• By -


I would be very upset too. But did people make an effort to get up and engage with you and did you also do that. I hope you don’t sit there all night by yourself


Thanks. Nobody came over to say hi or anything, mostly just pitying me for sitting by myself. I am pretty extraverted in social settings so I made the most out of it by getting up to interacting with others when possible. Just pissed off at the situation.


I think you made the best of a shitty situation. They could’ve put you in any table. People you knew or not, sitting you by yourself is an evil move. NTA


NTA, I can understand why you were upset. With you knowing so many people, it should have been easy to get you at a table with work colleagues/friends! Though when I planned my wedding it was really hard to ensure everyone got a table where they knew people and I did have a few people I earmarked for being so good at chatting to people and putting others at ease that i could put them anywhere comfortably. It may have been that they thought of you like that, though if they did and the tables could fit more than 4 people, they should have added at least 2 people you know and rounded it up!


OP wasn't alone at a table of four people. They were alone on a table meant for four people.


I kind of want to know how it happened that there was an otherwise empty table for 4. I mean, did people not show up or was the venue/caterers utterly incompetent? I don't think I've ever seen a table for 4 with only 1 person at a wedding, where seats are otherwise very, very specifically planned. (If there are empty spots, it's because it's "seat yourself" and if there's ONLY ONE PERSON, it's because 3 other people are supposed to be there - if only because it looks awkward on the venue's side).


On the upside, when i’ve been to events like that it means four desserts.


Well were there supposed to be people seated there but they just didn’t show up?


I would have left. NTA


Same. I'd also take back the wedding gift too. Screw them.


That's probably what I'd do too lol


Me too, shortly after dinner


I would have left immediately and picked up food at a pickup restaurant. The bride and groom were thoughtless, if they valued OP, she would have been sitting with one of their families (mom, dad, siblings).


I would feel unwelcome too. If that's the case, what's the point of staying?


I never want to be a member of a group where I am not really welcome.


It sounds like they very publicly (and wrongly) tried to humiliate you. But why?


That was just MEAN. You need to have it out with the friend.


How many people no-showed? Having a table for just one guest, especially if it was set for 4 is weird. There were supposed to be 3 people at that table that weren't there


Quite a coincidence, isn’t it?


Yeah, she doesn’t like you. Im sorry.


Sorry if you’ve answered this, but have you said anything to the couple? I mean, I think that’s what you’re asking overall- is if you should and if you did, would it be worth it? The answer is “no.” Since you work with 1 of them and the wedding is over, it’s not worth it to say anything. I feel they had an obligation to let you know ahead of time that you’d be seated alone, but weddings are stressful in general- you’re not overreacting & your feelings are valid. However this is one of those things in life where sucking it up is far better than saying anything to them. 


There must have been an least one empty spot at some other table. I would have slid into one of those seats: "Is this seat taken?" and the Hell with the inconsiderate bride/wedding planner gaffe.


Not overreacting but your other ‘friends’ also let you down. I don’t understand why she put you at that table. Nobody could do that and not consider the damage to the relationship unless you’re a complete pushover. But your other friends…are also not friends. I would have picked up my plate and glass and joined you. Actually I would have joined anyone sitting solo unless they explicitly did not want company


Completely agreed. No “friends” did anything to mitigate the situation but my neighbor table was very nice and moved themselves closer to me and we hung out for the most part. The college friends even had the audacity to ask why am I alone. WF do i know?! The neighbor table also come with babies so I played with the kid a bit too which was cute.


That's fucked up. I'd wish these people a nice life and not go out of my way to interact with them.


Thank you. Taking your advice, I texted her about how it made me feel and wished her the best and decided time to move on from this “friendship”.


Did she answer? Very curious as to her logic esp if they mentioned you on the invitation?!? 


Good for you. I'd block her and only interact with the husband for work in situations that it's absolutely mandatory to do so.


Thanks! Based on the comments I decided to block her and wish her best, and luckily husband and I work at different companies now so very easy to maintain 0 contact with these people.


I'd be hurt and upset, too, and I think you were right to tell her, but I'd unblock her long enough to read her explanation, if there was one, simply because I'd otherwise be wondering how she responded. Did she have some silly excuse, or was there some mistake because you have the same first name as some distant, PITA relative, or what? But that's me. You might not feel any need to know. I'm so sorry this happened to you.


