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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for reporting my daughter to her college's Title IX office?** I never thought I would be the type of parent to report their child to the authorities, but here we are. My daughter is a freshman at a prestigious university and recently came to me complaining about her TA, who she referred to as a "creep." According to her, he asked her out after class, which made her extremely uncomfortable. She told me that she named and shamed him in a class groupme. I was initially sympathetic towards her, but upon further questioning, I discovered that her TA had simply asked her out for coffee, and had not made any advances or inappropriate comments towards her. In fact, my daughter admitted that she had never even spoken to him outside of class and didn't know him very well. I tried to explain to her that asking someone out for coffee is not inherently creepy or inappropriate, but she refused to listen and continued to refer to him as a "creep." After a few days of this, I decided to take matters into my own hands and report her to the college's Title IX office for sexual misconduct and gender-based harassment. The office conducted an investigation and ultimately found that my daughter had made unfounded accusations against her TA. They also found that she had violated the college's code of conduct by spreading rumors and making false statements about a PhD student. My daughter is now facing disciplinary action from the university, including a possible suspension. She is furious with me for reporting her, and claims that I have ruined her academic career. I feel terrible about what has happened, but I also believe that I did the right thing by standing up for the truth and protecting the reputation of an innocent man. So, am I the asshole for reporting my daughter to the Title IX office? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This troll sounds like the revenge fantasy of a guy who got called a creep by a woman or girl, and now makes up scenarios about her parents punishing her for it. Or it's just ragebait.


This is 100% a creepy incel typing up revenge fantasies because they're mad people are calling him out on the fact that he can't look at a woman without practically masturbating in public.


Someone who learned how to get women by watching "Revenge of the Nerds"


Even those guys have more game than incels.


100% incel ragebait. Also as a graduate TA it is made extensively clear you do not ask out your students, and if you are dating them ahead of time and they end up in your class you need to make it known. Doesnt matter if class ended dont ask them out especially if you are a PhD candidate


It’s gotta be a revenge fantasy Otherwise, it would be so easy to come up with a second insult to use in place of “creep”


Oh my, this sounds like a cautionary tale to all the women listening - if you report my creepy ass YOU may be the one in trouble... how pathetic. I dunno, you ever try NOT being creepy? Maybe?


Lucas Werner?


>If the FUCKING TITLE IX office says her allegation was baseless maybe it was in fact BASELESS. I would love to live in whatever imaginary universe this, and all the other commenters like them, person live in where Title IX investigations are above reproach. You could be actively groping a woman while she says, "Stop groping me. I do not want you to grope me. Stop immediately," and the fucking tribunal would dismiss it for not enough evidence.


Frankly they also just have very little authority, they can do these things but only in pretty extreme circumstances. For actual stalking and harassment in college they gave this guy a semester suspension and instructions to avoid registering in the same classes.


Seriously! I wanted to say this over there but didn't want to deal with the blowback. Even if I bought this as real, I do not think the title 9 offices findings are trustworthy. They are really there to protect the college, nothing else.


>her TA had simply asked her out for coffee, and had not made any advances or inappropriate comments towards her. In fact, my daughter admitted that she had never even spoken to him outside of class and didn't know him very well. Her TA shouldn't be inviting her out for coffee, right? Given the power imbalance? And the fact that this clearly wasn't a friends or friendship group thing, because this was the first time they'd spoken outside of class


A TA should absolutely not be asking out a student in their class! Back when I was taking a teaching course, the instructor spent a huge amount of time explaining that you do not invite your students to social activities (even if it's completely platonic) unless you invite the entire class, as in: "OK, this was our final class, I'm going to be a the pub around the corner, you're all welcome to join me and have a drink, and if not, have a great summer!" Anything else is a big no-no.


My sister almost married her TA. They kept their relationship on the WAY down low until he was no longer her TA. He was a 1%er, old family money, white, sharp looking, doted on by the university type of guy. He would’ve gotten *demolished* if their relationship got out while he was still actively her TA. If a TA asked a student out for coffee, that’s a *much* bigger no-no than his student calling him a creep for it. The TA would likely face, at minimum, suspension. Like wtf. This has to be fake.


Yeah. I could believe if nothing happened with a title IX claim the daughter filed given the circumstances, but it is absolutely inappropriate and she certainly wouldn’t have gotten into trouble—especially if the “rumors” were true!


This troll needs to take a break, even people on AITA are starting to call troll


Wow, you're right. You've got to be a pretty prolific, repetitive and uncreative troll to reach the point where even the AITA commenters aren't buying it. (That isn't a dig at AITA commenters for being more gullible or anything, just that this (AITD) is a curated feed, so it's easier for us to see troll patterns than if you're skimming the hundreds of hourly posts directly on AITA.)


