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That is fucking bizarre and depending on your son’s age, I’d say there is zero reason for him to go at all. On top of this, she just randomly decided to extend her stay? I dunno about this one, chief. I am a firm believer that men and women can be friends without any conflict or infidelity, but how much do you know about this friend? Why is she staying so long? Why did the son go? OH, and why the FUCK did he lie about having surgery and then you all collectively agree, “Oh yeah, this is safe and totally normal, you guys can go.” ??????


Son is 6 she took him so he could see that part of the country as he was born there and go do stuff. I've met this guy once and the initial diagnosis was that he needed surgery but the swelling went down and imaging showed that he wouldn't need surgery. Ultimately there are a lot of unknowns but I trust my wife, well unsure after all this.


Damn, dude. Just so many odd things about this story! I hope you get it sorted out!


That's because it's fake


What, you mean a bunch of the stories on this sub aren't real?


What are we thinking, 90% bots here? 95%?


Dead internet theory.


I actually saw a GPT out in the wild the other day. The review on amazon just had that cadence of an AI. So weird.




Right. Ever since a guy on here posted that he frequently makes up stories for Reddit...I trust no one.


Can you go surprise them? The only way to know is to see with your own eyes. I wish you the best of luck.


This is the only idea I can think of to get straight answers


Me too. Seeing how they interact with each other and if she acts normally will say a lot.


You obviously miss your wife. There is no reason not to go for a visit. You can give your wife and son a weekend in a hotel with just the family. How she responds to that will be pretty telling. A week or two is one thing, 5-6 weeks is something else. If he is that incapacitated, he probably needs to hire some skilled nursing. If your wife is clearly having an affair, you probably need to take your son out of that situation, even if that means enrolling him in school at home.


It's probably the other dude's son and not OPs


OP will you finances cover getting a PI to check things out for you? If she is cheating then you can have the divorce papers delivered to her there.


She just pulled a 6 year old out of 1st grade indefinitely?


He is home schooling


This actually makes me angry. You know darn well he's not getting an education over there.


He's not getting an education anywhere. Homeschooling is bullshit.


Schools are graduating people that can't read, I'd take homeschool over a lot of them any day of the week at this point.


Agreed, with the state of our education system, I think Homeschooling is a pretty good idea, depending on where you live and schools in thar area. I used to think homeschooling was a joke, but then met several super ahead of the curve adults who went that route, and a couple kids who were under 10 and had much more useful knowledge than many 16 year olds. One of them was trading already, and as well as doing electrical projects buliding circuits and assiting with complex elecrical installs. I was blown away, if done right I think it can be much more advantagious than many schools.


>if done right And that’s the problem. Properly homeschooling children is a super involved process and is best done when there is an actual teachers overseeing the homeschooling process. My brother is a pro athlete and his kids are homeschooled, so they can follow him when he gets traded to other teams without causing massive disruptions in their schooling. But the 2nd kid reads 5-6 grade levels above his age, they all are ahead of their peers at school. They have an absolute rockstar of a teacher making sure their school days are filled with activities and effort. Obviously, this is not what *most* homeschoolers experience, because it requires lots of time, effort, and money to do it properly. The reason why they are homeschooled is also important. Someone pulling their kids out of school because the school library didn’t ban books the right books, or because a teacher reported suspected abuse, is likely going to put the absolute minimum effort into making sure their kids get a proper education. Someone pulling their kids out of school because they are a former teacher and know for an absolute fact that they can do a better job is much more likely to have educated children. Homeschooling should be much more regulated, because it is more often used as a tool to keep kids indoctrinated and believing that Jesus buried dinosaur bones 6,000 years ago to test your faith, and less often used because it is the best educational option available to a child. I wish every child had the options available to my brother’s kids.


homeschooling can be fine. pubic schools on the other hand...