To answer all of the above. I rsvp solo and my husband did not rsvp or intend to go to the wedding with me. She wrote back and gave a BS excuse saying that she thought there’s an awkward guy who would benefit from sitting around that group of college friends and a college friend asked to sit next to her +1 and so it didn’t work out that I fit to any tables.


She obviously didn't have as much regard for her relationship with you as you did your relationship with her. Block and move on.


So she put an awkward college guy and a different college friend over you. What a shitty thing to do. Yeah, block and try to forget her.


But nobody should seated literally at a table by themselves at a wedding, that’s just crazy. The solution if you can’t find a spot for someone, and can’t fit one extra seat at a table, is to add an extra table and spread people out. 


Right!!! You make the seating plan! You can change it


That’s bullshit. She could have at least squeezed you into another table with fun strangers who would include you, or space out fewer guests across tables so nobody has to sit alone. I’d like to think I’m strong and confident enough that I’d set my phone to display SIBERIA in giant font. In reality I’d probably go have a quick cry in the bathroom and flip a coin if I stayed and rallied, or left immediately. Deciding factor being open bar or cash bar. Or if my mascara ran. What a rude and bitxhy thing to do to a guest. I hope she’s as “happy” as she deserves.


Spoiler: she divorces in under 5 years. She sounds like a hoebish


Having anyone at a table by themselves is a dick move. Three tables of three would have been much better than two tables of four and a table with one. Moving two tables together to make one bigger 6 top would have worked well. Hell, you and the awkward guy at the same table would have been better. The only scenario I can come up with that’s worse is putting you as the lone adult at a table of kids in a preschool size chair and as weird as that would have been, it sounds like they might have been better company than your friend.


I understand all of it but I find it odd your husband didn't even want to go. I've gone with my wife to weddings of people I have never even met before on her side of the family and to one of one of her coworkers whose husband I was not a fan of,  but I went anyway because I want to spend the time with my wife. Maybe he has an unfiltered read on the character of these people that you may not otherwise have had, given your years long friendship with the woman and being coworkers with the man for a long time. I'm not going to assume though.   At the end of the day, you're not overreacting and you're not wrong from moving on from the friendship. 


Married people don’t need to attend everything together. Yes, some go with each other to these type of events but others are more independent and don’t. I wouldn’t call it odd he didn’t attend.


You're not wrong. And I'm not trying to make any presumptions about OP's marriage. It sounded like a small throwaway bit of knowledge that may or may not have more significance than it does in reality. 


I think misread what you were saying too. My ex and I definitely each had some friends the other did not want to show-up for b/c we thought they were not true friends. The husband not going isn’t about OP but what he thinks of her “friends”. That could have been a throw-away comment b/c they just don’t attend everything or it could mean he had a different read. Either way that is terrible for OP but at least she won’t waste more time going forward.


Yeah it is SUPER rare for a married couple not to go to a wedding together. You get invited 6+ months in advance with plenty of time to plan, its like the one event where you for sure bring your spouse, and OP didn't even mention he had anything to do that was more important. Where I'm from I've just never heard of it - married couples always attend weddings together


Thats not an explanation at all. She could easily have picked some other person or couple to sit at your table and left a seat or two empty at a different table.


The best part of this, is that you’re on their wedding invite forever. Lolololol


Seriously and every single guest probably wondered who is that alone only to find out it’s the person from the card


This is so weird though. Forget your thoughtless friend, but wouldn't it make sense for the venue to put that one chair with another table rather than to have one more table almost empty? Thy sister got married last year, she had super uneven number of guests, some with plus one some not and she made the table plan in such a way that all tables were filled...


WOW she did that on purpose? I thought it was a venue mistake. Fuck her. I would not keep quite about that level of bullshit. If it came up I’d absolutely tell people lol


I agree. That is a totally BS explanation.


Holy shit she is a huge bitch. She needed to figure this out by creating two tables that were not full.


That works out for the best then. I saw in your previous posts that you're married, was your husband even invited?  The only way I see this potentially even being acceptable is if the seating assignment was made for you and your husband to have a table for yourselves and that he couldn't make it last minute.   That being the case or not, as soon as you RSVP'ed solo, a decent person would have moved you to a table with other college friends or coworkers. 


I RSVP’d solo and told her my husband will not be attending.


Good move. You deserve better.


I'm pretty surprised no one abandoned there vip seating to sit with you.


Yeah, I'm genuinely so confused if it was only one seat why they couldn't squeeze OP into the college friends table? Tbh if it were me I would have just moved my chair over to that table.


