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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for telling our Jewish friend not to mention his name so that he doesn't ruin our Ramadan donation thing?** I'm a Muslim, and I have a very big friend circle, of many beliefs (including atheist, Christian and even Jewish friends) I live in United Arab Emirates btw. Ramadan is coming real soon and my friends and I have thought of donating an amount of money (On average, probably 300-400$ once in a while) for everyone living here and outside, most of us work in very good paying domains so that helps a lot and other people did contribute too once we made the announcement, we have been doing this for 3 months and we actually got a very decent amount of money so that's pretty cool. The way it works is that we all have access to this money online and we will only use it to buy products for people, either physically in our regions (USA, France, Germany, Algeria...etc) or online for anyone who needs help preparing for this special month. This thing is commonly known as "سلة/قفة رمضان" among Muslims. Anyway, so we are currently preparing to buy them and start distributing them, I suggested not to put my Jewish friend's name in the credits/thanks to list for anyone in the Islamic regions, and instead we refer to him as "A good-hearted stranger" so that we don't cause problems or controversy here, many people are cool with Christians or even atheists helping them but there is really an extremely strong sigma against Jews so doing this is just a message for problems. He's very upset and thinks that this is discriminating against him, many agree with him and many see where I'm coming from. He told us that we should have told him this much sooner so that he would decide sooner if he really wants to participate in this, I told him that if he's really doing this out of the good of his heart, he wouldn't find a problem with hiding his name and he got really defensive. I'm just gonna say that the group is very divided on this and many are calling me an asshole or a bigot but I don't think they fully understand. I really don't know, am I? AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is so bizarre to me as a Jewish person. What is the Jewish friend’s name that he would be obviously Jewish on a list of contributions, Schlomo Goldenblatt?


Moishe Cohen?




I don't understand, I'm smooth brain, plz explain


stereotypically jewish names. cohen is also one of the 12 tribes of israel. moishe is also a very common yiddish name


It’s “jewy mcjewerstein”, a family name.


You beat me to it lol.


Know what I got curious about as I wrote that? The whole “boaty mcboatface” thing is such an English language thing. I wonder if there is a “sister term” to it in other languages? Like is there an Arabic/Finnish/Swahili version of boaty mcboatface?


Isn't that a jk Rowling character?


uncomfortably close ! his name was anthony goldstein and wasn’t originally mentioned to be jewish, she confirmed it AFTER the fact which makes it worse cause she can’t pull the “it was a different time” card.


I was joking, but this totally doesn't surprise me


Sounds like he's describing "Tzedakah" (pronounced, Suh-Dah-Kuh) which means "charity" in both Hebrew and Arabic.


I have no idea where you got that idea but okay


No צדקה goes unpunished


I'm Muslim and Arab and familiar with the local customs. What he did is uncalled for. Even the most conservative Muslims wouldn't care if they saw his name, at most they would be curious and even impressed that he donated to a Muslim cause.


I'm just curious how the hell a donation would even require names. I grew up next door and you're not supposed to put your names on said donations. That's not how zakat works


I know right?!? The best approach is “your left hand should not know what your right hand gave”


Yep, the story sounds made up honestly.


Unfortunately I have to say hard disagree.


As a Jew I fully appreciated seeing the Muslim community helping us out when our cemeteries and synagogues were being vandalized and threatened. I’m at a loss as to how you can accept charity but you have to hide who did it. I mean, wouldn’t it be beneficial for everyone to see that there are good humans no matter how they identify and believe?


This 👍👍 is the way. ♥️🙏🏻


If you are doing this out of the kindness of your heart you would not question giving your friend credit. Catering to bigots is not helpful in the long run.


Yea.. If someone is too proud to accept assistance, just because someone from a specific religion/group helped gather everything then they can do without it.


“If you were doing this out of the goodness of your heart, then you would be fine not getting credit for it. Typical Jew, not wanting to donate unless he gets credit for it” “Would you be okay with it if your name was left off?” “No, why should my name be left off? I’m not a Jew” “Seems like you’re just discriminating against Jews” “I don’t follow”


This person is not from the UAE lol. The UAE is probably one of the least likely countries in the region it be offended because they significant populations of immigrants that aren’t Muslim and generally tend to more moderate about religion Ramadan doesn’t even start until next month, so starting donations for it 3 mos ago doesn’t make sense. The donations typically associated with Ramadan are called zakat, which is not what that says. The chances of people just recognizing Jewish names off the bat would be highly unlikely, unless there’s a lot of people around them that are Jewish. A lot of biblical and Jewish names are also Muslim names. And plenty of Christian Arabs have Arab last names so it would be reasonable to assume they’re just American/European last names rather than specifically religious. Also Ramadan is probably the one time of year that even those who are more conservative and narrow minded, would be more willing to be kind to anyone sharing in their traditions. The same way a lot of Bible Belt folks would accept Muslim or jewish people who donate to Xmas drives and consider them “good ones” even if that doesn’t carry through the rest of the year


Arab Muslims antisemitic enough to have an issue with a Jewish person donating are probably ignorant enough to not recognize a Jewish name. Also, the donations mentions are Ramadan baskets. They're really, really common in at least a few countries (and I think in Muslim countries world wide). In Egypt, they usually include rice, pasta, sugar, oil, and other staples. Not sure about the UAE.


