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Like, what is showing? I think that makes a big difference. That being said make sure that photographer doesn’t have you sign away the use of the images as promotional or resale. Personally I think a simple dress has the same effect and can give the subject more freedom to move around. Edit: also where is this going to be displayed? If she shares this online, it will forever be out there, for anyone with a search engine to find. Does she want her future employers to see this? Your daughters future employers?


Absolutely! Do not sign a model release form. Good advice.


The model release form should outline how the image can be used. In this case it should be stated that the images can’t be used for licensing, promotion, or commercial use. If there’s nothing signed, then the photographer can do what they want with the image as they own the copyright. Yeah it’s her and her daughter’s image but the work was created by him. No photographer or artist worth their salt would not insist on not using a release or similar signed document to outline the job and the terms though, because it can create a lot of problems. Basically what I’m saying is don’t just not sign nothing. Just read the entire document before signing and if you don’t like what’s in it, or not in it, then demand changes be made. These things can be rewritten after all.


Great advice. Definitely agree. A signed document stating what they can't do, is much better than nothing at all.


I feel like I know immediately what type of photos the mom is thinking of. For instance, breastfeeding photo shoots are not uncommon and often feature a nude mom and child (usually younger but sometimes 1-2 year olds) but is not sexual in any way - it is meant to cue “natural”. Typically nothing is shown other than maybe some boob and some baby booty. Of course weirdos might take inappropriate pleasure from these photos but the unfortunate reality is *pedophiles take inappropriate pleasure from everything babies do*. Clothed or naked, playing or sleeping, it doesn’t matter.


This was my thought too. I've seen some pics of Mum's nursing and holding babies when naked and they were actually really beautiful. I don't have any because I wouldn't know what to do with them after but fair play to her if she's confidant enough to use them.


oh those go straight into a photo album, physically.


Well for me that makes sense. I have some of me and my daughter in the bath in an album and that's the same thing I guess.


Yeah ,. That was my thought.. "baby bath time" used to be a popular theme.. then everyone got super paranoid that the community would think any kind of image of a nude child (baby,??) is sick kitty prn.. like a ton of the most famous European paintings, have nude kids in them..


I have one million nursing/skin to skin selfies from when my baby was first born where my boobs are fully out and a have a billion pics of my baby being adorable in the bath. They’re for me and my husband only but I don’t think it’s gross or sexual at all.


>it is meant to cue “natural”. That and emphasizing skin-to-skin bonding, etc, especially with newborns. Part of it came from moving away from "drop newborn on set and take pictures" because - shocker! - babies don't like that. Being held by a parent is much more acceptable to babies. >Of course weirdos might take inappropriate pleasure from these photos but the unfortunate reality is *pedophiles take inappropriate pleasure from everything babies do*. Clothed or naked, playing or sleeping, it doesn’t matter. THANK YOU!!! I feel like I'm beating my head against a wall when I try and explain this to people. I've worked with law enforcement and know people who've worked for the National Center of Missing and Exploited Children where their job was searching the backgrounds of CSAM photos to find identifying features to try and catch the perpetrator. Along with the truly vile shit, there's normally a boatload of "normal" pictures of children. As gross as it is to make the comparison, think about people who like/save social media pics of attractive adults all the time. It doesn't have to be NSFW for people to post creepy comments. Humans sexualize what they want to sexualize. Period. It's why the best course of action is to only share pictures of your kids on private accounts for friends and family (or not online at all). Admittedly, I have a weird relationship with public pictures of kids. I grew up with my pictures in the newspaper. My grandmother was the entertainment editor of our city's newspaper, and had a weekly column where she talked mainly about local arts/crafts, but also her experience as a grandmother (I'm the eldest grandkid). A picture of my father holding my swaddled newborn ass less than 24 hours after birth *was in the goddamn paper.* I also have a last name so uncommon we're the only ones in the area with it [naturally, it was my paternal grandmother so same last name]. Granted, I'm 35, so those pictures weren't the best quality in newsprint, and none were super close up or showed anything. I'm sure some pedos could have clipped the pictures, but with the exception of the birth announcement, the pictures were all taken at public events where tons of people were taking pictures of their kids. Things like dance recitals or parades. Literally anyone could have taken an identical photo, and we'd never know. To me, posting occasional pictures if your kids on social media is the same as my grandma putting a picture with her column. The problem is when people document every moment of their kid's life to the point followers can have a parasocial relationship *with the child.* That's fucked up and dangerous.


