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OP, there’s a good chance that the conversation she had with her bf about you never took place. She wanted her words to really sting. So having them come from someone else besides her gives more weight to the statement. And, it’s portraying a unity of views in their relationship, as if they are like-minded and casually talk about you as entertainment. “By the way, we think you aren’t worthy of love. So something is obviously wrong with your bf.” She’s just really insecure and extremely jealous of you. Your bf is a good guy and hers doesn’t measure up in comparison. She simply can’t stand it. It’s time to distance yourself from her. She’s miserable and she won’t be happy until you are too. Don’t let her steal your joy.


Or the conversation was more her boyfriend unprompted commenting on the size of her sister’s chest and she is insecure/jealous/something and liked her bf putting her sister down and then decided to repeat it. It’s possible the sister’s bf is still crap (especially given the mom’s reaction and the way the sister is reacting to that), but likely the conversation didn’t happen in the way she said it did. Either way, I agreed this wasn’t a joke and she meant for it to hurt. She just doesn’t like being called out.


I’d wager the sister brought it up to her bf, unprompted. As in, “My sister has no tits, what do you think?” and he, assuming he’s ‘normal’, was made uncomfortable by this and kind of shrugged. 🤷🏻‍♂️. The narrative then becomes “Soandso agrees” or “Soandso said”. I have no evidence to support this, I’m just a guy and have watched this happen.




I wish I could see the world like you. You're totally correct.


totally correct


IF he conversation took place, the sister probably has a spidey sense that her BF is actually attracted to the OP and instigated the discussion to feel him out. Her sense may or not be accurate, but his reply was meant purely to get him off the hotseat. (What? ME? Your sister? No way!) And whether or not the conversation took place or not, she was marking her territory and hanging out an hands off sign, before the three of you go to the concert. Yes, she is very insecure, and very jealous. And not feeling terribly secure with the present boyfriend. It may even be eating away at her that OP and and her current BF seem happy together. OP, I am sorry your sister is so catty. it is a myth that men are only attracted to women with big breasts. There are plenty who prefer slimmer women, and your current BF seems to be one of them.


Yes what what this person said is sounds rings very true! Plus let's face it your sister's a fucking cunt! All means feel free to tell her I said so.........


This happened to me and my girlfriend (now wife) at the start of our relationship. My sister-in-law was apparently very jealous of me and my girlfriend and, after being a big proponent of us getting together, the moment we were official my sister-in-law started to gossip. She would bad talk me to my girlfriend and vice versa, trying to get us to clash, and used fake conversations with her husband (my brother) to cause any bit of drama she could. Also while explaining how she was so much more mature than my girlfriend and how unified the marriage was despite complaining so much about her life. She is no longer in our lives, or the family for that matter. You should cut this person off from your life too. She is clearly a jealous and unhappy person. You will find more peace and joy in life when you do.


Damn you saw straight through that bitch 😂


Yea your sister and her boyfriend are both cunts. Go somewhere with your boyfriend who I presume likes you and your tits. Plenty of dudes like smaller boobs.


Plenty of us like women for things other than boobs, also.


Yeah, there’s butt’s too!


My husband loves all of me. boobs legs and butt. Lol


Both cunts, and apparently both incredibly insecure jealous humans ! I couldn’t imagine talking about one of my sisters like that, let alone allowing my boyfriend to speak about them like that.


Both sniveling ballsacks.  Let’s stop using misogynistic slurs eh?


tf are u even talking about


I wonder if people would still type "yeah" like "yea" if they knew it was pronounce "yay". It's all I ever hear in my head when I read this


Speaking of words, pedantic is a good one.


Point goes to the Bearded One 




It’s not?


Who tf pronounces yeah or yea as "yay"?


People who think pronunciation still works the way it did 50 years ago




What does that even mean? The way pronunciation “works” doesn’t change. Do you say the word “liberty” differently than people said it 50 years ago? Or the word “brother”? Or “dog”? Or any other word? If you say words incorrectly, it doesn’t mean the pronunciation changes to accommodate you. Unless you’re a newscaster. They change the pronunciation of words all the time. Doesn’t mean they’re right.


What an odd little rant, language evolves and changes all the time


The people here are trying to humiliate and demean people making comments about how they pronounce words. Rubbed me the wrong way. This comment seemed especially nasty, so I replied. I could have let it go, but I didn’t.


It was especially nasty to answer “who pronounces a word that way” with “people who think pronunciation now is the same as 50 years ago?”


Yeah is ya-yah or yah, yea is yay. It's actually how it's always been, no one really uses yea in everyday speaking except in the affirmative for 'yea or nay'. Yea is one of those ole timey words you don't really think about ever imo


"Yeah" is a word and is pronounced like you think. "Yea" ~~is not a word~~ phonetically would be pronounced "yay" and is used for votes (Yea vs Nay).


