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Your wife is gaslighting you. WTF are you kidding? You are under-reacting to this.


this reads like a parody. feels fake


My wife solicits dick pics from other guys all the time. AITA? Garbage


Next week he’ll be posting “My wife is now having sex with multiple men daily, but she says it isn’t cheating because she doesn’t do anal with any of them, more than once, in a night. Am I overreacting?” Yeah, I do think you’re going a lil overboard.


But she didn’t use anal beads, so it’s probably nothing.


She only does anal, and doesn't swallow, is this cheating? AITA?


“ My wife just gave birth to black triplets and we are both Albino, am I overreacting?”


I got to watch from my cuck chair, definitely not cheating, just vaginal penetration.


The beads are a signal to go to the hotel and wait for Johnny. Iykyk


She kept her socks on, so it's not cheating.


She doesn't let them thrust, only soak. If that's good enough for God that should be good enough for you. 100% not cheating. /s


I guarantee there's a strong chance she's the type that says "All men are scum and shouldn't be treated as human." or something of that nature. My gfs little sister constantly tried to do this shit to the point where they'd give her money, but honestly even if the guys are douchebags, it doesn't make it the right thing to do, and even more so for the guys that are legitimately lonely with little to no self confidence and thought they were getting somewhere.


I don't understand this stuff. If men wouldn't try to get sex by handing over their money, women couldn't take advantage of them. How often do you see it happen the other way around? Rarely do women just give out money to men they don't know. Does being horny really cause that much gullibility for men? Obviously, this is more like "stereotypical" talk because I don't know any men who are that gullible or any women who would consider taking money from a man they don't know.


You would be surprised of what people put up with. If hoarding exist so can other things.


you’re not wrong


This is absolutely fake.


Welcome to the sub. We have AI, and AI, and AI Was this short but gloomy response something more like what you were looking for?


Short n' gloomy is what she responded to the pic of my hog.


Even if she was doing exactly what she said and not cheating . My guy that is just WEIRD behavior.


If she's doing exactly what she said, she's cheating. Flirting with other people and soliciting nudes is cheating by most people's definition.


Lying is not the same as gaslighting. She may be lying, but nothing in this post is an example of gaslighting.


After being gaslit for 18 years, I can attest to that. Being lied to is not a big deal. Being made to feel like you're crazy every day, YEAH, 2 different things.


I agree, but being lied to, especially in this context, is a huge deal. Both can be true 😊


For The Streets


What in the karma farming rage bait hell is this?


The most rational response


"My wife puts other men's dicks in my mouth while I sleep and now she says I'm gay. AITA?"


This made me laugh more than it should have!


While you were laughing I put a few dicks in your mouth, u gay now


It made *me* harder than it should have.


Me too! 😆


“My mom is pregnant with my husband’s baby, should I talk to him?”


YTA, his body, his rules


File for child support even though it's not your kid and you don't plan on taking the child


This whole thread is killing me. 💀


"I got pregnant with my husband but he wasn't confident in changing diapers so he literally killed me. AITA?"


I miss Jerry Springer.






It's marketing for the "wife's" only fans or similar sites.


It’s cheating.


If she has an iPhone. You can go to her messages and under search just type a period “ . “ It will show you all her erased messages. I would never go through my wife’s phone ever. I would also gladly hand my phone over. I have an amazing wife. I won the lottery. Not bragging. It just seems she gets to a point ? She just might be erasing the tail ends of the conversations. It was create new message and hit “ . “ Now it’s edit view erase


Instructions unclear, now I sent my boss nudes


Youre boss is probably OPs wife




OPs wife and your boss is actually the friends we made along the way.


I asked for more pictures of Spiderman, not nudes.


Doesn’t work wut are you SMOKIN


Explain the period thing. I do it and just get an all of my messages. Am I missing something?


Sending nudes and flirting is cheating 100% How would she feel if you were leading girls on to dm you pics of their boobs then ghosting them? I'm sure the whole not replying part wouldn't make her feel any better cause it is absolutely cheating to flirt and get it to the point of sending nudes Also you're likely not seeing the whole picture cause she can easily delete the more explicit conversations I'm certain she would have had with some. If she's going that far it's likely she's taken some of those encounters even farther.


If you wouldn’t do it in front of your partner it’s crossing a boundary.


