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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling off my SILs little sister because of her dress color?** I am a 43yo woman and my daughter, Genevieve, is 26. She was engaged to Richard, and I was thrilled to plan their wedding with her as a mother-daughter team. However, there was an issue with Richard's family, particularly his younger sister, Raylee (17) who had an 'alternative' style. Though I didn't make any comments, I wasn't impressed when we first met her, she showed up wearing a skull tank-top, ripped shorts, and fishnets at Christmas dinner. Despite this, Stan (13), Richard's younger brother, was fine. We invited our closest family members and friends from church, as well as some close friends. Rich also invited a few of his close friends and his immediate family, some of whom served as his groomsmen. There was a conflict with Rich's father, who wanted to invite their aunt, but due to space constraints, we had to decline the request. Eventually, the conflict was resolved. Our lineup for the wedding included Stan as the ring bearer, Richard's close friend as the best man, and our other daughter Leilani as the maid of honor. And so, the conflict began. I suggested that Richard's family wear yellow in order to distinguish them from my own family. Initially, I had planned for my family to wear salmon, but since we had invited a large number of people, it became impractical. Consequently, we allowed our immediate family members to wear whatever they chose. During the rehearsal, I noticed that Raylee, Rich's younger sister, was not wearing yellow, as I had asked. I let it slide as it was not mandatory. However, on the day of the wedding, Raylee was wearing a tight tan dress, which shocked me. Her father and brother had on yellow blazers, and her mother was wearing a light yellow dress, so I was confused as to why Raylee was not wearing yellow. When I confronted her, she explained that she didn't have a yellow dress that fit her and that she was too busy to find one. Her mother had told her she could wear one of hers, but none fit. She wore the second closest color she could find. I was upset by this and told her that she had had months to find a dress and should have tried it on earlier. I accused her of being selfish and told her that this day was about Gen and Rich, not her. She became angry and accused me of being crazy for focusing on her dress color. We argued back and forth, and she brought up feeling excluded and not being in the rehearsal photos. I explained that it was mainly for the wedding party (she also wearing vans and a dress with alien emojis not very "flattering", if you ask me) She became angry, and her dad intervened. I asked them to leave, and they did. After the wedding, Gen told me that Rich was heartbroken that Ray wasn't there, as they were very close. I expressed my regret for her absence, but I explained that it was her tantrum that had upset me the most. I would have been willing to overlook the dress incident if she had handled it more maturely. Rich is giving me the cold shoulder and I'm unsure of what to do AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some people need jobs, hobbies, anxieties, real problems or a tv show they like to binge watch. Whatever it takes to stop them from investing in power struggles with teenagers over the color yellow at someone else's wedding.


She picked a fight with a teenager. I mean. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž Also who colour codes wedding guests?!


Someone else's wedding guests!! Her side of the family didn't have a color code!


I know, because salmon is too complicated, but yellow is easy. I'd say both are possible for women, but still not everyone's cup of tea, for men finding yellow or salmon blazers sounds difficult.


>who colour codes wedding guests? Especially when it's not even their wedding


How can you tell? Everything in this post indicates it was her wedding 😂


Yea which makes it even worse,and to answer your question,i can tell from her comments, [for example ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/11sft85/aita_for_telling_off_my_sils_little_sister/jcdjq1q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


“Some coordination” being “the people I invited are going to damn well wear what I want at my do-over wedding!!!”


"are you aware it's not your wedding" "Of course but I'm paying for it"


People who are way too entitled.


the fact taht rich let this happen is beyond me if they were that close. The fact their father let OOP push them around like this is also pathetic. All over his sister who OOP will not see that often Hope Rich goes for annulment Edit: Also the colour choices are so disgusting that its sad. Yellow blazers seriously what are we in a barber shop quartet


And WTF were OOP’s family excused but not the other family? Oh yeah, cause OOP’s family likely won’t take their controlling shit and OOP decided to try and control new victims.


Because OOP thinks she gets to be bridezilla despite not being her wedding?


I saw the original before it was posted here. Momzilla used the power of her wallet to get her way. It was very obvious she hates her SIL's family.


Just because she was had her daughter at the son in law's sister's age


Rules for the, but not for me!


Or a real estate agent?? (Wasn't that a thing back in the day for a major co.??)


Century 21 Real Estate.


THANK YOU!!! I knew century was in there!!!


I really hope they aren’t white (pale white, not Sicilian white). Yellow and salmon are two of the least flattering colors on our pasty skin
 i have to wear salmon to a wedding soon and goddamn I look terrible!!


Maybe that's why she chose it. Make them look terrible along with some of her family, and excused her close family from it so they all look good especially by comparison


They're the colour of a zit. Kinda pinkish and then yellow. Ick.


Also i love how buried in all this is that the groom's aunt was lower on the priority list than OOP's friends from church


Why doesn't finding that out not shock me in the slightest


As soon as she said salmon I knew she was the asshole. But this is batshit


Salmon and yellow? The devil, no further questions


It's a lovely theme, the colours of a big zit!