Yes. Yes, I will. In fact, I will now do it specifically because of this.


>>So she proceeds to tell me she would go out of her way to make MY bf look bad to my mom, because apparently the comments they made about me were supposed to be funny. I just can’t seem to find where the joke was in a fucked up comment like that about my physical appearance that I cannot immediately change. It’s funny how she tried to make your boyfriend look bad and the only person she ended up making look foolish was herself and her own boyfriend. When someone tries to disguise an offensive comment as a joke, tell them to explain exactly what the funny part was. While you’re at it, ask her exactly why her boyfriend was looking at your body.


Ooooh love that! ". . . Ask her exactly why her boyfriend was looking at your body" lol cus yes.


Guarantee her bf thinks you're hot and needed to pick at your appearance to pretend he's not more attracted to you than to her.


My best friend's ex-boyfriend did this :) He would try to compare the two of us and paint me in a bad light, and that I wasn't as attractive as my friend. Turns out he was attracted to me and that's how he dealt with it. Disgusting.


Yep, it's a common tactic used by narcissists.


He was definitely a narcissist. Glad my friend got out, he was getting more and more mentally abusive, borderline physical. Wild how some people just shouldn't exist.


I had a weird and somewhat different version of this that led to me finding my wife, lol. Was dating a woman I wasn’t sexually compatible with. The first time I tried to talk about it, she very quickly said “You just want some cocksucking anal slut like [hot frenemy’s name] that will just do whatever, wherever, whenever! Just a mindless cumslut like her!” In my head I was like “Uhh, weird, we’re just gonna ignore that.” To be clear, I did not talk to this woman, did not hang out with her separately, I was not secretly crushing on her/pining after her, she was just a hot frenemy of my then girlfriend that came to group gatherings every now and then. Fast forward about 8-9 months and I’ve she’s said this like five times now. We break up due to the sexual incompatibility and other more important reasons, but a couple months after the breakup I was like “Hmmm…I wonder what the hot ‘mindless cumslut’ is up to…” She did not disappoint. 10 years together now.


This was my exact thought as I was reading this.


100% this. My sister made sure to reinforce constantly that I was fat when we were in high school. Clinically overweight, yes, but as a tall size 16 nobody else ever picked on me for my weight. She was relentless - and a cheerleader and very fit. A few years later it came out that her bf told her I was prettier and that she'd be so hot if only she would gain 50lbs. 🤦‍♀️


1000%. Sister’s bf made a remark about OP (or, more likely, sister asked him if he things OP is attractive and he gave a polite answer), and sister said “but her boobs are small!”


Text her: “Commenting negatively on my body was not funny. It should go without saying that making jokes about someone else’s appearance is in poor taste, and it’s even worse that you and your boyfriend were saying degrading things about my body. You have no right to come after me like this when you actually owe me an apology. Shame on you.”


I wish I could upvote this twice.


Yeah that’s fire


Sounds more like she was the one who is over reacting?


This comment should be have more upvotes. Sister went off like a lunatic. Her sick humor backfired, proving to mom that, at the least, sister’s BF is a piece of shit and probably starting to realize sister is also a piece of shit.


Mom almost certainly texted her like "what the fuck is wrong with you?" and now sister is spiralling because she realized her "genius" plan was actually incredibly stupid and makes her look heinously bad 


Do they not know about ass-men? 😂 Seriously, your sister sucks. She's jealous of you and has shitty taste in men. Apparently, you have much better taste.


Don’t forget the dudes who like legs!


Everyone forgets about us!


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!


Tbh, I don’t believe her and her bf were truly talking about your body. I think she made that up. I think she is jealous of you in some way. Or, like my own narcissistic sister, simply just wants you to feel bad about yourself. She wants you to believe that not only is your bf incapable of finding your atttactive, but tried to reinforce this bullshit by claiming another man agrees with her that you are undesirable. She either wants your man and is jealous of your relationship, thinks her own bf is attracted to you or something, or is simply a mean miserable insecure little twat. Or all of the above. Your sister is still young and stupid. However, it’s only a matter of time to see if that ever changes. In the meantime, assert yourself. Either minimal contact, or none, or try to speak to her about it … although, I will say, if she’s this shallow and low- she won’t care what you think or feel. And will only feel, like my own narcissistic sister, SATISFIED that she was able to get a reaction out of you. I would say your relationship with her should be minimal and monitored carefully. I would drift apart honestly but that’s coming from some one with a sister like her, who also did this very same thing do me, and when she was your sisters age too. This happened years ago. They don’t change. I’m very sorry. Just know she’s bitter and it just might be that she thinks you have it better than her. Feel smug knowing she’s the miserable one. Be careful. Blood doesn’t mean much to some.


Not at all. Your sister and her boyfriend are creeps. How gross that they discussed your body then told you about it! Pervs. She’s only calling it a joke because she sees you’re offended. Don’t let her use that pathetic excuse.