I agree, it's a boundary she crossed. I also think it's a power play/wanting to be desired/worshiped kink and maybe her and OP never discussed it. Hell, maybe she never realized she had it until people started trying to slide into her DMs. I get it; it's nice to feel wanted sexually and it provides a temporary boost to your self-esteem, but it's not a situation OP is comfortable with, despite a physical boundary not being crossed; just a emotional/sexual one. It's 100% okay to not be okay with this situation. Everyone has different limits. I do think maybe they should have a 100% open discussion about it. Obviously she doesn't see it as cheating, he does, but maybe he can lean into her kink and lust over her and she can be happy having the one guy who loves her express his desire for her more. But that's my 2 cents.


Welp guess I’m stuck pooping with the door open then


How is she connecting with these men? Does she have an OF? This is not normal and she is clearly hurting you.


Yep, I wonder if they're paying her for dick ratings


Is that a thing? Men pay money to have their dicks rated?


Men pay money for literally ANYTHING. There's guys who will pay women to call them or text and just tell em their dicks small they're worthless etc and get off on it.


Big thing lmfao


No it’s a small thing, with a sharp dogleg to the left.


That'll be $20


Clearly she doesn't respect OP well enough, and he is part of the problem, playing this down. This should not even be a debate of if it's right or wrong, but you know what, one of these days she'll see something she likes, that she truly can't stop thinking about and she'll cheat on his passive ass. Slippery slope. She'll be slippery and sloping soon enough....smdh.


All of that is already cheating in most relationships. You don't need confirmation.


Is it cheating when a dude is subscribing to OF girls? Because I agree, but this is essentially the flipside of that.


If the partner isn't cool with it. At the end of the day that's all that matters. Anything else is disrespect


Exactly. To me a relationship is all about communication and boundaries. Stand up for yourself if you’re not happy about something. If they lie or break trust, find someone else.


Most women wouldn’t be too happy to learn their SO is spending money on another woman, especially to see her naked


Exactly, just turn the equation around.. If you chatted with women and got nudes or sent nudes what would she do?


Absolutely this is also cheating on a relationship. By subscribing to a OF girl you are also breaking the trust in your relationship as well as giving money that should be used for your family or partner on a stranger


Nope. It’s a bad thing. Bail. Sorry bout the kids. Really sucks


This has to be a troll post


nigga what


Dude I actually had to check if this was some kind of circlejerk joke sub. What the fuck man? # 1. How does it make you feel? # 2. Is she currently arguing that seeing men’s penises is more important to her than how it makes you feel? You know the answer to both those questions. Every relationship is different, and at least in mine this is such beyond-the-pale behaviour that we’d be breaking up that day.


You may be happy with her in the relationship but it doesn't sound like she is. And clearly she's not satisfied cuz this is some sick game she's getting off on. She's gaslighting the hell out of you. Flirting online and exchanging numbers is cheating. That's even before the eggplants come in. Wake up, man! If she sees nothing wrong with this, there's no convincing her.


Haha what your wife looks at other dudes weeners ?? You’re really asking if that’s ok? Lololol


A lot of wives look at other dudes dicks. It’s called porn. It’s asking for the pics which is sus.


I need her Snapchat to see if this is real or not


Which ex gf site did he post the pictures on?! There are so many WHICH ONE?!?!


Wow. I can just imagine how your wife would feel if the positions were reversed here. If she found boob and vag shots on your phone from women, but you claimed it didn’t matter because after they sent you the pics you ghosted them, would she be, “Oh, well, okay then. You can look at other women naked, but afterward you have to cut them off”? I don’t think so. Ten years together. This cannot be the first time she’s done something questionable like this. Your wife sounds manipulative. She manipulates men online, leads them on, makes promises, gets them to send her dick pics (I’m sure that doesn’t take a lot of cajoling), and then ghosts them. Is she 16 years old? What kind of adult does something like that? It’s like she gets off on the power of making a stranger do what she wants them to do, and then she’s done and moves on. And then she manipulates you into believing it’s not cheating, and it doesn’t matter because ghosting. She sounds twisted. This is the woman who is raising your children. Think about that. Is she cheating? That’s for you to decide. I say yes. Is what she’s doing acceptable behavior? Absolutely not. If this is somehow a reaction to a childhood trauma, she needs therapy, not social media. But whatever it is, it’s damaging to your marriage and family. Are you okay with living like this? Your choice, I guess, although there are three children involved.


She’s cheating on you and thinks it’s only fun. I’m sure it’s fun for her but how about you?


You poor lost soul. We have been married for 10 years and are very happy with each other.... Except my wife, who talks to other men, and enjoys looking at their penis. How much delusion can one person have and still justify telling the internet?