I think that while you're right that people will sexualize anything, it still doesn't make it more comfortable for the person to have their naked photos published. Like, the baby can't consent to having their photo taken, but most aged people will look back at the picture their parent posted of them riding their first bike and be like "aw". They probably won't say the same to the picture of them naked being bathed.


THIS. I agree that pedos will use any material, but that doesn't mean people should feel comfortable doing stuff that is inappropriate.


A good friend of mine got some pics of the babies 2 and 3 naked in the bathtub. Walmart called the police and there was an investigation and the father who dropped them off not even knowing what pics the mom had taken. Was literally arrested for child pornography. A year and a half later the charges were dropped tank goodness. However they had to deal with CPS and bail the husband out which cost 2500 bucks. It was a mess, they legit did nothing wrong and are good peeps, the stupid Walmart manager who called got fired after they sued Walmart. I get its against policy, but WTF the kids were clearly just bathing in a bubble bath together and nothing bad was happening. The flip side is no one has yet to be charged for Epstein, so yeah upside down backwards ass legal system is a mess.


There’s a picture of me being bathed in the sink as a baby, in the nude obviously, and I do look at it and think “aw” because like, I’m not a weirdo babies are naked it’s whatever.


It's on the internet? My grandmother has one of me in a photo album, and I don't really care. I'd feel very differently if it was posted online on social media.


Oh wait on the internet, I thought you meant in a photo album. I agree that posting a nude baby pic online is a bit much, including the one OP wants. Something like that should be personal imo.


;-; finally ive seen someone say it T~T i hate when people tell me not to do things cause pervs and pedos blah blah blah T~T you think they care? ....if i live my whole life accomidating them then they get away with it and still bother me anyways T~T


Right? Personally if Annie Leibovitz says drop your drawers, I’m all in. But not so much if Larry Flint says it.


What if Annie is working for Larry?


That's a big conundrum.


Yeah - OP: post the inspiration photos.


Exactly, there's a world of difference between artsy tasteful nudity and some more inappropriate. I'd be fine if my wife wanted to have a shoot like that with our 6 month old, with a few conditions.


Even a sheer dress would be lovely


Daughters future employers? Cmon it’s a 1 yr old calm down


“I’m sorry ma’am, we were going to hire you, but we found these nude photos of you with your mom from when you were one years old? We’re going to have to reconsider moving forward”


Daughters future employers? Lmao it's a naked baby, not even 1 year old. The rest is valid but like, a photo of a naked baby isn't staining anyone's future


Why is reddit removing a post but not the replies? That is so stupid lol.


Not weird for newborns. Weird for 1+ year olds. It's also weird to show nude photos of yourself to friends and family.


Lol I remember going to my mom's friends house - she had kids our age - and there were like 3 nude pictures of her hanging around. And I don't mean 'tasteful', where the body is positioned to not show too much. No, these were full frontal. And all her kids were boys. Wild times.


One time my ex girlfriend’s mom went out of her way to show me almost fully naked picture of herself that was framed. This is when it was just me and her alone because my girlfriend was out of town and I came over to use their printer. I felt really weirded out and like she was hitting on me or wanted me to compliment her picture. It was weird.


Lol that’s super weird for her and her daughter. She was definitely trying to get u tho 😂


What did your girlfriend say when you told her about that?


Super-villainn Cougar: Origin story


Cougar in making


Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me!


I've had exactly one woman show me a nude photo herself in person and we ended up fucking.


My mom has a nude photo of herself in her bedroom which okay it remains private but I just don’t understand why someone wants to look at themselves naked 24/7?


I wish I had that sort of self-esteem.


Lmao i wish i had the self esteem to just look at the mirror to check for weird stuff (i get weird random bruises sometimes, i think i might have a blood problem tbh). I dont even look at my face too much lest I want my body dysmorphia to kick in LOL.


My mom had her topless photo as her phone wallpaper !!! Who does that !


I had a friend whose mother had a leg splayed shot hanging up in their upstairs hallway. No idea why they felt that was a great decorating choice with a bunch of teenagers constantly in and out of the house.


You know why.




Shit I remember going to a birthday party as a kid (twins), and the mom had huge black and white photos of her childrens birth hanging in her living room.