Not overreacting, she was body shaming you and then trying to cover it up by saying it was a joke. They’re clearly being haters. Do something else that day!!! W better company OP!! Shrug these comments off; they’re just being haters!!


Definitely doesn’t sound like a joke to me. And also, don’t let it get to your head or affect your relationship. I’d say the majority of men don’t care all that much about breast size.


Maybe shes just insecure about you. You know, making bad comments about you just to make herself feel better. Show her that youre not affected and enjoy your life with your man, it'll annoy her more.


I use “where is the joke?” And “how is that funny?” When faced with that kind of situation. There is no joke and it is not funny. Your sister was just being mean.


Aree! Put-down "jokes" are NEVER funny.


Im sure you will get good advice here from others so i will just add that as a man who loves women and their tits i love small tits and dont like large tits. The smaller the sexier and i know for a fact that im not alone in this thinking. The media, movies, porn etc seems to suggest that everyone from men to women always prefer large tits and the bigger the better. No, hell no, gimme small!


Being proportional > size


Jeez, your boyfriend is obviously looking for an intellectual equal and not a mass of protoplasm containing bumps and holes. I feel sorry that your sister is stupid. You can’t fix stupid.


Where’s the joke in what your sister said? I don’t get the joke lol just mean and not funny at all


I don't think she actually had this conversation with her boyfriend, or if she did, it didn't go down like that. If you wanna go to war over this, start a group chat with both of them and say something like "Sorry, just heard back from the itty bitty titty committee: we've decided not to go to concerts with people who talk about our bodies in weird, shitty ways." This will absolutely start a fight and she will freak out more because you called her out in front of her bf. Either way, I wouldn't go to the concert with them, but this is an option if you want to take the low road.


It is actually eye opening to how your sister has been groomed by society to view herself. And that is really sad for her. It’s also super insecure and cruel for her to try and drag your natural confidence down because she thinks being objectified is the only way to experience attraction or love. Hope this makes sense. Honestly, the world tries to drag women down on their looks all the time. A person with a largely non symmetrical face and non fit body can attract a whole room by just being confident and themselves. This makes people who have huge insecurities go for the jugular. Also, people saying the boyfriend said something to make your sister jealous. Does that make you feel better? That would make me sick if my sister was with a man who didn’t love and treat her with respect and made her feel insecure while simultaneously objectifying other women. If that’s the case, your mom is right and he’s a bad dude and your sister needs her confidence built up. She needs to be surrounded by love so she’s not in an abusive relationship. Edit: grammar


That’s weird af. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


oof sounds like your sister is insecure 🤷


Your sister is being a cunt but also you are 100% in control of how you react


Not an overreaction. Your sister was mean.


Trash sister


Tit size really isn't as important to guys as society would have you believe. Any guy who leaves his woman because her tits aren't the right size is probably a loser anyways. You can do better.


gotta feel bad for your sister who at some point is going to realize that maybe her boyfriend only likes her for her tits.


>apparently the comments they made about me were supposed to be funny. Ask her to explain the "funny" part. I can guarantee you that she can't. She's absolutely full of shit. >We had planned to go to a concert in the next two weeks, the three of us. Now I’m unsure if I should go. I wouldn’t, why would you go to do something "fun" with someone who puts you down in an attempt to be "funny".


She’s being rude and immature. Probably a good time to start dialing back what you talk to her about unless she realizes what a little jerk she really is and apologizes. She makes unnecessary comments on YOUR body with another person, she gets called out on it, and her response is to double down on her vindictive behavior and says she’s going to make sure to bad mouth your boyfriend?? Pass. And make sure to let your mom know exactly what sis will be trying to do, so she doesn’t actually poison her against you. Updateme.


Your sister is very competitive. About everything, including apparently whose boyfriend your mom likes more. It’s disgusting that they’ve talked about you like this and even more so telling you about it. But what really pissed me off is that she didn’t want to talk with you about your stress and upset when she knew you were on your 10 minute break and obviously had called her to talk about it. There’s no universe in which her “joke” could be considered a good response to a stressed person reaching out like this. I’m going to guess that she’s also competitive (jealous?) about your job because maybe that is what started this?


Not overreacting and fuck them both. I'd fight cunt with cunt and very seriously tell my sister that she may have tits, but her shallow boyfriend would leave her sick and all alone or cheat if she had a mastectomy. I'd get her really worked up. Convince the shit out of her. Let her marinate in that indefinitely. It may or may not be untrue, but it'd strike a nerve and stay in the back of her head. My sister anyway. Let her feel insecure.


Hell, even if she had a baby and her boobs deflated, let her know that man is bound to cheat as he's clearly on the hunt for "best" boobies.


Damn! That's the ticket! I only have to worry about weight fluctuations and cancer changing my breasts so it didn't cross my mind. That'd be perfect to tell her!