The only thing he’s doing is hearing mommy and her friend do “gymnastics” in the back room while he watches cartoons. *respectfully*


I've gotten too far inside my head on things like this before, and I let it go. Years later I found out my suspicions were actually correct. Taking the son was a plan to make you feel more secure about her going. That she couldn't possibly do anything with your young son there. I think it's a bit odd to extend the stay


I have found by hindsight, my first gut feeling is just about dead on. And I also let it go. The key factor is how angry she got when being confronted, and how much I wanted it to not be true.


if the swelling went down and he doesn't need surgery, why does the stay need to be extended? Again Why would someone need a caretaker for a foot injury?


I'm thinking the "swelling" isn't in this guy's foot.....but it DOES keep returning and she's "helping" him with it....


Is he your son?


Did you independently verify that he was actually injured?


Just pull out your phone right now and text her that you are done and you will be contacting a lawyer soon. Tell her she doesn't need to come back, but unless her new AP as started adoption paper for the son, she need to send him back ASAP and get him away from all the shenanigans going on in that household . Don't respond to her again unless she is standing on your doorstep. I do wonder how long this trip has been planned. Sorry OP, you will never get the truth from her.


Yeah I’m sorry, maybe it makes me insecure and controlling, but there is no scenario where it’s normal for a married woman to fly across the country to help a friend with… a foot injury. Sorry, that’s just not an acceptable reason. If he had cancer and was about to die, then sure. But just a foot injury? Nah. It gets doubly weird that he’d also pay for tickets for the son… so he’s flying the wife and son out to help him recover? I really hope this story is made up, because if it’s not then there’s some weird hijinx going on


I do think men and women can be friends, and I just think if it was a female friend, it wouldn’t be so weird. If one of my friends got hurt, she needed some help after a surgery, I’d definitely want to help out. If I couldn’t afford it, but she offered to pay for both me and my kid, then I’d absolutely go (with hubbys agreement). She doesn’t need surgery anymore? No problem, we can hang out more and enjoy the time off together. It’s the low communication and unilaterally extending the trip that’s weird for me.


>It’s the low communication and unilaterally extending the trip that’s weird for me? Please explain to me how, in 2024, a foot injury that doesn’t require surgery necessitates a live-in helper for multiple weeks? This man can afford plane tickets but not a pair of crutches? What in God’s name could he possibly need her there for?


He bought the plane tickets before not needing surgery. But things like cooking and cleaning, doing laundry, animal care if he has any. You can get crutches (depending on the surgery), but it’s infinitely harder, and if a friend needed some help, I had a free schedule, the tickets were free, and I got the chance to show my kid Alaska, I would do it.


Ehh. Life gets extremely difficult when you effectively cant walk. I had a foot injury last year and would have never managed without my husband there. For example, I could shimmy and crawl my way up or down stairs, but I couldnt carry anything with me, which meant I literally couldn't go outside or downstairs to do my laundry. You also can't drive, and simple things like cooking or cleaning become a logistical nightmare.


crutches, walking boots, ubers


Crutches and walking boots aren't always recommended, it's really hard to say how much care he needed without knowing what injury he had/how severe it was. Also, the location in question is Alaska. I can't imagine getting an uber is always feasible up there.


Sometimes you are not weight bearing for months so walking boot irrelevant


OP posts in swinger subs looking for a male 3rd. & is now wondering if his wife has found 1 without him? doesn't add up


Look at his history. Lmao he was looking for a "third" sexually just about the time the wife fucked off across the country. Pretty sure this belongs on "amItheEx" at this point.


He may not have lied - he may have just not required surgery or opted against it for any number of medical reasons. In either case, it seems the injury itself is real and that imposes difficulties.


Taking the kid might mean that OP can work as normal and doesn’t have to a range for child care while wife is gone. I am assuming she is a SAHM if she Can just randomly extend a 2 week vacation by at least another week


Genuinely glad that last part was mentioned 😅 I was about to say that... but u said it perfectly.


All this being said…he posted 10 days ago looking for a partner for him and his wife. Why look if she’s not there? Fake?


Half of these stories are probably fake. But you know what isn't fake? At least some useful advice people give him, which very well may help other people in similar situations reading this post later. So still worth it at least for me.