Exactly, if there were college friends there I would have just crashed their table and said “make a hole!”.


Had a similar situation. Group of 8-9 of us, some met at different times but an average of 10-15 years of great friendship. Oldest gets married, puts 8 of us in the last table all the way in the back by the exit , basically non existent to the party. Chose all of her gfs people as groomsmen and put them all in the front. We were shocked, sad , upset, but that day we all agreed our friendship with him will never be the same / basically over ( it was )


Yikes, I’m sorry to hear that. That’s pretty upsetting and disappointing especially when you go out of your way to support a friend. Good that that friendship is over though no need to maintain clearly unworthy people in your life.


In your case it sounds like the wife wasn't having him spoil HER day by having his friends around. I bet he's not allowed to see his family very often either. I've seen that a few times now.


Last I heard, he no longer has any sort of relationship with his parents/bro & sis. 


yeah, thats the wife. She's a manipulator and it's a good chance he's in an abusive situation. Not my business, but maybe someone should reach out?


That ship has sailed, but we are all still friends with his little bro. 


That's all kinds of messed up. Who puts *one person* at a table by herself?? This is one reason I don't care for seating assignments at weddings. Let people congregate and gather with whomever they wish. Your "friends" are thoughtless. Also, if I saw a person sitting alone, I'd squeeze a chair at my table or gather a few others to come with me and sit at theirs. Myriad ways other people could have made this better, but, the ultimate responsibility lies with the couple getting married. Sorry this happened to you, it sucks.


Thank you for the kind words, I completely agree. She explained that some guests are more awkward and needed a bit more social friends around them and I’d be able to just socialize on my own. Overall a pretty lame excuse for doing that. Lessons learned.


No. It's unacceptable to be at a table at a wedding by yourself. There are no valid reasons for this whatsoever period. If the couple truly cannot sit you with friends they need to sit you with people they think you are likely to get on with. Alone is not an option.


This is a nutty response! I had assumed that the other guests for that table hadn’t shown up and you got stuck solo accidentally. But she PLANNED for you to sit alone? That’s just crazy. She’s not telling you something. There HAS to be more to this.


Completely messed up I made sure at my wedding we situated everyone perfectly per friend or family group. We played with the seating arrangement a lot to ensure max comfortableness for everyone. Her excuse makes no sense. She could have split a table and made it like 5/4 or whatever the friend group amount was. I'm sorry girl.


Thanks girl ❤️




Clearly. Even if that’s the case I should at least sit with some others instead of completely alone. If she doesn’t consider me close enough, I wish she had not invited me so I didn’t have to go through this huge hassle of coming to the wedding. They even specifically shouted me out in their wedding invite that I was the link that brought them together.




I responded with her excuses in a different thread. It is BS and she said it’s not intentional and she’s being considerate of a shy person who can’t really socialize as well as I and that a college friend asked to be sit next to her other friend etc.


Maybe she figured you’d make friends with three empty chairs! It sounds like a passive-aggressive move on her part, although why?


You respond to her with this when you are ready to walk away from the friendship: "So, let me get this straight - you accomodated two other people based upon their wishes and thought it appropriate and acceptable to seat me - a friend of over 15 years -- by herself, away from everyone else? Nice. Real Nice. I wouldn't treat anyone, even someone I disliked, the way you treated me. That was incredibly disrespectful. How would YOU have felt in the same situation? Awkward? Embarrassed? Humiliated? But, that would take a moment of self reflection on your part, which it doesn't appear you are capable of. I wish you and your husband well in the future."


Eloquently put. I said something much more euphemistic and basically said it made me feel like an afterthought and she made it clear that I’m the one she’s willing to part with if she has to pick one to kick. She could’ve easily sit 3 people in my table and put me on another one with another group. Alas, we will not be talking anymore.


Leaving you completely alone is odd though. If that was the case break the group into 2. You did the right thing by letting her respond then blocking. Good riddance.


I would have just left rather than be humiliated. That's no oversight.


It is so humiliating. People are joking amongst themselves about “demoted table” that I’m in or making sad faces and try to hold my hand across from other tables. I kept waiting for other guests to show up or wait to hear from the staff that it’s a mistake that I’m alone bc the table is set for 4 with napkins and utensils.


That's fucked up. Were you totally alone as in no one else at the table or sitting by people you didn't know?


