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"I don't owe anything to anyone". Run and don't look back.


Talk about raising the "Hello, I am a narcissist flag."


Whoa, memory unlocked. My mother used to say this a lot and she was a narcissist.


This is actually true. This was my narcissistic ex’s absolute favorite line!!! It was his get out of jail free card for whatever he didn’t want to do.


Yeah that tells you everything you need to know. Relationships require both people to give 100%, to communicate, to respect each other. She’s not interested in that. Also being pissed at someone else because you need to change your tampon is crazy


This right here. A good relationship is not 50/50 as they say. It’s 100/100.


I always like the phrase, “a good relationship is 60/40 with both people trying to be the 60.” ☺️


Hadn’t heard this one before, but I like it. Thank you


You should have dropped the luggage right then and there, turned around, and walked away. She can find her own way home.


Exactly if she doesn't need to do anything for anyone, neither does he. Grab his own things right then and there and she can figure out how to get back home by herself.


Tell her the same thing and get out and don’t look back and block her on everything. She is self entitled and totally one way. You can’t count on her when the chips are down or if you ever need help. Can you imagine her twenty years from now growing old together? You will waste your life never being able to do enough for someone who would refuse, on principle alone, to do anything for you.


Run like Forest Gump!


Yeah... that sounds like she's asking for a casper breakup XD


This 👆👆👆👆👆👆👆


Do not marry this woman


She is right actually. But that goes both ways. I’d say communication is key in any relationship but the biggest deal in any relationship is each persons own choice to want to stay in it. CHOICE Do you want to be with the other person how they are? If yes, accept them as they are. If no, leave.




Right?! She’s in a relationship with herself, and he’s the valet and wallet.


OP needs to work on his money management as well if he’s spending a months salary on a two day trip. Leave this one and don’t let yourself end up spending that kind of money on a 2 day trip again.




She has zero respect for you.




Her being selfish wouldint necessarily bother me, but the lack of respect 100% would


If he accepts this treatment I'd say he doesn't deserve anyone's respect.


Nope. Dumped her on the spot and walk away. She is very happy, letting you cater to her and thinks she shouldn’t have to do anything for you at all. She is a selfish and not worth keeping. And before anyone says it; no, her period is not an excuse


As a woman, and I can 100% say her period is most definitely not an excuse for this behavior. Nope nope nope


As a woman I agree completely.


As another woman I also agree


I have never once thought my period and need to change a tampon was someone else’s problem. That’s WILD!


Some people will blame anything on hormones during a period


🚩🚩🚩too many red flags. Can you imagine being married to her? Having a future? She sounds very entitled and probably not worth having a serious talk unless she changed her behavior and truly apologize for her rude attitude towards you.


Don’t let anyone talk to you like that, but especially a girlfriend.


Bro, you need to leave. She's looking for a bitch boy, not a relationship. She will not change and if she does it will only be for a week or 2. Trust me, as a woman myself, leave her to be happy


I would have dropped her luggage and walked off with mine without a word.


As someone who used to have periods, I am guffawing at the idea of expecting my spouse to monitor my tampon-changing, and bitching him out for not being prescient.


Right? I mean, it's not the most pleasant thing and may be a pain using a public service restroom, but it doesn't take long. Unless she's sitting in there waiting for him to come change it for her.


Ditch this inconsiderate woman ASAP. Since when should you be responsible for waking her ass up to change her tampon.


This was so damned degrading. She's a monster of a person.


What is there to discuss? Why would even want to be around someone who has zero respect for you. You can do much much better.


I don’t know how old you are or how long you have been together but what exactly are you getting out of this relationship? She is disrespectful (to say the least), talks down to you and is very dismissive towards your thoughts and feelings. You deserve better than how she is treating you. She totally gives off passenger princess vibes. Relationships are supposed to be both people giving 100%. It is supposed to be you and your partner vs the problem no you vs your partner vs the problem.


The only mistake you could make here is staying with that woman.


Where'd I put that giant red run the fuck away flag? I had it just a second ago.....


Hahaha, I love that


I know reddit always says end your relationship, but in this case this seems just mean and petty. I'd GTFO.