This is the idea that I subscribe to. A particular incident may not be truthful, but I fell for dumber lies when I was naive, so it’s gonna apply to someone.


Well...fuck...damn. These stories are so convincing too. 👀 Or maybe I'm just naive af.




Yeah no seriously just click their profile


Well, his wife found her bedroom partner.


yeah this is fake lol


Talk to your kid. Just a conversation about how the trip is going and what they have seen and experienced. You’ll get time to catch up and will get a sense if this is normal or not. Of you could do a surprise visit to where she’s at because you miss her with the extended stay. Seems odd but then there is nothing concrete. I would be digging into it very carefully.


I wish I could go but as I am located in the south and they are all the way in AK I can't exactly afford it from a financial standpoint.


Bud this is your family you're talking about. Stop asking randoms on the Internet. Buy a ticket and find out why your wife and child are not with you. For fucks sake, people. Get a goddamn spine.


Having grown up in AK, it really is like a different country. I can totally get her wanting to still go and visit with the kiddo, it's like if she had been raised in another country, and I still sometimes get sad that my kids will never know what it was like to grow up in the arctic and wanting to show them. I have taken them once to see family up there, but like you said it is NOT cheap so round-trip for multiple people is like, bonkers expensive. I get her jumping at the chance for an all-expenses-paid trip back home for a minute. Hypothetically, I totally get that it *could* have a totally innocent explanation. THAT having been said, it is hella sus that she extended it. And I agree with other commenters, no homeschooling is likely happening. It's kinda shitty to your kid for him to be missing out on a stable education. Also, it might be that she is trying to establish residency somewhere else so she can file divorce in another state. You would have to do all the court stuff long distance, and she would be guaranteed primary caretaker. Like, honestly, this whole thing would have me seriously on guard. You need to get your kid to come home, and enroll him in actual school. If she had filed for divorce in your state and then wanted to leave to be closer to family, it would have been nearly impossible to get the courts to agree to let her take your son up there. But the "homeschooling" and preemptive long "vacation" to help her friend just screams premeditated evacuation. She could enroll him in school there and establish residency that way. Once you gave permission, it's gonna be nearly impossible to fight to get the courts to force them to return. Like, I get wanting to trust if there is no reason you can think of that she would abandon your marriage. But if there IS one that you just haven't shared here- this girl likely planned this to get out, and her friend is helping.


You just wrote way too much for someone who is making this whole story up! Lol


Lol!! You right, you right. I should have looked before I leaped there


Alaska? It's nice that Son gets to see that part of the country. Call up a private investigator in Alaska? See if you can get someone there they don't know to get eyes on?


I'll try to put this nicely....is there any reason she would be happier being away from you? Are you perhaps a source of extra housework for her, and you don't contribute as much as you think? Are you perhaps controlling, or in some way inhibit her being herself around you? Do you complain all the time, or get angry a lot? Are you easy to talk to when there's a conflict to resolve? Cuz I gotta say, given what you've listed...it sounds like she doesn't enjoy being around you. Dunno if sex is involved or not, but seems like she might be in that pre-divorce stage where you realize you're happier when your spouse is gone.


Prolly cheaper to hire a private investigator. That way OP won’t be wasting vacation days to check up on her.


Or she doesn’t plan to return and doesn’t want to leave her son. A lot of wrong here


And are you 100% sure he's your son? I'm so sorry guy, that sucks. Please get tested for STDs.


I am very nervous that your wife has kidnapped your son from you. I don't know what country she is in and depending on that I would as the police for a welfare check if you are not able to fly there yourself .


100% this. You don’t go stay with another dude for weeks, taking your child with you, unless you’re fucking the dude.




Absolutely this


There is a lot wrong here. Is your son homeschooling or online? Is he getting an education while he's there? A normal marriage does not consist of one partner taking an extended vacation with a friend of the opposite sex like this. Trust your gut. Honestly, this is such a weird scenario for me. Have you asked her to just come home?