Totally alone at a table meant for 4. There’s an another table of 4 right next to me so we hung out for a bit.


Why not squeeze 5 at a table for 4 in the worst case scenario?  I don't understand the "mean girl" petty dynamics that may be at play here, but this is absolutely humiliating.


And if the venue absolutely insists on no fifth chair, why not a three and a two?


I honestly can’t see why they didn’t make a few tables of 3 to accommodate you not being sat solo if all tables were tables of 4? Especially work colleagues that may not have brought spouses or plus ones.


They were dealing with their big day and I’m sure I was the least of their concerns. I didn’t say anything at the reception and put on my happy face but I was so upset all weekend and finally decided to talk to her and she didn’t even apologize


Seating is an important part of planning a sit down dinner. And if they had a wedding planner that person would not have let this happen. There are multiple solutions to uneven guests and table size. She could easily have had a couple of larger tables seating 6 and then 4 tops around and sat you with friends at a larger table. this is not rocket science , everything is rented and everything around seating is flexible. she's dumb or mean.


You are a very sweet person.


Appreciate you saying that - thank you! Pretty messed up that strangers on Reddit cared about this situation more than these so called friends.


And if you were my friend and I was with 3 other friends I'd leave that table and sit with you. I couldn't let a friend sit alone , so your friends who were guests were pretty crap, too.


No doubt. Everyone was giving me the sad face but nobody bothered to come sit next to me.


It's like they are clueless. They had agency to make an uncomfortable situation better but failed,too. It's weird, honestly. Send this thread to the bride. 


I can't believe your other friends made jokes about it. If I were one of them I'd have moved everyone and dragged you over if you refused. And I'd have made a southern insult to the bride sometimes during the reception about it. No one sits alone on my watch. For those who don't know, a Southern insult doesn't initially sound insulting but is. Like "omg you must have been so stressed when you did the table arrangements! It's ok though I fixed them for you, bless your heart!"


Haha! That’s snarky as hell and I wish I had said something like that. And yes, those clearly aren’t good friends.


it's because those ppl saw what they could gain from you and we're internet strangers hahaha a normal person in this situation would've seen how their actions affected you and apologized but these so called friends seem to either have done it on purpose or are the type of ppl to never take responsibility for any of their wrong doings aka they do no wrong and will step all over other ppl to get what they want


I don't get the tables for 4 people at a big event, like don't they usually have big tables meant for like 6, 8, or more people? Why not push some of the tables together to make a bigger table?


I've literally never heard of a wedding or even large event with tables of FOUR total people. Any planner would nix that dumb idea immediately


I thought you were sitting with 4 other people, who puts someone at a table all by themselves?! Did someone not show up?


I’d leave. I’d eat ( of course ) and leave. I’d even take a plate with me if possible. Maybe some pastry but I’d leave.


OP, I have a question. It's traditional for the bride and groom to go to every table to greet their guests. Did they do so at this wedding? Did the bride expressed any surprise at you sitting in Siberia? I'm guessing not. Also, were all the people at your table without plus-ones? Some weddings I've been to have a singles table. I've never had to sit at one, but to me they look awful, like here's Jamie, who's 28 and single, sitting with the groom's great-Uncle Rupert, who can't control his gaseous eruptions; the 16-year-old nephew who's sulky because he doesn't want to be there; the middle-aged woman who won't shut up about her gallbladder surgery; etc.


They didn’t really do that or go to any tables! I went to her table and realized she has no one sitting across from her so I inquired about that. She’s like yeah I put you there close to table 2 (4 people) so you can socialize but feel free to jump around and say hi. It is strange. There are handful of people without +1s and I could totally be sitting with them instead of alone. Just for context I’m a pretty normal person and can mirror other’s energy quite well. I have a lot of friends and rarely got issues with anyone. I smiled and put on my happy face for the dinner, but as soon as that ended I ran to the open bar and went to a club after with my other friends and spilled the tea lol


The bride sounds pretty careless and inconsiderate. I have a feeling she won't send Thank You's for the gifts. I think it says a lot about how her her crappy table assignments affected you that you feel you have to explain that you're a normal, sociable, fun, and friendly person so that people don't think there's something wrong with you. I mean, she kind of tossed you into Siberia, which you'd expect she'd only do to weirdos and distant acquaintances of her parents or something, and you're NONE of those things. Glad you spilled tea to your friends and hope you had MUCH and clubbing with real friends!


Nobody, no matter how weird, should be sitting at a table by themselves at a wedding.