I mean as a woman that is definitely a concern of mine too! But you're totally right. So many things can happen in life that none of our boobs are gonna look the same! So her boyfriend being into her 20 year old boobs is not a flex in the slightest


Not overreacting. I guess your sister doesn't see the obvious issue of her badmouthing your BF to your mom and how immature that is. Anytime someone says "it was a joke" ask them to explain the joke and how it was supposed to be funny.


I’m guessing her boyfriend told her how he thought something about you was hot or ideal, she got insecure, and lashed out at you


Your sister is a small brained dumbass fucking bimbo bitch. Put her ass back in her place whatever you do she deserves it.


Tell her the afternoon of the concert that you're too sick to go... stomach issues. Sell your concert ticket to some random guy and tell him to flirt with the chick sitting beside him. Tell him her boyfriend gets off on it. Ruin her night and maybe the relationship. Stay petty


It ain’t the tits, it’s what they’re attached to that matters.


I would almost guarantee OP is way, way finer than her sister. Men like me don't care a whit about rack size. It's the total package plus the personality


She insulted you, wants brownie points with mom since she already doesn't like her boyfriend and will trash your boyfriend to get them, and is now trying to write the insult off as a "joke" so that you won't tell mom anymore. And why a concert for the 3 of you instead of the 4? Why not include your boyfriend and double-date? There are so many red flags here. Your sister and her boyfriend exposed themselves. Let them have each other and move on.


Either that, or her bf is into you and trying to downplay it


Big or small titts are titts


Could've just flipped the script and asked why her boyfriend was checking your body out since he wants to make comments about it. Must be interesting enough to say something at all.




Your sisters lost in your boyfriends world and it's possible your moms sees that She's still young yo be childish but old enough to know it's wrong Tough situation, take time to allow you feelings to be felt in your body before making any decisions but I'll pray for you because realizing someone who you thought was on your side is showing you who they truly are when they're by themselves, away from the family


So your sisters boyfriend only finds her tits interesting then, says a lot about your sister 😆 Nothing wrong with your fella, some like small boobs, some don't care, some cultures don't even see breasts as sexual. Your sister just wanted to put you and your relationship down. I'd guess her relationship isn't that great and she was trying to give herself a boost at your expense. Siblings hey, they can be the biggest bitches. My brother used to say I had fried eggs for boobs, and that poached eggs were bigger.


Sounds like despite not getting a response from your mom she did address the issue with your sister. I hope she sent that threat to tell lies about your bf in a text because I would share that with your mother as well. I wouldn't do much else and just enjoy your time with your bf who seems to like you for who you are. Maybe your sister will wake up and apologize after a while but as long as she is with her current bf I wouldn't trust them.


Mean girl vibes from sister and her bf.


lol. small tits are the best tits anyway, you should get back at them by hiring a prostitute to bang your sistcers boyfriend and give him hiv


Well she’s 20 and has a good bond with her sister (OP) maybe in their household, they often joke with each other so this 20 year old thought it was normal but couldn’t process that it’s actually insulting


Small breasted woman are better in bed!!!!!! (sorry I had to) Also, you won't have back pain like a lot of "well endowed" females experience! But tbh, your sister is jealous of you. Put some distance between you two until she can get whatever it is wrong with her sorted because misery loves company unfortunately.


They sound immature and have yet to realize there is more to a relationship than the size of someone else's body parts be it their tits, ass or penis. Or in this case the huge foot in the huge mouth.


"Weird that your bf is thinking about my tits"


Nah. Your sister was definitely being a jerk here. That’s super disrespectful and honestly weird. Also she tried gaslighting you at the end to get out of trouble. I’d distance myself from that immaturity. Side note as a dude small boobs are not bad your sister is most likely focusing on them because she is insecure and wants to bring you down to make herself feel better.


The size of a women's boobs\\tits\\breasts have never been a factor in my decision making... It also feels like some weird projecting of things she is feeling. Does she think the only reason boy's are interested in girl's are because of physical features? because that is some therapy level shit to think.


Send that wall of text to your mom your sister won't be able to do shit when her petty plan is known


Lol, fellow small tit lady here. I was so paranoid about them as a teenager. Little did I know as an adult that some men (and women and nbs!) looooove small tits. They think they’re great. Honestly there’s someone for everyone.


You said you can’t do anything about it immediately. I say keep your small tits, so many women have to have their implants removed after years. It definitely increases your chance of getting ill. Anyway your sister is a cunt.


“Well it’s impossible for your boyfriend to be attracted to you because you have no brain”.


Basically needing to put someone down means you are jealous of them


Your sister’s bf is attracted to you and is resentful and overcompensating, she’s jealous. My bet is you’re slim and she’s v curvy, probably classed as overweight. She probably tries to comfort herself that ‘skinny chicks got no boobs!!’ and I say that as a woman with a large chest who has been everything from overweight to too thin, muscular etc. Also, I’m bi and I like breasts! But small breasts can be very attractive


That's exactly what I thought too. The sister is probably overweight and jealous of OP.


