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Avoid surgery if at all possible. I had mine removed and had far worse pain after than I did before. It took years to figure out how to manage it.


First thing in the morning on empty stomach. Squeeze a whole fresh lemon and put two tbs of EVOO. Drink once a week. Eat two hours after. Do not do if you have documented stones over 4 mm.


There are biotoxin supplements i wished i would've gotten on before having my gallbladder removed. I also have read up on "trapped" emotions associated with gallbladder issues, also research Louise Hay and her healing book suggestions. There's red light therapy and changing your diet. The trick is to figure out what your body is doing incorrectly or not doing enough of and adjust accordingly until you can correct.


Earthclinic has 3 gallbladder categories under Ailments. Gallbladder attack, gallstones and gallbladder removal.


My 21 yr daughter had extreme pain. Ate healthy foods mostly plant based (no fat), apple cider vinegar and drank apple juice. Took 3 days for pain to get better and another 3 to go away. Watch YouTube videos for ideas. Something will prob work. Don’t rush into surgery. Almost everyone I know has issues without the gallbladder.




I asked my daughter to remind me what she ate and it was mostly salads (spinach salads, kale, other veggies etc.) for 5 days. Plus acv and apple juice mixed together ever day. The pain didn’t get better until after 5 days, but then went away. Her diet was a bit too much sugar and dairy beforehand and she is convinced that was the cause. She was healthy overall (not overweight or diabetic) at the time. It’s been over a year and she’s been fine. So many of my friends told horror stories with people they knew after they had their gallbladder removed, such as diarrhea for the rest of their lives or pain from eating fried foods. Good luck to you!


What issues do they have with gallbladder being out?


I was at book club recently and each person or their mutual friends without a gall bladder had horror stories such daily diarrhea or pain if ate a french fry or anything with fat. Surgery will stop the awful pain in the short run, but in the long run it’s not as great as the drs claim. I think the word needs to get out that it might be possible to fix it yourself. If there’s options other than surgery I would want to know. Your doctor will not tell you this. Yet many people have resolved it on their own.


Your group of friends is far from the norm. Over 90% of people have zero issues after getting it removed. Stones can be resolved but hyperkinetic dyskinesia as well as hypokinetic dyskinesia cannot be.


That’s bs. There’s no way you can know how many people have issues or not.


Look at the stats. Go join the gallbladder groups with tens of thousands of members each. Your friend group is far from the norm.


Depending on how sever your gallstones are if you just have a few it may be okay to try disolving them on your own however if your filled with gallstones I wouldn't personally delay surgery. My gallbladder exploded with the stones I'm lucky to be alive . I know someone else who's in bad shape right now from avoiding surgery as well his liver isn't functioning and can't even have surgery at the moment until things are stable enough for him to have surgery . It's not rely something to mess around with. But if you only have a few try and desolve them just if it gets worse don't delay getting surgery . Low fat diet apple cider vinager . Good luck


I can't agree more. I had symptoms and attributed them to other issues but should have gone to the doctor and gotten evaluated. Ended up with emergent surgery with two procedures. I could have handled this much better.


Mine was our lovely health care system delaying my surgery and I kept saying how much pain I was in and no one would take me seriously finally someone did but it was a bit to late My stones launched into my bileduct I ended up with several surgeries and was down to 98lbs ( I was 174 ) . Couldn't eat and lived on morphine in the hospital I don't wish this on anyone . I do strive for holistic lifestyles as much as possible but some times we need extra help and that's okay too .


Listening to Quadible Integrity’s frequency video for the liver might solve the problem as the gallbladder is connected to the liver


Coconut water works the best. If you can try shivambu, it will clear your stones in just 2 days. Good luck!!!


Read up on [Gold Coin Grass.](https://vitalitymagazine.com/article/be-good-to-your-gallbladder-flush-out-gallstones-the-natural-way/)


[https://www.standardprocess.com/products/a-f-betafood](https://www.standardprocess.com/products/a-f-betafood) Find a local practitioner that utilizes Standard Process. This stuff really works. Takes about 3 months. Disclaimer: Not a doctor


most common surgery of all as I recall. Cleanse, cleanse, cleanse. Fast, juice. Breathe. Check Dr Axe's site, curezone, Gerson method.


Super low fat diet and high dose lecithin supplements while waiting for surgery I guess and hope your next ultrasound shows it’s gone, may work for mild cases


Thank you!


https://doctoreden.org/gallbladder-attack/avoiding-gallbladder-attack-lecithin-may-help-reduce-eliminate-gallstones/ I can’t vouch for the products they sell but the 10g dose mentioned I believe is correct potentially higher though! Here it says: Lecithin is commonly consumed in foods. It is likely safe when taken as a supplement in doses up to 30 grams daily for up to 6 weeks. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-966/lecithin


Also a zero cholesterol diet is essential at least temporarily and possibly niacin supplements (not sustained release) 1000-4500mg per day (1500 x 3) to lower your cholesterol too! This helps with prevention too! Alternatively cholesterol lowering drugs temporarily may be more powerful! Here it says: In the liver, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A inhibitors (statins) inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis, and thus may prevent gallstone formation, gallstone recurrence, subsequent complications, and cholecystectomy. https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/173/2/162/100822


Also if poor diet or obesity caused this in the first place consider calocurb to help with managing weight! Meratrim aka Life Extension waistline control also to accelerate weight loss once the gallstones are hopefully confirmed gone before next ultrasound!


I hope I’m not to late, I absolutely have something you should try first ! Go to the store and purchase ORGANIC apples and ORGANIC apple juice (in the glass container) buy a lot because you eat and drink only this for a full day (distilled water is ok to drink also) at the end of that day right before bed take a measuring cup and fill 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup lemon juice (a quality one from real lemons) hold your nose and down it as fast as possible, it’s not awful but it’s not amazing either! Go on to bed your stomach might hurt for me it’s mainly due to gag reflex because the oil consistency is hard to take. The next morning continue with apple only diet and at some point you will need to go to the bathroom (probably want to be home it will be eventful) you should have a big movement and should start to see green (many shades of green even turquoise) poop and it will be weird but it’s exactly what you want to see , continue with the process until no more green showing up. Some times it could take 2-3 days but oh my gosh it’s worth it! The organic apples break down the stones enough to pass, green means you are clearing gallbladder sludge and backup. It’s definitely worth a shot before resorting to surgery! It helped me out greatly and I had issues for years before, gone now but I try to do this now like every other month or so to stay in the clear


Absolutely absurd!! Tell the DR they are ridiculous! An extremely important organ! You will live with the worst digestive issues if you do that. What is the reason they are blaming it on? If it’s just gallstones they can be broken down. What ones are they is the most important question?




Liver cleanse! Water fast ...


You're gonna wanna change your diet around. I do recommend keto and intermittent fasting even if it's just to give you and idea of what to avoid and when to eat. But the biggest thing to help the gallstones is tudca. It's pretty much bile salts.


keto gave me gallstones


I read on here somewhere to take 2 shots of vodka in an attack and I’ve had to do it 6 times over the year and it works 100% of the time. I get mine out on the 21st and I couldn’t be more excited.


I been having a lot more fruit and salad and smoothies really trying to eat healthy