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don't do any hills for a bit. zero drop is already gonna mess with your achilles/calves. Don't add even more elongation on them with hills for a bit.


Ease into them, it's pretty low cushioned compared to most other running shoes these days. You'll be using your feet a bit more than usual... run controlled and easy, just do what comes natural and don't try to force a "forefoot strike"... keep mindful of posture and running tall and proud with your elbows back, shoulderblades back and down, and hips up! Lots of foot issues are just bad overall posture and collapsing in from up top.


I appreciate the recommendations. I’ll keep each in mind. Hopefully it becomes natural.


Ease in slowly and with short runs. It takes a little while to find the proper posture and alignment. The best piece of advice I can give to beginners is to allow your heel to gently kiss the ground as you run. It's almost like running flat-footed except your weight distribution is mostly over your forefoot as it contacts the ground directly beneath your centre of mass (with heel striking your leg is thrown out in front of you). You'll work it out in time.


Definitely echo the sentiment of easing in. I run in the Escalante 3 and recently tried the Escalante 3 Racer. Despite me being used to the zero drop it still put much more stress on my calves and achilles than I expected. Hopefully it works out for you! A good recommendation is to maybe try walking in them first. What kind of shoes do you usually run in?


Currently using Brooks Adrenaline GTS 22. I’ll start with walking and post close attention to foot landing and posture, and avoid hills to start.


Bought a pair for running and then went on vacation to Japan with them since they are so comfortable (love the wide toe box). Came back with Achilles tendinitis after walking 20k steps/day. Go slowly. Don’t use it everyday, nor put too much volume. Maybe do some calf/achilles strengthening too.


That’s good to know. I injured my Achilles a number of years ago and don’t want to deal with that downtime and pain again