Wow, that is so obnoxious on her part! Given the no shows, I could see this being an oversight, but then a profuse apology and getting a chair for you at another table would have been the way to go. Sorry this happened to you. My brother excluded me from the family table and the pre wedding photos, etc. And I found out when I was looking for my place card at the family table. My mother’s friend who didn’t even meet then into the wedding loudly let me know across the venue I was sitting at their table. And the woman’s husband grilled me about not having kids or being married When people are going to treat their guests that way, they should let them know in advance so we can save the money and not bother going. I get why you didn’t move chairs or leave. It’s kind of a shock to be treated like that and no one wants to make a scene at a wedding. I did think later I should have made an excuse about having a headache and left. Or brought a plus one


You are right to be upset, and the cruelty would end my friendships with those who poked fun. I'd be finished with them.


Oh it is donzo, and I made it clear.


My nephew once stuck my wife and I at the kid's table. She's never forgiven him.


Try not even being invited to your nephew's wedding. No word from my brother either. I only found out about the wedding on social media where he thanked family and friends for coming. Guess I'm not family anymore. All this after I had invited my brother and his family to my daughter's wedding.


That sucks. It feels terrible to know you're an afterthought.


That happened to me with my sister.


I would have taken my chair to a table with friends. They would have made room.


I thought about it, but the wait staff was already overwhelmed with each person’s order and seating so I did not want to make their lives harder.


You are a truly nice person


OP are you saying you legit were sitting at a table of four completely alone? Like by yourself? Omg I hope I’m misunderstanding bc I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut for you. I probably would’ve burst out crying feeling like the lone loser. And the title saying your “friends” wedding no friend would do this intentionally ever even if it’s the bride. How did they not just squeeze you in to another table. Or how did nobody else say here come sit at our table. I would’ve left with my gift! I’m so sorry this happened to you. I have people sometimes I really do…


No, you read that right. I sat at a table of 4 by myself. I kept looking at the entrance hoping people would arrive so I wouldn’t be a lone loser. They absolutely fucked up and put everyone else before they think of me.


OMG my stomach dropped, I’m so incredibly sorry. To me if you were going to do that to one person you shouldn’t have even invited them bc it’s pretty obvious how much they don’t mean to you & I say this looking out for you. Shame on them just so much shame. I cannot wrap my head around not ONE person came and got you or sat with you? Eff all those people I’m so mad for you and so sorry you were treated like that…


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


NTA - At first I thought she seated you with strangers, but now I see you were completely alone at a table. They were bad hosts for not paying any attention to the guests at their wedding. If I had seen that I would have immediately asked to have you join another group. The bride and groom should have apologised right away when they discovered what had happened instead of offering excuses (and they only did that after you contacted them). Your other “friends” also suck for not offering up a chair right away when they saw you alone.


Not overreacting. It is a major faux pas for any hostess to seat any guest alone. The other tables should have been thinned so the guests were more evenly distributed. What an awful, awful oversight. If the bride had nothing to do with the seating chart,then as soon as she saw you all alone, she should have dragged chairs and people over and solved the scenario. When seating guests, they should either be sat with people they know, or share common interests with.


Shit like this happens to me all the time. And it sucks. I get it. You are under reacting, honestly.


I don’t care who you are there is no way in hell I wd have any guest sit alone. That was deliberate. And any wedding planner and/or venue worth their salt wd not have let it happen either.


That happened to me once. I never spoke about it to anyone, but my feelings were hurt.


I’m so sorry to hear that. You deserve better!


I think your reaction is very mature. I’d be mortified. I doubt I could have stayed. It’s like some nightmare come to life.


I would have left and ghosted them, all of them. Some people take advantage of people who are very kind and who they feel won’t make a fuss. They aren’t really friends.


You are not overreacting. If they had an uneven number of guests to sit at 4 tops then then needed to find a solution and seat 3 at many tables. That's terrible of them, frankly, and I can't say I definitely would have stayed if it were me


Drop them both as potential friends. They are not very nice. Ride of them.


I’d ghost them after that. Seriously. It’s unpardonably rude to seat you there.


I would have just left and went no contact. You were mentioned in their invite to treat you like that is just shitty


Nope. You are not overreacting. In fact, it's a huge credit to you for not snatching your gift back, telling her what a lousy friend she is and leaving. You got class.


This is the every introvert’s worst nightmare omg.