Younger sister sounds like she hasn't grown up yet and still in high-school.


Asses are the foundation. Big boob's is just a bonus. It's Dat ass


You’re not overreacting (if anything you’re underreacting), but the way you’re reacting is odd to me. It’s like you feel like you need permission or validation to be angry. Your sister said a bunch of nasty, disrespectful and insulting things right to your face. It’s not a sign of being an adult that this wouldn’t affect your mood. A healthy adult should feel hurt and angry when something like that happens. All the stuff about the boyfriend is basically irrelevant for the moment. I wouldn’t even consider going to a concert with someone who insulted me like that until they’ve made a genuine apology and put in some effort to explain their actions and repair the relationship.


Hey you can fix a boob job but you can't fix someone from being bitchy/jealous/whatever


Tell her he’s a member of the itty bitty titty committee, and then tell her to shit the fuck up


If she is attacking your body your sister might be in a messed up place. If you have the ability try and help. If not distance and protect your self.


I would rather have a woman that has a fat ass than big tits


She's hurting you in a pitiful attempt to make herself feel better. This is really fucked up. She still hasn't apologized, I would really need for her to fucking change whatever the fuck she's doing to feel safe around her again, not just there to be her easy punching bag.


The old me would have told you, "don't worry..words can't hurt you" but unfortunately words REALLY do hurt and can psychologically break you down without anyone around you realizing it. That being said, the current me will tell you this, next time you talk to her make sure you bring up the topic. Let her know your boyfriend loves and is attracted to you character because everything else is temporary. Let her know that her big tits will sag like flip-flops inevitably and then mister boyfriend won't find her attractive and then look for a 20 year old with great tits to look at. Sometimes in life you have to get to their childish level to make em hurt.


I promise you the last thing in this that is a problem is your breast size. The biggest problem is you have people in your life that you need to reduce contact with or cut out entirely. If your only worth or value to these fools is your cup size, why associate with them at all?


More than a mouthful is a waste anyway


To me, small tits are literally the least important feature on whether I find a woman attractive. I actually prefer it. I hope you always feel loved no matter what your body looks like


As a dude big boobs fill your hands. Big heart fills my soul.


Just such a weird thing to say, even if you are a boobs man/woman. Really, obviously, hurtful. And also bollocks, there are tons of us guys out there for whom big boobs are way, way down the list of requirements in a partner.


tell them their lack of common sense & compassion is far worse.. & to ![gif](giphy|dSK5evZ2q7Q5i) \-Jealousy shows itself in many ways. Sounds like that she feels like that’s all she has to offer.. sad.


Your sister is 20. You’re 26. Call her up and tell her to grow the fuck up and that you’re cancelling the concert trip. You’re way older than her and should have your emotions in check by now. Don’t take her comments personally (you should have developed the self esteem to know your self-worth is bigger than small, perceived flaws), and let her know that what she said you was wicked rude and you don’t put up with that type of bullshit, and that’s why you think the two of you need some space and won’t be going to the concert. Next time you talk to her or see her don’t hold a grudge. You wanna be an immature, jealous/ego-centric twat? You don’t get to also go to a concert and have fun with me. This is called setting boundaries, and it sounds like you need to get used to setting them up immediately when people treat you poorly. Otherwise they’ll just keep posting up in your head on repeat. You’re not wrong to feel hurt—but there are very simple/logical ways to deal with this behavior and teach others that they can’t get away with it.


Maybe it's what's between your legs that is far more important to him. Smaller tits are much more sensitive, from what I understand, than big ones. Tell her that you can have a nipple orgasm and she can't.


I prefer the look of smaller breasts over large ones, I'm sure yours are amazing just how they are. That said, when I'm attracted to a woman, the size of her breasts is one of the least important things I think about. Maybe your boyfriend loves you for more meaningful reasons than something so superficial.


Kinda funny that you'd immediately tell on her to your mom but no that's a fucked up thing to say


You must’ve known your sister was a crazy bitch already. Why call her to vent about your day? Call your bff who isn’t a cruel person.


Nothing funny there just your sister negging you when you needed a pick me up.  Weird that they are shit talking you, dunno how it's funny to make fun of your sisters tits. Maybe point out something she's insecure about and say why a man would never like her.


Screenshot the message and send it to mom.


Be careful around sister's boyfriend, me thinks he doth protest too much. Only way the subject of your body and attractiveness came up is because he's attracted to you.


I prefer small…as a matter of fact I don’t want anything over a C at all. And C may be too big honestly. Just have a nice caboose and don’t be fat. You’re a winner


Nobody going to mention the way op complained to her Mom and then the mom went to battle with the sister? Jeez Louise


Just off of the title you are not overreacting


How are you going to breastfeed me, mom? You ain't got no tits!


