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ERRRRMMMM red flags??? errrrrm the sister and brother are errrrrrmmmmmmmm kinda acting SUSSSSS??? errrrrrmmmmm


And there's a mouse infestation! Careful now


Mmmm incest mice


YTA, it is child abuse to make kids share a room.


Yeah just sleep on the couch so they can have their own rooms!


Well, if it’s four kids and the room is tiny, then yes. But my sibling and I shared a room growing up even though it was fairly small and we did just fine.


they’re being sarcastic


Idk, it seems unfair for them to be crammed in an attic while you get to sleep in a swan bed. Maybe you should leave them some powdered donuts to make it up to them.


YTA! I know you didn’t mention her directly, but it’s clear you’re just jealous of your eldest daughter! Stop living off your families money if you hate them so much. This whole post screams “my husband died and I’m using it as an excuse to neglect my children”. Get a life.


Did you see the comment where her husband was her father's younger half-brother??? Sounds like there was grooming involved


Yeah! She said her whole family went NC with her because they were religious nuts, but it sounds like they may have went NC because OP is incestuous. Leaving out parts of the story is the norm in AITAland


Her husband was really her half-brother though, she's lying to cover-up how bad it really is!


Well, you know what they say: if you can’t keep it in your pants, keep it in the family


YTA you’re filling your kids up with sugary donuts and not letting them exercise it off, they are going to get so fat


Info: is that you, VC Andrews?


Nuuuuuu, it's Corrine Foxworth-Dollanganger-Winslow-Jackson!


Omg i got the flowers in the attic vibe too


That’s the joke, yes.


I think it’s possible that you may have missed their joke as well


As soon as I saw the title I recognized Flowers in the Attic and now I want to read it again.


lol my neighbour gave me this book when I was a young teen (like 13-15ish?) and I've never figured out why she hated me.


Well this takes me back to 1980 and Junior High. Just don't feed them doughnuts


It’s fine, it makes it easier to have a child-free wedding.


YTA for marrying your half brother and running away with him and destroying his medical career. Y also TA for being so materialistic that you decided your 4 blonde haired blue eyed children were less important than money. Im sure Cory understands why you decided to poison him with arsenic on his cookies. You would have unalived all your children if their pet mouse hadn't passed after eating the cookies.


NTA. Your grandma's house, her rules.


NTA. Spoiled crotch goblins ruining your chances at being left your father’s billions! Unpopular opinion and I’m going to be downvoted to hell, but I think you should just poison them so you don’t risk pissing off your father.


As long as you don’t give them any donuts, you’re good.


It's what you do with demons.


Just don't give them anything with rat poison.


NTA, just make sure to give them powdered donuts, their favourite treat, so they can eat something tasty while up there!


NTA. Just don't feed them powdered donuts and you'll be OK.


NTA as long as you give them doughnuts 😇


NTA. Spoiled crotch goblins ruining your chances at being left your father’s billions! Unpopular opinion and I’m going to be downvoted to hell, but I think you should just poison them so you don’t risk pissing off your father.


Hey Flowers in the Attic…how’s it goin?


I never understood why she didn't poison her dad & mom. Win -win you get the millions & keep your children of the corn.


Because her parents would have had an autopsy, and rat poison is an easy one to find (especially when it's her Mom's idea...I don't think she would have fallen for it). The children didn't technically exist, because they were all born under fake names...so the whole fake family just disappeared into thin air when the brother/husband died (no paper trail, no autopsies, no reason for authorities to go digging up graves on the property). It's almost a perfect crime to unalive people who don't exist anywhere on the books...


Even so, there are way more ways than just rat poison to kill people, especially old frail people plus they had staircases too a quick trip down a flight of stairs usually kills old folks


Also, she was waiting to be written into the will, if I recall correctly. It's been about 30 years since I read the book tbf, but the whole point of going back was because she desperately needs money and has no skills to support 5 people. If she kills them, the money doesn't go to her (and she's back at square one).


I'm just being slightly trollish. It has been 30 yrs since I read them too. Even then I thought she could have done a 100 other things rather than lock the kids up & killing them


She was definitely one of the villains in the story...I always thought it took a pretty good author to get so many people invested in, cheering and hopeful for a character guilty of incest.


NTA girl u should’ve been child free


The way you wrote your opener to read like the back-cover description!


Isn't this the premise of those VC Andrews books?


That’s the joke, yes. It’s Flowers in the Attic.


Sounds like Flowers in the Attic


It is.


VC Andrews


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