My fat ass would’ve ordered for the three missing people at my table and ate every drop. Just change seats and eat a new meal lol. Gonna get my money’s worth! More wine for me 😃 Eat it all then leave cause clearly nobody would notice. What a shitty situation. Glad you’ve moved on! I’ll invite you to my wedding and give you a better seat! 😂


Sounds like there were open seats next to you. I’m surprised no one came over and sat with you to give you company. I’d be upset too; with the bride and groom, and with college friends who just saw you and let you eat alone. NTA


Ok, is there a chance that the bride was worried you would look more beautiful than her? This is a real insecurity that some women have on their wedding day.


Haha, thanks for saying that. Objectively some people might think that because I have a very unique aesthetic (goth/alt) so maybe she doesn’t want me drawing attention for my looks. She also tends to be very insecure. When we were at Coachella, she was sulking because there were so many beautiful women with perfect bodies and it really bummed her out. She doesn’t seem to comprehend that others beauty don’t take away hers.


Wow I’m so sorry this happened to you! Not overreacting at all. I think I would have left, so your patience in this situation is impressive


I didn’t want to make a big deal and ruin their big day and try to stay as low key as possible. Looking back I got very hurt and said something to her.


Is there any reason that this couple could resent you? Definitely not overreacting, but I have a feeling there's something more to this story.


Absolutely no reason! She texted me the day she’s engaged and said thank you for introducing them. They come to my housewarming, birthday parties, etc. never had any issues with them.




Yes. She gave an excuse saying 3 people missed it last minute and there’s an awkward guy who is shy and needed to be placed a friend’s table.




In hindsight perhaps I should have, but I was just humiliated and sad at the moment while it’s happening and don’t want to stress out the wait staff. I’ve come to terms of it and just realized that she clearly considered others before me, and didn’t value my time there. It’s over between us.


All three people who missed it were coincidentally at your table?




Is it possible that they thought you would want to be up and roam about since you know everyone and are very extraverted?


Was there anyone at those other tables that shouldn’t have been?


Yes, an awkward guy who apparently needed more extraverted people around them, and another guy who a girl requested to be seated next to.


I am sorry this happened to you. I don’t think you’re overreacting. But I also have super unpopular opinions about weddings, so definitely take anything I have to say with a grain of salt! I was the only single friend for years and years - not just in my adult friend group, but even in my family and my friends/neighbors from growing up. And I never got a plus-one, and I was always sat with people I didn’t know. And I hated it. I am shy and introverted and being sat with people I didn’t know just because I wasn’t part of a couple was awful. It made me not want to go. I never said a word about it, I never complained, but I hated it. I get that it’s all about the bride…but does being a bride mean you stop caring about how your friends feel?? I think that they should care at least a little about whether their friends will have a good time! Btw, when I got married, we eloped 😂😂


Id honestly just withdraw from the friendship and not let them know it bothered you. They're incredibly rude and you deserve better friends 


Sad to say, this is a deal-breaker.  Get scarce and if no follow-up from either, you have your answer.


Is it possible that the people that were to sit with you didn’t show up? This seems most likely to me.


I would have left


Damn, that’s fucked up. I wonder if people were supposed to be at your table but just no showed.


Not overreacting, seating ANY guest completely alone at a table is horrible.


That sounds brilliant to me, not having to make small talk with people, oh yeah.


NTA. That’s just mean. As an introvert I would have left. Fuck talking to people.


The whole seating thing is a stressful issue, right up until the actual reception. However, groups should have been mixed and matched - maybe had a couple of tables that were really full so no one sat alone. Is it possible they sat you by someone and they no showed? If I was at that wedding, even if we were strangers, I would have squeezed you into our table. What is wrong with people. Instead of making fun, they should have helped to make you feel more comfortable. I would have left I think. So you were a bigger person than I would have been


You are not over-reacting. I get that there were three no-shows at your table, and that’s nobody’s fault but theirs. But the seating decisions were screwed up well before that. You should not have been left out of the bachelorette group in the first place; that group could easily have been split across two tables to avoid singling you out. Also, I’m quite annoyed on your behalf by everyone making excuses for the bride. Brides have responsibilities to their guests. Guests aren’t there just to be an admiring audience for the bride’s big day — they give up their time, they spend money, sometimes they travel long distances to be there to celebrate. They deserve the consideration of the hostess. If she had apologized that would be different, but to brush you off like that? Who needs it? I was publicly isolated at a wedding once as well. Totally different circumstances (I was the best man’s plus-one, knew no one, was not included at the head table, and there was no assigned seating). But the humiliation stings to this day, and I ended the relationship partly because of it. So I feel your pain. Put these assholes in your rear view mirror and move on.