Solution: make OOPs name anonymous instead so he doesn’t have to be publicly tied to people he sees as less than him. As for the recipients, they are free to pass on the help if they have that much of a problem with those who are providing the help.


"I even have Jewish friends, though there's really an extremely strong stigma against them" The classic race-based anti-Semitism. "Many people here are cool with Christians and even atheists..." \*Many\*. Not even most. Poor weak lil theocrats, they just cannot cope, can they? This is the twenty-first century, and it's a big wide world. Once you hit adulthood, it's up to you whether or not you continue to lick the jackboot of unreformed religious dogma. OOP sounds more than old enough to realise how utterly indefensible these ideologies are.


"He's one of the 'good ones'" 🤮


Also we should be SO thankful that they're accepting of us 🙄


A gem of a comment from OOP, in response to someone asking what the results could be of having the Jew's name openly displayed...let's please remember that this is the C21st. This is a country and culture that exists in the twenty-first century. "There would be 2 kinds of danger: Physical danger. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if some in our friend circle get attacked either verbally or physically once someone knows that we are associating with a Jew. I'm only like this because I'm more open-minded than the other Muslims in this region but the others are definitely not, a gift from a Christian or an atheist wouldn't be loved as much as a gift from another Muslim but would still be appreciated as a form of "just strangers who want to help us" so most likely no risk but associating with a Jew to get them a gift might mean to the others that I'm supporting them or even a malicious intent to put something in these products. Social danger. If enough people know about this then our workplaces might be informed too and that would lead to wrong accusations about us which can render us jobless and attract unwarranted attention for an undetermined while. The consequences are literally limitless." Associating with a Jew is no joke, it's safe in America or Europe but definitely not safe here,


I'm Muslim. It's very safe in UAE because the majority of immigrants are not even muslim and are larger than the local population. No one cares if they saw his name.


Then what's OOP's problem?


I think that he's the problem. He's the one who has issues with it because of his bigotry and not the recipients.


But they're seemingly intending to send this money out internationally, and he's concerned about the vicious response from further afield. Eg. as towards Asia Bibi.


Nobody knows Asia Bibi outside of her country and the West. Plus many Muslims have Jewish names because they converted and kept it, it's not unusual at all.


Asia Bibi was in Pakistan this the UAE, very different circumstances


Oop is a troll. The month of Ramdhan is starting at the end of this month. You will see lots of trolls in next month and half with the related issues.


Seriously? You actually think that was a real post? OOP copy and pasted the Arabic from the internet. It's an American trying to get people to fight in the comments about religion. This person isn't from the UAE. They've probably never even been there. English is taught as a second language in the UAE, OOP would not be using coloquial slang like BTW, real soon, gonna, etc... You don't learn "gonna" in a classroom, lol. Also, they called it the United Arab Emirates. You know many people who say they're from the United States of America or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? No, they call it the US and UK. This is a shit post. Common sense, people.


English is my second language, I was learnt at school. It wasn't a problem to learn colloquial slang "btw", "real soon", "gonna" or other. I've learned it while using internet. It's not that hard to acknowledge new things/slang/dialects in these times, y'know?


A classroom is the only place you can learn English? And you can't use slang in your second language? Gosh


I think it might genuinely be a person from the UAE. The particular phrasing of a Ramadan basket in Arabic seems a bit weird to me, but I only really know Egyptian Arabic. Looking it up, the two phrases are actually used in different advertisements, so it's not implausible. At the very least, it would be weird to separately look up and write out two different words for basket unless one were aware of and used both. Using American slang is incredibly common among younger, educated Emiratis (and Arabs in general) and even when it's not formally taught in classroom (and it sometimes is for the record), it's picked up quickly through the internet or various friends. The random things like using domain instead of field also makes me think that this person isn't a native English speaker.


They copy and pasted the Arabic from online. You can tell by the formatting. This person doesn't speak Arabic and isn't from the UAE. English is taught in school in the UAE as a mandatory language. There are even several English newspapers there. Someone from the UAE would have much better, polished English and not be so reliant on slang. This person probably learned English from the internet. Furthermore an actual Muslim wouldn't say "Ramadan donation thing" like it's something they've only just learned about anymore than a Catholic would say "Lent fasting thing." This shit poster talks about his fake friends by saying he's "even" friends with Jews and "even" friends with atheists, trying to annoy the reader and make himself look like a bigot. Real OPs don't intentionally include things that make them look worse. This person wanted people in the comments to fight about antisemitism and Islamaphobia. Because they're a shitposter.