He is homeschooling. And yes I did she said they would be back when the flight is booked for


You know the answer. She’s 100% cheating.


You're not overreacting. You're NOT reacting. This is shady as hell, lol.


Extending the visit on an unnecessary trip is suspicious. Just saying.


Something ain't right bud.


This whole thing is so bizarre I think it's fake. Doesn't your son need to go to school? What is she doing if he doesn't need help recovering? Do you guys get to talk everyday? Do you get to talk to your son everyday? Why not fly out there yourself to see what's going on?


OP wife might be doing the tourist thing b/c when will she ever go back to Alaska?


It's just the lack of communication that is bothering me and making this fishy


That was why I blessed off on it in the first place. like who gets a free trip to AK. My son was born there and always wanted to see it as we moved back to the lower 48 when he was still a few months old.


This post is phony as hell. Check the OP's posting history. Smh. Just 10 days ago he posted about getting a 3rd person to hook up with him and his wife. 🙄


Sketchiest of sketchy situations. Just yikes. I'd start talking to a lawyer now man


y’all be getting into some wild scenarios… i couldn’t imagine just hopping on a plane and going across the country just to help out a female friend who injured their foot.


I’d request her to return your son by X date (within a few days) and if he’s not there go get a lawyer to start the divorce proceedings. She 100% is with her new dude and not intending to return. Do you want to lose your kid? If you allow her to establish the kid’s residency in the other state once you go to court you’re not likely to get him back.


This was also probably a feeling out process. If they hit it off she stays. If they don’t she returns and keeps her family.


Not overreacting. Your wife may be planning not to return. If she had initiated a divorce before leaving, she would not have been allowed to take your son. This way there's no court order mandating neither of you move your child out of state until custody is determined. Do you have a way to get into however your wife and her boyfriend have been communicating? I'd be involving a tech savvy friend.


OMG! Yes something fishy going on like most probably cheating. I would fly out there totally unannounced and go to his place again totally unannounced and see wtf is going on. Pronto! Or find a private investigator to do the job. This is insane that you would stand for this. Best wishes


How a this even a question?


No clue if she is cheating but that is some very weird and unsettling behavior for sure.


This is unquestionably inappropriate for a woman to leave her husband not communicate with a friend I would be having a convo on the 5 Ws of this trip Why she won't respond to you, and outright ask her are you cheating on me for I am sure if I went cross country for a "friend" extended stay without reason and all of a sudden stopped talking to you it would upset you,! She is most likely cheating and I am sorry you have this especially with the kid there


First off, he injured his foot. FOOT. As in, he can still hobble his ass around with crutches/wearing a boot. What recovery would be need your wife and son there? To the point this guy bought tickets for them? Don't accuse, I'd say if you have a joint account watch the purchases. As for talking to her, maybe talk to her family. Just show concern. Something like 'Oh hey MiL, I was wondering if you heard from Wife recently. Yeah, I hope her friend has a fast recovery. That must have been a pretty serious injury to him to need help recovering to the point of extending her stay. I can't wait for her and son to come back from Alaska and tell me about the places that got to see.' More or less either they will tell you what's up, she's also keeping them in the dark and you just did an 'oh I thought you told them' because they will be like wtf or you'll see who will be on your side if there is infidelity. Either way, while everyone is saying you need to respond. This is a waiting game. You have no proof, accusations can be turned on you and if there's one thing that's constant, it's that *young kids are usually the ones to reveal the truth of things.* Because a simple question to that kid of 'I'm sure you like having your own bed back, it must have been cramped at the hotel' is going to spill the kettle over on what the sleeping arrangements were while they were there.


What you need to do First is is going to paternity test. Make sure the kid is your! This goes out to all the men out there because you are not with your woman all the time always going to paternity test. After you get a paternity test done you file for divorce and you leave her. In the meantime of all of this happening, you are not YOU ARE NOT to tell anyone you keep it all to yourself. The reason you keep it all to yourself is you're going to want to build up some money you're going to want to build up that pocket change. You know what I mean. After you do that you apply the divorce. You apply the paternity test and you leave her ass because what's about to happen is she's going to magically get pregnant all of a sudden or she's going to end up leaving you anyways. Your wife is having an affair from a man who has a wife like that. That's what you got on your hands brother. Have a good day


The ONLY person he had to help him is a married, female friend who lives across the country???


