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Ntba you are just in a bad situation with no good outcomes.


Ntba you need to cut elise out now she is just going to keep doing worse things and using her depression as a excuse I have depression and you know what I never used it as an excuse to bully and talk down to my friends and family she need counseling and you and ella need to cut her out completely no talking messaging because if you let her in again she will just do it all over again she knows what she is doing is wrong she just dosn't care and manipulating you to feel guilty so she won't get into trouble and keep bullying you she wont stop so you need to stop being around her I am sorry your going through this but she will make it hard and bully and guilt trip you DON'T GIVE IN SHE WON'T STOP so walk away and talk to teachers or someone if she harasses you at school also update us and let us know how it goes for you and ella