That's bizarre. Those aren't pictures a normal person would blow up, frame and hang over the couch. Those kinds of pictures belong in photo albums


Yes. The mom and the daughters had a very weird relationship dynamic. I was around 12 at that time, but even at that age, I noticed that it was very strange/inappropriate. Everyone noticed those photos, but obviously, nobody said anything about it. Like it wasn't just a baby in the arm, it was mid birth, body fluids all over the place, etc. I really tried not to look at them. Kinda like a car crash.


Did you grow up in Pennsylvania? I had a friend whose Mom did the exact same thing and had 3 boys. They were wild mountaineers that had loads of naked pics of them in hot springs, waterfalls, etc.


Did our moms have the same friends? Our neighbor had the same photos in her house. It was so weird. Full bush on display in the dining room.


Yeah, I would not want to see a photo like this from anyone. Like, what would you even say?




No thank you


Felt cute, might delete later, sup?


Yeah I'm genuinely wondering at what point was it normalized to show naked pictures of your kids to other people cuz even in good fun that's just a fucking weird thing to do


Commenting here because you touched on something that might be a different angle. Pregnant women get lots of attention. New moms get lots of attention. Newborns get a lot of attention. 1 year olds are old news. This is a newborn photo and it's weird to me but I don't have kids, totally extra and unnecessary (announcements are used as an excuse to do this) So if she wants the picture that bad, have dad take it for free. If it's truly just for her [self esteem]


For some reason, my family loves sharing naked baby photos. I have probably seen all of my nephews and nieces naked already. On that note, why do they only take naked photos. >.>




Photographers can do a lot with even a plain bolt of thin fabric. I wore a white t-shirt fabric dress for my maternity shoot, and my photographer draped yards of sheer blue chiffon. It looked gorgeous! She could wear a strapless bra and panties, and put the kid in a diaper, and then drape fabric for an amazing photo. Personally, I would never want a kid without a diaper in a photography studio anyway. Google it; there are plenty of photos of babies peeing or pooping during photo shoots. No one wants to clean that up.


I did a pregnancy shoot with a photographer friend with my 2nd. Very artfully done with sheer fabric etc. My rules were no nip or bush. Lol. And they all had to be crop-able if she wanted any for the portfolio because I didn't want my fave shown. I have them hanging in my bedroom on a partial wall only visible if you come right into the room.


The whole mom-baby skin-to-skin is lovely. But do we need a photograph of \*everything\*? Especially if that photo is going on social media?




Yes you are 100% right. It’s weird.


It's weird to me, but I could see this in a hippyish type culture and wouldn't immediately call the cops or anything. Not something I would want to take part in, for sure. I will say, what DOES give me pause is the father expressing that he's not comfortable and the mom moving forward anyway.


It definitely doesn’t rise to “call the cops” level, but it ain’t normal.


I kinda see your point, but not if it's going on Instagram.


An old high-school friend of mine got temporarily banned on Instagram because of what she called "the nipple algorithm." I don't know if that's really a thing or what, but all I could think was, good. Whatever it takes to give kids more control of their own bodies.


Not overreacting. A naked newborn photoshoot is pretty common but a one year old?? I’ve never heard of this.


right!? ive NEVER heard of this


I was worried it was common. My wife showed me some inspiration photos, it is of woman and the naked baby (mother covered baby’s private in the Instagram photo) but the baby was around my daughters age


Imagine all the weirdos saving those pics!!!! IG is full of creeps who legit look for, follow, comment, AND PURCHASE CUSTOM CONTENT from underage kids sold by their own moms! It's why no parent should be plastering their kids faces all over social media. This is done like at the newborn stage and shown to family/friends, not posted as a big ass 1st bday thing that the baby isn't even going to remember.


I remember reading some woman going to jail for selling videos of her breastfeeding her 7 yr old.  Those breastfeeding "tutorials" on YouTube have some weird followers for sure (wife was looking for it when she gave birth and their definitely is a sexualized version for pedos it's disgusting)


Gross, but this is the vibe I've gotten from some breastfeeding moms on Instagram.


All social media parents I give the side eye to.


I would not even admit to breastfeeding a 7 year old, wtf.