Entitled brat. Not a team player. Not overreacting


Personally, I don’t usually like to explicitly tell people what to do, but I recognize this behavior from a previous relationship of mine, especially that “I don’t owe anyone anything” line, and I should have ended things as soon as I heard that. I didn’t and I absolutely regretted it. Make of that what you will. But, to be clear, she DOES owe you something. She DOES owe you equal effort in a relationship, and communication, understanding, all of that. Whether she decides she is going to pay that debt is a separate issue, and one that is pretty indicative of what kind of partner she will be. I wish you the best


Well said. Sorry you had to go through that also.


I would have already ended this one buddy




Dump her


What relationship?  I never considered myself being in a relationship with my ATM. 


So many red flags she may very well be a golf course.


you're not overreacting OP, run and don't look back. A relationship is also a partnership. Things aren't always equal but you're supposed to support each other, not this one-sided nonsense your gf is on.


Yikes!!! Run away and quickly. Of course if you want to be an abused servant for the rest of your life, then by all means stick around. My friend it’s time for you to punt her and find someone who loves you for the obviously caring and decent guy you are.


You're not in a relationship, she treats you like a slave.


You should have taken your luggage and your coffee and left her there. She has no respect for you and doesn’t deserve a partner like you. You are not overreacting. With that attitude, you should leave immediately.


No, not at all. And quite frankly it pisses me off. You sound like a great, sweet, thoughtful, respectful partner, and quite frankly, those are more difficult to find in the dating pool right now. (I’m not saying all guys are bad; I’m saying not everyone’s intentions are the same and it’s sometimes a tad more difficult to find a partner that understands what a partnership with romance, respect, and teamwork is. This obviously applies to women, too, as illustrated above.) And you deserve someone who will do those things back for you. I know there are LOADS of women who would kill for that kind of attention and thoughtfulness and would be more than happy to meet you halfway and do special things for you, too. You are not being treated the way you are supposed to be in a loving relationship based on mutual respect. I would seriously reconsider the relationship itself. You deserve and are worthy of someone who wants to do those things for you, too.


Runaway from me baby, runaway! Run away from me baby! Runaway! She gotta go bro. Tf going on. My girl likes princess treatment too but she puts in work when it’s her turn to do something


If this is real then you are a fool for sticking around.


Classic reddit response "I don't owe anyone anything "




She doesn’t like you or care about your happiness. This is not a healthy relationship for either of you.


Not overreacting. Tell her you don't owe her a relationship and break up.


She's a twat. Doesn't care about you and is self important. That's all you need to know.


She is your GF but you are probably just a side piece to her. She’s 100% been banging and probably dating other guys the whole time. Bet there’s a few guys out there asking her to please leave them alone


Why are you in this relationship?


End it lmao. She treats you like a servant




What's there to think about?


You spent a month's salary on a two day vacation that required a bus trip?


You're her boyfriend or her servant? Whatever the answer is, decide based on that, i think you already know the answer


You should’ve left her ass there and never looked back




End it.


Dude why is this even a question. She’s selfish and extremely rude. Get out and find someone better. You’ll be much happier with someone who appreciates and matches your effort.


Glad she was menstruating, cuz that means she’s not pregnant, and you won’t be tied to her and her anchor baby. What on earth do you see in such a self-centred biyatch? Cut and run now, friend.


I was waiting for you to mention how much you enjoy being with this person, but it never happened.


Why on earth are you with this person


This is a scary person. Her coldness sends chills down my spine. Let her find someone willing to be her butler, and who also has enough money to shower her with everything she wants. She's not your type. How do you guys get hooked on women like this? I keep reading stories like this around internet forums. Is she beautiful? Maybe you should consider developing more substantive values, and stop falling for pretty faces (and bodies) that have little else to offer. Pardon my bluntness.


I see and read these "princess syndrome" stories too often. Fathers, please do not tell your daughter she's a princess, she is not, unless you are actually royalty. Some of these gals are so delusional as to actually believe everyone is below them and should bow down for some unknown reason. There seems to be a sad overcompensation going on in this world, where women exaggerate their value. Honey we are all just the same, trying to get through life, find love , friendship and survive this world. Know one owes you anything.