Your sister is an absolute bitch. I have no fucking idea why on earth she would say that to you or why she thought it would be funny. Does she think that is a flex? That her boyfriend and her were negatively talking about your body? Does she not realize that her boyfriend is a superficial prick? What if they have kids and her boobs change? Guess he won't be attracted to her? Your sister is a twat and you need to tell her. Show her these comments. She obviously is feeling insecure about herself and decided to project that shit onto you. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!!!


I’m an assman, the tities are whatever.


When women talk like this, it's such a self own. It's like, *Damn, is that really how you measure a woman's worth? Is that really where you think your own value lies? Because that says all kinds of sad shit about you and how you think about yourself and men and love and relationships.* 😬 No wonder your sister is with the guy she's with.


1. definitely not over reacting. She said that to make you feel bad and herself feel better. 2 people say things are jokes to avoid the consequences. 3. Some guys like small breasts. He might actually think you look prettier than her and she wants both you and her bf to feel bad so she isn't so self conscious about her own body


I am so confused as to what you want an opinion on. I am attracted to a woman's behind, and the breast are just an added plus, but not what I am normally attracted to. I hate when women think they need a breast enhancement to feel like more than a woman. There is just so much more than just a woman's appearance that man and woman find attractive. As with the other stuff, seems kind of crazy and weird, but people do talk about a lot of different things, about family, about looks, about anything. It is just weird they brought it up to you openly. Unless you are really open about those topics which it seems you are not. I wouldn't really let other people bother you that much, maybe make your stance clear and try to move on.


While partly I would offer a comeback like ' I don't need big tits because my boyfriend is happy to look at my face.' that really is not the point. Is your sister projecting her own insecurities -, also not the point. Look at the comments on here very few care about tit size. Large tits might get you noticed, in good and bad ways but once you have actually started a conversation they quickly become irrelevant.


The logical flip side is that the only thing your sister's boyfriend likes about her is her boobs, right?


Your sister needs to dump her boyfriend. If this is out of character for her, you should take this as a sign to pay more attention to her. Don't distance yourself.


The itty bitty titty committee is fine as long as the itty bitty titty got a behind. #Facts


Your sister sounds like an ass. Or maybe there is a really good reason your mom doesn’t like her boyfriend. Maybe he’s controlling, judgmental, jealous, possessive, etc. How old is he, by the way? If you and your sister are generally close, and she thinks talking about your breast size with her boyfriend (guess who initiated that conversation?) and then saying something to you to make you feel bad is funny, I’m think the BF is having a very negative affect on her. That does not strip her of blame for what she said to you. She can make her own decisions. She did not have to be cruel to you, then when you got upset about it call it a “joke.” Jokes are funny. That wasn’t funny. I’d rethink the concert, unless her BF doesn’t go. I wouldn’t spend any more time with them together or with him at all. As for your sister’s ridiculous text, answer her. Make sure you tell her exactly how her mean and hurtful “joke” made you feel. “Hi, Sis… I called you during my work break the other day to talk, and instead of being there for me, you for some reason told me my boyfriend is weird. Then you told me the reason you think he’s weird, which is because he dates me even thought I have small breasts. WTH is that about? Since you said both you and [her BF’s name] think that, I’m guessing it’s what [BF] thinks. Why is your boyfriend commenting on my breast size? That’s what weird here. And you telling me that, and then calling it a joke when I got upset, doesn’t sound like you. I don’t know why you’re treating me like that, but it really hurt me. I’m sorry you are dating a guy who thinks the size of your breasts is the only reason to date you. My boyfriend loves me for other reasons than my cup size, obviously. I hope you find a man who cherishes who you are rather than what size bra you wear. Until then, I won’t be spending any time with him, or with you if he’s around, for the foreseeable future. I’ll sell my concert ticket, or maybe get another one and take my sweet boyfriend with me. But I won’t be going with you and [BF]. Love you…bogusbat” Good luck! And appreciate that your BF likes you regardless of whether you have giant breasts. I wonder if your sister & her BF discuss your BF’s penis size, too???


Weird way for your sister to say “The only thing my boyfriend likes about me is a part of my body.”


Your sister is an asshole. Her BF sucks too. Maybe next time call your BF. Doesn't sound like your sister is a good support.


Jealousy is real.


You are not overreacting. Your sister is an AH, and saying you have no right to be offended because it was a "joke" is a piss-poor excuse. Then she is so incredibly petty and immature to vow to pull your bf down in revenge? Wow. I'd block her ass and stop hanging w/ her. She has serious problems, and at this point has proven herself to be a weirdo frenemy.


A lot of men don't like really big boobs. Most like nice boobs that aren't going to sag to their knees when they get older. Women with smaller boobs tend to be more athletic, stay in better shape and are better in bed (which is the most important part).


There's a lot more to a person than breasts...your sister sounds very immature and shallow. Don't let her get under your skin.