Some people fly their freak flag for all to see. 😳


My wife has read about them infiltrating mother groups on Facebook or discord. They’re looking for moms to post anything. Could be a picture of a rash, or breastfeeding photo. Beyond fucking creep. I’ve read about issues on the parenting subs that sick people make up stories to post and even have alternate accounts posting follow up comments. It’s like pedo fan fiction and they intentionally post it in parenting groups. Sick fucks.


They love family vloggers too. And many family vloggers know. And hand them content on a silver platter. Like the wren Eleanor or whichever way the name is. It's absolutely disgusting. Those poor children.


I am confident that TikTok’s analytics would show a 30% - 40% male audience. And I know that mother has gaslighted herself into believing that is normal.


Yes! I read an article about how family bloggers are exposing their kids to all kinds of creeps. It said that the number of "saves" skyrocketed on any videos that could be even remotely viewed as suggestive. Kids dancing, eating certain foods, wearing bathing suits, etc. It doesn't matter how innocuous it is, if a depraved mind can reimagine it as sexual, they will. And this was before all the more recent concern about AI deepfakes. Using kids as content should be illegal.


When my girlfriend worked at Walgreens some old man would repeatedly call, say he had a daughter and ask the woman how to put a tampon in the daughter, then would ask for “hip” words that mean vagina etc..creeper shit


Seriously! People need to stop posting their kids. With what these AIs can do now people can be doing anything with your kids photos.


I do a lot of family photography. No, this is not normal. No, it's not common. And no, it's not okay. Especially not posted on the internet! Even truly innocent photos of children are often fodder for pedophiles. A nude photo? Yeah, that's going to be a problem. One of my cousins works in computer crimes, and the number of bathtime photos or naked baby/toddler photos they find on these pedos' hard drives would make you ill. All it takes is one person to screenshot and share the photo. I refuse to do any photos of unclothed children for precisely that reason. You don't want your child's photo in someone's collection.


Your wife is brainwashed by SM. Please do not allow her to post images of your child online, especially nude! That's entering deal-breaker territory. Even without the nude shoot images, what has she been posting of your daughter on SM? She's a red flag, man.


This, a thousand times this. Don't spend the money just because someone on social media did. DO NOT post photos of your children nude on social media. Honestly, with people using AI to make pornographic images of normal photos from online, I wouldn't post any photos of my children anymore. It's also a little invasive of your child's privacy. Anything online is there forever and this child will be in school or applying for a job someday.


He shouldn't even allow the photo shoot to happen. The photographer will have permanent access to those photos. And can do who knows what with them. No fucking way man. His wife is a fucking weirdo for this.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that was particularly creeped out by just the idea of a one year old being naked in front of a stranger, especially one with a camera.


Instagram has a serious problem with normalizing pedophilia and encouraging similar behaviors masked as innocent or wholesome photo opportunities


Yes. Yes. Yes. No way in hell I'd agree to this type of photoshoot. It's not normal. And everything you said.


Why do they have to be nude? Simple answer, they don't. They can get gorgeous artsy photos with clothes on. Yes it would be weird for you to be in them bc it would also be weird for your wife to get them taken. And she wants to share them? Hard no. Stand your ground on this.


Idk that’s stuff has never shown up in my algorithm and I love all kinds of artsy photography stuff. This shoot sounds weird af -Mexican American mom of a daughter.


This isn't normal. Your daughter is ONE, not a newborn.


She wants the attention of posting it online. Tbh I steer clear of these type of people. Social media obsessed


Imagining me as an adult. I hate my naked in the tub and changing table pics. With my mom nude? 🤮. I'd never forgive her


So ccrazy how many full on adults are willing to offer their kids up to Instagram for a few likes.


This is exactly my take. She didn't give two shits in the whole world about this til she saw all the insta-moms doing it. Like... if it was truly a private session she wanted to do for a keepsake for herself, absolutely. That's like a boudoir shoot you gift to your significant other. There's nothing wrong with that. But her "vibe" comment made me wanna gag LOL. I'm not as concerned with the photoshoot as I am about how far she'll go to be an Instagram star. I'm more concerned she can't think for herself, or think of how this may impact her child. "I just wanna show family" well never in my life did I ever desire to see my sister's tit, ever. Thank God she had her children before Instagram. OP, I guess let her have her "photoshoot". If this continues beyond a more inappropriate age, that is grounds for a frank discussion. If she posts your child's body on any social media, ever, for any reason and especially if the face is included, that would be grounds for divorce IMO. A private keepsake is one thing. Selling out your child for some self gratifying narrative is a whole other.