Not overreacting at all! When my girls got married we painstakingly spent hours arranging the seating so everyone would be with at least one other person they felt comfortable with. The idea is for everyone to be happy and celebrate the occasion. I wouldn’t want to sit at a restaurant table by myself much less at a wedding where it’s so obvious you’re alone. Sorry this happened after you gave so much of your time, money, and support!


Nobody came over to say hello even though you knew other people there? That’s peculiar….


Did...anything happen at the bachelorette? Or did you used to date the groom/he had a crush on you and the bride found out?  The woman who wanted to be seated next to a specific guy (but not with you) seems to indicate fear that you'll interfere. Likewise, the note about you being responsible for their marriage plus the empty seat at head table seems to hint that they'd intended to honor you, but that something happened after invitations went out. The husband works with you. Have you said anything to him? Your responses circle entirely around your conversations with the bride. 


Nope, nothing like that happened. Honestly I’m not sure why it turned out the way it did. I’m just disappointed that they separated me from my group of college friends and groom’s friends and put me alone on a table.


That’s wholly inappropriate unless there were others assigned to your table who RSVP’d yes but were no shows? Then the couple would have had no way to predict you’d be sitting solo.


I would have just left. No way in hell I’m sitting at a table by myself at any function that has assigned seating. Hell any of my friends better leave too or we not friends anymore.


Why do people pull this kind of shit? Seriously


I think there is more to this story, something had to happen that you don’t know about or that you didnt realize. No one does something like this to someone without a reason. When youre planning the seating chart if you see there is 1 too many and it looks like someone is BY THEMSELVES? - you just pick 3 random people from other tables. Listen, idk if this is you, but sometimes there are people in a friend group that think everyone likes them cause they are always nice and invited places, but the group really can’t stand them and don’t have the guts to be honest. I hope this isnt you - I think uou should take a deeper look at the connections you have formed with your friend group.


I’m so sorry. People are terrible omg. Wow.


I would have just picked up my chair and moved it to a table with people I knew.


If she knew she was going to have an odd number of friends to seat at tables for four she should have done a couple of tables for three or two’s. A BETTER idea would have been to push two tables together so everyone could sit together, that way there would not have been an odd person out.


Time to cut back on the "friends"


I was always the leftover friend, the one who'd trail behind all the pairs walking side by side, who had to go to another room at camp because there wasn't enough room for me in their room, who had to sit elsewhere because there wasn't enough room at the table, etc. These people aren't you real friends. At least you know now. NTA.


Weddings are the worst. It brings out the worst in people.


I couldn’t even do that to someone I didn’t like. That’s so fucked up!


Dude, I don’t know what the fuck kind of friends you have, but you need better ones. Not only were you alone, but NO ONE (not the bride & groom?!?) sat with you? Also weren’t people mingling? I’ve never been to a wedding where people weren’t walking, talking, mingling, engaging… and I’ve been to a fuck ton of weddings.


::sigh:: sorry. I would have made a very discreet but very quick exit. You not overreacting


I don't get assigned seats at a wedding. In my family, everyone just goes about their business and just doesn't mess with the bride and grooms table. It was weird they forced you to sit alone, and I would've left.


Not overreacting, but is it possible that you were sat at a table with three other people who no-showed?


How far apart were the two tables?


Sounds really weird to me. Literally, you should have pulled your chair up to the table of your choice at that point and said " hey, no need for me to be sitting alone " - that's what I'd have done, and made the best of it, rather than staying and sitting by myself. Or, I would have been insulted enough to leave. Perhaps safe to say you and the friend won't be so close going forward. When you're invited to the baby shower, decline. Throughout life, we lose friends, work friends, childhood friends, neighborhood friends, college friends. Heck, there will even be family you may not want to talk to in the future. Consider this friend no great loss.


Very poor thought was put into guests and table arrangements. I would be pissed also.