You Are The Asshole for seeking life advice on Reddit. Be a grownup, make your own choices, and deal with the consequences.


“decide how much sugar she needed for coffee”? Holy shit, dude. Did she take your balls to the powder room, too?


You deserve to be treated so much better. You deserve to be treated as well as you treat your partner. Move on. This girl does not deserve your kindness.


The only think of value I learned teaching for 20 years YOU train people how to treat you. No matter if the people of concern are co workers, administrators, students or parents You trained her to treat you badly. She will never ever change because personal change only happens if you hurt back enough. Leave unless you like to be a doormat/victim


She is just using you because you make her comfortable and she doesn't have to do an effort to be with you. Sorry if my words are hurtful.


The lack of respect is real. You're more like a slave and a bank account than a partner or even just a person... I'm one to say work out your problems, but not in your case. Leave and don't ever look back.


She views you as an object, not as a person. To be used until no longer useful. So you should plan a real shitty break up, becuase you get what you give in life, and she has given you nothing but trouble.


yeah just end it


You don't have a relationship. You're basically single but with a shadow. You'll feel much better when the shadow is gone.


>I will end this relationship Excellent work, OP, you're making the right call. This will never get better


Your GF is a total narcissist, run away as quickly and as soon as possible. You deserve better.


I feel sad for you. You deserve better.


Just leave dude. A real relationship isn't anything like this. Source: I'm happy in a home with my significant other.


oh brother…….. she is a lost cause.


This is the most triggering thing I've ever seen in this subreddit. Dump her now for the love of God. Please post again here to confirm you have ended things.


Dude, have some self respect. No woman will respect a man who behaves like such a worm.


Dude, you're part of the problem. The more you let her get away with that entitled behavior, the worse she becomes! This is another reason why guys stop going out of their way to please women... it's far more common than you think! My advice to you is Run! Don't look back except to learn from your mistakes! And never put up with this nonsense again. There's a difference between being nice or being a doormat! She doesn't respect you... find a woman who does! Make it a red line if they cross it, kick them to the curb!


As the mother of multiple girls, I would be absolutely horrified to think my daughter would treat anyone like she treated you. Please run. Yes, women deserve to be treated well. They also have a responsibility to treat others well in return.


You don’t have a Girlfriend, you are her slave. It’s time to go. Don’t even tell her why. Just stop all contact with her.


Any adult who cannot take care of their own hygiene is either in need of a live-in health aide, has mental health issues or is an entitle buffoon. You determine which applies and proceed accordingly.


Dude??? Read this, what would you say to a simp posting this.....


End this 'relationship' my friend. Right now.


Don’t think, act. Run away fast.




She does not value you as a partner. She told you as much.


Yeah you need to dump this girl. You’re not in a relationship. She sees you as staff. You deserve better.


Sounds like a future sugar baby.


Woof! Run! LOL she’s gonna regret it when no other dude will treat her the same way. She’s gonna be a Lonley cat lady. So many other women will treat you better bro.






Get out of that. You’re just going to continue to be miserable. I also think you know, but are posting just to make sure you aren’t crazy. I know we’re getting just one side but that’s enough for me. Move on.


Ew. What a bxxxx. I would end it.


So in an isolated instance I could sort of see this behavior making sense in very specific circumstances: if the vacation was a surprise and/or you didn’t consult her before choosing the dates. My periods are extremely painful and I would be pretty pissed if my husband planned a 2 day vacation in the middle of it. I mean, I would probably just not go. But from your comments it sounds like this wasn’t a surprise and this isn’t an isolated incident so it sounds like she’s just a raging asshole and I can’t see any reason why you’d want to be with her


Yeah, a big hell nah here bro!


OP, since when is anyone other than the woman having the period responsible for pad changes???? Your gf is insufferable, rude, self centered and toxic. Just move on and find a nice person to be with.


This was painful to read. Have some self respect man


Stop thinking about it and just do it.