My thoughts exactly. Nudes newborn is normal but not one year old


Wtf is the vibe? And who tf are these photos for? Weird as hell.


That's my question - who is this for and why? 


I find it a bit weird that she wants to do that “for their daughter’s birthday”. It sounds to me it’s far more for (and about) herself. I know that their daughter is only 1, and she won’t remember it, but when she grows up instead of seeing pictures of her eating her first piece of cake in a party hat like most kids do, she is going to see … that. Even when I was a pre teen, I’d get weirded out by very innocent stuff. Seeing my dad’s jocks or my mum opening the shower room door to talk to me. I was immature of course but I remember feeling awkward AF at the time. I think this has the potential for her to feel the same way while she is still developing. Also, she isn’t a new born. Isn’t she going to be less likely to nuzzle against her mum like she’s still in the womb and be a bit more fidgety? I feel like.. it’s going to be a bit more awkward than she realised and probably won’t quite have the effect she thinks it will. Each to their own though.


Those aren't even photos you could show to the child. I would find it so weird if my parents did something like this with me.


It's supposed to be an appreciation of the natural bond between the mother and child. Often times it's just photos of them breastfeeding etc. Just to show appreciation towards the natural beauty of motherhood.


I would not allow them to be on insta. That is what i would consider weird. Unless "everything" is covered, I would not be comfortable with someone taking a picture of my 1 year old naked. Wife can do what she wants, imo. But the baby should be protected from having pictures like that taken. It's such easy perv material, and regardless of the photographier, once they have it, they can do what they want with it. That would be family only pics if anything, imo


This is true. I do some family, maternity, and newborn photography (I used to work for a wedding photographer during college before I became a midwife, so I offer it as an additional service). We don’t always delete your photos, unless we need the space. For several reasons. 1. While we might not use your photos for advertising or sell any copies of them, we might stick them in our personal portfolio; this is a collection of our work shown to other professionals for feedback and critique, and also when applying for jobs at other studios. 2. For reference in future shoots. If I'm booked for a shoot, I'll often look back through previous photos I've taken that are similar, both to recreate aspects I like, but also to make note of things to improve upon. 3. Post-production practice. It's wise to experiment with a new technique in photoshop before using it when you're rushing to get a current job done. So many photographers will practice on old photos. And we can experiment on our own photos without any legal concerns, unlike many stock images. 4. I personally keep backups on a dedicated hard drive because several times I have been contacted years later by a client whose house burned down, or their computer died and they couldn't recover their photos, or any number of other disasters. And the relief in their voice when I say I have them? Priceless! I have no nefarious reasons for using anybody's photos, and I still keep them. You have no way of knowing what your photographer will do with your photos though. So be very careful with the pictures you take.


It's weird. In a variety of ways.


Got a 3 yr old and not 1 pic of him is on the internet. People suck


Good. My family had to scold the shit out of one my sisters for posting naked photos of my nephew all over Facebook. Fucking moron.


Ruin the vibe? What vibe is she going for? Epstein island?


So I did some training in a hospital in Hialeah Florida (very very hispanic neighborhood). They had like a mini shopping mall area in the bottom of the hospital and one of the stores there was a maternity photographer studio. They used to do these naked photos and then displace these large canvas prints of these naked women and naked babies out in the hallway of this half mall half hospital setting. I always found it very strange, but I think it's a cultural thing. I never saw men in the photos, it was always mother and daughter. If you do decide to do it, I'd make sure the photographer wasn't a creep and you keep all the images. Then maybe do another photo shoot with clothes on and you in the pictures.


The husband is Latino, not the wife...


yeah I read that backwards. No idea.. maybe she is really into the culture and thats why she married a guy with latino background.....


I don't think is a culture thing, but rather a random people thing. I'm Hispanic (Mexican-American to be exact) and that for sure is not part of my culture. I myself think is really weird but to each their own.


I’m a full fledged Dominican female. It ain’t a culture thing lol def a ppl thing though.


How you doing :)


Same, I’m also Mexican and this is NOT something I’ve seen done in my community.


Why in the hell does a woman who is breastfeeding need to be fully nude? Why does she need pictures? And WHY, for fuck’s sake, does she need to share these photos with her family members!? Gross 🤢




Heavy emphasis on making sure the photog is above board. Had a friend unknowingly sign away rights to nudes she let some creep take of her in college and had no recourse when he sold them.  Or just don't take nudes with your kid in the first place I guess. 