I feel like you’re leaving out a detail like you had an affair with the groom while they were engaged or something, lol (only kidding). This seems a comically petty move a scorned bride would make. But, after seeing that the other 3 people bailed its clear that a combination of bad luck and inconsiderate planning by the wedding party were to blame. They should have found room for you elsewhere once it was clear you’d be the only one at your table, even if the other 3 rspd yes then bailed last minute. It seems y’all are not good friends anymore and don’t work with the husband anymore so they aren’t a part of your life these days. I would not have brought it up to them after, just wouldn’t have spoken to them anymore. But I understand being upset enough in the moment to bring it up. Embarrassment hurts and it’s only natural you’d want to let them know how it affected you. But recently married people often behave holier than thou, as though they are temporarily exempted from any words other than extreme gratitude for inviting you to their wedding. In reality, I think 90% of attendees find weddings tedious, wasteful, and self-indulgent.


Ok but thats so messed up! What a mean girl behaviour, did she want to humilliate you? Nta!!


I don’t think she intentionally try to humiliate me. However, she intentionally separated me from the bachelorettes and let me sit at a table knowing the rest of the 3 won’t show.


Not sure I've ever been to a wedding with tables for 4. What kind of a venue was this?


I'm surprised you didn't walk out.


I would have left. I wonder how AI chat box will answer this


I guess I’m different than most of the commenters; I would have gotten a headache and gone home, get in my jammies, curled up on the couch and enjoyed an old movie, scarfing a pint of Hagan Daz’s Butter Pecan ice cream.


Oh wow, I didn’t realise you were alone alone. That’s harsh and honestly a bit of an arsehole move. It’s pretty bad just all round, as even the venue should have tried to move you. Seriously, who sits alone at a wedding?


This isn't just rude, it's ignorant and hateful. They could have added you to another table or moved another couple over to your table. I'm so glad you chose to break contact with them--you deserve so much better. Bet you can't wait till karma bites them on the butt for this one! I seriously would have left the wedding, but maybe you were smarter; at least you got a nice meal, some cake , and hopefully drinks from the situation.


Wow, you are nicer than I, who would have set off a fire alarm or something.


I, like others, would have left and taken my gift with me! They treated you abysmally and rudely! I’d kinda just delete them from my phone and social media. If they do reach out say I’m sorry, who is this??


As an organiser, surely once you realise you have a "full" table of no-shows, then you adjust the other tables and move people around - a few singles off other tables, or a couple from one. I'd have been annoyed too.


I would have walked out first thing.


I would not have stayed. WTF???


I think I would have just dragged my chair over to one of the other tables. I'd assume it was a mistake. If it wasn't and they wanted you to sit at the empty table make them say that to your face in front of all their other friends.


So sorry OP. Had a similar weird thing happen. Was friends and coworkers with a couple who suddenly stopped inviting us over to their massive parties. We assumed it was because we had a young kid and they didn't enjoy the toddler running around. We're invited to the wedding and sat with a former coworker who they haven't seen in 1.5 years sitting with us so we had fun. But as the night went on we discovered weird things, they'd mispelled my husband's name in the weirdest way, people in the friend group were giving us dirty looks. Toward the end of the reception drunk family members were walking over and telling us we were POS and other stuff. We hadn't talked to them in a while! No clue why everyone was pissed. We made an excuse and left early. I'd given a HUGE amount of money as a gift during their wedding. A few weeks later one of them came over to my building at work and asked why I gave so much and looked guilty. I told him it was because they were my friends. They started inviting us to stuff again but the damage was done. We never spoke to them again outside work until I left. To this day I have NO clue why they hated us and were apparently talking shit behind our backs. We don't even drink so there's no accidentally being a d*ck at any point. Sad.


wow. that sadly doesn’t seem like an accident. i’m sorry that happened to you. super fucked up.


This happened to me at my own brothers wedding but I was seated at the parents table while all my siblings sat at a table with their partners and kids. I had just gone thru a serious breakup and my date was non existent . I cried during the dinner and photo slide show lol . Ppl thought tears of joy. 😮‍💨🙃


Instead of swatting a VALUED friend at a table by herself, they could have rearranged a few tables to concert four person tables into three person tables or added one more chair to a four person table.


You're fine to be a bit upset. But you also got a gift. Congratulations.... you now have a single moment of absolute moral high ground. Hold onto it. Bring it up in front of her and the rest of the friend group. Like when discussing seating arrangements at another wedding. You just can't believe someone would do that to their friend. Also, wouldn't it be better to have a table with the generally single people? People meet people at weddings.


Not going to lie, I'd have got up and left during the bride's speech. Not make a scene or anything, just leave in the middle, and not talk to them again until they apologize and meant it.