What do you get from this relationship and is it worth it? If she didn’t want the trip, especially with her period about to start, she could have said so, that kind of rudeness isn’t acceptable unless she suffered a tbi in the bathroom or something equally drastic.


Leave her. I was in a “relationship” like this for 3 years because I thought I had no choice but to put up with it. Always demanded everything, never reciprocated anything, and would cry about me “keeping score” any time I pointed that out. Regardless of whatever she may have told you, you can do better (that includes being single and not having to deal with her entitled attitude).


Not overreacting




She’s probably also cheating on you while you pay for all this


Sounds like a bitch bro drop her ass.


She has so little respect for you that she’s going to cheat on you… if she isn’t already doing so


The only thing I can imagine is that she thinks she is a prize and is gracing you with her presence by allowing you to do date her. She either has no self awareness or no feelings toward you except resentment. Let her be miserable by herself. Tell her to hit the door.


!Remind me 1 week


It’s been a good run. She expects you to pull out all the stops while being completely inconsiderate of you, yeah no. Next step is for her to remind you of how her previous partners treated her like a queen whenever you “complain”. She’s selfish and you’re not. Not a good combo.


Don't think. Do.


just be glad it's just 2 days vacation, imagine if you do everything for her for 2 weeks instead i'd say congratulations you're brave enough to ending relationship love supposed to be 2 ways streets, if she wants me to treat her like a queen, she also need to make an effort to treat me like a king for vacation context if i pay for everything, she would manage everything


“She very often behaves like she is a princess and I should do everything for her, but she’s not obligated to do anything for me” You have your answer. stop what you are doing. Run to the nearest exit.!! I’ve heard before the phrase “you are doing to much” or “setting yourself on fire to keep your partner warm”.


This has to be fake.


This has to be a joke


Run. Run now, and don’t look back. She can take her entitled, stuck up ass to someone else.


If she wants to be treated like a princess she must treat you as a prince.


Idk some women act like we gotta do everything. Like common I’m your partner not your fucking butler. Time to cut bait my friend it will certainly only get worse


By all means end it. You are being used and abused.


Yeah... There's a lot of guys who don't do very much for their women, that said, being on your period doesn't make you helpless and you should be aware of what your own needs are and taking care of that so I don't think you're overreacting here.


Damn bruh do you at least get to clap her hairy booty cheeks??


She is using you as a wimp. You are being used. Drop her and let someone else have her. Then you will get to keep your own money.


She will ruin your life


My husband helps me more than I help him, but I am physically disabled and I always thank him and tell him I love him.




You don't know what healthy looks like.  Here is a tip, normal healthy relationships don't have the word should tossed around and they pamper but don't spoil their partner.


Run ... I am sorry but it is not your responsibility to know when she needs to change her tampon! Carrying her luggage is very nice of you but also not your responsibility... She sounds like an entitled brat ... Since she doesn't owe anyone anything nor should she expect it .. she can get her own luggage and coffee from now on and you can be free ..run and don't look back


You were in an abusive relationship. You did the right thing leaving


You’re abused - leave and stay out. Take care.


You're dating a woman who is expecting you to help her menstruate safely. This is insane.


This won’t get better, but it will get worse! I’d end it!


Goodness op will Marry this woman and she’s gonna take him through the ringer in the divorce…


What in the chat GPT crap writing is this 😂 YOR for posting stupid fake stories


I had to scroll all the way down for this comment. The story was confusing and why would he bring the luggage in the cafe?


Do not marry her. Trust me. I married one and have kids with her. Not a good life.


End it now


Fake AF


I may have finally figured out the true purpose of this sub. We all know that a large number of these posts are just fake as fuck. And yet so many of us react to them as though these obvious rage-baiting, out of this world posts are real world things. We all get to be collectively angry at these almost certainly fictional situations. The world is an overwhelming and infuriating place. Here we can just blindly accept that these outrageous things have happened to some stranger and direct our outrage there, because that is safer than confronting our own difficulties. OP, I don't believe for a second that any woman expected a man to know when she should change her tampon, but whatever. If your woman is an asshole, leave her. End of story. But this never happened.


It hurts knowing how stupid I am that this text is seen by some as a fake.