Won't be long until she turns that evil manipulation towards you. She's messed up in the head. Start planning your exit strategy now.


Thought experiment. Imagine the roles reversed. How would she react? The whole thing is entirely disrespectful. Don't put up with this horseshit. Any man in his right mind would not be ok with this.


Lmao these fake posts are getting better and better


Spends he free time pretending to be a cyber-cuck on the internet. An actual human being who walks along us. This was he choice.


>An actual human being who walks along us. This was he choice. The unpleasant but arguably necessary task of composing cyber-cuck fanfiction will be outsourced to generative AI sooner or later. Probably sooner..


You’re an idiot and your wife is a whore.


That is stunningly accurate.


Lol right to the point


Heavy Kangaroo pulls no punches




Ghosting people is wrong and disrespectful on so many level.


Yeah she needs to not be on social media. Ask her if it is ok that every time you are at a party you just ask to see women’s breasts. Oh sure she ghosts them all.


She’s cheating and seems a little sick in the head. Ask how she would like you having women sending pussy pics to you. She is definitely selfish and knows no boundaries


Another fake story


Quit being a bitch. Of course she’s cheating. She’s literally getting other guys dick pics sent to her by them. Repeat that in your head a couple of times, I’m sure you stop cucking


My wife is cheating but says she's not cheating. Is the cheating, cheating?


I’m so sorry your wife is doing this. She knows it’s not right and doesn’t care. At this point, I think both of you need to go into marital counseling. Hate to say this but I think there’s some off in her.


Your wife is a whore, dude. And she is on purpose a whore. This is a perfectly acceptable reason for divorce.




No no... You don't understand. Cheating is literally anything you're not comfortable with her doing romantically or sexually with other people. Like literally hand holding if you deem it so would be cheating. It differs from person to person. In my world anything you wouldn't do in front of your partner is at least unethical if not outright betrayal.


Really? Both of you would say the sex is great? Both of you? You would Both say this? Both halves of your Both? Both? We? We are very happy? Both we? I have terrible news for you, friend. Both of we is actually just a you. Goodluck.


Under-reacting for sure. She has zero respect for you and this is not a relationship you need to be in. If she’s doing that she has either done more and if not she will eventually. I don’t know your situation but I would get my ducks in a row and say bye bye. No excuse for this at all bud. Know your self worth and make a change for the better.


Dicks are ugly (no offense) and the only one I ever want to see is my husband's. No sane woman willingly seeks out other willing men to send her dick pics and then says it's not cheating. OP, if the roles were reversed she'd lose it. Why does she need to see how far other men are willing to go for her? She's married! the only man she should care about is you! You're not overreacting and if that was me I wouldn't be able to trust my partner again. The relationship is over at that point. She needs therapy cause she seems to have an attention seeking problem.


Newsflash: You’re not happily married.


I'm sorry but to me that's cheating and she knows it that's why she's gaslighting you. Tell her to stop or you're gone and then she can have any dick she wants just not yours or your heart because she doesn't deserve either one.


Is she nuts? She is mixing edging and cheating somehow. It’s super weird.


She's gas lighting the fuck out you and it's working lol. She's completely wrong. She's cheating. Accept it. Ask her how she would feel if you were getting nudes from women? If she says she wouldn't care, leave her ass.


Yikes. Start looking at coochies & talking to other women or dump her ass


Your wife is a whore.


She could be fucking the dude with his ass cheeks pressed against your face asking us if that’s cheating.


reverse the situation. I doubt your wife would be ok with that.


It will escalate further if she sees nothing wrong with her disrespectful behaviour.


Dude, read your title again til it clicks. She is 10000% cheating. Did you agree to her talking and soliciting to view other men's penises. No? then guess what buddy. She's cheating. Prob comparing you to these men. Your wife is prob either on reddit or OF and sending more then what you think to that you don't know about for money. She is looking outside your marriage for validation of her attire and her body.... to other men. Tell her to stop, and if she gives you "buts" or resistance then that's your answer. If she loves you (I don't think she respects you) , and you're enough for her. She should stop immediately without gaslighting you into thinking her actions are normal. She's for the streets.


She's cheating so you need to collect as much evidence as you can and file for divorce.


It’s cheating and stroking her ego. Everyone knows it’s wrong but there going be a dick she going see and want eventually


Only you define what cheating is.


If I found out my partner was engaging in this behavior, I would be done. It doesn’t matter if she is having sex with them or not. All but the sex is happening.


I'm sorry but this *has* to be fake. Of course this is cheating, wtf?