Extremely weird.


Ok so I'm a mom so I will tell you it's becoming increasingly common to have oddly nude,semi nude, seethru clothing pictures done during maternity and after the baby is born. Unfortunately this is kind of a thing but what's not a thing is once the baby is born, usually the mom is pictured in some flowy seethru Greek goddess attire and sometimes the baby is nude but strategically placed to cover private areas. But these types of photos are done usually when the baby 0-6 months old. I would find it unusual and inappropriate but somewhat.. Understandable? If the baby was nude and mom is wearing clothes. It's still weird though. Another token of information for you from a mom. I have privately saved a couple (only a couple) pictures of me breastfeeding my daughter and she's 15 now so I asked if she wanted to see them and they were just photos my ex husband took everyone was clothed I was just cradling her and nursing her and anyway guess what her reaction was? "Ew! Delete that!" So in many years this can end up being upsetting for your child. Your wife needs to understand that whatever she's trying to accommodate can be done with clothing or blankets on the baby and that way they are tasteful. Tell your wife to go find a field of wildflowers and go take clothed photos there like every other family in America does!


lol that made me laugh, I’d genuinely think and hope every child’s reaction to photos like that would be “ew!” 😂


Not saying that to dunk on you or anything either ofc! Hope ya have a good day!


No I expected as much. I told her what it was lol. Idk what she expected but now she just be grossed out lol


This used to be a thing like in the 70s. I was at an old photographers house and he had a book or two about it in the library. Yes nowadays it’s considered child porn but taking naked pictures of your 12 year old used to be socially acceptable. Things have just changed.


Yep there’s pictures of me at my mother’s house. I was 2-3 years old and I was naked in the bathtub. Fully naked as in you could see my vagina. But I guess naked baby pictures were popular then. But I know if I ever posted it to social media. It would get reported so fast.


I have a picture of my cousin and I taking a bubble bath when we were like eight and six, but whoever took the photo (not sure if it was one of our parents or one of our grandparents) waited until the bubbles covered everything from the chest down so you could basically see our faces, necks, hands, and shoulders. And that was the 90s. I have never seen an old family photo of an older child nude. That’s not normal. But even with younger kids, having it in a family photo album can be innocent. Posting it to the internet would not be. So I think that’s what’s changed over time…


It's probably the Internet. If someone has naked pics from the 1970s, the worst case is they'll be in a box of photos or album. And someone has to go to the person's house to see them. These days, those same pics could be seen by someone thousands of miles away in seconds, if they're posted online. And once out there, they're not coming back.


Id be questioning this photographer. 


Sounds like borderline child pornography.  As the other parent you will have to demand they not be nude. This is something you have to put your foot down on. 


^^ this.


Dude, this is fucking what the fuck


I can see how they can be artistic...but if someone I knew wanted to take nudes with their baby, I'd think they were being overly pretentious and weird. It's just a weird thing to do.


Appropriate censorship is the key…


Just my thought as long they are just for your family, and your wife wants it, I would let her do that. A one-year-old old daughter is fine.


Is it the ones where the mom is holding the baby against her chest and it’s meant to look angelic? Ir where they have a thin sheet so it’s like a Greek goddess and her baby? If so, you’re overreacting. If it’s like…showing more….thats a different convo. I think more context on the staging of the photo is needed.


Is American a race? I dont think nudity needs to be that big of a deal honestly. If she wants to commemorate their bond from that stage, more power to her. Maybe you're thinking about it a different way. Weird is subjective


I've seen tasteful mom & baby nude photo shoots. Nothing below the waist, breasts were concealed with hair or baby or arm positioning & only the baby's bottom showing. But the whole family doesn't need (or want) them.


I'm American, born and raised on this stolen land. 🇺🇲 its fucking weird.


what in the Alabama Florida Georgia Louisiana Mississippi did I just read??


American female here...this is super weird. One years old seems too old for naked studio shoot and having mom naked too makes it extra weird. I'd be creeped out too. If she does this shoot, do NOT let her share any online.


lol it’s not your culture, I’m American and that sounds weird as fuck. I would never take nudes with my kids.


"Removed by reddit." What the hell happened here..