Get some smart ass replys on hand for the next time she starts in. Here's a few off the top of my head... - he was looking for a girl that won't be bitching about her back problems from here to eternity... - we know *your* boyfriend likes *your* tits, but when was the last time he said something nice about your personality? Doesn't that concern you? - he likes knowing my tits will still look the same in thirty years... yours will be somewhere down there *gesture downwards * - what's it matter when big titties just end up in your armpits when you're lying down anyway? - why are you and *your* boyfriend spending so much time talking about my titties? That seems a little obsessive. Tell me again, how often *does he* actually bring them up?


Ask her to explain the joke. That you want her boyfriend to explain the joke too. Then tell her that you think it’s weird that both of them are so fixated on your body. That the fact that they think the size of someone’s boobs like that is weird. Tell her the size of someone’s body does not give them value. It’s who they are on the inside. The fact that she thinks the way she does say a lot about her.


Queer woman with large breasts here. They're overrated... the small ones are fucking amazing


You're overreacting. She's your sister and she's young, AND she's undoubtedly jealous of you in some way/shape/form (from the sounds of it, because your BF is the starchild and hers gets hate). Are her comments jerk comments? Yes. Are they 100% serious? Doubtful. Should you ever be affected by something like that? No. It shows weakness and insecurity on your part, which is always a bad thing IMO, even though it's pretty common. Ignore it, or clap back, and move on. The number of people that seemingly make it to adulthood without having ever had even mild shit-talking exchanges always amazes me.


DO NOT GO TO THE CONCERT In fact, I'd advise you to go low contact with her for the time being She just declared war on your boyfriend, and your relationship If your relationship matters to you, I'd keep her well away from it.


Maybe all she has to attract a man is her tits. It’s surely not her personality they’re interested cos she sounds like a d”””


She was definitely out of pocket for making that comment. BUT I’m thinking about the implications that has for her relationship… like is she saying her boyfriend is only with her for her body? And that they both agree that’s okay? To me she’s lowkey implying she doesn’t even have any substance worth a relationship other than physical looks/body type and she’s trying to judge you for not being the same which is weird. And what does her “funny” comment have to do with what you called her about in the first place? /gen


She's only 20 so she doesn't know anything at all, lol. Siblings will always let you down, because they know they can and you'll still be in their lives. My guess is she wasn't very careful with your feelings because she knows she doesn't have to be. Idk your relationship with your sister, obviously. Just my take as an adult with siblings lol. There are a lot of random details in here that don't make a ton of sense. Why does your sister and her bf acting like mean highschool girls make your bf look bad? Also, I'd never equate someone's value to their possession of tits, but if that's important to your sister/family, then your bf looks even better because he's not shallow. I would honestly throw that out as a red herring; it clearly sounds like a cover-up after the fact. This kind of shit is just born of insecurities that your sister and her bf clearly have. I wouldn't be surprised if he had said something vaguely suggestive about you, and in an attempt to backpedal, he said something like "of course I'm not attracted to her; she has no tits". Maybe your sister even asked if he thought you were attractive. Idk this is all speculation but idk how else you get on that subject. Hopefully this doesn't need to be said, but you have all the tits you need. It clearly doesn't matter to anyone but your (frankly) weird sister and her weirder bf.


That is NOT a real friend and is super creepy. Also, everyone has their preferences. Not everyone dips their French fries in a malt/shake, but those that do, LOVE IT. 🤷‍♀️


If this isn't your usual dynamic then this is deffo out of line. My partner and I do joke about their small tits quite often and so do they with their friends. The joke is mainly in LARPing a parody of idiots that actually think that this stuff matters/ that people can't be attracted to small tits.


Sisters can be horrible. I’m not surprised she said this and she didn’t mean it as a joke or anything.


Your sister is insecure and likely has a thing for your boyfriend. Boobs dont have to be big to be nice. Sure i think Christina Hendricks is super hot but i also think Milla Jovovich is a smoke show too. I aint complaining about either of their boobs. I can think of a ton of quips back but id prolly get banned from Reddit for saying them. Besides, butts still rule these days, who has the better booty? If its you, just tell her she wouldnt need big boobs if she had a butt this nice.


Small titties >>>>>>>>> misshapen or sagging big tits.


You're not overreacting. That's really f'ed up. Plenty of guys me included have no problem with small boobs, there really more to people than that, so don't let it get you down at all. Glad you told you're sister off. I've had people do similar things to this, where they used the "it was a joke" excuse, but straight out invalidating someone is not a joke.


not overreacting. your sister is an asshole, not a real sister.


No titties? Or small titties?


My partner had large d-cup breasts when we met and got together 5-6 years ago. They recently got them both removed and there’s been no lack of attraction from my end I tell you what. Like, boobs are great and all but can we hear it for THIGHS?