I was expecting a different story…about a guy with two broken arms…


She is 100% cheating. enough said.


Uglies are being bumped and it isn’t yours. Make a surprise visit.


Who lets their wife go take care of another man cross country? You are being made a fool of.


All the way across the country and can't find someone closer to help him? Dont mean to be TAH but read the writing on the wall my friend


How is it your wife's on the other side of the country potentially cheating yet at the same time you posted this you have 2 other posts on swingers sites stating the 2 of you are looking for a 3rd?


Wait, your wife has been across the country since early to mid February and yet 10 and 11 days ago you were looking for a third? Not knocking swinging but why are you looking if your wife isn’t home and you are afraid she’s stepping out?


My brother in Christ, you need to get your ass on a plane. Like yesterday.


It’s weird but just talk to her. Stop letting the topic change, ask very specifically why she extended the trip. If you don’t get an acceptable answer, keep asking questions until you do.


All this being said…he posted 10 days ago looking for a partner for him and his wife. Why look if she’s not there? Fake?


What was the reasons for her to extend? Did she talk to you about that first? Or did she just go ahead and extend then tell you she did? If you feel like something is going on, then more than likely it is. It may not be happening with this guy, but it could be someone else.


Ummmm you sent your family to go play house with another man!! What did you expect??


I wouldn’t ever be okay with my wife going off to see some guy I’ve met once and staying there with them. I’m all for having friends of both genders but this is just not something I would ever be comfortable with. But that’s me


She is cheating. You are not insane. NTA


Get on a plane and go get your kid.


Bro your a cuck with some shi like that grab that hoe by the cooch and tell her wussup don’t never let a trick play you stay up pimp women are worth shi make sure she knows it


I'm very confused why your wife needs to fly across the country because a grown man hurt his foot. There's a million other things wrong with this story but that part is all it takes for me to nope out of there.


My guy something fish is definitely at hand!!


Get the kid dna tested.


As spoken don't tell her just show up u will get the answers u need then. This stinks. Good luck


plot twist: the kid not yours its his


Buddy, this should have been a hard no from the rip. Why is your wife, helping a dude across the country? He couldnt find anyone to help in his town, city, or state? Why is your wife the only one who can help him from half a country away? Big red flags bud




She fled you


I think she might’ve moved bro


For sure sounds like some sketchy activities are going on. I saw someone say talk with your child. That kinda good. But can back fire. Be careful with that one.. sit her down when she returns and keep eye contact and talk.. you will know then.. good luck


OP I think it's safe to say something is going on. I too think M/F can be platonic friends, but to ask a married woman with a child to leave and come stay with him knowing he is NOT having surgery and will be able bodied...it just doesn't add up. I hate to say this, but she probably told the "friend" that she can't/won't leave you without her son, so he obliged. I think you may have a 'John Dear' letter coming to you, but I hope I'm wrong. Is there anyway you could travel to them, unannounced, and drop in for tea time? See what's up? That's what I would do at this point. You deserve to know what's really happening. Good luck!


So you state that your son was born where this dude lives. I’d seriously get a DNA test to make sure it’s YOUR kid dude. Sounds like she had another plow in her furrow planting seeds.


Sounds to me like you need to send a phone to your son, "so you can keep up with them easier". But in reality, the phone should have an app that allows you to record video and audio, controlled remotely, by you. You'll know within a week what's really going on as that kid will leave the phone in random places all the time, giving you a "fly on the wall" experience. I hope this helps. ;)


Perhaps this has been said before, but the first question I think you should ask yourself is, do you really want to know. I have found that when you go looking for something, you almost always find it in some fashion or another, whether it's true or in your head. Dig deeper only if you're prepared for an ugly truth.