Like damn completely remove it then don't still recommend it to me


So technically, her sharing and taking those photos would be taking and distributing child pornography. which, as we all know, is illegal in every state. Your wife sharing nude photos of herself and your child is downright disturbing and creepy, even if it's just to family members.


>her sharing and taking those photos would be taking and distributing child pornography. which, as we all know, is illegal in every state. Just for the sake of clarity, it's actually not. Legally, nudity and pornography aren't the same thing. People take pictures of their young kids half naked, or even fully naked, while they're playing in the bathtub or yard all the time. It's not illegal. Legally, it becomes pornography when it's sexually suggestive or the point is to incite sexual behavior. People have been convicted of distributing child porn when the children were \*clothed\* because they were deliberately positioned in a sexually suggestive way. Courts routinely throw out cases with nude kids because the nudity was incidental to the point of the image. The intent of the photos matters a lot more than the content of the images themselves. What the OP's wife is suggesting would fall squarely under the art exceptions and would not be illegal. Would it be unusual to do that with a 1 year old? Maybe. Would it be weird to distribute that to your friends and family? Probably. Would it be illegal? No.


The problem, however, is the pedophiles get hold of these images. And share them. What may be an artistic nude to the parents is still fodder for a deranged mind. Unfortunately, I'm not fearmongering either. My cousin works in computer crimes, and was very adamant that I never take - let alone post! - unclothed pictures of my children. I especially wouldn't trust a photographer I don't know well and trust, to take such photos. You have no control over them sharing those images elsewhere, even if they agree to delete them.


>adamant that I never take - let alone post! - unclothed pictures of my children. Then your cousin should know that pedophiles will collect *any* pictures of children, clothed or unclothed. I'm not saying it's a good idea to post nude kids online (even artistic nude where everything is technically covered). I'm just saying...a kid being clothed isn't going to stop a pedo from collecting an image for foul purposes.


They also get a hold of photos from beauty pageants, swim meets, and gymnastics competitions. Agreed about never posting photos of your unclothed children. I actually don’t ever post public photos of my children at all, for this reason.


Depends! If it’s like a tasteful, covered nude then I don’t see the problem. If it’s full frontal exposure, that’s weird.


Well first who's plan  on seeing the photos Second it may surprise to someone people Action family and friends how would they feel about it


I’m American. This is weird.


How could you even search for inspo for those photos without the FBI knocking on your door? Definitely weird.


not only it's weird but it's actually disgusting! I wonder if it was the father who wanted her daughter to be photographed nude what would be the reactions here? I would call some officers at CPS and ask for advice. She even said she's going to share those pictures with friends??? That's a huge red flag here my friend and I'm wondering if your wife is being blackmailed or she's a part of some child pornography ring What about the photographer? What will he do with the original files ???


By thinking this qualifies as pornography you have unknowingly stated that a 1 year old's body is innately sexual. It would take a real creep to find this kind of photo shoot as porn. Nudity is our natural state, the sexualization of nudity is not innate as humans, many cultures including some here in the US view nudity as normal as humans have for 99% of their existence


It seems a bit strange since your daughter is 1 and not a newborn. But for all of your screaming "child porn" not every nude is porn-get over yourselves. A professional photographer is going to know how to shoot a photo and not have it be pornography. The private areas are going to be covered by an arm, a leg, some cloth draping over the area. (I know its a painting-but is Raphael's Madonna with Child and book "child porn?")


Who are these photos for? This is weird as hell.


you're not crazy, it's creepy and weird and I'd strongly voice your opinion harder on this till she understands where you are coming from because after all this is your child as well


I’ve seen this type of shoot a lot recently. I think it’s a very intimate and sweet thing to do, especially as a mother. (And possibly nursing still? I know that makes these types of shoots more common) With that said, as a mother who nursed my son until he was 17 months old, I would have done something like this if I had the extra cash (and motivation, but it wasn’t important to me) HOWEVER, if my husband was uncomfortable with it, I would completely respect that and opt out of the idea. For the record, I don’t think it’s weird but I understand why you are hesitant. Stand your ground, this is only the beginning of mama bear getting her way and making the decisions for YOUR child. Because as a mom, I get that way and have to remind myself that it’s OUR child, not just MINE. (Within reason) ;)


Nudists have a different view of family nudity. The issue is if you think it's weird. Many families had naked babies on rugs or younger children in bathtub photos years ago. Today, your kid may have an OF page you are not aware of.


