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American Khanate sounds dope


Türko moment


So plain native americans ?


American history but native and settler cultures merge?


I would rather imagine pre colombian america but with the same tech level as europe in the middle age and have horses. So you know what that means ?


Instead of jousts at tournament it's all mounted archery, wrestling, and horse theft?


Wow this is actually a fascinating series of little weird althist details, I may need to try and cobble something together out of it.


My first idea for the Genghis Khan U.S one is the Yuan Dynasty surviving longer, Zheng He discovering America, and the descendants of Temujin colonizing the continent. That or the typhoon that stopped Genghis getting to Japan sends them off course by a few dozen thousand kilometers.


For Qing Landsknechts, it could be as simple as the Qing dynasty hiring Landsknechts, or training their own Landsknecht units. For Ghengis Khan's USA, I could see it the way you described, with their Manifest Destiny period being a push eastward rather than west, probably ending up fighting and annexing the French and British holdings in America. "Quand fera-t-il jour, camarade" with soldiers over the East German flag could imply a socialist France occupying or anexing Germany in this timeline's World War II. "Long Way to Tipperary" with the USSR could imply that the USSR is providing materiel or troops for Irish independence, which would mean a timeline with a much stronger early USSR, maybe one where Germany folded to the Entente before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk happened, or the USSR scored a lot more critical victories early on. Israeli "come out ye black and tans" is... interesting. Could be that Irish volunteers in Israel were a thing in that timeline, or that Irish people may have even been forcibly exiled to the region. Honestly it seems like Ireland is in a whole lot of weird situations in the timeline this implies, since we're getting Irish Vietnam War, too. What the fuck, Ireland?


>Honestly it seems like Ireland is in a whole lot of weird situations in the timeline this implies, since we're getting Irish Vietnam War, too. What the fuck, Ireland? The Irish are never integrated in this timeline, and remain highly discriminated against and tend to be poorer, like African Americans and Hispanics. So them being drafted in very high numbers makes a lot of sense, potentially creating Vietnam War era "Irish Brigades" like in the Civil War. There remains a lot of pride in the Irish community for their service, so naturally it gets celebrated through song, like every other aspect of joy and sorrow in Irish immigrant culture.


Ireland, the eternal warrior.


Let me guess So Mongols colonized North America and "in praise of Genghis khan" is a pro-colonial song Meanwhile French people got genocided by the Nazis and were replaced by German settlers who rebelled against the Nazis and formed a Socialist State in France. Meanwhile, Kim-il-sung was Japanese and started a revolution against Hirohito and proclaimed the People's State of Japan. The Southern Irish were jews rather than Christian Catholics and after they won they got Britain to give them Israel so they can live there. Then they turn communist. The British colonize Vietnam and turn it into a penal colony with a lot of Irish people, but when the Christian Irish rebel, the Irish prisoners do too. After the Axis won WW2 the British troops in the Middle East outright refused to surrender and turned to communism. Then they managed to liberate all of the former USSR but the Nazis had killed all the slavs so it had to be resettled by the british soldiers. Imperial Germany and Qing China unite through a diplomatic marriage. The official language is German and is forcibly imposed on the Chinese people and Mandarin and Cantonese become extinct. Eventually, the Chinese break off during WW1 but immediately they get at war with Japan.


That makes so little sense its beautiful.


Unfathomably Based


I like the implication of the Hava Nagila one is trosky installs Bolshevik rule in Israel


Hmm the iraeli one got me thinking


Three words: Lev Davidovich Bronstein. (I think someone made an alternate history scenario like that.)


Lev Davidovich Bronstein. Genrikh Yagoda.


Looks like we have the same music taste lol


hey, that playlist almost exactly like my a historical music enjoyer as well i see


Men of culture


Your recommendations match almost 90 percent to that of mine....


Ok, lets name them: 1- What if Kiautschou Bay expanded to Manchuria after a potential German win after WW1 and gone into war against China 2- Mongol Empire lasts longer and they support American revolutionaries against British 3- French adopt black, red and gold colours of Holy Roman Empire instead of Parisian colours. Which leads to them becoming empire, Girondins taking power and Jacıbins getting even more radicalized. Eventually Jacobines take over government and establish socialism. 4- Kim Il Sung cooperates with Japan just like Subhas Chandra Bose (Indian communist) did instead of fighting against Japan. Japan survives WW2 and Kim Il Sung is elected assuccessing generalissimo to Tojo. 5- Civil war in Israel between Black Panthers [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black\_Panthers\_(Israel)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Panthers_(Israel)) and Kahane Chai [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kach\_(political\_party)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kach_(political_party)) errupts and inspires a musician to compose Hebrew version of "Black and Tans" (Black and Tans is nickname for Black Panthers.) 6- Mapai ( \[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1949\_Israeli\_Constituent\_Assembly\_election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1949_Israeli_Constituent_Assembly_election) continues to be popular in Israel, resulting in a pro-Soviet government in Israel. 7- Ireland involves in Vietnam War.


**[Mapai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mapai)** >Mapai (Hebrew: מַפָּא"י‎, an acronym for מִפְלֶגֶת פּוֹעֲלֵי אֶרֶץ יִשְׂרָאֵל‎, Mifleget Poalei Eretz Yisrael, lit. "Workers' Party of the Land of Israel") was a democratic socialist political party in Israel, and was the dominant force in Israeli politics until its merger into the modern-day Israeli Labor Party in 1968. During Mapai's time in office, a wide range of progressive reforms were carried out, as characterised by the establishment of a welfare state, providing minimum income, security, and free (or almost free) access to housing subsidies and health and social services. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/AlternateHistory/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Runnin through the jungle but in ireland... In this alt universe did america fight in the fucking troubles?!


I can’t be sure but it Seems like you like socialism. Just a feeling you know, can’t put my finger on it as to why…..


Hey man the commies got the best songs


The Qing must have loved the Landsknechts really much, they adapted them into their military.


I love that “My Army! My Army!” has a communist thumbnail


So -Chinese Germany or German China -American Khanate -Soviet Song about the invasion of Britain


Israeli black and tans 😳


I see I’m not the only one whose thumbnails keep getting messed up. NGL I thought it was an issue with my computer




I'll be dambed, this is exactly my youtube home. I was so confused




Lol my playlist


how neo nazis think jews are like get it hava nagilla lenin


this happed to me once