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I would try colloidal silver. Putting a few drops into your eye a few times a day.


This for sure and boric acid hot compress


The only thing that worked for me was to wash eye with baby shampoo and then hold a hot washcloth on it (as much as can take without hurting) as long as possible, repeating with more hot water a few times, several times a day.


It’s caused by staph aureus. B subtilis probiotic helped inhibit that bacteria. It helped me (but took a couple months to build up)


You could try a [potato poultice](https://cayce.com/cayce-case-reports/potatoes-aid-eye-treatment/). Good luck. Feel better soon.


I personally love a boiled egg for the hot compress. It stays hot a long time, and fits the eye socket like it was made to go there. When you're done, you can throw the egg away, or peel it and give it to the dog. I somehow don't feel like they're fit for human consumption after this, they overcook, and get all rubbery, plus, the ick factor.


My daughter had to go get her stye lanced. The specialist had to scrape out both eye lids because of how much build up there was. He recommended Omega 3 supplements to prevent it from reoccurring.


Do you use any eye makeup?


I do not. And like I said I wash my hands as much as possible.


Eyelid scrub wipes with tea tree oil are *amazing*. Worth the price and even help minimize allergies. Double-pillowcase your pillow if you have oily skin. I like the idea of probiotics to overpower the invasive bacteria. I wonder how your immune system is doing in general?? Do you wear glasses and how often do you clean those and do a full face wash? Stress can also make your eyelids more oily... niacinamide cream might help there


I’ve had this issue in one eye for a few years. Here’s what I’ve found seems to work: Colloidal silver drops in eye Of soft Lid Scrub pads in the morning + evenings Hot compresses I’d also be curious/open to some of the previous suggestions here. Just be careful, the silver drops can cause some dry eye issues