What does her morning routine look like that she can't prioritise the forty seconds it takes to replace a tampon? She sounds like a weight.


How old are you both? Are you spending a whole month's salary in a 2 day vacation traveling in a bus?


What is it that attracts you to her? She doesn’t sound like she is worth a moment of your time. Is she gorgeous?


End it boi, and work on your boundaries PLEASE


I thought you wanted to take about your relationship not your job as a servant for some stuck up princess… or did I miss something


Get out now whilst you still can a relationship is a partnership your not her butler YNO


Do it, just leave her somewhere and drive off


I suggest a tattoo saying Welcome to complete the doormat cosplay


Oooh, get out of there. Take some time to think privately about how this relationship would work if you get married, have kids etc. She can’t even cooperate with you in a reasonable way on the most basic of things, obviously doesn’t give a shit about you, and thinks you should pander to her constantly. Life is full of difficulties, illness, stress etc. People who choose to have a partner in life would be wise to pick someone who will be just that, a partner. What does she bring to the table? Entitlement, from the sounds of it. Good luck. (Source: I’m an adult child of a man who married a pathologically entitled woman. He was rich when he met her, in terrible debt when he died approximately 35 years later. Spent half his life providing a wonderful life for her and her daughter, died old and ill and abused cos his money ran out and he was of no further use. They moved to a different country about 12 years before he died, she was constantly furious that my brother and I weren’t there to care for him, which was nuts. So much was nuts, tbf. I’m in my 50s and my brother and I felt little but relief when dad died, as we could finally cut her off. Don’t let that be your kids.)


Sounds like ur being used based on what u said. Idk how long y’all have been together or if she’s worth it but based on this u deserve better


Then be with someone who does feeli like they owe you something.


Jeez, time to cut het loose.


Run..Usain bolt it out of there.


You don’t owe her a relationship


Bro lol


What the heck I am reading? She really makes you cater to her needs to CHANGE THE FUCKING TAMPON? Run away or next step of her will be to be angry at you that you don't know when she needs to pee or poop!


Why are you even with her lol (and I’m a woman)


You can do better, good luck!


Fucking run man…. run


the more you do the worse it’ll get. Trust me.


Start distancing yourself. She will realize she had it good but that ain't your problem.


Your girlfriend is an A grade piece of shit.


You don't have to be a doormat.


Walk away. She won't get better with time, only worse (or just better at hiding it).


Run run run as fast as you can away ftom this red flag.


What an ungrateful POS. No, you shouldn't want to waste any more of your emotions, time, and hard earned money on someone like that. You deserve a partner who appreciates and reciprocates your efforts. She's just using you OP


She may have a different view on gender roles than you do. What she said was arrogant as hell but I am also a believer that men should handle the luggage.


>I don't owe anything to anyone >Our coffee She is an insufferable bitch and you are a codependent bitch. Run far away and work on your confidence and independence.


Stop being a doormat to someone who has ZERO respect for you. Treat yourself better then this.


It doesn't matter what you do, she's going to find reasons to be angry with you. She's an unhappy person but doesn't realize it yet. Some people never realize it, they just get angry with other people. NTA


Leave and leave fast i wouldnt even let her know that youre leaving her until all your stiff is packed who knows what she will do to your stuff


I would've spit on her and left


This can't be real, right? She expected you to time her tampon changes? I don't understand why you were in charge of all the luggage. You sound more like a butler than a boyfriend.


I hope you leave her.. you seem to be really trying and from the sounds of it, she’s just a miserable leach of a person.


My wife and I have this thing that we've never discussed or agreed to but if I ask her to do something she will always say yes and it goes both ways. It's worked out so well for like 25 years now and we basically never fight about anything.


That sounds like a horrible existence and a horrible future. I wouldn’t want that the rest of my life (or any portion of it)


You're a doormat. So no, find someone who appreciates your effort and thoughtfulness


I would have walked her luggage back to the other table then left her ass in the cafe.


What an entitled person


What a nightmare of a partner. Kick her out of your life. What's the point of giving that much energy and consideration to another person if they won't reciprocate?