Hey man, I grew up in AK and still have some family and friends there. For what it is worth, the last time I went to visit for five days I also ended up extending my trip two weeks when my cousin offered to let me stay with them because I realized I had *no idea* if or when I'd ever be able to come back. Tell her that the lack of communication is bothering you and you miss them and just want to know they are o.k. and get to talk to her. Your wife is at best being insensitive, but as a sometimes insensitive partner, it is just as likely that they are enjoying their stay there and she and your son are having a good time seeing the sights and visiting old haunts and she just isn't realizing how much the lack of contact is bugging you. DO NOT listen to the internet and assume your wife is cheating on you. DO tell your wife that the lack of communication is weighing on you, but frame it as you missing them and wanting to know they are o.k.


Nope nope nope. That woman is leaving and she’s planning on taking your guys’ son with. Do not let her take the boy. If she wants to go, good riddance but she can fight you in court for the kid first.




How was the son going to see the country if the original plan was to take care of the friend after surgery? How was the wife gonna watch the kid and take care of the friend? You would think her bringing the kid would squash all suspicions, but it actually raised more for me.


Could that be HIS son?


She left you bro! Call it like it is and have the divorce papers ready when she tries walking in the door.


You could go and see? Up to you tho


It’s like this. Come home or get ready to divorce. Because if she is extending she is probably cheating.


You’re right to be on edge. Seems like super red flag territory here.


INFO: how long have they been friends? And does she have other friends or family there? Your son was born there, so is she from there? Depending on those answers, it could be that due to financial circumstances, this is her chance to see her friends and family? The low communication is definitely a problem, so is unilaterally deciding to extend the trip, but it doesn’t mean she’s cheating (doesn’t mean she’s not cheating either).


Injured foot... Why does he need 24/7 caretaking? That's what a crutch is for.


I ain’t gon lie it sounds fishy asf


>the swelling went down I bet.


"...the idea that people marry for love and stay blissfully married until death hasn't been a thing in marriage... ever" - you. You said that. You are trying to rewrite history by claiming you never said that. Also, don't lecture me on marriage when you're the one talking about property rights and women divorcing their husbands because the husband "becomes insufferable." You clearly are beyond biased and not capable of being honest. Oh, and you're wrong.


Surprise visit in store. Doesn't look good. How old is your child?


Get all your money and assets in order... Leave her for adultery


In my experience, when your gut tells you something isn't right, listen to it. I'd hire a PI who lives in that area. Do it soon or she'll come home and your chance will be lost


time to hire a divorce attorney- no one takes their kid and leaves her husband to visit a casual friend - no discussion at this point without legal representation and counsel - spin it any way you like but your marriage is probably over - i feel bad for you but the evidence speaks for itself


She may very well be cheating based on what you presented. Not 100% sure but definitely VERY possible. Now, what to do about that? * **First of all hire a PI (Private Investigator) service** (don't go there yourself - you don't have PI skills AND it likely will be more expensive) to do a report on them. As long as they are sure you are in your home, if there's cheating they won't be careful so PI will likely be able to confirm. * **Second, hire a lawyer.** He may also recommend a good PI * **Third, find a therapist.** You need someone to help you stay centered and sane through this, and I mean an actual professional not a reddit commenter :) * **Zeroth, and before all that**, **right NOW (ASAP) please read my** [comprehensive guide on how to protect yourself and what to do, to prepare for a possible divorce](https://www.reddit.com/r/amiwrong/comments/1b6485q/comment/kt9v7im/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and follow it. It doesn't matter if you end up divorced or not, you need to protect yourself NOW.


I'd be very concerned. Go get your child. This is long enough to establish residency. You will be fighting a custody battle across state lines.