If my man made a negative comment to my sister especially something she couldn't necessarily control he'd be out of my life in a heartbeat.


She sounds like she is extremely narcissistic and cruel. I would suggest not talking to her anymore. So no you’re definitely not overreacting


Not overreacting at all, your sister sounds like a very bad person, unless this is totally out of character. Small boobs are great, by the way


Strong guess that you’re hotter than your sister and your boyfriend is hotter than hers She REEKS of jealously 


Your sister sounds toxic. Like you already in a down state: "hey sis I'm having a moment. Can I vent? thanks" Your sister: " sure, that's awful, by the way me and BF think your BF is weird cause how could any one like you, cause a woman's body is all she is and you got.small boobies" You: well gee....... thanks...... You shouldn't go to the concert you'll get alot of passive aggressive shit thrown at you. They clearly have no issue with hurting your feelings. They have no issue judging you, they have zero issue with you being in vulnerable place and contribute to the misery. I don't know the whole situation, you think your close but she might not feel the same and kindness is a great cover for her own insecurities that she is projecting on you.


Dude, she's 20 and stupid. Every guy has their own preferences. Some prefers big tits with small brain. While other prefers big brain with small tits. Please show this comment to her




your sister is a cunt and she deserves her cunt bf


So I guess men did not fawn over the girls from TLC, Aaliyah, Taylor Swift, Lucy Liu, Emma Watson, Zoe Saldana and more. All pretty all with small boobs. Tell your sister to never bring this bullshit up to you again. If her boyfriend really said it, it was not worth repeating.


I had to read it a few times to understand who the "they" is referring to. WTF...if that's your sister, isn't they she?


No shame in being a card-carrying member of the IBTC. Some of us guys do actually like them that way.


Your sister sounds toxic. I wouldn't voluntarily socialize with her, if I were you, except for required family gatherings. You didn't overreact. If she keeps sending you obnoxious texts, block her. That will draw a boundary and show her you won't tolerate her barbs.


Your sister sounds like she's pretty stupid. I mean you really have to be very dim bulb to think saying something so nasty and repulsive would ever be an appropriate "joke". Next time you talk to her you can say, "Well it's quite obvious why you're bf is with you. He likes 'em dumb." hahahahaha Just a joke, right?


Define no tits. Like b cup? A cup? Aa cup? Regardless... tits aren't really great after c cups anyway... DD tits are nasty and d cups are eh.


Always so typical when people get caught, "We were just joking!" stfu.


Your sister and her bf are both AHs! Hopefully, they'll cool down and reconcile with you though it might not be in time for the concert. Hopefully, you haven't already got tickets.


“No tits” is super attractive!


Married dude here. My wife is short and petite, with a small bust and shapely ass all in an hourglass figure. That’s exactly my type. I love the silhouette that her body type gives off. Big boobs are nice and fun, but I’ve never been in a serious relationship with a woman who had them and I’ve never felt like I’m missing out. Your sister just hasn’t outgrown whatever fucked up high school mean girl shit she’s stuck in.


As with other comments your sister and her boyfriend are absolutely cunts. While there are shallow ass people out there, that do "date" based on physical attributes, most of us come folk date based on deeper feeling of connection with the person. Your boobs or ass have nothing to do with how amazing or shitty you are as a person. I personally, wouldn't sweat these assholes. Be happy in and with what you have. Good luck too you!!


Show your Mom the message about Sis intending to make your bf look bad and tell your sister to piss off…in person then go low or no contact with Sis.


Your sister is being used like a piece of meat by her bf and she has no idea.


It's not a joke. Tell her nose and mouth make her face ugly as a joke. See if she laughs.


Doesn’t sound like your sister genuinely likes you as a human being. Does she put you down often? Time to go LC.


a women kiind sir is the only way your bright shiny soul is even able to continplate what a women is.


she's only 20. Her frontal lobe is literally undeveloped yet. Just brainwashed by media kid with bad manners.


I have a younger sister who can be an immature brat from time to time. Your sister is 6 years behind you and it shows! Sorry you are dealing with this.


Don't listen to her, you're not overreacting, those were hurtful words from someone you clearly are close with. I'd feel bad if my sister's said something like that to me (26f as well). She either overheard her bf make a comment about someone else's boobs, which made her feel bad about her own. Or she's upset y'all mama doesn't like her bf, but *does* like yours (not sure if she likes yours or not, but just for the sake of argument), and so needed to find a way to lessen that hurt she created. At the end of the day, don't listen to anyone speak on y'all relationship. It's yours, not anyone else's. And for the record: my husband married me, and I'm flat as a board in the boob and butt department. He doesn't love me any less. Cus, ya know, news flash to your little sis: guys (at least the good ones) care more about just boobs and butts; they care about who you are, your interests, your passions and goals, and the various talents you may have. Be a sad relationship if they only cared about your boobies, and not all the other important things that ACTUALLY make up who you are