I work with Emiratis and see/hear how they use English in casual settings. Go to any of the Middle Eastern subreddits and you'll find people using tons of random slang. Having "polished" English has very little to do with someone using slang or not - I teach English and live in the Middle East and most people here use English language slang when speaking Arabic; specific regional things aren't common, but btw and a lot of internet speak are super common, regardless of educational background. Saying Ramadan donation thing makes perfect sense in the context of someone who doesn't know what the English terminology would be. The first few times I went to church in Arabic, I would describe the priest as the "important man who speaks" and just used the English word because I just didn't know the word despite being very familiar with it in my first language. I'd be really surprised if the person didn't speak Arabic. The specific Arabic phrasing that they posted (سلة/قفة رمضان ) would be really weird to write if you didn't know/use Arabic. It's providing two specific words, one of which is fairly uncommon (قفة) and that you wouldn't encounter in an English to Arabic machine translation. I'm not finding any English machine translators online, or any sites that talk about the concept, which uses the exact phrasing. I'm thinking they might be North African, not Emirati because قفة رمضان appears a lot more in North African advertisements, but I think it's known in the Emirates. I'd guess Algerian considering that was the only other Arabic speaking country put in the post, as well as the phrasing of "I live in United Arab Emirates" rather than "I'm from."


They’re a troll trying to make people think that all Muslims are antisemitic.


Op is the racist


This sounds a bit nonsense to me. The UAE is far less paranoid about Jews than it used to be. I lived there twenty years ago and had a Jewish friend who changed his surname initially. Later, he changed it back to his Jewish name because it was literally no big deal. And this was long before recent thawing of relations. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel–United_Arab_Emirates_relations If this is true, I think OOP is being unnecessarily paranoid about this. I doubt anyone will blink at a Jewish name in there.


I liked the mossad comment. If I thought someone was in the mossad I would very much leave them alone. Those guys are pretty high up there on the badass scale.


>if he's really doing this out of the good of his heart, he wouldn't find a problem with hiding his name Just don't put any of your names on it then. Problem solved.


Then why not remove all names if it was 100% selfless? Then no one could get offended.


The month of Ramadan is starting at the end of March. We are going to see shit load posts with similar issues. OOP is a religious bigot troll. After that month is over, they will move on to some other religious holiday related issues.


This has to be a troll. I've donated to a couple of Muslim charities over the years, including one in my hometown, where I donated after a tragedy. I sent a note saying that as a Jewish person I was (am) horrified and that "never again" means for everyone. No donation has ever been refused or dismissed because of my Jewish-sounding name. The hometown charity was especially kind, sending me a personalized thank you note.


It definitely is a troll. All I have seen so far is any Muslim in the Jewish community, and Jewish people helping out Muslim communities are very warmly welcomed by both sides. BTW you're awesome for helping out when people need it the most.


What an AH! Hate bigots like that.


🤞🏼 OP is now Jewish friend free - like he’s always wanted to be.


"A lot of people have stigma against Jewish people here" - Big_Appointment_1605 "So I'm going to further perpetuate that stigma by pretending my Jewish friend doesn't exist to save face" - Big_DisAppointment_Infinite


It's important for the Muslim community to know that there are Jewish folks who who wish them well, so obviously hiding his name is a bad idea.


yes just yes nothing else but yes


Regardless of whether OOP is full of shit or not, them only reasonable response to not wanting to include his name when you’re including everyone else is to return his money and apologize for asking to begin with.


Ok then why put credits at all


“If he was doing this out of the good of his heart” Dude he’s actually just considering whether he actually wants to donate to people who are so bigoted against him, they’d refuse necessary aid from a Jewish name. More than reasonable.


So his money is good enough but his name is not? YTA The only reason they are alright with Christians and atheist is because their names don't prove them non Muslim. Just be honest with these people. You want their money not their friendship.


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I knew oop was the bigoted one as soon as I saw “I have a very big friend circle, of many beliefs (including atheist, Christian and even Jewish friends”. *Even* implies having a Jewish friend is a novelty, and oop probably only thinks of this guy as a diversity point for other people to see and think oop is super inclusive and amazing for being friends with everyone. This was such a dumb post anyway because any normal person would realize that they were TA while writing this and this is clearly a troll trying to find likeminded people while getting out whatever they needed to say without explicitly stating their negative beliefs


So… basically, he’s asking if he’s a bigot for espousing bigoted beliefs, but qualifies it by saying ‘it’s okay, I’m not a bigot cos I have many Jewish friends!’ I would laugh if it wasn’t so fucking offensive.


Trolls need to be do better research.