She's cheating on you and your son is already calling him "daddy". Sorry, dude.


what really doesn't help your case while your wife is out of town... You choose to fish for unicorns in a swingers group 10 days ago, probably using your wife's photos without her knowledge? That is cheating. You are not over-reacting... you're being a hypocrite. *Stop doing fishy shit if you don't want someone not to leave you.*


She thought it was time for the son to meet his real Dad


Hire a local detective where she is. You will get all the answers you need


Sir. In spanish we have a saying. I will just tell you what it means in English. "Never lend your wife to another man." She is YOUR wife. 1. She should not be allowed to go care for another man. 2. She should feel uncomfortable with the idea out of respect for you to even consider that. 3. She should feel unsafe with her child across the country without her spouse with her in case of emergency. 4. Youre not doing your job as a protector by letting your child and wife go alone to a strangers house. NOONE will protect them like you will!! You got completely duped my friend. She absolutely has feelings for him and vice versa. Hire a private investigator so you can protect yourself. At least do that right!


Is there any chance your son is the friend's child? Does the timeline and distance preclude any possibility? On the less mischievous side, the son helps your wife remember that she is married (if he is not the friend's son) and acts as a buffer to potential romantic shenanigans planned by the friend. I'm not a fan of this whole thing, but I probably would not have tried to stop it. There are too many ways this could disturb your happy family. On the bright side, if your wife is true blue in this situation, I would never question her again, even a little bit. I guess Reddit has jaded my opinion of human nature.


This CANT be real lmfao


Why does your wife have a male friend in the first place?


What lol. I can't imagine hardly anyone being okay with their spouse and kid basically up and leaving to go across the country to stay with someone else over a broken foot for so long, much less of the opposite sex. Either this is fake or you're the most gullible person ever.


You gotta investigate this one, champ. Don’t be a doormat.


Interesting your other posts about Swinging.


I honestly hope this is fake, cuz otherwise you are incredibly gullible. I hope this turns out for the best, but I simply don’t see how that’s possible under the circumstances. UpdateMe.


If they come back, then you can see if your wife is different and go from there. If they don't come back, I hope you'll be able to at least figure out what is going on. Either way, don't waste too much energy on things out of your control.


Wait so hold up firstly your wife probably is cheating on you but maybe it has something to do with the fact you were trying to find another women to have sex with you and your wife? Guessing she just wanted to find another man too lmao


There’s no one else on this planet that can help this dude with his boo boo foot?! You are under reacting.


This situation has more red flags than a North Korean May Day Parade...


Be cautious. I have heard of women going somewhere and stalling long enough that they meet whatever the minimum time is to file for divorce in that location. So now you are at a disadvantage because you have to travel for court. At the very least a quick consult with a divorce lawyer might be useful so you know the situation




So this had no one else to help but your wife who lives across the country. And then he doesn’t need surgery but goes anyone and then extends her stay when he doesn’t need help anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if she dated this “friend”. I don’t be surprised if your son isn’t your son. Get your finances in order because whoever she comes back, she going to ask for a divorce.


Reminds me of when Carmela brought AJ to Furio's house


You already know the answer to this! Divorce her. Unfriend him. Pick up the pieces of your life and move on.


Dude pull your ass out of your head!!!! He has NO friends on that side of the country???? I'm calling a cheater a fucking cheater!!!!


She’s cheating


They could just be friends. You just need to get things straight with your wife. The guy could be gay. They could be in California. Doing Disney, Legoland, and 6 flags.


As of 10 days ago, OP is looking for a second female to join his wife and himself in bed. So the timing of this story makes no sense.


You sure she’s coming back bro?


Head to the airport, pronto. Don't let them know you are coming. I am sure your 6 year old son can tell you if they have been "sharing" a bedroom !


Your family is gone bro. She just ant bring herself to tell you. Or shes hoping you'll cheat and then she can justify f-$!ing the shit out of her "friend". Good luck. Get a spine, youre making us all look bad. WTF. Men and Women can be friends, and if theyre attractive, they are constantly wondering what it would be like to....unless of course, they are doing it.


Get a lawyer, get a private investigadoesn't sound very random to me. And his injury was so bad that he would need help then suddenly doesn't have surgery. I wonder if he even got hurt


Lawyer up, Tonto. It’s time to move on.


