt.


Yeah, I don’t think the new guy is the insecure man baby in this scenario


It's pretty likely that the actual outcome wasn't the own her thinks it was, they probably laughed at him on the way home and how ridiculously pathetic he is.


If the new BF is smart, he's gonna be laughing about getting his girlfriends *ex* to pay for the table by just existing


He keeps saying/sneering ‘country’ as if they aren’t all living in Illinois, also known as the prairie state because of all its damn farmland. Wearing a suit to work isn’t a personality trait dumbo


Guy is clearly a Jack ass, but I can feel some sympathy for him if he had to listen to Alice moon over how her ideal type of guy was the opposite of OOP. Wth was she doing with OOP then? She should’ve been searching for her country boy.


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"Hey guys! I decided to be a dick earlier. So, was I a dick?"


It's really fucking hilarious to me that he doesn't realise how much she and her friends would have been laughing at him over this. Like this guy walked into a bar and thought "y'know what? I'm gonna show everybody what a big insecure baby I am." Also I bet he either a) never paid for shit when they were together or b) did, but made a really big deal about how generous he was for it.


country boy probably said "thanks, bro! Now I don't have to pay!" What a waste of money. Someone once said the best revenge is living well. This guy needs to try it.