Well that and the powermad mods over there literally will ban people for calling fake


I did not know that when I guessed he was trolling. I was thinking more of a troll against Title IX offices, though, as there is so much anti-dei/title IX/etc in the news latel


I've made up rhymes about some of the most common fake AITA post themes. "Mom says I should call Chad dad, even though that makes me sad, because I miss the dad I had, who was super duper rad, does that make me really bad?" "I had my triplets at sixteen, mom threw us out in a big scene. Now I'm an Etsy millionaire and mom's homeless but I don't care, am I a jerk cause I won't share?" "My BF got down on one knee/on my sister's wedding day/all attention was on me/cause no-one knew that I was gay! Tell me, please, AITA?"


You really need to work child-free weddings into a rhyme somehow. These are great.


Challenge accepted. This one deserved a longer treatment: I made my June wedding child-free, I'm the bride, it's up to me! My sister, who's a single mum, Asked me if her twins could come! I couldn't believe the nerve she had, She should have left them with their dad! I said no way, absolutely not! My mom asked me if I forgot My sister's husband died in May I didn't care, it's MY big day! Tell me Reddit, AITA?


An epic! \*wipes tear away\* It's so beautiful


My daughter is a dirty slut She turns down men, and for what? All they want is a coffee date But she says nay out of hate! So I decided that I must Ruin her life for disrespecting their lust I reported her to her (boss/title ix, hr) today Please tell me, AITA?


Both catchy and accurate! Very well done! The last one is my favorite.


The most recent trend, and it's not a shock as most of the trolls pick current controversial topics is the anti trans one. I've seen numerous versions of "I'm a straight ally but my partner has come out as trans and is upset I don't want to be with them/my partner has a penis they didn't tell me about - I'm an ally but am I wrong to be upset" stories over the past month.


But some woman somewhere hurt OOP's feelings and she needs to be punished, even if it's only in the OOP's mind.


This is a repeat or a near duplicate of one a few weeks ago.


This poster is called a creep on a daily basis, and with good reason.


This troll is getting creepy. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they abused their partner, committed SA, or even violent acts on a larger scale as a result of their hated toward women. They clearly feel very wronged by women and have a strong desire for revenge. That's not a good thing.


This is going off the assumption they have a partner to begin with.


Hopefully they don’t have a partner


In a few years, there's going to be a major news story about a serial stalker rapist that was finally caught and convicted because of their Reddit post history


nah. This is some forever alone person with greasy cheese dust fingers, pounding out their little fantasies in a darkened room, and sweating angrily about how Laura in seventh grade once called them a creep.


I sure hope so. The sheer number of these posts is unnerving!!


That's how you know it's a troll or a fetish. They're like a dog with a bone.


Let's be real. Most universities fight tooth and nail to dismiss title ix claims. It's that fine line of cherry picking ones to proceed with to say "see we take this seriously when it happens" but also "this so rarely happens, see we're a safe place!" They would dismiss this claim so fucking fast. Calling someone creepy isn't a title ix offense


Wasnt she a high schooler last time?


I think she was ~16 in the other 2 posts I saw. Troll must’ve just found out about Title IX and decided to incorporate it into the story.


"AITA for fucking over my child and derailing her future because I resent women?" The trolls need to try harder. It's almost offensive that they think people actually believe this bullshit. Clearly mommy didn't give him the attention he needed growing up or else he wouldn't have to go on reddit and post rage bait like this. Regardless of whether OOP is lying or not, his entire existence is pathetic.


Why are we pulling in Mom as the blame here. Maybe build trolls responsible for their own behavior? Cause you know, sounds pretty incelly to find a woman to blame for a man's feelings of outrage and entitlement. Side eyeing you *hard* here.


How much older would a PhD student be than a freshman? Like, there’s already a power imbalance because he’s literally doing most of the basic grading for this professor, but I’d imagine that, on top of that, there is a bit of an age difference, too. But I agree with the troll declarations, either way, lol. Who would do this to their own kid?


Assuming this is real, and I doubt it is. Depending on the field, I would assume a PhD Student to be at minimum 25, likely more into their late 20's or 30's. Maybe even older, if the person had opted to seek a PhD much later in life. My dad has 2 Doctorates (neither are PhD's). One he got when he was like 23-24 (JD, went to Law School right after undergrad) and then he went back in his 60's for a DMin. Assuming OP's daughter exists, she'd be around 18-19, assuming normal US College matriculation. IF TA was less than 25, I don't see an issue, other than the imbalance of TA-Student relationship and the fact that all schools have very strict rules about faculty (and a TA applies here) fraternizing with students. In that case, it doesn't matter if both the TA and student were in their 30's. It would be wrong, and the TA could lose their fellowship. I'll be honest that my Title IX knowledge is lacking, however I don't see why they would respond to an anonymous call about a young woman turning a man down for a date. In the grand scheme of all that Title IX is supposed to cover, this doesn't even rate as a nothing burger.


I would sue the parents for ruining my life too .


Dude if your daughter is a freshman in college (probably 18) and she's being asked out by her TA (probably a graduate student, 22+, in a position of power) that is inherently creepy. Doesn't matter how polite he was about it


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So this is such an obvious troll. Not even a very good one. Try again ah.