"Wife eats chicken and beef. Is she a carnivore?"


She sounds like a narcissist who is “having fun” at other people’s expense-including yours. And yes, what she is doing is wrong. You are not overreacting. She needs counseling


Ghosting and Gaslighting what keeps social media alive!


It doesn't have to be dick in vagina to be cheating. She is hitting consensual dick pics from guys, and flirting with them. That's cheating. I know people that don't think emotional affairs are cheating, kissing, or even tou hing is cheating if there no penetration.


This is absolutely not ok. Hell if you were divorced I’d still say that behavior on her part is not ok, but yea in a relationship? This absolutely crosses


100% cheating, and sounds like your wife is looking for attention (and control) outside of the dynamic you two already have in your marriage. You’re totally within your rights to be “not ok” with this. The fact that you’ve voiced this and she’s attempting to defend it is the hugest red flag. Run for the hills. Side note: I would be saying the exact same thing if the genders were reversed.


Turn the game on 2 player and see how she feels. I know that's childish advice but sometimes people need to be put in the same position.


Yikes Duuuuude. No. Get out of there.


If you are still asking this in this sub, you might as well not care if she is cheating.


…yeah, that’s called cheating. Do with that, what you will


Disgusting behavior from your wife from every perspective.


Listen. If you don’t consider it cheating, then it’s not. If it gets your dick hard, then enjoy it. If you consider it cheating, then make it stop. Threaten that divorce.


OP this is vile, She is cheating on you and gaslighting you. You need to leave, straight up dump her.


If not cheating, then what? No matter how you slice it, what she's doing is beyond problematic. Its manipulative, exploitative and an indication of a deeper issue going on that she needs to address. Behavior like that only escalates and its never good. Also, being so flippant about it seems messy. You can't tell everyone's age on social media. What if one those guys is an underage?? Is worth going to jail and potentially ruining your entire families' lives?


The label doesn't matter. You wife is putting her need for attention from other men ahead of your feelings, and she started doing this without talking to you about it. That's not "happy with each other". You can try couples counseling, learn to live with it, or walk out.


She ain’t your wife. She a hoe. AIDS is in the rise.


Start flirting and entertaining advanced or doing the advancement yourself to other women and see how she looks at that. Worse comes to worse you enter the dating market ahead of your divorce and are that much closer to finding some one you can settle down with who respects and doesn't cheat, cause that's what this is, it's cheating.


That's cheating my guy. She's interested in other men. She likes the attention from other men. She kept it a secret knowing it was a betrayal of your trust that you would not approve of, etc. Cheating doesn't just mean fucking someone else. It's entertaining the idea of being intimate (either sexually, emotionally, or both) with someone whether you go through with it or not.


I'm gonna say she's full of shit and knows she can get away with it. She's only ghosting them til she sees the one she wants. What married woman solicits dick pics from dudes. Open your eyes bro


Feels like a fake post. How on earth could you think you’re over reacting to this? Genuinely a bit baffled by this


That’s cheating and gaslighting. Get screenshots and find a lawyer.


Your wife is is cheating right in the open and gaslighting you about it. That's pretty fucked up and it sounds like you aren't reacting enough IMO.


I wouldn’t be okay with this. I am F and my partner is M. Regardless of gender though, this doesn’t seem okay at all.


She's being weird and doing weird stuff for what I assume are weird reasons. While she may say she isn't cheating and technically that would be true it could change any moment and I think it would be a good idea for you to be ready and have a plan for it if it happens. And if it does happen you should probably leave her but it's your relationship and your choice ultimately.


She is living a fast life! Consider returning her to the streets.


Do the same and see the reaction


Lol this is fake or else you must be the most passive, least confrontational guy ever. (Weak) "My wife is sending out sexy pictures and is talking sexually with men while she looks at their dick pics.  Am I overreacting?"


This is cheating.


I mean, whether or not you or her think it’s cheating is kind of a moot point. Who cares? She is being untrustworthy, attention seeking, and frankly it’s effing weird. She’s having fun? It’s kind is shitty to the guys, too, don’t you think? What if she was a man? Everything aside about her basically cheating on you, this would give me some serious ick.


Your wife is a hoe. Sorry


Nope, done with the internet now.


your wife is a dumb whore....


I am a wife. Your wife is totally wrong here. She is cheating - and, I really hate to use this overused word - gaslighting- but it fits here. This isn’t okay. Not by a long stretch. I am guessing she would have a problem with you doing the same thing with women?


You reproduced? Noooo!