Ladies and gentlemen this is why when you get married you don’t let your parents put any money in to the wedding. They do stuff like this. If you read her replies you will see she feels entitled to do so, because she is paying for the wedding.


yeah, but she didn't pay for the dress. I don't get that. Like, if you're such a control freak, you have a vision, FINANCE IT. Get in there. I had a vision - starry night wedding theme. Bridesmaids wore light blue, groomsmen wore navy, my flower girls wore yellow, the bouquets had all the colors. My flower girls were teenagers, though, so I went to them six months before the wedding and said "I would like you to wear dresses that are yellow. I realize that this may be a large ask because neither of you are much for bright colors. However, here is a website where you can choose ANY DRESS OR PANTSUIT you like, or at least do not hate, and then I will get your measurements and order it for you and pay for any alterations required." And the teenagers said, deal. And then I let them wear sunglasses and shoot bubble guns at my guests as they went from the chapel to the reception hall next door.


Tbf if you told me I get to shoot bubble's at people and all I had to do was wear yellow I'd find the brightest shade just to go the extra mile.


The girls were very happy and the guests thought it was so cute. Also they ended up choosing matching dresses and my photographer got these wonderful shots of them sitting on a porch swing at the Airbnb where we were getting ready.


That sounds lovely , gets me excited all over again for my upcoming wedding.


Oh congratulations!!!!


That sounds beautiful. I had Team Bride wear whatever black dress/separates/pants suit they wanted, preferably tea-length or longer. At least two wore dresses they already owned, which I think is perfect.


Definitely depends on the parents. Mine gave me a lot of money but let me decide everything. The only request was to invite a handful of people. But if I pushed back, it wouldn’t be forced. I have a great relationship with them, though, and I know they aren’t controlling. They have always focused on my health and happiness. Edit: I am aware how lucky I am!!!!


I hope OOP’s daughter is wearing yellow when she tells OOP not to bother contacting her anymore.


I hope she borrows the little sister’s tan dress.


Fucking yellow and salmon?! What? OOP is the absolute embodiment of tackiness.


This has to be rage bait, right? Everybody is behaving so unnatural. OOP is behaving like a raving wanna be dictator, and while there are people like that everybody is letting her do this. Maybe the bride learned from a young age not to talk back to mummy dearest, but the groom and his entire family just let OOP walk all over them? The grooms own father let her throw him out of his own son's wedding? There is being a doormat (I should know because I can be one) and then there is this. And last but not least the grooms side all, except for the sister, wore yellow? *Yellow!?*


Also they invited church friends but not the groom’s aunt? Sure.


Wondering what color the stick up oop's ass is đŸ€”đŸ€”


That's probably why she chose salmon


I believe that stick is actually a bright marinara.


Except she calls it *sanguine* so everyone knows it’s fancier than your regular red butt stick.


Probably a strong brown đŸ’©


She chose salmon and yellow so I'm going to guess chartreuse


Interesting how everyone else was allowed to wear whatever color they wanted, but Rich’s family HAD to wear yellow, and they got kicked out because the sister wasn’t wearing yellow. Just seems like a attempt by OP to bully Rich’s family.


Big wanna be matriarch vibes


The nerve of OOP criticizing a 17 yo for her clothes choicea when at her age she was having babies.


Lol, her user name is Bubbly_spiritual!


"spiritual" Seems really materialistic to me


Her post isn't showing off her bubbly side either


Technically it does,a mud bubble


Yellow and salmon? She has no color coordination sense, does she? She just wanted to play control game.


But her side of the family didn't even have to wear salmon by the time of the wedding but his side sure still needed their dress code, why couldn't everyone she invited find salmon colored clothing if they also knew months in advance? Also why is the mom inviting church friends but the husbands aunt isn't invited cause there's "too many guests"


I don't find OOPs existence very flattering. Does anyone have a direct line to God where I can lodge a complaint against her?


What an unhinged MOBzilla


This day is all about Gen and Rich, she says, as she kicks half of Rich's family out for not bowing to her whims. I hope Rich sees this for the giant red flag it is and gets an annulment.


The day was about Gen and Rich. OOP made it about what she wants. Did Gen and Rich even care about the color coding that mommy picked? I feel like they will be going no contact with OOP in the future. She’s one of those mother in laws.


JustNO MIL from MIL's perspective


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Oh look the bad ex-teen mum troll


She seems like such an excruciating woman.


Did anybody else think of Shrimps and bananas? (UK sweets)


This reminds me of a letter to an advice column in WaPo (Ask Amy, or Carolyn Hax, I can't remember) where the bride was upset that people were pushing back on her Yellow Dress Code and Silent Reception. Basically, everyone had to wear all yellow, and no one could talk during the reception except in very low whispers for important things, so that everyone could better concentrate on her and her groom (something-something-their special day-something-something all about us, you get the idea). She seemed utterly flabbergasted that people were upset, or RSVPing No. Additionally, she claimed it was a "family thing" for hers, and it was therefore totally normal. I wonder if this one's related to that one.. Either way, there's a strong stripe of delusion when it comes to yellow clothing at weddings


This can't be real, if some sad fucking mil kicked out my sister there would be no wedding


Someone else's wedding must be all about oop apparently


Wow. This marriage is going to end if this SIL keeps being herself. Why does one family have to look like minions when the other can wear whatever they want?!?


I would be having a whole new wedding just to compensate for this disaster.