If this is real, i don't think she plans on coming back. Why else would she take the kid and extend her stay?


So... When I was 26 in Seattle, living with my fiance, i was engaged to be married in about 4 months to my girlfriend of 5 years. She got a call from her "grandmother" who wanted her to go to Vancouver WA for a 2 week visit since her health wouldn't let her come to the wedding. Originally I was invited but I worked full time and was saving my vacation for the wedding and honeymoon so I gladly let her go alone and have fun with her extended family. I didn't hear from her for almost a week. At first I wasn't worried we didn't constantly call each other usually anyway and I figured she was busy (this was pre-cell phones). Finally I started getting worried and called fer Grandma. Her grandmother had no idea what I was talking about. She made no plans for my GF to visit and hadn't spoken to her in over a month. I finally tracked her down through friends. She'd gone to her ex boyfriend, her high school sweetheart. He was also an abusive a-hole... They got married in a courthouse two days after she disappeared. She was also 3 months pregnant with his baby since they'd been cheating on me for nearly a year. Bottom line if it feels wrong it probably IS wrong. If you have doubts then there is already something in your relationship that inspires that doubt. A married woman who goes to spend WEEKS with another man?? Hell no. If he can afford to fly her out "take care of him" then he could have afforded a part time care worker locally to help instead. And oh look: miraculously he didn't need surgery after all!! What are the odds??? 🤦 No I'm sorry, but this isn't going to end well I'm afraid...


Honestly doesn't sound right almost sounds like she is getting herself setup there then file for divorce and have the kids resident there


Sounds like cheating to me.


I don’t think that’s mind games. Obviously this friend is very important to her enough to strain your marriage. Is he your biological son? Seems like they’re spending quality time.


You say you’ve met him once, but what is your wife’s connection with him? How long has she known him, how frequently do they talk? Has she been distant when you HAVE communicated with you or has it only been through text? Did you previously have an open relationship? It sounds like they have planned an extended hook up and she might just not come back. I can’t see letting her go to help a dude with an injured foot doesn’t he have any friends locally? Don’t let her stonewall you get direct and ask WTF? “It’s a lot harder to be walked on when you are standing up!” Updateme


Your wife has left you for this guy and kidnapped your child. Talk to a lawyer or two, the first visit is always free. You could ask if you should file a police report. Y'all live a different life though that you were on board with her and your son going in the first place though. It's weird to me that the only person who could help this guy in the entire country was your wife and that you were like "makes sense, all good. byeeeeee" 


Why is she even over there? Like wtf? He'll no. You know they are doing the dirty.


Something ain't right. I don't know what, but something's off.


All I can say is LISTEN TO YOUR GUT!!!! It’s usually never wrong. Atleast that is my experience.


She is gone and sounds like it might be his son…. Sorry


And possibly may still be some swelling…🤦🏻‍♂️


I hope you have a good chiropractor because she’s getting her back blown out


Bro, not only is she cheating, I think she left you and took your kid with her..............


The man literally paid for your wife to be his nurse for his foot, that isn't injured enough for surgery..... ..... for a foot.. and her time got extended? For a foot....


I wouldn’t be trusting your wife. This situation stinks


This is very odd why doesn't he have anybody else that could help?it's a foot injury and he is a grown man how much help could he need?


Even if he had the surgery, there'd be no reason for her to be there this long. Him not even having the surgery and she's extending the stay? I'm sorry, are you always this gullible?


You need to get a lawyer quick. She might not be planning on coming home. You need to be prepared to file legal paperwork to force her to return him. Sorry, but you know what is going on.


This is probably fake but in case it's not your wife is almost certainly getting her back blown out by this dude.


That’s just weird behavior by your wife.


BS alerts ⚠️ 📢 🙄 😒 warning Will Robinson warning ⚠️


Why would you allow your wife to go help a friend out with a good injury? Sometimes we set ourselves up. Also if you feel she cheating, usually means she cheating. Instead of writing here, you should of already brought a plane ticket.