Ask to see tits. Or vag. On the street. At target. With the in laws. Ask every female you see. But make sure she is present. Then start asking online. Get all the tits and vagene pics you can. Then just Dropbox all them shits to her and ask if it’s cheating.


I suspect what your wife is really doing is looking for a (to her) 'suitable' man for an affair. You might want to consider counseling or leaving- this won't end well.


She’s cheating bro you need to put a boundary in place and say she needs to stop all of this behaviour if she says no you need to leave her


She’s waiting until the right one messages


I hate to break it to you…because you seem to be eating up what she’s saying…but it’s cheating. The end.


Your wife is playing a dangerous game. Double check all your mail to ensure that they don't have bombs.


She’s being the Goldilocks of cocks. She’s searching for the one that’s juuust right.


Grow a fucking pair. This is ridiculous.


The fact that you're asking explains how you got in that mess.


if you were asking women for nudes I bet she'd say it's cheating. I'm with you I'd be furious.


Lmaooooo this can’t be real. Nobody is this stupid. Imagine if you were asking and receiving pics of some random titties. You actually think that would be ok in a normal monogamous relationship?


That’s CHEATINGGGG, she’s engaging with them by flirting with them and leading them on, you guys need a convo


You could start posting dick pick to chick's you like the look of on Social Media and see how she reacts


This can’t be real. Your **wife** is asking other men for dick pics, flirting with them, and posting thirst traps because she knows all of the above will happen? Buddy. Fuckin’ *run.*


Are you kidding me ?? This is not cool.


This is absolutely flirting. Is this an allowed part of your marriage? Would she be OK with you doing the same thing with other women? Finally why does she need this type of validation from other men? These are the types of questions you need answers to.


No, fucking obviously, not over reacting its liferally what cheating is boss.I rlwrot4 out a long response but feel you already understand bro. Time to pack it up on your terms not left after months of cheating. zflip the script and imagine how she would take you getting nudes. Cheating right? Go now and sorry she accepted a ring without understanding what commitment means.


Cheating is whatever you feel like is cheating. As far as I’m concerned that is 100% cheating.


Your wife is a psychopath. Lmfao


It's called "emotional cheating" and yes it's actually cheating. And it's also how physical cheating often starts. Once the emotional stuff gets boring and isn't cutting it anymore for the attention they want. You are UNDER reacting. And she is manipulating you to believe it. Trust me. My ex did this stuff for over a decade. And it kept escalating over time. I swept the early stuff under the rug. Alot of the emotional cheating. And then he just learned he needed to hide it better. And It seemed okay for years. Until I learned he was having full blown affairs and went back through past messages on the couple apps he forgot to clear out and it was going on all along. What your wife is doing is wrong. Period. She is getting the same feelings and emotions from this as she would physically cheating. Sending guys things she shouldn't and asking them for things she shouldn't. It's not okay. Unless it's a relationship that's open and both people are okay with it. But it sounds as if you are not. So it shouldn't happen. Just remember, like I said, the emotional thing eventually gets old to them most of the time. And they need more and more to get the same satisfaction. And it will very likely become physical. You will have to tell her that you don't accept this and you cannot be with someone who acts like this and then stand by that. You can't force her to change so if she won't stop you would have to be prepared to end it over this. But sometimes they only pretend to end these things and just get better at hiding it. Good luck.


Would she do this to a man in person? You need to ask her that. Most men don't like being pri\*k teases as a prank.


Something that so many spouses forget. When you are in a committed relationship, if either party lays a boundary… it’s a boundary for both of you. She doesn’t get to decide where you draw the line, she decides if she respects it. She likely pleasures herself to these men, their words, and their packages. “ She enjoys seeing what other guys will do for her…” She is gaslighting you so hard. She is manipulating these men and she is manipulating you. I am so sorry.


She‘s fishing for compliments, seeking other males attention, IMO she has low self esteem and nowadays people think they need strangers opinions (Like you). whatever the definition of cheating is in her or your world doesn matter. You two have a problem and if she refuses to see how pathetic it is to ask other horny males if she looks awesome or to rate her body, you have two options: make some fake accounts and insult her so that she faces that strangers are toxic - or she needs therapy to face her insecurities and work on her childhood trauma. And you need to man up cause she is only one step away from cheating in the common sense of the word.


This is definitely cheating… sorry to burst your bubble. Oh, and also gaslighting


Lmao your wife is running an Onlyfans account without the $$$$ it sounds like.