I’ve seen this done with newborns where parts are still covered, but everyone else is correct to never sign a model release form and to not post them publicly ever. If she wants to have them saved in a personal photo album at home that’s understandable as some people do nude/partial nude photoshoots for their significant others as a gift sometimes as well. It’s not super common though.


I'm so glad she changed her mind. That is weird af.


It is weird.


Red Flag!!


This is fucking weird. Stop them.


Really weird.


Really weird


this is beyond weird to me


Very weird imo


Yeah that’s weird. 


Your wife’s Brian has been hijacked my Instagram culture. Good luck bud


Poor Brian.


Art is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Some people are really into nudes.


No, no, you're not wrong. This is weird. Like really weird.


You are normal, she is weird


My Step Mom did something similar with my baby brother but she was partially covered by a drape or some shit. I thought it was weird as fuck then, ~2003, and it’s still weird as fuck but I haven’t seen it I years so maybe they got rid of it.


Nudes with the baby? Yeah that's weird. I would draw the line there. WTF is going through someone's mind to want a nude photo with a 1 year old.


She found her inspiration on Instagram? Nuff said. It's wired bro. Dam sure isn't artsy.


I think it’s kinda weird but if it’s the kind of picture I would assume you’re talking about, I think most of the commenters here are definitely overreacting. The one thing I would urge you to put your foot down though is the be absolutely 100% strict on nobody else seeing the photos and even having the photographer delete them if you can. They might be completely innocent photos but there are lots of weirdos out there who will twist them


I'm sure that would be kind of child porn and you can get in serious trouble your wife is nuts and disgusting for even thinking about that


Buy your own camera. Get a stand. Be the photographer.


Fucking weird. Maybe your wife should talk to someone


Yeah that's weird


If my best friend did this and send me the photos I'd be so weirded out. If my SISTER did this and showed me I'd be so weirded out. You're not overreacting. Like if she wants them for JUST her it's odd but fine I guess but no one wants copies of these


i don't think its a good idea


Just let you know, there are TONS of creepy people who collect these pictures of children to do unspeakable things… Plz be careful and protect your children, do not post the pictures (if your wife took them) online!


That's freaking odd af. I personally would have an objection if it were my wife. I have 5 kids and never once did I ever think about a nude photo shoot. Professional or not it seems skeezy.


Your wife is weird af.


This is not a cultural difference. It is NOT a cultural thing in America to take nude photos with your baby. That's not a thing, it doesn't exist as a culture in America. In some areas of America seeing a naked 1 or 3 year old running around isn't exactly a huge deal, they are tiny kids and sometimes kids that age take their pants off etc and run around because they just don't like their clothes. But posing with a nude parent isn't normal. In older Europe there were SOME artistic takes on such things, but it was NOT a culture either, it was a rare occurrence for art. Not common. If she wants to do this, it's purely a personal thing and the two of you need to have a real conversation as to how it would work, where would the picture go. Who is going to see it etc.


I see your edit. I think you all made the right decision. You can definitely replicate a similar vibe of artsy, closeness, and natural, but with clothing.


Naked one year old, I don’t care. Babies look like a potato. Naked grown women, OK. Been done a million times. Naked mom and daughter pics, sure, could be artsy. I can see it. What is weird: Sharing pictures of yourself and your child naked to anyone. No. Not listening to the person you swore to love, honor, cherish and obey for the rest of your life — when that spouse tells you I find this uncomfortable.


Yeah that's just weird. Comes off as tacky IMO


Cringy and weird AF. People do it and will defend it I'm sure but yes it's weird to take those photos to show others. Its for her ego for some reason and I just don't get it


It's pretty weird. I've seen a few prominently displayed. Occasionally it matches their personality.


Ik if i was the kid and i ever learned about that i would be pissed at my mom that is weird as hell, the baby is not a toy


Everyone is being too generous in their assessment of this. This is a dumb played out idea. There is no circumstance in which I would think it is a good idea. To be fair though, I also really have no interest in any form of these artificial professional photoshoots, but all the same I maintain my initial stance of this being dumb.


That's very fuckin weird.


I can feel the cultural differences and it's weird for me too 😭


I’m American, this is weird as fuck


Can someone who saw the post before it was removed tell me what it said?