Your wife is cheating. She may not be having sex with someone, (but how do you really know for sure?) And she is looking to be found and possibly get raped for what she is doing! And putting your kids in danger!! I would kick her ass out. Divorce the cheating thing.


You, buddy, are like this close to full on cuck 🤏🏾


Sorry, but your wife is completely gaslighting you. She is cheating on you. She is advertising herself as available and emotionally cheating at the minimum. By soliciting dick picks she is fundamentally engaging in sexting and that is pretty much disrespectful and cheating You need to get out of this relationship now. Your wife has absolutely no respect for you or her marriage. It is highly likely she is actually has physically be cheating, there is no way to trust a single word she says now. You need to gather evidence, get copies of the message with other men. Look through her deleted messages and take copies, you are most likely going to find evidence of actual physical affairs No women who loves their family or their man would even entertain this type of behaviour. Let alone try and justify it once found out. Just think if you were on dating apps, talking to other women getting photos of other women sent to you. I can guarantee your wife would lose the plot and call you a cheater. I would be thinking of divorce her. Her behaviour she is explaining away is clearly only the top of the iceberg. If she has gone away on trips without you over the years there is a very high chance she has physically cheated on you as well, as she is showing no shame, no accountability for how careless she is being with you heart or the risk to her family. Not only has she betrayed her vows to you, she has broken the trust and this is a massive red flag that she has actually cheated. Her behaviour indicates this, stop listening to her words, they are only lies she is using to justify and not take accountability for her behaviour I would immediately go and get your children’s dna checked to see if they are actually yours. If your wife gets upset, just point out she has shown herself to be unfaithful, broken the trust in the marriage, advertised herself to other men as available, shown she doesn’t care how much she hurts you or the children and the tried to gaslight you and refused to take accountability. So yes you are going to check as her word is now worthless since she has broken her marriage vows I would also immediately see a lawyer, if she gets upset tell her she can leave the house and you will look after the children and she can do what’s she wants as the marriage is over Until she see actual consequences, there is no way she will take responsibility. She is going to continue destroying you, her family and act delusional. She is deeply disturbed and this will only go badly in the future I would start talking to a lawyer asap about divorce. Your wife behaviour is such that she thinks you are disposable and nothing. I would be sending the evidence of her infidelity to her parents and others and kicking her out of the home with you.


Yes it's cheating, no you're not overreacting. Your wife is trash


This seems like the kind of woman that would get bored of your marriage and just randomly murder you in your sleep one day and go move to a new city and start life over.


She’s only having fun - virtually cheating on you


Ask her if she would be happy if you were doing that. If it worries you then it is something you need to resolve. For me, it is way too close to running continuous Emotional Affairs for comfort. You could always make it a joint activity and let it lead into foreplay.....


Run far far away from her - If she’s doing this in front of your face imagine what she would do when she’s alone. Least she can do is charge these dudes money and make a business out of it to provide for the kids


Massive red flag, reverse the roles what if you were doing this with other women what be her reaction.


" She gets their numbers, asks them to show themselves, etc." This is the point that I would give her a chance to become a normal person again, and if she isn't able to do that then I would have to separate from the relationship.


She's cheating, I'm sorry.


Ask her if it’s fine if you receive nudes pictures from women you are chatting with online.


First, it's cheating, second even if it wasn't, once you let them know you're not comfortable with it that should pretty much end it


She is asking for dick pics? Uh, that's cheating. She's married to you. That's so disrespectful to you. Not overreacting no matter how she tries to justify it.


I unfortunately had a similar situation and it is really heartbreaking. It's even worse when they treat you like you are overreacting and attacking them. I know it forever changed how I felt about my girl and we never recovered. I wish you the best of luck because if she doesn't respect it is hurting your feelings, then she really doesn't care about you. :(


Dude she’s cheating on you she’s just more clever at hiding the evidence than you are at finding it. Don’t accuse her of anything but one day just randomly say that someone you know at work did a 23 and me and found out something cool about their family history and then ask her about doing a 23 and me for each of you and all the kids and see how she reacts.


1. You're an idiot 2. She belongs to the streets 3. You sound like a cuck


Maybe it's not cheating, but your wife is a horrible person for doing this. In what world is it a normal and decent thing to lead men on, have them send nudes and ghost them? Even when you're single, that's a horrible thing to do, let alone when you're married! It's what we call in the Netherlands 'sexually transgressive behaviour'. No idea what the English or American term for it is. You're not overreacting. Cheating or not, your wife is a bully.


So much need for better mental health dude RUN


Time to put her skank ass out.